No Smokey Mountain, NJ, or WAR = pass.
I don't know why everyone wants Danielson back in WWE anyway. From the perspective of being a Danielson fan, I mean. Would I rather watch ten minute matches against FCW farmed borebots in which I can call every spot and sequence a minute in advance, or twenty minute works of art against Minoru and Aoki? Hm, lesee...
I don't know why everyone wants Danielson back in WWE anyway. From the perspective of being a Danielson fan, I mean. Would I rather watch ten minute matches against FCW farmed borebots in which I can call every spot and sequence a minute in advance, or twenty minute works of art against Minoru and Aoki? Hm, lesee...
TheMkGeek Wrote:
i know, and nothing with Benoit naturally
-- The WWE Facebook question regarding WWE "re-hiring Daniel Bryan" was posted to attract traffic to the page.
-- The latest word within the company is that they want to bring Bryan Danielson back to the company once things die down and he "serves his penance."
and it seems Dolph is showing how big a douche he is:
-- Dolph Ziggler tweeted the following (presumably in character): i guess if WWE had a 130 pound weight class, i would cut down and BEAT daniel bryanson, but oh wait, i cant he doesnt work here! Hey, maybe all you internet "smart guys" can pay bryanson's salary in internet bucks, oh wait, they dont exist, just like bryanson....
-- In response to being asked to sign a petition to bring Daniel Bryan back to WWE, Dolph Ziggler retorted the following on Twitter: "Why would i sign a petition to bring back someone who never even made it to the WWE roster??? Idiots...."
i know, and nothing with Benoit naturally
-- The WWE Facebook question regarding WWE "re-hiring Daniel Bryan" was posted to attract traffic to the page.
-- The latest word within the company is that they want to bring Bryan Danielson back to the company once things die down and he "serves his penance."
and it seems Dolph is showing how big a douche he is:
-- Dolph Ziggler tweeted the following (presumably in character): i guess if WWE had a 130 pound weight class, i would cut down and BEAT daniel bryanson, but oh wait, i cant he doesnt work here! Hey, maybe all you internet "smart guys" can pay bryanson's salary in internet bucks, oh wait, they dont exist, just like bryanson....
-- In response to being asked to sign a petition to bring Daniel Bryan back to WWE, Dolph Ziggler retorted the following on Twitter: "Why would i sign a petition to bring back someone who never even made it to the WWE roster??? Idiots...."
lol! That is brilliant. Besides, in Kayfabe, he's right...the rookies never did have contracts acording to story, so the fans are making a big deal out of nothing, at least according to Kayfabe
As for his comments, they make me laugh. It's in character, lol. And if it's's still
Shibata Wrote:
No Smokey Mountain, NJ, or WAR = pass.
I don't know why everyone wants Danielson back in WWE anyway. From the perspective of being a Danielson fan, I mean. Would I rather watch ten minute matches against FCW farmed borebots in which I can call every spot and sequence a minute in advance, or twenty minute works of art against Minoru and Aoki? Hm, lesee...
No Smokey Mountain, NJ, or WAR = pass.
I don't know why everyone wants Danielson back in WWE anyway. From the perspective of being a Danielson fan, I mean. Would I rather watch ten minute matches against FCW farmed borebots in which I can call every spot and sequence a minute in advance, or twenty minute works of art against Minoru and Aoki? Hm, lesee...
How about from the prespective of a REAL Danielson fan, who would rather know he's making more money taking less bumps? Hm, lesee...
If you're a real fan of a guy, then you want them in WWE. That's just a fact of life. Unless it's a special situation where TNA's pre-taped schedules are better on their body, the WWE pays more and you get the most exposure. These guys are entertainers. They want to be seen and heard, and as a "real fan" you should be happy for them if they get a chance with the biggest wrestling company there is.
I think it's nice that WWE wrestlers tweet in "pseudo-kayfabe", it really makes you think if they're serious or not from time to time.
I think it's nice that WWE wrestlers tweet in "pseudo-kayfabe", it really makes you think if they're serious or not from time to time.
It's kind of a double-edged sword.
Like, me for instance, I follow Shimmer and I like a lot of those wrestlers. If I hear one of them got called up to WWE....on the one hand, I'm happy she's getting a big paycheck and national exposure. On the other hand...I know she's most likely going to end up wrestling 2 minute matches, jobbing to diva search rejects.
But that's the reality of wrestling.
Like, me for instance, I follow Shimmer and I like a lot of those wrestlers. If I hear one of them got called up to WWE....on the one hand, I'm happy she's getting a big paycheck and national exposure. On the other hand...I know she's most likely going to end up wrestling 2 minute matches, jobbing to diva search rejects.
But that's the reality of wrestling.
Zentile Wrote:
How about from the prespective of a REAL Danielson fan, who would rather know he's making more money taking less bumps? Hm, lesee...
How about from the prespective of a REAL Danielson fan, who would rather know he's making more money taking less bumps? Hm, lesee...
Um... Danielson has said that he was making as much money on the indy circuit and working NOAH as he was offered by WWE. And working all year round with no time off because WWE doesn't tour is abso-fucking-lutely not "taking less bumps." It's taking less neck drops, perhaps, but you can count on one hand the amount of guys who've died in the last twenty years from neck drops (not that Danielson often took neck bumps anyway), while on the other hand when you look at the guys who's lives are in ruin because their body's are shot from spending too much time constantly on the road (ie; working for WWE or WCW at any point) and who've developed drug dependencies from those issues which have either killed them or turned their lives upside down... yeah.
WWE's mythic "safe style" is a nonsense. Especially if you're a little guy because then you're expected to bump even more for anyone who's bigger. I'd say the amount of bumps a small WWE wrestler takes on tapings and house shows in a week (working 3-4 shows) is probably far greater than the amount of bumps they'd take in a week of indy bookings. For starters you're not required to take those bookings and you can rest whenever you feel your body needs it, unlike when you work for WWE. Secondly, even if you do work 3-4 indy shows per week shows you're not actually required to bump or take avalanche brainbusters as your standard double-down; just put on a good show, and Danielson was really good at putting on great matches with very few bumps.
In WWE on the other hand, you NEED to bump for EVERYTHING because their audience have been conditioned that way; if nobody's bumping then it's not exciting to their audience, and on top of that, WWE doesn't fill out three quarters of their matches with matwork. It's positively unsafe given their workload. That's why so many former American pro wrestlers of the past twenty years are dropping dead all over the place from the painkiller/muscle relaxer/alcohol abuse they use to deal with their destroyed bodies, while the only significant deaths in Japan - where a lot of guys in the main promotions are getting skull dumped every second match - have been Hashimoto and Misawa, and Hashi's death was most likely not even to do with bumping.
Plus, you know, job satisfaction is worth more than anything. Clearly Danielson felt he had accomplished everything he wanted outside of WWE and wanted to give it a crack, so he was going to find more job satisfaction in WWE than out of it right now, but it's not like he went there without warning from his peers about how working for WWE might kill his passion and make him hate pro wrestling.
I think I'd rather see Danielson working better matches, for just as much money, in a less stressful environment, which was easier on his body. Not that I give a shit about his personal wellbeing because I'm just a fan, my only right is watching his matches and enjoying them, I'm not his agent. But if I cared about his wellbeing (or anyone's) I'd rather not see them in WWE. Not until they change their ridiculous schedule at the very least.

About Me
-- Here is the updated WWE Fatal 4 Way card:
* IC TITLE MATCH: Kofi Kingston © Drew McIntyre
Winner: Kofi retains
* US TITLE MATCH: The Miz © vs. R-Truth
Winner: Miz retains
* WWE DIVAS TITLE MATCH: Eve © vs. Gail Kim vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox
Winner: Gail Kim
* WORLD TITLE MATCH: Jack Swagger © vs. Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
Winner: Big Show
* WWE TITLE MATCH: John Cena © vs. Edge vs. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton
Winner: Cena retains
-- Here is the updated WWE Fatal 4 Way card:
* IC TITLE MATCH: Kofi Kingston © Drew McIntyre
Winner: Kofi retains
* US TITLE MATCH: The Miz © vs. R-Truth
Winner: Miz retains
* WWE DIVAS TITLE MATCH: Eve © vs. Gail Kim vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox
Winner: Gail Kim
* WORLD TITLE MATCH: Jack Swagger © vs. Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
Winner: Big Show
* WWE TITLE MATCH: John Cena © vs. Edge vs. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton
Winner: Cena retains
If you don't mind, Shibata, I won't go through that long post. I read a few sentences and they were pure bullshit so I don't really think the whole post is really worth the trouble.
Danielson said he decided to go to the WWE to make more money so he could be financially secure and be able to pay his hospital bills.
It's what Danielson wants, it's what I want for him. If you don't care about his well being, no need to make up a ton of paragraphs saying that the WWE is actually more dangerous than the indie scene (which is bullshit). Just say ''I don't care the money he makes or the bumps he takes, I just want to see great matches''. See? That way you're being honest and you're still right because it's just your opinion.
Danielson said he decided to go to the WWE to make more money so he could be financially secure and be able to pay his hospital bills.
It's what Danielson wants, it's what I want for him. If you don't care about his well being, no need to make up a ton of paragraphs saying that the WWE is actually more dangerous than the indie scene (which is bullshit). Just say ''I don't care the money he makes or the bumps he takes, I just want to see great matches''. See? That way you're being honest and you're still right because it's just your opinion.

About Me
ok, so here's my take on the PPV, despite things i'm cool with Rey as Champ. look at it like they need a transitional Champion, boom Rey wins it. then loses it later on. pissed that Sheamus won, but i guess he was the only one smart enough to take advantage of the situation. the suck'n NXT guys gotta ruin an other wise decent match. but it was funny at the end, wonder if they got Sheamus?
and would someone tell me why the hell did Alicia win the Divas title and not someone who can actually wrestle like Gail Kim? f'n WWE!
and would someone tell me why the hell did Alicia win the Divas title and not someone who can actually wrestle like Gail Kim? f'n WWE!
Zentile, I have explained my rhetoric. You have not explained yours, nor have you explained how mine is "bullshit." You also just posted three paragraphs explaining to me that it wasn't worth your trouble to explain your point of view, when you could have just used three paragraphs to explain yourself to begin with.

About Me

way to drop the ball with Swagger WWE. If he won this match he would've eventually headed into a feud with the Undertaker which would have solidified him as a champion. Now it seems like he was a throwaway champion

About Me
r.i.p nujabes
rofl christian is being used as a lower midcarder now jobbing to hawkins and archer whats new wwe..

TheMkGeek Wrote:
ok, so here's my take on the PPV, despite things i'm cool with Rey as Champ. look at it like they need a transitional Champion, boom Rey wins it. then loses it later on. pissed that Sheamus won, but i guess he was the only one smart enough to take advantage of the situation. the suck'n NXT guys gotta ruin an other wise decent match. but it was funny at the end, wonder if they got Sheamus?
and would someone tell me why the hell did Alicia win the Divas title and not someone who can actually wrestle like Gail Kim? f'n WWE!
ok, so here's my take on the PPV, despite things i'm cool with Rey as Champ. look at it like they need a transitional Champion, boom Rey wins it. then loses it later on. pissed that Sheamus won, but i guess he was the only one smart enough to take advantage of the situation. the suck'n NXT guys gotta ruin an other wise decent match. but it was funny at the end, wonder if they got Sheamus?
and would someone tell me why the hell did Alicia win the Divas title and not someone who can actually wrestle like Gail Kim? f'n WWE!
I agree with that. These fucking annoying season 1 NXT rookies suck!

About Me
SubMan799 Wrote:
way to drop the ball with Swagger WWE. If he won this match he would've eventually headed into a feud with the Undertaker which would have solidified him as a champion. Now it seems like he was a throwaway champion
way to drop the ball with Swagger WWE. If he won this match he would've eventually headed into a feud with the Undertaker which would have solidified him as a champion. Now it seems like he was a throwaway champion
he could excersise his rematch clause and get it back.
Shibata Wrote:
Zentile, I have explained my rhetoric. You have not explained yours, nor have you explained how mine is "bullshit." You also just posted three paragraphs explaining to me that it wasn't worth your trouble to explain your point of view, when you could have just used three paragraphs to explain yourself to begin with.

Zentile, I have explained my rhetoric. You have not explained yours, nor have you explained how mine is "bullshit." You also just posted three paragraphs explaining to me that it wasn't worth your trouble to explain your point of view, when you could have just used three paragraphs to explain yourself to begin with.
Rhetoric indeed, and I'm sure you know the true definition of the word. You're a smart and intelligent person, I don't really think you believe any of the things you said and that's why I didn't bother with counter-arguments.
I don't really want to get into it, I'm sure we'd just agree to disagree anyway and it's not like I lose any respect for you. I'd lose respect for myself if I fell into your rhetoric arguments, that's for sure!
I'm glad you didn't take offense
As for Fatal 4 way, I LOVED the PPV. Kofi vs Drew was excellent, Jericho vs Bourne was awesome, and the main events were fun and action packed. I enjoyed watching the NXT rookies tear shit up as they usually do, it's always fun. DIdn't quite get the point of Sheamus winning the belt though but I guess we'll understand down the road.
I don't see anything wrong with Swagger losing the belt, he was getting booked like a mid carder anyway. That's what usually happens with first title reigns. Sheamus' was short, Orton's was short, Rey's was short, etc. It's certainly not "garbage" and I'll be glad to see Punk get the belt from Rey, hopefully.
It's all very logical. Swagger vs Show was simply not an interesting feud and the matches weren't good. The crowds are eating Punk up though, and his feud with Rey was hot. Why not give the fans what they want?
About Me

A feud with Swagger and Taker would have been better than Rey vs. Punk part IV. At least to me anyways. Love Punk and Mysterio, but a feud involving Swagger and Taker would be fun to watch.
welp, here's hoping Swagger gets the belt back eventually
welp, here's hoping Swagger gets the belt back eventually
About Me

but a Taker feud would put him over. thats my point, Swagger isnt over because he's been feuding with Big Show and.....yeah.
Remember when The Big Show was relevent?
Yeah, me either...
I missed NXT tonight....wonder if it was good...
Yeah, me either...
I missed NXT tonight....wonder if it was good...
About Me

NXT? Good? lolwut
SubMan799 Wrote:
NXT? Good? lolwut
NXT? Good? lolwut
What's wrong with NXT?
NXT season 2 has been awesome. Great wrestling, balanced roster, more wrestling action and less stupid obstacle courses... I've really been enjoying it. Right now I'm already a fan of McGuillicutty, Kaval, Alex Riley, Lucky Cannon, and Eddy Murphy.

SubMan799 Wrote:
NXT? Good? lolwut
NXT? Good? lolwut
I find NXT to be very entertaining, and i think it's already better than season 1 since now the rookies actually have characters. Just my opinion though.
About Me

then I guess I need to check season 2 out
Another thing I really like about season 2 is that it's far more unpredictable as far as who's going to win it. Season 1 was clear from the start that it either going to be Danielson or Barrett. Skip Sheffield, Darren Young, Heath Slater and David Otunga were clearly not going to win the competition.
Right now, I have NO IDEA who's going to win season 2. Might be Kaval, might be Riley, might be Hennig...
Right now, I have NO IDEA who's going to win season 2. Might be Kaval, might be Riley, might be Hennig...
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