12/04/2006 11:52 PM (UTC)
i'm so happy wwe is doing bad ecw seems worst then ever now i found out hayman left sabu want's out and rvd can't wait untill his contract expiers
About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

12/05/2006 12:46 AM (UTC)
Yeah, sounds pretty messed up. Also, fans turned their back to Lashley? WTF, he doesn't have much of a choice. Heyman is better off, though.

Found this in an article at PWtorch.com

"On the way, we hit a deer, and completely destroyed the front of my friend's truck, which was probably the most hardcore thing to happen all night."

Haha, I just found that kinda funny.
12/05/2006 02:07 AM (UTC)
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
TheMkGeek Wrote:
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
I just want to tell that SVR 07 is the best wrestling game ever!!!
It's so addictive and the gameplay is not that hard.......
Money In The Bank Ladder match is the only match I haven't won yet and nor did lose...........

Yeah, it's a sweet game.

ECW's ppv sucked last night, wow, I'm glad I missed it!

So did you unlocked everything?

Nope, I haven't done a Season yet, just GM mode.

Hey, any Italian wrestling fans out there, or anyone who follows the indies, have you heard/read about this group: http://www.nwewrestling.com
and are they any good? Lot's of ex-WWE/WCW guys there.
12/05/2006 03:33 AM (UTC)
i herd of nwe wrestling but not much i've seen promos the promos seem more like movies to me
12/05/2006 09:17 AM (UTC)
Hey dude, Matt Sydal may be small, but he's not too small to kick Danielson's ass in checkers. With special guest referee AJ Styles. And special guest timekeeper CM Punk.

Great photo.
12/05/2006 02:24 PM (UTC)
What kind of fucking hair is that? I cant stand Matt Sydal. And I bet Dragon cattle mutilated Sydal's pieces off the board anyway.

Anywho, last night's house show rocked! It opened with Tony Chimel anouncing Batista the new world heavyweight champion (since he hasnt won it yet in Portuguese tv), and the animal comes out to a huge pop and is about to cut a promo when Kennedy and Finaly attack him. He fights them back, and Teddy Long comes out to anounce a triple threat main event title match. Teddy Long is really annoying live.
Then, the first match of the night was Vito vs Tatanka. There were a bunch of Tatanka chants, but Vito was mostly over as the babyface. Crappy WWE style match, but ok for openers as Vito won with a school boy I think.

Then, Flash Funk made his return! Right here in Portugal, awesome. I tried to start ''Scorpio'' chants, but nobody even knew who he was so he came out to a dead crowd. He won it quickly with his amazing ability though, as he wrestled CW champion Gregory Helms. Cool match, with decent chain wrestling and cool high flying. We did some ''Lets go AJ! Fallen Angel! Lets Go AJ! Fallen Angel!'' chants during this one, lol, it was fun. Gregory Helms won, but it was a dumb finish. Scorpio hit a modified big splash, Greg kicked out, so Scorpio climbed back and hit a nice move, not a 450 but something simmilar, and Helms kicked out AGAIN. Then beat Funk with a knee to the head. Silly. Oh well, still decent match.

Then it was Sylvan taking on Jimmy Yang. Sylvan cut a promo in French first, which got the crowd annoyed. The match was also decent, with Jimmy's moonsaults being the main attraction. Yang beat Sylvan with a Merosault. Fun match.

Then it was the diva best body contest. Jillian vs Layla. Layla won dispite the crowd liking Jillian more, and Jillian turned heel by attacking Layla! Then Boogeyman came out and spat worms onto Jillian's face. Boring, but man Boogeyman was over as hell.

Then came the second best match of the night, London and Kendrick vs Regal and Taylor. Nice match, got some ''Lets go Kendrick!'' chants from the crowd. London won with a crossbody on Regal, which was a dumb finish but oh well. I was really surprised with Dave Taylor, who is usually a bit boring on TV but he did alot of stuff in the show. He left the ring and got it going on heated with the fans in the first rows. Cool stuff.

Next it was Kane vs MVP. There were loud '''Power Ranger'' chants and Kane got the second biggest pop of the night during his entrance. He won with a chokeslam, and there was a really funny spot right in the start of the match where Kane hit MVP with an uppercutt, and MVP sold it like he had been killed. Kane looked to the ref and shrugged like it wasn't his fault.

Chris Benoit versus Chavo Guerrero rocked. Ii marked out for Chavo's entrance, and marked out even more for Benoit's. I tried filming Benoit's entrance with my phone camera, but I just went too wild. Very loud ''BENOIT'' chants several times during the match, which was a great one. Benoit beat Chavo after Chavo missed a Merosault and got locked in the crossface. Loved this match. Chanted ''Lets go Benoit! Lets go Chavo!'' during the match since I'm a mark for both guys.

Then came the main event. Nothing to mention, Batista won with the Batista bomb, but Kennedy cut a great promo first. He said 'Lisbon Portugal... I have something to say. But before that, I have some words I'd like to get out of my chest... BEIJEM-ME O CU! BEIJEM-ME O CU! (this means Kiss my ass in portuguese. Awesome that he went to the trouble of knowing how to say kiss my ass in portuguese lol). That's right, I said KISS MY WHITE AMERICAN ASS! And now, he knows, she knows it, and that fat kid in the third row knows it... I am... MISTEEEEEEEEER.... SHUT UP!... KENNEDY! ........KENNEDY!''. There was a good false finish that certainly didnt fool me, but fooled all the marks. Finlay hit Batista with the shiela...shieleilagh... whatever it's called, and covered for a near fall.

Overall it was greaaaaaat fun. We basically bashed everyone except all guys in the tag match, Benoit, Chavo, Finlay, Kennedy, Yang, Funk and Greg Helms. We chanted ''ROH! ROH! ROH!'', ''fuck'em up Benoit, fuck'em up!'' , ''Benoit's gonna kill you'' and we got some ''BENOIT'' and ''PORTUGAL'' chants going on... Also chanted ''FUCK YOU CENA'' and ''CENA SUCKS'' even though he isn't even in the show lol...

Note: Matt Hardy, Kristal and Booker T didn't show. I guess they had problems and didn't arrive in time, hopefully they'll be at tonight's show.

Today we're going to be attending the second smackdown! show and we'll be in third row, so the wrestlers will hear us! Gonna hate on Batista and love on Benoit, yay.

Rating of last night's show:

Opening segment: 5/10
Vito vs Tatanka: 5/10
Flash Funk vs Greg Helms: 8/10
Yang vs Sylvan: 7/10
Diva Contest: 4/10
London and Kendrick vs Regal and Taylor: 8/10
Kane vs MVP: 6/10
Benoit vs Chavo: 9/10
Kennedy vs Finlay vs Batista: 6/10

Biggest Pops:
- Batista's entrance
- Kane's entrance
- Benoit's entrance

Most over babyfaces:
- Batista
- Benoit
- Kane

Most over heels:
- Kennedy
- Chavo Guerrero

Great experience, can't wait for today's show!
About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

12/05/2006 06:08 PM (UTC)
Damn, that sounded really good. I've heard E house shows aren't bad sometimes. I love how at all the WWE shows people are spilling in TNA and ROH shit, lol.

Thanks for the recap, really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one - if you decide to do it.
omg...wwe is crashing down big time...
12/06/2006 03:55 PM (UTC)
Oh fuck brothers...Man... went to the second house show last night... FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE. Great, GREAT experience, way better than the first night. In the first night we were sitting really far away, but last night we were in the fifth row so all the wrestlers could see us and hear us clearly. So you just know we gave Batista alot of shit, hehe.

The show itself was also great. It started off with Teddy Long anouncing a 16 man over the top rope battle royal to determin the number one contender at the World's championship for the night's main event. It was a good showing.
The finish to the battle royal saw most babyfaces eliminated. It was just Benoit and Kane, while the heels were still quite a few. They had a cool face off, with all the heels on one side and Benoit and Kane side by side on the other. Full out brawl, Benoit eliminates one of the heels, so does Kane and then Benoit gets eliminated along with Chavo. Kane eliminates everyone else... except Finlay who comes out of nowhere and eliminates Kane.

Then it was Layla taking on Jillian. Jillian did a great job of being a heel, dispite being a babyface. A beautiful little girl was holding up a ''JILLIAN'' sign behind me, lol, that was cute. Layla beats Jillian via botched victory roll after getting squashed all through out the match. Jillian leaves to ''ÉS TAO BOA, ÉS TAO BOA'' chants. That's a portuguese private joke, Jillian didn't get it, unfortunately. lol.

Then it was my favorite match of the night, 6 men tag: London and Kendrick, and Flash Funk taking on Regal and Taylor, and Chavo Guerrero. This was great because not only was it a very nice match, but it was the one we interacted the most with.
It started after London and Kendrick made their entrances. While it was silent, me and my group started an ''R O H! R O H!'' chant. Kendrick acknowledged it, and he was very cool, pointed at us and we pointed back. then, Flash Funk started the match by locking up with Regal. We did a ''HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!'' chant at the lock up, and Kendrick looked at us like ''what the fuck...!?'' then burst out laughing and told London. Kendrick was very cool.

Regal did a spot where he was constantly outwrestled by Flash Funk and so he rushed over to Chavo and held him like Chavo was his mommy. We started chanting ''YOU'RE A HOMO'' at him, and ''YOU SUCK! DICK!'' etc. It was always just us, so Regal focused on us, claiming he wasn't a homo, all frustrated, lol. At one point we were giving him so much that he pretended to actually be gay and ask for our phone number. That rocked, so we started chanting ''REGAL! REGAL!''. Then Chavo did the same spot where he rushed to Regal, and we started giving Chavo the homo chants. He looked at us looking mad, and pointed us saying we were the homos, and did the whole ''cock in mouth'' thing with his hand and tongue lol. Then he pointed at my friend and fellow portuguese wrestler, Iceborg (who's fat) and said ''YOU'RE FAT!'' . We also did ''SCORPIO! SCORPIO!'' chants for Flash Funk, who enjoyed them but did the ''ush!'' movement, as in, ''I'm Flash Funk now!''.
This match was great, as Kendrick pinned Taylor with the slice bread number two.

Triple threat cruiserweight match, featuring Greg Helms versus Jimmy Yang versus Funaki. It was a decent triple threat match, which saw Yang hit a couple of merosaults. Helms retained by pinning Funaki with his aparantly new finisher, the knee facebuster. Crap. But before the match started, we did a loud chant of ''SUGAR SHANE! SUGAR SHANE!'' which was his very very old gimmick, and he did the sugar shane pose and dance. Awesome.

Second best match of the night came in the form of Benoit versus Tatanka. Of course Tatanka sucks, but this was the Benoit match, so. As he came into the ring, we did a loud ''PEGASUS! PEGASUS!'' chant and I wore my Pegasus Kid mask. He looked over to us and acknowledged, but didn't do anything else. Standard good Benoit match.

Intermission... went to get a coke and eat a...thing.

As the show started again, it was Sylvan versus Vito! The shit match. Sylvan had good heat because he cut a promo in french, which generated alot of ''PORTUGAL! PORTUGAL!'' chants and traditional soccer ''Portugal'' cheering. Sylvan defeated Vito with his foot on the ropes, but Vito brought him back into the ring and hit a backbody drop, followed by his lethal finisher, the panty hammer lock. Sylvan tapped, and as Vito left, the Boogeyman came in and scared the shit out of Sylvan.

The handicap match... Kane vs MVP and Ken Kennedy. Kennedy just rocks... I'm a total Kennedy mark now. He cut another awesome promo, but he came out to a HUUUGE pop, we never gave him a chance to be a heel, everyone was loving him. Everytime he wanted to say ''MIIIISTER...KENNEDY'' the whole arena would chant it, and he would say ''CALA-TE!'' which means shut up in Portuguese, and he would try again, only to be frustrated. He repeated ''MIIISTER....'' three times before finally saying Kennedy. Decent handicap match... Kane won with the Chokeslam on Kennedy.

Main event... Batista versus Fit Finlay. Batista came out to a gigantic pop, but as soon as it was quiet, we started a very loud ''STEROIDS! STEROIDS!'' chant. Batista looked at us legit pissed off and then resumed his ''I'm so happy! I'm a huge babyface!'' thing.
Before the match, Finlay took out a flag of Ireland. Loads of heat. So Batista went to his corner and fabricated... a PORTUGUESE FLAG. What a cheap pop. Got everyone behind him, but man I hated that.
Match went on, we were always pushing for Fit Finlay but man, 99% of the crowd wanted to see Batista win, so they could never hear us. At one point though, Finaly was brawling and we chanted ''EUROPEAN! EUROPEAN! EUROPEAN!'' and Finlay hit the european uppercutt and looked at us. Love ya, Fin ^_^ .

During the match, Batista hit a surprising Steamroller, and eventually beat Finlay with the Bomb.As he celebrated, we put our huge orange signs saying ''SAME OLD SHIT'' and ''YOU CANT WRESTLE''. Batista looked at us, all sweaty and tired, and kind of smiled and shook his head, lol. Good sport, we were being kinda mean, I dont really dislike Batista.
When he was celebrating, he got to one turnbuckle and told everyone to go quiet with hand gestures. I took the oportunity as it was silent and yelled out the loudest ''YOU SUCK!'' I could do. The crowd turned agaisnt me, lol, the kids in the rows ahead of me started telling me that I sucked and to be quiet. I let Batista do his thang, which turned out to be cool as he did the Eddie Guerrero taunt and the Eddie theme song played. Great finish.

Overall, the matches were better than the first night's, even though there were SOOO many botched moves. LOADS of botched moves, man. Vito was busted open in a lock up with Sylvan, bled from his eye for the rest of the match, poor guy. Same old shit though lol.

Man just... great experience. Loved Kendrick, Regal, Chavo and of course seeing my main man Benoit live. They anounced at the end that WWE will return to Portugal in June, and hopefully it will be RAW so I can go tell John Cena to go fuck himself. GREAT EXPERIENCE :D
About Me

Made by MINION.
12/06/2006 04:28 PM (UTC)
Wow my eyes are now partialy burnt from reading all that.

But hey im glad you had such a good time, is this a show that will be or has been telivised ? so i can try and spot you, or was this just one of those shows random shows they put on for only paying ticket buyers to watch ?

Your explanation of your time was an awsome read, i envy you big time, i should have gonne to the manchester show the other week, but i missed out by a few hours when i went to buy the tickets, maybee next year though eh.

Enjoy the june showing man.

One thing, would you rather wee a WWE show or a TNA or ECW show, given the choice, and if you had never been to any shows before.

Just which one would you wish to go too?
12/06/2006 04:39 PM (UTC)
Totally depends brother.

ROH > Smackdown > TNA > RAW > ECW.

And it was just a house show.
12/06/2006 06:20 PM (UTC)
Show's over
The most dominant athlete in sports-entertainment announces his departure from the squared-circle after more than seven years in WWE.

12/06/2006 07:02 PM (UTC)
it seems wwe is doing all they can to erase wcw.
About Me

Made by MINION.
12/06/2006 07:06 PM (UTC)
ROH ? i would have thought that to be the worst show of the group.

Whatever floats your boat i see.

Shows over.........noooooo please no.
12/06/2006 07:15 PM (UTC)
scorpio Wrote:
it seems wwe is doing all they can to erase wcw.

Dude, WCW was erased back in 2001
12/06/2006 08:13 PM (UTC)
skinsley Wrote:
ROH ? i would have thought that to be the worst show of the group.

Whatever floats your boat i see.

Shows over.........noooooo please no.

Woa are you joking? ROH is the best professional wrestling in the world today, and has been for awhile. But then again, you like Jeff Hardy, so I see we're on different paths here tongue
12/06/2006 09:52 PM (UTC)
skinsley Wrote:
ROH ? i would have thought that to be the worst show of the group.

Whatever floats your boat i see.

Shows over.........noooooo please no.

Woah woah woah, ROH the worst show? Oh jeez.......ROH is the best, I'd love to see one of their shows. Ehh Shows over, good for him he needed some rest. He is 7 feet tall and about 510 pounds. It will be good to see show get some rest and maybe lose some pounds here and there and hopefully get into great shape.

Hey I live right around near where FIP always is. Should I go see a FIP show or no? Is it just like ROH but toned down?
12/06/2006 10:04 PM (UTC)
i would defentely pic roh over any of those in a heart beat in fact i'm going this friday and saturday to a show when they come to chicago
12/06/2006 10:38 PM (UTC)
R O H! R O H! R O H! R O H!
About Me

Made by MINION.
12/06/2006 10:49 PM (UTC)
Well it seems i just judged ROH by its lack of props and Lame camera angles.

I will try and watch it when its on if i can from now on, just to see what your buzzed about.
12/06/2006 11:03 PM (UTC)
ROH is low budget, but it's the best wrestling around.
About Me

Made by MINION.
12/06/2006 11:14 PM (UTC)
oh yea and did anyone notice someone Scream TNA chants on ECW december to dismember when Sylvester Tukuay did a ripoff of the muscle buster.tongue
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
Show's over
The most dominant athlete in sports-entertainment announces his departure from the squared-circle after more than seven years in WWE.


man who didnt see that coming......
12/07/2006 05:41 PM (UTC)
Thank god, Big Show's gone. That'll be good for him, and good for the business, I cant stand the Big Show's in ring work. But once again, WWE loses a big star. How many do they have left?

Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Booker T, Undertaker, Chris Benoit, Batista, Randy Orton, John Cena, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Kane... everybody else is a mid carder with very few main eventer prospects. The only ones I can see eventually becoming true big stars are Chavo Guerrero, Bobby Lashley, CM Punk, Carlito, Ken Kennedy, Greg Helms and Finlay. Man, WWE has really been sucking it big time in terms of ...well everything, but for this topic in particular, building new stars.
About Me

Made by MINION.
12/07/2006 06:05 PM (UTC)
They tried so hard to make chris masters a big star.

And well, they had no success.
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