About Me
Characters mastered: Kitana, Mileena, Reptile, Ermac, Jade, Cyrax, Liu Kang, Kabal, Smoke, Nightwolf, Kano, Jax, Sektor, Sheeva, Baraka, Scorpion, Stryker, Sindel, Sonya Blade, Cyber Sub Zero.
oracle Wrote:
When MKD came out and Mileena looked way different from Kitana in MKDA I was wondering how any could be fooled by her impersonating Kitana. I guess they mean to imply that they're twins but not identical now.
When MKD came out and Mileena looked way different from Kitana in MKDA I was wondering how any could be fooled by her impersonating Kitana. I guess they mean to imply that they're twins but not identical now.
Their outfits looked different but their faces didn't. Mileena could still pass of as Kitana without a problem. In fact, her ending in Deception suggest she actually impersonated her and took control of her army. But Mileena's new appearence leads us to this:
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
The ONLY thing I don't like about Mileena thus far in this game is the fact that they seemed to have completely forgotten that fact that she is supposed to be the twin/clone and or duplicate of Kitana, at least from a physical stand point. Therefore I am not liking nor understanding why they went and gave her these yellow demon-cat eyes. To me the lack of physical similarities between Mileena and Kitana as of late almost make their entire story seem void. As far as I am concerned, the exact same models should have been used for both Kitana and Mileena, with only changes to necessary things like Mileena's Tarkatan mouth, hair, costume and move set.
The ONLY thing I don't like about Mileena thus far in this game is the fact that they seemed to have completely forgotten that fact that she is supposed to be the twin/clone and or duplicate of Kitana, at least from a physical stand point. Therefore I am not liking nor understanding why they went and gave her these yellow demon-cat eyes. To me the lack of physical similarities between Mileena and Kitana as of late almost make their entire story seem void. As far as I am concerned, the exact same models should have been used for both Kitana and Mileena, with only changes to necessary things like Mileena's Tarkatan mouth, hair, costume and move set.
They're supposed to look identical. In MKD her eyes are perfectly normal and they only change during the maneater fatality and her winpose. Maybe the MK team has really forgotten Mileena's purpose of existence.
EDIT: Don't get me wrong. I really like what the team has done with Mileena. I think she's the more developed and charismatic character we have seen until now. I just can't stop thinking about how absurd is how the mask does wonders in avoiding getting discovered. It's just like Clark Kent's glasses.
~Crow~ Wrote:
Why is it that Mileena threads always turn into talking about how Mileena is better than Kitana? That right there should prove how much she isn't if her own fanbase needs to constantly compare her to Kitana. She should be strong enough to stand on her own without constantly having to be compared to another character like she's attached at the hip to her storyline (even though she is, but that's beside the point). I rarely see Kitana threads delve into why Kitana is better than Mileena.
Why is it that Mileena threads always turn into talking about how Mileena is better than Kitana? That right there should prove how much she isn't if her own fanbase needs to constantly compare her to Kitana. She should be strong enough to stand on her own without constantly having to be compared to another character like she's attached at the hip to her storyline (even though she is, but that's beside the point). I rarely see Kitana threads delve into why Kitana is better than Mileena.
True, the fans of other female characters often end up attacking Kitana when it's totally uncalled for (ok, let's say you dislike Kitana, but why bring her up when she's not been mentioned?). I'm starting to suspect there is some sort of inferiority complex.
Sincubus Wrote:
Being gay, I don't care for Mileena's private parts and boobies at all, so they have to come with something much better than that before I like them.
Being gay, I don't care for Mileena's private parts and boobies at all, so they have to come with something much better than that before I like them.
Liar! Anyone whose witnessed Mileena's fanged naughty bits is forced into heterosexuality out of sheer terror. It's been proven...with SCIENCE!
~Crow~ Wrote:
Why is it that Mileena threads always turn into talking about how Mileena is better than Kitana? That right there should prove how much she isn't if her own fanbase needs to constantly compare her to Kitana. She should be strong enough to stand on her own without constantly having to be compared to another character like she's attached at the hip to her storyline (even though she is, but that's beside the point). I rarely see Kitana threads delve into why Kitana is better than Mileena.
Why is it that Mileena threads always turn into talking about how Mileena is better than Kitana? That right there should prove how much she isn't if her own fanbase needs to constantly compare her to Kitana. She should be strong enough to stand on her own without constantly having to be compared to another character like she's attached at the hip to her storyline (even though she is, but that's beside the point). I rarely see Kitana threads delve into why Kitana is better than Mileena.
My guess is that Mileena fans have a hate on for Kitana because that's an integral part of Mileena's story (whch the fans are attracted to). It's some sort of vidja game subliminal messaging...or something.

About Me
no one will ever be immortal
Mojo6 Wrote
Liar! Anyone whose witnessed Mileena's fanged naughty bits are forced into heterosexuality out of sheer terror. It's been proven...with SCIENCE!
Liar! Anyone whose witnessed Mileena's fanged naughty bits are forced into heterosexuality out of sheer terror. It's been proven...with SCIENCE!
I believe stephen hawking proved it.

I think she needs a different x-ray move. I mean, I think her current would be fitting for someone else.
I could totally come up with something better.
Why not have her use her ground roll to launch her oppenent in the air, then use her teleport move to come down from the air, with her sai's impailing them, and slams them into the ground.
I could totally come up with something better.
Why not have her use her ground roll to launch her oppenent in the air, then use her teleport move to come down from the air, with her sai's impailing them, and slams them into the ground.
Sincubus Wrote:
A cool X-ray for her would be with her teeth and something with the private parts of the victim like Johnny, as she is sooo sexual :p
A cool X-ray for her would be with her teeth and something with the private parts of the victim like Johnny, as she is sooo sexual :p
Mileena's flying vaginal head decapitation fatality will be DLC...as confirmed by me...right now.

About Me
Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.
Lovely signature by MINION
The guy asked why Mileena was so popular and stated he thought Kitana fans out numbered Mileena fans.
I'm pretty sure this is why Kitana was brought up, other than the fact she is the only other female in mk9 we could compare her too.
I'm pretty sure this is why Kitana was brought up, other than the fact she is the only other female in mk9 we could compare her too.
You know, maybe I'm reading in to this too much, but I've ALWAYS felt Mileena was an extremely sympathetic character.
She was created as part of an elaborate scheme to convince Kitana she was the child of Shao Kahn and that Mileena was her twin sister. And yet, surprisingly, Kahn was quite caring and expressed favoritism for Kitana over her, a flawed clone of the original. She grew up eager to please her "father" and to prove her superiority to her twin that it became her one and only obsession.
And yet Mileena has never been as good as the original. She struggles harder, she fights more viciously, she dresses more provocatively, and yet her twin always did it better.
Mileena is the underdog here. She's led a life always as the "left-overs" of her better counterpart. She never got the love Kahn, nor Sindel, freely gave to Kitana. Her only solace was in the company of monsters like Baraka, mutants and deformed creations.
And that's why I've grown to like Mileena, almost more than Kitana, because Kitana, really, had it far too easy. Mileena is a creature that shouldn't exist and copes with her twisted existence by lashing out at the world. I love it, really.
She was created as part of an elaborate scheme to convince Kitana she was the child of Shao Kahn and that Mileena was her twin sister. And yet, surprisingly, Kahn was quite caring and expressed favoritism for Kitana over her, a flawed clone of the original. She grew up eager to please her "father" and to prove her superiority to her twin that it became her one and only obsession.
And yet Mileena has never been as good as the original. She struggles harder, she fights more viciously, she dresses more provocatively, and yet her twin always did it better.
Mileena is the underdog here. She's led a life always as the "left-overs" of her better counterpart. She never got the love Kahn, nor Sindel, freely gave to Kitana. Her only solace was in the company of monsters like Baraka, mutants and deformed creations.
And that's why I've grown to like Mileena, almost more than Kitana, because Kitana, really, had it far too easy. Mileena is a creature that shouldn't exist and copes with her twisted existence by lashing out at the world. I love it, really.
Mojo6 Wrote:
This right here. Also I would feel that the reason that Kitana fans dont compare to Mileena all the time is because thats part of Kitana's character too
Sincubus Wrote:
My guess is that Mileena fans have a hate on for Kitana because that's an integral part of Mileena's story (whch the fans are attracted to). It's some sort of vidja game subliminal messaging...or something.
My guess is that Mileena fans have a hate on for Kitana because that's an integral part of Mileena's story (whch the fans are attracted to). It's some sort of vidja game subliminal messaging...or something.
This right here. Also I would feel that the reason that Kitana fans dont compare to Mileena all the time is because thats part of Kitana's character too
Garlador Wrote:
You know, maybe I'm reading in to this too much, but I've ALWAYS felt Mileena was an extremely sympathetic character.
She never got the love Kahn, nor Sindel, freely gave to Kitana. Her only solace was in the company of monsters like Baraka, mutants and deformed creations.
And that's why I've grown to like Mileena, almost more than Kitana, because Kitana, really, had it far too easy. Mileena is a creature that shouldn't exist and copes with her twisted existence by lashing out at the world. I love it, really.
You know, maybe I'm reading in to this too much, but I've ALWAYS felt Mileena was an extremely sympathetic character.
She never got the love Kahn, nor Sindel, freely gave to Kitana. Her only solace was in the company of monsters like Baraka, mutants and deformed creations.
And that's why I've grown to like Mileena, almost more than Kitana, because Kitana, really, had it far too easy. Mileena is a creature that shouldn't exist and copes with her twisted existence by lashing out at the world. I love it, really.
Nope I think you have it pegged, that's why I like her too.
Is there any gameplay of Mileena?
I don't understand how everyone's saying she's the best character when we've only seen a couple of special moves and a fatality.
She even has the same look from her MKD alternate costume.
So I'm just asking for any videos if there are any, because all the videos I've seen so far of Mileena are just very quick and don't feature her enough IMO.
I don't understand how everyone's saying she's the best character when we've only seen a couple of special moves and a fatality.
She even has the same look from her MKD alternate costume.
So I'm just asking for any videos if there are any, because all the videos I've seen so far of Mileena are just very quick and don't feature her enough IMO.
HyperDrive Wrote:
Their outfits looked different but their faces didn't. Mileena could still pass of as Kitana without a problem. In fact, her ending in Deception suggest she actually impersonated her and took control of her army. But Mileena's new appearence leads us to this:
I know their story lines say that they look the same but I think the actual models and renders look different. Maybe it's just me but I don't think they've looked similar since they were pallet swaps.Their outfits looked different but their faces didn't. Mileena could still pass of as Kitana without a problem. In fact, her ending in Deception suggest she actually impersonated her and took control of her army. But Mileena's new appearence leads us to this:

About Me
Characters mastered: Kitana, Mileena, Reptile, Ermac, Jade, Cyrax, Liu Kang, Kabal, Smoke, Nightwolf, Kano, Jax, Sektor, Sheeva, Baraka, Scorpion, Stryker, Sindel, Sonya Blade, Cyber Sub Zero.
oracle Wrote:
I know their story lines say that they look the same but I think the actual models and renders look different. Maybe it's just me but I don't think they've looked similar since they were pallet swaps.
I know their story lines say that they look the same but I think the actual models and renders look different. Maybe it's just me but I don't think they've looked similar since they were pallet swaps.
I see your point and I don't know exactly if the models used are the same or not. However, in some of the MKD endings, particularly Sindel and Ermac's, Kitana is rendered the same way Mileena is, you can still say they're 'twins' at first view. On MKA, it's also credible enough.
In MK9 Mileena looks more demonic thanks to those yellow cat eyes(Kitana's outfit doesn't help her either), after seeing them you can't help but think, how can people actually believe there twins? That can be solved by just giving Mileena the demonic eyes while unmasked or in her Fatalities and Winning pose. The fact that no one can't tell she's a demon just by wearing a mask can't be fixed that easily though. Just my opinion.
chantallelovery Wrote:
Is there any gameplay of Mileena?
I don't understand how everyone's saying she's the best character when we've only seen a couple of special moves and a fatality.
She even has the same look from her MKD alternate costume.
So I'm just asking for any videos if there are any, because all the videos I've seen so far of Mileena are just very quick and don't feature her enough IMO.
Is there any gameplay of Mileena?
I don't understand how everyone's saying she's the best character when we've only seen a couple of special moves and a fatality.
She even has the same look from her MKD alternate costume.
So I'm just asking for any videos if there are any, because all the videos I've seen so far of Mileena are just very quick and don't feature her enough IMO.
You have to understand how fans of a character work. For example, to Sonya fans, she's the best character in this game. Does it matter if she's not announced yet? Nope, she's the best.
But we all know the truth is Shang Tsung is the game's best character.

~Crow~ Wrote:
But we all know the truth is Shang Tsung is the game's best character.
But we all know the truth is Shang Tsung is the game's best character.
I disagree SIR.
That would be Noob Saibot.

About Me
EcstasyTuesday Wrote:
I disagree SIR.
That would be Noob Saibot.
~Crow~ Wrote:
But we all know the truth is Shang Tsung is the game's best character.
But we all know the truth is Shang Tsung is the game's best character.
I disagree SIR.
That would be Noob Saibot.
see? that's how it works :P
~Crow~ Wrote:
Why is it that Mileena threads always turn into talking about how Mileena is better than Kitana? That right there should prove how much she isn't if her own fanbase needs to constantly compare her to Kitana. She should be strong enough to stand on her own without constantly having to be compared to another character like she's attached at the hip to her storyline (even though she is, but that's beside the point). I rarely see Kitana threads delve into why Kitana is better than Mileena.
+ Why is it that Mileena threads always turn into talking about how Mileena is better than Kitana? That right there should prove how much she isn't if her own fanbase needs to constantly compare her to Kitana. She should be strong enough to stand on her own without constantly having to be compared to another character like she's attached at the hip to her storyline (even though she is, but that's beside the point). I rarely see Kitana threads delve into why Kitana is better than Mileena.
Warlady Wrote:
Wow.....what kind of question is that? Mileena AND Kitana threads dwell in this kind of stuff all the time. And can I please speak about the fact that so far they are the only two female characters available for comparison and criticism and praise? This is something that is bound to happen in a forum where discussions and opinions are allowed, right?
You seriously can't expect people to shut about "who looks better", "who plays better", "who's been better designed", or "who's better received" or "who's more popular at the moment", etc, if you have all fans and even articles and reviewers talking about it (in this case, giving tons of praise to Mileena and not so much to Kitana).
Just because people/fans aren't showing that much love for Kitana doesn't mean they are Mileena fans or haters. Some of them just happen to like one better than the other for their own good reasons.
Also, no disrespect to both of you, but, that kind of "reverse psychology" really doesn't work.
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
The ONLY thing I don't like about Mileena thus far in this game is the fact that they seemed to have completely forgotten that fact that she is supposed to be the twin/clone and or duplicate of Kitana, at least from a physical stand point. Therefore I am not liking nor understanding why they went and gave her these yellow demon-cat eyes.
The ONLY thing I don't like about Mileena thus far in this game is the fact that they seemed to have completely forgotten that fact that she is supposed to be the twin/clone and or duplicate of Kitana, at least from a physical stand point. Therefore I am not liking nor understanding why they went and gave her these yellow demon-cat eyes.
I agree with you.
I do love the way the eyes look and how it makes her stand out even more....however, I honestly think she would look a thousand times better if she had the exact same eyes of Kitana.
This kind of stuff really adds depth to their whole "twin" storyline. Mileena can have the yellow cat eyes during a fatality or some X-Ray attack, but other than that she should have Kitana's eyes.
Identical twins don't necessarily have to have the same body shape and size. Similar, but not the same... so this version of Mileena and Kitana... looks pretty close to me.
In regards to mileena's yellow eyes...
- It's almost like Clark Kent... how can people not know that hes Superman
- or it can be explained that she has some birth defect... assuming that people in the mk world believe she is shao khan's real daughter... shao khan's eyes/face don't look like your typical human either...
In regards to mileena's yellow eyes...
- It's almost like Clark Kent... how can people not know that hes Superman
- or it can be explained that she has some birth defect... assuming that people in the mk world believe she is shao khan's real daughter... shao khan's eyes/face don't look like your typical human either...
I think it's easy for fans to pick apart continuity holes in things they're interested in and the Mileena eye thing is a perfect example. Now don't get me wrong I agree with the Clark Kent analogy and logic it's just that sometimes the people behind the creative process of something like character art lose track of all the little continuity nuances.
It certainly wouldn't be the first time this happened in an MK game. So in other words I think it went down more like:
Dev 1: "Wow Mileena looks totally badass with those crazy yellow eyes. Great job man."
Dev 2: "I know right? I wanted to really showcase that Tarakatan heritage since Mileena's such a tasty beast in this game."
Dev 1: "Yeah.."
Dev 2. "Yup..."
Dev 1: "Wanna blow off work and get wasted at a stripclub?"
Dev 2: "Fuckin' A! Is it Wednesday already?"
As opposed to:
Dev 1: "Hey Mileena is looking pretty vicious! What's with the cat-eyes though?"
Dev: 2: "Thanks! I've been working on ways to really play off of that whole Outworld mutant thing."
Dev 1: "Oh, gotcha. It's just that...well, you know that Mileena is supposed to be pasable as Kitana's twin sister right? You know the MK Nerds pay attention to that shit."
Dev 2: "Yeah I uh...forgot that whole... Kitana... sister... FUCK!"
*Looks at projected launch date*
*Deduces how long it would take to fix*
*Begins weeping in his cubicle*
It certainly wouldn't be the first time this happened in an MK game. So in other words I think it went down more like:
Dev 1: "Wow Mileena looks totally badass with those crazy yellow eyes. Great job man."
Dev 2: "I know right? I wanted to really showcase that Tarakatan heritage since Mileena's such a tasty beast in this game."
Dev 1: "Yeah.."
Dev 2. "Yup..."
Dev 1: "Wanna blow off work and get wasted at a stripclub?"
Dev 2: "Fuckin' A! Is it Wednesday already?"
As opposed to:
Dev 1: "Hey Mileena is looking pretty vicious! What's with the cat-eyes though?"
Dev: 2: "Thanks! I've been working on ways to really play off of that whole Outworld mutant thing."
Dev 1: "Oh, gotcha. It's just that...well, you know that Mileena is supposed to be pasable as Kitana's twin sister right? You know the MK Nerds pay attention to that shit."
Dev 2: "Yeah I uh...forgot that whole... Kitana... sister... FUCK!"
*Looks at projected launch date*
*Deduces how long it would take to fix*
*Begins weeping in his cubicle*
Does it really matter if Mileena has different eyes all of a sudden? Do people know that she has Tarkatan DNA in her? Baraka's eyes were exactly like hers in Deception, does it not ring a bell?
Mileena can act like some lunatic without making people realize that she is not Kitana. So far it has worked in previous games. The way they have Mileena is EXACTLY where they should have her.
I don't think most understands that because she has Tarkatan DNA, she's going to act like this at times... Whether or not anyone is going to agree with me, she should look partially like one, she should act partiially like one, therefore the way that she is in this game is basically her best appearance yet. (Not talking about what she's wearing though.)
Mileena can act like some lunatic without making people realize that she is not Kitana. So far it has worked in previous games. The way they have Mileena is EXACTLY where they should have her.
I don't think most understands that because she has Tarkatan DNA, she's going to act like this at times... Whether or not anyone is going to agree with me, she should look partially like one, she should act partiially like one, therefore the way that she is in this game is basically her best appearance yet. (Not talking about what she's wearing though.)
EcstasyTuesday Wrote:
I disagree SIR.
That would be Noob Saibot.
~Crow~ Wrote:
But we all know the truth is Shang Tsung is the game's best character.
But we all know the truth is Shang Tsung is the game's best character.
I disagree SIR.
That would be Noob Saibot.
You guys have obviously forgotten about the exceptionally designed Mokap. It's understandable though since, due to the magnattiude of his awesomeness, thinking about him too often is like looking at the sun with your brain.

About Me
Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.
Lovely signature by MINION
Kitana and Mileena DO at least have the same hair color this time!!
+1 for twins
+1 for twins
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