11/12/2010 12:18 AM (UTC)
Hmm... I think I'm seeing a pattern form. Scorpion's vingette showed him beating up Sub-Zero. The second vingette featured Sub-Zero, who was beating up Reptile. So I'm guessing the next vingette will be Reptile. Now you could argue that the only reason Scorpion was beating up Sub-Zero was because they're mortal enemies, but then it wouldn't make much sense for Sub-Zero to beat up Reptile, they're not mortal enemies in any way.

Of course, it's too soon to tell with only two vingettes released, but if the next one's Reptile then I'm going to start considering my theory. This vingette was amazing by the way.
11/12/2010 12:25 AM (UTC)
I noticed that both of the people who appear to be parents when the zeros are kidnapped are Chinese, standing in a Chinese building and both subs seem to be fully Chinese as well.

I believe we are witnessing a Sub-Zero retcon, but I could be wrong.
11/12/2010 01:03 AM (UTC)
I'm so glad that we ain't getting the older Sub-Zero, because to me Sub-Zero should always be the good guy, which is the younger Sub-Zero not the old one.

All these viginettes make me happy because they prove that this new MK9 indeed will have the deepest story, can't wait to see Kitana's!
11/12/2010 01:37 AM (UTC)
Kuai Liang thinks that the death of his brother Bi-Han at hands of Scorpion was unjust. And I think the same. Bi-Han killed Hanzo in a fair battle between enemy assassins. If Sub-Zero was more powerfull, that fact was Hanzo's fault, not Bi-Han.

We don't talk that Kano or Sektor (criminals) killed Kurtis Stryker (police) treacherously, and he come back for vengeance. Maybe the "eye for an eye" is legit, but that Scorpion killed Bi-Han was unjust.

And, btw, we don't know HOW Kuai Liang knows the resolution of the Scorpion vs Sub-Zero. Maybe some interested white-skin man counted his own version of the facts ... again.
11/12/2010 01:40 AM (UTC)
Too all you Noob Saibot haters!
Noob Saibot Wins

on side this very good news... and the revenge plot is good. Think about it.. In Shaolin Monks and Armageddon. Sub-Zero wants nothering more than to revive his brother. But what confused me still is how did Sub-Zero know about Noob Saibot? Maybe this game might shed some light?
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11/12/2010 01:42 AM (UTC)
Remember, Scorpion has been led to believe that Sub-Zero is also responsible for the murder of his family and clan. In Scorpion's own eyes, he is justified. It is not solely because of his own death that he seeks revenge.
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11/12/2010 01:42 AM (UTC)
Shinomune Wrote:
And, btw, we don't know HOW Kuai Liang knows the resolution of the Scorpion vs Sub-Zero.

Sub-Zero's MK2 Ending Wrote:
When Sub-Zero failed to return from the Shaolin tournament and rumor of Shang Tsung's survival reached the Lin Kuei clan, they immediately sent another assassin to complete the task. This new warrior is actually the younger brother of the original Sub-Zero.
11/12/2010 01:51 AM (UTC)
Younger Sub-Zero's mission in MK2 was to kill Shang Tsung, not take revenge on Scorpion. Why MK team , why?
11/12/2010 01:55 AM (UTC)
FROST4584 Wrote:
Younger Sub-Zero's mission in MK2 was to kill Shang Tsung, not take revenge on Scorpion. Why MK team , why?

Could he still not have that mission?

I like to think he volunteered to finish his brother's mission, but with the ulterior motive of investigating his death and finding his killer.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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11/12/2010 02:21 AM (UTC)
so what is cannon now?
11/12/2010 02:22 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Shinomune Wrote:
And, btw, we don't know HOW Kuai Liang knows the resolution of the Scorpion vs Sub-Zero.

Sub-Zero's MK2 Ending Wrote:
When Sub-Zero failed to return from the Shaolin tournament and rumor of Shang Tsung's survival reached the Lin Kuei clan, they immediately sent another assassin to complete the task. This new warrior is actually the younger brother of the original Sub-Zero.

Still my point. Lin Kuei deduced that Sub-Zero was dead, but didn't know that Scorpion killed him. But younger Sub-Zero knows. How?
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11/12/2010 02:29 AM (UTC)
Shinomune Wrote:
Still my point. Lin Kuei deduced that Sub-Zero was dead, but didn't know that Scorpion killed him. But younger Sub-Zero knows. How?


Well,maybe older Sub did mention his history with Scorpion to his younger brother,so now Kuai Liang pretty much knows who to look for.

It could've been like a "brother,if I don't come back from this mission,know that the ghost of my past has finally caught up to me" type of scene. Damn,the more I think about the ways this game can play out,the more exited I get. :3
11/12/2010 02:31 AM (UTC)
I don't know about all of you guys but i LOVE this new story for the Sub Zero's its still has a bit of the old story elements but its fresh too : )
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11/12/2010 02:34 AM (UTC)
Crimson_Pool21 Wrote:
I don't know about all of you guys but i LOVE this new story for the Sub Zero's its still has a bit of the old story elements but its fresh too : )

There's nothing really new about it,except the names of the brothers. It's the same origin story,but told in a fresh and sexy way. :3
@luca Thank You!!!!

finally someone who actually see's a logic, i was thinking the exact same thing
they both have the same fighting style so why not have 2 of them in the same slot just different Alternatives, like Panda and Kuma,, that way the Story makes sense everyone's happy and it still leave a slot opened for Noob Sailbot

and for those who say "that wont make sense if you pick Subs, (old) alternative costume against Noob Sailbot" to answer that in advance dont pick the 'Old" Sub Costume if it fuckin bothers ya that much,, yeah

and someone else said this logic as well but people just seem to ignore it for some reason

i dont really know much into the story but how it will happen first 3rd of the game you will play as the first Sub, then Scorp does his thing bla bla,,,, then ya play as the new Sub in avenge of his brothers death, and im guessing when you beat the Chapter of Character you unlock there Alternative Costume,
thus the "younger Subs Costume" and then ya find out the whole story with eye, then maybe Noob will pop in,,, simple

just something a notice can anyone else see the resemblance between Kings story and Subs??

Kings = King/Amour King - (Enemy to brothers death) = Murdock"
Sub Zero = Younger/Older Sub - (Enemy to brothers death) = Scorpion"

Coincidentally these two are my Favorites from both games, before i even knew each story

but in anyway back on topic!!! im betting everything that they bot share the same slot different alternative

if you disagree, or think it wont work somehow, please explain why and have people to back you up on it, Fo Shizzness

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11/12/2010 03:56 AM (UTC)
It's really cool to see the characters get a little bit more depth, and some of the gaps in the story get filled in a bit. I liked the Scorpion vid a bit better, this one seemed to offer less, relied on gameplay a lot more. Still, very nice, and hopefully puts some concerns to rest. The conspiracy theorists still have enough room to play devil's advocate, but it's nice to at least know for certain that the elder Sub-Zero perished and the younger took up the mantle. Using their given names, pretty nice!

Of course, these clips summarize material that overlaps with the assumed period of the game, which begs the question -- are they giving us these details we already know because they're no longer in tact in the game?

There's that devil's advocate I mentioned earlier!
Maybe events in the game are just more elaborate, and there really is nothing to worry about. Pretty cool, either way.
11/12/2010 03:57 AM (UTC)
Very interesting viginette. I was believing all this time it was OG Subzero, and slightly dissapointed in finding out it's younger, but at the end of the day Subzero is Subzero when you're playing him so it's all good.

I love the fact that the 2 brothers' names are revealed and that they are Chinese assassins (not ninja).

I also really like Subzero's intro taunt at the very beginning... "This fight will be your last". Assuring his opponent that he's going to die in that match, quite intimidating.

Hoping for Noob Saibot now to be hidden somewhere in the game now. Still a fan of original Subzero though.

These viginettes are really awesome, hope we get to see everyones before the game is released. Scorpions was released not too long ago, if they keep this pattern of releasing viginettes I will be very pleased. Thanks for the effort NRS, keep it up you're doing an awesome job! glasses
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Bo Ri Cho aint got SH*T on Roshi :P

11/12/2010 04:24 AM (UTC)
to bad game spot wont let me watch it..just a blank part where it should be...same for my friend that lives 400miles away... :(
11/12/2010 04:31 AM (UTC)
wow... 5 pages and only like three or four people have registered the possibility that the Sub-Zero in the game is both brothers because in the timeline given they look and fight the same way. I don't even necessarily think you need an alternate costume since the two are IDENTICAL until two things happened: 1. The younger gains an eye scar. 2. He leaves the Lin Kuei and begins developing his own persona and his own aesthetics.

I'm curious to see what they will do with the Alt. Costume or Noob Saibot, hell I still don't see any reason why we aren't "out of the woods" on a Cyber-Sub. As long as they are fresh and badass I don't mind. Sub-Zero is my second favorite character(s) {Scorpion being my first} and I would be interested to see if they will take any new direction with him(them). For all we know Noob and/or Cyber-Sub could be his alternate depending on where they go with the story.

Personally I'd like to see Noob's powers either more fleshed out OR if they won't do that just make him an all black Sub-Zero that shoots black "shadow ice" (by just changing a few lines of code when his alt is selected) as one of 2 Alternate Costume for Sub-Zero (one for the older representing Noob but just having him keep the Sub-Zero name, and a second Alt for the Younger).

A second alt (for the younger) could be his MK3 appearance which I hate but alot of fans love. I suspect the reason for this being that many of them are no doubt younger than I am and this may be the the way they first remember playing him so they have love for this for the same reason I want the toasty fatality for scorpion or for the same reason that I am actually a Johnny Cage fan and don't consider him to be MK's DAN!! But that's a rant for another topic... OR alternatively a cyborg sub-zero (hate me or agree I don't care). I would kinda rather see (if they did go cyborg route) them have a cyborg with sub-zero moves but done in a totally different way. Like Sektor and Cyrax have all kinds of trap devices and weapons and the like. This would be a good avenue for an ice blast/beam from the chest or from the palm, as well as developing his old MK3 move list with newer, interesting ways of using the cryo-powers. Like "Mines" that deploy on the ground freezing if you step on it BUT also being deployed to hover in the air to set traps for opponents on ground or in the air like how his old ice clone was used or something like that.

New MK3 era story for Cyborg: Instead of escaping the Lin Kuei and getting scarred in the process {a better and more meaningful explanation than Kung Lao doing it, sorry Shaolin Monks storyline} it is Smoke who, already badly wounded and at Sub-Zero's insistence, uses his powers to obscure himself and get away with his humanity while Sub-Zero makes a courageous last stand against Sektor and Cyrax. Smoke, feeling guilty for this, knows it his obligation to restore his friend's humanity in exchange for his noble sacrifice. He seeks out the aid of Raiden and the Warriors of Light on his mission to rescue his friend and, in the process, attain personal redemption.

The biggest change I would almost demand to see is Scorpion VS Noob Saibot in an eternal feud since neither can truly die this time and they will both always go back to the same damn place, lol. After one or both of them kills Quan Chi... somehow.... I don't care. Scorpion VS Noob has to happen the rest of the REVENGE!! Quest stuff just needs to get resolved finally. Scorpion already went full on-Kratos on the universe there isn't much left other than for Raiden to finally step in and be like look asshole help me and I'll put in a good word and you can go to heaven to be with your family and STOP the mindless raging!!!

Oh well.. either way I still think the Sub-Zero costume we have seen will be for BOTH Old and Young Sub-Zero.
11/12/2010 04:33 AM (UTC)
Master_Roshi_84 Wrote:
to bad game spot wont let me watch it..just a blank part where it should be...same for my friend that lives 400miles away... :(

Its not only you, I think its a temporary issue right now. As my self and many other people in the comments arent seeing it either. Just wait a little
11/12/2010 04:44 AM (UTC)
I don't understand why some people are crying about the storyline. Everything has been accurate thus far. I'm sure like how some mentioned already that during the events of the 1st tournament the elder sub is gonna be the subzero available, but then afterwards its all Younger sub from then on.

Plus all the people asking about how Y. sub got his scar... hasn't it already been cleared that Kung lao gave him that scar?
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11/12/2010 04:47 AM (UTC)
DestructionCalls Wrote:
Plus all the people asking about how Y. sub got his scar... hasn't it already been cleared that Kung lao gave him that scar?

No,that's non-canon Shaolin Monks bullshit.
11/12/2010 04:54 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
DestructionCalls Wrote:
Plus all the people asking about how Y. sub got his scar... hasn't it already been cleared that Kung lao gave him that scar?

No,that's non-canon Shaolin Monks bullshit.

Oh thanks for clearing that up. i new some things weren't canon like Jade's bull shit death, but i thought some lil things were like subbys scar.
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11/12/2010 04:55 AM (UTC)
Just as I expected... So MAYBE monday we'll get the Subby Combo vid. Then after that.... Reptile??? Honestly I'd like Mileena. 2 main male ninja's then 2 main female ones. And i wanna see that skip intro again :3
11/12/2010 05:00 AM (UTC)
Gamespot appears to be having some issues. Like we said opening this story, we expect the video to be made available widely after some time has passed (much like last time). Gamespot likely has an exclusive deal for these, but it only lasts so long generally. We'll have it available here on the site itself as soon as possible.
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