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...And Justice For All

06/06/2015 07:49 AM (UTC)
Let's not repeat DLC with Rain. You want him so bad go play MK9. Same with Kabal, Smoke and Sindel etc they're has beens. Take Reiko, Fujin, Sareena etc over mk9 repeats any day.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/06/2015 09:25 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KuaiLiang Wrote:
Give me Sareena, Li Mei, Fujin, Bo' Rai Cho.

I'd love Rain but he had his chance in MK9.

Meh I see no reason why Rain couldn't be made as free DLC around the Holidays or something.

Because making DLC characters costs money.

No duh sherlock. Everything they put in the game cost money you git.

If we get a second pack and it does extremely well like the first- I don't see why it would be so impossible to later on down the line release a character who's free. Especially one who's already has a new costume and a voice actor.

Am I saying its Iikely? Not at all. I believe if Rain did make it as DLC he would be charged for.

This is all just harmless speculation. Loosen your panties, Marcia
06/06/2015 09:33 AM (UTC)
Honestly, I would be fine with either of these
Noob Saibot or Smoke?
Sektor or Cyrax?
Reiko or Havik?
Yes I love the ninjas and cyborgs, but also wouldn't mind the 2 main villains in the comic.
06/06/2015 09:52 AM (UTC)
I wish we'd get 4-6 new stages and additional story mode chapters as DLC, I don't think I'll have the patience to wait 4 MORE YEARS to continue the story.
06/06/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
I like Rain too but he was in MK9, im hoping to see Reiko, Fujin and if there are 2 more kharacters id pick Sareena and Havik. I love the klassic kombatants most of all but they were done so well in MK9 im ready to play as other kharacters

Also hands down the game needs WAY more stages
06/06/2015 04:40 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
No duh sherlock. Everything they put in the game cost money you git.

If we get a second pack and it does extremely well like the first- I don't see why it would be so impossible to later on down the line release a character who's free. Especially one who's already has a new costume and a voice actor.

Am I saying its Iikely? Not at all. I believe if Rain did make it as DLC he would be charged for.

This is all just harmless speculation. Loosen your panties, Marcia

Not sure if stating the obvious deserves hostility but okay.

In every NRS game that had DLC, none of it was free. Why would they start now? I think the costs of making that character outweigh whatever else they'd gain from making him free. They lose money and WB is all about money.
Blade4ever Wrote:
Let's not repeat DLC with Rain. You want him so bad go play MK9. Same with Kabal, Smoke and Sindel etc they're has beens. Take Reiko, Fujin, Sareena etc over mk9 repeats any day.

You want them so bad go play MK: Armageddon.

See? That's a terrible argument.
06/06/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
Let's not repeat DLC with Rain. You want him so bad go play MK9.

That's the stupidest argument ever.
About Me

...And Justice For All

06/06/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Let's not repeat DLC with Rain. You want him so bad go play MK9. Same with Kabal, Smoke and Sindel etc they're has beens. Take Reiko, Fujin, Sareena etc over mk9 repeats any day.

You want them so bad go play MK: Armageddon.

See? That's a terrible argument.

Lol yes let me go play a PS2 game with little character redesign, what is this high school?

Rain was in MK9 the most recent game and he got a huge redesign, there are much More deserving fighters that should get the spot in DLC not just some hack job repeat DLC or NPC from story mode.
About Me

...And Justice For All

06/06/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Let's not repeat DLC with Rain. You want him so bad go play MK9.

That's the stupidest argument ever.

More deserving fighters should be in the game proper along with Baraka and Rain but that didn't happen it now did it?

Would you like to play MK4 instead? At least that's kind of in 2D.
06/06/2015 07:47 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
I'm sorry but Fujin and Li Mei have even less of a chance of selling than the NPCs already in game. At least they have a general recognition from not just the old trilogy but MK9 as well.

But say you bring in those characters throw in a Ninja who has most of his shit taken and given to other characters in game already so why even waste the time and the only important one being a character who was not at all in Story mode much like Noob Saibot. Might as well just call it the Cyrax pack instead.

Pretty fucked up to hint at a story pack and not include any of the NPCs that were fightable in Story.

It pisses people off either way you slice it so you might as well just do what people have come to expect: Work on the NPCs in game and throw in a surprise character.

Except we now live in a world where demand = high probability. Tremor is all the proof you need of that. He wasn't involved or even mentioned in the story AT ALL and yet people bitched and moaned about him and we got him. Same thing with the guests. People loved Freddy last time so now we got two of them instead of actual MK characters.

Now add in the amount of people bitching about characters like Fujin, Cyrax, Noob, Smoke ect. on Twitter which is pretty much constant daily and compare them to the people bitching about Baraka and Sindel. It's not even close. In fact, unless you're a member of one of the boards I don't think I've seen a good chunk of people bitching and moaning about wanting Baraka and Sindel as DLC since the first week the game came out. After that it's died off considerably. Those others I mentioned have been constant and those are who I'd imagine they'd look at as contenders. So why take a character like Noob who is heavily requested but not featured in the story and who has moves shared with pre-existing roster characters and put him in the game? Same reason we have multiple telekinetic users, multiple fireballs users, multiple teleport users, multiple weaponry users. Because they're popular and they sell.

Also, it's only fucked up if that's how you perceived what a Story Pack would've included. A "story pack" could be anything with any character featured in the game, fightable or not. Now if he had said "Story NPC pack" or "Story Kombatable pack" then it'd be more obvious but thats not what we got.

Anyways, believe what you will but all I'm saying is just don't expect all 3 of them to make it because they won't. It's the same as expecting the first Kombat Pack to have been all MK characters before it was announced who was in it. It's just not gonna happen. There are too many other characters that are receiving more widespread attention and being requested than those two and thats just the God's honest truth. Does it suck? Yeah, because I actually like Baraka and wouldn't mind him or Sindel in, but it just won't happen. Not all 3 of them at once.
About Me

...And Justice For All

06/06/2015 07:56 PM (UTC)
Baraka, Sindel, Kabal and especially Rain are all has beens, they're done, the sooner you get over that and accept it. Rain will NOT happen, simply repeating DLC is a bore move and NRS knows that. Baraka Sindel etc don't have the popular drive otherwise I'm sure they would have been included already.
About Me

...And Justice For All

06/06/2015 08:17 PM (UTC)
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

06/06/2015 08:20 PM (UTC)
there's something really disgusting about a scorpion fan not wanting a character in the game for whatever reason.

I mean we have to deal with the worst ninja being in every game, so please just shut up.

Also hate to disappoint you, but Rain is one of them.
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

06/06/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
all right these are the characters:




These 3 are in.

The other is likely Li Mei
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

06/06/2015 08:24 PM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
Let's not repeat DLC with Rain. You want him so bad go play MK9. Same with Kabal, Smoke and Sindel etc they're has beens. Take Reiko, Fujin, Sareena etc over mk9 repeats any day.

Thing is, he won't play like he did in MK9. It's essentially an old character with a new moveset.

You don't want him? Don't buy him. But fuck you and everyone else saying "NO" for Rain. I want him. Others want him.

Also hate to break it to you, but he was redesigned. He's in. Also if you want Reiko, Fujin and Sareena go play MK:A
06/06/2015 08:28 PM (UTC)
It would be insane of them to not release more characters. People are clearly wanting to spend more on them, so why not? And we should NOT settle for less than what was given in Injustice.

Sadly, probably another guest like Spawn. Then hoping for Ashrah, Havik, Cyrax, Reiko, Nightwolf, Fujin, Sheeva, Kai, Frost and/or Sareena.

Rain & Sindel for FREE if you purchase the pack. Otherwise paid for.
About Me

...And Justice For All

06/06/2015 09:49 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
Blade4ever Wrote:
Let's not repeat DLC with Rain. You want him so bad go play MK9. Same with Kabal, Smoke and Sindel etc they're has beens. Take Reiko, Fujin, Sareena etc over mk9 repeats any day.

Thing is, he won't play like he did in MK9. It's essentially an old character with a new moveset.

You don't want him? Don't buy him. But fuck you and everyone else saying "NO" for Rain. I want him. Others want him.

Also hate to break it to you, but he was redesigned. He's in.

Also if you want Reiko, Fujin and Sareena go play MK:A

Lol well that got outta hand lol all the Rain fans have some serious greed issues, enjoy him from Mk9 that's all you're gonna get. If you don't like it I'm sure Boon will take into account your RAIN of tears lol

At least Reiko, Sareena and Fujin would get a major redesigns where as Rain gets a new moveset ohh so exciting!!
06/06/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
there's something really disgusting about a scorpion fan not wanting a character in the game for whatever reason.

I mean we have to deal with the worst ninja being in every game, so please just shut up.

Also hate to disappoint you, but Rain is one of them.

Lol at you taking jabs at Scorpion. Nobody cares about Rain, desl with it.
About Me

...And Justice For All

06/06/2015 10:05 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
there's something really disgusting about a scorpion fan not wanting a character in the game for whatever reason.

I mean we have to deal with the worst ninja being in every game, so please just shut up.

Also hate to disappoint you, but Rain is one of them.

Lol at you taking jabs at Scorpion. Nobody cares about Rain, desl with it.

06/06/2015 10:46 PM (UTC)
As far as getting more characters go, I just have to say this: It was really dumb not to make Baraka, Rain and Sindel playable to begin with. Now we might possibly get Baraka and Rain as DLC (Sindel is a lot less likely), and 1) given how many games Baraka's been playable in, he shouldn't be DLC, and 2) making Rain DLC would lead to players paying for him twice, after all.

Anyway, I'm hoping for Li Mei, Sareena, Jade, Stryker and Bo Rai Cho, just to name a few.
06/06/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
lol Why on earth is this turning into a character bashing thread? Can't we just all discuss thing logically without shit talking characters?
06/06/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
lol Why on earth is this turning into a character bashing thread? Can't we just all discuss thing logically without shit talking characters?

People on MKO can't get their point across without a shit ton of passive-aggressiveness and insults. Look at Kunglaodoesntsuck, he was just stating the truth and Ahnka acted like he personally insulted him. such a fucking joke
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-sig by MINION

06/06/2015 11:49 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
lol Why on earth is this turning into a character bashing thread? Can't we just all discuss thing logically without shit talking characters?
Literally no and how dare you for even asking tbh.
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