Havik. I would LOVE to have super flexibility and live in Chaosrealm.
If you could spend a day with one MK character, who would it be with?
If you could spend a day with one MK character, who would it be with?

About Me
"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers
Johnny Cage because he's just so damn cool.
If you could marry one MK character who would it be?
If you could marry one MK character who would it be?
If you met Rain,what would you say to him?...remember he is very evil.

About Me
Submarine1, you did not answer the question and your question isn't on topic. It is "what character would you pick too".

caged95 Wrote:
Id marry jade oh yea
Which mk character would u pick 2 do the amazing race with
Id marry jade oh yea
Which mk character would u pick 2 do the amazing race with
Kabal of course. We would be there in less than a second.
Which MK character would you pick to kill you?

About Me
Here I am, can I leave now?
Kenshi. I wanna be killed by my favorite character!!
Who would you pick to go on a zombie killing spree with?
Who would you pick to go on a zombie killing spree with?

ninjastarrdaxenomorph Wrote:
Kenshi. I wanna be killed by my favorite character!!
Who would you pick to go on a zombie killing spree with?
Kenshi. I wanna be killed by my favorite character!!
Who would you pick to go on a zombie killing spree with?
Stryker. Being a S.W.A.T. Member likely means having access to a good armory and supply cabinet!
Which MK character would you pick to voice your favorite animated TV show character? (If there is no possible answer, then go for your second favorite TV character or choose another TV show.)

About Me
"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers
caged95 Wrote:
Cage voicing Goku lol!
Which MK Character would you pick to do a side switch (good to evil, vice versa)?
Cage voicing Goku lol!
Which MK Character would you pick to do a side switch (good to evil, vice versa)?
I'd pick Sareena to turn good and stay good. Seriously stop going back and forth young lady.
Which MK character would you pick to get their own spin off series?

I would pick Stryker he'll be in COPS xD.
Who would you choose as your slave?
Who would you choose as your slave?

She can make me a sandwich.
Which MK character would you pick to be your friend for the Apocalypse?
She can make me a sandwich.
Which MK character would you pick to be your friend for the Apocalypse?
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
She can make me a sandwich.
Which MK character would you pick to be your friend for the Apocalypse?
She can make me a sandwich.
Which MK character would you pick to be your friend for the Apocalypse?
Stryker. Because he takes initiative! XD
Which MK character would you pick to hold your hand while watching the sunset?
J-spit Wrote:
Which character do you want to have your baby?
Which character do you want to have your baby?
Is that weird? Maybe it is... But him none the less. ;P
Which character do you want to paint like one of your French girls?

MK 4 Jarek.
Which character would you pick to do your taxes?
Which character would you pick to do your taxes?
J-spit Wrote:
Zmoke Wrote:
Moloch. He could know something about round things that I don't.
Which MK character would you pick to castrate you?
None.Moloch. He could know something about round things that I don't.
Which MK character would you pick to castrate you?
That's nice, but it would be nicer if you appropriately picked someone too.
phishstix17 Wrote:
Which character would you pick to do your taxes?
Which character would you pick to do your taxes?
Johnny Cage seems like a person who handles the money things.
Which MK character would you select to clean out your closet?

About Me
"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers
Kabal because he'd do a speedy job, ha ha ha ha umm...
Which MK character would you pick to house sit for you if you were on vacation?
Which MK character would you pick to house sit for you if you were on vacation?

Sheeva. She just seems like she'd be really tidy and maybe even clean a little for me.
Who would you pick for a sperm/egg donor?
Who would you pick for a sperm/egg donor?

I would want the child to have amazing hair.
Which MK character would you pick to be the Mayor of your town?
I would want the child to have amazing hair.
Which MK character would you pick to be the Mayor of your town?

About Me
"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers
Sub-Zero seems like a good leader I guess.
Which MK character would you pick to pimp your ride?
Which MK character would you pick to pimp your ride?

Which MK character would you go camping with?
Which MK character would you go camping with?

About Me
MKA arcade completion time on master- 20:27
goro he can carry everything for me
which mortal kombat character would you fight?
which mortal kombat character would you fight?
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