Sinlessknowledge Wrote:
Not to go off topic (for I haven't been keeping up with wrestling news for a while) but, do any of you know what happened to Mordigut (Mordicai)? Last I saw of him was when he lost in a humiliating defeat against Rey Mysterio Jr, months ago on Smackdown!
Not to go off topic (for I haven't been keeping up with wrestling news for a while) but, do any of you know what happened to Mordigut (Mordicai)? Last I saw of him was when he lost in a humiliating defeat against Rey Mysterio Jr, months ago on Smackdown!
His last appearence was the Smackdown! after the Great American bash back in june where he lost to Rey in his final WWE match (for now). the WWE sent him back to OVW for some more training.

Did anyone read that article about Chyna over at PWI(Professional Wrestler Insider)?They said she came to an Interview drunk and saying crazy things out of her head.She said Vince Mcmahn or in her words Vince Mcd*ck owes her royalties.This is where the interview gets crazy.Her boob popped out and she didn't even know cause she was so drunk.She told the interviewer that if he had a line of Cocaine on the table she would snort it.I also read that Chyna lost her manly figure.
I wish I had cable to see The Surreal Life.My cousin told me Vern Troyer(AKA MINI ME) took a piss in a corner of the house and yelled at some kids.Good TV...
I wish I had cable to see The Surreal Life.My cousin told me Vern Troyer(AKA MINI ME) took a piss in a corner of the house and yelled at some kids.Good TV...
Yea man how was the live showing? Raw is usually pretty electric
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
Ooooo,think thats gonna be good?Im gonna be there
my third event now,two smackdown,and this my first raw.Should be awesome,looking forward to Jericho vs Benoit,then we got Snitsky vs Kane,and im dying to see kane kill someone.Then for a special main event we got Jericho Benoit and Orton vs Triple H Batista and Edge which should be good too,god im looking forward to this.
Satyagraha Wrote:
Anywho, Batista ownz ass tomarrow night. And I get to enjoy Raw sitting in a bar, playing pool, and sucking down brew, WOOT!!
Anywho, Batista ownz ass tomarrow night. And I get to enjoy Raw sitting in a bar, playing pool, and sucking down brew, WOOT!!
Ooooo,think thats gonna be good?Im gonna be there

About Me
-Pain is a flood, all actions ending in chaos.
Did any of you see Raw's ending last night? Kane choke-slamming Snitsky into a table over the walk ramp. I could have sworn that I saw Snitsky lean over and ask Kane if he was alright (after both wrestlers had collided into the table) and Kane simply answered with a "Yeah" as the EMP and staff came to their aid. Oh what great acting. I couldn't stop laughing.

That was funny Sntizky should have seen the camera in his face...ah well.
And damn did Kane chokslam the hell out of Trish and.

About Me

Sinlessknowledge Wrote:
Did any of you see Raw's ending last night? Kane choke-slamming Snitsky into a table over the walk ramp. I could have sworn that I saw Snitsky lean over and ask Kane if he was alright (after both wrestlers had collided into the table) and Kane simply answered with a "Yeah" as the EMP and staff came to their aid. Oh what great acting. I couldn't stop laughing.
Did any of you see Raw's ending last night? Kane choke-slamming Snitsky into a table over the walk ramp. I could have sworn that I saw Snitsky lean over and ask Kane if he was alright (after both wrestlers had collided into the table) and Kane simply answered with a "Yeah" as the EMP and staff came to their aid. Oh what great acting. I couldn't stop laughing.
Man,that was truly sick.The sound of it all in the building was wicked.Crowd was sorta silent for a second,then the holy shit chants began.Kane got up after it bleeding badly from the side of his head,probably got a nice gash there.And about 5 minutes later Snitsky got up and slowly walked off.
Chokeslam to Trish was pretty sick.One second the crowd was cheering her like hell,then kane came out and you could hear alot of people yelling 'Chokeslam the bitch!' was hilarious.On a side note,kane's pyro scared the living hell out of me,didnt see it coming,holy shit I jumping pretty high.
Special main event,orton jericho and benoit vs triple h batista and edge was great and full of comedy.At one point triple h took a chop from benoit then was just standing there leaning backwards just completely out of it,shook it off about a MINUTE LATER (LMAO) then just said 'Oh im okay im okay' and fell right on his face.Awesome event,best I have been to yet,fucking sweet.
Hey man help me out cause i'm a big HBK fan...
Was the crowd really giving HBK that much shit? And did Christian cut any off tv promo's perhaps to get the crowd even more on his side?
Was the crowd really giving HBK that much shit? And did Christian cut any off tv promo's perhaps to get the crowd even more on his side?
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
Man,that was truly sick.The sound of it all in the building was wicked.Crowd was sorta silent for a second,then the holy shit chants began.Kane got up after it bleeding badly from the side of his head,probably got a nice gash there.And about 5 minutes later Snitsky got up and slowly walked off.
Chokeslam to Trish was pretty sick.One second the crowd was cheering her like hell,then kane came out and you could hear alot of people yelling 'Chokeslam the bitch!' was hilarious.On a side note,kane's pyro scared the living hell out of me,didnt see it coming,holy shit I jumping pretty high.
Special main event,orton jericho and benoit vs triple h batista and edge was great and full of comedy.At one point triple h took a chop from benoit then was just standing there leaning backwards just completely out of it,shook it off about a MINUTE LATER (LMAO) then just said 'Oh im okay im okay' and fell right on his face.Awesome event,best I have been to yet,fucking sweet.
Sinlessknowledge Wrote:
Did any of you see Raw's ending last night? Kane choke-slamming Snitsky into a table over the walk ramp. I could have sworn that I saw Snitsky lean over and ask Kane if he was alright (after both wrestlers had collided into the table) and Kane simply answered with a "Yeah" as the EMP and staff came to their aid. Oh what great acting. I couldn't stop laughing.
Did any of you see Raw's ending last night? Kane choke-slamming Snitsky into a table over the walk ramp. I could have sworn that I saw Snitsky lean over and ask Kane if he was alright (after both wrestlers had collided into the table) and Kane simply answered with a "Yeah" as the EMP and staff came to their aid. Oh what great acting. I couldn't stop laughing.
Man,that was truly sick.The sound of it all in the building was wicked.Crowd was sorta silent for a second,then the holy shit chants began.Kane got up after it bleeding badly from the side of his head,probably got a nice gash there.And about 5 minutes later Snitsky got up and slowly walked off.
Chokeslam to Trish was pretty sick.One second the crowd was cheering her like hell,then kane came out and you could hear alot of people yelling 'Chokeslam the bitch!' was hilarious.On a side note,kane's pyro scared the living hell out of me,didnt see it coming,holy shit I jumping pretty high.
Special main event,orton jericho and benoit vs triple h batista and edge was great and full of comedy.At one point triple h took a chop from benoit then was just standing there leaning backwards just completely out of it,shook it off about a MINUTE LATER (LMAO) then just said 'Oh im okay im okay' and fell right on his face.Awesome event,best I have been to yet,fucking sweet.

About Me

Unfortunately the crowd was really on HBK last night.BUT he did sorta give us a reason,bringing up the bret hart incedent,and then saying something along the lines of 'But im going to fight instead of finding every reason not to like edge and every other Canadian out there.' I wish WWE would let it go,if they did I bet alot of fans would too.
Nope,christian didnt do any off air promo's
wish he would of though,he got some huge cheers,the only one from T.O. who did anything for the crowd was Trish...she later payed the price 
Nope,christian didnt do any off air promo's
Yea man I agree, it seems the WWE wants to play the 'You screwed Bret' angle more now. I liked it better when the fans would just start yelling it at Hebner or HBK mid match.
Glad to know Christian got some Peeps! I always liked him, he's mad funny on the mic, and I wish him and Edge or Jericho would get back together.
Yea Trish got tore up, but damn she looked good. I like her in those boots
Thanks man, glad you had a good time.
Glad to know Christian got some Peeps! I always liked him, he's mad funny on the mic, and I wish him and Edge or Jericho would get back together.
Yea Trish got tore up, but damn she looked good. I like her in those boots
Thanks man, glad you had a good time.
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
Unfortunately the crowd was really on HBK last night.BUT he did sorta give us a reason,bringing up the bret hart incedent,and then saying something along the lines of 'But im going to fight instead of finding every reason not to like edge and every other Canadian out there.' I wish WWE would let it go,if they did I bet alot of fans would too.
Nope,christian didnt do any off air promo's
wish he would of though,he got some huge cheers,the only one from T.O. who did anything for the crowd was Trish...she later payed the price 
Unfortunately the crowd was really on HBK last night.BUT he did sorta give us a reason,bringing up the bret hart incedent,and then saying something along the lines of 'But im going to fight instead of finding every reason not to like edge and every other Canadian out there.' I wish WWE would let it go,if they did I bet alot of fans would too.
Nope,christian didnt do any off air promo's

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
Hope you had a sweet time at Raw, RW.
That special main sounded sweet as hell, to bad it wasn't aired, grrrr.
That chokeslam was funny as hell, too. Not sure if anyone noticed this, but when the camera came down to show the "carnage" Snitskey was smiling and laughing, lol. It's like he and kane were having a conversation....
Snitskey: "Dude, that was weak sauce. Having all this foam and padding is bullshit!"
Kane: "STFU!! You're not the one with a table leg riding up your crack!"
Snitsky: "HAHAHA, you know you like it."
Kand: "STFU!!! It hurts like hell, man!!"
Snitsky: "HAHAHA!!!"
Too good, once he saw the camera on him, he slowly let the smile go, ahaha. Gold.
I thought Viscera was a one time deal? Now he's like the ultimate jobber, with absolutely no tallent - sorry to say it - that we get to watch every monday. Gah, whatever.
ECCW is like, an "uber indie" promotion. They do some stuff with Portland wrestling, out of Oregon. Which, btw, Roddy Pipper has been working with - Roddy Pipper owns an auto shop in Portland, too
.. Portland wrestling used to be hella big, like, THE North West promotion. Infact, that's were Hogan got his start. But it's been having legal issues as of late. A few months ago they started airing it on local TV again, I'm not sure what's up with it now, though.
Also, I lied, I've seen three shows. The first was a Portland wrestling show when I was about eight. It was at a family fun cetner/pizza house. It was kind of funny, because the mascot for that place was the Pink Panther; and some random wrestler just beat the shit out of him, lol. All part of the act, though.
Edit: LOL! I just got done reading an article critisizing kane and snitsky for there conversation after the bump, lol. Excellent.
That chokeslam was funny as hell, too. Not sure if anyone noticed this, but when the camera came down to show the "carnage" Snitskey was smiling and laughing, lol. It's like he and kane were having a conversation....
Snitskey: "Dude, that was weak sauce. Having all this foam and padding is bullshit!"
Kane: "STFU!! You're not the one with a table leg riding up your crack!"
Snitsky: "HAHAHA, you know you like it."
Kand: "STFU!!! It hurts like hell, man!!"
Snitsky: "HAHAHA!!!"
Too good, once he saw the camera on him, he slowly let the smile go, ahaha. Gold.
I thought Viscera was a one time deal? Now he's like the ultimate jobber, with absolutely no tallent - sorry to say it - that we get to watch every monday. Gah, whatever.
ECCW is like, an "uber indie" promotion. They do some stuff with Portland wrestling, out of Oregon. Which, btw, Roddy Pipper has been working with - Roddy Pipper owns an auto shop in Portland, too
Also, I lied, I've seen three shows. The first was a Portland wrestling show when I was about eight. It was at a family fun cetner/pizza house. It was kind of funny, because the mascot for that place was the Pink Panther; and some random wrestler just beat the shit out of him, lol. All part of the act, though.
Edit: LOL! I just got done reading an article critisizing kane and snitsky for there conversation after the bump, lol. Excellent.
When I saw the video of it at WWE.com. the quality wasn't that great, but I heard you could see Snitsky laughing and smiling and asking Kane if hes Ok.
but yeah, that chokeslam was fucking tight.
but yeah, that chokeslam was fucking tight.

About Me
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
When I saw the video of it at WWE.com. the quality wasn't that great, but I heard you could see Snitsky laughing and smiling and asking Kane if hes Ok.
but yeah, that chokeslam was fucking tight.
When I saw the video of it at WWE.com. the quality wasn't that great, but I heard you could see Snitsky laughing and smiling and asking Kane if hes Ok.
but yeah, that chokeslam was fucking tight.
I didn't see Shitnitsky laughing, but I did see him look over at Kane, and he did seem to be mouthing something to him, then the cameras started playing replays. Likely the guys in the truck saw where the camera man was looking and were told to do the replays. That chokeslam was sick, but I was actually hoping Kane would've just thrown that sick fuck off the ramp, rather than go down with him. I don't get why Shitnitsky seems to go over Kane, cause he sucks ass, but over on SD, Taker always beats the shit out of Heidenreich, who also sucks ass? Does Vince favor Shitnitsky more than Heidenreich?
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My Action Short Films:
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I didn't see Shitnitsky laughing, but I did see him look over at Kane, and he did seem to be mouthing something to him, then the cameras started playing replays. Likely the guys in the truck saw where the camera man was looking and were told to do the replays. That chokeslam was sick, but I was actually hoping Kane would've just thrown that sick fuck off the ramp, rather than go down with him. I don't get why Shitnitsky seems to go over Kane, cause he sucks ass, but over on SD, Taker always beats the shit out of Heidenreich, who also sucks ass? Does Vince favor Shitnitsky more than Heidenreich?
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
When I saw the video of it at WWE.com. the quality wasn't that great, but I heard you could see Snitsky laughing and smiling and asking Kane if hes Ok.
but yeah, that chokeslam was fucking tight.
When I saw the video of it at WWE.com. the quality wasn't that great, but I heard you could see Snitsky laughing and smiling and asking Kane if hes Ok.
but yeah, that chokeslam was fucking tight.
I didn't see Shitnitsky laughing, but I did see him look over at Kane, and he did seem to be mouthing something to him, then the cameras started playing replays. Likely the guys in the truck saw where the camera man was looking and were told to do the replays. That chokeslam was sick, but I was actually hoping Kane would've just thrown that sick fuck off the ramp, rather than go down with him. I don't get why Shitnitsky seems to go over Kane, cause he sucks ass, but over on SD, Taker always beats the shit out of Heidenreich, who also sucks ass? Does Vince favor Shitnitsky more than Heidenreich?
Yeah, I saw him telling something to Kane, bad camera angle, they messed up there.

You guys act like this is a new thing, it happens every wrestling match next time someone uses a grounding move in which an elbow is wrapped around the neck, look for the wrestler in "pain" to slap it. Also the K & S incident is just one of the many poor acting examples seen in wrestling.

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
Lubra, this had nothing to do with in-ring, match communication. It had everything to do with Snitsky doing a really shitty sell, lol.
Flairs Boy
Tha's a link to Reid Flair's mug shot, Rics younger son who was arrested in july. It was over some non-agressive dispute with a woman. Anyway, I just found it funny because he looks a lot different from his days of shooting down vince russo
Flairs Boy
Tha's a link to Reid Flair's mug shot, Rics younger son who was arrested in july. It was over some non-agressive dispute with a woman. Anyway, I just found it funny because he looks a lot different from his days of shooting down vince russo
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I didn't see Shitnitsky laughing, but I did see him look over at Kane, and he did seem to be mouthing something to him, then the cameras started playing replays. Likely the guys in the truck saw where the camera man was looking and were told to do the replays. That chokeslam was sick, but I was actually hoping Kane would've just thrown that sick fuck off the ramp, rather than go down with him. I don't get why Shitnitsky seems to go over Kane, cause he sucks ass, but over on SD, Taker always beats the shit out of Heidenreich, who also sucks ass? Does Vince favor Shitnitsky more than Heidenreich?
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
When I saw the video of it at WWE.com. the quality wasn't that great, but I heard you could see Snitsky laughing and smiling and asking Kane if hes Ok.
but yeah, that chokeslam was fucking tight.
When I saw the video of it at WWE.com. the quality wasn't that great, but I heard you could see Snitsky laughing and smiling and asking Kane if hes Ok.
but yeah, that chokeslam was fucking tight.
I didn't see Shitnitsky laughing, but I did see him look over at Kane, and he did seem to be mouthing something to him, then the cameras started playing replays. Likely the guys in the truck saw where the camera man was looking and were told to do the replays. That chokeslam was sick, but I was actually hoping Kane would've just thrown that sick fuck off the ramp, rather than go down with him. I don't get why Shitnitsky seems to go over Kane, cause he sucks ass, but over on SD, Taker always beats the shit out of Heidenreich, who also sucks ass? Does Vince favor Shitnitsky more than Heidenreich?
As much as Snitsky sucks... Heinreich sucks a lot more than he does. I've never seen Heidenreich do anything in the ring except for low punches and doing silly faces. At least Snitsky can slam a guy if he needs to...

About Me
Satyagraha Wrote:
Lubra, this had nothing to do with in-ring, match communication. It had everything to do with Snitsky doing a really shitty sell, lol.
Flairs Boy
Tha's a link to Reid Flair's mug shot, Rics younger son who was arrested in july. It was over some non-agressive dispute with a woman. Anyway, I just found it funny because he looks a lot different from his days of shooting down vince russo
Lubra, this had nothing to do with in-ring, match communication. It had everything to do with Snitsky doing a really shitty sell, lol.
Flairs Boy
Tha's a link to Reid Flair's mug shot, Rics younger son who was arrested in july. It was over some non-agressive dispute with a woman. Anyway, I just found it funny because he looks a lot different from his days of shooting down vince russo
Yeah, it looks like Shitnitsky is learning the art of no-selling quite well! Proving that he doesn't belong in the WWE.
LOL! Poor Reid! Wonder if the female in question was the mother of a kid Reid wrestled (he does some amateur wrestling), and after Reid beat her kid, she got into it with him?! LOL! Make's Daddy proud I'm sure! Now he's got two kids who are losers!
I read the SD spoilers for tonight, and all I'll say is this, another show I won't be to heart-broken not watching!
Lately it seems like TNA has been declining in quality. What happened?
It just started being crap all of the sudden.
It just started being crap all of the sudden.
Hey SuperMarioBro, great Undertaker sig. its Dark, Simple and Misterious, and it really fits Taker's personality.
Anyways, I really enjoyed the ending to SmackDown. with JBL's faction and Angle's group joining forces against The Big Show. I really hope the JBL/Angle alliance continues long term because this could really turn out to be a huge killer faction. The JBL/Angle Alliance could be THE group that the rest of the SmackDown! roster would be fighting against. And I hope it is because Evolution is pretty stale right now. I wish Batista would just make is long awaited face turn and turn on Triple H already instead of dragging it out. Batista needs to turn already. but for now. The JBL Cabinet > Evolution.
As for the rest of SD!, The Tag Team title match was suberb, the Eddie/Tag Rope part was hillarious!, Cena Vs Dupree was pretty good to. I like Cena alot but wish he would have longer competitive matches instead of some of the squash matches hes been doing latly. and Rey Vs Chavo was another excellent match between the two. Akio Vs Scotty was alright I guess.
The Undertaker segment....like always....owned!. hearing the crowd chant "Rest In Piece" like crazy was awesome to hear. I have a feeling that something big is gonna happen during the Casket Match at the Royal Rumble. They're not just gonna have a regular match, Taker stuffs Heidy in the Casket and its on to the next match...no. I feeling theres gonna be more to it than that. we'll just wait and see.
Anyways, I really enjoyed the ending to SmackDown. with JBL's faction and Angle's group joining forces against The Big Show. I really hope the JBL/Angle alliance continues long term because this could really turn out to be a huge killer faction. The JBL/Angle Alliance could be THE group that the rest of the SmackDown! roster would be fighting against. And I hope it is because Evolution is pretty stale right now. I wish Batista would just make is long awaited face turn and turn on Triple H already instead of dragging it out. Batista needs to turn already. but for now. The JBL Cabinet > Evolution.
As for the rest of SD!, The Tag Team title match was suberb, the Eddie/Tag Rope part was hillarious!, Cena Vs Dupree was pretty good to. I like Cena alot but wish he would have longer competitive matches instead of some of the squash matches hes been doing latly. and Rey Vs Chavo was another excellent match between the two. Akio Vs Scotty was alright I guess.
The Undertaker segment....like always....owned!. hearing the crowd chant "Rest In Piece" like crazy was awesome to hear. I have a feeling that something big is gonna happen during the Casket Match at the Royal Rumble. They're not just gonna have a regular match, Taker stuffs Heidy in the Casket and its on to the next match...no. I feeling theres gonna be more to it than that. we'll just wait and see.
Dude nobody in the 'Cabinet' can carry Flair's jockstrap, let alone HHH when it comes to entertainment and mic skills (and shit might as well throw wrestling skills in there too).
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
The JBL Cabinet > Evolution.
The JBL Cabinet > Evolution.
Hulk-Hogan Wrote:
Dude nobody in the 'Cabinet' can carry Flair's jockstrap, let alone HHH when it comes to entertainment and mic skills (and shit might as well throw wrestling skills in there too).
Dude nobody in the 'Cabinet' can carry Flair's jockstrap, let alone HHH when it comes to entertainment and mic skills (and shit might as well throw wrestling skills in there too).
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
The JBL Cabinet > Evolution.
The JBL Cabinet > Evolution.
To each its own I guess. but for me, Evolution bores me right now. I like Flair and Batista, but overall, I'am just bored with the group. Triple H as World Champion does nonthing for me anymore. they're taking their sweet damn time in turning Batista and the Triple H/Orton feud is the only reason why I'am glad I don't get Raw. I would love for Batista to turn face and become World Champion along with Flair as his manager and for Orton drop below the Main-Event scene. That would get me interested again.
regardless of whos in the group, the cabinet is just a better and more entertaining group. you don't need star power for a group to be entertaining. JBL, even after 7 month. still entertains me as Champion, and I don't get that "when the hell is he going to drop that damn title already" feel like I do when ever Triple H wins the title.

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
Yah, I like the Angle/JBL faction, too. I still hate the living hell out of JBL, though. I soooo want to see kurt wrestle more.
I know he will be limited for the rest of his career, but let him do something besides throw a shot.
Chavo and Rey Rey was very nice. Though, I wouldn't expect anything less from those two. The Tag match was kinda, meh, for me. Eddie turning heel is expected, but I'd still think he makes a great face.
Man, S2H is so weak now - well, he always has been, but whatever. Akio should have had that spot, seriously. I like Akio more and more everytime I see him wrestle. That 540, lateral spin...or what ever the fuck it was that he did to counter that arm drag was sweet. Hopefully the tag division will get a nice little boost - work london more, super crazy and Psychosis - and we'll be able to see more of him; along with some great cruiser tag action.
Anyway, I have yet to see turning point....
. I keep waiting for it to show up on the news servers, but I think I missed it and might have to wait a little longer. Oh, and is it just me, or is anyone getting pissed about Nash in TNA? Gah, he fucks everything up. He's like a disease.
Chavo and Rey Rey was very nice. Though, I wouldn't expect anything less from those two. The Tag match was kinda, meh, for me. Eddie turning heel is expected, but I'd still think he makes a great face.
Man, S2H is so weak now - well, he always has been, but whatever. Akio should have had that spot, seriously. I like Akio more and more everytime I see him wrestle. That 540, lateral spin...or what ever the fuck it was that he did to counter that arm drag was sweet. Hopefully the tag division will get a nice little boost - work london more, super crazy and Psychosis - and we'll be able to see more of him; along with some great cruiser tag action.
Anyway, I have yet to see turning point....

Satyagraha Wrote:
Yah, I like the Angle/JBL faction, too. I still hate the living hell out of JBL, though. I soooo want to see kurt wrestle more.
I know he will be limited for the rest of his career, but let him do something besides throw a shot.
Chavo and Rey Rey was very nice. Though, I wouldn't expect anything less from those two. The Tag match was kinda, meh, for me. Eddie turning heel is expected, but I'd still think he makes a great face.
Man, S2H is so weak now - well, he always has been, but whatever. Akio should have had that spot, seriously. I like Akio more and more everytime I see him wrestle. That 540, lateral spin...or what ever the fuck it was that he did to counter that arm drag was sweet. Hopefully the tag division will get a nice little boost - work london more, super crazy and Psychosis - and we'll be able to see more of him; along with some great cruiser tag action.
Anyway, I have yet to see turning point....
. I keep waiting for it to show up on the news servers, but I think I missed it and might have to wait a little longer. Oh, and is it just me, or is anyone getting pissed about Nash in TNA? Gah, he fucks everything up. He's like a disease.
Yah, I like the Angle/JBL faction, too. I still hate the living hell out of JBL, though. I soooo want to see kurt wrestle more.
Chavo and Rey Rey was very nice. Though, I wouldn't expect anything less from those two. The Tag match was kinda, meh, for me. Eddie turning heel is expected, but I'd still think he makes a great face.
Man, S2H is so weak now - well, he always has been, but whatever. Akio should have had that spot, seriously. I like Akio more and more everytime I see him wrestle. That 540, lateral spin...or what ever the fuck it was that he did to counter that arm drag was sweet. Hopefully the tag division will get a nice little boost - work london more, super crazy and Psychosis - and we'll be able to see more of him; along with some great cruiser tag action.
Anyway, I have yet to see turning point....
I'm with you on Scotty2Hotty,does anyone even care about him anymore?Akio is 10 times more talented and he should be in the Rumble.Ever since they fired Rikishi Scotty has done next to nothing why keep him.And if they do they should bring back GrandMaster,so they can tag together again.
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