06/13/2014 01:37 AM (UTC)
I say yes.
There would be some changes to his design to fit into the darker and more serious theme of MKX, but I can definately see him be part of the roster.
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06/13/2014 02:06 AM (UTC)
He's one of the few post MK3 characters I could see return since he's been in DA and returned in Deception, so the team must like him...

But personally, I wasn't a fan of his designs or his farting and puking...So if I could choose, No.
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06/13/2014 02:17 AM (UTC)
I'm gonna vote no.
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06/13/2014 02:32 AM (UTC)
I welcome his return to the series as a playable character.

If not playable, I hope he makes a cameo in the story mode some how.
06/13/2014 03:11 AM (UTC)

Some people hate the puke and all that jazz, but it's all right this is the beauty of every character having three styles. He could have the ridiculous drunken style tactics just for one of three styles.

We all know that Bo Rai Cho is a talented martial artist. He is the man.

Would anyone else like to see him with long white hair and beard aged and be the wise/old/dangerous sensei of Mortal Kombat?

Similar to Master Pai Mei from Kill Bill Vol. 2
(Of couse he wouldn't be as badass as Pai Mei)

06/13/2014 03:32 AM (UTC)
Never really liked him much, but if the people want him in then i say put him in. Power to the people.

If he was included i would like to see him be turned into more of a gritty character
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06/13/2014 04:08 AM (UTC)
Absolutely yes.
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06/13/2014 04:14 AM (UTC)
Medusa Wrote:

Some people hate the puke and all that jazz, but it's all right this is the beauty of every character having three styles. He could have the ridiculous drunken style tactics just for one of three styles.

We all know that Bo Rai Cho is a talented martial artist. He is the man.

Would anyone else like to see him with long white hair and beard aged and be the wise/old/dangerous sensei of Mortal Kombat?

Similar to Master Pai Mei from Kill Bill Vol. 2
(Of couse he wouldn't be as badass as Pai Mei)

That's Shujinko's thing.
06/13/2014 02:43 PM (UTC)
I posted that and 10 minutes later I realized it's already been done.
Totally forgot about that unwise geezer.
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06/13/2014 02:55 PM (UTC)
Medusa Wrote:

Some people hate the puke and all that jazz, but it's all right this is the beauty of every character having three styles. He could have the ridiculous drunken style tactics just for one of three styles.

We all know that Bo Rai Cho is a talented martial artist. He is the man.

Would anyone else like to see him with long white hair and beard aged and be the wise/old/dangerous sensei of Mortal Kombat?

Similar to Master Pai Mei from Kill Bill Vol. 2
(Of couse he wouldn't be as badass as Pai Mei)

oh you mean the overused jackass teacher in white stereotype based on the Baimei legend concerning the shaolin? Because I have seen movies where THREE pai mei's ran around being masters.

No thank you. Fat, slobbery puking Bo'Rai Cho for me. To conform to your weakness dealing with things outside your confrot zone people, that, that would be the very definition of taking steps backward and calling it progress.

The whole point of Bo'Rai Cho is to be an obese slob of proportions.
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06/13/2014 03:00 PM (UTC)
They tried that with Shujinko, but forgot about the 'wise' part. tongue
06/13/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I say yes.
There would be some changes to his design to fit into the darker and more serious theme of MKX, but I can definately see him be part of the roster.

True. Just like he drastically changed in MKD which was darker than MK:DA. He stopped farting during gameplay, except when he got up from losing a round, or applied one of his fatalities. It's amazing just how unrecognizable he was in MKD.

On a serious note, he doesn't have to change much if he returns. Diversity. It's a beautiful thing. And we already have Cassie acting like a teenybooper instead of a battle-hardened soldier (to the chagrin of some, heh heh), so we can have Bo Rai Cho acting like his goofy, fartin' and vomitting drunk self.

Personally, I think Pai Mei is one of the lamest characters ever, and that Bo Rai Cho is much more entertaining. So I wouldn't want Bo Rai Cho to resemble him in any way.
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06/13/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:

And frankly I am disappointed by the majority of people here. The whole point of the character is that he is a slob. Take away the puke puddle and farting and you get generic martial arts master no.23455.

And if that is too squirmy for you? Check this out, people pissed themselves in battles, dying men shit themselves, internal wounds usually became septic, a gunshot can lead to vomiting, or a well placed blow on the head. Battle is NOT an IDEALIZED, CLEAN or CIVILIZED event. It never was.

Neither is sex, and if it is, you are doing it wrong. But that's beside the point. I am not advocating realism, but really, this kind of prudishness is unbecoming. I love the character exactly because he deals a low blow to your exp[ectations.

Otherwise we would all have rugged post 20 musclebound warriors with chiseled looks, aside volumptuous girls whose breast circumference exceeds their heads dimensions.

I say fuck your edenian royalties and ninjas, shaolin monks and elite warriors, give me something DIFFERENT.

I will definitely buy you a beer for this post, I agree with everything you've said. grin

Thank you for the thought, but the irony is that I am strictly anti-alcohol. Love collecting decent bottles though.

Bo'rai Cho should have a fatality where he vomits into the mouth of the oponent then sets it alight with his torch, and thus he will burn to death/explode and burn to death. Hell, his puke puddle should be EX-ed to bet set aflame.

Too much? I have seen grown men shit themselves when punched in the stomach. Things like these should not phase anyone.

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06/13/2014 03:03 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
They tried that with Shujinko, but forgot about the 'wise' part. tongue

You know what's funny? if they made an elder master deliberately to be a dumb fuck. That's a hillarious subversion of the stereotype.

Too bad he was the protagonist, and that Konquest mode was tooled together as it was.
06/13/2014 03:07 PM (UTC)
I like the guy when he is portrayed as a serious character and competent leader and combatant as he often is in the endings of bios of the games but I really wish after Deadly Alliance they had dropped the goofy drunk gimmick.

So if they did bring him back I would not want him farting his way across the arena or vomiting as his super defender of the realm ability. Again I like Bo Rai Cho but that's because I am only looking at the Bo Rai Cho from the endings of DEA AND Deception.

I'm not saying they should slim him down and have him be an hyper serious character. Keep him fat, let him keep his care free attitude (unless the situation calls for him to straighten up) and keep him a slave to his vice.
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06/13/2014 03:14 PM (UTC)
We are talking about the same man who engineered the murder and defeat of his god-turned pupil in Shang Tsung's ending.

Just because he uses drunken boxing and is a drunk actually has no bearing on how serious he is.

I am sorry, is this a foreign thing, that drunken automaticaly qualifies as silly?
06/13/2014 03:25 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
We are talking about the same man who engineered the murder and defeat of his god-turned pupil in Shang Tsung's ending.

Just because he uses drunken boxing and is a drunk actually has no bearing on how serious he is.

I am sorry, is this a foreign thing, that drunken automaticaly qualifies as silly?

Nah, it's just people being overly uptight and constipated. A character can only be "legit" in their eyes if he/she completely lacks a sense of humor, doesn't wear anything too flashy, colorful, goofy or sexy, or do anything goofy or flamboyant. Bo Rai Cho is about as illegitimate as it gets for them as far as wise old masters are concerned. The same way some people go on about MMA being a real sport while professional wrestling's scripted (like I even care).

I find MMA boring, and proffesional wrestling more entertaining. Just like Bo Rai Cho is an infinitely more interesting character than Pai Mei and many of those boring grandmaster types so many are so fond of. I like that Bo Rai Cho is the man who trained Liu Kang. I wonder if Kang learned to drop arcades on people from Cho.
06/13/2014 06:40 PM (UTC)
Three possible variations of Cho:

- Jojutsu Master (weapon based style)

- Drunken Fist (including new projectiles and his classic monkey flips)

- Sumo (his belly bash here, the ground stomp, and can add a fresh advantage to the grappling styles in the game)
06/13/2014 07:54 PM (UTC)
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06/14/2014 03:25 AM (UTC)
Hated Bo Rai Cho...still hate him. Even though I understand his relevance to Liu Kang and others. Absolutely not....do not ever come back.
06/14/2014 03:34 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Hated Bo Rai Cho...still hate him. Even though I understand his relevance to Liu Kang and others. Absolutely not....do not ever come back.

Basically. My opinion on this would probably change as more characters that I like are released hah. As it stands currently, no go on Bo.
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06/14/2014 08:19 AM (UTC)
06/14/2014 09:52 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Hated Bo Rai Cho...still hate him. Even though I understand his relevance to Liu Kang and others. Absolutely not....do not ever come back.

I totally understand and see where you're coming from, but what if he were redesigned. Let's say that he's very different after what happened to Liu at the hands of Raiden and his character takes a more serious, darker turn for instance.
06/14/2014 11:54 AM (UTC)
Yes! I want the one from Kung Lao's ending in MK9! Amazing outfit.

i would love to see him back and with this kewl outfit it makes him look more kung fu master like :D
also i like the character because of the drunkin fist fighting style characters like lei wulong and jackie chan made the fighting style so kewl, if he did come back id love for them to give him more focus on his drunkin fist fighting style make the attacks look devastating, and i think in a dark gritty serious tone MKX is going i think they can give him his berp and fart humor and still kep him dark

for example raiden accidentally killed lui kang, and in MK deception his ending showed that lui kangs death really hit him hard and i could imagine that after MK9 bo rai cho could be this brooding drunk whos death of his pupil got to him but after 25 years when earth is in danger again he becomes this cocky badass drunk who still has his humor but hes not as joyful, hes more like a badass cocky drunk like after beating an opponent he would take a drink and spit at his dead opponent and chuckle or something along those lines, id like to imagine he be fat but have good muscle build like in the picture above, he may be fat but hes still buff
06/14/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho isn't that popular nor does he have many fans

the only thing he has going for him is hes kinda an important figure in the MK story
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