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01/23/2015 06:39 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Change puke to wine spill as a normal move, puke as EX version.

Fart 1/20 blocked hits. Wet one if it's an X-ray.

01/23/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/23/2015 06:47 PM (UTC)
Minchken Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
He may have had a nice story that connected to other characters in such but Ive never liked this fat gross idiot. I never got the appeal.

He was first introduced to identify with the majority of the mortalkombatonline users.

What is this guy talking about?

Anyone else know? grin
02/02/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
Bumping this thread to remind people that farting and puking is essential to Bo Rai Cho's character.

Fans need to realize the idea of scrapping the farts and pukes is vomit.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/02/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:

Fans need to realize the idea of scrapping the farts and pukes is vomit.

*in Bo Rai'Cho voice* Ahh, very correct, young DG10A.
02/02/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
It's one special move and a fatality, it's not that important to his character. I'm playing deception again and I love how he takes a drink every time you step backwards. Drunken Fist is awesome and absolutely needs reimagining.
02/03/2015 04:01 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Puke Puddle needs to be in all variations.

Red puke, Yellow Puke, and green puke
02/03/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho's farting and puking are horrible. I'm all for comedy, but it's not even funny.
02/03/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I admit fatalities are a different story though. If the characters only have one which seems to be the case so far, then should Bo's be a serious one, or not? Though I don't see why it couldn't be a funny one, Cassie's is and she's clearly not meant to be that comical as a character.

I just want to point out that we already know for a fact they have more than one fatality.

We've seen two of Ermac's already, and it's been confirmed there will be at least one additional, as yet unrevealed type of "ality" in this game. Whether that third one counts or not, is debatable, but we do know they have at least two fatalities (assuming Ermac can be taken as an example of indication for the rest of the cast, which frankly, is a fair assumption.)
02/03/2015 08:34 AM (UTC)
I can't believe how many people actually care for this character.

Is good humor that hard to find? That people like fart and puke jokes? What are we? Twelve?

I'm all for a fat-character and maybe even Bo Rai Cho-revisited, but not fart and puke Bo Rai Cho, I can never take that seriously.
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02/03/2015 09:13 AM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
I can't believe how many people actually care for this character.

Is good humor that hard to find? That people like fart and puke jokes? What are we? Twelve?

I'm all for a fat-character and maybe even Bo Rai Cho-revisited, but not fart and puke Bo Rai Cho, I can never take that seriously.

Fart and puke jokes have their place. There3 is nothing wrong with them aside the overreliance on physical comedy nowadays. Watch Benny Hill to see it done correctly.

The main idea behind Bo was not humour but him being a slob. The humour stuff comes in secondary. He is first and foremost a grossly proportioned man what is deceptive.

Are you going to call Sammo Hung gross because he is really fat? Aside the fact that he is more than capable of kicking ass IRL at the age of 80?

02/03/2015 09:38 AM (UTC)
Like I said I don't mind fat characters, I like difference in body, don't want all muscled men running around.

But I find it kinda racist (or whatever it is called) that the only fat character in the series is put down as a drunk, farting, puking humor-symbol, instead of being a respectable master.

Really hope they correct their error.
02/03/2015 10:46 AM (UTC)
Theres no racism or anything deemeaning about having a fat, drunk and humorous character. As Bo Rai Cho is probably based off Sammo Hung who currently generally portrayed in movies as a fat, drunk, homeless martial art master that everyone in the village thinks is a crazy man.
In other words Bo Rai Cho's fight mentality is like this: "I am a master that can whoop anyone's ass" "why be serious when i can have fun and still win"

Then people can say why not do that with a skinny or muscular person for the same effect?
Well being fat= slow speed, slow recovery, and limited movement.
Drunk=unable to focus, balance, etc
humorous= doesnt take fighting seriously
These three things are the expectations of Bo Rai Cho , but what we get is a fast, unpredictable character for the suprise factor. In short rufus from sf4... suprise factor
02/03/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
Skulldunker125 Wrote:

Well being fat= slow speed, slow recovery, and limited movement.
Drunk=unable to focus, balance, etc
humorous= doesnt take fighting seriously
These three things are the expectations of Bo Rai Cho , but what we get is a fast, unpredictable character for the suprise factor. In short rufus from sf4... suprise factor

i agree. thats the making of awesome character with an already solid foundation. for instance, his deception animation where he drinks when you back up can be used as a variation against the constant pressure characters. you get rewarded for playing defense. jolly bastard yucking it up as he drinks and does the one handed neo.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/04/2015 12:45 AM (UTC)
titanwarrior Wrote:
I think Bo was a disaster. The silly shit was just impossible to enjoy. It would be criminal to waste a character spot on him.

^This exactly.

I'd accept BoRaiCho as an NPC who trains one of the new heroes in story mode. He'd even make for a kool narrator for the campaign. But I don't think he deserves a roster spot.
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02/04/2015 09:20 AM (UTC)
Skulldunker125 Wrote:
Theres no racism or anything deemeaning about having a fat, drunk and humorous character. As Bo Rai Cho is probably based off Sammo Hung who currently generally portrayed in movies as a fat, drunk, homeless martial art master that everyone in the village thinks is a crazy man.
In other words Bo Rai Cho's fight mentality is like this: "I am a master that can whoop anyone's ass" "why be serious when i can have fun and still win"

Then people can say why not do that with a skinny or muscular person for the same effect?
Well being fat= slow speed, slow recovery, and limited movement.
Drunk=unable to focus, balance, etc
humorous= doesnt take fighting seriously
These three things are the expectations of Bo Rai Cho , but what we get is a fast, unpredictable character for the suprise factor. In short rufus from sf4... suprise factor

Flawed logic:

being fat: does not make you slow, it makes you tired faster. Some of the people I wrestle with are well in excess of 300 lbs and are quick as fuck.

The drunk part is true, even drunken boxing requires extreme focus. HOWEVER this is MK. If you consider this a breach of suspension of disbelief, here are other things:

-the cyboprtgs would collapse on themselves and would destroy their own mechanism due to extreme strain on their machinery.

-Sektor would not bother with kung fu, as small as those missiles are, they would instantly gib anyone.

-Stryker would shoot you dead. Period.

So, the founder of drunken boxing in a world where superpower lottery works as a common everyday occurence would fall tiptoe over..? Yeah, nope.

Humorous does not equal taking the fight easy. This is false logic of extreme proportions. Watch Drunken Master 2. Having fun and taking something seriously are not contraactual, antithetical things. Here is an example: historical Viking berserks. Got drunk and doped up on mushroom extracts and went out to die in combat.

02/19/2015 01:45 PM (UTC)
I came up with ideas for Bo Rai Cho's three variants, if he returns as a playable character.

Drunken master: Adds the puke puddle, the flip-flop and new special moves based on the drunken fighting style.

Cane: his weapon from the 3D games. His most serious style, even if it's still a bit funny.

Flatulence: Yes, an whole farting variant. Adds the bellyflop, which he would do by farting to propel himself at the opponent, a version of the flying kick, and an anti-air attack where Bo Rai Cho farts himself up. All of these attacks are charge moves, and the longer you charge, the stronger the attack, the farther the distance, and the louder the fart.

And, the best special move for last: One where Bo Rai Cho farts, and...that's it. He just farts. The longer the charge, the larger the brown cloud will be.

Oh, and the flatulence variant also makes Bo farts at random during the fight.
02/19/2015 02:41 PM (UTC)
shit character, shit moves, waste of space, shit like bo rai cho, is one of the few things that make mk stupid and never able to become serious.
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02/19/2015 02:50 PM (UTC)
akuaaron Wrote:
shit character, shit moves, waste of space, shit like bo rai cho, is one of the few things that make mk stupid and never able to become serious.

Idk if you've done your homework, but all these mk9 returns threw serious out the window. Meaning mkx went from seriously awesome to seriously lame in the roster department. That's just me tho. It doesn't have to do with Shinnok not being announced either. FTR I bought a ps4 just for mkx. For once I can admit I made a buyers beware decision that I kind of regret now.

Honestly though. Bo had more personality then half the characters in some of the recent mk games. The fact he was in different as opposed to the rest of the cast made him cool and unique. He's kind of like mks Joker.
02/19/2015 03:06 PM (UTC)
akuaaron Wrote:
shit character, shit moves, waste of space, shit like bo rai cho, is one of the few things that make mk stupid and never able to become serious.

Idk if you've done your homework, but all these mk9 returns threw serious out the window. Meaning mkx went from seriously awesome to seriously lame in the roster department. That's just me tho. It doesn't have to do with Shinnok not being announced either. FTR I bought a ps4 just for mkx. For once I can admit I made a buyers beware decision that I kind of regret now.

Honestly though. Bo had more personality then half the characters in some of the recent mk games. The fact he was in different as opposed to the rest of the cast made him cool and unique. He's kind of like mks Joker.

Bo Rai Cho is like the Joker, WHAT?!

Also just curious why do you think the roster is lame so far? I think it's pretty great.
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02/19/2015 03:11 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
akuaaron Wrote:
shit character, shit moves, waste of space, shit like bo rai cho, is one of the few things that make mk stupid and never able to become serious.

Idk if you've done your homework, but all these mk9 returns threw serious out the window. Meaning mkx went from seriously awesome to seriously lame in the roster department. That's just me tho. It doesn't have to do with Shinnok not being announced either. FTR I bought a ps4 just for mkx. For once I can admit I made a buyers beware decision that I kind of regret now.

Honestly though. Bo had more personality then half the characters in some of the recent mk games. The fact he was in different as opposed to the rest of the cast made him cool and unique. He's kind of like mks Joker.

Bo Rai Cho is like the Joker, WHAT?!

Also just curious why do you think the roster is lame so far? I think it's pretty great.

Because of Bo's Mannerisms. How he presents himself in his specials. He don't have jokers crazyness. But he definitely provides entertainment like him. At least for me.

As for the roster. Sure it has some characters I like. But the fact it's almost everyone from mk9 is what erks me. If I wanted all these characters back. I'd be playing mk9 instead of mkx.
02/19/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
I was never a fan of the drunk, and Bo wasn't my favorite, nor I cared for. But, if he HAVE to make it on the MKX, I too, want to see his farting go. His puke, though I don't like it, but being drunk and and puke(though I don't drink... mind you. LOL) kinda go together, and hence his name 'Bo Rai Cho' originated from Spanish word 'Boracho' meaning Drunk, unless he changes his name, will fit him.

If he makes the cut, the following are kind of the moves he should have(well, in my opinion, that is...)

1. His regular puke
2. Uncontrollable behavior (creates a drunken image of himself, that rushes at an opponent and beat him to pulp without looking, like about 5 or 6 hits) or what have you, in place of his monkey flip
3. Belly Stomp and Nap (Instead of his leg stomp, he can just fall flat on the ground with his belly down, that have the same effect of his leg stomp. Making it look more drunken behavior. while the nap afterwords, make him invincible for a few seconds)
4. Burp(without burping sound): (do the burping animation, but without the burp sound that regains a little energy back, as a taunt move)

Or vice versa. I know those are laughable, but I guess I am not the only one who doesn't like his farting move. Burp move can be done without the burping noise which could put off some players.

That is, if Bo Rai Cho HAS to be included. I won't cry if he doesn't, but seems like he has better chance than my girl to be included in the game anyway.
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'Your soul is MINE!'

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02/19/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
I admit fatalities are a different story though. If the characters only have one which seems to be the case so far, then should Bo's be a serious one, or not? Though I don't see why it couldn't be a funny one, Cassie's is and she's clearly not meant to be that comical as a character.

I just want to point out that we already know for a fact they have more than one fatality.

We've seen two of Ermac's already, and it's been confirmed there will be at least one additional, as yet unrevealed type of "ality" in this game. Whether that third one counts or not, is debatable, but we do know they have at least two fatalities (assuming Ermac can be taken as an example of indication for the rest of the cast, which frankly, is a fair assumption.)

when i was at Eurogamer expo last year i took this photo so it looks like maybe 5 fatalities plus hidden one? (like how babality was hidden in mk9?

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02/19/2015 10:49 PM (UTC)
Ravenbez Wrote:
Gillbob316 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
I admit fatalities are a different story though. If the characters only have one which seems to be the case so far, then should Bo's be a serious one, or not? Though I don't see why it couldn't be a funny one, Cassie's is and she's clearly not meant to be that comical as a character.

I just want to point out that we already know for a fact they have more than one fatality.

We've seen two of Ermac's already, and it's been confirmed there will be at least one additional, as yet unrevealed type of "ality" in this game. Whether that third one counts or not, is debatable, but we do know they have at least two fatalities (assuming Ermac can be taken as an example of indication for the rest of the cast, which frankly, is a fair assumption.)

when i was at Eurogamer expo last year i took this photo so it looks like maybe 5 fatalities plus hidden one? (like how babality was hidden in mk9?


My guess. 2 Fatalities. 2 Brutalities. 1 Hara-Kiri. If that ss still even holds up through the later builds.
02/20/2015 06:04 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Are you going to call Sammo Hung gross because he is really fat? Aside the fact that he is more than capable of kicking ass IRL at the age of 80?

He's only 63.
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