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Blade-Tsung Wrote:
Anyone see that 6 cd DVD set of Hulk Hogan the WWE is coming out with? Looks pretty damn cool, tons and tons and tons of old ass matches with Andre the Giant, Savage, Dibase, Valentine, Bundy, etc..
I am not a huge hogan fan but I might buy this one..
Sorry if this has been posted, if it's new and anyone wants I will post the complete DVD Match listings.
Anyone see that 6 cd DVD set of Hulk Hogan the WWE is coming out with? Looks pretty damn cool, tons and tons and tons of old ass matches with Andre the Giant, Savage, Dibase, Valentine, Bundy, etc..
I am not a huge hogan fan but I might buy this one..
Sorry if this has been posted, if it's new and anyone wants I will post the complete DVD Match listings.
That's kinda interesting considering the WWE already put out a 2 dvd set of Hogan 2 years ago! I wonder if they'll do the same for Flair? Anyone heard/read any more news about a Bret Hart dvd set? There were tons of rumors but so far I've yet to read any more about it.
As for Zentile, your opinion of The Rock is your opinion, but you still have no idea what a jobber is. If The Rock does come back at Mania, and it's not just a one night deal, then the WWE will give him the title, if not, then yeah, he'll lose the match, only cause he wouldn't be sticking around for very long, not cause he's a "jobber". We'll see what happens at Mania.
New Years Revolution is this Sunday. Who does everyone predict will win?
Here are my predictions:
Elimination Match: Batista - if he is to split with evolution.
Trish Vs Lita: Lita - She can't lose the title yet!
Eugene/Regal Vs Christian/Tomko: Dunno about this one but I hate Christian so I would like Regal/Eugene to retain.
Shelton Vs Maven: Benjamin - They can't make Maven a champion!
Kane Vs Snitsky: Kane - A great way to mark the red monsters return...Yay!
King Vs Hussain: Again I dunno. WWE may get heat if they let Hussain win
Here are my predictions:
Elimination Match: Batista - if he is to split with evolution.
Trish Vs Lita: Lita - She can't lose the title yet!
Eugene/Regal Vs Christian/Tomko: Dunno about this one but I hate Christian so I would like Regal/Eugene to retain.
Shelton Vs Maven: Benjamin - They can't make Maven a champion!
Kane Vs Snitsky: Kane - A great way to mark the red monsters return...Yay!
King Vs Hussain: Again I dunno. WWE may get heat if they let Hussain win
Elimination Match: I'm very confused about this one. By rule, a heel should get it, so he can hold onto the title for a while until mania, where he drops it to the lead face. The plan is to have Orton vs HHH at Mania, so that means HHH should win the match. However, I just don't see it happening. Not just because I'm sick and tired of HHH's world championship reigns, but because this time HHH doesn't have a single ally in this match. Infact, everybody pretty much hates him, INCLUDING the ref. I'm still going to go with HHH, just because I know the WWE is evil enough to do it.
However, if HHH doesn't win, I'll say Benoit, who will then drop it to HHH at Royal Rumble (even though the rumble is the ''no world title changes'' PPV by rule).
Trish Vs Lita: Lita
Eugene/Regal Vs Christian/Tomko: Tomko and Christian aren't a tag team. This is a filler match, Regal and Eugene will obviously retain.
Shelton Vs Maven: Benjamin. Although I do hope Maven gets the IC title soon.
Kane Vs Snitsky: Kane
King Vs Hassan (not Hussein...): Hassan, of course.

John Cena's move is just a Fisherman's Carry(Fireman or Fisherman?) thats why it dosen't win me over.Come to think of it NOBODY in the WWE has a move thats memorable right now IMO.
New WM21 screenshots at IGN.com
They need to burn Kane again and have a crazy Hospital segment:
*Lita walks in Kane's Hospital room*
Lita:Hey Baby(im making the dialouge suck on purpose)
Kane:Hey my little muffin.The Doctor's say I can take my bandages off today...in a few minutes.
Lita:I hope your still nice looking.I will love you no matter what.
*Doctor walks in*
Doctor:Hey Ken Kaniff...opps wrong page.Kane "The Big Red Machine" is your name right.
Kane:Yeah,gotta problem with that?
Doctor:No sir,your parents must be happy to have a strong son like you.
Kane:My parents are dead.
Doctor:Oh im sorry.
Kane:Stop being a bitch and take these bandages off.My face itches.
*Doctor takes them off*
*Kane looks in the mirror and yells*:
WTF(Echos through out the world)
Kane:Do you still love me?
*Kane starts going crazy and beats up Lita and the Doctor*
*Kane runs through the hospital hallway and trips over an IV pole.*
*On his way out Kane bumps into Mick Foley*
Mick:Hey Kane,I bought you these balloons.Im coming back as Dude Love on Raw.
Kane:Keep your Damn Balloons and I don't give a F*ck about some middle aged guy named Dude Love.
*blows up*
JK but I would pay to see that.
New WM21 screenshots at IGN.com
They need to burn Kane again and have a crazy Hospital segment:
*Lita walks in Kane's Hospital room*
Lita:Hey Baby(im making the dialouge suck on purpose)
Kane:Hey my little muffin.The Doctor's say I can take my bandages off today...in a few minutes.
Lita:I hope your still nice looking.I will love you no matter what.
*Doctor walks in*
Doctor:Hey Ken Kaniff...opps wrong page.Kane "The Big Red Machine" is your name right.
Kane:Yeah,gotta problem with that?
Doctor:No sir,your parents must be happy to have a strong son like you.
Kane:My parents are dead.
Doctor:Oh im sorry.
Kane:Stop being a bitch and take these bandages off.My face itches.
*Doctor takes them off*
*Kane looks in the mirror and yells*:
WTF(Echos through out the world)
Kane:Do you still love me?
*Kane starts going crazy and beats up Lita and the Doctor*
*Kane runs through the hospital hallway and trips over an IV pole.*
*On his way out Kane bumps into Mick Foley*
Mick:Hey Kane,I bought you these balloons.Im coming back as Dude Love on Raw.
Kane:Keep your Damn Balloons and I don't give a F*ck about some middle aged guy named Dude Love.
*blows up*
JK but I would pay to see that.
I'am hearing that Eddie vs Rey was a great fucking match around the net, and the Kenzo/Cena segment was hillarious.
man, I can't wait to see it tonight.
man, I can't wait to see it tonight.
John Cena's move is just a Fisherman's Carry(Fireman or Fisherman?) thats why it dosen't win me over.Come to think of it NOBODY in the WWE has a move thats memorable right now IMO.
John Cena's move is just a Fisherman's Carry(Fireman or Fisherman?) thats why it dosen't win me over.Come to think of it NOBODY in the WWE has a move thats memorable right now IMO.
Firemans carry (because of the over the shoulder way fireman carry people, obviously), the 'fisherman' thing is about hooking the leg, like Henning did with his famous fisherman suplex.
Doctor:Hey Ken Kaniff...opps wrong page.Kane "The Big Red Machine" is your name right.
Doctor:Hey Ken Kaniff...opps wrong page.Kane "The Big Red Machine" is your name right.
Heh. Just thinking about that, Kane really isn't all that much bigger than a good deal of the WWE roster at the moment becuase of their stupid "bigger is better" thing. Kane is just kind of "the slightly larger normal colored average guy."
Stupid writers.

krackerjack Wrote:
Firemans carry (because of the over the shoulder way fireman carry people, obviously), the 'fisherman' thing is about hooking the leg, like Henning did with his famous fisherman suplex.
Heh. Just thinking about that, Kane really isn't all that much bigger than a good deal of the WWE roster at the moment becuase of their stupid "bigger is better" thing. Kane is just kind of "the slightly larger normal colored average guy."
Stupid writers.
John Cena's move is just a Fisherman's Carry(Fireman or Fisherman?) thats why it dosen't win me over.Come to think of it NOBODY in the WWE has a move thats memorable right now IMO.
John Cena's move is just a Fisherman's Carry(Fireman or Fisherman?) thats why it dosen't win me over.Come to think of it NOBODY in the WWE has a move thats memorable right now IMO.
Firemans carry (because of the over the shoulder way fireman carry people, obviously), the 'fisherman' thing is about hooking the leg, like Henning did with his famous fisherman suplex.
Doctor:Hey Ken Kaniff...opps wrong page.Kane "The Big Red Machine" is your name right.
Doctor:Hey Ken Kaniff...opps wrong page.Kane "The Big Red Machine" is your name right.
Heh. Just thinking about that, Kane really isn't all that much bigger than a good deal of the WWE roster at the moment becuase of their stupid "bigger is better" thing. Kane is just kind of "the slightly larger normal colored average guy."
Stupid writers.
Thanks,I won't get them mixed up now.I remember awhile back the WWE was going to get rid of the Cruiserweight division.What happened with that?I hate the way the WWE acts like somethings in the past never happened.It stands out for people like who us who know Kane's orgins.

krackerjack Wrote:
Firemans carry (because of the over the shoulder way fireman carry people, obviously), the 'fisherman' thing is about hooking the leg, like Henning did with his famous fisherman suplex.
Heh. Just thinking about that, Kane really isn't all that much bigger than a good deal of the WWE roster at the moment becuase of their stupid "bigger is better" thing. Kane is just kind of "the slightly larger normal colored average guy."
Stupid writers.
John Cena's move is just a Fisherman's Carry(Fireman or Fisherman?) thats why it dosen't win me over.Come to think of it NOBODY in the WWE has a move thats memorable right now IMO.
John Cena's move is just a Fisherman's Carry(Fireman or Fisherman?) thats why it dosen't win me over.Come to think of it NOBODY in the WWE has a move thats memorable right now IMO.
Firemans carry (because of the over the shoulder way fireman carry people, obviously), the 'fisherman' thing is about hooking the leg, like Henning did with his famous fisherman suplex.
Doctor:Hey Ken Kaniff...opps wrong page.Kane "The Big Red Machine" is your name right.
Doctor:Hey Ken Kaniff...opps wrong page.Kane "The Big Red Machine" is your name right.
Heh. Just thinking about that, Kane really isn't all that much bigger than a good deal of the WWE roster at the moment becuase of their stupid "bigger is better" thing. Kane is just kind of "the slightly larger normal colored average guy."
Stupid writers.
Thanks,I won't get them mixed up now.I remember awhile back the WWE was going to get rid of the Cruiserweight division.What happened with that?I hate the way the WWE acts like somethings in the past never happened.It stands out for people like us who know Kane's orgins.

WWE themselves weren't going to get rid of the Cruiserweight division, but rather John Laurinaitis (Johnny Ace) wanted to get rid of it because, from what I remember, he's a rather large supporter of the lame "safe" style that the WWE has been stinking up arenas with and reall, the Cruiserweight style doesn't work under that slow "safe" style.
Wow, that was the best ending to SmackDown I've seen!
The Casket/Druids bit was just awesome. I especally marked out when Taker rose his arms and than, the casket magiclly opened. how cool was that!! great ending to SD! and a great build towards their Royal Rumble match!
the rest of smackdownw as good to. Rey/Eddie put on a fantastic bout, RVD/Basham was actually pretty decent and Funaki/Akio was good to.
And the Cena/Kenzo and the Angle/Joy segments were just pricless.
next week is Cena/Kenzo for the US title and the fatal 4 way for the tag titles. that should be a damn good SD! right there.
The Casket/Druids bit was just awesome. I especally marked out when Taker rose his arms and than, the casket magiclly opened. how cool was that!! great ending to SD! and a great build towards their Royal Rumble match!
the rest of smackdownw as good to. Rey/Eddie put on a fantastic bout, RVD/Basham was actually pretty decent and Funaki/Akio was good to.
And the Cena/Kenzo and the Angle/Joy segments were just pricless.
next week is Cena/Kenzo for the US title and the fatal 4 way for the tag titles. that should be a damn good SD! right there.

WAS the bit with Undertaker good? I just can't find ANYTHING he has done recently to be entertaining in any sort of respect and I doubt the ending was anything truly mind blowing. RVD/Doug Basham was boring enough that I gave up around the time Rey was tossed. Don't care enough about the watered down Mysterio to watch his match with Guerrero so in fact, the only thing that actually interested me was Akio/Funaki. The match was good and Carlito was as entertaining as always. And not even Kenzo could save that horrible rap battle segment. And I gave up on the Kurt Angle bit after about three minutes of absolutely nothing happening (and the absolutely dead crowd seems to have agreed with me).
Well, I guess you have to be a big Undertaker fan to enjoy the ending. it was basiclly more of his supernatrual bits. But I enjoy Undertaker's magic powers segments. they're just so damn cool and freaky.
As for Mysterio, hes definlly not as good as he use to be, not by a long shot. but I still enjoy alot of his matches in the WWE.
As for Mysterio, hes definlly not as good as he use to be, not by a long shot. but I still enjoy alot of his matches in the WWE.
RAW by far. Jericho, Tajiri, Shelton, HBK, Triple H, Benoit, Regal, the list goes on. SD doesn't appeal to me all that much - aside from Carlito. I really like that guy now.
I really wish they'd push Regal. I can easily see him maineventing - even holding the world heavyweight title. He's far above that cheap Eugene shit.
I really wish they'd push Regal. I can easily see him maineventing - even holding the world heavyweight title. He's far above that cheap Eugene shit.

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Raw is definately the superior show, allot more enjoyable then Smackdown. But I agree with Olympic. Last night's SD was good. The Eddie/Rey match was gold, especially the hilarious bits, RVD/Basham match was alright, not great, but ok, the battle rap segment was good, and the ending was just awesome! Heidenreich like Gene Shitninzky is a dead man!
So here are my predictions for Sunday:
1)Woman's title match: Lita all the way, I hope she has a long title reign, unless the WWE gets rid of that title, which I still hope they might!
2)Intercontinental title match: Both Maven and Sheldon are both jobbers and I could care less which one of them wins, they both suck monkey's balls!
3)King and Arab jackoff: Lawler all the way, I'm totally against this whole Arab/racisit bullshit, the WWE sure knows how to come up with stupid shit!
4)Tag title match: I hope for Eugene and Regal to keep the belts
5)Kane/Shitninzky: Kane will kill Gene!
6)Chamber match: Batista, nuff said!
Hey, anyone read about Abyss quiting TNA and possiblly heading to the WWE? Looks like it's Vince's turn to welcome him with cookies and baloons! LOL!
So here are my predictions for Sunday:
1)Woman's title match: Lita all the way, I hope she has a long title reign, unless the WWE gets rid of that title, which I still hope they might!
2)Intercontinental title match: Both Maven and Sheldon are both jobbers and I could care less which one of them wins, they both suck monkey's balls!
3)King and Arab jackoff: Lawler all the way, I'm totally against this whole Arab/racisit bullshit, the WWE sure knows how to come up with stupid shit!
4)Tag title match: I hope for Eugene and Regal to keep the belts
5)Kane/Shitninzky: Kane will kill Gene!
6)Chamber match: Batista, nuff said!
Hey, anyone read about Abyss quiting TNA and possiblly heading to the WWE? Looks like it's Vince's turn to welcome him with cookies and baloons! LOL!
I'am not going to say which brand is better sence I only have SmackDown!. but I think the SD! brand has more entertaining superstars though. they got guys like Eddie,Rey,Taker,RVD,Booker T,JBL,Angle,Show,Carlito,Cena, Kenzo Susuki(This guy fuckin cracks me up!) The Cruiserweight Division and a much better Tag team Division. Raw has some great talents but the Orton/Triple H feud is really boring the hell out of me. no one and nonthing is boring me on SD! at the moment as much as Orton and HHH are. plus Raw has a really weak tag team division going right now.
hmm,This Brand Vs Brand talk reminds of the WWF Vs WCW argument. which is why the brand extention brings a little bit of exciment to the WWE.
hmm,This Brand Vs Brand talk reminds of the WWF Vs WCW argument. which is why the brand extention brings a little bit of exciment to the WWE.

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Zentile Wrote:
Maven and Shelton Benjamin are jobbers, now? How so?
Maven and Shelton Benjamin are jobbers, now? How so?
Thought that would get your attention!
Maven is more a jobber than the Rock that's for sure. Maven has lost more matches his entire career than The Rock did the few months he was back in 2003 and 2004. Sheldon Benjamin is a loser and I don't like him, so I guess he's more a jabronie (or jabrony, not sure the right spelling), as the Rock would say! I tend to call people I don't like (as I guess you do) jobbers!
You can't call the Rock a jobber simplly cause he lost a few matches here and there, there's more to being a jobber than just losing a few matches. Guys like Barry Horrwitz and the Brooklyn Brawler, no those guys were true jobbers!
I say Raw is better, by far. I don't think it's just the talent, I think the fact that it's live and unpredictable is what makes it good. Plus it got Stacy ;)
I heard a new roster draft is coming up soon. Cena to Raw..
I heard a new roster draft is coming up soon. Cena to Raw..

I think SmackDown! for a couple of reasons.
1) they are chosen to put on a show for the troops in iraq.
2) they've now got a lot more divas like amy,joy and jackie
3)it has Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero
4)torrie wilson is the hottest
and last but not least....it has the deadman himself, the UNDERTAKER.
1) they are chosen to put on a show for the troops in iraq.
2) they've now got a lot more divas like amy,joy and jackie
3)it has Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero
4)torrie wilson is the hottest
and last but not least....it has the deadman himself, the UNDERTAKER.
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scorpion4eva Wrote:
and last but not least....it has the deadman himself, the UNDERTAKER.
and last but not least....it has the deadman himself, the UNDERTAKER.
I like calling him the Cowboy from Hell. His new Dead Man look sucks in my opinion, he looks like a... cowboy from hell.
Anyway, I like RAW better.
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