The MK Storyline – A tragic diminish to what was once creative writing *Spoiler warning!* And now NO BIOS EXIST! Awesome fucking job!
posted01/05/2007 12:00 AM (UTC)by
I've not made a thread for awhile. But this had to be said.
I and other fans of the MK story have been waiting eagerly to see how this current chapter of MK would end. I for one was hoping to see something spectacular but had a feeling, which I voiced, that certain characters would have no story and would just be there for the sake of being there. I was hoping I’d be proved wrong. This was not to be so.
There was also the matter of closure. So many plot elements had been built up to a great degree and there were holes as ever and they needed addressing. Not only that, there were characters who needed their own individual stories closed and I and fans of these characters were hoping to see something somewhat decent for them. This was not to be so.
The German convention provided some endings for MKA which I viewed with great surprise as there was nothing in them that anyone could call creative or inspired writing. What was shown was horrid and a huge letdown to the MK story, something which has been a joy to follow since it began back in MK1. I and the other MK story fans have pretty much waited with hope that these endings were not going to be the real endings. The fact that they’re kata’s is irrelevant. The story is the big issue here and they needed to be fixed. Again, this was not to be so.
What did we get?
We got a rushed collection of endings. All are dire in terms of story. For me personally, there is no story in any of them. These endings are a tragedy. For a series to apparently be bringing a chapter to an end and for a series whose previous games had all delivered endings that were somewhat inspired and that people could work with and speculate from with great interest and enthusiasm to give us what MKA has is at best a catastrophe.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I see poor storytelling. I see a rush job. I see no story progression and a huge mess in the plot. As far as Konquest goes, there is no closure to the things Deadly Alliance and MKD left open to be explained.
What went wrong?
As Chrome would say, Vogel has been on weed. He could be right.
The closure that was so needed and the many holes that should have been cleared up were not addressed. Why are Kintaro and Sheeva alive and suddenly in this game? We don’t know. How are Shang and Quan back after the blast Raiden created, especially as Shang was confirmed as dead? We don’t know! These things aren’t addressed! Why not? I have no idea!
The progression of the story from MKD to MKA should have been interesting to read. Where is it? I don’t know. From what I’ve read there isn’t any. But surely the bios would help with this and Konquest? Wrong. The returning characters have their existing bios or some re-written wording of said bios from MK4-MKD. And as I was correct in guessing, nothing for the likes of Sheeva, Stryker and Kintaro. Konquest touches upon nothing.
Key plots like the whole build up of the Kamidogou are gone. The One Being was built up to be a great threat as was Onaga and all that has come to naught. The Deadly Alliance was brilliantly built up along with the undefeatable army in MKDA. All that was rushed and then all of a sudden it was gone. The deceased and resurrected Earth warriors look like they’ve gotten no story continuity after their demises.
Then there’s the actually Armageddon storyline. Blazes quest, Taven and Daegons quest and how it would all affect the characters and realms was introduced and given Taven’s ending, it was all for nothing. What’s that about? I don’t know. It just looks like pointless nonsense to me.
As for the other endings...
Kenshi regains his vision, and all his other senses are made even stronger. This ultimately leads to a sensory overload and he spent the rest of his life in a dark soundproof room hidden deep within a mountain.
What in the hell is that?
Confused that neither Taven nor Deagon won the tornument, the Elder Gods have no choice but to make Sheeva a goddess of destruction, after she destroys the realms they are reformed into something unlike anything they ever were.
Yeah, that’s very creative playing on her name and how she originated in design and pretty much copying the Hindu mythology and not using something creative of their own. /Sarcasm
Absorbing the power of Blaze Kitana obtained a psychic connection with the Elder Gods and became their champion. To preserve the integrity of the realms she formed an all female fighting force whose members included Sindel, Jade, Sonya and Li Mei. Together they laid waste to the forces of darkness and trapped them in the Netherrealm forever.
I applaud the genius that thought this up... /Sarcasm
As Blazes fire extinguished, Scorpions troubled soul suddenly began to fill with joy as his ninja-klan the Shirai Ryu again appeared and thousands came atop the upper flat of the pyramid. Scorpion was more shocked when he had seen his wife and son. But this reunion fell short as the evil sorcerer known as Quan Chi suddenly appeared. He had took Scoprion’s son and made a portal to the Netherrealm and jumped into it with scorpions son. Scorpion raged and will not rest till his son is freed and Quan Chi is killed.
Brilliant! No closure whatsoever and yet another attempt to throw Scorpion in our faces with his ever lame vengeance story which they purposely drag on.
The result
And the above is just a taste of the extreme nonsense that the story has now turned into. The things that were needed are ignored. We hoped and we speculated. For what? It wasn’t for what we got that’s for sure. There have been people who have posted their own MK7 writings who have done a far better job than Vogel. I know I myself could have produced something far better. (I never got the time to write my MK7 concept and I hope to find time to do so.)
What we see now is the demise of the MK story. It’s gone. They wanted to clean the slate and start afresh. They seem to have failed somewhat unless somehow the mess we have been given can somehow have some sort of plot carved out of it for MK8. They seem to be really good with retcons so perhaps they can retcon MKA, give us our actual proper game with a proper story and then do their slate cleaning then. But that won’t be the case...
For now, there is no story. They ruined it. The brilliance that was once the MK story will live on through myself and the other fans who can, have and will create much better stories.
Please discuss.
P.S To all the fanboys who probably will read this and seek to reply, don’t waste your energy. I have said it time and again and I will say it one more time here, just because you may accept trash, it does not mean people like I will or should. Think about it.
-with the Seal of Chromatic Approval, on 10.11 / 2006
I and other fans of the MK story have been waiting eagerly to see how this current chapter of MK would end. I for one was hoping to see something spectacular but had a feeling, which I voiced, that certain characters would have no story and would just be there for the sake of being there. I was hoping I’d be proved wrong. This was not to be so.
There was also the matter of closure. So many plot elements had been built up to a great degree and there were holes as ever and they needed addressing. Not only that, there were characters who needed their own individual stories closed and I and fans of these characters were hoping to see something somewhat decent for them. This was not to be so.
The German convention provided some endings for MKA which I viewed with great surprise as there was nothing in them that anyone could call creative or inspired writing. What was shown was horrid and a huge letdown to the MK story, something which has been a joy to follow since it began back in MK1. I and the other MK story fans have pretty much waited with hope that these endings were not going to be the real endings. The fact that they’re kata’s is irrelevant. The story is the big issue here and they needed to be fixed. Again, this was not to be so.
We got a rushed collection of endings. All are dire in terms of story. For me personally, there is no story in any of them. These endings are a tragedy. For a series to apparently be bringing a chapter to an end and for a series whose previous games had all delivered endings that were somewhat inspired and that people could work with and speculate from with great interest and enthusiasm to give us what MKA has is at best a catastrophe.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I see poor storytelling. I see a rush job. I see no story progression and a huge mess in the plot. As far as Konquest goes, there is no closure to the things Deadly Alliance and MKD left open to be explained.
As Chrome would say, Vogel has been on weed. He could be right.
The closure that was so needed and the many holes that should have been cleared up were not addressed. Why are Kintaro and Sheeva alive and suddenly in this game? We don’t know. How are Shang and Quan back after the blast Raiden created, especially as Shang was confirmed as dead? We don’t know! These things aren’t addressed! Why not? I have no idea!
The progression of the story from MKD to MKA should have been interesting to read. Where is it? I don’t know. From what I’ve read there isn’t any. But surely the bios would help with this and Konquest? Wrong. The returning characters have their existing bios or some re-written wording of said bios from MK4-MKD. And as I was correct in guessing, nothing for the likes of Sheeva, Stryker and Kintaro. Konquest touches upon nothing.
Key plots like the whole build up of the Kamidogou are gone. The One Being was built up to be a great threat as was Onaga and all that has come to naught. The Deadly Alliance was brilliantly built up along with the undefeatable army in MKDA. All that was rushed and then all of a sudden it was gone. The deceased and resurrected Earth warriors look like they’ve gotten no story continuity after their demises.
Then there’s the actually Armageddon storyline. Blazes quest, Taven and Daegons quest and how it would all affect the characters and realms was introduced and given Taven’s ending, it was all for nothing. What’s that about? I don’t know. It just looks like pointless nonsense to me.
Kenshi regains his vision, and all his other senses are made even stronger. This ultimately leads to a sensory overload and he spent the rest of his life in a dark soundproof room hidden deep within a mountain.
What in the hell is that?
Confused that neither Taven nor Deagon won the tornument, the Elder Gods have no choice but to make Sheeva a goddess of destruction, after she destroys the realms they are reformed into something unlike anything they ever were.
Yeah, that’s very creative playing on her name and how she originated in design and pretty much copying the Hindu mythology and not using something creative of their own. /Sarcasm
Absorbing the power of Blaze Kitana obtained a psychic connection with the Elder Gods and became their champion. To preserve the integrity of the realms she formed an all female fighting force whose members included Sindel, Jade, Sonya and Li Mei. Together they laid waste to the forces of darkness and trapped them in the Netherrealm forever.
I applaud the genius that thought this up... /Sarcasm
As Blazes fire extinguished, Scorpions troubled soul suddenly began to fill with joy as his ninja-klan the Shirai Ryu again appeared and thousands came atop the upper flat of the pyramid. Scorpion was more shocked when he had seen his wife and son. But this reunion fell short as the evil sorcerer known as Quan Chi suddenly appeared. He had took Scoprion’s son and made a portal to the Netherrealm and jumped into it with scorpions son. Scorpion raged and will not rest till his son is freed and Quan Chi is killed.
Brilliant! No closure whatsoever and yet another attempt to throw Scorpion in our faces with his ever lame vengeance story which they purposely drag on.
And the above is just a taste of the extreme nonsense that the story has now turned into. The things that were needed are ignored. We hoped and we speculated. For what? It wasn’t for what we got that’s for sure. There have been people who have posted their own MK7 writings who have done a far better job than Vogel. I know I myself could have produced something far better. (I never got the time to write my MK7 concept and I hope to find time to do so.)
What we see now is the demise of the MK story. It’s gone. They wanted to clean the slate and start afresh. They seem to have failed somewhat unless somehow the mess we have been given can somehow have some sort of plot carved out of it for MK8. They seem to be really good with retcons so perhaps they can retcon MKA, give us our actual proper game with a proper story and then do their slate cleaning then. But that won’t be the case...
For now, there is no story. They ruined it. The brilliance that was once the MK story will live on through myself and the other fans who can, have and will create much better stories.
Please discuss.
P.S To all the fanboys who probably will read this and seek to reply, don’t waste your energy. I have said it time and again and I will say it one more time here, just because you may accept trash, it does not mean people like I will or should. Think about it.
-with the Seal of Chromatic Approval, on 10.11 / 2006
I couldn't have said it better myself, really. I am thoroughly and completely disappointed with the endings and these... "bios", if you can even call them that. Don't forget:
Meat - A fun character who assists Shinnok.
Seriously, I'd like to know where they get such ingenius ideas. Everyone should be paid for being so brilliant and imaginative.
One thing to think about... yes, I realize they probably had a budget cut so I can forgive the kata endings. However, nothing excuses this writing. It doesn't take money to write a good storyline. They should pay us to even read some of these pathetic excuses for endings.
Meat - A fun character who assists Shinnok.
Seriously, I'd like to know where they get such ingenius ideas. Everyone should be paid for being so brilliant and imaginative.
One thing to think about... yes, I realize they probably had a budget cut so I can forgive the kata endings. However, nothing excuses this writing. It doesn't take money to write a good storyline. They should pay us to even read some of these pathetic excuses for endings.

I agree 110%.
It really makes me wonder why I even bothered following the game's story in the first place...
Great thread. I thank you for putting into words the feelings that I have had towards these endings but wouldn't have been able to convey in such an intelligent and well thought-out manner.
It really makes me wonder why I even bothered following the game's story in the first place...
Great thread. I thank you for putting into words the feelings that I have had towards these endings but wouldn't have been able to convey in such an intelligent and well thought-out manner.
~Crow~ Wrote:
I couldn't have said it better myself, really. I am thoroughly and completely disappointed with the endings and these... "bios", if you can even call them that. Don't forget:
Meat - A fun character who assists Shinnok.
Seriously, I'd like to know where they get such ingenius ideas. Everyone should be paid for being so brilliant and imaginative.
One thing to think about... yes, I realize they probably had a budget cut so I can forgive the kata endings. However, nothing excuses this writing. It doesn't take money to write a good storyline. They should pay us to even read some of these pathetic excuses for endings.
I have to agree, when i heard Meats bio i thought to myself...why even put him in the game if thats his bio? I couldn't have said it better myself, really. I am thoroughly and completely disappointed with the endings and these... "bios", if you can even call them that. Don't forget:
Meat - A fun character who assists Shinnok.
Seriously, I'd like to know where they get such ingenius ideas. Everyone should be paid for being so brilliant and imaginative.
One thing to think about... yes, I realize they probably had a budget cut so I can forgive the kata endings. However, nothing excuses this writing. It doesn't take money to write a good storyline. They should pay us to even read some of these pathetic excuses for endings.
Vogel is a genious...
Omg, I totally agree with everything you said there. MKA seems like complete rubbish in terms of storyline. The only bit of storyline explored is the whole Taven - Daegon - Blaze relationship, but that is pointless when in Tavens ending it says that he fails. Seriously, they tied up no loose ends, all that they did was make the cast either the Elder Gods Champion, become a cillain or be consumed by their own power. I was expecting an epic, intriguing storyline, but was just faced with trash...

I agree they have added no stoyline with this game. Apparently MK8 for the next generation consoles will be starring just about every character from Armageddon. Seeing as after completing the conquest mode, Taven's powers do nothing to stop the chaos. Apparently Shao kahn rules outworld once more, with Onaga and the others seemingly obedient to him, I love Kahn, but I was expecting them to elaborate more on the previous betrayals of Shang tsung and Quan Chi, as well as a possible fued with Onaga. Also Chameleon had no facts revealed about himself what so ever. Sektor becomes a living cyborg god, and nothing big or catastrophic changes. the gameplay is tons of fun, and the storyline had tons of potential, unfortuneately, the failed to capitalize on what could have been a great and stylish end to the MK series for current generations. Well I suppose we can look forward to seeing Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Sektor, Shao Kahn, Liu Kang, Jonny Cage, and all of our favorites in MK8.

Of course this thread will mean nothing if there turns out to be some 5+ minute FMV video detailing the true ending of this gen of MK.
But I doubt that.
That being said, I agree with many of the opinions above and hope we see a dramatical change somewhat [and/or an FMV ending, as speculated weeks/months ago]
But I doubt that.
That being said, I agree with many of the opinions above and hope we see a dramatical change somewhat [and/or an FMV ending, as speculated weeks/months ago]
ReptilianHelms Wrote:
Of course this thread will mean nothing if there turns out to be some 5+ minute FMV video detailing the true ending of this gen of MK.
But I doubt that.
That being said, I agree with many of the opinions above and hope we see a dramatical change somewhat [and/or an FMV ending, as speculated weeks/months ago]
Of course this thread will mean nothing if there turns out to be some 5+ minute FMV video detailing the true ending of this gen of MK.
But I doubt that.
That being said, I agree with many of the opinions above and hope we see a dramatical change somewhat [and/or an FMV ending, as speculated weeks/months ago]
Even if there were, it doesn't make up for the lack of explanations of previous events that have happened in the storyline. A five minute FMV is not going to offer closure to anything. It will be a short massacre of characters; that's not storyline. What about explaining how Shang Tsung is alive? What about explaining Onaga's plot in Deception? What happened to it? Where are the Kamidogu? If they were really so important to the realms, then wouldn't it make sense to include them in a game based around the end of the realms themselves?
A FMV sequence will offer nothing to explain these things, not a single one.

After Tobias left, the story began to decline. Now this... this sad excuse for a story... is what we are stuck with. -puts on arm on hips and wags finger on other arm- I don't think so, Boon and Vogel.[/trying to lighten the mood]
I hope... nay... I PRAY that this isn't canon, and is like Trilogy. Hear my Pleas Boon!
I hope... nay... I PRAY that this isn't canon, and is like Trilogy. Hear my Pleas Boon!
wow couldn't have said this better myself, the storyline for MKA is horrible.
Scorpion is my favorite character and i am very annoyed that they havent given his revenge storyline closure and that they continue to drag this same storyline onto another sequel. Why have the MK team screwed up with the storyline so bad? this had happened last year with MKSM as well.
I pray to God that we somehow get that rumoured final FMV ending that people where going on about to see what truly happens at the end, but now I somehow think thats very unlikely.
Its a shame really I dont mean to bitch so much no doubt the MK team have done a good job improving gameplay and konquest etc. but the storyline and closure is what the theme for this game was all about. In this aspect theve failed.
Scorpion is my favorite character and i am very annoyed that they havent given his revenge storyline closure and that they continue to drag this same storyline onto another sequel. Why have the MK team screwed up with the storyline so bad? this had happened last year with MKSM as well.
I pray to God that we somehow get that rumoured final FMV ending that people where going on about to see what truly happens at the end, but now I somehow think thats very unlikely.
Its a shame really I dont mean to bitch so much no doubt the MK team have done a good job improving gameplay and konquest etc. but the storyline and closure is what the theme for this game was all about. In this aspect theve failed.
I have to say Kai's ending is pretty funny. Its kind of subtle jab saying "Kai, we think you are boring so we have no use for you in future games."
The only one that was okay was Reptile's, since his actually made sense.
A lot of the endings were stupid, because they would have characters all of a sudden interacting with characters that they never really crossed lines with.
This storyline is horrible.
The only one that was okay was Reptile's, since his actually made sense.
A lot of the endings were stupid, because they would have characters all of a sudden interacting with characters that they never really crossed lines with.
This storyline is horrible.
i think they focused at some other things more like kak and konquest
man they should have left that out and give us our 3 styles back and some new styles i know some styles sins mkda omg they are used over and over wtf is that? i dont know i think they had the most work on mkda
then they copied all the shit to mkd then to mka :(
man even some costumes are the same lol cage , and havik etc
i hope its not what i think it is ( a rushed game ) if it is its the last mk game i will buy
man they should have left that out and give us our 3 styles back and some new styles i know some styles sins mkda omg they are used over and over wtf is that? i dont know i think they had the most work on mkda
then they copied all the shit to mkd then to mka :(
man even some costumes are the same lol cage , and havik etc
i hope its not what i think it is ( a rushed game ) if it is its the last mk game i will buy

~Crow~ Wrote:
Even if there were, it doesn't make up for the lack of explanations of previous events that have happened in the storyline. A five minute FMV is not going to offer closure to anything. It will be a short massacre of characters; that's not storyline. What about explaining how Shang Tsung is alive? What about explaining Onaga's plot in Deception? What happened to it? Where are the Kamidogu? If they were really so important to the realms, then wouldn't it make sense to include them in a game based around the end of the realms themselves?
A FMV sequence will offer nothing to explain these things, not a single one.
ReptilianHelms Wrote:
Of course this thread will mean nothing if there turns out to be some 5+ minute FMV video detailing the true ending of this gen of MK.
But I doubt that.
That being said, I agree with many of the opinions above and hope we see a dramatical change somewhat [and/or an FMV ending, as speculated weeks/months ago]
Of course this thread will mean nothing if there turns out to be some 5+ minute FMV video detailing the true ending of this gen of MK.
But I doubt that.
That being said, I agree with many of the opinions above and hope we see a dramatical change somewhat [and/or an FMV ending, as speculated weeks/months ago]
Even if there were, it doesn't make up for the lack of explanations of previous events that have happened in the storyline. A five minute FMV is not going to offer closure to anything. It will be a short massacre of characters; that's not storyline. What about explaining how Shang Tsung is alive? What about explaining Onaga's plot in Deception? What happened to it? Where are the Kamidogu? If they were really so important to the realms, then wouldn't it make sense to include them in a game based around the end of the realms themselves?
A FMV sequence will offer nothing to explain these things, not a single one.
That was your opinion, here is mine >
I beg to differ. To say that an FMV sequence will offer NOTHING is slightly ignorant. 5 minutes is actually a long time to be watching events unfold.
A 5min FMV would be MORE than we already know, something it seems [myself included] are wishing for.
More isnt always better, but I think in this instance, from the reviews so far, MORE is needed.
"Even if there were, it doesn't make up for the lack of explanations of previous events that have happened in the storyline. A five minute FMV is not going to offer closure to anything. It will be a short massacre of characters; that's not storyline. What about explaining how Shang Tsung is alive? What about explaining Onaga's plot in Deception? What happened to it? Where are the Kamidogu? If they were really so important to the realms, then wouldn't it make sense to include them in a game based around the end of the realms themselves?
A FMV sequence will offer nothing to explain these things, not a single one."
You are right but at least it make all the lame endings non canon and more likely give us a more sensible, well thought ending hopefully with a hint to MK8s storyline but the way things are going in terms of storylines it may not be well thought lol.
A FMV sequence will offer nothing to explain these things, not a single one."
You are right but at least it make all the lame endings non canon and more likely give us a more sensible, well thought ending hopefully with a hint to MK8s storyline but the way things are going in terms of storylines it may not be well thought lol.
The game's story (or its lack of one) is really disappointing to me as well. So, how characters like Sheeva and Mavado, whose deaths were all canon can be alive and well now? What are Chameleon's and Meat's purpose in this game? All we know is that one is hiding since MK1 and the other is just "a fun character who assists Shinnok."
Not talking about the endings. Reptile's one was just a lame excuse to explain Khameleon's absence. Kenshi's was the worst thing I ever read in my entire life. Oh, and Scorpion's really shows how they want to finish this chapter of the story...
Even though, I'm not surprised afterall. I've lost my faith in this game's storyline since they brought up that pyramid thing. Now I hope, at the very least, that the gameplay is fun.
Not talking about the endings. Reptile's one was just a lame excuse to explain Khameleon's absence. Kenshi's was the worst thing I ever read in my entire life. Oh, and Scorpion's really shows how they want to finish this chapter of the story...
Even though, I'm not surprised afterall. I've lost my faith in this game's storyline since they brought up that pyramid thing. Now I hope, at the very least, that the gameplay is fun.
The sadest part for me is the fact MK:DA and MK:D were so rich in storyline and potential. No one ever complained about their storylines, just the crappy gameplay that plagued them. All of that character development was for nothing, just all thrown away in a crappy game with one of the poorest excuses for a storyline I have ever seen in any fighting game.
Storyline is the one thing that keeps MK even in contention with other fighters, and now it's all gone. Tekken even looks deep and complex when compared to MKA.
Storyline is the one thing that keeps MK even in contention with other fighters, and now it's all gone. Tekken even looks deep and complex when compared to MKA.
Though I'm dissapointed with the story's does sort of make sense.
-The One Being's influence over the Kombatants scared Argus
- Argus or The Elder Gods transported the Kombatants from all realms to a battle field. That would include dead people who are in the heavens or the Netherealm.
- Once you're on a battle field with 60 people, the fact that Noob Saibot is your brother, or that you have a feud with a certain guy. It's a war.
The point of MKA is to crown a new God character it seems. And that's what we will get.
-The One Being's influence over the Kombatants scared Argus
- Argus or The Elder Gods transported the Kombatants from all realms to a battle field. That would include dead people who are in the heavens or the Netherealm.
- Once you're on a battle field with 60 people, the fact that Noob Saibot is your brother, or that you have a feud with a certain guy. It's a war.
The point of MKA is to crown a new God character it seems. And that's what we will get.
the more reasons to actually print out my essays in an artistic format, send it to Midway via MKO, and tell them what i think of that incestuous plotline they thought to sell to us.
I urge everyone NOT to BUY this game. I rather see MK go out peacefully and see Midway bankrupt than having this kind of deteriorating crap pre-sented to the living world.
I urge everyone NOT to BUY this game. I rather see MK go out peacefully and see Midway bankrupt than having this kind of deteriorating crap pre-sented to the living world.

Thanks everyone for posting. I'm glad others share the same opinions on this matter.
That in itself is priceless. Characters are supposed to have bios. I mean, Meat wasn't exactly a character anyway but what they've given him there is plain ridiculous. I'd say they should've put Khameleon in the game instead, but ont he other hand perhaps it's better she isn't as she's not getting subjected to this nonsense.
No problem at all, bud.
Exactly. The whole story is a majot letdown. Deception was betetr in the sense that the bios for the characters at least touched upon what had been going on whilst Konquest focused on Shujinko and some of the other events. MKA Konquest does nothing and then with no new bios to support the story, it all just falls flat. It's all worthless.
That's just awful. All that build up and for nothing. And they way it's all done is pretty much to imply that Taven's ending should happen given the whole quest. As I said above, his ending renders everything all for nothing. Come to think of it, pretty much, anyone defeating Blaze renders the whole thing pointless.
~Crow~ Wrote:
Don't forget:
Meat - A fun character who assists Shinnok.
Don't forget:
Meat - A fun character who assists Shinnok.
That in itself is priceless. Characters are supposed to have bios. I mean, Meat wasn't exactly a character anyway but what they've given him there is plain ridiculous. I'd say they should've put Khameleon in the game instead, but ont he other hand perhaps it's better she isn't as she's not getting subjected to this nonsense.
~Crow~ Wrote:nothing excuses this writing. It doesn't take money to write a good storyline. They should pay us to even read some of these pathetic excuses for endings.
NinjaFromHell Wrote:
I agree 110%.
It really makes me wonder why I even bothered following the game's story in the first place...
Great thread. I thank you for putting into words the feelings that I have had towards these endings but wouldn't have been able to convey in such an intelligent and well thought-out manner.
I agree 110%.
It really makes me wonder why I even bothered following the game's story in the first place...
Great thread. I thank you for putting into words the feelings that I have had towards these endings but wouldn't have been able to convey in such an intelligent and well thought-out manner.
No problem at all, bud.
matthewhaddad Wrote:
Omg, I totally agree with everything you said there. MKA seems like complete rubbish in terms of storyline. The only bit of storyline explored is the whole Taven - Daegon - Blaze relationship, but that is pointless when in Tavens ending it says that he fails. Seriously, they tied up no loose ends, all that they did was make the cast either the Elder Gods Champion, become a cillain or be consumed by their own power. I was expecting an epic, intriguing storyline, but was just faced with trash...
Omg, I totally agree with everything you said there. MKA seems like complete rubbish in terms of storyline. The only bit of storyline explored is the whole Taven - Daegon - Blaze relationship, but that is pointless when in Tavens ending it says that he fails. Seriously, they tied up no loose ends, all that they did was make the cast either the Elder Gods Champion, become a cillain or be consumed by their own power. I was expecting an epic, intriguing storyline, but was just faced with trash...
Exactly. The whole story is a majot letdown. Deception was betetr in the sense that the bios for the characters at least touched upon what had been going on whilst Konquest focused on Shujinko and some of the other events. MKA Konquest does nothing and then with no new bios to support the story, it all just falls flat. It's all worthless.
ShaoKahn101 Wrote:
I agree they have added no stoyline with this game. Apparently MK8 for the next generation consoles will be starring just about every character from Armageddon. Seeing as after completing the conquest mode, Taven's powers do nothing to stop the chaos.
I agree they have added no stoyline with this game. Apparently MK8 for the next generation consoles will be starring just about every character from Armageddon. Seeing as after completing the conquest mode, Taven's powers do nothing to stop the chaos.
That's just awful. All that build up and for nothing. And they way it's all done is pretty much to imply that Taven's ending should happen given the whole quest. As I said above, his ending renders everything all for nothing. Come to think of it, pretty much, anyone defeating Blaze renders the whole thing pointless.

very well said!
I was hoping for all the ending to intwine and more or less be one big ending, but all we got was this poorly writen crap.
Over all I feel kinda let down by MK:A
I was hoping for all the ending to intwine and more or less be one big ending, but all we got was this poorly writen crap.
Over all I feel kinda let down by MK:A

Chrome Wrote:
I urge everyone NOT to BUY this game. I rather see MK go out peacefully and see Midway bankrupt than having this kind of deteriorating crap pre-sented to the living world.
I urge everyone NOT to BUY this game. I rather see MK go out peacefully and see Midway bankrupt than having this kind of deteriorating crap pre-sented to the living world.
I'm not buying MK:A; it will be a rental, if that.
What you're proposing actually happened to Interplay, because of the way they treated the Fallout series. The Fallout community got fed up of the rubbish spin-off titles that were and would continue to be released instead of Fallout 3 so they stopped giving Interplay their money. Bethesda Softworks are now working on a "Fallout 3" but it may just be further rape of the Fallout corpse and it will be if it's anything like The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
However; this would never happen with Mortal Kombat because the "kommunity" is full of fanboys who have and will continue to purchase each game, regardless of quality.
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