I like JBL. Hes actually been pretty good in his new role and I think hes become an acceptable Main-Eventer. Hes getting alot of heat from crowd and hes been pretty entertaining these past few weeks. Plus I heard that the Eddie/JBL match at JD was better than expected. JBL is ok in my book. I've actually been enjoying his feud with Eddie.

About Me
Smackdown is the minor leagues so it is possible for jbl to get the belt.Then maybe rico can get a shot lol this is where sd is going giving midcarders mainevent matches is the worst idea i mean do you want to see hardcore holly with the belt next geez.Vince is lazy peroid hes so rich and set for life he doesnt care about the product anymore.And another thing that is making me sick why are wwe so obsessed with the soliders in iraq i dont give a damn about wwe going down there and kissing the little dirty babies that eat off the floor. Wwe is wrestling not Charity nobody cares about the wwes deeds.Why dont they just tell us its fake im sick of them saying its Entertainment. SHUT UP JR YOU FAT PIG GO TO THE WOODSHED FOR A TIME OUT.

About Me
smackdown isnt the minor leagues thats what NWATNA is for. Also, at one time Stone Cold Steve Austin was a mid-card talent, as was the Rock, and eddie G. and Chris B. were both former cruiserweight champs in WCW as was Chris Jericho and look at them now. Mid-card talent eventually become the main-event talent given the right direction.

vanhelsing976 Wrote: smackdown isnt the minor leagues thats what NWATNA is for. Also, at one time Stone Cold Steve Austin was a mid-card talent, as was the Rock, and eddie G. and Chris B. were both former cruiserweight champs in WCW as was Chris Jericho and look at them now. Mid-card talent eventually become the main-event talent given the right direction. |
Which reminds me.NWA/TNA comes on this Friday at 3:00PM on Fox Sports Net.Fox said if TNA has good ratings Fox may give them a better timeslot.Jeff Jaret even bought a few new rings.

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vanhelsing976 Wrote: smackdown isnt the minor leagues thats what NWATNA is for. Also, at one time Stone Cold Steve Austin was a mid-card talent, as was the Rock, and eddie G. and Chris B. were both former cruiserweight champs in WCW as was Chris Jericho and look at them now. Mid-card talent eventually become the main-event talent given the right direction. |
Thats true. Remember when everyone hated the Rock and thought he sucked? That wasnt too long ago.

About Me
Anyone see that two-part interview on Off The Record with Vince Mcmahon? Very interesting stuff was mentioned, including Vince stating that the door is open for Lesner, Goldberg, Austin, and maybe Hogan and Bret to all return for one-time appearances or whatever. Also, don't beleive anything you read where Goldberg trashes Vince, Mcmahon said they still get along good, and Vince says that he doesn't see Sting in the WWE any time in the immediate future. Great interview, my hats off to Landsberg for asking all the right questions.
More On Brock Lesnar/NFL, Matt Hardy's Knee Injury:
Matt Hardy has a new column up on his website, and in it he adresses what is exactly wrong with his injured left knee - an MCL injury, he also talks about being a babyface in WWE, and more. The column can be found over at Mattitude.WWE.com.
As a follow up to the earlier story about Brock Lesnar, the other teams that are currently interested in him are the Baltimore Ravens (as mentioned earlier), Minnesota Vikings, Green Bay Packers, Philadelphia Eagles, Kansas City Chiefs, Dallas Cowboys, San Francisco 49ers, and the Indianapolis Colts.
Vince McMahon Says NWA:TNA Is Not Competition For WWE:
The Score in Canada aired an interview with Vince McMahon today. Here are the highlights:
Q- Now that TNA has a TV deal is it a good thing that the WWE has some competition now?
A- TNA is not competition. They're in the wrestling business, WWE is in the entertainment business. It's a difference of philosophy. They figured the only true competition was themselves, hence the roster split.
Q- Would he consider the split a failure at this point?
A- Absolutely not. When they were together 70% of their audience watched both shows. Now 30% watch both shows. Claims maybe they did TOO well with the competition they created. [Commentary: not sure how that helps Vince's point]
Q- Is Smackdown the weaker show?
A- No. Production-wise it's far more polished. You see far more divergent styles of wrestling (mentions Rey, and Angle by name).
Q- Wrestling has seen a lot of tragedies over the past few years. Does Vince have a help program in place?
A- Wrestlers in the 80s and late 90s lived like rock stars. Today's wrestlers are seen playing video games, reading or surfing the net after shows as opposed to partying in bars. Vince claims today's wrestler is a lot smarter than those of yesteryear and that many wrestlers were sent to counselling. Some graduated, some didn't.
Q- We just passed the 5 year anniversary of the death of Owen Hart. Does Vince want to comment?
A- Owen was a wonderful human being and called it one of the most unfortunate accidents ever. Interesting enough, Vince made a point of blaming the equipment manufacturer claiming that they admitted guilt.
Sable's Return Notes - *Spoiler* Warning, Dawn Marie, Lesnar:
The following is a partial spoiler for this week's edition of Smackdown(For those interested):
Sable returned to WWE TV at this week's Smackdown tapings in Toronto. She was said to have been a very pleasant person backstage, as well as very professional at the show.
I've heard that Sable mostly kept to herself backstage at the show but was extremely professional and gracious to everyone. She spent time with Dawn Marie backstage and was also seen talking to Paul Heyman, who is a close friend of Brock Lesnar.
Another quick note, Brock Lesnar and Sable are indeed still an item.
More On Brock Lesnar/NFL, Matt Hardy's Knee Injury:
Matt Hardy has a new column up on his website, and in it he adresses what is exactly wrong with his injured left knee - an MCL injury, he also talks about being a babyface in WWE, and more. The column can be found over at Mattitude.WWE.com.
As a follow up to the earlier story about Brock Lesnar, the other teams that are currently interested in him are the Baltimore Ravens (as mentioned earlier), Minnesota Vikings, Green Bay Packers, Philadelphia Eagles, Kansas City Chiefs, Dallas Cowboys, San Francisco 49ers, and the Indianapolis Colts.
Vince McMahon Says NWA:TNA Is Not Competition For WWE:
The Score in Canada aired an interview with Vince McMahon today. Here are the highlights:
Q- Now that TNA has a TV deal is it a good thing that the WWE has some competition now?
A- TNA is not competition. They're in the wrestling business, WWE is in the entertainment business. It's a difference of philosophy. They figured the only true competition was themselves, hence the roster split.
Q- Would he consider the split a failure at this point?
A- Absolutely not. When they were together 70% of their audience watched both shows. Now 30% watch both shows. Claims maybe they did TOO well with the competition they created. [Commentary: not sure how that helps Vince's point]
Q- Is Smackdown the weaker show?
A- No. Production-wise it's far more polished. You see far more divergent styles of wrestling (mentions Rey, and Angle by name).
Q- Wrestling has seen a lot of tragedies over the past few years. Does Vince have a help program in place?
A- Wrestlers in the 80s and late 90s lived like rock stars. Today's wrestlers are seen playing video games, reading or surfing the net after shows as opposed to partying in bars. Vince claims today's wrestler is a lot smarter than those of yesteryear and that many wrestlers were sent to counselling. Some graduated, some didn't.
Q- We just passed the 5 year anniversary of the death of Owen Hart. Does Vince want to comment?
A- Owen was a wonderful human being and called it one of the most unfortunate accidents ever. Interesting enough, Vince made a point of blaming the equipment manufacturer claiming that they admitted guilt.
Sable's Return Notes - *Spoiler* Warning, Dawn Marie, Lesnar:
The following is a partial spoiler for this week's edition of Smackdown(For those interested):
Sable returned to WWE TV at this week's Smackdown tapings in Toronto. She was said to have been a very pleasant person backstage, as well as very professional at the show.
I've heard that Sable mostly kept to herself backstage at the show but was extremely professional and gracious to everyone. She spent time with Dawn Marie backstage and was also seen talking to Paul Heyman, who is a close friend of Brock Lesnar.
Another quick note, Brock Lesnar and Sable are indeed still an item.

TheMkGeek Wrote: Anyone see that two-part interview on Off The Record with Vince Mcmahon? Very interesting stuff was mentioned, including Vince stating that the door is open for Lesner, Goldberg, Austin, and maybe Hogan and Bret to all return for one-time appearances or whatever. Also, don't beleive anything you read where Goldberg trashes Vince, Mcmahon said they still get along good, and Vince says that he doesn't see Sting in the WWE any time in the immediate future. Great interview, my hats off to Landsberg for asking all the right questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More On Brock Lesnar/NFL, Matt Hardy's Knee Injury: Matt Hardy has a new column up on his website, and in it he adresses what is exactly wrong with his injured left knee - an MCL injury, he also talks about being a babyface in WWE, and more. The column can be found over at Mattitude.WWE.com. As a follow up to the earlier story about Brock Lesnar, the other teams that are currently interested in him are the Baltimore Ravens (as mentioned earlier), Minnesota Vikings, Green Bay Packers, Philadelphia Eagles, Kansas City Chiefs, Dallas Cowboys, San Francisco 49ers, and the Indianapolis Colts. Vince McMahon Says NWA:TNA Is Not Competition For WWE: The Score in Canada aired an interview with Vince McMahon today. Here are the highlights: Q- Now that TNA has a TV deal is it a good thing that the WWE has some competition now? A- TNA is not competition. They're in the wrestling business, WWE is in the entertainment business. It's a difference of philosophy. They figured the only true competition was themselves, hence the roster split. Q- Would he consider the split a failure at this point? A- Absolutely not. When they were together 70% of their audience watched both shows. Now 30% watch both shows. Claims maybe they did TOO well with the competition they created. [Commentary: not sure how that helps Vince's point] Q- Is Smackdown the weaker show? A- No. Production-wise it's far more polished. You see far more divergent styles of wrestling (mentions Rey, and Angle by name). Q- Wrestling has seen a lot of tragedies over the past few years. Does Vince have a help program in place? A- Wrestlers in the 80s and late 90s lived like rock stars. Today's wrestlers are seen playing video games, reading or surfing the net after shows as opposed to partying in bars. Vince claims today's wrestler is a lot smarter than those of yesteryear and that many wrestlers were sent to counselling. Some graduated, some didn't. Q- We just passed the 5 year anniversary of the death of Owen Hart. Does Vince want to comment? A- Owen was a wonderful human being and called it one of the most unfortunate accidents ever. Interesting enough, Vince made a point of blaming the equipment manufacturer claiming that they admitted guilt. Sable's Return Notes - *Spoiler* Warning, Dawn Marie, Lesnar: The following is a partial spoiler for this week's edition of Smackdown(For those interested): Sable returned to WWE TV at this week's Smackdown tapings in Toronto. She was said to have been a very pleasant person backstage, as well as very professional at the show. I've heard that Sable mostly kept to herself backstage at the show but was extremely professional and gracious to everyone. She spent time with Dawn Marie backstage and was also seen talking to Paul Heyman, who is a close friend of Brock Lesnar. Another quick note, Brock Lesnar and Sable are indeed still an item. |
Good interview but Vince seemed a like he was under pressure when they asked him about TNA-NWA.

About Me
One last quick update:
Please take the following as only a rumor for the time being:
"Last week at the Milwaukee Smackdown Tapings Bob Holly got into a shouting match with WWE head Vince McMahon because the writers wanted Booker T to go over Holly in a quick squash match. Holly was adamant and swearing at Vince that he would not put over Booker in a quick match. The plan was for Booker to build up some steam for his rematch with the Undertaker and make him look stronger, instead the whole thing got switched around and Booker T wrestled Scotty 2 Hotty instead."
Hardcore Holly is known for not wanting to go along with storylines that he disagrees with. Some say, that Holly has been in the WWF/WWE long enough and has paid more than enough dues, and should have more say in what goes and isnt being recognized enough backstage by WWE.
Please take the following as only a rumor for the time being:
"Last week at the Milwaukee Smackdown Tapings Bob Holly got into a shouting match with WWE head Vince McMahon because the writers wanted Booker T to go over Holly in a quick squash match. Holly was adamant and swearing at Vince that he would not put over Booker in a quick match. The plan was for Booker to build up some steam for his rematch with the Undertaker and make him look stronger, instead the whole thing got switched around and Booker T wrestled Scotty 2 Hotty instead."
Hardcore Holly is known for not wanting to go along with storylines that he disagrees with. Some say, that Holly has been in the WWF/WWE long enough and has paid more than enough dues, and should have more say in what goes and isnt being recognized enough backstage by WWE.

About Me
Vince should just fire sparky pluggs ass hes been in the wwe since 94 you know how long that is just think thats when mk2 came out on home consoles.

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"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
psyclobex Wrote: And another thing that is making me sick why are wwe so obsessed with the soliders in iraq i dont give a damn about wwe going down there and kissing the little dirty babies that eat off the floor. Wwe is wrestling not Charity nobody cares about the wwes deeds. |
You faggot mother fucker! I'm getting sick of your shit, and this tips the load off your faggot scale!!
You stupid bitch, our soldiers, rather our "children" who come out of fucking highschool, HIGHSCHOOL, to protect you lame ass! Eighteen year olds get their fucking faces shot off so your sorry, fake ass can spit random, un-educated bullshit oppinion with out having to worry about getting shot at your own front door!
Since when the fuck is supporting our troops a charity? Since when the fuck is being American, a charity? WWE is simply trying to elevate the spirits of our soldiers and all those involved as a whole. Possibly giving them one last great moment to cherish, away from home and all those they care about. Because a day later they could take a mother fucking grenade in the chest, or witness their best friend bleed to death in their arms; their fucking fingernails so covered with blood they tear off when they wash their hands.
"Dirty babies who eat off the floor." You cock sucker, how fucking old are you? You're either on daddies computer, were molested as a child, or a retard. I personally think all of the above, if you prefer multiple choice. Which I know you do because you can't possibly create anything constructive or thought provoking using your own intellect.
When the US gets attacked agian, and we will sadly, I pray that your shit snivling anal pore ass gets raped and thrown to "a dirty floor." Maybe having to drink a beaker of liquid shit would shut you the fuck up. Or watching your sister or mother get raped in front of you would sustain your, obviously, insufficient thought cycle.

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Satyagraha, ROFL be quiet your going to wake up the dirty babies.Stop your grandstanding you dumb shit.Nobody cares about the Wwe kissing the dieased children of Iraq the whole place is a shithole.Why are you so senstive to my comments did your parents leave you to go there.Im American and im ashamed of it there not doing anything good there but molesting iraq kids and taking nude photos of the prisoners Hey if you support that find your just as sick as the rest of them.
Okay..........So, looking foward to the HBK/HHH match at Bad Blood. *forces smile* Seriously though, let's lighten up, its the wrestling thread for God's sake. And I for one applaud the WWE's efforts to bring some happiness to our troops. Whether or not you support the war you should respect the fact its OUR people, maybe even our loved ones that are out there fighting and putting their lives on the line. If a wrestling company can distract them from whats going on around them for just a little while then its all for the best.
TheMkGeek Wrote: Anyone see that two-part interview on Off The Record with Vince Mcmahon? Very interesting stuff was mentioned, including Vince stating that the door is open for Lesner, Goldberg, Austin, and maybe Hogan and Bret to all return for one-time appearances or whatever. Also, don't beleive anything you read where Goldberg trashes Vince, Mcmahon said they still get along good, and Vince says that he doesn't see Sting in the WWE any time in the immediate future. Great interview, my hats off to Landsberg for asking all the right questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More On Brock Lesnar/NFL, Matt Hardy's Knee Injury: Matt Hardy has a new column up on his website, and in it he adresses what is exactly wrong with his injured left knee - an MCL injury, he also talks about being a babyface in WWE, and more. The column can be found over at Mattitude.WWE.com. As a follow up to the earlier story about Brock Lesnar, the other teams that are currently interested in him are the Baltimore Ravens (as mentioned earlier), Minnesota Vikings, Green Bay Packers, Philadelphia Eagles, Kansas City Chiefs, Dallas Cowboys, San Francisco 49ers, and the Indianapolis Colts. Vince McMahon Says NWA:TNA Is Not Competition For WWE: The Score in Canada aired an interview with Vince McMahon today. Here are the highlights: Q- Now that TNA has a TV deal is it a good thing that the WWE has some competition now? A- TNA is not competition. They're in the wrestling business, WWE is in the entertainment business. It's a difference of philosophy. They figured the only true competition was themselves, hence the roster split. Q- Would he consider the split a failure at this point? A- Absolutely not. When they were together 70% of their audience watched both shows. Now 30% watch both shows. Claims maybe they did TOO well with the competition they created. [Commentary: not sure how that helps Vince's point] Q- Is Smackdown the weaker show? A- No. Production-wise it's far more polished. You see far more divergent styles of wrestling (mentions Rey, and Angle by name). Q- Wrestling has seen a lot of tragedies over the past few years. Does Vince have a help program in place? A- Wrestlers in the 80s and late 90s lived like rock stars. Today's wrestlers are seen playing video games, reading or surfing the net after shows as opposed to partying in bars. Vince claims today's wrestler is a lot smarter than those of yesteryear and that many wrestlers were sent to counselling. Some graduated, some didn't. Q- We just passed the 5 year anniversary of the death of Owen Hart. Does Vince want to comment? A- Owen was a wonderful human being and called it one of the most unfortunate accidents ever. Interesting enough, Vince made a point of blaming the equipment manufacturer claiming that they admitted guilt. |
Hey thanks a lot MKGeek! Any interview with McMahon is great, especially when ppl ask questions us fans want to know.
MKGeek, since you live in Canada, did you watch this interview?? I really wish there was a way to get that OFF THE RECORD here in the USA, cause they seem to often have someone from the WWE on (Torrie, Trish, Y2J, HBK, McMahon, etc)..It sounds like a really cool show, kinda like Jim Rome, except Jim Rome is a pussy and he hates wrestling too.

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blade-tsung Wrote: Hey thanks a lot MKGeek! Any interview with McMahon is great, especially when ppl ask questions us fans want to know. MKGeek, since you live in Canada, did you watch this interview?? I really wish there was a way to get that OFF THE RECORD here in the USA, cause they seem to often have someone from the WWE on (Torrie, Trish, Y2J, HBK, McMahon, etc)..It sounds like a really cool show, kinda like Jim Rome, except Jim Rome is a pussy and he hates wrestling too. |
No problem! I agree with what you said about interviews with Mcmahon, they are good if the right stuff is asked. Yes I did watch the OTR interview and blade, if you could watch it (which it sucks that ya can't)you would likely have enjoyed it. Micheal Landsberg is great for asking the 'hard questions' that noone else ever asks, it was great.
BTW, one quick note, to all those who posted about WWE in Iraq, my opinion on it is, I don't like what the U.S is doing in Iraq, but what the WWE did, taking time to go over there and perform for the troops, that was awesome, I tell ya, that was one of the best SD's of last year, and the way the guys went out of character sometimes was great, I wouldn't mind getting that SD on dvd, maybe with some extras, like more of the superstars visits to the troops in the hospitals. So to psyclobex, and Satyagraha, you guys offered your opinions on the issue which was fine, but please remember this is a wrestling thread, not a political thread.
Lance Storm News, Old WWF Logo Update:
We have reports that at Raw monday, security checked and covered any fans' shirts and other material that supported the old WWF logo. I am not sure if there was a development between World Wildlife Foundation and WWE, or not, to my knowledge this is the first time this check has ever happened, we will need to wait until next week to see if this will become a normal procedure.
Lance Storm has updated his online commentary at www.stormwrestling.com, below are some highlights from the Q&A.
Q: Would you have stuck with wrestling full time if you were getting more of a main event push?
A: I might have been more apt to try and stick it out, but I think a main event program would have been even more pressure on my back.
Q: If the office came to you with a 100% guaranteed angle would you come back?
A: If they come to me with it in 6 months to a year, I would consider it. I don't want to come back short term and right now rest is best for me back.
Q: Who was your favourite gimmick wrestler?
A: On the whole I don't like gimmick wrestlers, but The Undertaker has to be the best gimmick ever done.
Q: What did Elix say to you in WCW to make you smile in the ring?
A: I think I'll hold this one off for the book. SORRY.
Storm also talks about OVW, autographs, marriage, the return of ECW, the hardcore title, and much more. Visit www.stormwrestling.com
Hulk Hogan Finished With WWE, Sting/WWE Update; More (to read both parts in full go to tsn.ca)
Vince McMahon was on "Off The Record" in Canada the other night, and the following are a few key points that he brought up during the interview:
Vince said that Hulk Hogan is officially done with the active WWE roster. He said that once in a while Hogan may come in for the "odd pop" but "for the most part" Hogan is done with WWE. The reason for this, according to Vince, is that the investment isn't worth it on Hogan anymore. The Mr. McMahon character is no longer on TV for the same reason, because Vince feels as though it is not worth the investment at this point in time. Vince said that he would rather invest in young talent.
During the "name game" when asked about Sting, Vince replied that he does not know him, and he doubts that he will come in to WWE due to the investment factor that he had earlier talked about regarding Hulk Hogan and the Mr. McMahon character. Take that for what it's worth.
Big Show will be throwing the first pitch at the Toronto Blue Jays game next week.

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One last headline:
Angle Neck Surgery Update, WWE Removing Cruiserweight Division:
Apparently no one backstage at WWE knows when Kurt Angle is going to have his third neck surgery. There is some feeling that it is a strange situation, since Angle had recently talked about the surgery as if it were coming up soon but it doesn't seem as though there is any type of plan to get the procedure done soon.
There has been a lot of talk backstage, mainly stemming from Bruce Pritchard, about removing the cruiserweight division on Smackdown which would cause everyone to compete in the same division. Many feel that if this is done, most of the smaller talent would be buried in a sense, as the current division is used to showcase that talent. If the divisions were combined, the cruiserweights could get easily lost in the shuffle, which is the standpoint of many backstage including Dean Malenko who has even notified some of the cruiserweight wrestlers about Pritchard's thoughts.
Angle Neck Surgery Update, WWE Removing Cruiserweight Division:
Apparently no one backstage at WWE knows when Kurt Angle is going to have his third neck surgery. There is some feeling that it is a strange situation, since Angle had recently talked about the surgery as if it were coming up soon but it doesn't seem as though there is any type of plan to get the procedure done soon.
There has been a lot of talk backstage, mainly stemming from Bruce Pritchard, about removing the cruiserweight division on Smackdown which would cause everyone to compete in the same division. Many feel that if this is done, most of the smaller talent would be buried in a sense, as the current division is used to showcase that talent. If the divisions were combined, the cruiserweights could get easily lost in the shuffle, which is the standpoint of many backstage including Dean Malenko who has even notified some of the cruiserweight wrestlers about Pritchard's thoughts.

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"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
TheMkGeek Wrote: blade-tsung Wrote: So to psyclobex, and Satyagraha, you guys offered your opinions on the issue which was fine, but please remember this is a wrestling thread, not a political thread. |

Kaiju Big Battel News Flash 6/2/04
Prisoner Scandal! Last week the Kaiju Commissioner launched an official investigation into the circumstances surrounding the capture and imprisonment of Vegetius last April. He thought the investigative committee would simply confirm what he already believed - that Vegetius was treated with the utmost respect and dignity while held by the Kaiju Heroes. But today, a member of the committee leaked photographic evidence of barbaric treatment of Vegetius. In a series of what appear to be amateur snapshots, Vegetius is humiliated, and possibly even tortured. The editors of kaiju.com have decided to post these disturbing images, but be warned, they are not for the faint of heart.
Adding to the shocking nature of these photos is the apparent perpetrator of these deeds - Kaiju Hero American Beetle. A self-declared bastion of justice and virtue, it is almost unfathomable that he would stoop to such crass and abusive treatment of a prisoner in his care. Beetle himself has been unavailable for comment, but this scandal is sure to tarnish his image, as well as the reputation of the Kaiju Heroes.
Commissioner Responds. The Kaiju Commissioner, speaking via satellite to a small gathering of Swedish Rotarians, reacted contritely to the Vegetius abuse scandal.
"I am shocked and appalled by this callous treatment of Vegetius. I can assure you that it does not represent how the Kaiju Heroes treat their prisoners. I take full responsibility for these saddening abuses."
When pressed for details about exactly what "full responsibility" entailed, the Commissioner declined comment.
Super Time! Overshadowed this week by the Vegetius abuse scandal were the results of Dr. Jane Geertz's exploratory research into the phenomenon of new Kaiju Hero Super Wrong. Dr. Geertz, the world's preeminent Kaijuologist, delved into the pop culture craze that has gripped the world since Super Wrong's debut last month, and found that the Super Wrong Train is steaming towards Ubiquity Station and nearly everyone's hopped on board! Find out for yourself why Super Wrong is so right, in the latest Kaijuology Report.
Los Plantanos For Sale. Los Plantanos are a big deal in the Big Battel, but they've never been accused of forgetting their roots. So it shouldn't be surprising that the Plantain Twins have just renewed their pledge to send 100 perecent of the proceeds from their T-shirts and Tanktops back to their native land. Most of the money will go to charitable organizations that bring fertilizer to malnourished fruit, provide shelter for shade plants, and work to alleviate drought conditions. The rest of the funds go directly to revolutionary organizations opposed to the brutal Sock Puppet Dictator.
You can help Los Plantanos fund these worthy causes by purchasing a "Los Plantanos Ain't Yellow" T-Shirt or Tanktop in the Kaiju Mall today. You'll get a nice shirt, and you'll be helping make the world a better place!
Sea Amigos. The last thing the fans at Mayday! May Day! Boston SOS! expected to see was the return of D.W. Cycloptopuss III. But when the claw-fisted cyclops came charging into the Danger Cage to lend Call-Me-Kevin a tentacle, the crowd was more than happy to sea his return. And although his interference didn't quite work out - Neo Teppen kept Kevin winless - it appears as though all three Kaiju sea creatures are now thick as thieves.
Just last week, the Sea Amigos were cavorting in the waters south of Singapore when they spotted a cargo ship loaded with automobiles. Reportedly, Unibouzu hit upon the idea of stealing a few dozen of the cars and then giving them away to Kaiju fans, in a crass attempt to boost their popularity. But when they found the ship to be filled with Kias they realized their plan would never succeed so they sent the cargo ship careening into a nearby tanker, sinking the ship and it's 4,000-car cargo.
Prisoner Scandal! Last week the Kaiju Commissioner launched an official investigation into the circumstances surrounding the capture and imprisonment of Vegetius last April. He thought the investigative committee would simply confirm what he already believed - that Vegetius was treated with the utmost respect and dignity while held by the Kaiju Heroes. But today, a member of the committee leaked photographic evidence of barbaric treatment of Vegetius. In a series of what appear to be amateur snapshots, Vegetius is humiliated, and possibly even tortured. The editors of kaiju.com have decided to post these disturbing images, but be warned, they are not for the faint of heart.
Adding to the shocking nature of these photos is the apparent perpetrator of these deeds - Kaiju Hero American Beetle. A self-declared bastion of justice and virtue, it is almost unfathomable that he would stoop to such crass and abusive treatment of a prisoner in his care. Beetle himself has been unavailable for comment, but this scandal is sure to tarnish his image, as well as the reputation of the Kaiju Heroes.
Commissioner Responds. The Kaiju Commissioner, speaking via satellite to a small gathering of Swedish Rotarians, reacted contritely to the Vegetius abuse scandal.
"I am shocked and appalled by this callous treatment of Vegetius. I can assure you that it does not represent how the Kaiju Heroes treat their prisoners. I take full responsibility for these saddening abuses."
When pressed for details about exactly what "full responsibility" entailed, the Commissioner declined comment.
Super Time! Overshadowed this week by the Vegetius abuse scandal were the results of Dr. Jane Geertz's exploratory research into the phenomenon of new Kaiju Hero Super Wrong. Dr. Geertz, the world's preeminent Kaijuologist, delved into the pop culture craze that has gripped the world since Super Wrong's debut last month, and found that the Super Wrong Train is steaming towards Ubiquity Station and nearly everyone's hopped on board! Find out for yourself why Super Wrong is so right, in the latest Kaijuology Report.
Los Plantanos For Sale. Los Plantanos are a big deal in the Big Battel, but they've never been accused of forgetting their roots. So it shouldn't be surprising that the Plantain Twins have just renewed their pledge to send 100 perecent of the proceeds from their T-shirts and Tanktops back to their native land. Most of the money will go to charitable organizations that bring fertilizer to malnourished fruit, provide shelter for shade plants, and work to alleviate drought conditions. The rest of the funds go directly to revolutionary organizations opposed to the brutal Sock Puppet Dictator.
You can help Los Plantanos fund these worthy causes by purchasing a "Los Plantanos Ain't Yellow" T-Shirt or Tanktop in the Kaiju Mall today. You'll get a nice shirt, and you'll be helping make the world a better place!
Sea Amigos. The last thing the fans at Mayday! May Day! Boston SOS! expected to see was the return of D.W. Cycloptopuss III. But when the claw-fisted cyclops came charging into the Danger Cage to lend Call-Me-Kevin a tentacle, the crowd was more than happy to sea his return. And although his interference didn't quite work out - Neo Teppen kept Kevin winless - it appears as though all three Kaiju sea creatures are now thick as thieves.
Just last week, the Sea Amigos were cavorting in the waters south of Singapore when they spotted a cargo ship loaded with automobiles. Reportedly, Unibouzu hit upon the idea of stealing a few dozen of the cars and then giving them away to Kaiju fans, in a crass attempt to boost their popularity. But when they found the ship to be filled with Kias they realized their plan would never succeed so they sent the cargo ship careening into a nearby tanker, sinking the ship and it's 4,000-car cargo.
Take that to shit to another thread, this is the WRESTLING thread.
TäkatØ Wrote: Kaiju Big Battel News Flash 6/2/04 Prisoner Scandal! Last week the Kaiju Commissioner launched an official investigation into the circumstances surrounding the capture and imprisonment of Vegetius last April. He thought the investigative committee would simply confirm what he already believed - that Vegetius was treated with the utmost respect and dignity while held by the Kaiju Heroes. But today, a member of the committee leaked photographic evidence of barbaric treatment of Vegetius. In a series of what appear to be amateur snapshots, Vegetius is humiliated, and possibly even tortured. The editors of kaiju.com have decided to post these disturbing images, but be warned, they are not for the faint of heart. Adding to the shocking nature of these photos is the apparent perpetrator of these deeds - Kaiju Hero American Beetle. A self-declared bastion of justice and virtue, it is almost unfathomable that he would stoop to such crass and abusive treatment of a prisoner in his care. Beetle himself has been unavailable for comment, but this scandal is sure to tarnish his image, as well as the reputation of the Kaiju Heroes. Commissioner Responds. The Kaiju Commissioner, speaking via satellite to a small gathering of Swedish Rotarians, reacted contritely to the Vegetius abuse scandal. "I am shocked and appalled by this callous treatment of Vegetius. I can assure you that it does not represent how the Kaiju Heroes treat their prisoners. I take full responsibility for these saddening abuses." When pressed for details about exactly what "full responsibility" entailed, the Commissioner declined comment. Super Time! Overshadowed this week by the Vegetius abuse scandal were the results of Dr. Jane Geertz's exploratory research into the phenomenon of new Kaiju Hero Super Wrong. Dr. Geertz, the world's preeminent Kaijuologist, delved into the pop culture craze that has gripped the world since Super Wrong's debut last month, and found that the Super Wrong Train is steaming towards Ubiquity Station and nearly everyone's hopped on board! Find out for yourself why Super Wrong is so right, in the latest Kaijuology Report. Los Plantanos For Sale. Los Plantanos are a big deal in the Big Battel, but they've never been accused of forgetting their roots. So it shouldn't be surprising that the Plantain Twins have just renewed their pledge to send 100 perecent of the proceeds from their T-shirts and Tanktops back to their native land. Most of the money will go to charitable organizations that bring fertilizer to malnourished fruit, provide shelter for shade plants, and work to alleviate drought conditions. The rest of the funds go directly to revolutionary organizations opposed to the brutal Sock Puppet Dictator. You can help Los Plantanos fund these worthy causes by purchasing a "Los Plantanos Ain't Yellow" T-Shirt or Tanktop in the Kaiju Mall today. You'll get a nice shirt, and you'll be helping make the world a better place! Sea Amigos. The last thing the fans at Mayday! May Day! Boston SOS! expected to see was the return of D.W. Cycloptopuss III. But when the claw-fisted cyclops came charging into the Danger Cage to lend Call-Me-Kevin a tentacle, the crowd was more than happy to sea his return. And although his interference didn't quite work out - Neo Teppen kept Kevin winless - it appears as though all three Kaiju sea creatures are now thick as thieves. Just last week, the Sea Amigos were cavorting in the waters south of Singapore when they spotted a cargo ship loaded with automobiles. Reportedly, Unibouzu hit upon the idea of stealing a few dozen of the cars and then giving them away to Kaiju fans, in a crass attempt to boost their popularity. But when they found the ship to be filled with Kias they realized their plan would never succeed so they sent the cargo ship careening into a nearby tanker, sinking the ship and it's 4,000-car cargo. |

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Seriously TäkatØ, stay on topic. No more of this stuff.

all i have to say the way hbk dances it seem kind of gay
firesnake Wrote: all i have to say the way hbk dances it seem kind of gay |
We must now battle to the death

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blade-tsung Wrote: firesnake Wrote: all i have to say the way hbk dances it seem kind of gay We must now battle to the death |
Damn it. I knew this was gonna go down. Ill go get the spears......
MetadragonX Wrote: blade-tsung Wrote: firesnake Wrote: all i have to say the way hbk dances it seem kind of gay We must now battle to the death Damn it. I knew this was gonna go down. Ill go get the spears...... |
Fetch me my horse, and my woman also...

About Me
blade-tsung Wrote: MetadragonX Wrote: blade-tsung Wrote: firesnake Wrote: all i have to say the way hbk dances it seem kind of gay We must now battle to the death Damn it. I knew this was gonna go down. Ill go get the spears...... Fetch me my horse, and my woman also... |
lmao, will do. But I think I saw your woman with subzeromasta........
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