Wow... these endings are spectacular! It was definitely worth the wait to hear these amazing stories. Just... wow. I am very impressed.

Kyown Wrote:
Im stuck ... all i need is Kano's and Shao Kahns relics and i cant find em ... can someone let me know where they are pelase.
Im stuck ... all i need is Kano's and Shao Kahns relics and i cant find em ... can someone let me know where they are pelase.
Kano's Mask
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
In Arctika, In the final area of this level with archers and catapults shooting at you. As you enter, make a right. It will be in a small alcove in the bottom right corner, but it won't appear until you get close to it.
In Arctika, In the final area of this level with archers and catapults shooting at you. As you enter, make a right. It will be in a small alcove in the bottom right corner, but it won't appear until you get close to it.
Shao Kahn's Helmet
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
In Shao Kahn's Fortress, At the start of the level go straight down the path,
the helmet will be there on the right just a short ways before yhou get to the
giant statue.
In Shao Kahn's Fortress, At the start of the level go straight down the path,
the helmet will be there on the right just a short ways before yhou get to the
giant statue.

About Me
Im about to start Konquest for the third time only because Im missing one relic. Where can I find Hotaru's Flags?? Anyone? PLEASE!!

DarKVampiro Wrote:
Im about to start Konquest for the third time only because Im missing one relic. Where can I find Hotaru's Flags?? Anyone? PLEASE!!
Im about to start Konquest for the third time only because Im missing one relic. Where can I find Hotaru's Flags?? Anyone? PLEASE!!
OK this is an easy one and your going to kick your self for missing it
Hetaru's Flags, and Dairou's Keys.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Ok in the Temple of Argus, In the first room where you get Dairou's Keys on the left side. Go over to the right side and look for Hetaru's Flags they are Invs. untill you get close to them.
Ok in the Temple of Argus, In the first room where you get Dairou's Keys on the left side. Go over to the right side and look for Hetaru's Flags they are Invs. untill you get close to them.
I hope someone can help me. I'm STUCK. I'm in the Arctika level, and I'm in a section where there are men shooting arrows at you. And there are two closed doors, neither of which will open. How do you open them? How do I keep going, PLEASE HELP! :)

Perphected Wrote:
I hope someone can help me. I'm STUCK. I'm in the Arctika level, and I'm in a section where there are men shooting arrows at you. And there are two closed doors, neither of which will open. How do you open them? How do I keep going, PLEASE HELP! :)
I hope someone can help me. I'm STUCK. I'm in the Arctika level, and I'm in a section where there are men shooting arrows at you. And there are two closed doors, neither of which will open. How do you open them? How do I keep going, PLEASE HELP! :)
shoot fireballs at the guys shooting arrows at you.
Just beat it with Ermac.
EDIT: Whoopsy-diddle. Forgot the spoiler text. That's what I get for posting during breaktime at work.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Blaze's power causes the souls that comprise Ermac into seperate beings, which now operate with a hive mentality (I believe the game specifically states "collective conscience"). Now, instead of a single Ermac, there is an army of Ermacs.
Blaze's power causes the souls that comprise Ermac into seperate beings, which now operate with a hive mentality (I believe the game specifically states "collective conscience"). Now, instead of a single Ermac, there is an army of Ermacs.

About Me
Death is a door and I am the doorman - Thanatos from Eternal Champions: Challenge From The Dark Side.
LOL Shinnok kinda screwed himself over a bit but Quan Chi got owned so hard that if there was a meter to how bad anyone would get owned, the meter would be so broken that not only will it be beyond repair, any new owned meter that gets built will break as well. In other words, Quan Chi = owned to an infinite degree.

Kira's Ending
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Kira gains Blaze's power. Kobra had been killed. She uses the power to ressurect him, in which he takes advantage of her power and becomes immortal. He feels no guilt over betraying Kira because that is the Black Dragon way
Kira gains Blaze's power. Kobra had been killed. She uses the power to ressurect him, in which he takes advantage of her power and becomes immortal. He feels no guilt over betraying Kira because that is the Black Dragon way

Kobra's Ending:
Now THAT has to suck.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
After getting Blaze's power, Kobra goes before the Elder Gods and demand that he be named Lord of all Realms. The Elder Gods agree, but say no lord should be without his lady. Kobra chooses Kira to be his bride, and the Elder Gods transform her into a goddess of death. When Kobra and Kira kiss, Kobra is turned to dust. No one demands anything from the Elder Gods without consequences.
After getting Blaze's power, Kobra goes before the Elder Gods and demand that he be named Lord of all Realms. The Elder Gods agree, but say no lord should be without his lady. Kobra chooses Kira to be his bride, and the Elder Gods transform her into a goddess of death. When Kobra and Kira kiss, Kobra is turned to dust. No one demands anything from the Elder Gods without consequences.
Now THAT has to suck.
LOL @ Kobra and Kira's endings! Talk about getting fucked over... 

Hsu Hao's Ending:
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Hsu Hao is killed in the shockwave of Blaze's defeat. His soul decends to the Netherrealm and becomes a demon of pure evil. He leads an army of Oni and overthorws Shinnok. Hsu Hao is the new ruler of the Netherrealm.
Hsu Hao is killed in the shockwave of Blaze's defeat. His soul decends to the Netherrealm and becomes a demon of pure evil. He leads an army of Oni and overthorws Shinnok. Hsu Hao is the new ruler of the Netherrealm.
i am missing a few relics to collect all 60. the prima guide doesnt list all 60 (only 56) i cant find one for reiko, chamelion, or taven. i believe that reiko is the only one that is in there of those 3. do any of them have a relic? and if so were?
thanks much apreciated.
thanks much apreciated.

About Me
LMFAO! Oh man, I' m crying laughing at these endings.
I can't wait to see Mokap's. If the other ones were any indicator, this should be frigging priceless.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Hsu Hao gets killed by the shockwave from Blaze's death, but then takes over the Netherrealm? Frickin' hilarious. I guess that shows ANYONE can take that place over.
Hsu Hao gets killed by the shockwave from Blaze's death, but then takes over the Netherrealm? Frickin' hilarious. I guess that shows ANYONE can take that place over.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
I love Kobra's ending. I'm willing to bet the Elder God who did that to him was named Calypso. "I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Mortal Kombat!"
I love Kobra's ending. I'm willing to bet the Elder God who did that to him was named Calypso. "I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Mortal Kombat!"
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Daegon's ending seems like the most likely candidate for being canon to me. I just have a feeling...
Daegon's ending seems like the most likely candidate for being canon to me. I just have a feeling...
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Smoke's ending is mildly entertaining. I like how they utilized that Gray Goo theory about nanotechnology going out of control.
Smoke's ending is mildly entertaining. I like how they utilized that Gray Goo theory about nanotechnology going out of control.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Raiden destroying every realm but Earthrealm actually makes sense to me, with that serious "Angry Mother Bear" complex he's got going. Edenia's a threat, too, with traitors like Tanya running about, so I guess that's how Edenia's destruction can be explained.
Raiden destroying every realm but Earthrealm actually makes sense to me, with that serious "Angry Mother Bear" complex he's got going. Edenia's a threat, too, with traitors like Tanya running about, so I guess that's how Edenia's destruction can be explained.
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Quan Chi...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Completely random. I have to wonder if it was Havik narrating those endings.
Quan Chi...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Completely random. I have to wonder if it was Havik narrating those endings.
I can't wait to see Mokap's. If the other ones were any indicator, this should be frigging priceless.
Mokap Ending
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Something about him being ripped apart by the powers of Blazes, Mokap atoms forming stars in the sky. Calling it the "Constanlation of Mokap" and how he save the realms from Armageddon. The people of Edenia called Mokap a hero
Something about him being ripped apart by the powers of Blazes, Mokap atoms forming stars in the sky. Calling it the "Constanlation of Mokap" and how he save the realms from Armageddon. The people of Edenia called Mokap a hero

Why're they so intent on making Kobra and Kira
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a couple? From where did this come?
a couple? From where did this come?
I was thinking that Midway might release the code through that one blank space left in the question mark page, but upon viewing the source, there's one image they haven't linked to yet: "assets/images/MKA_MeteorStorm_Arena.jpg"
So I think that knocks out the possibility of it being shown on that page.
So I think that knocks out the possibility of it being shown on that page.

About Me
"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Sub-Zero's relic is in the same room that you first meet him in. After you fight him and gain Taven's armor, look on the wall opposite of where the armor was; there should be a giant statue there. Throw a fireball at it (it should auto-aim at it), and if you hit it just right, the relic will pop out.
Kung Lao's relic is on the Tekunin Warship, in the room where you have to search the bodies for a keycard to progress. I forgot which body has it, but if you search through them all, one of them is bound to have it.
Sub-Zero's relic is in the same room that you first meet him in. After you fight him and gain Taven's armor, look on the wall opposite of where the armor was; there should be a giant statue there. Throw a fireball at it (it should auto-aim at it), and if you hit it just right, the relic will pop out.
Kung Lao's relic is on the Tekunin Warship, in the room where you have to search the bodies for a keycard to progress. I forgot which body has it, but if you search through them all, one of them is bound to have it.
Kenshi's Alt:
Kitana's Alt:
Rain's Alt:
Dairou's Alt:
Kai's Alt:
Jarek's Alt:
Frost's Alt:
Sub-Zero's Alt:
Noob Saibot's Alt:
Stryker's Alt:
Smoke's Alt:
Fujin's Alt:
Mavado's alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Arctika, in the room where you are given a sword with which to kill some Tengu. Not sure if this is triggered by stepping on a skull or not, I did just before it appeared.
Arctika, in the room where you are given a sword with which to kill some Tengu. Not sure if this is triggered by stepping on a skull or not, I did just before it appeared.
Kitana's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Arctika. Finish Wu Lei after your dialogue with him.
Arctika. Finish Wu Lei after your dialogue with him.
Rain's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Arctika, in the chest visible immediately after the Red Dragon ambush site.
Arctika, in the chest visible immediately after the Red Dragon ambush site.
Dairou's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Arctika, at the end of the corridor where the Lin Kuei are firing flaming arrows at you, and there are spinning blades.
Arctika, at the end of the corridor where the Lin Kuei are firing flaming arrows at you, and there are spinning blades.
Kai's Alt:
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Arctika, immediately after the previous section. Break the ice wall just to the right of the doors you enter through to reveal an invisible chest.
Arctika, immediately after the previous section. Break the ice wall just to the right of the doors you enter through to reveal an invisible chest.
Jarek's Alt:
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Lin Kuei temple, in the room where you use the Ice Scepter to break Lin Kuei warriors.
Lin Kuei temple, in the room where you use the Ice Scepter to break Lin Kuei warriors.
Frost's Alt:
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Lin Kuei temple, in the room where you fight Frost, break open all the ice coffins.
Lin Kuei temple, in the room where you fight Frost, break open all the ice coffins.
Sub-Zero's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Lin Kuei temple, in the room where you fight Sub-Zero before acquiring Taven's armor.
Lin Kuei temple, in the room where you fight Sub-Zero before acquiring Taven's armor.
Noob Saibot's Alt:
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Lin Kuei temple, chest appears automatically after defeating the first Shadow Stalkers you meet.
Lin Kuei temple, chest appears automatically after defeating the first Shadow Stalkers you meet.
Stryker's Alt:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Lin Kuei Temple. After defeating the Shaow stalkers, proceed into a hallway with orange cracks on the walls. Break the first one to your right. Proceed down the hallway, avoiding fireballs, and find it in the left side at the very end.
Lin Kuei Temple. After defeating the Shaow stalkers, proceed into a hallway with orange cracks on the walls. Break the first one to your right. Proceed down the hallway, avoiding fireballs, and find it in the left side at the very end.
Smoke's Alt:
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Lin Kuei Temple. Appears after defeating Smoke.
Lin Kuei Temple. Appears after defeating Smoke.
Fujin's Alt:
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Krimson Forest. Appears after defeating the Red Dragon outside the base.
Krimson Forest. Appears after defeating the Red Dragon outside the base.
Mavado's alt:
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Red Dragon Base, in the room where you fight some Red Dragon grunts, followed by Mavado after you meet Daegon. It's in an invisible chest in a corner, to the left of a furnace, which should be opposite from where you come in.
Red Dragon Base, in the room where you fight some Red Dragon grunts, followed by Mavado after you meet Daegon. It's in an invisible chest in a corner, to the left of a furnace, which should be opposite from where you come in.
Konquest relics (in order of where you get them from):
That is it for now, but there are more to come.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Botan Jungle:
Kobra: Just before fighting Kobra, it is on the path after that first log
Kira: Before that bridge where you fight Kobra, you should see a broken tree somewhere on the left. Break it.
Kai: After fighting Kobra, you enter a cave (before the monolith). It is somewhere forward and to the right.
Cage: Using the magnifying glass found before the first star throwing trap, you should see it (it should be near the third trap thing). Walk up to it and it will appear.
Jarek: After defeating the first group of Black Dragons, you should see some doors opening up. It is in a room on the far right if you are looking toward the objective marker
Kabal: While fighting the second group of Black Dragons, it is on the left
Temple of Argus:
Dairou: See the post made by anubis1179
Hotaru: In the same room as Dairou's, you walk towards the right of the door and it will appear.
Stryker: Next to a chest in place where there is the balcony trap (where you fight the red enemies)
Moloch: On the opposite side of the room (from Strykers)
Hsu Hao: Easily seen in the following hallway
Tekunin Warship:
Cyrax: Go to the left once you begin the level - it is in plain sight
Kung Lao: Search the bodies in that room filled with all different bodies.
Nightwolf: In the room with that fan trap, you must walk towards the door that is opposite the exit and it will appear.
Sektor: Where you first get the fireball move, you need to go near the exit where the inactive control panel is.
Jade: Should be in plain sight where you fight all of those Tekunin with a sword
Sonya: Kill the enemies in that hallway before versing Sektor
Baraka: On the left from the beginning
Blaze: Throw a fireball on that pit that isnt burning around the same place as where you rescue the old man (to the right)
Havik: Go left after the first crushing trap
Ermac: After the traps, there is a large door. Around that area, fight the enemies and it should appear behind a fire
Jax: Where the spinning blade things are, you should find an area with snow on the wall. Break it.
Darrius: Using a magnifying glass, you should see it around the area where you fight Wu Lae. It is behind the fire.
Rain: After the first area where the Lin Kuei archers are, you should see a magnifying glass on the ground. use it, and it will take you to a pile of snow on the left. Break it.
Ashrah: After that area, you should see more spinning blade thing and some archers behind snow. It should be around there somewhere.
Kano: Posted by anubis1179,
Botan Jungle:
Kobra: Just before fighting Kobra, it is on the path after that first log
Kira: Before that bridge where you fight Kobra, you should see a broken tree somewhere on the left. Break it.
Kai: After fighting Kobra, you enter a cave (before the monolith). It is somewhere forward and to the right.
Cage: Using the magnifying glass found before the first star throwing trap, you should see it (it should be near the third trap thing). Walk up to it and it will appear.
Jarek: After defeating the first group of Black Dragons, you should see some doors opening up. It is in a room on the far right if you are looking toward the objective marker
Kabal: While fighting the second group of Black Dragons, it is on the left
Temple of Argus:
Dairou: See the post made by anubis1179
Hotaru: In the same room as Dairou's, you walk towards the right of the door and it will appear.
Stryker: Next to a chest in place where there is the balcony trap (where you fight the red enemies)
Moloch: On the opposite side of the room (from Strykers)
Hsu Hao: Easily seen in the following hallway
Tekunin Warship:
Cyrax: Go to the left once you begin the level - it is in plain sight
Kung Lao: Search the bodies in that room filled with all different bodies.
Nightwolf: In the room with that fan trap, you must walk towards the door that is opposite the exit and it will appear.
Sektor: Where you first get the fireball move, you need to go near the exit where the inactive control panel is.
Jade: Should be in plain sight where you fight all of those Tekunin with a sword
Sonya: Kill the enemies in that hallway before versing Sektor
Baraka: On the left from the beginning
Blaze: Throw a fireball on that pit that isnt burning around the same place as where you rescue the old man (to the right)
Havik: Go left after the first crushing trap
Ermac: After the traps, there is a large door. Around that area, fight the enemies and it should appear behind a fire
Jax: Where the spinning blade things are, you should find an area with snow on the wall. Break it.
Darrius: Using a magnifying glass, you should see it around the area where you fight Wu Lae. It is behind the fire.
Rain: After the first area where the Lin Kuei archers are, you should see a magnifying glass on the ground. use it, and it will take you to a pile of snow on the left. Break it.
Ashrah: After that area, you should see more spinning blade thing and some archers behind snow. It should be around there somewhere.
Kano: Posted by anubis1179,
That is it for now, but there are more to come.

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I don't believe in .
Anyone have any idea what the deal is with the moon on Scorpion and Sub-Zero's menu screen? Every so often it becomes the MK dragon for half a second.
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