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02/28/2015 10:48 PM (UTC)
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
I see where he is coming from though. Certain people are so in love with mk that they feel insulted from the slightest objectivity of the game unless the criticism is what the majority feels. It makes to them seem like you do love nrs as you literally dont critic a thing they do and seem to think the game is perfect when any and every game has flaws. Why cant people accept everyone's criticism as constructive and just disagree with them and move on.

it depends how you're judging the brutalities tbh. Of course to some they may suck compared to the old ones because they arent as brutal or mind blowing. But they dont suck in terms of a gameplay element in the game. I dont think the guy meant like they suck completely. I think he meant they suck compared to what they could/should have been comparable to the old brutalities and how they should have been more over the top compared to fatalities. They are underwhelming compared to the fatalities because they arent as over the top. They just seem like a watered-down version of fatalities and they are almost like whats the point when i can just do a fatality for a better result.

What they "should" have been? As if there is an objectively right or wrong answer here?

Brutalities aren't over the top anymore, but in exchange, you can straight-up murder your opponent during the fight before the announcer even has time to say "Finish Him!" Your opponent doesn't even see it coming.

No court date. No sentencing. You're dead on the streets. BRUTALITY.

Others are free to disagree, but I consider this a fair trade for "beating someone to death for ten seconds instead of five."

I'm not one to say that this is what they "should" have done, though. They could have given us a classic Brutality with bone-crunching X-rays and six exploding rib cages and whatever, and it would have been gloriously, obscenely ultraviolent, and I would have liked that too. The idea has its merits. But I'd enjoy it either way they did it, not because I love everything they do, but because I'm not so personally invested in it to hate it.

If "Brutalities" had never existed before today, we all probably would have been fine with this. With no prior notions about what the word "should" mean, it works. To my mind, that means the name is okay. Whatever.

Brutality Wins. "Suck ooon that!"
02/28/2015 10:58 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Asesino Wrote:
The original concept of brutalities is MKT style.

Yeah and they changed the concept, and made it way better. Those Brutalities of old were ridiculously stupid and void of personality. These are all made for individual characters and individual variations. It's the complete opposite of what Brutalities used to be.

This. Brutalities are fucking great now, no one seemed to give two fucks about the old ones until MKX was announced.
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02/28/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)
When it showed scorpion's brutality i went crazy lol that was awesome(and im not a scorpion fan)
02/28/2015 11:45 PM (UTC)
U can do a big combo n end it with a brutality. They already said that,u just have to make sure u do all requirements first in order to do the brutality
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GT: Dimitri1033

02/28/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
I like the brutalities much more as they are now. Ending a combo on a brutality to finish the match?

Could you imagine what that'd be like if that happened at EVO? Imagine the hype.
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03/01/2015 12:41 AM (UTC)
All the nostalgia softspots should just pull out their 16-bit console ports of UMK3 &/or MKT & do those combinations to their heart's content. Or wise up & enjoy this rather illustriousness that is the MKX ones.
03/01/2015 12:58 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
All the nostalgia softspots should just pull out their 16-bit console ports of UMK3 &/or MKT & do those combinations to their heart's content. Or wise up & enjoy this rather illustriousness that is the MKX ones.

Bam! There it is. Couldn't agree more.
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GT: Dimitri1033

03/01/2015 01:04 AM (UTC)
red5iver Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
All the nostalgia softspots should just pull out their 16-bit console ports of UMK3 &/or MKT & do those combinations to their heart's content. Or wise up & enjoy this rather illustriousness that is the MKX ones.

Bam! There it is. Couldn't agree more.

Also think a lot of people are forgetting that there are going to be around 100+ brutalities too. If the roster is around 30 fighters, then that's 3-4 per character. And some of the brutalities are going to be unlockable. Netherrealm is doing a damn good job of making me hype for this game, and keeping secrets and unlockables to the max.
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03/01/2015 04:16 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:>

You can never accept that you're wrong, can't you? Damn. I mean, you still believe that calling NRS stupid or "not smart" is okay.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, sure. But you can't simply use that excuse to when you make stupid comments like that. People will call you out on it, including me and other users on this thread, and it seems like when you're called out on something, your defense is always "I'm entitled to my own opinion". No, that's bullshit. Stop saying that. If I go around and start saying "NRS is stupid" "Ed Boon is stupid" "Those dudes from the MK Kast are fucking losers" someone will eventually call me out on it because that's offensive and disrespectful. And when I get called out on it, I can't simply say "It's my opinon, I say whatever I want". That's not how forums work or how the world works, bud.

There's nothing wrong with thinking that Brutalities could have been presented better. Nothing is ever perfect. Could they be better and be presented better in a future game? Sure. Like I said, some are more creative then others as shown in the trailer, but all in all, they look fun and exciting. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. But what you did was disrespectful, unintelligent, and made you look like an idiot.
03/01/2015 04:59 AM (UTC)
That idea sucks. I hate when games have the screen go black. The brutality is fine how it is. If u don't suck u can still put a 10 hit combo in b4 u pull them off. They should stay how they are.
03/01/2015 05:07 AM (UTC)
While the Brutalities are good I must admit im alil disappointed with them!

Completely different from what im sure most of us thought they would be but im willing to give it a shot

But Updating Brutalities, let me see!

An Idea for Kano:
Kano does his grab move which is a headbutt, He headbutts them several times like normal, and then with the screen darkening/slowing down, Kano holds their head with both hands and repeatedly headbutts them bashing their head in.
03/01/2015 06:46 AM (UTC)
Its funny how people will complain that there's not enough fatalities and now they have basically 7-10 fatalities per person and they still wanna whine....smh. Cant please everyone i suppose.

Im for the most part impressed with what I've seen of them (other than Sub Zero's head dagger and Cassie's finger bang or whatever she does lol) Even if I werent happy with what I saw I;d keep in mind THERES OVER 100 OF THEM!!!! Theyre not going to show the best ones right out the gate
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03/01/2015 07:32 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Asesino Wrote:
The original concept of brutalities is MKT style.

Yeah and they changed the concept, and made it way better. Those Brutalities of old were ridiculously stupid and void of personality. These are all made for individual characters and individual variations. It's the complete opposite of what Brutalities used to be.

This. Brutalities are fucking great now, no one seemed to give two fucks about the old ones until MKX was announced.

03/01/2015 09:12 AM (UTC)
I like what we have much much more than any other ideas for Brutalities. All the overkill "let's kill the guy 10 times over" stuff just seems either like normal modern Fatalities or pointless altogether. I'm so glad that this new finisher isn't the same old:

"FINISH HIM!" *inputs code and watches cinematic* (every other -ality ever)

Honestly, why ever do the old Brutalities over regular Fatalities? This new concept adds so many more options and potential for memorable moments. I get people not liking the name, but that's just a minor thing. If you want "brutal" over the top killing animations to play after you won the match, do a Fatality. Brutalities now are actually something different, and that, in my opinion, is the best thing they could have done.
03/01/2015 10:52 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:>

You can never accept that you're wrong, can't you? Damn. I mean, you still believe that calling NRS stupid or "not smart" is okay.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, sure. But you can't simply use that excuse to when you make stupid comments like that. People will call you out on it, including me and other users on this thread, and it seems like when you're called out on something, your defense is always "I'm entitled to my own opinion". No, that's bullshit. Stop saying that. If I go around and start saying "NRS is stupid" "Ed Boon is stupid" "Those dudes from the MK Kast are fucking losers" someone will eventually call me out on it because that's offensive and disrespectful. And when I get called out on it, I can't simply say "It's my opinon, I say whatever I want". That's not how forums work or how the world works, bud.

There's nothing wrong with thinking that Brutalities could have been presented better. Nothing is ever perfect. Could they be better and be presented better in a future game? Sure. Like I said, some are more creative then others as shown in the trailer, but all in all, they look fun and exciting. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. But what you did was disrespectful, unintelligent, and made you look like an idiot.

What I did, didn't make look like an idiot. It just made the reset of the people who seemed to gang up on me look like idiots and hypocrites.

Because I am not the first person on this forum to say that NRS are not smart enough to do this or that.

I am almost 100% positive at least one of the people who for some reason are angry at me said at one point "They are not smart enough".

People seem to just get angry when I say it... Ohh wait I mean you seem to be angry because I said it.

And the reset just followed what you said, because their lines are interchangeable.

I can say whatever I want about NRS and MKX. I can call whoever I want what I want.

My comments are not stupid, they just need someone smart enough to understand them, "Bud".
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03/01/2015 11:20 AM (UTC)
Don't feed the trolls homie lol :D

So about the: " but there are over 100 "brutalities" in the game" ahahha
We already saw 1 HIT brutality, so basically there could be 70 out of 100 brutalities that are just 1 HIT. So that's not a brutality, cut the crap. Brutality is a fucking combo string, fatality is fatality don't mix them.
03/01/2015 11:25 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Don't feed the trolls homie lol :D

So about the: " but there are over 100 "brutalities" in the game" ahahha
We already saw 1 HIT brutality, so basically there could be 70 out of 100 brutalities that are just 1 HIT. So that's not a brutality, cut the crap. Brutality is a fucking combo string, fatality is fatality don't mix them.

Exactly, This is why there are over 100 "brutalities" Because they are just watered down fatalities.

It's the same thing that happened with the Kreate-A-Fatality.

People thought, "WOW! Now we can do the fatality we want"

How did that turn out?
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03/01/2015 11:25 AM (UTC)
I'm done with this fucking thread. These two fucktards honestly just can't understand an opinion unless it's there own because this;

Asesino Wrote:
So about the: " but there are over 100 "brutalities" in the game" ahahha
We already saw 1 HIT brutality, so basically there could be 70 out of 100 brutalities that are just 1 HIT. So that's not a brutality, cut the crap. Brutality is a fucking combo string, fatality is fatality don't mix them.

Makes no fucking sense and is clearly this guy trying to justify his stupid and pointless hate for brutalities. I'm done here.
03/01/2015 11:37 AM (UTC)
No need for name calling, I think we are all adults and can have a civil discussion.

P.S. You said you are done with this thread and then replied again, So we can all see who is the idiot here, I'll give you a hint. it's you.
03/01/2015 12:05 PM (UTC)
I, for one like the new brutalities. Nostalgia-wise, they remind me of Ultimate Combos from KI and Sudden Death kills from Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side. I love the fact that you can combo into them and that some are more difficult to pull off than others.

While I thought that brutalities would look and be executed differently from what they are, I am completely satisfied with how NRS executed the idea. Also, the fact that there are over 100 of them definitely adds to the replay value of the game.

Kudos NRS.
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-sig by MINION

03/01/2015 12:55 PM (UTC)
I'm not really impressed with there being over 100 Brutalities. They seem to be based off specials or throws that just kill opponents. And I mean yeah that's cool but they're set up in a way that your opponent would have lost the round anyway so it won't exactly be shocking.

In general and I've said this before, I don't think anyone wants the old Brutalities back. But it's an old familiar concept so there are certain expectations.

Personally I expect them to be more brutal and not just fatale, hence the name. Or maybe not even fatale at all, just a good old unceremonious beat down into a bloody pulp. And actually with the audio teaser that seemed like what we were getting.

But people are allowed to be disappointed with something. People need to stop taking hyperbolic language so literally on this board. It takes the fun out of the discussion.
03/01/2015 01:08 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I'm not really impressed with there being over 100 Brutalities. They seem to be based off specials or throws that just kill opponents. And I mean yeah that's cool but they're set up in a way that your opponent would have lost the round anyway so it won't exactly be shocking.

In general and I've said this before, I don't think anyone wants the old Brutalities back. But it's an old familiar concept so there are certain expectations.

Personally I expect them to be more brutal and not just fatale, hence the name. Or maybe not even fatale at all, just a good old unceremonious beat down into a bloody pulp. And actually with the audio teaser that seemed like what we were getting.

But people are allowed to be disappointed with something. People need to stop taking hyperbolic language so literally on this board. It takes the fun out of the discussion.


I said this before, They are fun as concept, quick and classic fatalities that come out of no where.

But they are certainly not brutalities, The idea of what we saw is very cool and I like the idea itself, I said this before.

I just hate they are called brutalities because they are not.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/01/2015 01:20 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
For example Cassie Cage's MMA Brutality

Make her hit the victim 10 times while she screams like lunatic and when the screen goes dark and the auto combo starts but only this time is quicker, then she starts to scream even crazier. While performing the last several strikes strikes the camera zoom into x-ray and we see what's going on in the victims head.

With this many punches she crushes his head skull brain and there's a fucking mess all over! Then the camera zooms in so we can enjoy our sadistic masterpiece of rage and brutality.
Also I want to see brutalities from closer view, like the fatalities are!

Maybe I'll add more brutalities for others, you can do it also if you like the idea.
I like the idea to start brutalities like they do now - when the opponent is at low health.Also we need ULTRAS of some kind that are fucking better then them.
If you have any addition ideas how brutalities can be improved even more just share them here.

While I sort of do like this idea better, and I say sort of because the maniac laughter is too over the top. But I do believe it should had zoom each time after a few punches and then go into X-Ray to show the last blow crushing in the opponents skull then zoom out and she poses.

But the problem is, people would just bitch how it's "omg it's just Fatalities with X-Ray's" like some people expected it to be.

You can keep dreaming however, but it's far too late to ask for request.
03/01/2015 02:01 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Don't feed the trolls homie lol :D

So about the: " but there are over 100 "brutalities" in the game" ahahha
We already saw 1 HIT brutality, so basically there could be 70 out of 100 brutalities that are just 1 HIT. So that's not a brutality, cut the crap. Brutality is a fucking combo string, fatality is fatality don't mix them.

What don't you understand about them changing the concept of Brutalities?
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03/01/2015 04:38 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
My comments are not stupid, they just need someone smart enough to understand them, "Bud".

It's official. You're an actual idiot. Talking to you makes my head hurt. Just know that a lot of people on this forum know what you're all about now, though.

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