Back in 2008, a series of audio releases from the MK team referred to as MKasts were released to hype up the then in development Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. The events were typically between 25 to 30 minutes long and discussed various aspects of the upcoming game, including gameplay, storyline and the release schedule for information. These events were hosted by Hans Lo and Hector Sanchez and regularly featured various guests, including Ed Boon.
Today, Hector announced on his Twitter that the MKasts would be returning and that recording of the first could take place later this week. Here are his two relevant responses about the MKasts:
hecterrific: If we can get to 85,000 fans on our Facebook page, I'll raffle a couple of t-shirts off to followers on our next MKast
hecterrific: lol hopefully we record it this week. anything you want us to talk about in particular?
His Twitter account can be found here, and since he has protected his tweets you must request to follow him to view. If you would like a sample of what MKast is all about, you can find them in our news archive. This is the link to the very first MKast. You can find all nine by searching our News Archive. Once available, we will make them available and give summaries of important information as we've done in the past.
Thanks to forum members Casselman and Tyrant-Cenobite for the word on this!