10/12/2006 07:45 PM (UTC)
Don't be hatin on Tanya. She'll bust a dragon in yo ass....

Sindel's Ending:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Now with the power of a god flowing through her, Sindel reached into the heavens and pulled the soul of her late husband King Jerrod back to Edenia making him flesh again. Together, Sindel, Jerrod and Kitana protect Edenia and the other realms from tyrants like Shao Kahn... Again, not the game's exact words but It's basic. Sindel gets Jerrod back, They become a happy family again, and vanquish evil. The End.

Some of these endings suck major donkey balls....
10/12/2006 07:56 PM (UTC)
Onaga's Relic

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
In the Lin Kuei temple, in the long hallway with the 4 walls you can break to find switches to open the door, break the first wall to the left and run to the end of the hallway avoiding the fireballs. Go to the last alcove on the left to gain Onaga's Helmet.
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98% of the Internet population has a MySpace.
This planet is my space. I'm just letting you exist here.
If you debate that, take it up with my friend, Mr. Chuck Norris.
10/12/2006 08:05 PM (UTC)
Ulyaoth82 Wrote:
Frost's ending

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Takes Sub Zero's Dragon Medallion again and gains power far more than Sub Zero himself. She takes souls of her ancestors and raises an army of cryomancers to take over each realm, turning them all into frozen wastelands.

That ending I like. I love Frost, and I think this ending suits her.
EDIT: This ending has to be my favorite. I love the cold too. All hail Empress Frost!

TBlackheart Wrote:
Mavado's Ending:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Mavado defeats Blaze, and receives a new power. Now, he can telepathically control every member of the Red Dragon. He uses this power to defeat the Black Dragon and the Special Forces. He tattoos the Red Dragon symbol onto his defeated enemies, rendering them under his control. The world soon becomes Mavado's.

Ok, THAT is pretty cool. Kill 'em, then control 'em. Sounds like Mavado could be a Metallica fan. You know, "Kill 'Em All".

Ulyaoth82 Wrote:
Quan Chi's ending

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Quan Chi gains more power than he can imagine. His medallion is shattered. He ascends to the Heavens. The Elder Gods transform him into a kamidogu, and then cast it back in time to the point where Shinnok first discovered it.

HA!! Burn to the infinite degree. Screw you, Quan Chi-dogu!
10/12/2006 08:32 PM (UTC)
I hope Quan Chi's ending is the true ending. And here's why.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Quan Chi is a paradox. And Paradoxes have a way of causing reality to unravel. The Amulet that Quan Chi carried.. THAT'S HIS FUTURE SELF!!! Two Quan Chi's existing at the same time would be enough of a paradox to unravel the realms. The "future" Quan Chi (the Amulet) is destoyed by Blaze's engergy. The "present" Quan Chi iis turned into the amulet, and sent back in time. Back to the start of this whole mess. Now that neither Quan Chi exists in the present time, there is no paradox. The realms are safe.

I watch too many time travel movies.
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10/12/2006 09:30 PM (UTC)
where do u find to view a persons endings? sry if im not supposed to post here.
10/12/2006 09:35 PM (UTC)
Bekim Wrote:
where do u find to view a persons endings? sry if im not supposed to post here.

You beat Arcade mode with that character.

The game does not save the endings for later viewing. If you want to see one ending again, you have to beat Arcade with that character again.
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10/12/2006 10:21 PM (UTC)
Updated the first page.
10/12/2006 10:41 PM (UTC)
Good God Damn...what the hell were those people thinking.
Jax turned into a cyborg? The guy had technological metal arms THEY WEREN'T EVEN AN ACTUAL PART OF HIS BODY?!?! ...he could take them off for christ sake.
What the hell...talk about a major screw you when it comes to endings.
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

10/13/2006 12:07 AM (UTC)
No, actually, in MK3, his bio specifically states that he replaced his arms with cybernetic ones for the war against Shao Kahn.
10/13/2006 12:44 AM (UTC)
That doesn't seem to stop him from taking them off though. Not quite sure how that works out. Well anyway, I still say WTF to some of these awkwardly bad endings.
10/13/2006 01:35 AM (UTC)
Hey guys,

Hopefully someone can help me here. Maybe I'm a retard but I'm totally stuck on Konquest mode. I am at the point where you first encounter the guys shooting the fire arrows at you on the Arktica stage. I kill all the guys who are there, collect all the DTs, break all the hidden walls and STILL the effin' door at the end of this section will not open. What the hell am I supposed to do here? I checked the walkthrough on gamefaqs and it doesn't seem like you have to do anything special. Someone PLEASE help.
10/13/2006 01:56 AM (UTC)
Are u killing the guys shooting the arrows also? Those are your prime targets. U have to use your fireball power to fry those bastids from long range.

I have a question about this infamous "?" spot in the krypt...wasn't the game guide advertised as having every bit of information about the game? Seeing as how people don't know how to crack that spot, I'm going to assume the guide doesn't have the information...?
10/13/2006 02:00 AM (UTC)
Here is the ending for Chalupa69, my kreated kharakter. She's got she's a fallen angel with long anime hair (white hair), wings, and a hot blue and white outfit with cortez plates and a tiara.

Chalupa was kicked out of Heaven for banging Lucifer and pussywhipping him into trying to prove he was not a bitch by taking Heaven's throne for himself and making her queen. For this she was banished to Earth. Living in the Meat Packing District in NYC she was forced to sleep with sleazy human businessmen to pay her exhorbitant rent due to her lack of marketable skills. When the Prize was made known she set off to kill Blaze and regain Angelic Status. After an Epic, Brutal Battle.....she lost....

Now isn't my ending way better than the asswipe shit that those bastards at midway gave us? If you care to fight my invincible whorish fallen angel online check me out or look for Chalupa69. She'll kick your ass, yo.

I plan on returning or selling this premium game because I this is an effing ripoff. Motor Kombat is trash (mariokart 64 is better for god's sake), konquest wraps nothing up. and the graphics and fighting is despicable. Hopefully a car or maybe a train will introduce boon and vogel to a real life fatality firsthand. They can then send me a memo, telling me what the Elder Gods look like. Assholes.
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10/13/2006 02:18 AM (UTC)
SuperGugliemo Wrote:
Here is the ending for Chalupa69, my kreated kharakter. She's got she's a fallen angel with long anime hair (white hair), wings, and a hot blue and white outfit with cortez plates and a tiara.

Chalupa was kicked out of Heaven for banging Lucifer and pussywhipping him into trying to prove he was not a bitch by taking Heaven's throne for himself and making her queen. For this she was banished to Earth. Living in the Meat Packing District in NYC she was forced to sleep with sleazy human businessmen to pay her exhorbitant rent due to her lack of marketable skills. When the Prize was made known she set off to kill Blaze and regain Angelic Status. After an Epic, Brutal Battle.....she lost....

Now isn't my ending way better than the asswipe shit that those bastards at midway gave us? If you care to fight my invincible whorish fallen angel online check me out or look for Chalupa69. She'll kick your ass, yo.

I plan on returning or selling this premium game because I this is an effing ripoff. Motor Kombat is trash (mariokart 64 is better for god's sake), konquest wraps nothing up. and the graphics and fighting is despicable. Hopefully a car or maybe a train will introduce boon and vogel to a real life fatality firsthand. They can then send me a memo, telling me what the Elder Gods look like. Assholes.

*Adds Chalupa69*

Bring this to the KAK thread. Not here.
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Some people prefer the finer things in life. I'm alright just hangin' out with the ghost of Vincent Price.

10/13/2006 02:40 AM (UTC)
Reptile225 Wrote:
More endings. Smokes is at the bottom.


Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
It gives a discription on how little micro robot things run thru smokes veins. They reproduce or something. The power from killing blaze makes it all go insane and the flesh and circuts expand bonding with the earth and smoke becomes an entire realm which is all part of his physical being.

Smoke has become...
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Trapper Keeper, lol!

Didn't see Rain's yet. It's along these lines.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
It was unforseen that the winner would actually be the third brother, Taven and Daegon's half brother. He defeated Blaze to become a full God and protector of Edenia, however Rain was corrupt and used this power to conquer the realm and rule Edenia with an iron fist.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
10/13/2006 03:03 AM (UTC)
Kira's alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Step on a crab-spider-looking thingy in the very first stage, a bit after the vertical stump you can smash to acquire her knife relic
10/13/2006 03:15 AM (UTC)
I have slightly messed with Konquest.
Is it as difficult to get all the relics as MKD's konquest was? (it wasn't difficult hen you knew what time and where things were)
I just want to avoid going through this Konquest numerous times.
10/13/2006 03:56 AM (UTC)
Anybody found all the relics? What do you unlock? I can't find Sub-Zero's, Chameleon's, Reiko's, or Blazes.
10/13/2006 04:25 AM (UTC)
To unlock everything in the Krypt, including the Krypt stage, you have to collect all 60 relics.
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Some people prefer the finer things in life. I'm alright just hangin' out with the ghost of Vincent Price.

10/13/2006 04:29 AM (UTC)
Legacy Wrote:
Anybody found all the relics? What do you unlock? I can't find Sub-Zero's, Chameleon's, Reiko's, or Blazes.

All relics unlocks all items in the krypt save the Kode box.

Reiko's Armor
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
In the Map Room of Kahn's Fortress there is a side room where there are torches on the wall. One is not lit, shoot a fireball at it and Reiko's chest plate appears
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
10/13/2006 04:37 AM (UTC)
Kobra's Alt:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
First stage, immediately behind the Monolith you come across after beating Kobra, in an invisible treasure chest.

Kung Lao's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Just inside the Temple of Argus, to Taven's right in a chest.

Ermac's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Temple of Argus, off to the right of the entrance to the room where you are assauted by the Tekunin (Just after the first series of mashers)

Kano's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Temple of Argus, in an invisible chest in the left corner of the giant room immediately after the second series of mashers.

Hsu Hao's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Tekunin Warship, first room, chest in the upper-right-hand corner.

Hotaru's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Tekunin Warship, second room where bodies must be searched for a keycard. Chest near door at end of room.

Cyrax's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Tekunin Warship, fan room. Chest appears after knocking enemies into the fan.

Baraka's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Tekunin Warship, room where you are given a sword to kill enemies with. Chest appears automatically once complete.

Jax's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Arctic, immediately behind your starting point in an invisible chest before an ice crystal.

Ashrah's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Arctic, chest immediately appears after your first fight.

Johnny Cage's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Arctic, chest immediately appears after you fight the ice beast.

Sonya's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Arctic, invisible chest in the same alcove where you fight Sonya.
10/13/2006 09:32 AM (UTC)
Im stuck ... all i need is Kano's and Shao Kahns relics and i cant find em ... can someone let me know where they are pelase.
10/13/2006 09:45 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero's Alt
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
It's his Shredder look from deception. No ponytails this time!!!
10/13/2006 12:02 PM (UTC)
Shinnok's Ending
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
He knew that alot of warriors were to be present in the battle so to trick most of them, he created a dummy of himself to combat the others. Shinnok was wondering were had Daegon was in the battle. While Shinnok was not paying attention, Blaze had been defeated by none other than his clone. The power raged into the false Shinnok and gave him life and power. He became more powerful than the former elder god when he was a elder god. In order for Shinnok to obtain the godlike powers he would have to face himself in Mortal Kombat.

One of my favorite endings... Next to Quan Chi's.
10/13/2006 12:33 PM (UTC)
scorpionfreak2k2 Wrote:
Shinnok's Ending
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
He knew that alot of warriors were to be present in the battle so to trick most of them, he created a dummy of himself to combat the others. Shinnok was wondering were had Daegon was in the battle. While Shinnok was not paying attention, Blaze had been defeated by none other than his clone. The power raged into the false Shinnok and gave him life and power. He became more powerful than the former elder god when he was a elder god. In order for Shinnok to obtain the godlike powers he would have to face himself in Mortal Kombat.

One of my favorite endings... Next to Quan Chi's.

Thats the best ending.
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