Rains gameplay - A look on his special moves. *Updated*
posted07/15/2011 04:08 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/10/2002 01:53 PM (UTC)
Update: Added another move and changed his Jet Stream move.

Rain's gameplay trailer has been released and given us a look on what to expect. Many seem to argue about wether or not Rain's special moves are stolen from other characters, debating how original a character Rain will be. So therefore I made this thread to discuss this, describing my observations on the matter. So here goes.

Super Roundhouse Kick
Animation wise, this appears like a normal roundhouse kick, just like it did in UMK3. However, there's added some special effects to it, Rain emitting purple energy and water effects. And what it does is kicking the opponent off-screen who then appears on the other end of the screen, just like in UMK3. Nothing much to else to this move, other than it was one of the most wanted moves for Rain to return to his DLC appearance.

Water Orb
He hurls an orb of water at the opponent in best Hadouken style and on hit, the orb expands into a large bubble around the opponent which Rain is able to control, making the opponent come closer, go further away or up in the air. This looks like it will be good for preparing juggles with, and I personally like the bubble effect added this time around.

Shocking Bolt
Rain raises his hand and calls on a bolt of lightning which striked down into the opponent who is then hurled up into the air. The Enhanced version shows that Rain summons three lightning strikes following along the stage, like a reveverse version of Shang Tsung's Enhanced Skull Pillars.
Now, this is one of the moves which was given to Nightwolf in the later games, but which was Rain's to begin with in UMK3. So if anyone stole this move, it would be Nightwolf who is the thief. I prefer Rain's version of the two.

Water Blast
Rain conjures a jet stream of water which hits the opponent in the face, distracting them and pushes them back. It doesn't look like it does any damage, nor does it look like it could do any damage as to me it just seems like water splashing the opponent in the face.
*Update* The water stream animations is like the one seen in MK Armageddon as seen in his vignette, changed from his gameplay trailer where it appeared like Reptile's Enhanced Acid Spit move, but from his hand. This is a pleasant change though. ^^

Windy Feet
Rain disappears in a puddle of water and appears below the opponent, turned upside down and kicking the opponent up into the air.
This move appears in the same fashion as Sektor's Teleport Uppercut, but with a kick rather than a fist.

*Update* Mystic Vapors
Rain's teleport is back from MK Armageddon! Rain evaporates into a puddle of water and reappears behind the opponent. Unlike his MK Armageddon version, he doesn't seem to spin down into the ground though, but is just ducking down into it.

Rain grabs the opponent, jumps up into the air and off-screen, then drops head first into the ground, but Rain evaporates before hitting the ground and then appears from a puddle of water while the opponent now suffers an incredible headache.
Many see this as a stolen move from Noob Saibot's Portal Grab, but other than jumping up into the air with the opponent in his arms, there's not much else that's alike with the two moves.

X-Ray Move
Rain grabs the opponent's arm and then breaks the elbow with an upward palm. He then spins around and kicks the opponent in the head with a roundhouse kick, cracking the opponent's skull. If there's a third hit, we have yet to see.
This is one of the less exciting X-Rays in the fray, as there's nothing unusual happening and nothing which seems to be connected with Rain's powers. There might be a third hit though which would personalize his X-Ray, but it has yet to be seen.

Fatality 1: Drowning Bubble
Rain conjures a bubble of water around the opponent's head, then makes the opponent swallow the water who gets inflated by it and will possibly burst.
I like this fatality alot and I have wanted something like this for Rain in a long time - plus the inflation animation gives Kitana the opportunity to have her classic Kiss of Death fatality to return.

Fatality 2: Hydro Blade
Rain conjures a bubble of water around the opponent's legs, forcing them to bend down and cracks the bones in them. The opponent now kneeling in pain, Rain conjures a blade of high-pressure water from his hand which he use to decapitate the opponent with.
Another cool looking fatality which might end in yet another decapitation, something many other characters have in their fatalities.

Indeed, some of Rain's special moves resemble that of other characters' special moves, but NRS have tried to make them appear more original in their performance though the moves share similar results in the end. Personally I don't have a problem with it, as I find the moves quite fitting for Rain, but I have taken notice of others who wanted more originality to him.

That said, other characters share moves as well. Jade and Cage both have a Shadow Kick, Scorpion and Ermac both have a Teleport Punch, numerous characters have fireballs, etc.

All in all, I think NRS did a nice job with Rain's gameplay from what we have seen in the trailer.

What do you think?
07/11/2011 11:12 PM (UTC)
IMO, i've liked his gameplay very much! At least NRS put effort in making Rain look like a badass
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07/11/2011 11:15 PM (UTC)
Yeeeeeeeee, boyeeeeeee!

I think that Rain is bringing purple back like the 3rd Street Saints, feel me?

And I dig it, jack.



07/11/2011 11:17 PM (UTC)
I hopped off the Rain train when I saw his costume, but the moves are pretty fantastic looking(water characters being a personal favorite) and I'm on again.... Just hoping for an alt costume in the future.
07/11/2011 11:18 PM (UTC)
ZenOboe Wrote:
Yeeeeeeeee, boyeeeeeee!

I think that Rain is bringing purple back like the 3rd Street Saints, feel me?

And I dig it, jack.



You play Saints Row too Bezo?! That makes the both of us! glasses
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07/11/2011 11:19 PM (UTC)
Summed up like a pro, very enjoyable read.
I was impressed with Rain's moveset and certainly looks like a fun character to get the hang off.
I'm definitely a fan of the arm break in the x-ray, possibly due to the fact that nobody does this. The finished product may even have a third attack as you mentioned.
I also hope for Kitana's kiss of doom after seeing Rain's first fatality which looks brutal, it seems like an explosion fatality, and I'm hoping for some creative slice in his second. It needs to be more then a head slice.
People complain about the round house but I like it, I'm glad it has returned and having examed the combo's of Rain I see some real potential to cause a lot of damage.
His intro pose is fine in my opinion, I posted this in another thread...
The intro, whilst unexpected, actually seems to represent the class that you'd expect from a prince, it was neat, elegant, and finished off with a pose that shows Rain as a man who presents himself rather tidily.
I think in a strange but fitting way that this intro works in making Rain look classy but clearly dangerous, it serves its purpose.
As for his victory pose? Simply dashing! The best in the game and just brilliant.
I will definitely buy Rain and hopefully add him to my mains in the process.
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07/11/2011 11:21 PM (UTC)
Thank you, instead of watching the actual trailer to look at his moves, I'll just read this novel about them.
07/11/2011 11:21 PM (UTC)
I just posted my thoughts on his specials in the main news thread, so I'll just copy pasta them here.

Tl;DR version, most of Rain's specials are unique and his own.

Espio872 Wrote:
Just to chime in here, most of Rain's specials are original and have been his own since Trilogy.

The mind control orb- check

Super Roundhouse- check

The lightning bolt- Rain had this first, not Nightwolf, not Raiden, not anybody else. Nightwolf's Trilogy moveset included his barrier, hatchet, arrows, and shoulder charge). It wasn't until Deception that Nightwolf got a lightning strike attack.

The water shot- he had this in Armageddon before Reptile had his huge enhanced projectile vomit, just going to throw that out there, so it's not a rip off of Reptile.

The teleport is the only arguable point that has been made, but the fact that so many characters have a teleport shouldn't be a fault against Rain, at the very least he kicks the opponent instead of doing his the same as Sektor's.

His grab is nothing like anybody eles's grab move. It might look similar to Noob's special move, but it's still slightly different.

In summary, based off of the other 30 characters, Rain shares some similarities to other cast members(who doesn't have something in common with each other?), but the majority of his specials are unique and his own.

07/11/2011 11:22 PM (UTC)
FatalityLives Wrote:
Summed up like a pro, very enjoyable read.

Thank you. ^^
And very nice response as well.

Espio872 Wrote:
I just posted my thoughts on his specials in the main news thread, so I'll just copy pasta them here.

This is actually true. Though some of the characters had these moves "first" in this game, Rain had them in past games BEFORE the other characters. Very nice points.
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07/11/2011 11:22 PM (UTC)
This Could Easily Be In The Rain Gameplay Trailer

There Do You Like It?
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07/11/2011 11:23 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
Thank you, instead of watching the actual trailer to look at his moves, I'll just read this novel about them.

Shit dude, if that's what you consider a novel, I hope you never tackle anything by Stephen King.

Fuck, even the first Harry Potter book would be too long for you. And it was the shortest one!

In conclusion, being a smartass is fun.
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Sig Cred: UNdiscovered

07/11/2011 11:26 PM (UTC)
MKIceVsFire Wrote:
This Could Easily Be In The Rain Gameplay Trailer

There Do You Like It?

No offence but you can't exactly complain about excessive thread creations, also thank you Jaded. Glad you liked my response :).
07/11/2011 11:26 PM (UTC)
MKIceVsFire Wrote:
This Could Easily Be In The Rain Gameplay Trailer

There Do You Like It?

You mean the thread about the newslead? Yes, it could have, but I wanted to make a seperate thread about this topic so people have a place to discuss just this part.

I hope the mods find the thread worthy enough of keeping open because of this.
07/11/2011 11:29 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
FatalityLives Wrote:
Summed up like a pro, very enjoyable read.

Thank you. ^^
And very nice response as well.

Espio872 Wrote:
I just posted my thoughts on his specials in the main news thread, so I'll just copy pasta them here.

This is actually true. Though some of the characters had these moves "first" in this game, Rain had them in past games BEFORE the other characters. Very nice points.

Thanks J-R. Very nice op, a very well thought out analysis.

I love your sig by the way.
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07/11/2011 11:30 PM (UTC)
ZenOboe Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
Thank you, instead of watching the actual trailer to look at his moves, I'll just read this novel about them.

Shit dude, if that's what you consider a novel, I hope you never tackle anything by Stephen King.

Fuck, even the first Harry Potter book would be too long for you. And it was the shortest one!

In conclusion, being a smartass is fun.

I was joking. Of course it's not a novel, it's not even a narrative story!

07/11/2011 11:32 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
ZenOboe Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
Thank you, instead of watching the actual trailer to look at his moves, I'll just read this novel about them.

Shit dude, if that's what you consider a novel, I hope you never tackle anything by Stephen King.

Fuck, even the first Harry Potter book would be too long for you. And it was the shortest one!

In conclusion, being a smartass is fun.

I was joking. Of course it's not a novel, it's not even a narrative story!

I did my best to make the OP viewable and not too large, yet informative enough to get the picture. I hope I succeeded.
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07/11/2011 11:32 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven not trying to be a asshole but every closed rain threads i SEE this

This Could Easily Be In The Rain Gameplay Trailer thread annoying as fuck
07/11/2011 11:33 PM (UTC)
MKIceVsFire Wrote:
Jaded-Raven not trying to be a asshole but every closed rain threads i SEE this

This Could Easily Be In The Rain Gameplay Trailer thread annoying as fuck

And you're entitled to your opinion, but it is up to the mods to decide. Until then, please stay on topic.
07/11/2011 11:33 PM (UTC)
I think you are 110% correct! I enjoyed reading that and with every sentence I nodded and said mmhmm! :) I wanted Rain, I said I didnt' care what they did with him, I got more then I expected and I am super happy about it!

Rain is awesome!!!!
07/11/2011 11:34 PM (UTC)
I'm impressed with his move set, I wasn't sure where they would go with it, but having some of the originals with new effects both visually and game play possibility, plus new moves entirely for him was a great way to go. Anytime, you have a character that is a master of a certain element, you can get really creative and do some awesome things with them, and I think they did a terrific job with the water theme with Rain. I can't wait to see how those fatalities finish either.
07/11/2011 11:52 PM (UTC)
Stryker82 Wrote:
I'm impressed with his move set, I wasn't sure where they would go with it, but having some of the originals with new effects both visually and game play possibility, plus new moves entirely for him was a great way to go. Anytime, you have a character that is a master of a certain element, you can get really creative and do some awesome things with them, and I think they did a terrific job with the water theme with Rain. I can't wait to see how those fatalities finish either.

I think NRS did a good job indeed. His moves are very flashy with all the water effects which I think fits his character nicely.
07/12/2011 12:04 AM (UTC)
Rain's looks glorious!! I think once again the team listened to the fans about his gameplay and moves so this is the best Rain we ever had....can't wait to try him out!
07/12/2011 12:40 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Rain's looks glorious!! I think once again the team listened to the fans about his gameplay and moves so this is the best Rain we ever had....can't wait to try him out!

Indeed, it is nice to see a character as unappreciate by many, but loved by some, is been given a good treatment by the ones who created him. Though I am still grudging about NRS not putting him into the main roster, I think they did nice with putting him in as a DLC instead.
07/12/2011 12:43 AM (UTC)
As stated in the previous thread about this character, I'm kinda of laughing at the fact that the orb move somewhat took an idea that I wanted Rain to have in a way.

To trap the enemy in an orb of water, but instead of controlling the orb around, it would just slam them to the ground. Basically like Ermac's telekentic slam only with water effects...

That's the only thing that sparked an interest, other than that, not too pleased with the kick... I just don't get it.
07/12/2011 12:49 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
As stated in the previous thread about this character, I'm kinda of laughing at the fact that the orb move somewhat took an idea that I wanted Rain to have in a way.

To trap the enemy in an orb of water, but instead of controlling the orb around, it would just slam them to the ground. Basically like Ermac's telekentic slam only with water effects...

That's the only thing that sparked an interest, other than that, not too pleased with the kick... I just don't get it.

The Super Roundhouse Kick can be explained in this way...

Rain has the power of Storm, being able to use elements tied to that of a storm, such as water and lightning, and maybe even wind. The Super Roundhouse Kick is somewhat tied to that of wind, kicking the opponent so hard that he is carried by the wind around the stage only to appear on the other side of the screen. That's just a theory, of course.
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