Aries is nothing short of intense the total package wrestler.
The man can do it all.
The man can do it all.

I'm so sick of the Khali kiss cam who's the genius who keeps letting him do that stupid shit??

About Me
firesnake Wrote:
Aries is nothing short of intense the total package wrestler.
The man can do it all.
Aries is nothing short of intense the total package wrestler.
The man can do it all.
i wonder what happened while he was in TNA, cause he sure wasn't there long, and went back to ROH in a hurry, does anyone know the story?

He didn't like really where he was goin creatively and he did things that TNA didn't like, like show up late for a show which ended up in a 2 months suspension also wearin a ROH shirt to a TNA autograph signing and had gotten on their bad side.
During his suspension he requested a release and they gave it to him.
During his suspension he requested a release and they gave it to him.
Zentile Wrote:
OK Shibata, I know you're insane, but how can you hate Aries! He's one of my idols that's for sure.
OK Shibata, I know you're insane, but how can you hate Aries! He's one of my idols that's for sure.
Aries can be good, and I think he has the potential to be really really good. But he's kind of a spot monkey. Like every match, he just does the same sequences of moves. And it doesn't really help his cause that those moves are generally kind of pointless or they feel like he just forced them into the match when they didn't need to be, or like he's doing them for the sake of doing them. Like the opponent does a neck scissors on him, then he does that headstand escape thing and dropkicks them in the face. Wow, didn't see that coming. He's toned it down a little bit now but he still does stuff like that a lot.
And his signature moves or spots that he abuses are just generally dumb. Like his slingshot corkscrew splash. Why do that corkscrew? It doesn't add anything to the move, it just looks like he's being flippy for the sake of it. Or, his stupid elbow drop thing where he flings his arms left and right then whips himself into the ground... so that the momentum of the strike is going in the wrong direction. lol. Retard. Oh, and his "Crucifix driver" which makes no sense whatsoever, because you can't just take a crucifix on somebody and somehow throw them backwards off their feet without any fulcrum or point of leverage. Stupid. And that thing where the opponent is in the turnbuckle and he goes outside the ring so he can slingshot in to do a back elbow smash. Completely unnecessary, and a stupid amount of effort for an insignificant move, again it just looks flippy for the sake of it. And now, apparently, he thinks he's Shiozaki because his skinny little ass is using these pathetic forehand chops which his opponents have to oversell like they just got hit with a king kong lariat. Like almost every time I see him hit an offensive move I just can't help but roll my eyes because it's either totally unnecessary or totally nonsensical.
Plus as an aside, I always hated how he monopolised brainbusters (until Generico's signing) and soccer kicks in ROH. Wtf. Like I understand protecting your finisher if it's unique, maybe like a 450 splash or something, but seriously, if you don't want people to use your signature stuff then don't pick such commonly used moves. It's lame to pick the second most commonly used finish in pro wrestling history and try claim it as yours so that nobody else in the promotion can do it in order to protect your heat. It'd be like Hogan demanding that nobody in WWE do leg drops or something. People still do lariats on the shows Kobashi wrestles on, and people still do moonsaults on the shows that Christopher Daniels wrestles on. I don't see why Aries is so special that nobody else should use brainbusters so that they don't step on his toes.
Everything about his wrestling annoys me. He is really charasmatic though, and a fantastic athlete. I just wish his wrestling wasn't so ROHy. If he stopped doing moves for the purpose of cramming signature moves into his matches, and starting doing moves for the purpose of building good wrestling matches, like Danielson does, then Aries would be the man.

I don't find Aries at all constantly doin the same moves almost every match I've seen him a number of times and he doesn't but even if he does he performs in a diffrent place and the people there haven't seen
him do that. Every wrestler does it.
The neck scissors move is a setup or a signature just like when HBK goes by a turnbuckle and his opponnet is in the middle of the ring we all know it's going to be the sweet chin music. Again every wrestler has a setup and the people know what's comin that why people cheer and say watch this or watch this move and something else happens, it's exciting.
The slingshot corkscrew adds flash to the move it would not look as good without it right. I think it's great when a wrestler can add this or that to a move to make it seem that much better or that much more effective.
About Crucifix driver makin no sense there are a lot of moves in wrestling that make no sense I've seen some wrestlers finishers that look like they hurt a lot less the a regular move like a basic suplex.
I don't understand what you mean he said those are my moves and nobody else can you it.
him do that. Every wrestler does it.
The neck scissors move is a setup or a signature just like when HBK goes by a turnbuckle and his opponnet is in the middle of the ring we all know it's going to be the sweet chin music. Again every wrestler has a setup and the people know what's comin that why people cheer and say watch this or watch this move and something else happens, it's exciting.
The slingshot corkscrew adds flash to the move it would not look as good without it right. I think it's great when a wrestler can add this or that to a move to make it seem that much better or that much more effective.
About Crucifix driver makin no sense there are a lot of moves in wrestling that make no sense I've seen some wrestlers finishers that look like they hurt a lot less the a regular move like a basic suplex.
I don't understand what you mean he said those are my moves and nobody else can you it.
One thing that I've learned in my journey to become a good pro wrestler is that it is important for you to have signature moves and spots. It helps to create a good relationship with the crowd and that's EXTREMELY important.
In fact in my opinion that's the one thing that has kept Davey Richards from getting truly over. Don't get me wrong I LOVE Davey Richards, but the fact that he just does every move in the book instead of sticking to a signature few doesn't allow people to connect.
And as for the flashiness, I do sort of understand your point. Some senseless moves do annoy me, but I don't feel Aries over does it at all.
Another thing I've learned is that flashiness is important. You have to make sure every person that paid a ticket understands what you're doing in the ring, and swinging back and forth first to drop an elbow does two things:
a) People understand that, as cartoony as it is, you're about to drop an elbow on the opponent
b) This of course allows them to anticipate it and go ''woooow woooow WOW'' which is fun for the live crowd.
Pointless little corkscrews and stuff like that help make a move more visual. And I think the kayfabe explanation is that by corkscrewing you're getting more impact in. Or something? I don't know who cares anyway.
So I do understand your complaints, but you have to realize that if people wanted to see 100% realistic stuff they'd just watch MMA.
I wish one day I could be half as good as Austin Aries.
In fact in my opinion that's the one thing that has kept Davey Richards from getting truly over. Don't get me wrong I LOVE Davey Richards, but the fact that he just does every move in the book instead of sticking to a signature few doesn't allow people to connect.
And as for the flashiness, I do sort of understand your point. Some senseless moves do annoy me, but I don't feel Aries over does it at all.
Another thing I've learned is that flashiness is important. You have to make sure every person that paid a ticket understands what you're doing in the ring, and swinging back and forth first to drop an elbow does two things:
a) People understand that, as cartoony as it is, you're about to drop an elbow on the opponent
b) This of course allows them to anticipate it and go ''woooow woooow WOW'' which is fun for the live crowd.
Pointless little corkscrews and stuff like that help make a move more visual. And I think the kayfabe explanation is that by corkscrewing you're getting more impact in. Or something? I don't know who cares anyway.
So I do understand your complaints, but you have to realize that if people wanted to see 100% realistic stuff they'd just watch MMA.
I wish one day I could be half as good as Austin Aries.

About Me
Maggo Wrote:
WTF?!?! I don't order Turning Point & this happens?!?!?!
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Scott Hall & The Insane Clown Posse were at Turning Point.
Scott Hall & The Insane Clown Posse were at Turning Point.
WTF?!?! I don't order Turning Point & this happens?!?!?!
it's not like it's any big whoop. from the results i read, nothing eventful happened and they didn't even stay the whole ppv
Elijah Burke and Dykstra have now been future endeavored. And Mike Knox is going to RAW.
Uh... what the fuck? Mike Knox doesn't have any talent at all, has NEVER EVER gotten even slightly over no matter what they did with him, and he's being moved to the A show.
Kenny Dykstra and Burke, two charismatic young guys with in ring talent and athletic ability, who actually were over when they were getting pushed get released.
Uh... what the fuck? Mike Knox doesn't have any talent at all, has NEVER EVER gotten even slightly over no matter what they did with him, and he's being moved to the A show.
Kenny Dykstra and Burke, two charismatic young guys with in ring talent and athletic ability, who actually were over when they were getting pushed get released.

About Me
Zentile Wrote:
Elijah Burke and Dykstra have now been future endeavored. And Mike Knox is going to RAW.
Uh... what the fuck? Mike Knox doesn't have any talent at all, has NEVER EVER gotten even slightly over no matter what they did with him, and he's being moved to the A show.
Kenny Dykstra and Burke, two charismatic young guys with in ring talent and athletic ability, who actually were over when they were getting pushed get released.
Elijah Burke and Dykstra have now been future endeavored. And Mike Knox is going to RAW.
Uh... what the fuck? Mike Knox doesn't have any talent at all, has NEVER EVER gotten even slightly over no matter what they did with him, and he's being moved to the A show.
Kenny Dykstra and Burke, two charismatic young guys with in ring talent and athletic ability, who actually were over when they were getting pushed get released.
actually i think Burke had way more potential and charisma than Dickstra, who was just plain retarded and annoying, imho, so i think Burke's release is more shocking, but hell, if ya fail the "welness program" i guess. as for Knox, i agree with u on that one

Elijah Burke getting released sucks especially when he never got a decent pushed. I like his special move which is that flying elbow drop from the turnbuckle. It's nicely executed.
Anyways, where is Maggo? I just wanna share that I went to the TNA houseshow last week on Sunday at Bakersfield, California and damn it was freaking awesome! I took at least 300 pictures. It was funny when Team 3-D came out and the whole crowd was chanting "ECW" so Brother Ray gets on the mic and says, "I really appreciate that, but I hope you guys are chanting for the old ECW! Not that new crap..." These are just some of the pictures I took so ya'll can see:
Btw, there was someone holding a sign that said "SAMOA JOE OVERWEIGHT JOBBER." I really doubt that so i'm sure Samoa Joe can respond by saying ya'll can kiss his:

Anyways, where is Maggo? I just wanna share that I went to the TNA houseshow last week on Sunday at Bakersfield, California and damn it was freaking awesome! I took at least 300 pictures. It was funny when Team 3-D came out and the whole crowd was chanting "ECW" so Brother Ray gets on the mic and says, "I really appreciate that, but I hope you guys are chanting for the old ECW! Not that new crap..." These are just some of the pictures I took so ya'll can see:

Btw, there was someone holding a sign that said "SAMOA JOE OVERWEIGHT JOBBER." I really doubt that so i'm sure Samoa Joe can respond by saying ya'll can kiss his:

Damn, I just remembered this site layout sucks. So to view the images perfectly, just right click and copy the link to your address bar.

Zentile Wrote:
Samoa Joe IS a fat ass.
Well I hope you had a great time.
Samoa Joe IS a fat ass.
Well I hope you had a great time.
Despite the 4.5 drive from San Francisco, the small ass dome where TNA was held and a smelly semi-retarded craze wrestling fan who kept blocking my view when I was taking photos, I did have a great time. It was great how this year I went to my first RAW show at Oakland and now a TNA house show.

Maggo Wrote:
Yea I'm here illu§ion.
Yea I'm here illu§ion.
Well you were right. Big difference between watching WWE and TNA live.

Zentile Wrote:
Samoa Joe IS a fat ass.
Well I hope you had a great time.
Samoa Joe IS a fat ass.
Well I hope you had a great time.
Who can wrestle.
Wade Keller reports that following their appearance at last night's TNA PPV, Scott Hall and ICP went backstage. Hall was soon asked to leave as he was drunk. Also, Hall did not have company approval to be at ringside during that match, although officials were aware he was in the building before he went to ringside. Regarding the story on Hall getting involved in the Nash/Joe match match, he was never scheduled to be a part of the match in any way at any point. He was seen hanging out backstage earlier in the day and some assumed he was going to be involved in the match.
Turning Point SUCKED. So badly. I couldn't believe it. It was booooring as shit. Literally the worst wrestling PPV I've seen in like three years, including Great American Bash, December 2 Dismember, etc. ICP and Hall were weird. They just showed up, the ICP guys all wearing JWO shirts and sitting in the front row. Then, about two or three matches later, they just went. If they wern't asked to leave by security, my best guess is they were bored senseless by how much of a terrible show it was and went to the bar.
But yeah. Horrible show, horrible booking, horrible everything. The crowd were like a HeAT crowd or something, they didn't even sound like they wanted to be there. AJ vs Sting was actually half decent, Sting is like the only old guy in TNA who can still go. But it suffered from a stupid run in finish, which actually wasn't all that bad, but it just seemed really unnecessary and killed the match. Only other highlights were Angle's couple of highspots where he hit a moonsault onto a chair on Abyss, and did that running tope con hilo dive thing off the stage onto Abyss on the floor. Which actually was impressively dangerous. But meh.
Mike Knox I think has potential. He hasn't done anything all that impressive from what I've seen, but his wrestling is solid if unremarkable. Except his leg drop. He has a badass legdrop, I could even buy it as a finish. Which by the way, he needs a new one of. A huge heavyweight with a finishing move like that is ridiculous. It works for Shelley, but he's a Jr. Mike Knox needs a powerbomb or something. Or MUSOU~! Yeah. Something like that. But anyway, he has a unique look and his wrestling never makes me think "that doesn't make sense" so I'm willing to give him a chance. I think he could become a good big man.
Kenny Dykstra's release is kind of lame. I liked him for a young guy. Meh.
But yeah. Horrible show, horrible booking, horrible everything. The crowd were like a HeAT crowd or something, they didn't even sound like they wanted to be there. AJ vs Sting was actually half decent, Sting is like the only old guy in TNA who can still go. But it suffered from a stupid run in finish, which actually wasn't all that bad, but it just seemed really unnecessary and killed the match. Only other highlights were Angle's couple of highspots where he hit a moonsault onto a chair on Abyss, and did that running tope con hilo dive thing off the stage onto Abyss on the floor. Which actually was impressively dangerous. But meh.
Mike Knox I think has potential. He hasn't done anything all that impressive from what I've seen, but his wrestling is solid if unremarkable. Except his leg drop. He has a badass legdrop, I could even buy it as a finish. Which by the way, he needs a new one of. A huge heavyweight with a finishing move like that is ridiculous. It works for Shelley, but he's a Jr. Mike Knox needs a powerbomb or something. Or MUSOU~! Yeah. Something like that. But anyway, he has a unique look and his wrestling never makes me think "that doesn't make sense" so I'm willing to give him a chance. I think he could become a good big man.
Kenny Dykstra's release is kind of lame. I liked him for a young guy. Meh.

Raw was fuckin terrible today which is sad to cause they do a show out of the usa and give them that.
Two of the first matches where fuckin terrible and less then a min which is extreamly stupid considering one of them was an IC title match and did not do anything to help the wrestlers it just made them look worse.
Rey and Kane match was not that great at all especially if you want to finish a fued like that and the finish of the match was so ridiculous and I did not buy it for a second.
Then you have Orton and Batista which didn't even happen.
The womens match was so sloppy it was a joke and after that I couldn't watch anymore.
Two of the first matches where fuckin terrible and less then a min which is extreamly stupid considering one of them was an IC title match and did not do anything to help the wrestlers it just made them look worse.
Rey and Kane match was not that great at all especially if you want to finish a fued like that and the finish of the match was so ridiculous and I did not buy it for a second.
Then you have Orton and Batista which didn't even happen.
The womens match was so sloppy it was a joke and after that I couldn't watch anymore.
Mike Knox is just that - unbelievably unremarkable. Extremely unimpressive. We're talking about the number one wrestling company in the world, the A Show. All he ever does is have completely unmemorable, short matches where he wins with his stupid neck breaker and nobody gives a shit.
Maybe if they give him a proper gimmick or something... Instead of just being Mike Knox - asshole.
Didn't he have a little short feud with Finlay? Who remembers that? I know one thing: Nobody cared.
Maybe if they give him a proper gimmick or something... Instead of just being Mike Knox - asshole.
Didn't he have a little short feud with Finlay? Who remembers that? I know one thing: Nobody cared.

About Me
illu§ion Wrote:
Well you were right. Big difference between watching WWE and TNA live.
Maggo Wrote:
Yea I'm here illu§ion.
Yea I'm here illu§ion.
Well you were right. Big difference between watching WWE and TNA live.
so, am i right in guessing u liked the TNA show better?
Just read the TNA spoilers.
GOD DAMN IT, it is so frustrating being a TNA fan. I'm LOVING Main Event Mafia, but they keep fucking everything up, TNA Style. It's SO obvious what should be done for the feud to be done right, and they just...they just fuck it up.
I HATE tag matches where a singles title is on the line. I seriously hate it.
GOD DAMN IT, it is so frustrating being a TNA fan. I'm LOVING Main Event Mafia, but they keep fucking everything up, TNA Style. It's SO obvious what should be done for the feud to be done right, and they just...they just fuck it up.
I HATE tag matches where a singles title is on the line. I seriously hate it.
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