TheMkGeek Wrote:
It's a bunch of promotional house shows done to promote Wrestlemania. When I went to a SD house show 2 years ago, it was part of the Road To Wrestlemania 2003 tour. The WWE has done this for other ppvs, like Summerslam, Rumble and a few of the other major ppvs.
Hey, I read this online, you won't believe what Batista says about SD, andI for one couldn't agree more:
On Raw vs. Smackdown: "I don't consider it a rivalry at all. We're a better show, period. There's no comparison. I feel for Smackdown, I just don't know what's going on over there. I try to watch the shows but, for me, they're hard to sit through. And that really makes me sick as it should be a top show. I've watched their tapings live and it seems like a lot of the guys couldn't care less. There's a lack of passion and pride. They need the stress of a live show on them, like we have. A lot of them think: "Oh, it's taped. If I mess up, we'll just redo it." They're more worried about where they're going after the show, which also makes me sick because it means they're not there to work."
To read the entire interview, check out TheSun.co.uk.
** Wonder what Vince thought, if he's heard/read about it yet? **
What is Road To Wrestlemania?I seen a commercial for it saying it's going to be in Springfield sometime soon.Is it Wrestlemania or a House Show?
What is Road To Wrestlemania?I seen a commercial for it saying it's going to be in Springfield sometime soon.Is it Wrestlemania or a House Show?
It's a bunch of promotional house shows done to promote Wrestlemania. When I went to a SD house show 2 years ago, it was part of the Road To Wrestlemania 2003 tour. The WWE has done this for other ppvs, like Summerslam, Rumble and a few of the other major ppvs.
Hey, I read this online, you won't believe what Batista says about SD, andI for one couldn't agree more:
On Raw vs. Smackdown: "I don't consider it a rivalry at all. We're a better show, period. There's no comparison. I feel for Smackdown, I just don't know what's going on over there. I try to watch the shows but, for me, they're hard to sit through. And that really makes me sick as it should be a top show. I've watched their tapings live and it seems like a lot of the guys couldn't care less. There's a lack of passion and pride. They need the stress of a live show on them, like we have. A lot of them think: "Oh, it's taped. If I mess up, we'll just redo it." They're more worried about where they're going after the show, which also makes me sick because it means they're not there to work."
To read the entire interview, check out TheSun.co.uk.
** Wonder what Vince thought, if he's heard/read about it yet? **
Thanks,I never liked Batista for some reason.He acts like SD is a diffrent company.To me both brands are crappy.They have good wrestlers but overall the story and matches are waaaaaay too predictible.Im getting tired of the divas also.The divas NEVER get a half way decent role.They always play the bitchy acting girl(Trish Stratus),the under dog(Lita) or the chick with TNA only(Torrie Wilson). I don't mind nice looking girls and all but have them do something more than just flaunt their goods and act so proud when they land the cover of playboy.I just had to vent off there.
BTW,IGN has new vids and pics up of WM21.The pic of Chris Benoit is awesome.The blood drips all over their bodies.It seems like WM21 might be the ESPN NFL 2K series(R.I.P.) of wrestling.I hope the gameplay will be faster and better than Raw and SVR.
According to WrestlingObserver.com reporter Dave Meltzer, and an exclusive tip sent in to this reporter, there is nothing to the reports of SmackDown's cancellation. The network has not made any decisions regarding the show's renewal and the future of the program is hardly in jeopardy.
While UPN could indeed be planning to move in a different direction come the expiration of WWE's contract, WWE has not been informed of a cancellation and is not "scrambling" to find a new network, as some reports might suggest.
As for the statement from the Viacom executive, chances are it was taken out of context. No other outlet that ran a story on the TCA Press Tour even mentioned the SmackDown! quote, meaning the reporter behind the story misinterpreted the information.
You know, its bullshit like this is why EVERY wrestling news has to be taken with a grain of salt. unless it actually happens on TV. NEVER believe every bullshit you read regardless if it sounds accurate. to me, unless it happens on TV. every wrestling news is bullshit to me. some of these idiot writers could make up crap or mishear things pose it off as facts.
At least SmackDown! is staying now.
According to WrestlingObserver.com reporter Dave Meltzer, and an exclusive tip sent in to this reporter, there is nothing to the reports of SmackDown's cancellation. The network has not made any decisions regarding the show's renewal and the future of the program is hardly in jeopardy.
While UPN could indeed be planning to move in a different direction come the expiration of WWE's contract, WWE has not been informed of a cancellation and is not "scrambling" to find a new network, as some reports might suggest.
As for the statement from the Viacom executive, chances are it was taken out of context. No other outlet that ran a story on the TCA Press Tour even mentioned the SmackDown! quote, meaning the reporter behind the story misinterpreted the information.
You know, its bullshit like this is why EVERY wrestling news has to be taken with a grain of salt. unless it actually happens on TV. NEVER believe every bullshit you read regardless if it sounds accurate. to me, unless it happens on TV. every wrestling news is bullshit to me. some of these idiot writers could make up crap or mishear things pose it off as facts.
At least SmackDown! is staying now.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
Actually Olympic, being able to wow a crowd is something these days. Edge can't wow a crowd as much as Micheals can and Micheals has more athletic ability than Edge, and I enjoy watching Micheals wrestle, so that is why I said he'd win, but Zentile has a point, lately Micheals has been putting over the yougner guys, so I may have to wait and see on that match. As for JBL, we'll wait and see, yes the Royal Rumble generally doesn't see many World title changes, but there's always a first time
Now Zentile you said and I quoate: "Haas is the next Benoit for sure. Small heavyweight guy with not alot of charisma but tons of technical skills and holds, who will only get the world title very late into his carreer." I say that is total BS! Haas is far from being the next Benoit, and I doubt that he is World title caliber/material, but then again, Vince has been putting the title around the waists of some real "winners" case in point, Orton and JBL!
"I don't see how Mark Jindrak's ''gimmick'' is a rip off of the narcisist? Are we even on the same page, here? Mark Jindrak? JINDRAK. MARK. Not Simon Dean... " Well, let me put it to you like this, THE REFLECTION OF PERFECTION is a blatant rip-off of Lex's old WWF gimmik. Guy poses in front of mirror for 20 minutes before match, flexes every 5 minutes during the match, and is full of himself, everything I just mentioned was Lex's Narcisistic gimmik, and is now Jindrak. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Plus now the WWE is brining in another loser for Raw (tell me you've all seen the promos?) to also carry on this stupid gimmik. As for Simon Dean, he's a combo of Richard Simmons, and every other fitness person, and also the old Skip (remember the Body Donnas?) gimmik, which, btw, also stank to high heaven.
"Anyway brother, I would've apreciated more if you had been a bit more specific about Steiner, JBL, Charlie Haas, Dupree and Jindrak's ''suckiness'', but still it's nice to see a peaceful exchange of opinions. I guess it's just a matter of taste. " Don't need to be too mcuh more specific than I already was. JBL, crap, period, plain and simple; Steiner, crap, needs to leave the business and no longer risk further injury to himself, or try to lose some of that muscle mass of his, he moves around a ring like an old man; Dupree, I don't like him, period, does nothing for me, can't wrestle to save his soul, the main reason why he ain't getting any major title matches. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, if you don't like it, that's fine.
Any how, moving on, this is what I found online,
Article: UPN gives WWE the smackdown: read all about it here:
Actually Olympic, being able to wow a crowd is something these days. Edge can't wow a crowd as much as Micheals can and Micheals has more athletic ability than Edge, and I enjoy watching Micheals wrestle, so that is why I said he'd win, but Zentile has a point, lately Micheals has been putting over the yougner guys, so I may have to wait and see on that match. As for JBL, we'll wait and see, yes the Royal Rumble generally doesn't see many World title changes, but there's always a first time
Now Zentile you said and I quoate: "Haas is the next Benoit for sure. Small heavyweight guy with not alot of charisma but tons of technical skills and holds, who will only get the world title very late into his carreer." I say that is total BS! Haas is far from being the next Benoit, and I doubt that he is World title caliber/material, but then again, Vince has been putting the title around the waists of some real "winners" case in point, Orton and JBL!
"I don't see how Mark Jindrak's ''gimmick'' is a rip off of the narcisist? Are we even on the same page, here? Mark Jindrak? JINDRAK. MARK. Not Simon Dean... " Well, let me put it to you like this, THE REFLECTION OF PERFECTION is a blatant rip-off of Lex's old WWF gimmik. Guy poses in front of mirror for 20 minutes before match, flexes every 5 minutes during the match, and is full of himself, everything I just mentioned was Lex's Narcisistic gimmik, and is now Jindrak. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Plus now the WWE is brining in another loser for Raw (tell me you've all seen the promos?) to also carry on this stupid gimmik. As for Simon Dean, he's a combo of Richard Simmons, and every other fitness person, and also the old Skip (remember the Body Donnas?) gimmik, which, btw, also stank to high heaven.
"Anyway brother, I would've apreciated more if you had been a bit more specific about Steiner, JBL, Charlie Haas, Dupree and Jindrak's ''suckiness'', but still it's nice to see a peaceful exchange of opinions. I guess it's just a matter of taste. " Don't need to be too mcuh more specific than I already was. JBL, crap, period, plain and simple; Steiner, crap, needs to leave the business and no longer risk further injury to himself, or try to lose some of that muscle mass of his, he moves around a ring like an old man; Dupree, I don't like him, period, does nothing for me, can't wrestle to save his soul, the main reason why he ain't getting any major title matches. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, if you don't like it, that's fine.
Any how, moving on, this is what I found online,
Article: UPN gives WWE the smackdown: read all about it here:
Micheals has more atheletic ability then Edge? Why is that? Why don't you give me a few examples to back up that statement rather then simply say he has superior atheletic ability. I haven't seen anything from him to prove he has more athletic ability then Edge. You don't need any athletic ability to super kick someone in the face and then dance around for 5 minutes afterwards. Before Micheals injured his back he was great...I can admit that...but now he is just pure crap...and the only thing that is keeping him in the game right now is the fact that most of the fans remember when he was good. By the way just so you know I'm not trying to attack you or anything I just wanna understand why people still like watching Shawn Micheals.

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
I thought Cena vs. JBL was a go, at least sometime down the line. Cena winning the strap, too. Though, those two haven't had any interaction; maybe that's a good thing, though. Something totally fresh.
Also, I agree that Haas is not a beniot, or a mini benoit. However, I think that Haas has loads of potential. He just needs the right push. The gimmick with Rico was brillant. Yeah, the gimmick it self was a little played out, but for some reason it came across very well, and was very entertaining. "sigh"...poor rico.
Also, I really hope WM21 will be decent. I'm still playing SD!:HCTP
. Though, that's a classic, or will be; so no worries. I made myself a while back, and I'm still amazed at how closely my CAW looks like me, lol. No joke, it's kinda freaky, actually.
Also, I agree that Haas is not a beniot, or a mini benoit. However, I think that Haas has loads of potential. He just needs the right push. The gimmick with Rico was brillant. Yeah, the gimmick it self was a little played out, but for some reason it came across very well, and was very entertaining. "sigh"...poor rico.
Also, I really hope WM21 will be decent. I'm still playing SD!:HCTP
My predictions for the Royal rumble:
Michaels Vs Edge......Edge will get his own back.
Triple H Vs Orton......I so want Orton to win but its getting so old now that i might as well just say HHH everytime the belt is involved.
JBL Vs Angle Vs Big Show...... See the Royal Rumble below.
Taker Vs Heidenreich.....Who else but the undertaker.
The Rumble......
John Cena...Heres wahat i think will happen:
Cena will lose his US championship to Suzuki, go on to win the royal rumble then go on to defeat JBL (who will win his match against Angle and Big Show) at Wrestlemania 21
Michaels Vs Edge......Edge will get his own back.
Triple H Vs Orton......I so want Orton to win but its getting so old now that i might as well just say HHH everytime the belt is involved.
JBL Vs Angle Vs Big Show...... See the Royal Rumble below.
Taker Vs Heidenreich.....Who else but the undertaker.
The Rumble......
John Cena...Heres wahat i think will happen:
Cena will lose his US championship to Suzuki, go on to win the royal rumble then go on to defeat JBL (who will win his match against Angle and Big Show) at Wrestlemania 21
krackerjack Wrote:
On an unrelated note, I just had an interesting thought - If any of you were starting a fed, money was no object, and you had to choose any 20 people to come work for you initially, who would they be, and who would be your champion? It'd be interesting to get some opinions on this...
On an unrelated note, I just had an interesting thought - If any of you were starting a fed, money was no object, and you had to choose any 20 people to come work for you initially, who would they be, and who would be your champion? It'd be interesting to get some opinions on this...
If money was no object I'd chose (in nicely arranged alphabetic order):
Batista, Billy Kidman, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Christian, Christopher Daniels, Eddie Guerrero, Frankie Kazarian, Jeff Hardy, Juventud Guerrera, Kurt Angle, La Parka, Matt Hardy, Paul London, Psychosis (the old Nicho El Millonario guy), Rey Mysterio, Ron Killings, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker
If I could bring one more it would be Kane. I put in some names simply because they draw a lot of people and they can be main event guys to put younger people over like Triple H or Shawn Michaels, not that I like Shawn Michaels that much anyway. I'd put a championship on either Kurt Angle or Batista.
Anyway, here's for the Royal Rumble predictions (which I usually fail miserably):
HBK vs Edge: Edge wins.
Triple H vs Orton: As if we don't know already that Triple H will win. Maybe they'll pull the angle they have been doing lately on house shows where Randy wins the match but the referee cancels the decision or whatever it is.
JBL vs Angle vs Big Show: I wouldn't mind if JBL wins and that's what I guess will happen eventually.
Taker vs Heidenreich: No challenge here, Undertaker should kill Heidenreich.
Royal Rumble: I would love for Batista to win this thing but it will probably go for John Cena. Either JBL vs Cena or Triple H vs Batista at Wrestlemania would be cool but honestly I don't think any of those matches are Wrestlemania Main-Event quality when you compare it to the likes of Triple H vs Benoit vs HBK or Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar in recent Wrestlemanias...
TheMkGeek Wrote:
As for JBL, we'll wait and see, yes the Royal Rumble generally doesn't see many World title changes, but there's always a first time
Now Zentile you said and I quoate: "Haas is the next Benoit for sure. Small heavyweight guy with not alot of charisma but tons of technical skills and holds, who will only get the world title very late into his carreer." I say that is total BS! Haas is far from being the next Benoit, and I doubt that he is World title caliber/material, but then again, Vince has been putting the title around the waists of some real "winners" case in point, Orton and JBL!
"I don't see how Mark Jindrak's ''gimmick'' is a rip off of the narcisist? Are we even on the same page, here? Mark Jindrak? JINDRAK. MARK. Not Simon Dean... " Well, let me put it to you like this, THE REFLECTION OF PERFECTION is a blatant rip-off of Lex's old WWF gimmik. Guy poses in front of mirror for 20 minutes before match, flexes every 5 minutes during the match, and is full of himself, everything I just mentioned was Lex's Narcisistic gimmik, and is now Jindrak. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Plus now the WWE is brining in another loser for Raw (tell me you've all seen the promos?) to also carry on this stupid gimmik. As for Simon Dean, he's a combo of Richard Simmons, and every other fitness person, and also the old Skip (remember the Body Donnas?) gimmik, which, btw, also stank to high heaven.
"Anyway brother, I would've apreciated more if you had been a bit more specific about Steiner, JBL, Charlie Haas, Dupree and Jindrak's ''suckiness'', but still it's nice to see a peaceful exchange of opinions. I guess it's just a matter of taste. " Don't need to be too mcuh more specific than I already was. JBL, crap, period, plain and simple; Steiner, crap, needs to leave the business and no longer risk further injury to himself, or try to lose some of that muscle mass of his, he moves around a ring like an old man; Dupree, I don't like him, period, does nothing for me, can't wrestle to save his soul, the main reason why he ain't getting any major title matches. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, if you don't like it, that's fine.
Any how, moving on, this is what I found online,
Article: UPN gives WWE the smackdown: read all about it here:
As for JBL, we'll wait and see, yes the Royal Rumble generally doesn't see many World title changes, but there's always a first time
Now Zentile you said and I quoate: "Haas is the next Benoit for sure. Small heavyweight guy with not alot of charisma but tons of technical skills and holds, who will only get the world title very late into his carreer." I say that is total BS! Haas is far from being the next Benoit, and I doubt that he is World title caliber/material, but then again, Vince has been putting the title around the waists of some real "winners" case in point, Orton and JBL!
"I don't see how Mark Jindrak's ''gimmick'' is a rip off of the narcisist? Are we even on the same page, here? Mark Jindrak? JINDRAK. MARK. Not Simon Dean... " Well, let me put it to you like this, THE REFLECTION OF PERFECTION is a blatant rip-off of Lex's old WWF gimmik. Guy poses in front of mirror for 20 minutes before match, flexes every 5 minutes during the match, and is full of himself, everything I just mentioned was Lex's Narcisistic gimmik, and is now Jindrak. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Plus now the WWE is brining in another loser for Raw (tell me you've all seen the promos?) to also carry on this stupid gimmik. As for Simon Dean, he's a combo of Richard Simmons, and every other fitness person, and also the old Skip (remember the Body Donnas?) gimmik, which, btw, also stank to high heaven.
"Anyway brother, I would've apreciated more if you had been a bit more specific about Steiner, JBL, Charlie Haas, Dupree and Jindrak's ''suckiness'', but still it's nice to see a peaceful exchange of opinions. I guess it's just a matter of taste. " Don't need to be too mcuh more specific than I already was. JBL, crap, period, plain and simple; Steiner, crap, needs to leave the business and no longer risk further injury to himself, or try to lose some of that muscle mass of his, he moves around a ring like an old man; Dupree, I don't like him, period, does nothing for me, can't wrestle to save his soul, the main reason why he ain't getting any major title matches. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, if you don't like it, that's fine.
Any how, moving on, this is what I found online,
Article: UPN gives WWE the smackdown: read all about it here:
Well what I meant about the rumble being a no title swap PPV, is that it's just not even handy for it to happen because it's the road to wrestlemania and long title disputes are being made.
Anyway, Jindrak isn't using the reflection of perfection gimmick anymore. He hasn't been ever since he joined Kurt Angle.
And about Charlie Haas, back when Benoit showed up in wCw (or previously as a tag team with Malenko on ECW) , did you think that he was going to be considered one of the most respected men in the business, considered one of the best technical wrestlers in pro wrestling, a fan favourite world title contender? Even a better example is Eddie Guerrero, who has always been smaller than Benoit.
Mark my words: The next generation of Pro Wrestling fans will be loving Charlie Haas. He is the next Chris Benoit, for sure.

About Me
Zentile Wrote:
Well what I meant about the rumble being a no title swap PPV, is that it's just not even handy for it to happen because it's the road to wrestlemania and long title disputes are being made.
Anyway, Jindrak isn't using the reflection of perfection gimmick anymore. He hasn't been ever since he joined Kurt Angle.
And about Charlie Haas, back when Benoit showed up in wCw (or previously as a tag team with Malenko on ECW) , did you think that he was going to be considered one of the most respected men in the business, considered one of the best technical wrestlers in pro wrestling, a fan favourite world title contender? Even a better example is Eddie Guerrero, who has always been smaller than Benoit.
Mark my words: The next generation of Pro Wrestling fans will be loving Charlie Haas. He is the next Chris Benoit, for sure.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
As for JBL, we'll wait and see, yes the Royal Rumble generally doesn't see many World title changes, but there's always a first time
Now Zentile you said and I quoate: "Haas is the next Benoit for sure. Small heavyweight guy with not alot of charisma but tons of technical skills and holds, who will only get the world title very late into his carreer." I say that is total BS! Haas is far from being the next Benoit, and I doubt that he is World title caliber/material, but then again, Vince has been putting the title around the waists of some real "winners" case in point, Orton and JBL!
"I don't see how Mark Jindrak's ''gimmick'' is a rip off of the narcisist? Are we even on the same page, here? Mark Jindrak? JINDRAK. MARK. Not Simon Dean... " Well, let me put it to you like this, THE REFLECTION OF PERFECTION is a blatant rip-off of Lex's old WWF gimmik. Guy poses in front of mirror for 20 minutes before match, flexes every 5 minutes during the match, and is full of himself, everything I just mentioned was Lex's Narcisistic gimmik, and is now Jindrak. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Plus now the WWE is brining in another loser for Raw (tell me you've all seen the promos?) to also carry on this stupid gimmik. As for Simon Dean, he's a combo of Richard Simmons, and every other fitness person, and also the old Skip (remember the Body Donnas?) gimmik, which, btw, also stank to high heaven.
"Anyway brother, I would've apreciated more if you had been a bit more specific about Steiner, JBL, Charlie Haas, Dupree and Jindrak's ''suckiness'', but still it's nice to see a peaceful exchange of opinions. I guess it's just a matter of taste. " Don't need to be too mcuh more specific than I already was. JBL, crap, period, plain and simple; Steiner, crap, needs to leave the business and no longer risk further injury to himself, or try to lose some of that muscle mass of his, he moves around a ring like an old man; Dupree, I don't like him, period, does nothing for me, can't wrestle to save his soul, the main reason why he ain't getting any major title matches. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, if you don't like it, that's fine.
Any how, moving on, this is what I found online,
Article: UPN gives WWE the smackdown: read all about it here:
As for JBL, we'll wait and see, yes the Royal Rumble generally doesn't see many World title changes, but there's always a first time
Now Zentile you said and I quoate: "Haas is the next Benoit for sure. Small heavyweight guy with not alot of charisma but tons of technical skills and holds, who will only get the world title very late into his carreer." I say that is total BS! Haas is far from being the next Benoit, and I doubt that he is World title caliber/material, but then again, Vince has been putting the title around the waists of some real "winners" case in point, Orton and JBL!
"I don't see how Mark Jindrak's ''gimmick'' is a rip off of the narcisist? Are we even on the same page, here? Mark Jindrak? JINDRAK. MARK. Not Simon Dean... " Well, let me put it to you like this, THE REFLECTION OF PERFECTION is a blatant rip-off of Lex's old WWF gimmik. Guy poses in front of mirror for 20 minutes before match, flexes every 5 minutes during the match, and is full of himself, everything I just mentioned was Lex's Narcisistic gimmik, and is now Jindrak. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Plus now the WWE is brining in another loser for Raw (tell me you've all seen the promos?) to also carry on this stupid gimmik. As for Simon Dean, he's a combo of Richard Simmons, and every other fitness person, and also the old Skip (remember the Body Donnas?) gimmik, which, btw, also stank to high heaven.
"Anyway brother, I would've apreciated more if you had been a bit more specific about Steiner, JBL, Charlie Haas, Dupree and Jindrak's ''suckiness'', but still it's nice to see a peaceful exchange of opinions. I guess it's just a matter of taste. " Don't need to be too mcuh more specific than I already was. JBL, crap, period, plain and simple; Steiner, crap, needs to leave the business and no longer risk further injury to himself, or try to lose some of that muscle mass of his, he moves around a ring like an old man; Dupree, I don't like him, period, does nothing for me, can't wrestle to save his soul, the main reason why he ain't getting any major title matches. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, if you don't like it, that's fine.
Any how, moving on, this is what I found online,
Article: UPN gives WWE the smackdown: read all about it here:
Well what I meant about the rumble being a no title swap PPV, is that it's just not even handy for it to happen because it's the road to wrestlemania and long title disputes are being made.
Anyway, Jindrak isn't using the reflection of perfection gimmick anymore. He hasn't been ever since he joined Kurt Angle.
And about Charlie Haas, back when Benoit showed up in wCw (or previously as a tag team with Malenko on ECW) , did you think that he was going to be considered one of the most respected men in the business, considered one of the best technical wrestlers in pro wrestling, a fan favourite world title contender? Even a better example is Eddie Guerrero, who has always been smaller than Benoit.
Mark my words: The next generation of Pro Wrestling fans will be loving Charlie Haas. He is the next Chris Benoit, for sure.
I never saw much of Benoit when he first entered WCW, or ECW, cause I didn't have access to either show, but when I was able to watch WCW, and first saw Benoit, yeah I did think he had lots of potential. Looking at Haas, I seriouslly doubt that he's going to be the next Benoit, or the next anyone for that matter! He should try to establish a name for himself. You can't ever say someone is going to be the next somebody, cause it never happens. Sure Haas has an ameteur wrestling background, but that means squat in the WWE, he has to be able to get over with the fans, and lately, he ain't been doing anything worth while. I like Benoit and Guerrero, I might, of I may not like Haas as time goes by, I'll wait and see how well he does in the WWE first. Until he does something to make an impact, saying Haas is the next anybody is a little bit premature.
Yeah Jindrak might not be using that gimmik any more, but it was still lame, and I still don't like him. Like that Puder goof, there's a kind of arrogance to Jindrak, that could get him in trouble with the vets later on.
Any how, like Olympic said earlier, we ain't about to change each other's thoughts on anyone so let's just agree to disagree, and move on. I rather enjoyed these little discussions/rants, but let's move on.

About Me
I want to see Batista win the Royal Rumble. For the most part I think the titles may stay where they are until Wrestlemania in March.
WWE is wack now is all fake. Man everytime I see raw Triple H is the champion and talks alot of shit about how he is the greatest, don't get me wrong he's a good wrestler but most of the time he sucks and needs help from his evolution members Batista and that supid old man who was a bit believeable back in his day but now he's totaly fake. C'mon have you ever saw him wrestle well if you didn't he usually falls on his face on purpose like a retart . He's the dumbest wrestler next to the really retarded one "Hugene". C;mon "HUGENE" Isn't this professional wrestling? Yeah Orton is the champion now and I haven't seen raw yet but from my knowledge I think he will keep his championship until the winner of the Royal Rumble faces him. I hope the winner is Batista now this guy ain't fake he will slam your ass. I used to see raw back then when "The Rock" had beef with "The Rattle Snake Stone Cold". Those were wwe's golden days. And how come when someone is evil they have to loose every match but when you're good you win almost all the time for instance look back when Triple H was in the smackdown roster he was good and he won almost all the time but now that he's bad he sucks? And batista too he does'nt look weak but he gets defeated, but he's winning matches now because he's going to leave evolution and not be one of the bad guys. Same thing as Orton, Anyways I hope wwe gets better but the only reason I watch raw is because The lovely stacy Keibler, those legs and that smile.
hahahaha Here are 3 pics of Goldberg playing an evil Santa Claus in the new movie 'Santa's Slay'
hahahahahahahahahaha he sux. You can check out the plot, cast (including the hot blonde preg babe from Lost) right here

hahahahahahahahahaha he sux. You can check out the plot, cast (including the hot blonde preg babe from Lost) right here

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
lol, that movie looks like it's going to suck MASSIVE ass. 
Jesus H Christ!, That Goldberg movie is gonna recieve the same reputation as any of Hogan's movies in a "its so bad its funny" type deal.
Wow, SmackDown! was full of Hot Matches tonight!. The opening 6-Man Tag was a fun and energetic! great match. the 4-way Cruiser match was a fun match to and the LMS Main-Event was definlly Match of the night. Awesome match!. I think that match proves that JBL has actually improved alot in his wrestling sence becoming a Main-Eventer, hes trying out there and its working. damn good match.
and I could listen to JBL and Angle bicker at each other all day. man that segment was hillarious.
Great Show!
Wow, SmackDown! was full of Hot Matches tonight!. The opening 6-Man Tag was a fun and energetic! great match. the 4-way Cruiser match was a fun match to and the LMS Main-Event was definlly Match of the night. Awesome match!. I think that match proves that JBL has actually improved alot in his wrestling sence becoming a Main-Eventer, hes trying out there and its working. damn good match.
and I could listen to JBL and Angle bicker at each other all day. man that segment was hillarious.
Great Show!
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
hahahaha Here are 3 pics of Goldberg playing an evil Santa Claus in the new movie 'Santa's Slay'
hahahahahahahahahaha he sux. You can check out the plot, cast (including the hot blonde preg babe from Lost) right here
hahahaha Here are 3 pics of Goldberg playing an evil Santa Claus in the new movie 'Santa's Slay'

hahahahahahahahahaha he sux. You can check out the plot, cast (including the hot blonde preg babe from Lost) right here
Well there's a tale to tell your kids. Instead of "be a good boy/girl or Santa wont bring you a gift" you could say "be a good boy/girl or Santa will jackhammer your ass." Anyway, that movie is doomed to failure... but I'm gonna rent it cause I'm sure it's gonna be so stupid it's funny.
The Infamous Royal Rumble is in 2 days and I for one, can't wait.
One thing that is holding my attention is that SmackDown has yet to name their 15th Rumble Particpant and I'am reading rumors that the WWE is holding that spot for a Rumble surprise!. thats fucking awesome. all other 29 WWE Superstars are listed on the WWE.com Royal Rumble Page.
Man, The Royal Rumble match is easly the match in wrestling history!
One thing that is holding my attention is that SmackDown has yet to name their 15th Rumble Particpant and I'am reading rumors that the WWE is holding that spot for a Rumble surprise!. thats fucking awesome. all other 29 WWE Superstars are listed on the WWE.com Royal Rumble Page.
Man, The Royal Rumble match is easly the match in wrestling history!

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
Yeah, SD! was pretty good last night. The Iron Man match was pretty hardcore. I really enjoyed it. Also, I hate jbl, but he got a little more respect from me after that match. Good work by both. Also, Angle takes the best chair shots in the business, lol. I remember in a match he tried to hit someone wth a chair as they stood on the apron. They jumped off and the chair bounced off the ropes and KO'ed Kurt, lol. Too good.
Six man tag was excellent, too. Also, the diva segment was pretty funny. I hate wasting match time with that kind of shit, but for some reason it was midly amusing tonight. Also, I never realized how much of a hot piece of ass Joy is. Meh.
RR is going to be a decent show it seams. Can't wait.
Six man tag was excellent, too. Also, the diva segment was pretty funny. I hate wasting match time with that kind of shit, but for some reason it was midly amusing tonight. Also, I never realized how much of a hot piece of ass Joy is. Meh.
RR is going to be a decent show it seams. Can't wait.
Just found out today we're going to have the SmackDown! TV Show here in Portugal! (we used to have Velocity and RAW) And it seems they'll broadcast both RAW and SmackDown! on Friday nights... one more reason to stay home until midnight
That movie with Goldberg is really looking like it will be in the ranks of those movies were Hulk Hogan wandered around using a ballet outfit...
That movie with Goldberg is really looking like it will be in the ranks of those movies were Hulk Hogan wandered around using a ballet outfit...
DamRho Wrote:
Just found out today we're going to have the SmackDown! TV Show here in Portugal! (we used to have Velocity and RAW) And it seems they'll broadcast both RAW and SmackDown! on Friday nights... one more reason to stay home until midnight
That movie with Goldberg is really looking like it will be in the ranks of those movies were Hulk Hogan wandered around using a ballet outfit...
Just found out today we're going to have the SmackDown! TV Show here in Portugal! (we used to have Velocity and RAW) And it seems they'll broadcast both RAW and SmackDown! on Friday nights... one more reason to stay home until midnight
That movie with Goldberg is really looking like it will be in the ranks of those movies were Hulk Hogan wandered around using a ballet outfit...
Hum....Brother, Sic Radical has already been airing both RAW and Smackdown! complete shows for a month now. I had pointed that out a few pages ago in this thread.
EDIT: Anyway guys, has anyone noticed that Smackdown! is missing one entrant? I wonder who it will be... hopefully a very pleasant surprise. Rumours are floating around saying that it will be Brock Lesnar. I doupt it... but I guess it's possible.
Zentile Wrote:
Hum....Brother, Sic Radical has already been airing both RAW and Smackdown! complete shows for a month now. I had pointed that out a few pages ago in this thread.
EDIT: Anyway guys, has anyone noticed that Smackdown! is missing one entrant? I wonder who it will be... hopefully a very pleasant surprise. Rumours are floating around saying that it will be Brock Lesnar. I doupt it... but I guess it's possible.
Hum....Brother, Sic Radical has already been airing both RAW and Smackdown! complete shows for a month now. I had pointed that out a few pages ago in this thread.
EDIT: Anyway guys, has anyone noticed that Smackdown! is missing one entrant? I wonder who it will be... hopefully a very pleasant surprise. Rumours are floating around saying that it will be Brock Lesnar. I doupt it... but I guess it's possible.
There was another rumour concerning the final slot stating that Iron Sheik would be the guy but it seems as though he said he can't wrestle because of some car accident he had... If Lesnar comes back it's great news for SmackDown! IMO...

About Me
-Pain is a flood, all actions ending in chaos.
Ya'll might already know this (if you do, I apologize) but did you know that Brock Lesnar & Sable are engaged to be married? No joke!! That probably explains Sable's absence from the WWE for some time now.

About Me
Sinlessknowledge Wrote:
Ya'll might already know this (if you do, I apologize) but did you know that Brock Lesnar & Sable are engaged to be married? No joke!! That probably explains Sable's absence from the WWE for some time now.
Ya'll might already know this (if you do, I apologize) but did you know that Brock Lesnar & Sable are engaged to be married? No joke!! That probably explains Sable's absence from the WWE for some time now.
Yeah, we know all about that. The reason Sable isn't on WWE tv is not cause of this, she and the WWE mutually parted ways. I hope that everything works out for the two of them. This is Sable's second go around with marriage, in case there's some that didn't know this, she was previously married to Marc Mero, aka, The Wildman (WWFE), and Johny B Badd (WCW, TNA). The two divorced just before she came back to the WWE in 2003. I've read the rumors about Lesner's possible return to the Rumble as number 30, and I think that could be interesting.
I for one want to see Goldberg's movie and was actually hoping it was going to be released last year for the Christmas season, now I have no idea when it'll be out. jade2004 to answer your question, Goldberg's movie with Sandler, The Longest Yard, is due in theaters in May, Memorial Day I believe.

About Me
oh, in regards to that number 30 spot.....
I've read on PWS that WWE are thinking about having Lesnar in that spot, but apparantly he's asking for ridiculous pay. Woops, I just realised you guys all knew that.....
I wish matt hardy was back..... Does anyone have any word on him? I know about the knee surgery and all, but when is he comimg back?
I've read on PWS that WWE are thinking about having Lesnar in that spot, but apparantly he's asking for ridiculous pay. Woops, I just realised you guys all knew that.....
I wish matt hardy was back..... Does anyone have any word on him? I know about the knee surgery and all, but when is he comimg back?
AllHailGoro Wrote:
oh, in regards to that number 30 spot.....
I've read on PWS that WWE are thinking about having Lesnar in that spot, but apparantly he's asking for ridiculous pay.
Woops, I just realised you guys all knew that.....
I wish matt hardy was back..... Does anyone have any word on him? I know about the knee surgery and all, but when is he comimg back?
oh, in regards to that number 30 spot.....
I've read on PWS that WWE are thinking about having Lesnar in that spot, but apparantly he's asking for ridiculous pay.
Woops, I just realised you guys all knew that.....
I wish matt hardy was back..... Does anyone have any word on him? I know about the knee surgery and all, but when is he comimg back?
I read he started wrestling in some indy promotion to get back into ring shape or something before he returns.
and YES! I'am going to be able to actually watch the Royal Rumble tomarrow at ALpha_Q_Up's house. Can't wait dammit!
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