posted03/03/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
For example Cassie Cage's MMA Brutality

Make her hit the victim 10 times while she screams like lunatic and when the screen goes dark and the auto combo starts but only this time is quicker, then she starts to scream even crazier. While performing the last several strikes strikes the camera zoom into x-ray and we see what's going on in the victims head.

With this many punches she crushes his head skull brain and there's a fucking mess all over! Then the camera zooms in so we can enjoy our sadistic masterpiece of rage and brutality.
Also I want to see brutalities from closer view, like the fatalities are!

Maybe I'll add more brutalities for others, you can do it also if you like the idea.
I like the idea to start brutalities like they do now - when the opponent is at low health.Also we need ULTRAS of some kind that are fucking better then them.
If you have any addition ideas how brutalities can be improved even more just share them here.
02/28/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
MKX's Brutalities SUCK!

Your ideas will make them a lot better, but I don't think NRS is smart enough to do something like that.
02/28/2015 05:08 PM (UTC)
I'm cool with how they are lol Different than what I was expecting, much different than the originals but I dig em.
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02/28/2015 05:13 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
MKX's Brutalities SUCK!

Your ideas will make them a lot better, but I don't think NRS is smart enough to do something like that.

Yeah, a random user on the Internet is far more smart then accomplished video game developers and producers who do this for a living.

It doesn't hurt to think before you write stupid shit.
02/28/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
MKX's Brutalities SUCK!

Your ideas will make them a lot better, but I don't think NRS is smart enough to do something like that.

Yeah, a random user on the Internet is far more smart then accomplished video game developers and producers who do this for a living.

It doesn't hurt to think before you write stupid shit.

LMAO! So you are telling me that game developers can't make bad decisions because they are "accomplished video game developers" ?

Oh of course, the MK team never made mistakes lol.

They are gods.

It doesn't hurt to think before you write stupid shit, kid.
02/28/2015 05:17 PM (UTC)
Some don't make sense, like D'Vorah's with the bug blast, how does that cut them in half?

Or Sub-Zero's dagger one, I think it would be cooler if he stabbed them in the head with both daggers

But for the most part, tehy're all awesome, like Quan Chi's, or D'vorah's stomach burster, or Scorpions spear explosion one
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02/28/2015 05:18 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
MKX's Brutalities SUCK!

Your ideas will make them a lot better, but I don't think NRS is smart enough to do something like that.

Yeah, a random user on the Internet is far more smart then accomplished video game developers and producers who do this for a living.

It doesn't hurt to think before you write stupid shit.

LMAO! So you are telling me that if game developers can't make bad decisions because they are "accomplished video game developers" ?

Oh of course, the MK team never made mistakes lol.

They are gods.

It doesn't hurt to think before you write stupid shit, kid.

How they've updated Brutalities are not good, and they have made a "bad decision"? According to who, you and the OP?

They've been largely accepted by the fanbase. They look really good. You taking a jab at NRS, saying they aren't "smart" enough to implement an idea from a random user on the Internet, is stupid and I'm going to call you out on it.
02/28/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
MKX's Brutalities SUCK!

Your ideas will make them a lot better, but I don't think NRS is smart enough to do something like that.

Yeah, a random user on the Internet is far more smart then accomplished video game developers and producers who do this for a living.

It doesn't hurt to think before you write stupid shit.

LMAO! So you are telling me that if game developers can't make bad decisions because they are "accomplished video game developers" ?

Oh of course, the MK team never made mistakes lol.

They are gods.

It doesn't hurt to think before you write stupid shit, kid.

How they've updated Brutalities are not good, and they have made a "bad decision"? According to who, you and the OP?

They've been largely accepted by the fanbase. They look really good. You taking a jab at NRS, saying they aren't "smart" enough to implement an idea from a random user on the Internet, is stupid and I'm going to call you out on it.

What makes this guy's idea any worse than NRS's stupid excuse for Brutalities?

And I don't know from where you're getting your info but people are going 50/50 with the whole Brutality thing.

They are not "Largely accepted" I think that's just some shit that came from your mouth.

I can say NRS are not smart because some of the things they do are not smart.

Unlike you, I don't consider them gods or ideals when I see things I don't like I point them out.

You the like the updated brutalities? Good for you.

I don't, Just like I respected your opinion about liking the Brutalities you can respect mine about not liking them.

They don't take away from MKX. it's still a great game nobody can argue that.

I didn't say all of what they are going is stupid but I'm saying that the Brutalities are not that good and they would have been better with the ideas this user gave
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'Your soul is MINE!'

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02/28/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
i like the brutalities! adds that extra little challenge to the game and has that old skool feel of static camera.

im sure there are secret brutalities that will cause a person to explode into 10 ribcages and 7 femurs just to please the retro fans
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Get that ass BANNED

02/28/2015 05:32 PM (UTC)
I do have to say, most of them are kinda boring. Only one that seemed brutal was Quan chis portal one.
02/28/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
I'd do that one time and never again.

I don't have time to sit here and watch someone strike someone 30 times, only for it end the same way as it does in MKX.

Cut to the chase, damn.
02/28/2015 05:36 PM (UTC)
Nope, I disagree. What you are suggesting is complete overkill. I think they are perfect how they are now, they nailed it.
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02/28/2015 05:39 PM (UTC)
I like the evolution of brutalaties and they look pretty cool. They're like mini-fatalities that are criteria based (like babalaties were) and they'll fit the same niche in that you can perform them on people to show extra skill or to be salty. Nothing made people more salty than getting babied in MK9.
02/28/2015 05:48 PM (UTC)
I like the brutalities, but to me, they're really just a minimally different kind of fatality. Calling them Brutalities is pointless (plus the Brutality logo is underwhelming), imo.

Brutalities should have been like they used to be, with a few differences: slow-motion beatings with the camera always cutting to the body parts being hit, ending in the opponents laying on the ground, their bodies badly broken and beaten. Players should have had the ability to watch these beatings in X-Ray vision.

What I'm suggesting is to keep the current brutalities, rename them, and include what I suggested above as the actual brutalities.
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02/28/2015 05:49 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
What makes this guy's idea any worse than NRS's stupid excuse for Brutalities?

And I don't know from where you're getting your info but people are going 50/50 with the whole Brutality thing.

They are not "Largely accepted" I think that's just some shit that came from your mouth.

I can say NRS are not smart because some of the things they do are not smart.

Unlike you, I don't consider them gods or ideals when I see things I don't like I point them out.

You the like the updated brutalities? Good for you.

I don't, Just like I respected your opinion about liking the Brutalities you can respect mine about not liking them.

They don't take away from MKX. it's still a great game nobody can argue that.

I didn't say all of what they are going is stupid but I'm saying that the Brutalities are not that good and tht.

Look at the collective reception of Brutalities and you see it skews to positive. Go back to the MK Kast thread and you'll see for yourself. What makes you qualified enough to say NRS are not smart? There's a reason why they work at NRS and you or the OP don't.

How do I view them as "gods"? They are video game developers and producers who I respect because the work they are doing is amazing. One thing is pointing out something, throw in some constructive criticism, and start a meaningful conversation. Another thing is just insulting people which is what you are doing.
02/28/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Look at the collective reception of Brutalities and you see it skews to positive. Go back to the MK Kast thread and you'll see for yourself. What makes you qualified enough to say NRS are not smart? There's a reason why they work at NRS and you or the OP don't.

How do I view them as "gods"? They are video game developers and producers who I respect because the work they are doing is amazing. One thing is pointing out something, throw in some constructive criticism, and start a meaningful conversation. Another thing is just insulting people which is what you are doing.

Obviously if you disagree with his total, complete genius then you are an idiot who prays to NRS every night. We should feel humbled, really. Us peasants don't deserve to be in his presence.

Ricardo Snow
02/28/2015 06:00 PM (UTC)
What is so awesome about Brutalities is the hype. Imagine pulling off a nice long combo, and finishing them with a brutality to win the fight. That extra challenge of embarrassing your opponent makes them so awesome! and on top of that, they look pretty cool. Idk what all of the complaining is about. However, I do see where you are coming from, but I think they are cool the way they are!
02/28/2015 06:01 PM (UTC)
Its kind of what people have been asking for. Not when it comes to brutalities, but people have been asking for short and sweet fatalities for a while, and if SZ stabbing a dagger into a guys head just for them to collapse on the ground dead isn't simple yet effective, idk what is.

I know im not the only one that remembers seeing people complain about fatalities being too drawn out and overkill, these are pretty much the opposite of that for the most part.
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02/28/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
sharefrock and his constant whining of brutalities and the people that like them is getting really fucking old. It's OK to not like them, but to suggest NRS are idiots for not doing brutalities in the way he wants them to be is fucking retarded and the way he attacks anyone who disagrees with him is making him become one of the most irritating people on this forum. Can't wait to hear his reply about how I 'pray' to NRS.
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02/28/2015 06:05 PM (UTC)
flameshang Wrote:
What is so awesome about Brutalities is the hype. Imagine pulling off a nice long combo, and finishing them with a brutality to win the fight. That extra challenge of embarrassing your opponent makes them so awesome! and on top of that, they look pretty cool. Idk what all of the complaining is about. However, I do see where you are coming from, but I think they are cool the way they are!

Yeah, exactly. It's a Fatality that fits in the gameplay, which is awesome. Another thing is that they add another layer of challenge to the player, as you can't just do them, but you have to complete certain tasks throughout the match to do them.
02/28/2015 06:13 PM (UTC)
Brutalities are amazing just for the simple fact you can combo into them...
02/28/2015 06:26 PM (UTC)
I wasn't worried, but I wasn't particularly thrilled when I heard Brutalities were making a return. I figured they would be updated nicely from the forgettable finisher they were in Trilogy, but being that we already have Fatalities and X-Rays I didn't know what Brutalities could do to differentiate themselves enough to be included in MKX. What NRS did with them completely surpassed my expectations!

First of all I'm glad the screen doesn't go dark and zoom in on the characters like normal Fatalities do, or use x-ray vision and do close-up's of anatomies like X-Ray moves do (which a lot of people expected). That makes Brutalities visually different from those two which is a huge plus in my book.

Secondly, Brutalities look to be specific for each character which is amazing considering Ed Boon said there are well over 100 of them. So many to discover, so much replay value!

And last but not least, using specific conditions to pull off Brutalities is the cherry on top of this finisher. This will make matches much different depending on who you're playing, with the more advanced players beating their opponents in difficult ways in order to perform the harder ones. Online is going to be very interesting and so much fun!!

Bravo NRS, Bravo!!
02/28/2015 06:30 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
sharefrock and his constant whining of brutalities and the people that like them is getting really fucking old. It's OK to not like them, but to suggest NRS are idiots for not doing brutalities in the way he wants them to be is fucking retarded and the way he attacks anyone who disagrees with him is making him become one of the most irritating people on this forum. Can't wait to hear his reply about how I 'pray' to NRS.

Get his online tag and only do brutalities on him over and over and over. Until then ignore it.
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02/28/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
As I said before I also like to combo into brutality, but that's all. MKX brutalities look like mini fatalities, so they need different name or be replaced with kind of examples I wrote.

You see BRUTALITY is about beating someone really fucking bad, break his bones make holes in his body, basically Quan Chi's MK4 fatality is the best brutality I've seen. He even beats you after you fucking bleed out. So BRUTALITIES ARE ONLY A FUCKING BAD BEATING nothing more. Sure they can upgrade it with adding for example weapons like Sub-Zero's daggers and multy hit the opponent in the head, but after he revived really bad beating and broken hands for example.

You see now ? Can you make a difference between BRUTALITY and a fucking mini FATALITY ?
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02/28/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
What a bunch of fucking crybabies. Since MKDC, this forum has devolved into a bunch whining bitches.
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