01/20/2015 04:58 AM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Wow guys. People who say he's overrated an complain to people who want him should stop. You don't want him, fine but others like, me do want him. Raiden and Shinnok don't need to be the only God characters plus Fujin moves and look are awesome. I want fujin, so, bad in this play style

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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/20/2015 05:01 AM (UTC)
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01/20/2015 05:02 AM (UTC)
^ Damn y'all.

I wish Jax had this good of a defence force lol.
01/20/2015 05:08 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
^ Damn y'all.

I wish Jax had this good of a defence force lol.

Jax should be fine, with those metal arms he should be able to fight his way into the roster- alongside Ermac so he can give him a beating for ripping his arms off in MK9.
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01/20/2015 05:08 AM (UTC)
The storyline(if directed by the majority of this community) is going to suck Drew Pickles length of dick. But yeah, hooray for Fuu-Jin being playable. & I guess that means I have to look forward to Reiko, Shithead Sareena, Shinnok & Tanya. Oh brother....
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

01/20/2015 05:13 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
AgentK Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
AgentK Wrote:
but some of you guys put him on a very high pedestal

Oh that's rich coming from you.

Coming from me? As in me being a Kitana fan?

If so, lol. Fujin isn't even a pimple on Kitana's ass. Get real and just accept Fujin for what he is: a secondary, background character that's only needed every 10 years or so.

Thank you for proving my point. You make Kitana fans look real good.


Lordt. It's like clockwork.
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Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

01/20/2015 05:14 AM (UTC)
If this tweet is real, then ... bring on the windy hype train! Fujin's going to be a blast to watch AND play as. Just the thought of his variations makes me super-excited.

JAX007 Wrote:
I wish Jax had this good of a defence force lol.

I wouldn't be too worried, Jax or a descendant will almost certainly be part of the main roster.
01/20/2015 05:14 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
The storyline(if directed by the majority of this community) is going to suck Drew Pickles length of dick. But yeah, hooray for Fuu-Jin being playable. & I guess that means I have to look forward to Reiko, Shithead Sareena, Shinnok & Tanya. Oh brother....

Give it up!
01/20/2015 05:16 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
The storyline(if directed by the majority of this community) is going to suck Drew Pickles length of dick. But yeah, hooray for Fuu-Jin being playable. & I guess that means I have to look forward to Reiko, Shithead Sareena, Shinnok & Tanya. Oh brother....

Fujin being revealed has nothing to do with those characters
About Me

This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

01/20/2015 05:18 AM (UTC)
I wish this forum had like buttons.

For me, when it comes to Fujin it's quality over quantity. Sure he was only playable in two games. But he was awsome in those two games, not to mention his potential and his relation to a well loved character wow leaves a lot to be desired. He didn't show up much, but he had an important role. We wanna see more of him.

As for the original post, even before the tweet, I am about 95% sure he was going to be in mkx. There is no reason for him not to be. And there is too many clues saying yes he is in this game.
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01/20/2015 05:27 AM (UTC)
& I don't get why people keep saying Fuu-Jin's an EM-KAY-FOR character

Can't ignore the truth people. This was his best look. His moveset was magnificent in that game. They better give him a flight mode in one of his variations that is not limited or so help me Kochal!!
Apparently any character who has a decent groundswell of fans and potential to step out of their MK4-PS2 shadow and be a damn good in their own right makes that character overrated.

Didn't know that one.
About Me

Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

01/20/2015 05:40 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Apparently any character who has a decent groundswell of fans and potential to step out of their MK4-PS2 shadow and be a damn good in their own right makes that character overrated.

Didn't know that one.


If they don't have a fandom outside the internet, they're not an overrated character.
01/20/2015 05:44 AM (UTC)
I personally would love to see Fujin. I can't understand why people would say he is overrated.

From a gameplay stand point he at least has gimmick, being wind.

at least he's not generic like Lei Mei or Tanya ... ( raises flame shield )
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01/20/2015 05:50 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
AgentK Wrote:

Fujin has to be the most overrated character in the series.

You're kidding right?

Fujin is really only popular among the boards, and we're the MINORITY. Casuals don't even know who the fuck he is, much less want him in the game. Fujin has a metric shit ton of potential in every single aspect, which is a lot more than I can say about many other post MK3 characters.

He's been in one game for fuck sake, how in the hell can be possibly be overrated?

Don't get your hopes down ppl. There is still a yet to be announced Mortal Kombat 4 character.
01/20/2015 05:52 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
& I don't get why people keep saying Fuu-Jin's an EM-KAY-FOR character

Can't ignore the truth people. This was his best look. His moveset was magnificent in that game. They better give him a flight mode in one of his variations that is not limited or so help me Kochal!!

What exactly makes him unique or not generic compared to Tanya or Li Mei?
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01/20/2015 05:55 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
& I don't get why people keep saying Fuu-Jin's an EM-KAY-FOR character

Can't ignore the truth people. This was his best look. His moveset was magnificent in that game. They better give him a flight mode in one of his variations that is not limited or so help me Kochal!!

What exactly makes him unique or not generic compared to Tanya or Li Mei?

You responded to the wrong quote there buddy.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

01/20/2015 05:59 AM (UTC)
He is konsidered an mk4 kharacter because he was not named or playable untill that game. Same with Shinnok, Sareena, and Quan Chi. (Well they were named, but not playable lol)
01/20/2015 06:06 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
& I don't get why people keep saying Fuu-Jin's an EM-KAY-FOR character

Can't ignore the truth people. This was his best look. His moveset was magnificent in that game. They better give him a flight mode in one of his variations that is not limited or so help me Kochal!!

What exactly makes him unique or not generic compared to Tanya or Li Mei?

Well, in my personal opinion, if I were to compare Fujin to those 2 characters you listed, I'd say he has these going for him:

1. More Story Potential
-Fujin taking over as the protector of Earthrealm warriors, and being passed the torch(or taking it) from Raiden, would make for an interesting story arc.

2. More Gameplay Potential
-There were some definite stinkers in the 3D era, and that could partly be due to the 3D fighting gameplay/mechanics themselves, but some character's abilities just don't seem to have as much potential as others. Fujin certainly would be filed under the "has tons of untapped gameplay potential that can flourish in a 2D environment" category. Wind as a tool in gameplay, is currently a unique ability. Whereas Tanya and Li Mei, doing flip kicks, particle projectiles, spinnig low dash, and dash attacks, aren't exactly oozing with untapped potential, nor do they strike me as creative. I'm not saying they can't be given better specials, but Fujin certainly has that potential already there.

On top of those 2 main reasons, Tanya was featured in 2 main games, as was Li Mei. Fujin only had his 1, his debut appearance, so I'm personally more eager to see his story expanded upon and him getting more fleshed out, than characters we saw get another game under their belt.

That's my take. Just my own opinion on what you asked.
01/20/2015 06:09 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
^ Damn y'all.

I wish Jax had this good of a defence force lol.

Nobody defends Jax because they know Jax is fine and a staple to MK.

Fujin, like most MK4> characters, need a defense force because the vast majority of people couldn't give a flying fuck about them, and would rather that space in the roster occupied by a well-established character, or someone new.
01/20/2015 06:10 AM (UTC)
I'm still incredibly pumped at the possibility of this. It also brings our potential known roster to 20 members now. How very exciting!
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01/20/2015 06:20 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
& I don't get why people keep saying Fuu-Jin's an EM-KAY-FOR character

Can't ignore the truth people. This was his best look. His moveset was magnificent in that game. They better give him a flight mode in one of his variations that is not limited or so help me Kochal!!

What exactly makes him unique or not generic compared to Tanya or Li Mei?

Well, in my personal opinion, if I were to compare Fujin to those 2 characters you listed, I'd say he has these going for him:

1. More Story Potential
-Fujin taking over as the protector of Earthrealm warriors, and being passed the torch(or taking it) from Raiden, would make for an interesting story arc.

2. More Gameplay Potential
-There were some definite stinkers in the 3D era, and that could partly be due to the 3D fighting gameplay/mechanics themselves, but some character's abilities just don't seem to have as much potential as others. Fujin certainly would be filed under the "has tons of untapped gameplay potential that can flourish in a 2D environment" category. Wind as a tool in gameplay, is currently a unique ability. Whereas Tanya and Li Mei, doing flip kicks, particle projectiles, spinnig low dash, and dash attacks, aren't exactly oozing with untapped potential, nor do they strike me as creative. I'm not saying they can't be given better specials, but Fujin certainly has that potential already there.

On top of those 2 main reasons, Tanya was featured in 2 main games, as was Li Mei. Fujin only had his 1, his debut appearance, so I'm personally more eager to see his story expanded upon and him getting more fleshed out, than characters we saw get another game under their belt.

That's my take. Just my own opinion on what you asked.

01/20/2015 06:23 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
& I don't get why people keep saying Fuu-Jin's an EM-KAY-FOR character

Can't ignore the truth people. This was his best look. His moveset was magnificent in that game. They better give him a flight mode in one of his variations that is not limited or so help me Kochal!!

What exactly makes him unique or not generic compared to Tanya or Li Mei?

Well, in my personal opinion, if I were to compare Fujin to those 2 characters you listed, I'd say he has these going for him:

1. More Story Potential
-Fujin taking over as the protector of Earthrealm warriors, and being passed the torch(or taking it) from Raiden, would make for an interesting story arc.

2. More Gameplay Potential
-There were some definite stinkers in the 3D era, and that could partly be due to the 3D fighting gameplay/mechanics themselves, but some character's abilities just don't seem to have as much potential as others. Fujin certainly would be filed under the "has tons of untapped gameplay potential that can flourish in a 2D environment" category. Wind as a tool in gameplay, is currently a unique ability. Whereas Tanya and Li Mei, doing flip kicks, particle projectiles, spinnig low dash, and dash attacks, aren't exactly oozing with untapped potential, nor do they strike me as creative. I'm not saying they can't be given better specials, but Fujin certainly has that potential already there.

On top of those 2 main reasons, Tanya was featured in 2 main games, as was Li Mei. Fujin only had his 1, his debut appearance, so I'm personally more eager to see his story expanded upon and him getting more fleshed out, than characters we saw get another game under their belt.

That's my take. Just my own opinion on what you asked.

lol Grandpa Simpson. Nice.
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01/20/2015 06:29 AM (UTC)
Please stop trying to turn Fuu-Jin into This Guy
01/20/2015 06:33 AM (UTC)
Fujin is a cool guy.
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