Drahmin's, on the other hand, is the dumbest yet.
I've already posted this elsewhere, but Sheeva's is kind of a joke ending.
It's a play on her namesake, Shiva, Hindu god of destruction.
And a question - could the supposed news about "all endings being true" link into Taven's?
It's logical for him to be the victor, after all, and yet his ending notes that what he did just made the kombatants stronger. What if they get strong enough not to take over the universe or anything, but to fling themselves into the destructive-yet-not-world-ending-or-timeline-changing events in certain endings? I mean endings like Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's, Sareena's, Sheeva's, Kenshi's, Shujinko's - many of these endings take the fighters out of or above the fray or assure their destruction. That's how most of the endings could come about.

Those rolling spiked balls keep killing me! (shao kahn palace) every time i succeed in avoiding, on the way down they smash me to bits. worst of all, i already triggered both check points on the two sides! whats the trick in dodging those balls?
1.Kobra's Glove
2.Kira's Knife
3.Kai's Wristbands
4.Johnny's Picture
5.Jarek's Vest
6.Kabal's Mask
7.Dairou's Keys
8.Hotaru's Flag
9.Moloch's Ball
10.Stryker's Radio
11.Hsu Hao's Watch
12.Cyrax's Bomb
13.Kung Lao's Hat
14.Sektor's Rocket
15.Jade's Bracelet
16.Sonya's I.D.
17.Baraka's Blade
18.Havik's Mask
19.Ermac's Gem
20.Jax's Beret
21.Darrius' Shades
22.Rain's Mask
23.Ashrah's Doll
24.Kano's Mask
25.Shang's Stone
26.Frost's Mask
27.Kitana's Fan
28.Liu Kang's Armband
29.Onaga's Helmet
30.Noob's Stars
31.Smoke's Mask
32.Sindel's Brush
33.Fujin's Cape
34.Tanya's Choker
35.Mavado's Hooks
36.Daegon's Belt
37.Kenshi's Blindfold
38.Shinnok's Crown
39.Li Mei's Sandals
40.Bo Rai CHo's Jug
41.Nitara's Orb
42.Shao Kahn's Helmet
43.Mileena's Veil
44.Meat's Steak
45.Mokap's Sensor's
46.Drahmin's Masl
47.Shujinko's Medal
48.Kintaro's Armor
49.Sheeva's Earings
50.Goro's Gauntlets
51.Raiden's Hat
52.Scorpion's Spear
53.Motaro's horn
54.Nightwolf's Axe
55.Blaze's Essence
56.Sub-Zero's Amulet
57.Sareena's Sash
58.Reptile's Medal
59.Quan Chi's Amulet
60.Reiko's Chest Plate

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.
Lovely signature by MINION

They were crying when their sons left. God is wearing black. He has come so far to find no hope, he's never coming back. They were crying when their sons left, all young men must go, he has come so far to find the truth he is never going home...

How do you unlock Blaze? I beat Konquest, and unlocked everyone, but never unlocked Blaze. Can someone help? Thanks.
I believe u have to collect 50+ relics to unlock blaze. Might be mistaken but i THINK that was how i got him. Speaking of relics Wear is reptiles relic????? One of like 2 i havent found and the only one i give a shit about tobegin with.

They were crying when their sons left. God is wearing black. He has come so far to find no hope, he's never coming back. They were crying when their sons left, all young men must go, he has come so far to find the truth he is never going home...

some one check the strategy guide for the master lock box in the krypt. i want that bad.
YES! We really need that code! Gotta admit it is nice to have a super unlockable don't ya think? Atleast whatever this question mark code thing is, I considder a super unlockable. I personally think it has some thing to do with unlocking the character fmv bio's. Or maybe it's Khameleon
Anyways yeah does the guide have the code??? Or do they not even know???
and someone look for that code. mkflegend. if you truly are a fanatic you will find it for us.

I think Reptile and Onaga's separation wasn't just hinted in Deception, but also in Onaga's MKA trading card. Jon Vogal is the one who hints to it.
Yeah i noticesd that he not only talked about but also showed sindels ending from deception. Sence he's in charge of the storyline and these guys never give us direct answers im gonna go with thats what happened. And onaga survived or something. Whatever.

*Also raises hand*

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager
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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151
Trying not to read for certain spoilers, so can someone tell me what the endings are ?
Movies, Katas, pictures. ?
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the one review said there is signature fmv movies.
and someone look for that code. mkflegend. if you truly are a fanatic you will find it for us.
I read this too, lol I'll try man...this game has tons of stuff literally, I think I'll need the guide for this one lol.
Endings are interesting, they don't suck at all.Some leave you wondering but nothing really horrible so far.
This game is lots of fun.

Death is a door and I am the doorman - Thanatos from Eternal Champions: Challenge From The Dark Side.
Drahmin's Ending
Drahmin's mask absorbs most of the godlike energy, Drahmin grows to 3 times his size, in an uncontrollable rage turns on Moloch and kills him, and then continues his path of destruction.
Havik's Ending
Havik becomes Chaos Incarnate, all the realms are ripped and mutilated into a new image, he is very happy about this.
Moloch's Ending
Moloch becomes the essence of destruction, shattering the pyramid with a single blow, he then lays waste to Edenia, accidentally destroying the portals in the process. Edenia now closely resembles the Netherrealm, but without portals Moloch is trapped there.
Man, out of all the endings that blowed, why did my favorite character's (Moloch) ending have to suck so fucking hard
My analysis on the revealed endings so far.
Sareena - Okay, actually cool to be exact
Moloch - That sucked ass
Drahmin - Lame
Meat - Wow this joke of a character goes back into whatever shithole he crawled out of
Chameleon - Beyond crappy, just too stupid forwords
Kai - Hmmm I guess the future is fucked according to his ending
Blaze - Lame
Shujinko - Hmmm kinda pathetic if you ask me.
Stryker - okay
Onaga - Fucking awesome
Shao Kahn - Hmmm well thats no shock
Nitara - Lame
Reptile - About damn time he has a good ending. I like it ^_^
Baraka - Badass
Kitana - Shitty
Sektor - Just plain crap
Sub Zero - Ok thats just ridiculous
Scorpion - That one kinda lost me at the end
Havik - No surprise how that turned out
Liu Kang - Liu Kang fans will be happy about this one
Kung Lao - Liu got shafted in a sense
Sheeva - WTF!
Goro - Awesome
Motaro - Okay
Kintaro - Hmmm I'm iffy on this one
Kenshi - WTF!
Jarek - Hmm........
Jade - Lame
Noob - What the hell?
Sonya - Lame
Smoke - Very shitty
Mileena - LMFAO, Kitana got owned so hard
Shang Tsung - Shao Kahn got owned
That sums up how I feel on the endings. I got MKA finally so I'll try to get the endings for those not mentioned yet.

Raiden's Ending
He, already being a god, becomes a deity with the new powers. He then uses said powers to destroy every realm except for Earthrealm. That way, no harm would come to the realm.
that sucks for edenia they were actually good guys