Baraka407 Wrote:
No problem with the drunken master concept for his character, but the puking and farting were blatantly meant as jokes. I mean really, barfing a puddle that your opponent slips on? That doesn't sound like 5th grade humor to anyone?

They might as well have played Benny Hill music while the opponent slips or put cartoon sound effects in. Why would you want that in a dark game like MKX beyond the fact that he did it before?

I don't know if it's because he's larger or because he's drunk or what, but I hated that part of his character. I don't know about you, but being drunk doesn't make me gassy, so why do that if not to make him in to a bit of a joke?

Having the master who trained two of Earth's greatest warriors to defend the planet from invasion do this kind of stuff was off target for me, at the VERY least from a story standpoint.

Keep the drunken Kung fu. That's who he is. The "comedy" crap should go though, but that's just my opinion.

Couldn't have said it better myself..

I know we have Johnny and now cassie as characters with that comic relief ability but it comes from being a smart ass and/or douchebag....

01/22/2015 12:05 AM (UTC)
Why are people so hung up on MKX being dark and Bo not fitting in? Because I could swear the same thing was said about MKD, and not only was Bo in that game, his gross antics were only slightly toned down.

People really take the developers' statements too literally, if they indeed said anything of the kind.

The much revered MK2 had friendships and babalities. If you removed them, wouldn't MK2 have been just as dark as MKX, then? Actually, it'd be darker, because MKX has Cassie sticking her chewing gum in her opponent's head and a bloody balloon coming out of it. Then again, Kitana's kiss of death was goofy, too.

I know Cassie's humor is nowhere as extreme as Bo Rai Cho's, but it's still proof the developers aren't that constipated about MKX's darkness.

To conclude, I like that this is the man who trained Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Shujinko. One of the freshest mentor-types in fiction. Take that, Pai Mei.

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01/22/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
He could technically have a drunkenness system like how Hakan oils up.

ESX puke puddle: jet stream of vomit across the screen into the opponents face.

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01/22/2015 12:46 AM (UTC)
has got to go.
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01/22/2015 12:52 AM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho without Barfing and Farting is not Bo Rai Cho I really hope him and Havik are in the game!
01/22/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
I hope not! He needs a revamp in his fighting style. Although i hope he doesnt make the playable roster
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01/22/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)
I'd actually want them to remove the farting, and while I do think the puking should stay, I truly wouldn't mind too much if it was also removed. I agree with some of the others, give him a drunken fighting style as a variation. The puke puddle could just be one of the special moves for that specific variation.

I don't agree with the whole puking in the opponents mouth thing, though. That's just unnecessarily gross. Someone mentioned him falling onto the opponent as a fatality though? That's could be potentially be very cool.

Have Bo be a little wobbly and out of breath, taking a last swig of his drink before collapsing onto the opponent. Have them be like "WTF?" at first, only to realize they're being suffocated to death. Maybe throw in an x-ray of them essentially being crushed, and then there you go. Of course, this could even work as his x-ray move or something, too.
01/22/2015 02:46 AM (UTC)
keep the puking, dont really care about the farting but I hope he has a comedic fight style.
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01/22/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Why are people so hung up on MKX being dark and Bo not fitting in? Because I could swear the same thing was said about MKD, and not only was Bo in that game, his gross antics were only slightly toned down.

People really take the developers' statements too literally, if they indeed said anything of the kind.

The much revered MK2 had friendships and babalities. If you removed them, wouldn't MK2 have been just as dark as MKX, then? Actually, it'd be darker, because MKX has Cassie sticking her chewing gum in her opponent's head and a bloody balloon coming out of it. Then again, Kitana's kiss of death was goofy, too.

I know Cassie's humor is nowhere as extreme as Bo Rai Cho's, but it's still proof the developers aren't that constipated about MKX's darkness.

To conclude, I like that this is the man who trained Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Shujinko. One of the freshest mentor-types in fiction. Take that, Pai Mei.

To me, MKX feels more serious and the storytelling seems more grown up, with characters behaving in a multidimensional way more than ever before. More than 20+ year old MK2, more than 10+ year old MKD. As you said, they toned Bo down a little bit for MKD, I'd just like to see him toned down more in that regard. Or at least give him something better than toilet humor.

Again, I realize that every MK game has some humor in it. I'm not disputing that at all. But that doesn't mean that I think this particular humor would work as well in this particular game or that it ever worked (for me) with this particular character given his role.

Do you honestly like the idea of Bo Rai Cho talking with Quan Chi before a match and both of them are talking about story elements and Bo Rai Cho's farting the whole time?

Quan Chi: "Your revelolution is pointless Bo Rai Cho."
Bo Rai Cho (while letting out a stuttering, mournful fart): "We'll never bow to your tyranny, sorcerer."
Quan Chi: "We shall see. Shinnok and and I have big plans for your world... And your protege."
Bo Rai Cho: "Over my dead body!" (Let's out a loud, abrupt squeaker)

I mean really? Why would you want that? And I'm not even talking story mode yet. Are they just going to have these dramatic scenes and he's just farting nonstop? Holding a slain princess Kitana in his arms, a long toot squawking from his ass, he screams with rage, the bass in the fart lowers and becomes louder... And then he pukes all over her cuz... Ya know... That's who he is? Cue rim shot?

Why can't he just be s serious character? Maybe just have a joke here and there about his drinking and how he has a soft spot for the sauce? Maybe he enters a room and knocks s few things over because he's wasted and he says something about loving Earth beer or whatever, but the puking and farting feels less like his identity and more like a joke that ran its course years ago.

I also don't buy the "that's who he is" argument as s reason for why this shouldn't be changed. By that same logic, Smoke should still have a spear, Jade should only have Kitana and Mileena's moves and everyone should still be wearing 90's spandex because that's how they started out. That's who they were.

"That's how we've always done it" is rarely a great reason. This series continues to evolve. The characters should continue to evolve with it.

PS, sorry for the spelling mistakes. My phone... Grr... lol smile
01/22/2015 02:59 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:

i'm sorry if you didn't intend to come off this way, but the way you described the dialogue and the farts made me laugh my fucking ass off. but i agree with you lol
01/22/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
I think Bo was a disaster. The silly shit was just impossible to enjoy. It would be criminal to waste a character spot on him.
01/22/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
No and no.
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01/22/2015 03:20 AM (UTC)
His farting, burping, puking, and flamethrowing defines him if these elements are thrown away Bo would just be a bland character. I do not want to see this happen to him. I like Bo a lot.
01/22/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)

Oh fart jokes... You just fucked up your own argument. Well said though, I agree.
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01/22/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:

i'm sorry if you didn't intend to come off this way, but the way you described the dialogue and the farts made me laugh my fucking ass off. but i agree with you lol


Oh fart jokes... You just fucked up your own argument. Well said though, I agree.

Hahaha! No that was my point! I was laughing as I typed it. grin. So how would you take him, his role or that part of the story seriously at all if he's burping, farting and puking his way through a serious scene? I like him a lot, I just think the humor could be better written and he could be a better fit for his own role in the story without that stuff going on. Just my opinion though.

nightbreed_16 Wrote:
His farting, burping, puking, and flamethrowing defines him if these elements are thrown away Bo would just be a bland character. I do not want to see this happen to him. I like Bo a lot.

They don't define him. They're things he had, just as Reptile had Scorpion and Sub Zero's moves in MK1, Jade had Kitana and Mileena's moves in MK2 and all the trilogy characters were covered in 90's spandex. Does that mean that's how they have to appear now just cuz that's stuff they had 20 years ago? Did that stuff define them?

To me, Bo Rai Cho is an Outworld revolutionary and a master that taught Liu Kang and Kung Lao and who practices drunken Kung fu. That's not a bland foundation to build off of and adding toilet humor to that adds nothing to who he's supposed to be. Again though, just my opinion.

I do like the flame spitting though! grin
01/22/2015 04:40 PM (UTC)
I've decided to add a little more to my "passing out" fatality idea: he drinks, falls on the opponent, tries to get up but barfs on their face and passes out.

His belly flop special should be altered a little, first with Bo propelling himself at the opponent by farting, and by becoming a charge move. The longer you hold, the greater the fart and the damage dealt to the opponent.

This could be applied to the flying kick idea another suggested, too, but not both that and the belly flop.

I think you're exaggerating. I've never said Bo Rai Cho should fart or puke during serious scenes in the story mode, nor all intros. As I already suggested in my OP, I'm okay with him having one or two more serious variants, and he could be fought as or against with those variants after a serious scene.

You're taking the character too seriously. Maybe his character doesn't need the toilet humor, but they make him much more fun and original as a mentor-type.

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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

01/22/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
"Why remove abilities that made the character unique from other fighters or other fighters in Fighting games?

Any game can have a drunken fight style game character, but making that character puke and fart is what separated Bo Rai Cho from the rest.
Remove that and you just got another drunk character in a Fighter.

Let's remove Sub-Zero's Ice Powers while we are at it."

I said this the last time this subject was brought up.
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01/22/2015 08:31 PM (UTC)
One of the reasons people liked Bo in the first place were his special moves. Puking should stay, farting I'm not so sure.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/22/2015 08:39 PM (UTC)
Less is more.

01/22/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
People need to lighten the fuck up, Mortal kombat isn't all about up tight seriousness. Games that take themselves too seriously end up patheticly pretentious like feminists, SJW, LGBT activists, anti social passive aggressive instigating nerds with a victim complex, athiests, and easily offended people who try to be little people with a simplistic sense of humor to express how smart they are and how corrupt the humor party is because they aren't acting like story book heros.

Mortal Kombat is about over the top violence with zany characters and humors elements, I'm all for it being more serious but please keep the humorous and cheesy elements from the last MK games too. And that's what BO is all about his drunken ways with his inappropriate flatulence and spontaneous vomiting.
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01/22/2015 10:00 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I think you're exaggerating. I've never said Bo Rai Cho should fart or puke during serious scenes in the story mode, nor all intros. As I already suggested in my OP, I'm okay with him having one or two more serious variants, and he could be fought as or against with those variants after a serious scene.

You're taking the character too seriously. Maybe his character doesn't need the toilet humor, but they make him much more fun and original as a mentor-type.

Well yeah, I was exaggerating for effect, but that was mainly in response to those that keep insisting that the toilet humor "is him" like Sub Zero's ice powers or whatever. If that's the case, then well... You can't have a Sub Zero variation where he simply doesn't use ice at all, can you? So how can you have serious and comedic variations for Bo?

And if you have to have all gas variations, it stands to reason that he should be a goofy, burpy, farty, pukey mess in cutscenes too, right, since "that's who he is" as others have said?

Takeda: "I'm sorry Bo Rai Cho, but Kung Lao has perished."
Bo Rai Cho: "In all my many years, I have never felt such sorrow" *
They exchange a long and mournful glance. The camera slowly approaches Bo Rai Cho's face as a single tear leaks from his left eye.


What drama. What storytelling. MK is really head and shoulders in the genre I'm this category lol smile

Look I respect your opinion, I really do. I think we just disagree on this and that's totally fine. I just don't think that adding potty humor makes him unique or saves him from being ordinary or whatever.

He's got his sauce (which could make for a great ammo variation), he can have a hefty/power variation, he can breathe fire, and he's a martial arts master. There's gotta be a great amount of cool ideas that can be culled from those things alone without having to resort to the toilet stuff.

He can still be funny. Drunken Master had its share of humor based on how hammered the main character was at times. But for this specific character and his role in the MK universe, that stuff just doesn't personally work to me. I think it lessens him as a character. I also think that stuff isn't actually funny. Not because it's too low brow or anything. It just doesn't work for me.
01/22/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
He may have had a nice story that connected to other characters in such but Ive never liked this fat gross idiot. I never got the appeal.
01/22/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
He may have had a nice story that connected to other characters in such but Ive never liked this fat gross idiot. I never got the appeal.

He was first introduced to identify with the majority of the mortalkombatonline users.
01/22/2015 10:42 PM (UTC)
Minchken Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
He may have had a nice story that connected to other characters in such but Ive never liked this fat gross idiot. I never got the appeal.

He was first introduced to identify with the majority of the mortalkombatonline users.

Best post I've seen here in ages.
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01/22/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
Change puke to wine spill as a normal move, puke as EX version.

Fart 1/20 blocked hits. Wet one if it's an X-ray.
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