firesnake •04/30/2008 09:50 PM (UTC) •
Balls being released it not really a suprise I knew that wwe was gonna do that to all the originals. I really don't care anyways. I'll stick to my indy.
~Panikku~ •04/30/2008 10:10 PM (UTC) •
waist of time bringing ecw back, most of the fans of the original ecw hate it and the new generation of fans barely watch it. I doubt there will be any ecw in wwe by the time next year starts. its a shame about balls >_>
~Panikku~ •04/30/2008 10:38 PM (UTC) •
yeah not many left now which sucks and most of the time they have to be jobbers too so thats not good at all for the fans of original ecw or their newer fans.
Faith_No_More I'm dead •05/01/2008 08:29 PM (UTC) •
About Me
Shyriu Wrote:
Rey Misterio and Foley had also gone through ECW. Even Chris Jericho was in ECW for a while.
Rey Misterio and Foley had also gone through ECW. Even Chris Jericho was in ECW for a while.
True, but have any of them retained any "extreme"? There is nothing to be offered
TheMkGeek •05/01/2008 09:07 PM (UTC) •
About Me
Faith_No_More Wrote:
True, but have any of them retained any "extreme"? There is nothing to be offered
Shyriu Wrote:
Rey Misterio and Foley had also gone through ECW. Even Chris Jericho was in ECW for a while.
Rey Misterio and Foley had also gone through ECW. Even Chris Jericho was in ECW for a while.
True, but have any of them retained any "extreme"? There is nothing to be offered
Actually they have and there is, if you watch some of their matches. Especially Rey and Jericho circa WCW
Zentile Wrote:
And Santino Marella has been arrested. Whoops.
And Santino Marella has been arrested. Whoops.
~Panikku~ •05/02/2008 02:50 AM (UTC) •
yeah ive seen that ROH show, really good! better than some previous anniversary shows. cant wait till ROH come to the uk again :D last time i missed them which was a shame so i cant miss anymore shows.
Sub-Frost055 •05/02/2008 02:59 AM (UTC) •
Maggo Wrote:
Mick Foley is "hardcore" every now & then. Not enough to be considered "extreme", but would you want to be called "extreme" nowadays??? The word is overused anyways.
Mick Foley is "hardcore" every now & then. Not enough to be considered "extreme", but would you want to be called "extreme" nowadays??? The word is overused anyways.
Nobody is extreme anymore.
The last time I saw Foley actually be extreme, was a long time ago... yeah I know about that rivalry against my cutey Edge was cool, but I've seen him do better. WAY better to be exact. I thought that his performance at Wrestlemania was not Harcore. He basically just got beat up, had Edge do some move on those metal steps and make everyone cringe when you know that he barely felt anything... seeing how that always happens to him in some sort... even though Ive only seen him get flipped onto the steps by two wrestlers, both the ones I like... but you have a point, Extreme is not a word to describe Foley, maybe in the past, but not now. And that word is being used way too much, when obviously... nothing extreme has happened at all... maybe someday, but certinally not for a while.
firesnake •05/02/2008 03:53 AM (UTC) •
The Cheerleader Melissa and Daizee Haze match was pretty good tonight.
~Panikku~ •05/02/2008 05:24 AM (UTC) •
cool, i would like to see daizee haze. i enjoy her roh and shimmer matches. she should come to 1pw :D but it was funny seeing toilet paper bounce off her head when she was in the embassy with alex shelley and jimmy times lol :D
~Panikku~ Wrote:
yeah ive seen that ROH show, really good! better than some previous anniversary shows. cant wait till ROH come to the uk again :D last time i missed them which was a shame so i cant miss anymore shows.
yeah ive seen that ROH show, really good! better than some previous anniversary shows. cant wait till ROH come to the uk again :D last time i missed them which was a shame so i cant miss anymore shows.
Are you going to the NOAH show in the UK in June?
Man did anyone catch Impact! ? It was awesome, it was the Steiner show, I loved it! Aside from the usual deuces wild crap, the show was pretty decent. Steiner was on his game, cut two awesome promos, and had a good match. It was a mark out moment for me seeing Steiner holding the world title posing at the end.
Petey Williams looked hilarious with his Steiner hair and goatee!
And I watched the Danielson vs Nigel match from the 6th Anniversary. AWESOME stuff, had an amazing finish even though the match had some spots that had me going ''gah''...usual ROH crazy stuff. Still awesome though, totally worth watching.
Petey Williams looked hilarious with his Steiner hair and goatee!
And I watched the Danielson vs Nigel match from the 6th Anniversary. AWESOME stuff, had an amazing finish even though the match had some spots that had me going ''gah''...usual ROH crazy stuff. Still awesome though, totally worth watching.
firesnake •05/03/2008 02:32 AM (UTC) •
I thought one of his promos was terrible.
firesnake •05/03/2008 02:48 AM (UTC) •
The one where it's Scott of the left some interveiw girl in the middle the girl above her and Williams on the right. I can't remember exactly what he was talking about but I remember him messing up and just rambling.
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