As for the new US title belt its probly only for just Cena much like Stone Colds smoking skull belt.I have no ideal who will win the Raw title in my heart I will say Benoit should win but I have a feeling Orton or Y2J will win.I also like Batistia but he's not ready to be champion yet but I do think he will pin Triple H and that will start a fued between them.
JBL is a fine wrestler, GREAT on the mike, he takes bumps, and he puts opening match and mid card talent over. He's a fine worker, since I haven't really seen any backstage complaints on him so far, and in my view the title feels like it matters alot more than when Eddie held it. Because, I think the JBL gimmick wouldn't quite be as good if he wasn't champion, while Eddie was always just Viva Mi Raza Eddie with or without the title. Aand him holding the title for such a long time does give it importance. That's why the WWE Tag Team titles have become so devalorated (sp?) lately. Not just because there aren't many tag teams on Smackdown!, but because they're used as crappy titles to give to superstars to make them sound important. The title has only been traded on TV, never on PPV for a long time, and never for a long time. Rikishi and Scotty held the title at Mania, but then Haas and Rico got the belts, then the Dudleyz, then London and Kidman, then Dupree and Suzuki and finally RVD and Mysterio. Always diferent teams, there is no tag division on Smackdown! and the titles should change around all the time. JBL holding the title for so long establishes the heavyweight division, because he has never held the title before. In his first title reign, he's held the title for such a long time. That's what establishes a title as important, IMO. And JBL has done it.

Zentile Wrote:
JBL is a fine wrestler, GREAT on the mike, he takes bumps, and he puts opening match and mid card talent over. He's a fine worker, since I haven't really seen any backstage complaints on him so far, and in my view the title feels like it matters alot more than when Eddie held it. Because, I think the JBL gimmick wouldn't quite be as good if he wasn't champion, while Eddie was always just Viva Mi Raza Eddie with or without the title. Aand him holding the title for such a long time does give it importance. That's why the WWE Tag Team titles have become so devalorated (sp?) lately. Not just because there aren't many tag teams on Smackdown!, but because they're used as crappy titles to give to superstars to make them sound important. The title has only been traded on TV, never on PPV for a long time, and never for a long time. Rikishi and Scotty held the title at Mania, but then Haas and Rico got the belts, then the Dudleyz, then London and Kidman, then Dupree and Suzuki and finally RVD and Mysterio. Always diferent teams, there is no tag division on Smackdown! and the titles should change around all the time. JBL holding the title for so long establishes the heavyweight division, because he has never held the title before. In his first title reign, he's held the title for such a long time. That's what establishes a title as important, IMO. And JBL has done it.
JBL is a fine wrestler, GREAT on the mike, he takes bumps, and he puts opening match and mid card talent over. He's a fine worker, since I haven't really seen any backstage complaints on him so far, and in my view the title feels like it matters alot more than when Eddie held it. Because, I think the JBL gimmick wouldn't quite be as good if he wasn't champion, while Eddie was always just Viva Mi Raza Eddie with or without the title. Aand him holding the title for such a long time does give it importance. That's why the WWE Tag Team titles have become so devalorated (sp?) lately. Not just because there aren't many tag teams on Smackdown!, but because they're used as crappy titles to give to superstars to make them sound important. The title has only been traded on TV, never on PPV for a long time, and never for a long time. Rikishi and Scotty held the title at Mania, but then Haas and Rico got the belts, then the Dudleyz, then London and Kidman, then Dupree and Suzuki and finally RVD and Mysterio. Always diferent teams, there is no tag division on Smackdown! and the titles should change around all the time. JBL holding the title for so long establishes the heavyweight division, because he has never held the title before. In his first title reign, he's held the title for such a long time. That's what establishes a title as important, IMO. And JBL has done it.
Thats the problem to me Zentile why whouldn't JBL be just as good without the title?Because the title is his gimmick without the belt he would be what I think he is a mid carder.He needs the belt and thats my problem with him.The heavywieght title should only go to great wrestlers Austin,Rock,Hogan,Angel,TripleH,Taker,HBK.What makes these guys great was that they still mainevented with out the belt for years at a time.And thats something JBL just doesn't have he needs the belt to stay on top.If he can lose the belt and still remain a main eventer I will gain more respect for him.But only time will tell how good he really is.

About Me
Sub-ZeroMasta Wrote:
Um, Undertaker was in WCW.
Um, Undertaker was in WCW.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
If I were Taker, a 14 year veteren of WWE, the longest guy to ever stay on the roster, without missing any more than 5 months of his career, never went to WCW, I'd walk right up to old Vinnie Mac and demand one more title run before hanging up the boots, and we all know Vince would be smart to listen to his most loyal of employees!!
If I were Taker, a 14 year veteren of WWE, the longest guy to ever stay on the roster, without missing any more than 5 months of his career, never went to WCW, I'd walk right up to old Vinnie Mac and demand one more title run before hanging up the boots, and we all know Vince would be smart to listen to his most loyal of employees!!
Right, but what I meant was, and I guess I should have stated so, is that during the "Monday Night Wars" when WWF guys were jumping ship to WCW for "guarenteed contracts" Taker remained loyal simplly cause he remembered the shit that happened to him while he was in WCW.
Ok, here is a much clearer version of the new US title.
Looking at the title, obesily, its a custom-made John Cena US title with the whole silver, spinning plate Ghetto look to it, espeically the "Word Life" above the "US" Logo. I think it looks pretty cool, something different from the other Champion belts in wrestling.

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My Action Short Films:
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
Ok, here is a much clearer version of the new US title.
Looking at the title, obesily, its a custom-made John Cena US title with the whole silver, spinning plate Ghetto look to it, espeically the "Word Life" above the "US" Logo. I think it looks pretty cool, something different from the other Champion belts in wrestling.
Ok, here is a much clearer version of the new US title.

That's pretty cool. Reminds me of the G Unit chain that 50 Cent and Young Buck wear.
That's what I thought you meant man, just making sure you did know
Yea I thought the same thing the first time I seen it as well RS.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
Right, but what I meant was, and I guess I should have stated so, is that during the "Monday Night Wars" when WWF guys were jumping ship to WCW for "guarenteed contracts" Taker remained loyal simplly cause he remembered the shit that happened to him while he was in WCW.
Right, but what I meant was, and I guess I should have stated so, is that during the "Monday Night Wars" when WWF guys were jumping ship to WCW for "guarenteed contracts" Taker remained loyal simplly cause he remembered the shit that happened to him while he was in WCW.
RedScorpio Wrote:That's pretty cool. Reminds me of the G Unit chain that 50 Cent and Young Buck wear.
Yea I thought the same thing the first time I seen it as well RS.

About Me
Sub-ZeroMasta Wrote:
That's what I thought you meant man, just making sure you did know
Yea I thought the same thing the first time I seen it as well RS.
That's what I thought you meant man, just making sure you did know
TheMkGeek Wrote:
Right, but what I meant was, and I guess I should have stated so, is that during the "Monday Night Wars" when WWF guys were jumping ship to WCW for "guarenteed contracts" Taker remained loyal simplly cause he remembered the shit that happened to him while he was in WCW.
Right, but what I meant was, and I guess I should have stated so, is that during the "Monday Night Wars" when WWF guys were jumping ship to WCW for "guarenteed contracts" Taker remained loyal simplly cause he remembered the shit that happened to him while he was in WCW.
RedScorpio Wrote:That's pretty cool. Reminds me of the G Unit chain that 50 Cent and Young Buck wear.
Yea I thought the same thing the first time I seen it as well RS.
Yeah, hahaLOL!
Any ways, I like the US title as it is to, reminds me of the time Stone Cold did the same with the World Title. Remember the Smoking Skull belt? That was awesome. I wonder if the WWE will do the same thing they did back then, if someone defeats Cena for the gold (and to any Cena fans ou know it'll happen eventually!), will the new champ "steal" Cena's custom belt and parade around with it until there's a rematch and Cena wins it back.
I hope Carlito chunks into the river ala Stone Cold
TheMkGeek Wrote:
Any ways, I like the US title as it is to, reminds me of the time Stone Cold did the same with the World Title. Remember the Smoking Skull belt? That was awesome. I wonder if the WWE will do the same thing they did back then, if someone defeats Cena for the gold (and to any Cena fans ou know it'll happen eventually!), will the new champ "steal" Cena's custom belt and parade around with it until there's a rematch and Cena wins it back.
Any ways, I like the US title as it is to, reminds me of the time Stone Cold did the same with the World Title. Remember the Smoking Skull belt? That was awesome. I wonder if the WWE will do the same thing they did back then, if someone defeats Cena for the gold (and to any Cena fans ou know it'll happen eventually!), will the new champ "steal" Cena's custom belt and parade around with it until there's a rematch and Cena wins it back.

What happened to Ahmad Johnson?He was in one of my favorite matches of all time:LOD VS THE NATION OF DOMINATION(HARDCORE,NO HOLD BARRED,INTERFERENCE ALLOWED!
They had the whole NOD in the ring fighting LOD throwing trash cans and hitting each other with weapons.I remember a few weeks after I bought the WWF magazine and looked at all of the pictures from that match.The attitude era owned.I miss those days.Back when I was in 2nd grade my friends and I used to play with the toy attitude ring with all of our wrestlers.I remember one of my friends brought his ring and I brought my ring to school.I had ALOT of wrestlers for that ring:
Triple H(signature)
The Rock
2 Stone Cold Steve Austin figures(Limited Edition WM Austin)
2 Undertaker figures(one with his Signature on his leg)
Road Dogg(signature on his leg)
Billy Gunn(signature)
Owen Hart
I think I had a Mankind figure not sure.
Judgement Day set(Tables,Undertaker,Stone Cold)
Trash Cans
We had an pretend Hardcore match at school.We put both of our rings right next to each other and started fighting with the toys.It was chaos.
We even had our own little "Playground Gang"(we weren't shooting or bullying,we all had an interest in wrestling).Good times...I remember I had a fall out with one of my friends because he started hanging out with a rival gang.And the guy he was hanging out with wasn't that cool(at first).The day after WWF Rock Bottom(When the Rock stunned everyone by joining the Corporate) we solved our problem and talked about RB.Turned out the dude he was hanging with was cool too.It's cool reminensing on the old WWE.I wish it would go back to that era or create a new classic era.
They had the whole NOD in the ring fighting LOD throwing trash cans and hitting each other with weapons.I remember a few weeks after I bought the WWF magazine and looked at all of the pictures from that match.The attitude era owned.I miss those days.Back when I was in 2nd grade my friends and I used to play with the toy attitude ring with all of our wrestlers.I remember one of my friends brought his ring and I brought my ring to school.I had ALOT of wrestlers for that ring:
Triple H(signature)
The Rock
2 Stone Cold Steve Austin figures(Limited Edition WM Austin)
2 Undertaker figures(one with his Signature on his leg)
Road Dogg(signature on his leg)
Billy Gunn(signature)
Owen Hart
I think I had a Mankind figure not sure.
Judgement Day set(Tables,Undertaker,Stone Cold)
Trash Cans
We had an pretend Hardcore match at school.We put both of our rings right next to each other and started fighting with the toys.It was chaos.
We even had our own little "Playground Gang"(we weren't shooting or bullying,we all had an interest in wrestling).Good times...I remember I had a fall out with one of my friends because he started hanging out with a rival gang.And the guy he was hanging out with wasn't that cool(at first).The day after WWF Rock Bottom(When the Rock stunned everyone by joining the Corporate) we solved our problem and talked about RB.Turned out the dude he was hanging with was cool too.It's cool reminensing on the old WWE.I wish it would go back to that era or create a new classic era.

It's funny you brought up Amad Johnson he stop a lady from being raped a week ago.http://www.wzforums.com/showthread.php?s=966f1764a7c9804b423a7316866ad193&t;=93757
I used to have some figures DrFatality. The one I had most recent was the Shotgun Saturday Night Brian Pillman...after and even before his death they were hard to come by here. I put them all in a box a few years ago, and gave some to my cousing who is younger. I wonder what all I have in that box 

About Me
Hey everyone. Been a lil while. Just thought I'd report this from Wrestlezone:
Shawn Michaels' WWE Return Date Confirmed
12/16/2004 by Ben Johnson
In confirmation that a Shawn Michaels return is on the horizon, the Target Center is advertising HBK for the 1/14/05 RAW house show.
The card features Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair as one of the headline matches, so HBK should, at the very latest, be back in action by 1/14/05.
The show also features Chris Jericho vs. Muhammad Hassan, Randy Orton vs. Batista and Kane vs. Gene Snitsky.
Man, it's gonna be great to get HBK back. RAW hasn't been the same without him.
Shawn Michaels' WWE Return Date Confirmed
12/16/2004 by Ben Johnson
In confirmation that a Shawn Michaels return is on the horizon, the Target Center is advertising HBK for the 1/14/05 RAW house show.
The card features Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair as one of the headline matches, so HBK should, at the very latest, be back in action by 1/14/05.
The show also features Chris Jericho vs. Muhammad Hassan, Randy Orton vs. Batista and Kane vs. Gene Snitsky.
Man, it's gonna be great to get HBK back. RAW hasn't been the same without him.
I'am more looking foward in Kane returning than HBK. But seeing Michaels back would be pretty cool though.
I just saw Triple H on Conan O'Brian right now, H did pretty good. He got a pretty good reaction from the audiance, talked about his book, Blade, being married to Steph, Bashed Hogan and his shitty movies and Conan was being his usual hillarious self. it was pretty entertaining.
I just saw Triple H on Conan O'Brian right now, H did pretty good. He got a pretty good reaction from the audiance, talked about his book, Blade, being married to Steph, Bashed Hogan and his shitty movies and Conan was being his usual hillarious self. it was pretty entertaining.

About Me
JBL will be champion until Wrestlemania. Vince loves JBL. Vince has his "boys" that he loves to death and will always be taken care of. Undertaker could snap his fingers and Vince would put the belt on him in an instant.....but, why would Undertaker want the belt? He doesn't need it to get over. It wouldn't make the belt any more important. Undertaker is more giving than anyone will ever recognize. Not only does he try to help get Heidenreich over but he doesn't try to hog the belt like HHH does. As far as Heidenreich goes, he is known as a really nice guy backstage and real respectful...which goes a long way in the wrestling business. A lot of real talented guys lose favor with management by having a bad attitude or being a non-conformist. Look at Perry Saturn. Look at RVD. While Saturn wasn't that over in WWF, RVD was so over it was pathetic and WWE had no choice to push him despite the fact that he did things his own way. Mark Jindrak only still has a job because he is best friends with Randy Orton. A-Train kept his job only cuz he was best friends with Undertaker. Politics rule in wrestling...just like anything else in life.

About Me
What happened to Ahmad Johnson?He was in one of my favorite matches of all time:LOD VS THE NATION OF DOMINATION(HARDCORE,NO HOLD BARRED,INTERFERENCE ALLOWED!
They had the whole NOD in the ring fighting LOD throwing trash cans and hitting each other with weapons.I remember a few weeks after I bought the WWF magazine and looked at all of the pictures from that match.The attitude era owned.I miss those days.Back when I was in 2nd grade my friends and I used to play with the toy attitude ring with all of our wrestlers.I remember one of my friends brought his ring and I brought my ring to school.I had ALOT of wrestlers for that ring:
Triple H(signature)
The Rock
2 Stone Cold Steve Austin figures(Limited Edition WM Austin)
2 Undertaker figures(one with his Signature on his leg)
Road Dogg(signature on his leg)
Billy Gunn(signature)
Owen Hart
I think I had a Mankind figure not sure.
Judgement Day set(Tables,Undertaker,Stone Cold)
Trash Cans
We had an pretend Hardcore match at school.We put both of our rings right next to each other and started fighting with the toys.It was chaos.
We even had our own little "Playground Gang"(we weren't shooting or bullying,we all had an interest in wrestling).Good times...I remember I had a fall out with one of my friends because he started hanging out with a rival gang.And the guy he was hanging out with wasn't that cool(at first).The day after WWF Rock Bottom(When the Rock stunned everyone by joining the Corporate) we solved our problem and talked about RB.Turned out the dude he was hanging with was cool too.It's cool reminensing on the old WWE.I wish it would go back to that era or create a new classic era.
What happened to Ahmad Johnson?He was in one of my favorite matches of all time:LOD VS THE NATION OF DOMINATION(HARDCORE,NO HOLD BARRED,INTERFERENCE ALLOWED!
They had the whole NOD in the ring fighting LOD throwing trash cans and hitting each other with weapons.I remember a few weeks after I bought the WWF magazine and looked at all of the pictures from that match.The attitude era owned.I miss those days.Back when I was in 2nd grade my friends and I used to play with the toy attitude ring with all of our wrestlers.I remember one of my friends brought his ring and I brought my ring to school.I had ALOT of wrestlers for that ring:
Triple H(signature)
The Rock
2 Stone Cold Steve Austin figures(Limited Edition WM Austin)
2 Undertaker figures(one with his Signature on his leg)
Road Dogg(signature on his leg)
Billy Gunn(signature)
Owen Hart
I think I had a Mankind figure not sure.
Judgement Day set(Tables,Undertaker,Stone Cold)
Trash Cans
We had an pretend Hardcore match at school.We put both of our rings right next to each other and started fighting with the toys.It was chaos.
We even had our own little "Playground Gang"(we weren't shooting or bullying,we all had an interest in wrestling).Good times...I remember I had a fall out with one of my friends because he started hanging out with a rival gang.And the guy he was hanging out with wasn't that cool(at first).The day after WWF Rock Bottom(When the Rock stunned everyone by joining the Corporate) we solved our problem and talked about RB.Turned out the dude he was hanging with was cool too.It's cool reminensing on the old WWE.I wish it would go back to that era or create a new classic era.
Ah yes you crazy kid! i had some wrestling figures of my own, but I got rid of them, don't ask me why, cause I don't know what the hell I was thinking! My friend has like the ultimate figure collection, he's got just about every brand WWE lent their likeness to, from the old LJN or LGN figures of the 80's all the way to now, plus two rings and a shit load of accessories, and he's 22 and still collecting! So I can say that we played many a match years ago!

I have many action figures, mostly Jeff Hardy though (favorite wrestler), but I think most of them are in my attic. I keep forgetting to watch TNA.
Does anybody know the lineup for Smackdown tonight? I hope it's worth watching. Does anybody have the Rise and Fall of ECW? I should be getting it by Christmas, was it worth buying?
Oh one last question... On Wrestlmania 21 will you be able to defend your Create-A-Belt against your friends (not on Xbox Live)?
Does anybody know the lineup for Smackdown tonight? I hope it's worth watching. Does anybody have the Rise and Fall of ECW? I should be getting it by Christmas, was it worth buying?
Oh one last question... On Wrestlmania 21 will you be able to defend your Create-A-Belt against your friends (not on Xbox Live)?

TheMkGeek Wrote:
Ah yes you crazy kid! i had some wrestling figures of my own, but I got rid of them, don't ask me why, cause I don't know what the hell I was thinking! My friend has like the ultimate figure collection, he's got just about every brand WWE lent their likeness to, from the old LJN or LGN figures of the 80's all the way to now, plus two rings and a shit load of accessories, and he's 22 and still collecting! So I can say that we played many a match years ago!
What happened to Ahmad Johnson?He was in one of my favorite matches of all time:LOD VS THE NATION OF DOMINATION(HARDCORE,NO HOLD BARRED,INTERFERENCE ALLOWED!
They had the whole NOD in the ring fighting LOD throwing trash cans and hitting each other with weapons.I remember a few weeks after I bought the WWF magazine and looked at all of the pictures from that match.The attitude era owned.I miss those days.Back when I was in 2nd grade my friends and I used to play with the toy attitude ring with all of our wrestlers.I remember one of my friends brought his ring and I brought my ring to school.I had ALOT of wrestlers for that ring:
Triple H(signature)
The Rock
2 Stone Cold Steve Austin figures(Limited Edition WM Austin)
2 Undertaker figures(one with his Signature on his leg)
Road Dogg(signature on his leg)
Billy Gunn(signature)
Owen Hart
I think I had a Mankind figure not sure.
Judgement Day set(Tables,Undertaker,Stone Cold)
Trash Cans
We had an pretend Hardcore match at school.We put both of our rings right next to each other and started fighting with the toys.It was chaos.
We even had our own little "Playground Gang"(we weren't shooting or bullying,we all had an interest in wrestling).Good times...I remember I had a fall out with one of my friends because he started hanging out with a rival gang.And the guy he was hanging out with wasn't that cool(at first).The day after WWF Rock Bottom(When the Rock stunned everyone by joining the Corporate) we solved our problem and talked about RB.Turned out the dude he was hanging with was cool too.It's cool reminensing on the old WWE.I wish it would go back to that era or create a new classic era.
What happened to Ahmad Johnson?He was in one of my favorite matches of all time:LOD VS THE NATION OF DOMINATION(HARDCORE,NO HOLD BARRED,INTERFERENCE ALLOWED!
They had the whole NOD in the ring fighting LOD throwing trash cans and hitting each other with weapons.I remember a few weeks after I bought the WWF magazine and looked at all of the pictures from that match.The attitude era owned.I miss those days.Back when I was in 2nd grade my friends and I used to play with the toy attitude ring with all of our wrestlers.I remember one of my friends brought his ring and I brought my ring to school.I had ALOT of wrestlers for that ring:
Triple H(signature)
The Rock
2 Stone Cold Steve Austin figures(Limited Edition WM Austin)
2 Undertaker figures(one with his Signature on his leg)
Road Dogg(signature on his leg)
Billy Gunn(signature)
Owen Hart
I think I had a Mankind figure not sure.
Judgement Day set(Tables,Undertaker,Stone Cold)
Trash Cans
We had an pretend Hardcore match at school.We put both of our rings right next to each other and started fighting with the toys.It was chaos.
We even had our own little "Playground Gang"(we weren't shooting or bullying,we all had an interest in wrestling).Good times...I remember I had a fall out with one of my friends because he started hanging out with a rival gang.And the guy he was hanging out with wasn't that cool(at first).The day after WWF Rock Bottom(When the Rock stunned everyone by joining the Corporate) we solved our problem and talked about RB.Turned out the dude he was hanging with was cool too.It's cool reminensing on the old WWE.I wish it would go back to that era or create a new classic era.
Ah yes you crazy kid! i had some wrestling figures of my own, but I got rid of them, don't ask me why, cause I don't know what the hell I was thinking! My friend has like the ultimate figure collection, he's got just about every brand WWE lent their likeness to, from the old LJN or LGN figures of the 80's all the way to now, plus two rings and a shit load of accessories, and he's 22 and still collecting! So I can say that we played many a match years ago!
I still have my figures and Pokemon Cards(I was a big fan at one time but thats another story) buried some where in a box in my Grandparent's basement.Thanks for the link Darkprince!
Opie & Anthony on XM radio were talking about the Sean Waltman-Joanie Laurer sex tape. They are friends with Laurer and said since Vince McMahon owns everything that made her famous, she's had to resort to this to make money. They said the still photos are "disgusting" and made the requisite male jabs at Laurer. Anthony said that even though she claimed the tape was done for private use and fell into the wrong hands, that they actually made the tape so they could release it
Chyna is a money hungry man...I mean woman.I don't get it where she says:
that even though she claimed the tape was done for private use and fell into the wrong hands, that they actually made the tape so they could release it.
At first she says it was for private use then she flips it saying they were going to release it to the public.
I guess Chyna is running low on money:Playboy,Porno Tape,Surreal Life 4(coming January).I never did find Chyna attractive.I don't like bodybuilding chicks.

About Me
Sub-Zero315 Wrote:
I have many action figures, mostly Jeff Hardy though (favorite wrestler), but I think most of them are in my attic. I keep forgetting to watch TNA.
Does anybody know the lineup for Smackdown tonight? I hope it's worth watching. Does anybody have the Rise and Fall of ECW? I should be getting it by Christmas, was it worth buying?
Oh one last question... On Wrestlmania 21 will you be able to defend your Create-A-Belt against your friends (not on Xbox Live)?
I have many action figures, mostly Jeff Hardy though (favorite wrestler), but I think most of them are in my attic. I keep forgetting to watch TNA.
Does anybody know the lineup for Smackdown tonight? I hope it's worth watching. Does anybody have the Rise and Fall of ECW? I should be getting it by Christmas, was it worth buying?
Oh one last question... On Wrestlmania 21 will you be able to defend your Create-A-Belt against your friends (not on Xbox Live)?
I read the spoiler for SD, and I can say this, it's not the greatest Smackdown ever. Unless you care about the stupid TE crap, and want to see JBL against Kurt Angle, don't bother wasting time watching SD.
As for WM21, I think that was one of the things drfatality said you can do online. I'm not sure. Hopefully he'll read your post or my post and will respond.
A couple of Smackdown news tidbits:
- Bob Holly recently missed two house show payoffs because he had to go to court and sort out the traffic ticket situation that Renee Dupree got him in, which lead to the beating of Dupree at a Smackdown house show a while back. Dupree promised that he would take care of it for Holly, as well as other things, however Dupree has not pulled through with any of the things he has promised.
- It looks like Big Show will be feuding with JBL in the main event slot on Smackdown, starting now through WrestleMania. It can be expected that JBL and Big Show will face off in some sort of gimmick match at Smackdowns February PPV.
JBL Vs Angle should be a good match. and this is the last SD! with the TE Crap so I'am happy.
SmackDown! is the only WWE show of the big 2 I could watch. So I'll be watching anyways. I think last week's SD! was a very good show. so this one could be to.
SmackDown! is the only WWE show of the big 2 I could watch. So I'll be watching anyways. I think last week's SD! was a very good show. so this one could be to.

About Me
Zentile Wrote:
Big Show better not get that title. He's easily one of the worst wrestlers in the WWE right now. I hope he's just another feud for JBL.
Big Show better not get that title. He's easily one of the worst wrestlers in the WWE right now. I hope he's just another feud for JBL.
No way, Bog Show isn't half as bad a JBL. I hope he wins the title, I don't think I can stand much more of JBL as champ. He's the main reason I gave up watching Smackdown, him and the TE crap, thank God that's finally over, I might get back into SD again in the New Year, and of course I'm going to watch SD in Iraq, but I don't think it'll be as good as last year's show was from there, simplly cause there's no Austin!

Smackdown this week was ok,even though i'm sick of all the so called divas that have no purpose on SD.Tough Enough over....it's about time and my least favorite won Puder.Damn I thought my man Kurt was going to win the belt he made JBL tap not once but twice.I was screaming at the tv for the ref to turn around!It look like a triple threat match is in the works Show,Angel and JBL.
And the wwe needs to show more of Kenzo's wife Hiroko I think she may be the best diva on SD.Here's a link to what she looks like under all the makeup.http://www.gerweck.net/hiroko.htm
And the wwe needs to show more of Kenzo's wife Hiroko I think she may be the best diva on SD.Here's a link to what she looks like under all the makeup.http://www.gerweck.net/hiroko.htm
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