Historical Favorite •03/03/2011 11:17 PM (UTC) •
T-rex Wrote:
And of course there is no nostalgia in the 3D games. Not when compared to the original trilogy we all grew up on,the unforgettable arcade experience it brought,the way it changed videogames forever and the way it embedded itself in the mass consciousness. It was a phenomenon that's impossible to replicate.
And of course there is no nostalgia in the 3D games. Not when compared to the original trilogy we all grew up on,the unforgettable arcade experience it brought,the way it changed videogames forever and the way it embedded itself in the mass consciousness. It was a phenomenon that's impossible to replicate.
I wasn't talking about us, though. I'm saying subsequent generations of MK players don't seem to have the love for the 3D era as we had for the arcade days. So without another generation's nostalgia to bank on, why revisit?
It doesn't mean we can just drop everything and quietly rot in a putrid cesspool of rehashing 20-year old ideas and images like Street Fighter has been doing.
Fair enough, but it can't be overlooked that SF4's rehashing of 20 year old ideas has been financially sound and critically acclaimed. Hardly a cesspool.
Of course the new characters weren't accepted as well as the veterans. That's because they are fucking NEW,and many people didn't even give them a chance.
I have to disagree here. New characters aren't the problem, and never have been. If they were, no one would have taken to the MK 2 and 3 casts. The problem was that in the 3D era, most of the new characters were either derivative of someone else or were so generic as to be pointless.
Point is,while the 3D games may not necessarily be nostalgic,it doesn't change the fact that there was plenty of good things in them.
Agreed. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't be a hard sell. Especially after the old-school fanservice of the current game.
MKvsDC wasn't received violently because it dropped the established cast and started from scratch. Far from it - it actually featured the most unquestionably iconic and classic characters in the series.
It was received violently because it had Scorpion fighting fucking Superman.
It was received violently because it had Scorpion fighting fucking Superman.
You didn't read what I wrote. I said that you could take the reaction to MK v DC and magnify it if the current cast was dropped, not that MK v DC dropped the iconic aspects of MK.
It wouldn't be starting from scratch. They'd still have all of the established canon and the elaborately crafted universe to lean on to.
Not to mention that even a 50-year timeskip wouldn't in any way affect many of the characters. Scorpion is undead. Sub-Zero's Medallion slows his aging. Fujin is a god. Kitana is Edenian.
And Kung Lao replaces Bo Rai Cho as the token Badass Old Kung Fu Master.
Shit could be glorious.
Not to mention that even a 50-year timeskip wouldn't in any way affect many of the characters. Scorpion is undead. Sub-Zero's Medallion slows his aging. Fujin is a god. Kitana is Edenian.
And Kung Lao replaces Bo Rai Cho as the token Badass Old Kung Fu Master.
Shit could be glorious.
But would it be accepted? Like I said before, a 50 year jump would be a great idea for a spinoff media. But put into the series proper, you're going to be left with a ton of people saying "Why is everyone old now?" "Who are these new guys?" "Why isn't so and so in the game?" And were right back to where we started prior to MK2011. With the fandom clamoring for "real" Mortal Kombat.
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