Bo Rai Chos farting and puking
posted02/21/2015 08:18 PM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
These are the things about the character many fans want him to be rid of if he returns, but to me they're major parts of his character. Bo Rai Cho without those is like Sub-Zero without his cold-based abilities, or Raiden without electricity, or Kung Lao without his hat, or Motaro without his hind legs.

So, instead of taking those away, why not just make them part of one variation? That way, fans have two more serious variations to choose from, and Bo doesn't have to lose anything by becoming the boring Pai Mei-type so many are clamoring for.

I admit fatalities are a different story though. If the characters only have one which seems to be the case so far, then should Bo's be a serious one, or not? Though I don't see why it couldn't be a funny one, Cassie's is and she's clearly not meant to be that comical as a character.
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01/21/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
Puke Puddle needs to be in all variations.
01/21/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
At least the puke made sense. I wouldn't mind that. The farting could be done away with, it didn't really serve any purpose other than jokes.
01/21/2015 07:48 PM (UTC)
I would be cool with him having a updated version of his fart flame fatality, it fits him so well lol

Or he could throw up at the opponent's feet and they could do like a super ridiculous cartoony slip , fall and bust their head completely open so sh** is spilling out of it ad maybe have their body twitch a little bit at first.
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01/21/2015 08:12 PM (UTC)
No problem with the drunken master concept for his character, but the puking and farting were blatantly meant as jokes. I mean really, barfing a puddle that your opponent slips on? That doesn't sound like 5th grade humor to anyone?

They might as well have played Benny Hill music while the opponent slips or put cartoon sound effects in. Why would you want that in a dark game like MKX beyond the fact that he did it before?

I don't know if it's because he's larger or because he's drunk or what, but I hated that part of his character. I don't know about you, but being drunk doesn't make me gassy, so why do that if not to make him in to a bit of a joke?

Having the master who trained two of Earth's greatest warriors to defend the planet from invasion do this kind of stuff was off target for me, at the VERY least from a story standpoint.

Keep the drunken Kung fu. That's who he is. The "comedy" crap should go though, but that's just my opinion.
01/21/2015 08:14 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I would be cool with him having a updated version of his fart flame fatality, it fits him so well lol

Or he could throw up at the opponent's feet and they could do like a super ridiculous cartoony slip , fall and bust their head completely open so sh** is spilling out of it ad maybe have their body twitch a little bit at first.

I like your idea for the vomit special. In fact, it could be his X-Ray. I have my own idea for the puke special: The opponent standing there dumbfounded. Inspired by Batman's encounter with an hitman.

Fatality ideas:

1) Bo barfs on his opponent's feet, making them slip and fall on the ground. The vomit then ignites, burning the opponent to death.

2) Bo kisses his opponent and barfs into their mouth. he then closes their mouth with his hands, and they choke on Bo's vomit.

3) Bo passes out from drinking, and falls on his opponent. His weight causes them to suffocate.
01/21/2015 08:14 PM (UTC)
Imagine a fatality where Bo Rai Cho opens his opponent's mouth and starts puking inside until he dies becaus all that vomit doesn't let him breath. Now puking is gross and sinister instead of a joke.

I think at least one of his variations (if he's in the game) should involve some of his classic moves, though with the new darker tone in this game, I think they should be reworked to take a more serious approeach like the fatality I described.
01/21/2015 08:15 PM (UTC)
I would scrap all of those as special abilities but keep him as a indulgent drunk.
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01/21/2015 08:16 PM (UTC)
Keep the puking and the farting. Simple as that.
No and no.
01/21/2015 08:39 PM (UTC)
It was all good when DA came out, but im over it. The lesser of the two evils I could still put up with is the puking.
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01/21/2015 08:40 PM (UTC)
Keep Bo'RaiCho, as Bo'Rai'Cho. I did prefer him in Deception though as he seemed like a slightly more serious character. I want him to be more serious in this game but gotta keep the farting and puking- it's just who he is.
01/21/2015 08:53 PM (UTC)
I walk a tightrope with this guy. I like him. And the farting and puking thing is part of his comic relief....but will it have a place in a game like MKX?

*shrug* No idea.
01/21/2015 09:13 PM (UTC)
We have characters that throws old women as an arena projectile, I'm pretty sure Bo's puking and farting would fit just fine in this game.
01/21/2015 09:20 PM (UTC)
He was one of my favourite characters to play as in DA and Deception BECAUSE of the farting and puking. Also the awesome combos.

What would you guys like to see as his special moves if he didn't have the farts and the pukes? Just curious :)

p.s. LOVE the idea of him puking into his opponents mouth as his fatality. Made me cringe in a good way!
01/21/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
The vomit can stay, but I don't want him to pass the gas.
01/21/2015 09:39 PM (UTC)
I'd like his moves to focus more on the drunken boxing. The puking makes sense if he's a lush. Other moves could be taking a drink and spitting fire or the waterfall headbutt spin that Jackie chan does. The flute playing imitation is where I think they should add humor, the fart stuff was kinda dumb. His variations would be tough to figure out but that's the fun in remaking characters..
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01/21/2015 09:43 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Keep Bo'RaiCho, as Bo'Rai'Cho. I did prefer him in Deception though as he seemed like a slightly more serious character. I want him to be more serious in this game but gotta keep the farting and puking- it's just who he is.

Icebaby Wrote:
We have characters that throws old women as an arena projectile, I'm pretty sure Bo's puking and farting would fit just fine in this game.


Bo' is one of my favorites of the 3D era. Maybe not so much like they were in MKDA-MKA, but he has to keep these attributes. They're part of his character.

But that Puke Puddle...if they keep it, it needs a serious re-invention. Practically (like most projectiles, mind you) useless in the old games.

My other thing is...he's taught two different, but still fantastic, "flying kicks" to our beloved Shaolin. I wasn't the only fan of Kung Lao's Whirlwind Kick, was I?
Anyway, WHERE are these moves coming from, know wut I'm sayin'? Show us techniques like those. He's obviously capable.
01/21/2015 09:49 PM (UTC)
Since MK is going darker, I rather they go with a true master than this fool. He just does not fit with this gritty theme they are going with. He can have his drunken style as a variation if he comes back, but they need to develop him as a more serious guy.
01/21/2015 09:57 PM (UTC)
Idk remember what it was called but Zatanna had a special where she did some fire and enhanced was a huge fire ball, I could see that being a perfect special move for Bo in his drunken stance, all he would have to do is pull out a torch or lighter or something.
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01/21/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
Since MK is going darker, I rather they go with a true master than this fool. He just does not fit with this gritty theme they are going with. He can have his drunken style as a variation if he comes back, but they need to develop him as a more serious guy.

I agree with this. I couldn't take his farting and puking seriously in the previous games and that would be even more so now. If he does end up making it onto the roster, I hope they get rid of those moves.
01/21/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
Yeah I never liked Bo even when I was younger but it's still fun to brainstorm ideas lol
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01/21/2015 10:13 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
We have characters that throws old women as an arena projectile, I'm pretty sure Bo's puking and farting would fit just fine in this game.

That's something that anyone can do though. MK has always had a sense of humor, no one's arguing that fact.

But what if Frost and only Frost had a special move where she hurled an old lady at her opponent, would you like that? To me, that just doesn't fit. It doesn't make sense to me to have that thing, while somewhat funny, be HER thing specifically.

I mean, what if they added farts to her instead of Bo Rai Cho and, while giving her this serious story about being a pupil of Sub Zero and turning on him, she's also just gassy because farts make the kids giggle?

I get that Bo's name means lush, but he's also a master who trained Liu Kang and Kung Lao. Why make him of all people the comic relief? The funny fat guy that farts and pukes and people comically slip on it? I don't think those things work well together.

I'm clearly in the minority though, which is fine. No problem at all grin Although the stuff people said about him Puking in the opponent's mouth? Seriously. W...T...F... lol
01/21/2015 11:41 PM (UTC)

There is so much Bo could take from this one fight scene. I can see drunk bo who fights people like he's putting on a show, oblivious but still dangerous. Make his fatalities seem more like accidents lol.

Maybe the more you drink the more powerful or quick you get. That scene is just a different kind of comedy and I think Bo should be more like the character he's based on. If I remember right he did have those monkey flips.
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01/21/2015 11:52 PM (UTC)
Who the hell even paid attention to the farts? Ok, have them only when he is EX-ing a special move.

But the moment you take away the puking you basically make yourself less of a person. So what? You shat and pissed yourself regularly and will probably when you get old. Bodily functions are part of life and icky.

That is part of reality. Grow up.

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