02/28/2015 07:05 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
What a bunch of fucking crybabies. Since MKDC, this forum has devolved into a bunch whining bitches.

Hey, let's all remember, it could be worse... these brutalities could be "heroic" wink
02/28/2015 07:33 PM (UTC)
Hattoris Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
What a bunch of fucking crybabies. Since MKDC, this forum has devolved into a bunch whining bitches.

Hey, let's all remember, it could be worse... these brutalities could be "heroic" wink

LOL...yes, good point.

From what I understand about these brutalities, and this information is based what the guys were saying during the komb kast, there will be a variety of them. some of them simple, others squeamish, and some even humorous.

This type of finisher is getting alot of mixed reaction. Some liken this finisher to the old school fatality, since it doesn't end in a cinematic, multi-camera angle that we have grown accustomed to already. while some welcome this new, "simpler" finisher, others were expecting something more dramatic and outlandish like the original. Naturally, comparisons to the original brutality are unavoidable. I know i was wondering how they were going to establish the brutality into this game since the original was created in MK title where the whole idea was go be ridiculous and outlandish. Since this MK has become alot more serious and grounded in tone, i was curious to see how they were going to adapt this finisher into this atmosphere.

My speculation hoped for, as others did as well, a type "customizable" finisher where they incorporated x ray moves, and perhaps different effects would result as different button combinations would be pressed. While we didn't guess the "customizable" part, i believe that each style will have it's own unique brutality, as to encourage everybody to use all styles.

They also mentioned that every brutality had its own condition to be met, so i'm guessing the most painful looking one, the one that people were hoping to see with the MK3 flair to it, will be the one that actually ends in a long combo, will be the toughest to pull, and the goriest to watch. Ed did tweet that "some can only be done if U R A badass!" I'm also assuming that the audio teaser they released about the brutality is the challenge one to pull.

So, give the game a chance, hold your judgements until the game's release. It seems like this game will be the one with the most types of finishers. They haven't revealed any stage fatalities...and i'm guessing they wouldn't want to reveal any since revealing just one would be giving too much away.
02/28/2015 07:36 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
sharefrock and his constant whining of brutalities and the people that like them is getting really fucking old. It's OK to not like them, but to suggest NRS are idiots for not doing brutalities in the way he wants them to be is fucking retarded and the way he attacks anyone who disagrees with him is making him become one of the most irritating people on this forum. Can't wait to hear his reply about how I 'pray' to NRS.

Fuck that dude and his awful youtube channel, guy turned into a rude asshole on these forums the past couple of weeks.
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

02/28/2015 07:38 PM (UTC)
i love Kung laos 'ip man' throw brutality

it just ends so cool and how the body just rolls off his lap, defeated and broken

so cool!!
02/28/2015 07:52 PM (UTC)
I like them wayyyy better than that dumb ass shit in umk3 lol at least with these u can do a big combo n end it with a brutality which is great plus theres over 100 in the game which is even better. Id still like to see friendships make it,i dont care how dark this game is supposed to be. They can even make friendships go wrong like give a present n it explodes
About Me

02/28/2015 07:59 PM (UTC)
Honestly the only thing I would change about them is how they are executed. I would enjoy seeing a massive combo ended with any of these finishers. It would be the icing on the cake of getting your ass handed to you. These combos would ideally be easily countered by someone with a decent amount of skill, unless your health bar and power meters fall too low.

They way they are now just reminds me of MKD conquest fights. "Do all of this for a prize!".

02/28/2015 08:12 PM (UTC)
They're fine as they are thanks.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/28/2015 08:16 PM (UTC)
Ahh heroic brutalities lmao. Yes, it could be worse indeed. That's the ONLY thing that's keeping me from ever craving a MKVSDC2.
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

02/28/2015 08:33 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
MKX's Brutalities SUCK!

Your ideas will make them a lot better, but I don't think NRS is smart enough to do something like that.

sharefrock Wrote:
They don't take away from MKX. it's still a great game nobody can argue that.

So, why is this such a huge issue again? For somebody who says that "nobody can argue" that MKX is a great game, you appear to spend a lot of time and energy talking about all the ways they completely screwed it up.

sharefrock Wrote:
Oh of course, the MK team never made mistakes lol.

They are gods.

It doesn't hurt to think before you write stupid shit, kid

Unlike you, I don't consider them gods or ideals when I see things I don't like I point them out.

You the like the updated brutalities? Good for you.

sharefrock Wrote:
I respected your opinion

Did you? Because I could swear you just implied that anyone who enjoys the new Brutalities are empty-eyed sycophants who would swallow anus-flavored arsenic if NRS doled it out in the Kombat Pack.

Look guys, you don't have to like the new Brutalities, the roster, or anything else about this game. It is your prerogative as an individual human being to make up your own mind about what you like and don't like. The tricky part is understanding that everyone has that right and looking at the bigger picture. Here's what the bigger picture of this thread looks like:

Asesino Wrote:
Make her hit the victim 10 times while she screams like lunatic and when the screen goes dark and the auto combo starts but only this time is quicker, then she starts to scream even crazier. While performing the last several strikes strikes the camera zoom into x-ray and we see what's going on in the victims head.

With this many punches she crushes his head skull brain and there's a fucking mess all over! Then the camera zooms in so we can enjoy our sadistic masterpiece of rage and brutality.

Also I want to see brutalities from closer view, like the fatalities are!

Asesino Wrote:
You see BRUTALITY is about beating someone really fucking bad, break his bones make holes in his body, basically Quan Chi's MK4 fatality is the best brutality I've seen. He even beats you after you fucking bleed out. So BRUTALITIES ARE ONLY A FUCKING BAD BEATING nothing more. Sure they can upgrade it with adding for example weapons like Sub-Zero's daggers and multy hit the opponent in the head, but after he revived really bad beating and broken hands for example.

You see now ? Can you make a difference between BRUTALITY and a fucking mini FATALITY ?

Wow, this thread is both founded and sponsored by people who can't seem to make up their damn minds. We've got one guy here who thinks Brutalities should be a SHIT DUDE EVEN FATALER FATALITY and a DON'T WORRY JUST A REALLY BAD BEATING I'LL GET UP at the same time, insisting that both are the only way to go with equal passion and veracity.

Okay everyone, I have a proposition to make. Consider this:

Nobody can agree whether or not the old Brutalities were any good. Some people think they were just a longer, more boring, less creative version of a Fatality, and putting something like that in MKX would have been a waste of space. Others seem to think that the old 50-hit-combo-into-copypaste-explosion is exactly the kind of thing that the new Brutalities should go back to, but powered by better gore effects. Others don't seem to know what the hell they want, as long as it's anything but what we got.

Here's the question, though. Do you like the mechanic for what it is? Do you like having the ability to combo a 15-hit carnival of punches, kicks, and special move devastation straight into a gruesome finisher? Do you like rubbing it in your opponent's face that you beat them handily while pulling off whatever trick it takes to unlock the finishing move? Do you like seeing an ordinary special like Raiden's flying attack turn into a glorious bloodsplosion if you win a certain way? Does it boner up your lust for over-the-top violence to see Kung Lao do his normal throw and then keep beating the guy's face in until his head falls off?

If so, then surprise motherfuckers -- you like Brutalities.

It doesn't matter what "Brutalities" were before. Do you like the actual thing that they are now? If you don't like it because of the name, then you might be asking yourself the wrong questions. I mean, Kotal can saw a dude in half with a spiky wooden paddle, and if that isn't "brutal" enough for you, then you are a scary person. If what you wanted from Brutalities was a ridiculous cinematic combo that breaks every single bone in the opponent's body, then what you're really asking for is for the team to come up with 30 different ways to do the exact same overly drawn-out Fatality -- and that's the complaint so many people had in the first place.
02/28/2015 08:35 PM (UTC)
"With this many punches she crushes his head skull brain and there's a fucking mess all over! Then the camera zooms in so we can enjoy our sadistic masterpiece of rage and brutality.
Also I want to see brutalities from closer view, like the fatalities are! "


I'm very happy that the camera angle never changes a and I think that's the way it should be. I'd be pissed if they zoomed in.
02/28/2015 08:48 PM (UTC)
Heavy-Rain Wrote:
"With this many punches she crushes his head skull brain and there's a fucking mess all over! Then the camera zooms in so we can enjoy our sadistic masterpiece of rage and brutality.
Also I want to see brutalities from closer view, like the fatalities are! "


I'm very happy that the camera angle never changes a and I think that's the way it should be. I'd be pissed if they zoomed in.

Ditto... if anything, these do feel like "retro fatalities", in that this is the first time since MK3/UMK3/MKT that the fatalities remain on a 2D camera plane. Also, I like the little touches, such as unique simplistic win poses not otherwise seen, including Scorpion's MK1 victory pose. Plus I like Cassies "woo hoo!" after the MMA death and the "suck on that!" after the head-pop-via-crotch-shot.

I do wonder what the exact final tally will be. We just know "over 100", and it doesn't seem to be just special attacks, but also throws (Kung Lao's chain punch "pez dispenser"), and forward attacks (Scorpion's double sword "just a flesh wound").
02/28/2015 08:56 PM (UTC)
The thing really kills me is how precious people are with the word "Brutality".

Brutality is a broad word, it doesn't have to mean what you say it means. The definition of brutality is "the quality of being brutal; cruelty; savagery." Doing a massive combo into a sudden murder of your opponent before they're officially out qualifies. The monotony of someone just beating their opponents to death would get old very fast.
02/28/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
A lot of people seemed to reply to me and I'm not going to really quote everybody, because they all seem to copy from each others lines.

So I'll try to make it simple.

I'm not an asshole and I am not rude.

and I especially never said "People who like what NRS do are retards" or "Empty-eyed" or whatever those words were.

If I did then I would like to see that.

I simply said that I don't like them and that NRS could have done them better.

There are a lot of ideas out there which they could have done which are pretty obvious, I never said I wanted them to do what I want. I said I wished they had done them better.

That's just an opinion.

I did say that NRS is not smart enough, but it's funny that you guys judge me when I say that and yet you forget everytime you said NRS is not smart enough to do this or that.

again I'll repeat that, because people seem to love to take what I say out of context, OPINION.

My opinion is that NRS could have done them better and they weren't smart enough to capitalize on that.

Can I be wrong? 100% yes.

But will it change my opinion, Nope.

Is my opinion wrong? That's impossible because you can't say an opinion is wrong because it's a motherfuckin' opinion.

You think they are good? I'm glad you like them.

I never said to anybody and I mean anybody "You are stupid for liking the new brutalities" I also never said "You are a retard because you like them".

If you think I am a rude asshole for being honest, that's your opinion.

And what makes it even more funny is that people usually attack my youtube channel whenever I get into an argument with someone on this forum, It's like they think that's gonna hurt my feelings or will stop me from doing videos.

I love discussing mortal kombat and I love making videos, nobody is going to really change that.

And just for the guy above me who said that I'm rude.

It's funny that you say I am rude and yet in the next breath you say "Fuck that dude and his awful youtube channel"

Kinda Ironic calling someone rude while you yourself are the one being rude.

Either way I respect your opinion just like I respect the opinions of the other people on the forum.

The short and sweet version.

I'm not here to be rude or attack anybody, I am here to talk MK. I like to talk about stuff I like and stuff I hate.

I am not the only one who talks about things he likes and things he hates on the forum.

MKX is shaping up to be amazing, But no game is perfect. and MKX is definitely not perfect.

There are things I like and there are things I hate. I can't wait to try the game and play it because it looks amazing but I will never and I mean ever stop criticizing because that's my nature.

I am a very critical person, that's who I am. I don't force people to like me, I like everybody on this forum I met a lot of great people as well and had great discussions with them.

I'm hoping I will have more great discussions in the future as well.

If I came off as a rude person then I am sorry, I am definitely not rude. I treat people the same way they treat me.

Hope that cleared things, If it didn't. You can deal with Reiko sleep
About Me
02/28/2015 09:14 PM (UTC)
Bottom line is those finishres are not brutalities exept Kung Lao's and Cassies. The others are just fatalities. The original concept of brutalities is MKT style. Why they haven' changed fatalities that drastic like they did with brutalities ? The concept ot the fatalities is the same, but they just made quick mini fatality and used the name. Not kool.

And for those of you who are here to troll just begone. I said only people who can add ideas to the brutalities, ideas that can make them better. So your opinion is not wanted. Go make another roster thread yo.
02/28/2015 09:21 PM (UTC)
Yes, let's add to the idea of Brutalities by making them the same as they were 20 years ago.
02/28/2015 09:40 PM (UTC)
I think it is kinda awesome that they are so simple and not so over the top as op suggested. We have the fatalities for that. the whole berzerking screaming idea just doesn't fly with me. Plus the way they currently are, their execution is excellent wtf factor for the opponent. He thinks he just got hit by kotal's sword special then bang! cut in half. match over. Sitting silently in shock.
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

02/28/2015 10:02 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I especially never said "People who like what NRS do are retards" or "Empty-eyed" or whatever those words were.

If I did then I would like to see that.

No, you didn't use those exact words, but that is exactly what your words meant. You can't really say that people are sheep without implying that they are stupid. If you want to see where you said that, I helpfully provided the quotes in my post. I'm not going to participate in any more rhetorical dances today.

See, I'm not even saying that Brutalities or anything else NRS does is perfect or immune to criticism. Personally, I think they could have possibly taken the edge off of this change if they had done the exact same thing they did, but with an X-ray component. Like, when Raiden teleports inside of you, you can see electricity crackling the bones and bursting some organs before the big bloodsplosion. I don't need that to satisfy my own taste -- after all, we already have X-ray attacks -- but I can see how a relatively small tweak like that could make a big difference in how this new thing is received, and I might enjoy it even more than I do now.

I can make that criticism without calling NRS "too stupid" to think of it. I don't know how you personally define "rude," but to me, that fits the category.

That's the thing about being highly critical. Criticizing things gives you a feeling of superiority over whatever you're criticizing, and makes you look smart and cool for being so brilliantly incisive, and it all hits you like brain crack until you can't enjoy yourself without not enjoying yourself. We're wrapped up in this culture that honors the tireless, crusading critic -- that's how all the cable news pundits and angry game nerds on YouTube make their careers. That's also how "political correctness" spirals out of control and people trying to honestly make the world a better place attracts a horde of "Me too"s who start attacking every little thing and making a circus out of a good cause.

That's why we live in a world where everything sucks. When we're surrounded by complainers and celebrate complaining, we stop being able to appreciate that sometimes things don't suck.

The Brutalities don't suck. It's different from what some people want, good enough for others, and no matter what they do with anything in the game it can be improved. But just because you can't pummel your opponents to a fine mist and bathe yourself in the aroma of powdered corpse and human agony and your own rage sweat like a heady perfume, doesn't mean that what you do have is bad.
02/28/2015 10:05 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
sharefrock and his constant whining of brutalities and the people that like them is getting really fucking old. It's OK to not like them, but to suggest NRS are idiots for not doing brutalities in the way he wants them to be is fucking retarded and the way he attacks anyone who disagrees with him is making him become one of the most irritating people on this forum. Can't wait to hear his reply about how I 'pray' to NRS.

I see where he is coming from though. Certain people are so in love with mk that they feel insulted from the slightest objectivity of the game unless the criticism is what the majority feels. It makes to them seem like you do love nrs as you literally dont critic a thing they do and seem to think the game is perfect when any and every game has flaws. Why cant people accept everyone's criticism as constructive and just disagree with them and move on.
02/28/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
The original concept of brutalities is MKT style.

Yeah and they changed the concept, and made it way better. Those Brutalities of old were ridiculously stupid and void of personality. These are all made for individual characters and individual variations. It's the complete opposite of what Brutalities used to be.
02/28/2015 10:12 PM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I especially never said "People who like what NRS do are retards" or "Empty-eyed" or whatever those words were.

If I did then I would like to see that.

No, you didn't use those exact words, but that is exactly what your words meant. You can't really say that people are sheep without implying that they are stupid. If you want to see where you said that, I helpfully provided the quotes in my post. I'm not going to participate in any more rhetorical dances today.

See, I'm not even saying that Brutalities or anything else NRS does is perfect or immune to criticism. Personally, I think they could have possibly taken the edge off of this change if they had done the exact same thing they did, but with an X-ray component. Like, when Raiden teleports inside of you, you can see electricity crackling the bones and bursting some organs before the big bloodsplosion. I don't need that to satisfy my own taste -- after all, we already have X-ray attacks -- but I can see how a relatively small tweak like that could make a big difference in how this new thing is received, and I might enjoy it even more than I do now.

I can make that criticism without calling NRS "too stupid" to think of it. I don't know how you personally define "rude," but to me, that fits the category.

That's the thing about being highly critical. Criticizing things gives you a feeling of superiority over whatever you're criticizing, and makes you look smart and cool for being so brilliantly incisive, and it all hits you like brain crack until you can't enjoy yourself without not enjoying yourself. We're wrapped up in this culture that honors the tireless, crusading critic -- that's how all the cable news pundits and angry game nerds on YouTube make their careers. That's also how "political correctness" spirals out of control and people trying to honestly make the world a better place attracts a horde of "Me too"s who start attacking every little thing and making a circus out of a good cause.

That's why we live in a world where everything sucks. When we're surrounded by complainers and celebrate complaining, we stop being able to appreciate that sometimes things don't suck.

The Brutalities don't suck. It's different from what some people want, good enough for others, and no matter what they do with anything in the game it can be improved. But just because you can't pummel your opponents to a fine mist and bathe yourself in the aroma of powdered corpse and human agony and your own rage sweat like a heady perfume, doesn't mean that what you do have is bad.

it depends how you're judging the brutalities tbh. Of course to some they may suck compared to the old ones because they arent as brutal or mind blowing. But they dont suck in terms of a gameplay element in the game. I dont think the guy meant like they suck completely. I think he meant they suck compared to what they could/should have been comparable to the old brutalities and how they should have been more over the top compared to fatalities. They are underwhelming compared to the fatalities because they arent as over the top. They just seem like a watered-down version of fatalities and they are almost like whats the point when i can just do a fatality for a better result.
02/28/2015 10:19 PM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I especially never said "People who like what NRS do are retards" or "Empty-eyed" or whatever those words were.

If I did then I would like to see that.

No, you didn't use those exact words, but that is exactly what your words meant. You can't really say that people are sheep without implying that they are stupid. If you want to see where you said that, I helpfully provided the quotes in my post. I'm not going to participate in any more rhetorical dances today.

See, I'm not even saying that Brutalities or anything else NRS does is perfect or immune to criticism. Personally, I think they could have possibly taken the edge off of this change if they had done the exact same thing they did, but with an X-ray component. Like, when Raiden teleports inside of you, you can see electricity crackling the bones and bursting some organs before the big bloodsplosion. I don't need that to satisfy my own taste -- after all, we already have X-ray attacks -- but I can see how a relatively small tweak like that could make a big difference in how this new thing is received, and I might enjoy it even more than I do now.

I can make that criticism without calling NRS "too stupid" to think of it. I don't know how you personally define "rude," but to me, that fits the category.

That's the thing about being highly critical. Criticizing things gives you a feeling of superiority over whatever you're criticizing, and makes you look smart and cool for being so brilliantly incisive, and it all hits you like brain crack until you can't enjoy yourself without not enjoying yourself. We're wrapped up in this culture that honors the tireless, crusading critic -- that's how all the cable news pundits and angry game nerds on YouTube make their careers. That's also how "political correctness" spirals out of control and people trying to honestly make the world a better place attracts a horde of "Me too"s who start attacking every little thing and making a circus out of a good cause.

That's why we live in a world where everything sucks. When we're surrounded by complainers and celebrate complaining, we stop being able to appreciate that sometimes things don't suck.

The Brutalities don't suck. It's different from what some people want, good enough for others, and no matter what they do with anything in the game it can be improved. But just because you can't pummel your opponents to a fine mist and bathe yourself in the aroma of powdered corpse and human agony and your own rage sweat like a heady perfume, doesn't mean that what you do have is bad.

Things I like.

-Animations are great.

-Story looks to be amazing.

-Gameplay seems smoother than ever.

-New characters seem to be great and likeable, so it seems like they learned from their mistakes in the past.

-Fatalities for me at least have never looked better, especially Kung Lao's fatality.

-Personal intros are a great new touch.

-Stages are breath taking.

-Living towers are just brilliant

-Test your luck is back, I loved that mode.

-Seems that Choose your destiny might be back as well.

-Extra Arcade modes like Endless to give the game more replay value.

Things I don't like.

- The new "Brutalities"

So I don't understand why people say I complain about a lot of stuff when In reality I only ever complained about Brutalities and Dead characters coming back with an explanation of "They are back because we want them back"

Granted I have not played the story mode so my 2nd criticism should not exist yet.

But point being, I'm not what people make me out to be.

I like a lot of stuff about the game and I said that it'll be an amazing game because that's what I believe it to be.

Brutalities won't stop me from buying the game just like Kratos making the roster didn't stop me from getting the game on PS3 even though I hated that Idea.

It's all just opinion, and aren't we all here to see each others opinions,speculate and discuss what we all love, which is MK?

Also I never called anybody a sheep nor did I imply it in any way.
02/28/2015 10:22 PM (UTC)
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
umbrascitor Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I especially never said "People who like what NRS do are retards" or "Empty-eyed" or whatever those words were.

If I did then I would like to see that.

No, you didn't use those exact words, but that is exactly what your words meant. You can't really say that people are sheep without implying that they are stupid. If you want to see where you said that, I helpfully provided the quotes in my post. I'm not going to participate in any more rhetorical dances today.

See, I'm not even saying that Brutalities or anything else NRS does is perfect or immune to criticism. Personally, I think they could have possibly taken the edge off of this change if they had done the exact same thing they did, but with an X-ray component. Like, when Raiden teleports inside of you, you can see electricity crackling the bones and bursting some organs before the big bloodsplosion. I don't need that to satisfy my own taste -- after all, we already have X-ray attacks -- but I can see how a relatively small tweak like that could make a big difference in how this new thing is received, and I might enjoy it even more than I do now.

I can make that criticism without calling NRS "too stupid" to think of it. I don't know how you personally define "rude," but to me, that fits the category.

That's the thing about being highly critical. Criticizing things gives you a feeling of superiority over whatever you're criticizing, and makes you look smart and cool for being so brilliantly incisive, and it all hits you like brain crack until you can't enjoy yourself without not enjoying yourself. We're wrapped up in this culture that honors the tireless, crusading critic -- that's how all the cable news pundits and angry game nerds on YouTube make their careers. That's also how "political correctness" spirals out of control and people trying to honestly make the world a better place attracts a horde of "Me too"s who start attacking every little thing and making a circus out of a good cause.

That's why we live in a world where everything sucks. When we're surrounded by complainers and celebrate complaining, we stop being able to appreciate that sometimes things don't suck.

The Brutalities don't suck. It's different from what some people want, good enough for others, and no matter what they do with anything in the game it can be improved. But just because you can't pummel your opponents to a fine mist and bathe yourself in the aroma of powdered corpse and human agony and your own rage sweat like a heady perfume, doesn't mean that what you do have is bad.

it depends how you're judging the brutalities tbh. Of course to some they may suck compared to the old ones because they arent as brutal or mind blowing. But they dont suck in terms of a gameplay element in the game. I dont think the guy meant like they suck completely. I think he meant they suck compared to what they could/should have been comparable to the old brutalities and how they should have been more over the top compared to fatalities. They are underwhelming compared to the fatalities because they arent as over the top. They just seem like a watered-down version of fatalities and they are almost like whats the point when i can just do a fatality for a better result.

Yes exactly, I wish there were more people like you.

People that actually take the time and try to understand instead of taking things out of context.

I like the Idea of those new mini-fatalities but I don't think they work as Brutalities.

Just like I don't think a dog could be considered a cat.

Names are important and should not just be thrown randomly.

P.S. Sorry for the double post guys wink
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Props to MINION
02/28/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
i like these new brutalities and think WHEN ACTUALLY playing the match and doing it, they will be more epic than any brutality of old.
About Me
02/28/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
I also forgot to say, no retards are allowed in this threat lol!

So the who said that the original concept is wack is right, but did you really read what a wrote ? I think you haven't.

OMG I totally forgot about Kotal's brutality it's insane, but as a finisher of the big combo the real brutality is. Also I think brutalities must be not lethal, but extremely damaging like I said broken bones, legs, hands, spinal cord, teeth, blindness etc. broken bones pop of his hands, legs and rib cage, maybe some of the skin is gone, maybe something is cut, like fingers for instance.

So after the brutality is finished the victim stands on the ground half dead and moaning or coughing or drawing in his own blood and broken teeth but doesn't die.He will die of his wounds after a few struggling hours, but that's not shown. You can only see him suffer.
I loved the Brutalities, but I was very confused and let down when Cassie performed hers in the stream like it was a huge reveal. It was a very lackluster Brutality to show first, she should have used her baton for it. Or she should have punched four times more and really let Quan Chi have it. But the video was fucking awesome, I love the Brutalities in MKX and think they'll have a lot of hype in tournaments when they happen. It's a brilliant aspect of the game that they added, and I can't wait to pull them off randomly. It's an awesome hidden -ality to have.
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