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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

02/09/2011 11:50 PM (UTC)
I liked his Deception outfit the best
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02/10/2011 12:20 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Eh, no shame in competing with SC for character design, depending on WHICH SC it is. I think Soul Calibur lost it on over-detail in 3, but the characters looked perfect in 1 and 2.

At this point,the designs in Boob Calibur are almost a parody of themselves. Especially the girls.
Adam Ronin
02/10/2011 12:31 AM (UTC)
Definitely not the Frozen Mask one. Looks like fucking Zoidberg there.

I can dig with an unmasked version, just make him look Asian please. John Turk is such a douche.
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02/10/2011 12:54 AM (UTC)
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
John Turk is such a douche.

That was uncalled for. ;_;

I mean,I get that he looks like a jock,but the guy is a part of the MK legacy,not to mention he was awesome enough to return for Mythologies,and I wish I could shake his fucking hand for doing that.

I thought that was really
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
of him.
02/10/2011 01:19 AM (UTC)
I'd prefer something akin to his MK3 or Deadly Alliance look.

IE. Unmasked.

Between his primary and his klassic costume, I feel his Ninja look is more than covered. We have a fancy modern update of the MK Ninja costume. We have a more or less completely faithful interpretation of the MK Ninja costume. I'm all covered on the Ninja costume.

And I never liked the Shredder costume, so yeah...

A good Unmasked Sub-Zero.
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02/10/2011 01:24 AM (UTC)
I would never suggest that his MK:SM look become his alt. I think his MK:SM look should become his main look and the current version should be scrapped.
02/10/2011 03:18 AM (UTC)
UMK3, obviously.
Adam Ronin
02/10/2011 04:12 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
John Turk is such a douche.

That was uncalled for. ;_;

I mean,I get that he looks like a jock,but the guy is a part of the MK legacy,not to mention he was awesome enough to return for Mythologies,and I wish I could shake his fucking hand for doing that.

I thought that was really
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
of him.

Okay, fair enough. Let me rephrase. He LOOKS like a douche. Maybe he is a stand up awesome guy. But he is no stand in for a Chinese assassin.

Just IMO
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Veni Vincere
02/10/2011 04:51 AM (UTC)
Never was a fan of the stereotype that all physically attractive guys (no homo) are douches.
02/10/2011 06:16 AM (UTC)
Where did the frozen mask come from?
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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02/10/2011 07:39 AM (UTC)

Still like this one alot as the driving force of the alt costume in MK9. It makes sense for the time line we're in, and it's just a cool version of Sub-Zero iMo. It's a clean sleek look, nimble, and practically designed for action. The primary we have now seems really cumbersome, bulky, and seems to be overburdened with detail depending on what view of him I see.

Still like this one because of reasons similar to the mask-less John Turk above. It's more complete as a traditional Sub-Zero costume than the Turk version though. Still sleek and pretty much practical for action, but if they could toy around with some ways to incorporate one or two design cues from this design into an updated mask-less Sub-Zero, I think it could work.

I forgot about this MKDeception alt. I like this one alot, maybe because of the contrasts that it draws against the primary shredder costume of that game. I appreciate the artistic gamble they took with both the shredder and this alternate costume, but this design is too soon for MK9's time line. I don't want them to use it for inspiration as a result.

I look at MKD's designs as the "Grandmaster" costumes for Sub-Zero is why. In MK9's time line, younger brother Sub-Zero is nowhere near a Grandmaster.

What I like about this one though, is the padded and bullet laden leather, the straps, the color scheme is good, and really just how well put together the whole thing seems to be. It really looks like a full "Grandmaster of Cold Stuff" suit.
12/24/2011 06:29 AM (UTC)
Yeah, MK3 Sub-Zero unmasked was the worst costume design ever in the MK series of games. He looks like a disco guy with blocked suspenders going to the club to pick up women with his hair slicked back. It's look corny.

The MK1 Sub-Zero was the best in terms of him looking authenic and real as a classic Iga ninja would in Feudal Japan. As well as Scorpion would in the MK1. I think if they could keep the male/female ninjas looking like they did in MK1, with a simplisitic design, NetherRealms, MK Creative Staff would save themselves a lot of headaches.

They also could introduce new female Kunoichi Ninja characters that would have a similar look to Ibuki from Street Fighter except that the characters would have a sleevless gi and undershirt to conceal her neck and chest region and then have a clothed mask to cover the lower part of their face, instead of having the veil styled mask. And finally, the would wear a set of loose fitting pants that would have a sort of ballooning effect and a thick sized sash to be wrapped around their waist.

The Kunoichi ninja characters can be from the Shirai Ryu ninja clan of Scorpion as lost survivors and Lin Kuei Kunoichi ninja members in conflict.

For the Shirai Ryu ninja clan you would have:
Alibi, Black Widow, Frost, Poison Ivy, Black Mamba, Ricochet and Forage

For the Lin Kuei ninja clan you would have:
Artica, Orchid and Red Virtue

And then you could have mystery Kunoichi ninja warriors:
Pandora and Obsidian Blue

Alibi - would have psychic abilities, Black Widow - would have sais and teleportation abilities, Poison Ivy - would have a retractable ninja sword,
Black Mamba - would have an electric whip, Ricochet - would have Kamas,
Forage - would have animal transformation and manipulation ablities.
Frost & Artica - would have ice manipulation ablities, Orchid - would have the ability to fuse energy with other elements, Red Virtue - would have short katana swords, Pandora - would have self - multiplicity abilities, and
Obsidian Blue - would have an unknown Black Arts/Magic ability.

They all would have at least 9 specialty moves, backstories, X-Ray moves, fatalities, and personalities.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

12/24/2011 06:50 AM (UTC)
Please don't bump threads over three months old. I think you've been warned before.

Thread closed.
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