Zentile Wrote:
Really though. There are a few supporters of the roster unification here. Can you explain to me how it would be better? Because I really don't see how it would lead to the things you said it would.
And while we're on a JBL/Triple H comparison subject, I'd just like to say that I'm pretty sure Bradshaw isn't going to get the title one month after he finally drops it, like Triple H. Would anyone like to bet on it?
Really though. There are a few supporters of the roster unification here. Can you explain to me how it would be better? Because I really don't see how it would lead to the things you said it would.
And while we're on a JBL/Triple H comparison subject, I'd just like to say that I'm pretty sure Bradshaw isn't going to get the title one month after he finally drops it, like Triple H. Would anyone like to bet on it?
The reason the WWE would be better is simple better fueds.Think about how the wwe was 5years ago.You could see fueds that just wont happen because of the brand split.Because of the split we never got to see Lesnar vs TripleH,Lesnar vs Kane,Goldberg vsUnderTaker and many more cool matchs.Insted we got to see HHH vs HBK for about a year and Orton vs Foley.And now think of the match you could get JBL vs Kane or HBK vs Angel,sounds better then Oton Triple H doesn't.It would also make the tag divison stronger since you can form more tag teams.It wouls also help the mid card as well Cena vs Shelton.
And if that does change your mind think what would the wwe have been like if The Rock and Austin would have never faced off,or Rock and Triple H or Austin and UnderTaker or Taker and Mandkind(Mick Foley).That is what the brand split is doing killing great young talent match ups with each other and with old school vets.The brand split was fine two years ago because the WWe had too many big name stars Hogan,Austin,Taker,Angel,Rock,TripleH,Kane,HBK coming back,BigShow,Lesnar,Stenier being signed,Goldberg,Booker T.All of these stars were at some point gunning for the title two yeras ago.And to say that the talent is far less stellar right know is an understatement.Bring the two shows back together only have one heavywieght champion build the tag division back up,get rid of half of the divas,build up the mid carders and younger talent.That alone will only make the wwe stronger.Vince himself even sayed that the wwe has been waterd down because of the brand split but it has help young talent grow(Orton and Cena).Those were Vince's own words,you mean to tell me that a waterd down wwe which has only help out two young guys out is why to keep the brand split?No wonder he's losing money.

If the WWe get's rid of the brand split this is how the title picture could look
Undisputed Chmpion
Kurt Angel
Shawn Michaels
Chris Benoit
Booker T
US and IC title
Booker T
Luther Reigns
Orlando Jordon
Tag division
The Bashams
La Restaince(sp)
Hurricane and Rosey
The Dudley Boyz
put some of these guys together and see who will become a good tag team.
Undisputed Chmpion
Kurt Angel
Shawn Michaels
Chris Benoit
Booker T
US and IC title
Booker T
Luther Reigns
Orlando Jordon
Tag division
The Bashams
La Restaince(sp)
Hurricane and Rosey
The Dudley Boyz
put some of these guys together and see who will become a good tag team.
The roster split means 2 shows for fans which equals more $$$ and more ratings on television. Vince has the business in mind with this, The fact that the roster changes each year means some superstars from Raw go to Smackdown and vice versa so HBK Vs Eddie Guerruo could happen. (Me personally can see Eddie moving to Raw if they do do a change this year).
Also remember when Goldberg (Raw) took on Lesnar (Smackdown). That match sucked eggs even though both superstars were classed as the best of their house (Raw/SD) at the time. Now you think of it, it was probably put on just so Goldberg and Lesnar were featured on the PPV for more ratings even though they both left the WWE shortly afterwards but my point still stands
Agreed that more Tag Teams can be made but the big stars of the WWE (HHH, Orton, Undertaker, Kane, Cena) won't go into a tag team full time. Matches would be less likely to be repeated but rematches always happen and think about this. HHH has had loads of feuds this year which were all good (Eugene, Benoit, Benjamin, Orton and by the sounds of it Batista in the near future). JBL has also had plenty of feuds with big superstars (Eddie, Angle, Booker T, Big Show and his outstanding feud with Taker).
I don't mind the roster split and I've always liked it. I realize that this subject has a mixed opinon from fans but why mess with something that works
Also remember when Goldberg (Raw) took on Lesnar (Smackdown). That match sucked eggs even though both superstars were classed as the best of their house (Raw/SD) at the time. Now you think of it, it was probably put on just so Goldberg and Lesnar were featured on the PPV for more ratings even though they both left the WWE shortly afterwards but my point still stands
Agreed that more Tag Teams can be made but the big stars of the WWE (HHH, Orton, Undertaker, Kane, Cena) won't go into a tag team full time. Matches would be less likely to be repeated but rematches always happen and think about this. HHH has had loads of feuds this year which were all good (Eugene, Benoit, Benjamin, Orton and by the sounds of it Batista in the near future). JBL has also had plenty of feuds with big superstars (Eddie, Angle, Booker T, Big Show and his outstanding feud with Taker).
I don't mind the roster split and I've always liked it. I realize that this subject has a mixed opinon from fans but why mess with something that works

The problem is that it isn't working.Most fans aren't happy with the roster split anymore.The wwe isn't making money or selling out shows like they use to so why not go back to just one brand.You should check out other wrestling forums about 90% of wwe fans want the brand split to end.
TheDarkPrince Wrote:
The problem is that it isn't working.Most fans aren't happy with the roster split anymore.The wwe isn't making money or selling out shows like they use to so why not go back to just one brand.You should check out other wrestling forums about 90% of wwe fans want the brand split to end.
The problem is that it isn't working.Most fans aren't happy with the roster split anymore.The wwe isn't making money or selling out shows like they use to so why not go back to just one brand.You should check out other wrestling forums about 90% of wwe fans want the brand split to end.
Yeah but you should know by now that Vince doesn't care about what fans want.
Well, one of the positives about the Brand Split is that its keeping people talking. and keeping interest in the WWE. If there was no Brand split, what would be talking about? Triple H and Evolution all day?
Also, with the brand split, you get twice as much storylines than if it it was one brand again and twice as much wresters getting TV time.
and about the internet. I've seen tons of people that are for the split and tons that are against it. So it seems 50/50 as far as the internet and the brand split goes.
Also, with the brand split, you get twice as much storylines than if it it was one brand again and twice as much wresters getting TV time.
and about the internet. I've seen tons of people that are for the split and tons that are against it. So it seems 50/50 as far as the internet and the brand split goes.
Well I don't post in this thread for a while but I have to now...
I just thought unbelievable that the WWE would have an angle for four weeks with the vacated World Heavyweight title basically due to a tie between Edge and Benoit and then in the next pay-per-view they put the title... back on Triple H ?!?! Damn, as much as I love Triple H as a character this is just too absurd. Triple H needs to stay some time away from the title, don't try to push him into us like he is The Rock or something: people are getting sick of him. I don't think the problem is the roster split, the problem is that there are too many faces in the main event and not enough heels! RAW has Triple H and Kane (which nowadays isn't even really a heel) and 500 faces, it is obvious the feuds and matches will be repetitive! SmackDown has JBL and Kurt Angle and the same 500 faces! Unifying the rosters wouldn't solve this, they need to estabilish characters instead of turning them every three weeks (Booker T as heel lasted what, 6 days? Two matches with The Undertaker and he was back as a face...) and actually getting proper heels would help (Heidenreich - as cool as his entrance music is - and Gene Snitsky are simply crap).
I just thought unbelievable that the WWE would have an angle for four weeks with the vacated World Heavyweight title basically due to a tie between Edge and Benoit and then in the next pay-per-view they put the title... back on Triple H ?!?! Damn, as much as I love Triple H as a character this is just too absurd. Triple H needs to stay some time away from the title, don't try to push him into us like he is The Rock or something: people are getting sick of him. I don't think the problem is the roster split, the problem is that there are too many faces in the main event and not enough heels! RAW has Triple H and Kane (which nowadays isn't even really a heel) and 500 faces, it is obvious the feuds and matches will be repetitive! SmackDown has JBL and Kurt Angle and the same 500 faces! Unifying the rosters wouldn't solve this, they need to estabilish characters instead of turning them every three weeks (Booker T as heel lasted what, 6 days? Two matches with The Undertaker and he was back as a face...) and actually getting proper heels would help (Heidenreich - as cool as his entrance music is - and Gene Snitsky are simply crap).
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
The whole JBL thing is bullshit. He looks like a dick, he acts like a dick, and he wrestles like a dick. How does he beat the Undertaker that many times in a row for the belt? Oh yea, that insane blonde guy.
Here are the top two reasons Smackdown sucks:
1. Nobody cares about that blonde insane guy (Heidenreich)
2. We care less about JBL
This whole 'Cabinet' angle sucks dick. I give Smackdown! credit for elevating Eddie to the top, I like that. But now he, nor anyone else, can bring down the tank that is the 'Cabinet'. Look at the people in the cabinet:
-JBL - we don't care, grow your hair back and get Farooq and we can talk
-Token black guy - How can we take him seriously if he just gets mashed by ______________(insert current 'face' here).
-Bashams - same as above. They have some credibility, but again I just get the reaction from the crowd that nobody gives a shit about these guys. Even with the She-male black thing.
-Diva Girl - Somehow all these finalists for the Diva Search got thrown into this shit and nobody ever bothered to explain why. I like Maria on Raw tho, she is very hot. But the rest of these girls just appear and nobody says 'We signed her' or 'Shes now under contract'.. Just one day the one is doin splits with RVD, one is fuckin Big Show, one is fuckin JBL, a few on Raw, and Carmella is out fighting in bars for Jeff Garcia.
Smackdown! has great talent, pure talent. No doubt about it. Rey, RVD, Kidman, Angle, Eddie, etc.. But at the same time, it's as boring as it is exciting. If it was live, I'd watch it every week tho.
The whole JBL thing is bullshit. He looks like a dick, he acts like a dick, and he wrestles like a dick. How does he beat the Undertaker that many times in a row for the belt? Oh yea, that insane blonde guy.
Here are the top two reasons Smackdown sucks:
1. Nobody cares about that blonde insane guy (Heidenreich)
2. We care less about JBL
This whole 'Cabinet' angle sucks dick. I give Smackdown! credit for elevating Eddie to the top, I like that. But now he, nor anyone else, can bring down the tank that is the 'Cabinet'. Look at the people in the cabinet:
-JBL - we don't care, grow your hair back and get Farooq and we can talk
-Token black guy - How can we take him seriously if he just gets mashed by ______________(insert current 'face' here).
-Bashams - same as above. They have some credibility, but again I just get the reaction from the crowd that nobody gives a shit about these guys. Even with the She-male black thing.
-Diva Girl - Somehow all these finalists for the Diva Search got thrown into this shit and nobody ever bothered to explain why. I like Maria on Raw tho, she is very hot. But the rest of these girls just appear and nobody says 'We signed her' or 'Shes now under contract'.. Just one day the one is doin splits with RVD, one is fuckin Big Show, one is fuckin JBL, a few on Raw, and Carmella is out fighting in bars for Jeff Garcia.
Smackdown! has great talent, pure talent. No doubt about it. Rey, RVD, Kidman, Angle, Eddie, etc.. But at the same time, it's as boring as it is exciting. If it was live, I'd watch it every week tho.
I agree with everything you said... Heidenreich is just not scary like they are trying to make him popular...by constantly putting him up against the Undertaker but it wont help him. I haven't seen this guy do anything cool...whenever he faces the Undertaker the only thing he does is punch and constantly get up after the Undertaker does a power move. And I find it funny that after the diva seach were not just seeing the winner Christy all the time... but were seeing what....the top 20 finalist ... I dont mind seeing the pretty ladies around but it kinda makes the entire diva search thing pointless... i suppose it was pointless to begin with but now the WWE is just proving that it was useless.

About Me
Raw was ok last night. I smell an end coming to Evolution soon!! Trips cost his boy a shot at the World Title. Trips should have just let Batista beat the holy hell out of Orton like we all know he can and then we could see Batista turn on Triple H, instead of lying down as Triple H wants him to. Too bad about both Lita and Eugene/Nick Dinsmore. I hope this doesn't mean Regal and Eugene must now drop the titles or be stripped of them. Raw's tag division sucks ass now and the belts would just end up around the French Fagget's La Resistance.
Ok, so I see that there are alot of you on here in favor of the WWE keeping the Roster Split, and some not in favor. It's about 60/40 on this thread. I will forever believe that it has been a bad idea the last few years and is killing the WWE very slowly, and I do realize that yes there is more money being made with seperate shows and ppvs, but because the Smackdown only ppvs have just about all sucked and the Raw only ppvs have been mediocre at best, the case can be said that also more money is being lost as a result of the split. If Vince wants to improve the product, he needs to learn to change, ie, going back as a single roster of stars. Now some of you might scoff at that, but think about it, if the WWE is all one roster again, it not only means more feuds, it also means more chances for new guys to be brought up from OVW, and even lower mid-card talent who don't get a chance to be on Raw or Smackdown and are stuck on Velocity and Heat to establish themselves, then maybe guys like JBL and Trips will move aside.
I also think that there's way too many titles. For god's sake, if they are going to continue to do the split, drop some of the titles. One World champ for both shows, one set of Tag champs for both shows, drop lesser meaning titles like the Women's title, and the Cruiserweight title, and push the Cruisers as contenders for the IC and US titles.
Vince is a smart business man, and maybe it is time for him to listen to what the fans want/think, and hire some actual wrestling fans as writers, instead of people he just pulled off the streat, who know nothing about wrestling and always seem to come up with crap. I mean he doesn't want to be the next WCW does he??
Ok, so I see that there are alot of you on here in favor of the WWE keeping the Roster Split, and some not in favor. It's about 60/40 on this thread. I will forever believe that it has been a bad idea the last few years and is killing the WWE very slowly, and I do realize that yes there is more money being made with seperate shows and ppvs, but because the Smackdown only ppvs have just about all sucked and the Raw only ppvs have been mediocre at best, the case can be said that also more money is being lost as a result of the split. If Vince wants to improve the product, he needs to learn to change, ie, going back as a single roster of stars. Now some of you might scoff at that, but think about it, if the WWE is all one roster again, it not only means more feuds, it also means more chances for new guys to be brought up from OVW, and even lower mid-card talent who don't get a chance to be on Raw or Smackdown and are stuck on Velocity and Heat to establish themselves, then maybe guys like JBL and Trips will move aside.
I also think that there's way too many titles. For god's sake, if they are going to continue to do the split, drop some of the titles. One World champ for both shows, one set of Tag champs for both shows, drop lesser meaning titles like the Women's title, and the Cruiserweight title, and push the Cruisers as contenders for the IC and US titles.
Vince is a smart business man, and maybe it is time for him to listen to what the fans want/think, and hire some actual wrestling fans as writers, instead of people he just pulled off the streat, who know nothing about wrestling and always seem to come up with crap. I mean he doesn't want to be the next WCW does he??
Thing is, If they went back to being one World title and 1 Tag Titles going to both shows. It'll just create some more confusion. people will forget whos on what show. Thats the reason why the WWE brought back the World title for Raw. having the Undipsuted Champion travel to both show was pretty stupid IMO. for instant, When Hogan was Champion, he was fueding with Taker on Raw, but he wasn't doing jack shit on Smackdown. just participating in random Tag matches and fighting random people every week and having minor un-important feuds with somone on SD!. his real feud was on Raw. sometimes, I forget who was on which show during that time. Also, the WWE wants to keep the Raw and Smackdown brands separate. hence the single brand PPV. having the Champion go to both show will destroy the illusion that they are suppost to be separate brands. you watch Raw to see their Champion and watch SmackDown! to see their Champion. just like it was during the monday night war.
the current title system is fine. two brands, each with its own World title, Singles title, tag titles, and brand specific Titles. maybe if it was all one brand again than yeah, 8 titles would be alot. but 4 titles on each brand isn't really much.
the current title system is fine. two brands, each with its own World title, Singles title, tag titles, and brand specific Titles. maybe if it was all one brand again than yeah, 8 titles would be alot. but 4 titles on each brand isn't really much.

TheMkGeek Wrote:
Raw was ok last night. I smell an end coming to Evolution soon!! Trips cost his boy a shot at the World Title. Trips should have just let Batista beat the holy hell out of Orton like we all know he can and then we could see Batista turn on Triple H, instead of lying down as Triple H wants him to. Too bad about both Lita and Eugene/Nick Dinsmore. I hope this doesn't mean Regal and Eugene must now drop the titles or be stripped of them. Raw's tag division sucks ass now and the belts would just end up around the French Fagget's La Resistance.
Ok, so I see that there are alot of you on here in favor of the WWE keeping the Roster Split, and some not in favor. It's about 60/40 on this thread. I will forever believe that it has been a bad idea the last few years and is killing the WWE very slowly, and I do realize that yes there is more money being made with seperate shows and ppvs, but because the Smackdown only ppvs have just about all sucked and the Raw only ppvs have been mediocre at best, the case can be said that also more money is being lost as a result of the split. If Vince wants to improve the product, he needs to learn to change, ie, going back as a single roster of stars. Now some of you might scoff at that, but think about it, if the WWE is all one roster again, it not only means more feuds, it also means more chances for new guys to be brought up from OVW, and even lower mid-card talent who don't get a chance to be on Raw or Smackdown and are stuck on Velocity and Heat to establish themselves, then maybe guys like JBL and Trips will move aside.
I also think that there's way too many titles. For god's sake, if they are going to continue to do the split, drop some of the titles. One World champ for both shows, one set of Tag champs for both shows, drop lesser meaning titles like the Women's title, and the Cruiserweight title, and push the Cruisers as contenders for the IC and US titles.
Vince is a smart business man, and maybe it is time for him to listen to what the fans want/think, and hire some actual wrestling fans as writers, instead of people he just pulled off the streat, who know nothing about wrestling and always seem to come up with crap. I mean he doesn't want to be the next WCW does he??
Raw was ok last night. I smell an end coming to Evolution soon!! Trips cost his boy a shot at the World Title. Trips should have just let Batista beat the holy hell out of Orton like we all know he can and then we could see Batista turn on Triple H, instead of lying down as Triple H wants him to. Too bad about both Lita and Eugene/Nick Dinsmore. I hope this doesn't mean Regal and Eugene must now drop the titles or be stripped of them. Raw's tag division sucks ass now and the belts would just end up around the French Fagget's La Resistance.
Ok, so I see that there are alot of you on here in favor of the WWE keeping the Roster Split, and some not in favor. It's about 60/40 on this thread. I will forever believe that it has been a bad idea the last few years and is killing the WWE very slowly, and I do realize that yes there is more money being made with seperate shows and ppvs, but because the Smackdown only ppvs have just about all sucked and the Raw only ppvs have been mediocre at best, the case can be said that also more money is being lost as a result of the split. If Vince wants to improve the product, he needs to learn to change, ie, going back as a single roster of stars. Now some of you might scoff at that, but think about it, if the WWE is all one roster again, it not only means more feuds, it also means more chances for new guys to be brought up from OVW, and even lower mid-card talent who don't get a chance to be on Raw or Smackdown and are stuck on Velocity and Heat to establish themselves, then maybe guys like JBL and Trips will move aside.
I also think that there's way too many titles. For god's sake, if they are going to continue to do the split, drop some of the titles. One World champ for both shows, one set of Tag champs for both shows, drop lesser meaning titles like the Women's title, and the Cruiserweight title, and push the Cruisers as contenders for the IC and US titles.
Vince is a smart business man, and maybe it is time for him to listen to what the fans want/think, and hire some actual wrestling fans as writers, instead of people he just pulled off the streat, who know nothing about wrestling and always seem to come up with crap. I mean he doesn't want to be the next WCW does he??
The brand split is killing the wwe slowly and the ppv numbers show that.But Vince seems dead set against combining the roster again.I refuse to buy split ppv the only ones I plan on getting so far are the Royle Rumble and WM21 why because both brands will be on the card.And ppv which have both brands do outsell the singel brand ones.Why because most people don't want to see Hiedinrich main event and with a Smackdown only ppv he can and has.If both shows were together he wouldn't get much if any air time.
The biggest fear if the brands merge again from what you guys are posting is that Triple H will run both shows.And that is a legit concern but that is when Vince should step in and let his son-in-law know that he's the boss and not Hunter.Triple H can still have a lot of air time without the entire show based on only him.And with both shows combined he will have more people to feud with and hopfully more people to keep the title from him.

About Me
Oh well, we could go on and on and on, about the roster split and everyone will disagree with someone, so let's all agree to disagree and move on. It's nice to see this thread sparks alot of topics and debates!
Check out ign.com and their X-box section, there's a massive preview for Wrestlemania 21 with new screenshot, tons of info and even the first of hopefully many, vids. This game is shaping up to be one of the best wrestling games ever, even better than SVR, and that's saying alot, cause SvR is great!
Check out ign.com and their X-box section, there's a massive preview for Wrestlemania 21 with new screenshot, tons of info and even the first of hopefully many, vids. This game is shaping up to be one of the best wrestling games ever, even better than SVR, and that's saying alot, cause SvR is great!

Triple HHH might as well buy the WWE out.I mean he is on TOP of everything the WWE does.Just to show it I put together a small list:
Wins All the time.
In WWE Raw 2 there are loading screens just like SD but for some reason there is a small Triple H icon with his face on it .
He is really hard in the SD games.
If you start off Season mode in SD with HHH as your charcter you can go to the GM and ask for a title match.Most of the time you'll get it.If it's a charcter like Rey it's a diffrent story.
Do you think he really speaks up like he claims he does backstage?Or is he just on top because he's married to Steph???
Wins All the time.
In WWE Raw 2 there are loading screens just like SD but for some reason there is a small Triple H icon with his face on it .
He is really hard in the SD games.
If you start off Season mode in SD with HHH as your charcter you can go to the GM and ask for a title match.Most of the time you'll get it.If it's a charcter like Rey it's a diffrent story.
Do you think he really speaks up like he claims he does backstage?Or is he just on top because he's married to Steph???
Yeah, this debate has been fun. this is what being a fan is about.
Anyways. all this brand split/politics bullshit aside, I'am looking foward to the WWE Tag Team Title match on SmackDown. That should be one heck of a match. and I'am looking foward for more Undertaker!
Anyways. all this brand split/politics bullshit aside, I'am looking foward to the WWE Tag Team Title match on SmackDown. That should be one heck of a match. and I'am looking foward for more Undertaker!
True. Another roster split will shake things up, should they do another one.
On a side note, wish me luck, I'm going to try to get tickets to No Way Out when they on sale this Saturday. Not a huge Smackdown! fan at all, but PPV wrestling + barb wire cage = me. IF we can get good seats, we're not gonna kill ourselves to go unless we can sit somewhere decent.
On a side note, wish me luck, I'm going to try to get tickets to No Way Out when they on sale this Saturday. Not a huge Smackdown! fan at all, but PPV wrestling + barb wire cage = me. IF we can get good seats, we're not gonna kill ourselves to go unless we can sit somewhere decent.
Good luck with the No Way Out Tickets. no matter which brand you like or what your opinion is towards the WWE. the only perpous in going to a live WWE event is just to have a good time and see the superstars live.
I'am still crossing me fingers for WrestleMania 21!
I'am still crossing me fingers for WrestleMania 21!
Wait a minute brother! You come out, running your mouth, telling the world I'm a bore? Brother, at Wrestlemania 21, it's going to be me and you, in a 12 foot high steel cage, and thousands of Hulkamaniacs. And brother, what you gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you!!!!
DamRho Wrote:
Seems like Hulk/Hollywood Hogan was backstage at the SmackDown! taping yesterday.... I guess we'll have to put up with the old guy at WrestleMania 21, he just sucks so much in the ring IMO...
Seems like Hulk/Hollywood Hogan was backstage at the SmackDown! taping yesterday.... I guess we'll have to put up with the old guy at WrestleMania 21, he just sucks so much in the ring IMO...
Bring it on! lol I can out run you every day of the week, twice on Sunday.
Hulk-Hogan Wrote:
Wait a minute brother! You come out, running your mouth, telling the world I'm a bore? Brother, at Wrestlemania 21, it's going to be me and you, in a 12 foot high steel cage, and thousands of Hulkamaniacs. And brother, what you gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you!!!!
Wait a minute brother! You come out, running your mouth, telling the world I'm a bore? Brother, at Wrestlemania 21, it's going to be me and you, in a 12 foot high steel cage, and thousands of Hulkamaniacs. And brother, what you gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you!!!!
DamRho Wrote:
Seems like Hulk/Hollywood Hogan was backstage at the SmackDown! taping yesterday.... I guess we'll have to put up with the old guy at WrestleMania 21, he just sucks so much in the ring IMO...
Seems like Hulk/Hollywood Hogan was backstage at the SmackDown! taping yesterday.... I guess we'll have to put up with the old guy at WrestleMania 21, he just sucks so much in the ring IMO...

About Me
DamRho Wrote:
Bring it on! lol I can out run you every day of the week, twice on Sunday.
Bring it on! lol I can out run you every day of the week, twice on Sunday.
Hulk-Hogan Wrote:
Wait a minute brother! You come out, running your mouth, telling the world I'm a bore? Brother, at Wrestlemania 21, it's going to be me and you, in a 12 foot high steel cage, and thousands of Hulkamaniacs. And brother, what you gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you!!!!
Wait a minute brother! You come out, running your mouth, telling the world I'm a bore? Brother, at Wrestlemania 21, it's going to be me and you, in a 12 foot high steel cage, and thousands of Hulkamaniacs. And brother, what you gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you!!!!
DamRho Wrote:
Seems like Hulk/Hollywood Hogan was backstage at the SmackDown! taping yesterday.... I guess we'll have to put up with the old guy at WrestleMania 21, he just sucks so much in the ring IMO...
Seems like Hulk/Hollywood Hogan was backstage at the SmackDown! taping yesterday.... I guess we'll have to put up with the old guy at WrestleMania 21, he just sucks so much in the ring IMO...
Ladies, ladies, settle down, LOL!
Any ways, I read the spoilers for SD this week and other than the Tag title match, and US title match, there ain't much in the way if excitement! I think I'll pass on watching Smackdown this week.

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
I don't know if this was mentioned, I looked over the past two pages to see if it was, so sorry if it's a repeat. New jack did an "emtpy arena" match against val at the raw tapings. Also, appearantly New Jack threw some ideas off WWE. One being that HE was the one who stabbed Cena, not Jesus - who, i believe is still suspected?
It's funny, when I heard the rumors of New Jack coming to WWE, the first thought I had was of him and Cena fueding, lol. Too good. I think that would be an OUTSTANDING move by the WWE, who is seriously in a drought right now. Could you imagine the intensity and continuity of their promos? Simply brilliant.
If Cena is indeed being preped for a title run, this would be a great, momentary, break away to establish his character even more. While at the same time it would create great heat for New Jack and elevate his "respectabilty" as a top draw. It would be fantastic!
It's funny, when I heard the rumors of New Jack coming to WWE, the first thought I had was of him and Cena fueding, lol. Too good. I think that would be an OUTSTANDING move by the WWE, who is seriously in a drought right now. Could you imagine the intensity and continuity of their promos? Simply brilliant.
If Cena is indeed being preped for a title run, this would be a great, momentary, break away to establish his character even more. While at the same time it would create great heat for New Jack and elevate his "respectabilty" as a top draw. It would be fantastic!
Can anyone give me a breif histry of New Jack? not to familiar with him. I've heard his name mentioned alot.
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