Mileena Discussion.
posted09/09/2010 12:23 PM (UTC)byjmurf22So Mileena has been announced as the first official female on the roster like MK Deception she has featured quite heavily in the showcasing of the game. But what would you like to see from Mileena in this and future games?
First things first it appears that after years and years of the same moves Mileena is finally getting a few new special moves. They are (apparently ) as follows:
Face Gnaw: Mileena leaps onto her opponents chest and begins eating away their face. Two variations are she will either jump off or jump off with a kick.
Backstabber: Mileena leaps into the air and lands on top of her opponent, lodging her sais into her foes back.
And a variation on her traditional ripping the head off Fatality. MK2 is when we met her and now we get some new special moves. I always thought Mileena's moves suited her though I often thought she could employ her teeth and sai's a little more while in battle and it seems we are getting that. Since Mileena's return in MK:D I've found her movset to really complement itself the speed and the flow of her moves feel very natural.
The outfit we've seen is very much the same as the Alt MK:D costume, the tiny pink number ( she deserves to be champion on the basis of being able to fight in that!) I hope her other costume is less revealing, Yes that kinda attire suits Mileena's character but I don't think she needs to be quite that nude. I liked her MK:D first costume to was unique and funky with the long trail at the back. Oh yeah and her eyes appear to be almost catlike now, Mileena's eyes are one of the most inconsistent things with MK one day white, one day yellow...Perhaps she just has a selection of contact lenses at her disposal. And her teeth continue to get smaller. I think she's looking pretty cool from what we've seen of her so far I think the purple/pink mist(?) that appears when she jumps and rolls around is pretty cool looking. It nice to see some updates for the old girl.
As for story I don't really expect too much change from Mileena and Kitana's story in this upcoming game. If there are changes I think that maybe Kitana won't kill Mileena this time around? I have no definite ideas on what mite be different in their story this time around. It's an epic and it'll be amazing to play through it all again with current tech but I can't lie it would be cool to see maybe a twist or two, Perhaps you guys have some ideas about what'll change with that? Maybe they'll expand on Mileena and Baraka's dealings during that time..ah I dunno I'm stabbing in the dark.
When it comes to future games I think it's high time Mileena was separated from Kitana to a greater extent. The whole evil twin thing was wicked but lets be honest how many more times can we play through as Mileena and get pretty much the same story spewed at you? Her MK;D ending shows that despite having to pose as Kitana she has the skills to command an army. In this ending there were signs that Mileena wanted to be Mileena and not Kitana as it says that she wanted to reveal who she was, this of course didn't happen and wouldn't have worked however beyond that it shows that Mileena is developing into more of an individual ( However MK:A shot that to shit when they swapped the faces and I assume Mileena became Kitana? Though not canon.) Obviously her and Kitana will always be connected no matter what happens but I think Mileena could do a little more. It's no secret that Mileena is my favourite but I'm not blind to the facts, Mileena isn't a massive character within the grand parts of the stories but I fear if they continue to give her the same circle of events then she will go from a popular character to a redundant one. She'll never be a massive powerful force but she's been the MK evil bitch for years now, the first female villain I'd like a breath of fresh air regarding her story. This isn't a pressing issue at the moment but I think in the next few games ( assuming she isn't killed off or something) things will need to change with her to keep her status as strong side character. I have few ideas off the top of my head:
- Perhaps expand on Mileena and Baraka in future? I don't mean make them the main villains or anything like that but they could becoming a team and with the Taraktan armies at their disposal they could be a strong weapon for whom ever would want their services, making them a thorn in everyone's side.
- Then we have the fact that she is Shao Kahn's "true daughter" she was brought up with Kitana surely she would have some influence and maybe even consider herself the rightful heir to the Outworld throne. And her being made from a Princess, brought up by an Emperor Mileena will likely never stop until she has the status she deserves.
So what do you guys think could be done to expand on Mileena's story? Maybe you all want her to stay as she is? She's has some good exposure over the last few games and I'd like to see that continue.
First things first it appears that after years and years of the same moves Mileena is finally getting a few new special moves. They are (apparently ) as follows:
Face Gnaw: Mileena leaps onto her opponents chest and begins eating away their face. Two variations are she will either jump off or jump off with a kick.
Backstabber: Mileena leaps into the air and lands on top of her opponent, lodging her sais into her foes back.
And a variation on her traditional ripping the head off Fatality. MK2 is when we met her and now we get some new special moves. I always thought Mileena's moves suited her though I often thought she could employ her teeth and sai's a little more while in battle and it seems we are getting that. Since Mileena's return in MK:D I've found her movset to really complement itself the speed and the flow of her moves feel very natural.
The outfit we've seen is very much the same as the Alt MK:D costume, the tiny pink number ( she deserves to be champion on the basis of being able to fight in that!) I hope her other costume is less revealing, Yes that kinda attire suits Mileena's character but I don't think she needs to be quite that nude. I liked her MK:D first costume to was unique and funky with the long trail at the back. Oh yeah and her eyes appear to be almost catlike now, Mileena's eyes are one of the most inconsistent things with MK one day white, one day yellow...Perhaps she just has a selection of contact lenses at her disposal. And her teeth continue to get smaller. I think she's looking pretty cool from what we've seen of her so far I think the purple/pink mist(?) that appears when she jumps and rolls around is pretty cool looking. It nice to see some updates for the old girl.
As for story I don't really expect too much change from Mileena and Kitana's story in this upcoming game. If there are changes I think that maybe Kitana won't kill Mileena this time around? I have no definite ideas on what mite be different in their story this time around. It's an epic and it'll be amazing to play through it all again with current tech but I can't lie it would be cool to see maybe a twist or two, Perhaps you guys have some ideas about what'll change with that? Maybe they'll expand on Mileena and Baraka's dealings during that time..ah I dunno I'm stabbing in the dark.
When it comes to future games I think it's high time Mileena was separated from Kitana to a greater extent. The whole evil twin thing was wicked but lets be honest how many more times can we play through as Mileena and get pretty much the same story spewed at you? Her MK;D ending shows that despite having to pose as Kitana she has the skills to command an army. In this ending there were signs that Mileena wanted to be Mileena and not Kitana as it says that she wanted to reveal who she was, this of course didn't happen and wouldn't have worked however beyond that it shows that Mileena is developing into more of an individual ( However MK:A shot that to shit when they swapped the faces and I assume Mileena became Kitana? Though not canon.) Obviously her and Kitana will always be connected no matter what happens but I think Mileena could do a little more. It's no secret that Mileena is my favourite but I'm not blind to the facts, Mileena isn't a massive character within the grand parts of the stories but I fear if they continue to give her the same circle of events then she will go from a popular character to a redundant one. She'll never be a massive powerful force but she's been the MK evil bitch for years now, the first female villain I'd like a breath of fresh air regarding her story. This isn't a pressing issue at the moment but I think in the next few games ( assuming she isn't killed off or something) things will need to change with her to keep her status as strong side character. I have few ideas off the top of my head:
- Perhaps expand on Mileena and Baraka in future? I don't mean make them the main villains or anything like that but they could becoming a team and with the Taraktan armies at their disposal they could be a strong weapon for whom ever would want their services, making them a thorn in everyone's side.
- Then we have the fact that she is Shao Kahn's "true daughter" she was brought up with Kitana surely she would have some influence and maybe even consider herself the rightful heir to the Outworld throne. And her being made from a Princess, brought up by an Emperor Mileena will likely never stop until she has the status she deserves.
So what do you guys think could be done to expand on Mileena's story? Maybe you all want her to stay as she is? She's has some good exposure over the last few games and I'd like to see that continue.
LucaTurilli •07/31/2010 11:11 PM (UTC) •
I always liked Mileena, but never really loved her like I did other characters. However, she just looks FIERCE in this iteration. I love the yellow cat eyes, I love the outfit, and I love her hair.
I was indifferent toward her previous costumes. I'm not entirely sure what about this costume grabs me. As revealing as her other costumes had been, they didn't really meld with her character in battles. Somehow, this costume screams the use of sexuality as a weapon, and I mean literally. Those thigh-high high heels look sexy as hell and dangerous too!
Even her X-Ray attack is a tease.
She just seems very in your face and almost dominatrix-esque in this. Just somehow turned being slutty into being badass. Never seen any character do that before.
I was indifferent toward her previous costumes. I'm not entirely sure what about this costume grabs me. As revealing as her other costumes had been, they didn't really meld with her character in battles. Somehow, this costume screams the use of sexuality as a weapon, and I mean literally. Those thigh-high high heels look sexy as hell and dangerous too!
Even her X-Ray attack is a tease.
She just seems very in your face and almost dominatrix-esque in this. Just somehow turned being slutty into being badass. Never seen any character do that before.
DarkKard4 •07/31/2010 11:20 PM (UTC) •
"Face Gnaw: Mileena leaps onto her opponents chest and begins eating away their face. Two variations are she will either jump off or jump off with a kick.
Backstabber: Mileena leaps into the air and lands on top of her opponent, lodging her sais into her foes back."
The first isn't new. Its just a revamped version of Nitara's MKDA throw. And the second is not a special move but a ending combo move. Just like Kung Lao jumping and stabbing the opponent with his hat at the end of a combo.
Backstabber: Mileena leaps into the air and lands on top of her opponent, lodging her sais into her foes back."
The first isn't new. Its just a revamped version of Nitara's MKDA throw. And the second is not a special move but a ending combo move. Just like Kung Lao jumping and stabbing the opponent with his hat at the end of a combo.
jmurf22 •08/01/2010 01:02 AM (UTC) •
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Yeah she appears to display plenty of personality in the moves they've shown so far. Like the groans of pleasure and the sexual tone to everything she does.
And as for the moves whether someone else has a similar move or not it's new for Mileena. It's not like she's become a Kira who had everything Sonya had. It's nice to finally see her using her teeth outside of Fatalities. Obviously there are numerous funky ways they could put her teeth and sais to use but her classic moves are well..classic.
And as for the moves whether someone else has a similar move or not it's new for Mileena. It's not like she's become a Kira who had everything Sonya had. It's nice to finally see her using her teeth outside of Fatalities. Obviously there are numerous funky ways they could put her teeth and sais to use but her classic moves are well..classic.
Mileena is the reason I adore and love Mortal Kombat, since the early 90ties when I played the MK2 at my uncles place I really adored her, I really love her name.
When I saw her sucking fatality I adored her even more, I really love evil clone characters and monsters, mileena is both.
For her new story I hope on something big like Deception, deception even is named for her deception.
But anyway it is really a honor for her to be reveiled as one of the first characters, even earlier than Kitana or Sonya.
And her slutty looks are fine with me, a woman that shows her body and distracts the male fighters by doing that, what is wrong with that? Everybody needs to take everything out to win a match, mileena uses her female charms and bodyparts, totally love that.
When I saw her sucking fatality I adored her even more, I really love evil clone characters and monsters, mileena is both.
For her new story I hope on something big like Deception, deception even is named for her deception.
But anyway it is really a honor for her to be reveiled as one of the first characters, even earlier than Kitana or Sonya.
And her slutty looks are fine with me, a woman that shows her body and distracts the male fighters by doing that, what is wrong with that? Everybody needs to take everything out to win a match, mileena uses her female charms and bodyparts, totally love that.
Wall-diver •08/01/2010 02:17 PM (UTC) •
Mileena's costume is great. She needs a solid move-set. Gameplay wise, so far she's okay.
Story wise is where there is a problem. She needs to just let go of this Kitana thing. She should be her own character, embrace Mileena and be a leader for once. What would also be sort of a twist is either make her kill or seriously injure Baraka.
I hope she has a fatality close to MK:D's. That was incredible.
Story wise is where there is a problem. She needs to just let go of this Kitana thing. She should be her own character, embrace Mileena and be a leader for once. What would also be sort of a twist is either make her kill or seriously injure Baraka.
I hope she has a fatality close to MK:D's. That was incredible.
jmurf22 •08/01/2010 10:39 PM (UTC) •
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Yeah there were several Deceptions in Deception. However she did feature heavily in that game, it's the biggest presence she's had, I mean the trailer was her and Baraka it was nice to see them taking a risk using lesser know characters to push a game. There was even a Mileena version of the game to buy was there not?
Rastabortionist •08/01/2010 10:52 PM (UTC) •
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One more ounce will make me feel so great.... wait... now i cant feel my face.
True, but the deception that the title is referring to is the deception of shujinko by onaga. nothing else.
Kamionero •08/01/2010 11:32 PM (UTC) •
Personally, I'd love to see Mileena go in a whole different direction than in later games... more along the lines of her MK2 ending where she works for herself. I'd like her to act as a raw agent, and I would even love for her to team up w Kitana in order to overthrow Khan and Kitana not teaming up w Earthrealm. The uneasy alliance between the "sisters" would b pretty interesting.
SEGAmaniac7 •08/01/2010 11:41 PM (UTC) •
I like her boobs, yep thats about it, never really had any interset in her though I still will play as her once in a while.
jmurf22 •08/02/2010 02:20 AM (UTC) •
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You like her nice for you.
I do hope they stop making such a thing out of Kitana being better than Mileena it doesn't really make sense to me. Brought up together and likely trained together it doesn't really make sense for Kitana to always best Mileena ( then again you have to consider the plot and Mileena beating Kitana would have altered everything.) Also you have the Tarkata within her surely that gives more than just teeth? Maybe heightened senses or some such thing. I think if they intend to continue the Mileena and Kitana story they will have to have Mileena beating Kitana so that there's excitement rather than Kitana just besting her at every turn.
When ever I've thought of Kitana and Mileena fights I've always pictured long and brutal battles where neither can get the upper hand, Like it would go on for so much longer than most fights because they are so alike they know each other totally and if you add the mental connection it would just go on and on. As for Kitana winning I think she'd have to press Mileena's buttons, with her Tarkata essence Mileena likely has a very quick temper. We've all seen how sensitive Mileena is to her face. So it stands to reason that Kitana would have to get her into a frenzy and take advantage of the sloppiness that would come with it. It's like at the start of the fight Mileena would be more like Kitana then at the end and to her disadvantage the Tarkata takes over and Kitana gets the upper hand. An epic battle never the less.
I do hope they stop making such a thing out of Kitana being better than Mileena it doesn't really make sense to me. Brought up together and likely trained together it doesn't really make sense for Kitana to always best Mileena ( then again you have to consider the plot and Mileena beating Kitana would have altered everything.) Also you have the Tarkata within her surely that gives more than just teeth? Maybe heightened senses or some such thing. I think if they intend to continue the Mileena and Kitana story they will have to have Mileena beating Kitana so that there's excitement rather than Kitana just besting her at every turn.
When ever I've thought of Kitana and Mileena fights I've always pictured long and brutal battles where neither can get the upper hand, Like it would go on for so much longer than most fights because they are so alike they know each other totally and if you add the mental connection it would just go on and on. As for Kitana winning I think she'd have to press Mileena's buttons, with her Tarkata essence Mileena likely has a very quick temper. We've all seen how sensitive Mileena is to her face. So it stands to reason that Kitana would have to get her into a frenzy and take advantage of the sloppiness that would come with it. It's like at the start of the fight Mileena would be more like Kitana then at the end and to her disadvantage the Tarkata takes over and Kitana gets the upper hand. An epic battle never the less.
S0nofKrypton •08/02/2010 03:21 AM (UTC) •
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"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy." ― Kalu Kalu
ya know, somewhere in the story mode i'd like to see the creation of Mileena. i have this vision where Shang Tsung is in an unholy temple somewhere and, through the use of sorcery, he begins to create Mileena. when he's finally done she lies there completely naked covered in....birth juice screaming at the abomination of her own creation. hmm, kinda like Full Metal Alchemist.
Mileena is EVERYTHING that Kitana is only she has what Kitana is missing, interesting features of being an evil clone and some nasty teeth.
Being gay, I don't care for Mileena's private parts and boobies at all, so they have to come with something much better than that before I like them. Mileena has teeth, Jade has style and Kitana has fans, that pretty much works out for me, but Mileena and Jade are always my favorites over Kitana, I really wished they had given Mileena the fan weapons from the beginning in MK2, it suits her slutty and vain character more than it does Kitana.
Being gay, I don't care for Mileena's private parts and boobies at all, so they have to come with something much better than that before I like them. Mileena has teeth, Jade has style and Kitana has fans, that pretty much works out for me, but Mileena and Jade are always my favorites over Kitana, I really wished they had given Mileena the fan weapons from the beginning in MK2, it suits her slutty and vain character more than it does Kitana.
EdenianNinja •08/02/2010 04:01 PM (UTC) •
Mileena is the perfect poster female for Mortal Kombat. I don't think people realize how marketable she is for this series. I think the creators finally realize that because she was the poster babe for Mortal Kombat Deception and now she's the first female announced for MK9. She fits Mortal Kombat in every way possible. She's scary, vicious, brutal, evil, angry and sexy.
She's the ONE female character who actually has personalitiy whether its likeable or not. (Apart from Sonya's personality which is very confident and assertive).
Her two new moves are awesome and the face chew move should have been given to Mileena before Nitara so it doesn't matter. Mileena is an awesome character and I love how she causes controversy, THATS another thing MK is about. (her outfit, her teeth, her viciousness, her alliances) She is awesome!
She's the ONE female character who actually has personalitiy whether its likeable or not. (Apart from Sonya's personality which is very confident and assertive).
Her two new moves are awesome and the face chew move should have been given to Mileena before Nitara so it doesn't matter. Mileena is an awesome character and I love how she causes controversy, THATS another thing MK is about. (her outfit, her teeth, her viciousness, her alliances) She is awesome!
jmurf22 •08/02/2010 05:43 PM (UTC) •
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Also they've never really made any use of Mileena's ability to read Kitana's thoughts. Not only would that make Mileena a serious risk to her safety but also make her a valuable asset for anyone against the "goodies" since Mileena would be able to find out exactly what they're planning and feed that information to the people who would do the most damage. They don't have to do all that much to make Mileena a bigger character, her role doesn't really have to grow but there are clearly many directions her character can go if they were to bring some kind of resolution to the Mileena Kitana saga.
mileenafreak817 •08/03/2010 12:06 AM (UTC) •
i have gotta say, i read through all these posts and im really liking what some of you have suggested for Mileenas story.
when i first started playing deception i played as mileena because i thought she was hot (haha). and then i saw those crazy teeth and realized that she, as a character, was much more than just eye candy. so i have played with her in some of the previous games and then again in armegeddon. i like how she is becoming more popular, but i believe she will be even more popular if she can ditch the whole "evil Kitana" persona. i think with the way the story is going in this game...this would be a great time to make Millena a much more powerful character. Perhaps have her beat Kitana in combat (not kill her) and then conquer Edenia?
theses are just my thoughts though...
when i first started playing deception i played as mileena because i thought she was hot (haha). and then i saw those crazy teeth and realized that she, as a character, was much more than just eye candy. so i have played with her in some of the previous games and then again in armegeddon. i like how she is becoming more popular, but i believe she will be even more popular if she can ditch the whole "evil Kitana" persona. i think with the way the story is going in this game...this would be a great time to make Millena a much more powerful character. Perhaps have her beat Kitana in combat (not kill her) and then conquer Edenia?
theses are just my thoughts though...
jmurf22 •08/03/2010 12:18 AM (UTC) •
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Yeah I agree with you, I feel that Mileena needs to break away from the whole Kitana thing. Obviously no matter what happens they will always be connected in fact it would be ridiculous to just cut them out of each other stories all together. Though over the years it appears that Mileena's story is all about Kitana but Kitana's doesn't really acknowledge Mileena all that much, which seems harsh since Mileena's whole story works to make Kitana a better character too. I'd rather her not become a powerful character if it means she has to pose as Kitana, that may sound odd since that's what Mileena was made it do but over the past few years it's become clear that she's is popular enough to carry her own story as an independent character . I hope with this game they bring about as much resolution between Mileena and Kitana as possible and then maybe we can look forward to seeing not just Mileena but Kitana in a different light.
mileenafreak817 •08/03/2010 12:32 AM (UTC) •
jmurf22 Wrote:
Yeah I agree with you, I feel that Mileena needs to break away from the whole Kitana thing. Obviously no matter what happens they will always be connected in fact it would be ridiculous to just cut them out of each other stories all together. Though over the years it appears that Mileena's story is all about Kitana but Kitana's doesn't really acknowledge Mileena all that much, which seems harsh since Mileena's whole story works to make Kitana a better character too. I'd rather her not become a powerful character if it means she has to pose as Kitana, that may sound odd since that's what Mileena was made it do but over the past few years it's become clear that she's is popular enough to carry her own story as an independent character . I hope with this game they bring about as much resolution between Mileena and Kitana as possible and then maybe we can look forward to seeing not just Mileena but Kitana in a different light.
Yeah I agree with you, I feel that Mileena needs to break away from the whole Kitana thing. Obviously no matter what happens they will always be connected in fact it would be ridiculous to just cut them out of each other stories all together. Though over the years it appears that Mileena's story is all about Kitana but Kitana's doesn't really acknowledge Mileena all that much, which seems harsh since Mileena's whole story works to make Kitana a better character too. I'd rather her not become a powerful character if it means she has to pose as Kitana, that may sound odd since that's what Mileena was made it do but over the past few years it's become clear that she's is popular enough to carry her own story as an independent character . I hope with this game they bring about as much resolution between Mileena and Kitana as possible and then maybe we can look forward to seeing not just Mileena but Kitana in a different light.
i feel the same way, i hated how in Kitana's armeggedon ending, mileena wasnt really mentioned. this has seemes the case in almost all the mortal kombat games that have both of them. surely in this game Kitana will realize that Mileena is more than just the fly on the wall
jmurf22 •08/03/2010 01:42 AM (UTC) •
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We can but hope. Another thing I've always wondered about is her relationship with Shang Tsung it's an interesting one since he is if we're going to be literal the closest thing she has to a father, but I don't recall them having any interaction beyond her creation. Maybe she hates him for not giving her the face she wants? Maybe Shang Tsung hates her for being a living breathing representation of him failing to create the perfect clone, she is his failure really. Or on the switch side maybe he should take more pride in his creation I'm sure she surpassed his expectations she's proved to be far more than a mere clone, she's even faced death and come through. It would be interesting to see him working more with her since she's a testament to his power. I've never considered this before but I'd love to see them working together both are cunning little bastards who everyone hates. Such a thing could even explain her smaller teeth, perhaps working with being on good terms with Shang Tsung has prompted him to fix her face as best he can ( I'm firmly against her face ever being fixed) but I suppose I can live with smaller teeth.
jmurf22 •08/03/2010 09:37 PM (UTC) •
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( Sorry for the double post but I gotta get this down or I'll forget )
I've been thinking about Mileena working with Shang Tsung and the more I think the more I like it. I'm beyond aware that the chances of such a thing happening are slim but I'll just go with it for discussion sake. So here's an idea:
Shang Tsung has been banished/fallen out of favour with Shao Kahn ( or one of the many dudes he has alliances with) so he comes to the decision that he wants power for himself, he's sick of working with people whom he cannot manipulate as he'd please. But Shang Tsung is no fool he knows that people in power are targets and put themselves in the line of fire. If only he could find someone that he could control and place in a position of power with him behind them. Who better than his own creation Mileena? Given that she is the sister of the "Princess" Kitana and the "daughter" of Shao Kahn in a perverse way she is the person closest to the could even consider her an heir. Shang Tsung approaches Mileena who given her ambitions is more than happy to go along with the plan, However they are both sceptical about going against the Emperor of out world, Mileena especially. And so they set their sights on Edenia instead, Shang Tsung is the power in the duo however Mileena brings one important thing to the table..a relationship with Baraka who has an army of Taraka at his disposal. Mileena sets out to patch things up with Baraka, after some convincing he sees the potential and never one to pass up a good battle agrees to join. And so with the Taraka army with them they set out to take Edenia. After a brutal battle and with numbers on their side they capture the palace where Sindel and Kitana flee rather than risk loosing a vital battle and so Mileena is placed as Queen of Edenia with Shang Tsung doing all the ruling behind the scenes.
This would open up:
- Them having to fight to stop an Outworld merger
-Or them trying to conquer out world with the added power of Edenia behind them.
Or if they were to fail to capture Edenia they could set their sights on a different realm, as it seems only Outwolrd, Earth and Edenia are the big ones in stories and take Mileean VS Kitana to a much grander scale.
This is just total fanboyism gone mad but sometimes you gotta let it out I just think Shang and Mily would be epic
I've been thinking about Mileena working with Shang Tsung and the more I think the more I like it. I'm beyond aware that the chances of such a thing happening are slim but I'll just go with it for discussion sake. So here's an idea:
Shang Tsung has been banished/fallen out of favour with Shao Kahn ( or one of the many dudes he has alliances with) so he comes to the decision that he wants power for himself, he's sick of working with people whom he cannot manipulate as he'd please. But Shang Tsung is no fool he knows that people in power are targets and put themselves in the line of fire. If only he could find someone that he could control and place in a position of power with him behind them. Who better than his own creation Mileena? Given that she is the sister of the "Princess" Kitana and the "daughter" of Shao Kahn in a perverse way she is the person closest to the could even consider her an heir. Shang Tsung approaches Mileena who given her ambitions is more than happy to go along with the plan, However they are both sceptical about going against the Emperor of out world, Mileena especially. And so they set their sights on Edenia instead, Shang Tsung is the power in the duo however Mileena brings one important thing to the table..a relationship with Baraka who has an army of Taraka at his disposal. Mileena sets out to patch things up with Baraka, after some convincing he sees the potential and never one to pass up a good battle agrees to join. And so with the Taraka army with them they set out to take Edenia. After a brutal battle and with numbers on their side they capture the palace where Sindel and Kitana flee rather than risk loosing a vital battle and so Mileena is placed as Queen of Edenia with Shang Tsung doing all the ruling behind the scenes.
This would open up:
- Them having to fight to stop an Outworld merger
-Or them trying to conquer out world with the added power of Edenia behind them.
Or if they were to fail to capture Edenia they could set their sights on a different realm, as it seems only Outwolrd, Earth and Edenia are the big ones in stories and take Mileean VS Kitana to a much grander scale.
This is just total fanboyism gone mad but sometimes you gotta let it out I just think Shang and Mily would be epic
mileenafreak817 •08/04/2010 12:59 AM (UTC) •
i really liked that idea and as crazy as somee may think it sounds, it actually makes sense too!
i would really love it if they went this direction in this game (or anytime in the future). If they did this it would put Mileena in the center of the story as the "back-up" villian. i could also see her being the character that could potentially help the good side; if helping Shang is no longer beneficial.
dont get me wrong she would still bee evil. its literally part of her DNA...but she is also smart and wants power
i would really love it if they went this direction in this game (or anytime in the future). If they did this it would put Mileena in the center of the story as the "back-up" villian. i could also see her being the character that could potentially help the good side; if helping Shang is no longer beneficial.
dont get me wrong she would still bee evil. its literally part of her DNA...but she is also smart and wants power
RazorsEdge701 •08/04/2010 02:52 AM (UTC) •
mileenafreak817 Wrote:
but she is also smart
but she is also smart
Now see...this is the part I always question when it comes to Mileena. She strikes me as a little dumber than the average kombatant. Not Drahmin/Moloch/Baraka dumb, mind you, but halfway between there and a human. Maybe just a step above Reptile on his best day.
ServantToMileena •08/04/2010 03:28 AM (UTC) •
I've always thought of Mileena as a fighter with average intelligence for the most part, but with a more animal-like way of thinking when it comes to instincts and behavior. I do believe it'd be difficult to truly determine the intelligence of some of the non-Earthrealm kombatants, as they probably have better knowledge of areas than Earthrealmers. Testing intelligence by seeing how a character reacts to a hard situation might be plausible to work with both comparing Baraka's mental capacity to say Sonya's might work, but I doubt you can infer about Shang Tsung's intelligence based on a standardized test that would take place in an American school.
jmurf22 •08/04/2010 09:13 AM (UTC) •
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Glad you like it mileenafreak817, I know stuff like that is very unlikely to happen but I like to think about what if's sometimes. I agree I think that Mileena is greatly effected by her Tarakan essence, as if her logical thinking can be overruled by an instinctual and animal like thought process. I think she has displayed both foolish recklessness and a degree of cunning. For example the biggest thing is her ability to successful pose as Kitana, especially when you consider the differences in personality it's quite a feat on her part to be able to convince others that she is Kitana ( Obviously other factors come into play there such as many thinking she was dead but given peoples knowledge of her any unKitana like trait would raise suspicions). On the flip side her hatred of Kitana often prompts her into making stupid choices and following anyone rather blindly as long as she can get to Kitana, If a sheep said to Mileena that she could help her take down Kitana she would likely consider the sheeps offer seriously lol
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