Olympic_Hero Wrote:
The Undertaker segment....like always....owned!. hearing the crowd chant "Rest In Piece" like crazy was awesome to hear. I have a feeling that something big is gonna happen during the Casket Match at the Royal Rumble. They're not just gonna have a regular match, Taker stuffs Heidy in the Casket and its on to the next match...no. I feeling theres gonna be more to it than that. we'll just wait and see.
The Undertaker segment....like always....owned!. hearing the crowd chant "Rest In Piece" like crazy was awesome to hear. I have a feeling that something big is gonna happen during the Casket Match at the Royal Rumble. They're not just gonna have a regular match, Taker stuffs Heidy in the Casket and its on to the next match...no. I feeling theres gonna be more to it than that. we'll just wait and see.
Heidenreich is going to kick Undertakers ass forcing the dead man to retire and then Heidenreich will become the new big scary on Smackdown!!!

Hulk-Hogan Wrote:
Dude nobody in the 'Cabinet' can carry Flair's jockstrap, let alone HHH when it comes to entertainment and mic skills (and shit might as well throw wrestling skills in there too).
Dude nobody in the 'Cabinet' can carry Flair's jockstrap, let alone HHH when it comes to entertainment and mic skills (and shit might as well throw wrestling skills in there too).
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
The JBL Cabinet > Evolution.
The JBL Cabinet > Evolution.
The Cabinet suck's plain and simple,they aren't even in the same league as Evolution.Just compare the talent on both faction it's not even close.I do agree it's time for evolution to split it has been two years since the group formed.
The Cabinet
JBL-The leader of this faction he's a solid heel but below average champion.He has great mic skills but weak in the ring still has a long way to go to be called a great heel(Years on top not weeks)
Orlando Jordan-Jbl's right hand man,to bad's thats not saying much.Jordan has done next to nothing in the ring since hooking up with JBL.Sure he has saved the title many times for JBL,but he has done nothing for his own career.Until he does more in the ring he is nothing more then a manager.
The Basham Brothers-They are the world tag team champions,thats all I can say about them.They have little personaltiy are only ok in the ring and don't really strike fear in people which is what JBL faction needs.
Amy Webber-Without a doubt the most useless diva on SD.Why did she even join JBL crew,she brings nothing to the group but eye candy.
Triple H-He is probly the best heel in wrestling in the past 20years.HHH has great mic skills,is a solid worker(not great but solid).And he is a 10 time champion.Now the down side,he has been on top to long and people are just plain sick of him.And being Vince's son-in-law may have tarnished his in ring achievments(has he earned them or did he just get his last 4 title because he's married to Stephine?)
Rick Flair-What can be said about The Nature Boy,he the greatest heel ever if not wrestler ever.Yes Rick is 54(or is he 55 damn he's old)years old and can't do much in the ring anymore but he still brings world of experince to the faction.And Rick still can steal the spotlight when he has to(WM20)
Dave Batista-The monster of Evolution a true wreaking machine.He's a threat to anyone when he steps into a ring.He brings sheer brute force and power(Something the Cabinet needs)to his group.And even though he is still a heel the fans are starting to take to him.And his face turn won't feel as forced as Orton's.
TheDarkPrince Wrote:
What was forced about Orton's turn to face? When Orton got kicked out of Evolution that was probably the most exciting moment RAW had last year. I was acctually excited to see RAW to see what was going to happen...
Granted the fued with HHH and Orton is getting a little old now but when it first happened it was awsome. I do agree that the crowd is starting to like Batista...and so am I. Initially I didn't care for him...he never said anything to make him scary. Now that he is acctually talking... and is part of the storylineds he is pure gold.
Dave Batista-The monster of Evolution a true wreaking machine.He's a threat to anyone when he steps into a ring.He brings sheer brute force and power(Something the Cabinet needs)to his group.And even though he is still a heel the fans are starting to take to him.And his face turn won't feel as forced as Orton's.
What was forced about Orton's turn to face? When Orton got kicked out of Evolution that was probably the most exciting moment RAW had last year. I was acctually excited to see RAW to see what was going to happen...
Granted the fued with HHH and Orton is getting a little old now but when it first happened it was awsome. I do agree that the crowd is starting to like Batista...and so am I. Initially I didn't care for him...he never said anything to make him scary. Now that he is acctually talking... and is part of the storylineds he is pure gold.

Don't get me wrong I like Randy but his face turn happend to fast.One week in was a heel that peopl loved to hate.Then the next week everybody was supposed to like him.His crowd reaction was mixed when he came out on Raw as champ for the first time.It just din't feel like he was a face yet his turn happen way too fast.But on the other hand it feel like it's starting to take yoo long for Batista to turn face.So the WWe may mess up his turn as well by taking too long.

What is Road To Wrestlemania?I seen a commercial for it saying it's going to be in Springfield sometime soon.Is it Wrestlemania or a House Show?
I never cared for Orton heel or face. Hes just seems to bland with no personality behind him and below average wrestling skills.. hes just a guy who acts good. thats it. no charater, no personality. nonthing. I'am won't denie that the crowd do responds to him, but thats because the WWE are pushing him as their top guy. Guys like the rock, Austin,Cena,JBL,Angle and yes, even Triple H all has a personality and a charater that grabs the fan's attention. right now, Orton is on the same level as Maven and Steven Richards as far as personality goes. They could give Orton a KKK gimick or turn him into a Nazi for all I care. at least its a gimick.
It's official.
I don't want to see Orton OR HHH as The WHC. In fact, I don't want to see Orton OR HHH. Ever.
I don't want to see Orton OR HHH as The WHC. In fact, I don't want to see Orton OR HHH. Ever.
Taken from the WWE.com No Way Out website..
Well its offical. the Barbed Wire Cage match is going to happen at No Way Out. I'am excited about it! I can't wait to see how it turns out sence its something new.
and the Barbed Wire replacing the chains on the NWO logo is a nice touch.

and the Barbed Wire replacing the chains on the NWO logo is a nice touch.

About Me
What is Road To Wrestlemania?I seen a commercial for it saying it's going to be in Springfield sometime soon.Is it Wrestlemania or a House Show?
What is Road To Wrestlemania?I seen a commercial for it saying it's going to be in Springfield sometime soon.Is it Wrestlemania or a House Show?
It's a bunch of promotional house shows done to promote Wrestlemania. When I went to a SD house show 2 years ago, it was part of the Road To Wrestlemania 2003 tour. The WWE has done this for other ppvs, like Summerslam, Rumble and a few of the other major ppvs.
Hey, I read this online, you won't believe what Batista says about SD, andI for one couldn't agree more:
On Raw vs. Smackdown: "I don't consider it a rivalry at all. We're a better show, period. There's no comparison. I feel for Smackdown, I just don't know what's going on over there. I try to watch the shows but, for me, they're hard to sit through. And that really makes me sick as it should be a top show. I've watched their tapings live and it seems like a lot of the guys couldn't care less. There's a lack of passion and pride. They need the stress of a live show on them, like we have. A lot of them think: "Oh, it's taped. If I mess up, we'll just redo it." They're more worried about where they're going after the show, which also makes me sick because it means they're not there to work."
To read the entire interview, check out TheSun.co.uk.
** Wonder what Vince thought, if he's heard/read about it yet? **
I'm surprised by all the hate towards Orton... why does every freaking wrestler need a gimmick to be cool? He is pretty good on the mic...granted he messes up sometimes but he is young and once he has time to settle in a little more his skills will improve. His wrestling skills are not that bad...he's no Chris Benoit but he is still good enough. I wouldn't mind seeing him with the World Title....and Olympic....comparing him to Maven...come on. There is no way he is that horrible.
Nikodemus Wrote:
I'm surprised by all the hate towards Orton... why does every freaking wrestler need a gimmick to be cool? He is pretty good on the mic...granted he messes up sometimes but he is young and once he has time to settle in a little more his skills will improve. His wrestling skills are not that bad...he's no Chris Benoit but he is still good enough. I wouldn't mind seeing him with the World Title....and Olympic....comparing him to Maven...come on. There is no way he is that horrible.
I'm surprised by all the hate towards Orton... why does every freaking wrestler need a gimmick to be cool? He is pretty good on the mic...granted he messes up sometimes but he is young and once he has time to settle in a little more his skills will improve. His wrestling skills are not that bad...he's no Chris Benoit but he is still good enough. I wouldn't mind seeing him with the World Title....and Olympic....comparing him to Maven...come on. There is no way he is that horrible.
^ Orton got a kiss from stacy so now they are pissed at him because they are jealous

About Me
Chrome Wrote:
Can somebody help me out in something? What happened to hulk Hogan, Sting, Goldberg, The Warrior and others???
The wrestling programs in our country stopped years ago. And I can't seem to get any kind of info on them.
Can somebody help me out in something? What happened to hulk Hogan, Sting, Goldberg, The Warrior and others???
The wrestling programs in our country stopped years ago. And I can't seem to get any kind of info on them.
All those guys are through with wrestling as far as I know. Hogan had a short return to WWE early 2002, but was gone later in 2003; Goldberg came in with much anticipation in 2003, but was gone after Wrestlemania 20, and not sure if he'll ever be back; Sting has been seen in a little promotion called NWA-TNA, but has not done anything major since WCW closed in 2001, he may come to WWE in the future; Warrior is a washed up, bitter, former pro-wrestler, who spends his time bad-mouthing the business to anyone who goes to his website, and can understand his ramblings.
That's too bad that you can't see wretling any more, but some would tell you, myself included, that since the last time you watched wrestling, whenever that was, you ain't missed much.
Yeah. And I know you didn't ask about Scott Steiner because he's so awesome that you don't even have to ask if he still has a job main eventing all WWE (both RAW and Smackdown!) shows but he's been released by the stupid WWE, after going through stupid angles.
Ever sence the Royal Rumble Match with Triple H. I have never cared for Steiner sence than. One of the worst matches I've ever seen.
Good riddance to Scott Steiner.
Good riddance to Scott Steiner.
The last Wrestling experience I had is when Hogan has came back in his yellow suit. it was about his black clothes and some team he had. there was something about a "wolfpack" . Oh, and I have seen the scene where The Warrior reapeared in the high, and adressed Hogan about something. Hogan was shaking.
God, wrestling is professional theatre...
What happened with Doink, The Undertaker and Cataphract?
God, wrestling is professional theatre...
What happened with Doink, The Undertaker and Cataphract?
The Undertaker is still in the WWE of course... he is now again using the deadman gimmick after a couple of years using a bad ass biker gimmick which honestly turned me completely away from The Undertaker... he seems to be back in his old-days gimmick nowadays which is a good thing for the WWE. If you see the fans reaction everytime he enters an arena it seems obvious to me that he shouldn't change his gimmick anytime soon.
Doink was a laugh but I also have no idea where he is right now... And the other guy you mentioned I don't even remember him at all
Doink was a laugh but I also have no idea where he is right now... And the other guy you mentioned I don't even remember him at all
The Warrior got nothing on me, brother!! I'm a living legend, mobbed by millions each time I leave my house. Jim (Warrior) is currently begging people to come see him at events like the San Diego Comicon.
Chrome Wrote:
Oh, and I have seen the scene where The Warrior reapeared in the high, and adressed Hogan about something. Hogan was shaking.
God, wrestling is professional theatre...
What happened with Doink, The Undertaker and Cataphract?
Oh, and I have seen the scene where The Warrior reapeared in the high, and adressed Hogan about something. Hogan was shaking.
God, wrestling is professional theatre...
What happened with Doink, The Undertaker and Cataphract?
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
Ever sence the Royal Rumble Match with Triple H. I have never cared for Steiner sence than. One of the worst matches I've ever seen.
Good riddance to Scott Steiner.
Ever sence the Royal Rumble Match with Triple H. I have never cared for Steiner sence than. One of the worst matches I've ever seen.
Good riddance to Scott Steiner.
I agree... I'm glad he is gone....the guy couldn't even wrestle because of his body. All his matches were slow and were just horrible to watch.

About Me
Official Raw Preview: From WWE.com:
Both Kane and Gene Snitsky were motionless as Monday Night RAW went off the air last week. The destruction happened as a result of a Kane chokeslam onto Snitsky from the top of the RAW stage onto the arena floor. What is the condition of these two RAW Superstars? Will either one of them ever be the same again? Tune in to RAW to find out.
Also, former Evolution teammates Randy Orton and the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair will square off in one-on-one action. Undoubtedly, Flair will be looking to soften Orton up for Triple H, as RAW is just days before the World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble.
Will Batista attempt to qualify for the Royal Rumble on Monday Night RAW? The offer is there if he wants it. However, the big man of Evolution is thinking it over first, as Triple H asked him not to act selfish by attempting to be in the Royal Rumble. Rather, Triple H claims, Evolution should focus all of their attention on walking out of the pay-per-view with the same World Heavyweight Championship they are walking in with.
All this and more this Monday night on Spike TV (9/8 CT).
Both Kane and Gene Snitsky were motionless as Monday Night RAW went off the air last week. The destruction happened as a result of a Kane chokeslam onto Snitsky from the top of the RAW stage onto the arena floor. What is the condition of these two RAW Superstars? Will either one of them ever be the same again? Tune in to RAW to find out.
Also, former Evolution teammates Randy Orton and the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair will square off in one-on-one action. Undoubtedly, Flair will be looking to soften Orton up for Triple H, as RAW is just days before the World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble.
Will Batista attempt to qualify for the Royal Rumble on Monday Night RAW? The offer is there if he wants it. However, the big man of Evolution is thinking it over first, as Triple H asked him not to act selfish by attempting to be in the Royal Rumble. Rather, Triple H claims, Evolution should focus all of their attention on walking out of the pay-per-view with the same World Heavyweight Championship they are walking in with.
All this and more this Monday night on Spike TV (9/8 CT).
cataphract was a knight ripoff wrestler using softened and lightened non-metal armor. I think he was copying his alterego from a comic book character from here, Europe.
Cataphract was a knight (more precisely a paladin) who had the ability to defeat anyone no matter how powerfull they were, but his victories were forever tarnished by following disasters and tragedies. He was also invincible and invulnerable.
Cataphract was a knight (more precisely a paladin) who had the ability to defeat anyone no matter how powerfull they were, but his victories were forever tarnished by following disasters and tragedies. He was also invincible and invulnerable.
DamRho Wrote:
The Undertaker is still in the WWE of course... he is now again using the deadman gimmick after a couple of years using a bad ass biker gimmick which honestly turned me completely away from The Undertaker... he seems to be back in his old-days gimmick nowadays which is a good thing for the WWE. If you see the fans reaction everytime he enters an arena it seems obvious to me that he shouldn't change his gimmick anytime soon.

The Undertaker is still in the WWE of course... he is now again using the deadman gimmick after a couple of years using a bad ass biker gimmick which honestly turned me completely away from The Undertaker... he seems to be back in his old-days gimmick nowadays which is a good thing for the WWE. If you see the fans reaction everytime he enters an arena it seems obvious to me that he shouldn't change his gimmick anytime soon.
I really didn't mind the Biker gimick. it was basiclly what his real life personal was all about. I think the Heel biker Taker in 2002 was awesome. Still doesn't beat the Deadman gimick though.
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