01/22/2008 07:31 AM (UTC)
Yeah, same here.

I don't care how long the wait is, I just want to know so I don't have to keep checking daily.
01/23/2008 06:00 AM (UTC)
Shinomune Wrote:
BTW, comparation with the other MK 3D games:

MKDA - November 2002
-Name of Game: January 2002
-First (Real) Info (Like first cast...): December 2001
-First Pics: August 2001*/December 2001
-First Video Teaser: February 2002

MKD - October 2004
-Name of Game: January 2004
-First (Real) Info (Like first cast...): March 2004
-First Pics: February 2004
-First Video Teaser: February 2004

MKSM - September 2005
-Name of Game: October 2004
-First (Real) Info (Like first cast...): October 2004
-First Pics: October 2004
-First Video Teaser: February 2005

MKAr - October 2006
-Name of Game: October 2005
-First (Real) Info (Like first cast...): January 2006
-First Pics: January 2006
-First Video Teaser: February 2006

Average (November 2008?)

-Name of Game: 10 and half monts (Mid January)
-First Real Info: 9 and half months (Mid February)
-First Pics: 9 and three quarter months (Beg-Mid February)
-First Video Teaser: 8 months (March).

Very interesting. Thanks for the info.

Hopefully things will stay this way and news will pop up this month or next month.

You guys, I don't think MK8 will get delayed into 2009. Midway will rather release the game broken like MKD than to pay extra money to the MK Team while they tidy it up. That's what my professer says anyway.... Publishers always want to pay the least amount of money, so yeah. Most likely it'll get delayed by a month or 2 but not into 2009.

Anyway, the end of Jan approached and we've received shit. Will February be a nicer month for MK fans? ....All signs point to yes, but who the hell knows. Midway and Boon make an unreliable couple.
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