Excuse me? But why have my request been ignored?
I know you are obviously used to a better quality sig but I just did it anyway

If you think it sucks I don't mind
You honestly think that looks good?

My tastes have changed since I created this account over 4 years ago. I prefer being called Siklootd and now love heavy metal music.

Culd i please get Noob on the right
using this image of noob
nd a MKSM look for smoke on the left of noob
wit a dark background
Culd i Get a Noob Saibot and Smoke signature......................
Culd i please get Noob on the right
using this image of noob
nd a MKSM look for smoke on the left of noob
wit a dark background
Link doesn't show the pic, and there's no render or a good pic of Smoke in MKSM sorry
for subzero use this link/image forget about smoke:

Thanks Thepredator151, Me, And vash for the sigs!!!
I love mk!!! I have almost every game and love fighting. I mean not killing people but, fighting. Join Vash_15's MKO Mugen project

Thanks to pred151
Can i get a sig with smoke and human smoke?
if possible noob be turned black to gray so he looks like human smoke?
Please and thank you

Here's my shot at it bro, don't know if it's exactly what you were looking for, but I gave it my best:

EXCELENT!!!!! Can it just be a tad bit bigger, if not its fine, thanks ;)
with it saying "Why So Serious?" and a cool effect, like the mist on the Joker pic or something? Thanks

Thanks Thepredator151, Me, And vash for the sigs!!!
I love mk!!! I have almost every game and love fighting. I mean not killing people but, fighting. Join Vash_15's MKO Mugen project

Thanks Thepredator151, Me, And vash for the sigs!!!
I love mk!!! I have almost every game and love fighting. I mean not killing people but, fighting. Join Vash_15's MKO Mugen project

Thanks Thepredator151, Me, And vash for the sigs!!!
I love mk!!! I have almost every game and love fighting. I mean not killing people but, fighting. Join Vash_15's MKO Mugen project

I'll make it.
Could anyone be as kind as to make me a Sig. with the old doctor and my name at the bottom minus the _ thanks to anyone who does it.
Go get me a picture. A better picture than the one in your avatar space now....if that's what you want.
All i want is a simple signature with Ryu facing off against Scorpion with "Mortal Kombat VS. Street Fighter" somewhere on it.
I'll make it.
Could anyone be as kind as to make me a Sig. with the old doctor and my name at the bottom minus the _ thanks to anyone who does it.
Well i suppose i could have been a little more help so can some one turn this into a sig for me with the name like above

Oh, okay...so what do you want to happen? Tell me again...
Would somebody make me a signature please?
I would like it to be cool. I would like my name on the bottom left corner and I want it to have the best pictures (in your opinion) of cyrax, scorpion and sektor. (Scorpion in the middle if possible) Also i want the author's name in the section that would best suit it. Example: Author: Authors name. Thank you to whoever does this.
Sit tight. I gotcha...
Sorry here's the link

for subzero use this link/image forget about smoke:

Pick one. I don't wanna deal with both of them. You can use Aculeus' FanArt Noob Saibot(he gave me directly//us in general, "permission" before), but as a personal gesture, I make sure that when I use something somebody else made, I mention them. Says that his name might end up in your sig.
Unless you can do like I did with my signature area, and "shout them out" for the render.
You tell me what you wanna do.
woot it feels good to be back on MKO glad to see mk got it right after MKA imo had its huge ass downfall
Can i get a sig with smoke and human smoke?

if possible noob be turned black to gray so he looks like human smoke?
Please and thank you
Looks easy enough....sit tight.
Whao! Yea, I can tell that it's your first request. My first request was just as specific, just as huge....or bigger. lol
So don't feel bad or anything like that.
However, just like BOMSnFISTs & Dragon3nergy first told me those few years ago :: "You're gonna have to revise that thing. Dumb it down to one, maybe two good characters....Give a color scheme or the idea." Like "I want mystical trees in the background" or something.
What you're essentially asking for, is a wallpaper. Which, honestly, I don't have time to make. Bigger work-space = alot more time dedicated to the one graphic.
I can make sigs pretty quickly though. On average, a sig takes me about 2hrs to make. Sometimes ranging all the way up to months. *looks at my current sig and avy that took about 2months to finish.....and it still isn't that good.* lol Execution was messed up on them.
Anyway yea, dumb that thing down and repost. And try to keep in mind for my sake, that "Creative License" is the key for an artists. Umm...here
Gimme this stuff:
1. Which 1 or 2 character pictures you want in the thing. The max size for a sig on MKO is 400x150 (my sig) So, if you want the full body of anything, it's most likely not gonna happen. It's crutial that you let me do what I wanna do with anything in the sig. Placement, effects, text, anything...
2. Color scheme, or ideal effects. Some times things just look better than what you think you want. *shrugs* idk, just works better to let me create what looks good. Now, if you want "magic" or a type of scenery in the background....then that would be a better way to explain what you want. That, or example photos.
To help here, go get a sig that someone else has, and show it to me. I can mimic pretty well, and stay away from another artists style enough to distinguish "your sig" from theirs.
So, to recap, an example request would look like this:
Can somebody make me a sig with Superman flying through the air, with some effects that make it look like he's flying fast. And an avatar with Supermans face, and some animated clouds behind him?
Longer or shorter(differs for everybody, based on how they describe stuff they want), that's about all that's needed to get the idea across. Trying to meticulously describe a font, or an effect never suffices for the requester. People always end up disappointed that way.
But yea, fix that request and I'll git 'er dun...
Yo, can someone make me a sig of my avatar

with it saying "Why So Serious?" and a cool effect, like the mist on the Joker pic or something? Thanks
It's gonna be really small because the image it really short length-wise. Unless you have a bigger picture up by the time I get to you.
Everyone Read this Entire Post Please!!!
Yea, don't skip it. There's some stuff in this post that everyone could learn to understand about posting a request.
Also, if I've just told you that I will get you a signature // avatar or whatever, DO NOT get upset because I took "a long time". Patience has just become your best friend. Because if I say I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it. Look back in this thread for proof of how I work things out. Read the first post in this thread, and look back into the old request thread for further proof of how I work.
Stop posting your request if I just said I would do your request. K?
Now, I'm gonna be going in order from top to bottom of this post. So, anyone NOT in this post, will not get my attention for the time being.
Another thing, alot of people know I get really busy sometimes, so when I take alot of requests, I DO NOT make heavy alterations to what I finish with for you. If I make you an animated avatar, I will not "Add" anything to it...shit is way too tedious and time consuming. I will however, take stuff out if you didn't want something in.
Altogether, these sigs should take me about a week or two to get all the way done. Maybe less if I'm -- you're lucky.
And trust me...it's worth the wait. lol
*probably editing this post*
1. mkdfan
2. The_Doctor ([??] I'm gonna wait on your reply. You'll be skipped until you answer. [??])
3. GrotesquetheBeast
4. Cyrax1020
5. shazeem1
6. scorpionjdr93
7. queve

Signature: 63.42kb

Yea okay, I went out of order already...had an idea for that one first so, there you have it. Hope it does you good.
Um...you said nothing about an avatar so, you missed me this go round.
I'll edit this post if I get done with something else sooner than people receive-post.
EDIT Waaaait a minute. Some of you have stuff made for you already. Hm...sry for stepping on anyones toes.

Thanks Thepredator151, Me, And vash for the sigs!!!
I love mk!!! I have almost every game and love fighting. I mean not killing people but, fighting. Join Vash_15's MKO Mugen project