10/01/2014 10:21 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
For the boot hint, 3 of the 5 characters mentioned below will most-likely be revealed along with 3 new characters. When ever it happens...maybe tomorrow?

Don't do that to yourself man.

Why not? lol

The inevitable disappointment.

One character maybe, but 3? Asking a bit much there. But hey, I want to be wrong.

Not 3, but 6. All the characters in the boot hint, which 3 will be returning and 3 new.
10/01/2014 10:24 PM (UTC)
Killer Instinct will make a Season 2 trailer which reveals ALL the characters that will appear in Season 2. And up to each character release they will make an in-game trailer as well as show them off in a livestream.

That's the kind of marketing I like. And I wish NRS would do the same.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

10/01/2014 10:26 PM (UTC)
jooki Wrote:
I'm feeling like all of this is building up to a bigger reveal. That's he's been trolling us all about and then announces Mortal Kombat HD.

Eh, that would explain the "Throwback day" tweet.
10/01/2014 10:29 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Killer Instinct will make a Season 2 trailer which reveals ALL the characters that will appear in Season 2. And up to each character release they will make an in-game trailer as well as show them off in a livestream.

That's the kind of marketing I like. And I wish NRS would do the same.

I don't like that at all really.

There's no surprise in that at all. It's too up front. I know everyone wants all the info they can possibly get but I do like what NRS does. Tell you the truth I almost wish they'd do a media blackout until January then start ramping up reveals.
10/01/2014 10:46 PM (UTC)
We're back discussing Netherrealm's marketing strategy again? Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

They're not going to copy some other company's marketing plan to impress unhappy campers with the "consistency" in their reveals. At times I wish they didn't reveal anything and we just have to wait until release to see what they have.

I mean at least be happy a company is kind enough to their fans by revealing anything at all to them. Is it really that much of a problem?
10/01/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
Fingers crossed for at least two reveals.kinda think Boon tweeted multiple things and might reveal the big bad instead.just a theory
About Me

10/01/2014 11:04 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Killer Instinct will make a Season 2 trailer which reveals ALL the characters that will appear in Season 2. And up to each character release they will make an in-game trailer as well as show them off in a livestream.

That's the kind of marketing I like. And I wish NRS would do the same.

......ALL 8 of them at once!?!? ;)

10/01/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
but Killer Instinct

is coming out a lot sooner. its also basically a DLC package and not a full game. not revealing all of the characters you're paying for in character DLC would be a poor decision on Iron Galaxy's part.

we will know the majority of the roster before release date. unless you would rather have nothing but silence until a few weeks before release when they reveal everything I am not sure what you are complaining about. grin
10/01/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Killer Instinct will make a Season 2 trailer which reveals ALL the characters that will appear in Season 2. And up to each character release they will make an in-game trailer as well as show them off in a livestream.

That's the kind of marketing I like. And I wish NRS would do the same.

......ALL 8 of them at once!?!? ;)

That's what they said.
SpookyScorpion Wrote:
not revealing all of the characters you're paying for in character DLC would be a poor decision on Iron Galaxy's part.

NRS didn't reveal all DLC characters for MK9 before they made the Season Pass available for purchase though.
About Me


10/01/2014 11:34 PM (UTC)
The pic looks more like (human)...hmm Johhny CAGE!!! especially HIS eyes ...glasses
10/02/2014 01:15 AM (UTC)
SithmasterB Wrote:
Fingers crossed for at least two reveals.kinda think Boon tweeted multiple things and might reveal the big bad instead.just a theory

Even though a theory......No no no! lol

Nobody wants to know who the final big bad is until we find out for ourselves when we play the game.
10/02/2014 01:30 AM (UTC)
He is not going to reveal all 6 boots at once lol come on people be realistic! I want to see the goro gameplay trailer and the new Ality
10/02/2014 01:42 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Killer Instinct will make a Season 2 trailer which reveals ALL the characters that will appear in Season 2. And up to each character release they will make an in-game trailer as well as show them off in a livestream.

That's the kind of marketing I like. And I wish NRS would do the same.

Icebaby Wrote:
We're back discussing Netherrealm's marketing strategy again? Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

They're not going to copy some other company's marketing plan to impress unhappy campers with the "consistency" in their reveals. At times I wish they didn't reveal anything and we just have to wait until release to see what they have.

I mean at least be happy a company is kind enough to their fans by revealing anything at all to them. Is it really that much of a problem?

It is the "entitled generation". Some people have to have everything right away, be constantly entertained, or else they lose interest and get "bored". Same reason people text and browse the web while hanging out with their friends, driving, walking, or playing games...

I can't stand constant negativity and pessimism. If you don't like the way things are presented, so much so that you're constantly bringing it up in almost every thread, regardless of the topic, and preaching about how unexcited you are...then why waste your time on here? That's a genuine question, not a jab at anyone. Why waste your time browsing, discussing, and following something you aren't happy with, unexcited for, and continually speak negatively about? All that does is nurture your own disappointment, waste your time, derails conversations, and hinder other people's excitement levels with the constant pessimism and complaining. That's just a drag for all involved. It's one thing to state your opinion once, even twice, but to make it the focal point of every thread...sheesh.

It's a game. A video game. The reveals mean nothing towards the quality and enjoyment of the game itself. Usually, less is more in terms of leaving things to speculation, discussion, and surprise. All 3 reasons, of why you are here each day. To speculate(can't do this if everything is revealed), discuss(nothing gets it's proper focus and attention, the more you reveal at once), and have actual surprises(can't happen if they are completely transparent, or reveal everything up front), is why we are all here.

You know what happens when they reveal a character/stage/fatality/mode? You discuss it, you speculate about it, then you move on. You move on. It becomes OLD news. Not a whole lot of discussion on Ferra Torr, Divorah, Cassie, or Kotal Kahn anymore, is there? Raiden? Kano? Sub or Scorp? The select screen? Why? Because they were revealed, discussed, and analyzed already. Now we are looking forward to what is next. Well, if you reveal everything so frequently, 90% of the game is going to be "OLD news" 2-3 months out from the game. That's bad marketing. They want you hooked.

To bring this back around and wrap it up...and hopefully end this tired out debate... If you're still on here every day, looking for the next bit of news, discussing, speculating, and talking about the game, positively or negatively, it's because you are hooked. Mission accomplished. Marketing successful. End of story.
10/02/2014 02:26 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Not 3, but 6. All the characters in the boot hint, which 3 will be returning and 3 new.

Buddy, you're going to have a lot of heartbreak in your life with hopes that high.
10/02/2014 03:18 AM (UTC)
Generally, you're right. But it could hurt for them to release variation trailers for the rest of the revealed cast, while we wait for new info?
10/02/2014 04:51 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Killer Instinct will make a Season 2 trailer which reveals ALL the characters that will appear in Season 2. And up to each character release they will make an in-game trailer as well as show them off in a livestream.

That's the kind of marketing I like. And I wish NRS would do the same.

I don't like that at all really.

There's no surprise in that at all. It's too up front. I know everyone wants all the info they can possibly get but I do like what NRS does. Tell you the truth I almost wish they'd do a media blackout until January then start ramping up reveals.

Sorry Kung, hadn't seen your response. :P

What I like about it is that they just reveal the characters and what modes will be in. And then as the month pass up until the release of the game, we see what each character can do, what the modes are about etc.
It's not a complete reveal, it just covers what we can expect to get, and THEN they will explain the details.

It's obvious not many, if anyone at all, agree with me, but I quite like it. ^^
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

10/02/2014 05:03 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Killer Instinct will make a Season 2 trailer which reveals ALL the characters that will appear in Season 2. And up to each character release they will make an in-game trailer as well as show them off in a livestream.

That's the kind of marketing I like. And I wish NRS would do the same.

......ALL 8 of them at once!?!? ;)

That's what they said.

SpookyScorpion Wrote:

not revealing all of the characters you're paying for in character DLC would be a poor decision on Iron Galaxy's part.

NRS didn't reveal all DLC characters for MK9 before they made the Season Pass available for purchase though.

It will only be the first 6 Characters. I can't wait it will be epic. Maya looks awesome TJ Combo was my least favorite character in the Original KI games and after playing him for a week. He's still my least favorite.

Back to MK:

i think that we will get 4 Characters revealed Shinnok, Ermac and 2 NEW Characters. PLUS The Kollectors Edition Announcement.
10/02/2014 05:25 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:

It will only be the first 6 Characters

I don't know where you have this information from, but this is what was said in the textual stream:

"The Season 2 launch trailer

Shortly before Season 2 starts on October 15th, we will release a launch trailer. The trailer features TJ’s track (it’s... really, really good) and gives you a very clear picture of which of the remaining original characters are returning this season, plus drive speculation on the new ones as well!"

10/02/2014 05:31 AM (UTC)
Tomorrow is the day my MK brothers! I don't really care who or what get's revealed, but I'm 95% sure we're getting something. Not that that means anything to any one else, but with the "hours countdown" Boon has been tweeting, it's a sure bet we're going to get a reveal. Whether it's a character(s), new ality, or story info, we're all in for a treat very shortly! confused
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

10/02/2014 05:51 AM (UTC)
i'm excited to see if we get a NEW Stage tomorrow. I hope it's Storyline revealing like Kotal Kahns Thrown Room. Actually I don't care what it is as long as there is a chance of a Stage Fatality
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

10/02/2014 09:12 AM (UTC)
new stage would be cool. would like to see the Kombat Tomb :)

the only stage i really missed from MK9.

If its a character id like it to be Shang Tsung or Reiko :)

it might even be the announcement of a new -ality.
we know its coming soon. so could be that
10/02/2014 11:18 AM (UTC)
In before most people here won't be satisfied with the new reveal and the marketing strategy starts being discussed again :P
10/02/2014 11:20 AM (UTC)
Just to refresh some memories, it's a returning "ality". My friendly bet is on Animalities.

Whatever it is, I'll be happy though.

As for characters, I hope the boot hint is revealed. We need a lot to talk about.
10/02/2014 11:35 AM (UTC)
Sorry for the double.

What site will this be streamed? What time will it be for eastern?
10/02/2014 12:12 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Sorry for the double.

What site will this be streamed? What time will it be for eastern?

10am Eastern.
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