KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
lol Why on earth is this turning into a character bashing thread? Can't we just all discuss thing logically without shit talking characters?

We really really want these characters we've been asking for.

Whether it's an NPC like Baraka and Rain or A Cameo like Sareena and Fujin or Old Popular Favorites that were gone for some reason like Cyrax and Noob.
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

06/07/2015 12:42 AM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Let's not repeat DLC with Rain. You want him so bad go play MK9. Same with Kabal, Smoke and Sindel etc they're has beens. Take Reiko, Fujin, Sareena etc over mk9 repeats any day.

Thing is, he won't play like he did in MK9. It's essentially an old character with a new moveset.

You don't want him? Don't buy him. But fuck you and everyone else saying "NO" for Rain. I want him. Others want him.

Also hate to break it to you, but he was redesigned. He's in.

Also if you want Reiko, Fujin and Sareena go play MK:A

Lol well that got outta hand lol all the Rain fans have some serious greed issues, enjoy him from Mk9 that's all you're gonna get. If you don't like it I'm sure Boon will take into account your RAIN of tears lol

At least Reiko, Sareena and Fujin would get a major redesigns where as Rain gets a new moveset ohh so exciting!!


You do know I have knowledge of who the dlc characters are, right?

I mean I actually KNOW who 3 of them are. I have actual proof who 3 of them are.

And I know what you'll say next: "well if you have proof let's see it"

Thing is I can't post the screens without ending one person's employment in NRS because it's pretty obvious who leaked stuff to me on those screens.

So you'll take my word. And if Baraka, Fujin and Rain aren't in, you can ban my account.

FYI, Rain and Baraka have different fighting stances.

But hey let me drown in tears playing my favorite character.
When/if you're proven wrong you'd better own up to it.

It's so disappointing the guy who posted fake leaks just disappeared with a "You'll see I'm right when the game hits" when he was proven wrong.

He took a lot of people for a ride and didn't even have the decency to go "LOL! got you bitches :)"
About Me

...And Justice For All

06/07/2015 01:18 AM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Let's not repeat DLC with Rain. You want him so bad go play MK9. Same with Kabal, Smoke and Sindel etc they're has beens. Take Reiko, Fujin, Sareena etc over mk9 repeats any day.

Thing is, he won't play like he did in MK9. It's essentially an old character with a new moveset.

You don't want him? Don't buy him. But fuck you and everyone else saying "NO" for Rain. I want him. Others want him.

Also hate to break it to you, but he was redesigned. He's in.

Also if you want Reiko, Fujin and Sareena go play MK:A

Lol well that got outta hand lol all the Rain fans have some serious greed issues, enjoy him from Mk9 that's all you're gonna get. If you don't like it I'm sure Boon will take into account your RAIN of tears lol

At least Reiko, Sareena and Fujin would get a major redesigns where as Rain gets a new moveset ohh so exciting!!


You do know I have knowledge of who the dlc characters are, right?

I mean I actually KNOW who 3 of them are. I have actual proof who 3 of them are.

And I know what you'll say next: "well if you have proof let's see it"

Thing is I can't post the screens without ending one person's employment in NRS because it's pretty obvious who leaked stuff to me on those screens.

So you'll take my word. And if Baraka, Fujin and Rain aren't in, you can ban my account.

FYI, Rain and Baraka have different fighting stances.

But hey let me drown in tears playing my favorite character.

Lol yes I'll take your word as bullshit for now for obvious reasons. This wasn't made out to be a dick measuring competition but hey whatever makes you feel better.

And by the odd chance I'm proven wrong then you sir have earned yourself a nice shiny gold star pin cuz ur so awesome. grin
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

06/07/2015 01:19 AM (UTC)
We're getting a second pack.
06/07/2015 01:29 AM (UTC)
LOL at the extra delusional Rain fan. Embarassing!
06/07/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Let's not repeat DLC with Rain. You want him so bad go play MK9. Same with Kabal, Smoke and Sindel etc they're has beens. Take Reiko, Fujin, Sareena etc over mk9 repeats any day.

Thing is, he won't play like he did in MK9. It's essentially an old character with a new moveset.

You don't want him? Don't buy him. But fuck you and everyone else saying "NO" for Rain. I want him. Others want him.

Also hate to break it to you, but he was redesigned. He's in.

Also if you want Reiko, Fujin and Sareena go play MK:A

Lol well that got outta hand lol all the Rain fans have some serious greed issues, enjoy him from Mk9 that's all you're gonna get. If you don't like it I'm sure Boon will take into account your RAIN of tears lol

At least Reiko, Sareena and Fujin would get a major redesigns where as Rain gets a new moveset ohh so exciting!!


You do know I have knowledge of who the dlc characters are, right?

I mean I actually KNOW who 3 of them are. I have actual proof who 3 of them are.

And I know what you'll say next: "well if you have proof let's see it"

Thing is I can't post the screens without ending one person's employment in NRS because it's pretty obvious who leaked stuff to me on those screens.

So you'll take my word. And if Baraka, Fujin and Rain aren't in, you can ban my account.

FYI, Rain and Baraka have different fighting stances.

But hey let me drown in tears playing my favorite character.

I'm curious by this as I was told by someone in the know the list of the Kombat Pack before it was officially announced. So there are definite people who blab within' the inner circle of NRS who leak official stuff.

If those three do make it in, I'd be pretty happy with that. Especially if they throw in Li Mei into the mix since it's blatantly obvious the fourth would be a female. Plus that list makes sense; if you're gonna go through the trouble of casting people like Troy Baker and Tara Strong to do voices for your game, of course you're gonna utilize the hell out of them.
06/07/2015 06:43 AM (UTC)
Leak or no leak

It's very obvious Baraka and Rain are in a future pack, from their detailed character models and artwork featured in the game.

As for the rest Fujin makes sense due to high demand and in game trolling (Cassie's fatality)

The fourth has to be a female character I'm thinking

Li Mei

Obvious choices or they can create somebody new.

About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

06/07/2015 01:02 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
When/if you're proven wrong you'd better own up to it.

It's so disappointing the guy who posted fake leaks just disappeared with a "You'll see I'm right when the game hits" when he was proven wrong.

He took a lot of people for a ride and didn't even have the decency to go "LOL! got you bitches :)"
I'm willing to get banned if what I say isn't true.

I'm already owning up for it.
06/07/2015 01:20 PM (UTC)
Dumb fanboys who act like a person can't like two or three specific characters equally. Heh.

I want both Baraka and Sareena as playable characters. What kind of moron thinks you couldn't like both of them? At least that's what is implied by some people here.

You know who else I want? Li Mei and Kabal. As well as a whole slew of characters that are apparently incompatible.
06/07/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
I just want, and really care about non-canon, playable Shao FUCKIN Kahn! If damned Goro is in the game then there's no real reason not to. Plus he would make a shitton of $$$.

Ok, I know that it has a very slim possibility for happening in THIS game, because they want for Kotal to build up some popularity and Shao would overshadow him, but man can dream right...? That large figure in Quan Chi's stage still gives me a slight amout of hope for something in future...

On a relistic side, I think that only Cyrax, Rain and Baraka have some real chance of appearing.
Although he is highly requested, Fujin will be hard to accomplish in this game with all of his signature moves been given to other characters.
Li Mei is better saved for next MK.

And concerning Reiko:
He can have all of the character development in the world in that comic, but unless they do some serious redesign of him instead of continuing with that pathetic Shao Kahn cosplaying, I will never consider him seriously, and therefore - to the trash bin with that guy...
About Me

...And Justice For All

06/07/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
Rain, Baraka, Sindel would be a huge WASTE of DLC characters. They'd be nothing but boring repeats with minimal re design. Especially Rain, he was fun in mk9 but doesn't really need to be DLC in MKX. Have some variety rather than repeating Rain. Ken Shi was DLC in mk9 and he earned a spot in the main roster of MKX, Rain didn't.
06/08/2015 04:03 AM (UTC)
Kombat Pack 2


Kombat Pack 3

Noob Saibot
06/08/2015 05:32 AM (UTC)
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
Kombat Pack 2


Kombat Pack 3

Noob Saibot

Pretty good third list. I'd like;

Kombat Pack 2
Li Mei

Kombat Pack 3 - Revenants
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/08/2015 01:36 PM (UTC)
I'd really love to think Nightwolf has a chance but I highly doubt it.

I'll be pleasantly surprised if NRS does anymore with him this go around considering his one second cameo.

If the prospective list of female DLC is Sareena, Frost, Li Mei, and Sindel, I'll gladly take Sareena.

Give me something new and exciting.
06/08/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
I'd take Sareena too.

While I think they could come up with enough ice-based moves(Killer Frost is a good example) to bring back Frost, story mode shows she's not ready yet. Let's wait until Xi.

Sindel I never really cared about. She has cool moves with her hair and screams, so I wouldn't be against her coming back, but I won't care if she doesn't.

Tanya's overall movements and acrobatics would have served Li Mei well. I also think she could wait for Xi. X Li Mei didn't have to go throught what Deadly Alliance Li Mei did and she probably fought a lot less. The events of X could lead her to get further training, possibly by Bo' Rai Cho(who's status as alive or dead was still up in the air, according to the writers).

Sareena hasn't gotten her chance to shine yet. GBA DA and MKA weren't good spots to make a splash with her debut. There's so much they could do with her demonic powers and her story goes back all the way to Mythologies. Her current status as spy of Quan Chi in the Netherreal lends itself perfectly to a roster spot. Hell, she's way more important to the overall story than Fujin.
06/08/2015 04:27 PM (UTC)
Well...if this game gets a Komplete Edition, I think that the MK4 arcade version should come as an extra.

The only DLC's I want to see are Fujin, Reiko, and Havik...because they played a role in the comic. Goro did (he didn't even have a role in the games story), so why not Fujin, Havik and Reiko? Maybe Jarek and Kai to fill the MK4 cast.

You know what? I don't even care what NRS does anymore...
06/08/2015 04:36 PM (UTC)
Not sure if it's a tease or not, but Ed sure as hell has been tweeting on and off about Rain and "Prince". He just posted a picture of Prince in celebration of his birthday.

I'm willing to bet he's a 100% in if there's a KP2.


I'm happy.
06/08/2015 04:56 PM (UTC)
Ed Boon is a big fan of Prince. He can celebrate the man's birthday without it being a hint of anything.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/08/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Ed Boon is a big fan of Prince.

Can ya blame him? The man is a genius.

I'd still love to see Rain make the cut, I just wish they'd stop limiting him as a paid add-on.

But oh well, I'll take what I can get I suppose. Especially if he's nowhere to be seen when MK11 rolls around.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/08/2015 07:40 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
I'm willing to get banned if what I say isn't true.

I'm already owning up for it.

When people make claims like the one you are making, ESPECIALLY given the track record of the average Mortal Kombat fan and the penchant that they have for saying stupid, unverifiable shit...I respect your stance. You're sticking to your guns, and I appreciate that.

I'll take your word for it. Though I balk at having to pay for Rain two games in a row when he should've been on the fucking roster from day one, I will continue to support MK and will buy Kombat Pack 2.

If what you claim is true, hat's off to you. I've been there myself anyway - I worked for Blizzard Entertainment for 5 years...people used to tell me I was full of shit all the time. I'd say "Wait and see" and sure enough...I was always right.
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