blade-tsung Wrote: If u didn't know, Raw is on right now...repeat of Mondays show... |
Yeah I did and it STILL sucks as bad as the first time. Why am i putting myself through this again...:)
lol @ the two above me...
Perhaps, just perhaps, they were testing it? Wouldn't it be cool tho if they put last weeks Raw on Saturday or Sunday night? Unless you tape Raw you basically miss it, so it wouldn't be too bad to throw it on over the weekend or some late night.

blade-tsung Wrote: lol @ the two above me... Perhaps, just perhaps, they were testing it? Wouldn't it be cool tho if they put last weeks Raw on Saturday or Sunday night? Unless you tape Raw you basically miss it, so it wouldn't be too bad to throw it on over the weekend or some late night. |
No need to repeat Raw on Saturday or Sunday. Up here in Canada, we get a repeat on Monday, and I believe TSN is back to replaying it on Tuesday.
No news is good news I guess, nothing really to report other than that the WWE and Goldberg are still in negotiations and still has his name all over the site. The new deal they want is for him to work a light schedule, with a program built up between him and Austin. So I guess we'll all have to wait and see what happens. I hope the deal works out.

Apparently Eddis Guerrero almost attacked a fan at a recent house show. After his match with Big Slow, he invited his daughters into the ring to celebrate, thats when some nutcase threw a pop into the ring, nearly hitting the younger of the two daughters. Dean Malenko and some security had to restrain Eddie, while more security escorted the fan out of the arena.
Also, it looks like Heyman might be managing Bradshaw to a possible World title win.

Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
-Isaac Watts
TheMkGeek Wrote: I found some news, check this out: Also, it looks like Heyman might be managing Bradshaw to a possible World title win. |
Bradshaw going from tag to challenging Eddie in single competition? Eeh! I'm not confident about that working out for him. He hasn't established his new gimick as a singles competitor and I doub't that he's going to generate enough heat for people to consoder him a credible heel. I doubt that it'll go down that way for him, at least as of now.
Le Dragon Fantome

Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
-Isaac Watts
blade-tsung Wrote: Actually they are saying the next Smackdown! only ppv will feature Bradshaw vs Eddie for the belt. If I wanted to watch shit, I would have typed old Nitro's. Nobody gives two shits about Bradshaw, he needs to get over himself. |
Huh! If it goes down like that then Smackdown will become the new Nitro.
Le Dragon Fantome

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
blade-tsung Wrote: hmmm it could have 'Kamona Wannalaya' (Come-on-I-Wanna-Lay-Ya) from ECW. She was in WCW for a little bit...hmmmm |
Ahhh, yeessss. I remember now. She was Leia Meow in WCW. The Kimona brought it back to me, thanks big man.

ghostdragon Wrote: blade-tsung Wrote: Actually they are saying the next Smackdown! only ppv will feature Bradshaw vs Eddie for the belt. If I wanted to watch shit, I would have typed old Nitro's. Nobody gives two shits about Bradshaw, he needs to get over himself. Huh! If it goes down like that then Smackdown will become the new Nitro. Le Dragon Fantome |
LOL, yeah, wouldn't that be a shame!
Hey, you guys seen Raw? Trips got beat by Sheldon 'My God he beat Trips' Benjamin! That is funny shit, lol, lmfao!!

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
Y2J...just, simply, beautifull.

Alpha_Q_Up Wrote: OMG, Shelon Benjamin vs HHH was by far the best match I've seen this year. THat match was awesome. I'm glad new faces shining in the spotlight. |
My thoughts exactly. That other guy obviously doesn't know what he's talking about, but he does have a right to his opinion. Even though it's wrong. ;)
so far, he tapped out to the crossface, and actually agreed to loose to shelton benjamin of all people.
Maybe this is a new Era in the WWE afterall?
by the way, Is it just me, or is backlash actually looking to be a GOOD single-brand PPV?
so far theres..
World Title Match: Triple H vs HBK Vs Benoit
Intercontinetal Title match: (Hardcore rule) Randy Orton Vs Mick Foley
Edge Vs Kane
Chris Jericho Vs Christian
all the matches so far all look pretty solid to me. hopfully the rest of them are aswell.
sub-zeromasta Wrote: They should look pretty good. They are all rematches from WMXX except one. |

Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
-Isaac Watts
I don't friggin believe this! See this is what pisses me off about WWE. They disappoint you for a number of weeks where if you just decide to skip a Raw or Smackdown, it's that very same show that turns out to be the one you should have actualy stayed awake for!
Anyhoo... after hearing about that HHH and Sheldon match I'm even more happey that he went to Raw. I thought he was the real talent of TWGTT and hearing about tonights match just comfirmed my opinion of him.
DAMN! Now I can't miss anymore shows cause it sounds like WWE might be getting better.
Le Dragon Fantome

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
olympic_hero Wrote: Shelton Benjamin beating Triple H is fuckin sureal. |
Oh, man, I couldn't believe it. I mean, from the very beginning there was just this, mood, about the match. When Shelton got the pin, I literally jumped out of my chair and was like "fuck yeah!!" pumping my fist, lol. Ya, lame, I know; but i just couldn't believe it. And trips did a good job of selling, too. 0_0 The little taps on the cheek, ROTFL, priceless.

blade-tsung Wrote: Of course HHH comes back to Raw and is instanly in the Main Event now at Backlash. Why couldn't they just leave it HBK and Benoit?? If HHH wins the belt I'm gonna be pissed. |
Meeee tooooo.

I'm kind of dissapointed of how the card is shaping up. The Triple threat match was great why spoil it. Unless it's in a cage or with something else it probably won't be as good.