MKA Gameplay Discussion [Archive]
posted01/17/2011 12:07 AM (UTC)by
For PS2:
1 = Square
2 = Triangle
3 = X
4 = Circle
b = Back
u = Up
f = Forward
d = Down
CS = Change style
For Xbox:
1 = X
2 = Y
3 = A
4 = B
b = Back
u = Up
f = Forward
d = Down
L = Change style
This are used for making the internet talk easier.
Instead of writing Mokap's Wing Chuan combo like this:
We write:
Combo Notation -
(corner) = This combo must be done in the corner.
(wall) = Wall hit.
, - This is a string. For example Scorpion 2,3,u+4.
When there's a space between the hits it means that the next is not part of the string. For example Scorpion 2,3,u+4, 3, 3,b+1. the 3 and 3,b+1 are not part of the 2,3,u+4 string and they are seperated.
In game notation -
Free throw - Free throw is a glitch in MKA.
After certin moves you can throw and the opponent canno't duck. This makes the throw, free.
Mix Ups - Mix ups is mostly two moves, one is low and one is mid.
Kung Lao Broadsword - b+3 hits low and juggles.
If you use only this mive the opponent will always block low.
This is where mix ups come in. Kung Lao Broadsword b+2 also juggles but it's a mid! So if the opponent blocks low this move will hit him.
You need to mix a low with a mid or a throw with a mid to create a mix up.
Safe - When a move is safe it means that after you preformed a move, For example - Dairou Mi Zong b+4, you can block right after it and the opponent cannot "punish" you.
Unsafe means that if a move is blocked, for example - Dairou Mi Zong d+2, you cannot block after it and the opponent can punish you.
In fighting games and in MK there are three different hights of move. High hit, Mid hit and a Low hit.
Sub Zero - Shotokan - 1 - High Move
Sub Zero - Shotokan - 3 - Mid Move
Sub Zero - Shotokan - d+4 - Low Move
High Moves can be high blocked*, and low blocked.
Mid Moves can only be high blocked, if you block low you will be hit by a mid move.
Low Moves can only be low blocked, if you block high a low move will hit you.
* Throws are unblockable high moves, they must be ducked.
Wake up
Wake up game is the options you have after you've been knocked down to the ground. Get up with an attack, stay on the ground, roll to the sides and more.
Parry is a defensive move, like reversals from MKDA it stops the opponent attack and gives you time to punish you're opponent. Parrys needs to be timed with the opponent attack.
Parry is dony be b+block
Breaker is a defensive move, it is done by - f+block.
Every characters has 3 breakers for the whole match.
You can break from almost every move, juggle, string, singel hits and more. Most throws are breakable in the grab part and some are breakable during the throw, (you can break Sindel's throw in the kick part for example).
Uppercuts and most plant moves are unbreakable.
An inifinite is a series of moves that can be done on the opponent over and over and over again without him being able to escape it.
For example:
In MKA - Jade - throw, teleport, throw, teleport, throw....
The opponent cannot duck the the throw or avoid it. Jade can do this over and over, this makes this an infinite.
Alsmost every character in MKA has some kind of an infinite.
Most of them, are time infinites done with air cancel (explanation how to do air cancel in the combos section).
MKA Air cancel time infinite
Sevral character have other infinites:
Kenshi MKA infinite
Jade MKA infinite
Hotaru MKA infinite
Moloch MKA time infinite
For more info on high level playing -
MKA high level playing guide - By Versatile
For MKA Movelist with moves properties- MKA Movelist - By Uranius
Tier List
In fighting games every character has atleast a few different moves. This ofcourse makes some characters better than others.
What considerd "Top Tiers" are the best characters in the game and "Low tiers" the worst in game.
All characters have what I call "tools". Tools are: Speed, Safe moves, Good damage, Good throw, Good lows, Unparryble moves and more.
Top Tiers have most if not all tools.
Mid Tiers lack some of the tools
Low tiers lack most if not all the tools.
For example a mid tier character:
- Lows: He has quick lows, d+1 is the fastest poke in the game. d+2 is a poke that does 13%. Both of those, however, are parryble. He has a sweep and d+4 but both of them are not fast. In other words he lacks a really fast unparryble low, which most of the top tiers have:
Tanya - d+4
Mavado & Kabal - u+2
Scorpion - b+3
- Mids: Mokap has good mids, 1,1,3 are all mids. f+2 is a mid juggles and is safe depends on lag.
- Damage: Mokap damage is mediocre, around 30%.
- Throw: Mokap throw is horrible, one of the worst in the game.
- Projectile: Mokap telesam is great, fast, safe from distance, juggles. His d,b+1 projectile is also good, slow excution but it travles fast.
So Mokap has good stuff: Mids, projectiles, teleslam. He has very quick low pokes but they are parryble.
He also has bad stuff: His throw is horrible, his damage is midocre and he lacks good unparryble lows.
As you can see Mokap has both good things and bad. The tools he lacks, (throw and unparryble lows) makes him mid tier.
Tier List
Top Tiers
- Sareena
- Scorpion
- Quan Chi
- Dairou
- Sub - Zero
- Noob Saibot
- Drahmin
- Tanya
- Kabal
- Mavado
- Kenshi
Low Tiers
- Shang Tsung
- Sindel
- Kano
- Motaro
- Kai
- Nitara
- Shujinko
- Cyrax
Mid Tiers
Everyone else.
Super Tier
In MKA the 3 of the bosses, Onaga, Blaze and Moloch cannot be throw, juggled, and hit by projectiles. This alone makes them better than all characters in the game.
Add to this huge damage and great safe lows and you got yourself a monster.
Bosses are not considerd a part of MK high level play. They are banned from Tournaments.
Best moves
Chou Jaio -
f+1 - Mid, pop ups, unsafe.
d+4 - Good unparryble low.
f+4,1,f+1 - Unsafe but everything is a mid, juggles.
2,2,1,cs - Only as a punisher, juggles.
Kriss -
u+4 - Sidesteping low, can be quick recoverd however. Unparryble.
Spcecial Moves -
d,f+1 - Nice projectile, fast, launches, short range.
Throw - Ashrah's throw is one of the best in the game, juggles, 20%.
Silat -
2 - Mid, unsafe.
d+4 - Quick, low, unparryble.
b+1 / b+1,2 / b+1,3 - Nice suprising mix ups.
Blades -
b+1 - Super fast, launces far, safe.
u+3 - Mid, pop ups, unsafe.
b+4 - Unparryble sweep.
3,3,2,1,1 - Sort of a scrub tactic but good to use once in awhile. Stop this combo in different places, most hits are mid.This combo can be parried in between so be careful.
Special Moves -
f,f+3 - Huge range, 16% super fast, unsafe.
d,u+3 - Mid, nice mixing it up with d+4 in silat and b+4 in blades.
Throw - Unbrekable 16%.
Bo Rai Cho
Drunken Fist -
b+3 - Sweep, very fast, short range, unparryble.
3,3 / 3,3,2 / 3,3,cs - Good mix ups. 3,3 are mids. 3,3,2 is safe depending on lag and gives you 50/50 on hit. 3,3,cs juggles.
Jojutso -
b+1 - Mid, pop ups.
d+1 - Nice quick poke.
3 - Extremly fast, safe, mid, 50/50 free throw follow up.
d+3 - Good high range low.Unparryble.
4 - Mid, good range.
u+4 - Mid, sidesteps, use it once in a while, not too much.
3,4 / 4,4 - All mid, safe, make sure you mix up the number of 4's to keep your opponent blocking.
Special Moves -
b,f+2 - One of Bo's best moves. Fantastic turtle tool. You can also use it up close to catach your opponent.
Throw - Not the monster it was in MKD because of wake up but still good.
Crane -
2 - High, safe, pop ups.
d+4 - Unparryble low sweep.
Ninja Sword -
d+1 - Long range, low.
4 - Mid, safe.
4,4 - Two mids, safe, mix it up with only one 4.
4,1 / 4,1,1 - Safe, mix up this combo. Can be parried in between.
4,1,1,3 - Opponent will let go block, pop them up with 3. unsafe. Can be parried in between.
1,3 - Only as a punisher, huge damge with chameleon combos.
Ninjitsu -
b+1 - Mid, pop ups.
d+1 - quick low poke, parryble.
Pulse Blade -
b+3 - Good sweep. Unparryble, good range.
b+4 - Mid, safe, good damage.
Special Moves -
Throw - It's Cyrax, you gotta work with what you have.
Mi Zong -
f+1 - Mid, juggles.
d+1 - Quick low poke.
b+3 - Unpaaryble fast low sweep.
b+4 - Dairou's best move. Juggles, super fast, safe, catches jumpers, hits high.
u+4 - Short range, mid, juggles, safe.
Atum Dao -
d+1 - Quick low, nice range.
b+2 - Mid, juggles, unsafe. Best to use only as a punisher.
b+3 - It's not Kung Lao's version but still good.
1,1,f+3 - If you dont wanna try air cancel, use this after any pop up.
Special Moves -
f,b,d/b,d+1- TS got a tone down? Not quite, Check has a found a way to make it faster. Press f,b,d/b,d+1 keep on mashing the 1 and it will be super fast.
TS is still one of the best moves in the game. Fighting with Sareena's Knife and few others for the number 1 spot
d,b+2 -One of the better projectiles in the game
d,u+3 - Probably the best teleport in MKA. Has priority on all teleports besides Rain's. Free throw up close, you can also use it to avoid projectiles.
Throw - Not the best throw but launches far giving time for some TS / fireball mix ups.
Gujo Ryu -
2 - Mid, pop ups.
d+4 - Unparryble low.
Gauntlets -
3 - Safe, mid, pop ups, spammable. cs and do 1,1,cs,2,4,4,4 for about 45%
d+4 - Low, unparryble
Special Moves
d,f+3 - Low, crouches, long range, fast.
Throw - Unbreakable 16%.
Fu Jow Pai
b+2 - Safe, mid.
d+4 - Quick, low, unparryble.
Swords -
1,1 - Very quick, safe, good pokes. After a few 1,1 and 2 and the opponent will let go of block.
Specials -
f,d+2 - Do not spam it, it can be a good tool when used very carefully, hits mid, juggles.
d,f+1 - It's what you got.
Throw - One of the worst throw in the games but it's still a throw.
Hung Gar -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
b+2 - Mid, safe, plants.
1,1,cs - Mid, great range, juggles, safe, pop ups. Drhamins best move.
Iron Club -
d+1 - Great low poke.
b+2 - Mid, juggles, safe.
d+3 - Another nice low poke.
d+4 - Unparryble low.
Special Moves -
f,f+2 - Superb move. Fast, good range, last two hits are mid, juggles, cataches jumpers, safe.
f,b,d+3 - Not what it was in DA but still good, unblockable juggle, use it mainly to get people jumping in the air and catch them with f,f+2.
Throw - Great throw. Juggles, what more do you need?
Choy Lay Fut
1 - very quick high poke. Safe.
d+1 - Quick low poke, parryble.
b+4 - Nice sweep.
1,1 - Nice to use once in a while, safe.
Axe -
d+1 - good low poke.
d+2 - Uppercut, mid, juggles. You can get almost 40% unbreakable damage with d+2 and teleslams.
1,3,4 / 4,4 / 4,4,4 - 1 is a mid, the 4 part is safe. Free throw after the 4. Watch out, this combo is parryble before each 4.
Specials -
b,d,b+4 - The good old teleslam. Juggles, mid, unsafe.
Throw - 16%
Tong Bei -
d+4 - Unparryble quick low.
Daggers -
d+1 - Quick low.
b+3 - Frost's best pop up.
Special Moves -
d,b+1 - The base of frost's game, unblcokable, great keep away tool, free hit.
d,b+3 - Frost's second best move fast, low, freezes, doesn't reduce damage, carful from sidestep freindly people.
d,b+4 - Teleports, safe, can be parry canceld, pop up.
d+1 - Good poke.
d+4 - Good unparryble low kick.
1,1,b+3 - Scrub tactic, b+3 is a low, use once in a match. Good players will always block the b+3.
Wind Blade -
u+2 - Safe online, mid, juggles.
Specials -
d,f+1 - One of Fujins best moves. Pop ups the opponent, quick, safe, you can recover quickly.
d,u+2 - Can catch people of guard. It's unsafe so be careful, use it mostly after d,f+1 connects. If you use it not after d,f+1 be careful.
d,b+4 - Only after a pop up. Unbreakable.
d+3 (In air) The old dive kick. If you are blocked the opponent get a free juggle on you.
Throw - Nice throw.
Tang Soo Doo -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
d+3 - Good unparryble low kick.
2,3,4 / b+1,3,3 1,1,2,3,4 mix ups. Havik's Tang Soo Doo mix ups can be confusing. Remember however that it will be rare to catch a good player with it since all of this mix ups can be blocked on reaction.
Morning Star -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
3 - Mid, juggles, safe with lag. Catches lying on opponents.
Specials -
Throw - Great throw, juggles. cs and 1,1,2,f+2 for nice easy damage. Breakable.
Pi Gua -
b+1 - Mid, pop ups,not safe.
d+1 - Great low poke, crouches, parryble.
d+3 Low kick, crouches, unparryble.
2,b+1 - When you're mixing up all this singel moves the opponent will let go of block in 2 and b+1 will hit him.
Nagatina -
b+1 - Safe, high, pop ups.
1,b+1 - Same with Pi Gua's 2,b+1, opponent will let go of block.
Special Moves -
d,b+1 - Lava burst is a great turtle tool and keeps your opponent away from you. Most chances are it will get block but the recovery is great so don't be afraid to use it. It pop ups ofcours.
b,f+1 - A great safe charge move, spam it and mix it up with Lava burst.
Throw - A great throw, juggles, breakable in the juggle part.
Hsu Hao
Sumo -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
d+3 - Good unparryble low kick.
1,2,cs - Only as punisher or after a parry. cs and 1,2,3 for great damage.
Sun Moon -
d+3 - Very quick unparryble low kick, short range.
b+4 - Good sweep.
b+1,f+2 - Mid, juggles.
Specials -
d,b+2 - Hsu Hao's beest move. Quick, safe, full screen range, cataches jumpers, you recover fast, a really great move.
d,f+1 - Also a goood move. You can do d,b+2 right after it.
Throw - Still a throw...
Fan Zi -
3 - Mid, juggles, safe.
d+4 - Fast unparryble low kick.
Bojutso -
4 - Great range, safe, quick, free throw or 50/50 follow up.
1,1 - Mid, unsafe, 50/50 follow up.
2,1,u+3 - Only as a punisher. Follow up with another 2,1,u+3 for easy 41%.
Special Moves -
b,f+2 - What a great move. Can really kill projectile happy characters (Sareena, Sub...........)
b,f+1 - Teleport, by itself it's maybe the worst teleport in the game. After a throw however you get a 50/50.
Throw - Unbreakable damage.
Muhy Tai -
b+4 - Good sweep
Tonfas -
b+1 - Pop up, mid, unsafe.
b+3 - Plants, ubreakable.
u+4 - Side steps, safe, mid, pop ups, very slow.
d+4 - Unparryable low kick.
1,1 - Mid, unsafe, 50/50.
Specials -
f,d+3 - Ground slam, it's quick but people will jump on reaction. The trick is to scare people to jump it and catch them with the gun.
b,f+4 - All this move is good for is to catch jumpers. Mix it up with f,d+3 and people will do just that.
Throw - It's a throw
Dragon -
d+1 - Nice low poke
Axe -
d+1 - Yet another nice low poke
1,3,4/4,4/4,4,4 - Goodsafe combo, starts with a mid, anti air move, gives a free throw, stop at different places with the 4's. Watch out, the 4 part is parryble.
Special Moves -
u,d+3 - Jerak's tomb stone is great, super fast. If you see your opponent jumps everytime be careful and mix it up with 1,3,4.
b,f+3 - Very fast charge, hits mid.
d,b+1 - Low chance it will hit but if it does it has great damage.
Throw - Not a very good one but still unblockable damage.
Jhonny Cage
Shorin Ryu -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
d+3 - Good unparryble low kick.
4 - Mid, juggles, great damage after it with Jhonny's combos.
2,1,1,4 - The block damage by itself makes it worthy.
2,1,1,3,3 - Use it mainly to end juggles. Sometimes it's good to end a combo with just the first 3 and the opponent will keep blocking.
Nunchakos -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
b+1 - Mid, safe.
Special Moves -
Throw - Still unbreakable damage.
Sub Bin -
u+3 - Quick, crap range, high, safe.
Hookswords -
u+2 - One of the best moves in the game. Low, good range, safe, unparryble, free throw follow up in the corner, 16%. What more can you ask?
b+2 - Mid, juggles.
u+3 - Nice low, sidestepps.
4 - Not as good as Mavado's version but still a safe mid.
d+4 - Extremely fast low.
Special Moves -
b,f+4 - Great move, fast, juggles, huge range, use it to punish projectile and whiffs from sweep distance. Can also be buffered from some moves.
d,b+2 - Throw this move from time to time to keep your opponent on their heels.
Throw - Not a very good onw but unblockable damage.
Xing Yi -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
4 - Mid, safe.
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
4,2 - MId, juggle, safe for the most part.
Butterfly Knives -
b+4 - Unparryble low sweep.
b+1,b+2 - Mids, unsafe.
Special Moves -
Throw - Like all of Kano's moves, it's weak but it's what you have.
Tai Chi -
2 - Nice quick high poke, safe.
3 - Mid, this is a special move in MKA. After it hits every move of Kenshi is free. Meaning - the opponent cannot duck, block, parry, or baisicly avoid it.
d+4 - Good low kick, unparryble.
Katana -
u+2 - Pop ups, mid, safe online.
b+3 - Nice low, unparryble.
Special Moves -
b,f+3 - Nicw mid, nice range.
Throw - good throw, 16%.
Yung Yang -
4 - Mid, safe.
d+4 - Unparryble low.
4,4 - Mid, mid, safe.
4,4,u+3 - Great moves, safe, juggles, mid.
Dragon Theeth -
b+4 - Unparryble low sweep.
b+1,b+2 - Mids, unsafe.
Special Moves -
b,f+1 - Kira's stolen move. Great turtle tool, nice range. The best and new thing about it is that damage isn't reduced after it.
d,f+3 - Nice quick projectile. Kira ducks so she can avoid some high projectiles.
Throw - Nice throw, 16%.
u+4 - Mid, pop ups, safe on lag. Good damage with Kitana combos.
b+4 - Great low, quick, unparryble, knocks and gives you 50/50
Steel Fans -
1,1 - If you wanna be cool, use it. Safe, high.
Special Moves -
b,f+2 - One of the best projectiles in the game. Probably the second best after Sareena's. The hit box of this move is amaizing. Kitana recovers super fast. It travels fast. Fantastic move. Spam it.
b,f+4 - Teleport, easy to catch. Don't use it too much or at all.
Throw - nice throw.
Kick Boxing -
1 - Nice quick high poke, safe.
b+3,3 - b+3 is low. Nice combo.
u+4 - Sidesteping low, can be quick recoverd however. Unparryble.
Special Moves -
d,f+2 - Good move, fast, nice range, mid.
d,b+1 - Great projectile, low, fast. Good turtle tool. Mix it up with d,f+2.
Throw - Great throw - 16%.
Kung Lao
Shaolin Fist -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
f+1 - Mid, juggles.
d+3 - Unparryble low kick.
1,1,3,cs - Ends with a low juggle. Parryble.
Broad Sword -
d+1 - Nice low.
b+2 - Mid, juggles, unsafe.
b+3 - Low, juggles, mix it up with b+2.
Special Moves
b,f+1 - Not an amazing projectile but throw it here and there.
Throw - Ublockable 13%.
Li Mei
Lu He Ba Fa -
b+1 - Mid, juggles.
2 - Safe, mid, 50/50 follow up.
b+3 - Quick Low sweep
b+4 - Unbreakable, plants.
2,b+1 - After several 2's, add b+1 and it might catch the opponent and juggle him.
Kunlan Dao -
d+1 - Quick tracking low.
u+1 - Mid pop up, unsafe, hit's opponent on the gound.
2 - Quick, mid, safe, 50/50 or free throw follow up.
2,b+3 - Opponent will learn to let go of block after 2, hit them with b+3, safe, free throw follow up.
Special Moves -
f,d+3 - Mid, juggles.
Throw - Good throw, 16%, launches opponent far.
Liu Kang
Jun Fan -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
f+2 - Mid, juggles.
d+3 - Unparryble low kick.
b+4 - Unparryble sweep.
1,1 - Safe, mid.
1,1,3 - Safe, mid, mix it up with just 1,1.
Nunchako -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
Special Moves -
f,f+1 - Low projectiles, easy to sidestep / jump.
Throw - Unblockable 16%, launches far.
Wrestling -
1 - High, 20%
f+1 - Great move, good range, low, pop ups.
d+1 - Quick low poke
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
Cleavers -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
b+1 / b+1,b+2 - Mid, unsafe, these are meats only mids.
Special moves -
b,f+3 - Fast, low, unsafe.
u,d+3 - Good fast teleport.
b,f+2 - Quick taunt, if the opponent is far from and is not sareena, use it.
Long Fist -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
d+4 - Fast, unparryble low kick.
1,1,cs - Great move, ends with u+2.
1,1,3 - Juggles. 3 is a mid so mix it up with 1,1,cs.
Hookswords -
u+2 - One of the best moves in the game. Low, good range, safe, unparryble, free throw follow up in the corner, 16%. What more can you ask?
b+2 - Mid, juggles.
u+3 - Nice low, sidestepps.
4 - Not as good as Mavado's version but still a safe mid.
d+4 - Extremely fast low.
Mien Chuan -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
b+2,2 - Safe quick jab.
b+3 - Unparryble low sweep.
4 - Mid, safe, 50/50 or free throw follow up.
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
4,1 - Starts with mid, pop ups, unsafe.
4,3 - Starts with a mid, free throw or 50/50 follow up.
Sais -
4 - Nice standing low.
Special moves -
d,f+2 - Nice projectile, Mileena leans back so she can avoid things from up close, nice damage.
Throw - Nice unbreakable damage.
Jeet Kuan Do -
d+1 - Fastest poke in the game.
d+2 - A poke that does 13%
f+2 - Mid, juggles, safe with lag.
b+4 - Unparryble sweep.
1,1 - Safe, mid.
1,1,3 - Safe, mid, mix it up with just 1,1.
Wing Chuan -
d+3 - Unparryble low kick.
Specials -
d,b+2 - Teleslam, a great move, good range, mid, safe, juggles, catches jumpers.
d,b+1 - Good projectile, 13%.
Throw - Still a throw.
d+1 - Great low poke, amaizing recovery.
d+4 - Nice low kick, unparryble.
4 - Mid, pop ups.
d+4,d+3 - Great low, low kick combo, unparryble, catches opponents.
1,1,u+3 - Great combo, continue with 1,1,u+3 and you have some crazy damage.
1,1,d+3 - Nice mix up. Ends with a low.
Special Moves -
u,d+3 - Moloch slam is awesome - it will hit people on the ground and can take up to 20% if it hits the opponent's body.
Horse -
d+1 - Great low poke, fast, plants.
d+4 - Good low kick, unparryble.
2,2 - Mid, unsafe.
Special Moves -
d,u+2 - Great teleport, super fast.
b,f+1 - Nice charge.
d,b+3 - Into mount stance, from mount stance:
1 - Good projectile, very fast.
2 - Nice low charge.
Vale Tudo -
d+3 - Good low kick, unparryble, kick.
Tomahwaks -
3 - Mid, safe, gives 50/50 on hit.
2,3 - Safe, mid, good range. Parryble before the 3.
Special Moves -
f,f+4 - Fast, unsafe. Use once in a while, not too much.
Throw - Fantastic throw, juggles, unbreakable.
Leopard -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
d+3 - Good unparryble low.
b+3 - Good sweep.
4 - Mid, safe.
Kama -
b+1 - Mid, juggles.
d+3 - Quick poke.
Special Moves
d,b+2 (in air) - good move, catches alot of people, not as good as Tanya air fire ball but still.
Throw - Nitara's best move. This is the base of your game, always try to set up for a throw. It does 17% and heals 8%.
Noob Saibot
Monkey -
4 - Mid, juggles.
d+4 - Great low kick, unparryble.
2,4 - 100% safe, juggles. Spam this move.
Special Moves -
u,d+1 - Invisible, nice tool to Noob's game.
d,f+3 - Ok projectile, use it mostly in juggles.
Throw - Nice throw, 16%
Quan Chi
Escrima -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
b+1 - Mid, juggles, safe.
f+2 - Safe, fast, knocks.
d+4 - Good unparryble low kick.
Borad Swords -
d+1 - Nice low.
d+1,3 - A great low, low combo, catches alot of people. parryble.
1,1,4 - 100% safe, catches jumpers, nice damage. Mid. Free throw follow up.
2,3,b+3 - Great mix up combo, high,low,mid. Hard to block and mixing it up with d+1,3 is a great thing.
Special Moves -
d,b+2 - I wonder what Midway were thinking when they balanced this move. It's fast, it's safe and steals your opponent weapon!
This is perheps Qun an Chi's best move and the base of his game. Characters like Jerak for example that his game is based on his weapon are just screwd against him.
b,d+3 - Great move, goes under attacks, juggles, safe, parry cancelable.
Throw - Great throw, 18%. 50/50
Nan Chuan -
f+1 - Mid, plants, 50/50 when teleported after.
2 - Good high safe poke. Good to mix up with 2 follow ups.
b+2 - Nice pop up, quick, safe, high.
b+3 - Good low kick, 50/50 on hit.
2,1,1,2,b+2 - Good combo, fast, pop ups, all high hits. Safe. Stop at different places for nice mix ups.
Staff -
d+1 - Great low, good range, safe, 50/50 on hit.
u+4 - Good pop up, high, safe.
Special Moves -
d,u+3 - Great teleport, very quick, great to use after f+1.
Throw - great throw, 16%.
Zi Ran Men -
d+4 - Good low kick, unparryble.
1,1,3 - Nice safe combo, juggles. All high.
b+3,f+3 - Great combo. Two low hits, 16%
Special Moves -
u,d+3 - Possibley the best teleport in the game. Has priority even on Dairou's teleport. Use it.
d,u+2 - Nice to throw here and there. Pop ups, unblockable. Dont spam it.
b,f+1 - Good to use, somewhat safe.
Pao Chui -
b+1 - Unbreaklable, plants.
d+1 - Nice poke.
4 - Mid, safe.
d+4 - Good unparryble low kick.
4,1 / 1,1 - Safe, starts with a mid.
4,1,1,b+2 / b+1 - b+2 juggles. Both b+2 and b+1 are unsafe. Use it only when 4,1,1 connected.
Kiranshi -
d+1 - Good low poke, nice range.
b+4 - Mid , juggles.
Specials -
d,u+2 - Invisible. Great move. Throw some acid spits in between.
Throw - Nice throw
Ba Shan Fan -
b+1 - Mid pop up, unsafe.
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
1,3 / 1,b+3 - Nice high,low high,mid mix ups, 1,b+3 catches alot of people, don't use 1,b+3 alot cause it's unsafe and people will block it.
Demon Fang -
d+1 - Quick tracking low.
u+1 - Mid pop up, unsafe, hit's opponent on the gound.
2 - Mid, safe, 50/50 or free throw follow up.
2,b+3 - Opponent will learn to let go of block after 2, hit them with b+3, safe, free throw follow up.
Special Moves -
b,f+2 - The base of sareena's game. The fastest projectile in the history of mortal kombat.
f,f+1 - Quick, long range, mid, pop up.
Throw - Unbreakable 16%, launches the opponent away from you giving you time for some more Knife throwing turtle.
Hapkido -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
2 - Quick jab, safe, 50/50 follow up.
3 - Mid, safe, free throw or 50/50 follow up.
b+3 - Quick, unparryble low sweep.
2,3,u+4 - Safe, juggles.
f+3,b+3 - Unparryble low, low combo.
Sword -
d+1 - Great range, low.
f+1 - Fast, safe, mid, juggles.
Special Moves -
d,b+2 - After plants.
Throw - Scorp's throw is great. 19%
Kenpo -
2 - Mid, juggles.
b+3 - Great sweep.
f+3 - Mid, juggles.
d+4 - Nice unparryble low kick.
Swords -
b+1 - Mid, juggles.
b+3 - Very quick low, parryble.
d+3 - Another good low, parryble.
b+4 - Mid, safe.
Specials -
b,f+3 - Use here and there, on hit you get a 50/50.
d,b+1 - Quick projectile.
Throw - Not a good one but still.
Shao Khan
Tai Tzu -
1 - Nice high poke, free throw follow up.
d+1 - Good low poke, parryble.
b+3 - Great sweep, unparryble.
1,1,cs - Parryble before the cs but great damage. Juggles.
Special Moves -
d,f+1 - Good projectile, fast, good damage.
f,f+2 - Nice charge, fast, unsafe.
d,f+3 - good move, safe, fast, chatches many times.
Shang Tsung
Snake -
u+2 - 16%, good range, unsafe, high.
4 - Mid, nothing more.
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
Sword -
b+4 - Mid, safe.
Specials -
b,d+3 - Soul drain is fast, safe, chatches jumpers and heals.
d,b+4 - Good players will see it and parry but if you wanna try once in a match, you can try.
Throw - It's what you have.
Shokan -
1 - Mid, pop ups, unsafe. Good damage with Sheeva's combos.
d+4 - Great unparryble low kick, very fast.
2,2,cs,1 - Fantastic combo, super safe, juggles, great damage.
Shaokan Blades -
1 - Mid, Safe, 50/50 on hit, free throw. Great move.
b+1 - Nice juggle, high, safe. Great damage.
2,1 - Great safe combo.
Special Moves -
u,d+3 - Good tombstone, unblockable, juggles.
d,u+3 - Nice teleport, dont spam it as it's easy to avoid. Good for avoiding long recovery projectiles.
Throw - Nice throw, 16%
Kou Sho-
b+1 - Mid, pop up.
d+3 - Crouching, unparryble low kick.
b+4 - Plants, unbreakable, free d,f+2 follow up.
2 / 4,4,cs - Ends with amulet staff u+2.
Amulet Staff -
u+1 - Mid, pop up, hits ground opponents
2 - Quick, high, safe.
u+2 - Low, unparryble.
u+3 - Mid, juggles, unsafe.
1,b+3 - 1 is mid, b+3 is low. Use it only once cause once people know this move they block it on reaction.
4,4 - Mid, safe, free throw follow up.
4,4,1 - Mid, pop ups, unsafe
Special Moves -
d,f+2 - On every planted opponent.
d,b+1 - Free d,f+2 follow up, dpn't use this move from up close.
Throw - Shinnok's throw is great, free d,f+2 follow up for some nice damage.
Mantis -
u+3 - Quick mid.
d+4 - Unparryble low.
b+4 - Sweep, very slow.
Dan Tien Dao -
u+2 - Mid, juggles, unsafe.
Special moves -
b,d,b+4 - Teleslam, hits mid, juggles, unsafe.
Throw - Juggles, breakable.
Zah Chuan
b+1 - Mid, juggles, unsafe.
b+3 - Good sweep.
Staff -
u+1 - Mid, pop up, hits ground opponents
2 - Quick, high, safe.
u+2 - Low, unparryble.
u+3 - Mid, juggles, unsafe.
1,b+3 - 1 is mid, b+3 is low. Use it only once cause once people know this move they block it on reaction.
4,4 - Mid, safe, free throw follow up.
4,4,1 - Mid, pop ups, unsafe
Special Moves -
f,f+3 - Good fast projectile.
Throw - Worst throw in the game. Good for knocking people from stages.
Mi Tzu -
d+1 - Nice low poke, parryble.
u+4 - Great mid pop up, safe.
Judo -
d+4 - Good unparryble low kick.
Special Moves -
d,b+1 - Not what it was in MKd but still good. Great turtle tool.
b,f+2 - Carful with this move. It is rare to catch a good player with it.
u,d+3 - Nice teleport.
Taw Kwon Do -
2 - Mid, pop ups.
b+3 - Nice low kick, unparryble
d+4 - Great low kick, unaprryble.
4,b+3/f+3 - Great mix up combo, 4 is a mid, b+3 is a low. Use this combo wisely mix it up with just single 4's. Then add b+3 and from time to time finish it up with f+3, whichi is a another low.
Kali Sticks -
d+3 - Great fast poke
b+3 - Great mid, safe, 14% knocks.
u+3 - Another nice mid, plants, 18%.
2,4,b+3 - Great safe combo.
2,4,3 - 3 is a low, mix the two combos and you got yourself a mix up.
1,1,2,4,b+3 / 3 - Same as the two above but starts with 1,1.
Special Moves -
d,b+1 - Sonya's famus kiss is her best move. Safe, great turtle tool, nice range. The best and new thing about it is that damage isn't reduced after it.
d,f+2 - Nice projectile, Sonya crouches so she can avoid some high projectiles. Looks like it hits mid but it's high.
Throw - Unblockable 13%
Sub Zero
Shotokan -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
3 - Safe, mid, free throw or 50/50 follow up.
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
Kori Blade -
b+2 - Mid, juggles, safe.
d+3 - Good range, low, quick.
Special Moves.
d,b+1 - Sub's main thing. You should turtle with Sub and you should do it the clone.
Throw - Kinda crap but still unbreakable damage.
Gold Dragon -
1 - Quick high poke, safe.
b+4 - Great sweep, fast, unparryble.
2,3 - Nice combo. 2 is mid. Safe, 3 is parryble.
1,1,2,cs - Last hit juggles and hits mid. Careful, this combo can be parried before the cs.
Sword -
b+2 - Mid, Safe online, juggles.
3 - Great move, fast, mid ,safe. Free throw or 50/50 follow up.
Special Moves -
f,f+2 - Good charging move. Don't spam it.
u,d+3 - Ground slam. Good players will always jump it. One of the slowest ground slams in the game.
d,f+1 - Nice projectile
Yue Chuan -
d+1 - Quick low poke
d+4 - Quick low kick, unparryble.
3,2 - 3 is a mid, safe for the most part, 50/50 or free throw follow up.
2,cs1,1,u+1 - Scrub tactic. Stop at different points - nice tactic to confuse the opponent.
Kubo Jutsu -
b+1 - Pop up, mid, unsafe.
b+3 - Plants, ubreakable.
u+4 - Side steps, safe, mid, pop ups, very slow.
d+4 - Unparryable low kick.
1,1 - Mid, unsafe, 50/50.
b+2,b+1 - This pop up combo has no damage scailing for some reason, follow this up with b+2,1,1,u+1 and half of your opponent life bar is gone. Use it as a punisher only.
Special Moves -
d,b+2 - tanya's air fireball is great to throw and keeping your opponent blocking, free throw follow up.
u,d+1 - Invisible, a great tool to add more preasure on your opponent, he will now focus to find you and not hit you.
Throw - Unbreakable 16%
MKA Combo Vid - Mortal Kombat Evolution - by Check and NukesGoBoom.
Mortal Kombat Evolution - part 1
Mortal Kombat Evolution - part 2
Mortal Kombat Evolution - part 3
Mortal Kombat Evolution - part 4
Air Cancel - As seen by some combos here and in the MKA combo vid character jump, do an air combo and they land quicly, before the opponent lands and can continue the combo. How it's done?
Let's take Havik.
In weapon do b+2 (this will pop up the opponent). Then jump, and press 1,1,2 (you will bounce back up) and then press 1,1,3,4. After 1,1,3 animition and just before the 4 (the air throw) animitaion tap CS. This will make you land before the opponent. When you land you will be in Tang Soo Doo, press 1,1,2,f+2 and you have a 48%
The timing for the CS is a bit tricky but you'll get it. Remember to wait untill the whole 1,1,3 animition ends and just before the 4 animition start tap CS.
You can bounce up again and do this over and over again...... (yeah it's Midway...........)
Kriss - (corner) d+2, 3,4,2 (wall) d+2 - 43%
Chou Jaio - 2,2,1,cs, 2,2, cs, 2,2,1,cs - 43%
Chou Jaio - u+4, 4, 2,2,1,cs - 41%
Chou Jaio - 2,2,1,cs, cs, 2,2,1,cs - 38%
Chou Jaio - u+4, 2,2,1,cs - 34%
Chou Jaio - d,u+3, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 29%
Kriss - b+1, 3,4,2,2 - 28%
Blades - u+3, 3,3,2,1, f,f+3 - 43%
Silat - 1,1,2 (miss first two hits), b+1, 1,1,1, f,f+3 - 35%
Blades - u+3, 3,3,2,1,1 - 35%
Blades - u+3, cs, 1, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 31%
1,2, b+2, 1,1 (wall), 1 (wall), 1 (wall), f+1 - 48%
1,2, 1,1,3 - 35%
Bo Rai Cho
Jojutsu - 2,4,b+1, 2,4,4 (wall), d+2 - 33%
Jojutsu - 2,4,b+1, 2,4,4,u+3 - 31%
Ninja Sword - 1,3, 4,4 4,1, cs, 1,1,1,u+4 b,f+4 - 64%
Ninja Sword - 1,3, 4,4, 4,1,1,3 - 45%
Crane - 2, 3,3,3 (wall) b,f+3, b,f+3, b,f+3 - Time Infinite
Pulse Blade - f,b+1, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 33%
Autum Dao - (corner) d+2, cs, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 33%
Mi Zong - u+4, cs, 1,1,f+2 - 31%
Gauntlets - 3, cs, 1,1,cs,2,4,4 (wall) d+2 - 51%
Swords - f,d+2 1,1,2, cs, 1,1,2,cs - 55%
Swords - f,d+2, 1,1,2 (wall) 2 (wall) b,f+4 - 50%
Hung Gar - 1,1,cs, d+3, 1,1,4 - 40%
Axe - u+2, cs 1,3,4 b,d,b+4, cs, 1,1,2 f,b+2 - 45%
Choy Lee Fut - 1,u+1 (miss first hit) 1,1,2, b,d,b+4, 1,1,2,cs - 36%
Daggers - b+3, cs, 1,1, 1,1,2,cs - 39%
Devastator - u+2, 2,2,3 (wall), d+2 - 36%
Devastator - u+2, cs, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 29%
Morning Star - b+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4,cs 1,1,2,f+2 - 48%
Pi Gua - 2,b+1 d+1 2,2,u+1 (wall) cs, d+2 - 40%
Pi Gua - 2,b+1, 2,2,u+1 - 32%
Nagatina - 1,b+1, 1,1,u+2 - 28%
Hsu Hao
Sumo - d,u+3, 1,2,cs, b+1,b+2 (wall), 3, (wall) d+2 - 77%
Sumo - d,u+3, 1,2,cs, cs, 1,2,3 - 68%
Bojutsu - 2,1,u+3, 2,1,3 (wall), cs, d+2 - 45%
Tonfas - b+2,1,1,u+1 b+2,1,1 (wall) d+2 - 43%
Tonfas - b+2,b+1, b+2,1,1,u+1 - 42%
Axe - d,b+1 1,3,4,4,4 b,f+3 - 55%
Axe - d,b+1 (opponent now must be against the wall) d+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 42%
Jhonny Cage
Shorin Ryu - 2,1,1,4 1,1, jump, cs, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 47%
Shorin Ryu - 2,1,1,4 1,1, 2,1,1,3,3 - 45%
Dragon Fangs - b+1, cs, b+1, 1,1,3 - 37%
Sun Bin - u+3, cs, 1,1,2 (wall), cs, d+2 - 42%
Xing Yi - u,u+1, u+4, cs, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4,cs, 1,1, 1,1,4,3 - 55%
Xing Yi - u,u+1, u+4, 1,1 1,1,4,3 - 42%
Butterfly Knives - u,u+1, 2, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 41%
Katana - u+2, cs, 2, 2, 2, b,d,b+1, 2, 2, 2, d,b+4 - 48%
Tai-Chi - b+2, 2, 2, 2 b,d,b+1, 2, 2, 2, d,b+4 - 46%
Katana - u+2, cs, 2, 2, 2, b,d,b+1, 2, 2, 2, b,f+3 - 44%
Yuan Yang - 4,4,u+3, cs, jump 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 41%
Ba Gua - u+4, cs, 1,1 cs, 1,2,2,4 (wall hit) d+2 - 58%
Ba Gua - u+4, cs, 1,1, cs, 1,2,2,3 - 48%
Steel Fans - 1,1,b+2 1,1 2,2,2,f+2 - 37%
Kick Boxing - 1,4 1, 1, 1,3,cs - 36%
Kick Boxing - 1,4, cs, 2,2, cs, 1,3,cs - 36%
Kung Lao
Broadsword - b+2, 1,1,f+3 (wall), d+2 - 42%
Shaolin Fist - 1,1,3,cs, d+2 (corner), jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 39%
Shaolin Fist - 1,1,3,cs, b+2, 1,1,f+3 - 36%
Li Mei
Kunlan Dao - f,d+3, d,b+4, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4,cs 1,1,2, f,f+2 (wall) cs, d+2 - 71%
Lu He Ba Fa - f,d+3, d,b+4, 1,1,2, f,f+2 - 54%
Kunlun Dao - f,d+3, d,b+4, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 47%
Liu Kang
Nunchaku - b+2, cs, 1,1, 1,1, jump 1,1,3,4,cs - 54%
Jun Fun - 1,1,f+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,4 - 31%
Nunchaku - b+2, 1,1, 1,1,4 - 28%
Wrestling - 2,2,cs 1,1,u+3 (wall) d+2 - 52%
Wrestling - 2,2,cs, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 38%
Long Fist - u,u+4, b+2, cs, 1,1,4, 1,1,4, b,f+4 - 66%
Mien Chuan: 4,1, 4, cs, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 38%
Jeet Kune Do - f+2, 1,1, 1,1, 1,1,3(miss),4 - 41%
1,1,u+3, 1,1,u+3, 1,1,u+3........... 75%
d,b+4, 1,1,2,2 (wall) d+2 / b,f+1 45%
Tomahawks - b+1, 2,3, f,f+4, 2,3, f,f+4 - 44%
Tomahawks - b+1, 2,3, 2,3,4 (now opponent must be near wall) f,f+4 - 41%
Vale Tudo - b+1, 1,1 1,1,1,cs - 31%
Kama - 3,4,cs, 2,3,cs - 41%
Noob Saibot
Monkey - 2,1,1,b+2, d,f+3 2,1,1,cs - 50%
Monkey - 1,1,b+2, cs, 3, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 38%
4,b+1, 1,1,1 (wall) b+2 - 44%
Quan Chi
Escrima - 2,3,1,b+2, cs, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4,cs, 2,3,4,4,cs - 49%
Escrima - 2,3,1,b+2, b,d+4, 2,3,4,4,cs - 42%
Nan Chuan - 2,1,cs jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4,cs 2,1,1,2,f+1 - 43%
Storm Sword - (corner) d+2, d+2, 2,2 (wall) d+2 - 38%
Kiranshi - (corner) d+2, cs, 4,1,1 cs, d+2 - 40%
Pau Choi - 4,u+4, 4,1,1,b+1 - 32%
Pau Choi - 4,1,1,b+2, cs, 2,2,3 - 28%
Demon Fang - (corner) d+2, jump 1,1,2 1,1,3,4,cs 2,1,cs (wall) d+2 - 51%
Demon Fang - (corner) d+2, cs, 2,1,cs (wall) d+2 - 46%
Demon Fang - (corner) d+2, d+2 jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 40%
Demon Fang - u+1, b,f+2, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 37%
Hapkido - u+4, b+1, 2,3,cs, d,b+2 - 47%
Hapkido - b,f+1, 2,3,u+4, 2,3,b+1, d,b+2 - 37%
Hapkido - 2,3,u+4, 2,3,cs - 30%
Kenpo - u+1, f+3, cs, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4
Shao Khan
Tai Tsu - 1,1,cs, (wall) 3, cs, 1,1,1, db+1 - 51%
Tai Tsu - 1,1,cs, 2, cs, 1,1,2 - 43%
Shang Tsung
Sword - (wall) d+2, b+4,f+4 (wall hit) b+4 (wall hit) cs, b+4 - 42%
Shokan Blades - b+1, 1, cs, 2,2,cs,3 - 52%
Amulet Staff - u+1, 2, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 44%
Amulet Staff - u+1, 2, cs, 4,4,cs - 40%
Kou Sho - throw, 4,4 (wall) b+3 - 24%
Dan Tien Dao - u+2, b,f+1, throw, 1,1,2, (wall) ff+2 - 43%
Kwan Do - u+1, cs, 1,1,1, 1,1,cs,4,3 - 50%
Mi Tzu - u+4, d+1, d+1, 1,2,4 (wall) d+2 - 44%
Mi Tzu - u+4, d+1, d+1, 1,2,4,cs - 42%
Tae Kwon Do - 2, cs, 1,1,2,4,b+3 (wall), jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4- 55%
Tae Kwod Do - 2, jump, 1,1,2, cs, 1,1,3,4 - 37%
Night Sticks b+2,b+1, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4,cs, cs, b+2,1,1,u+1 - 37%
Sub Zero
Kori Blade - b+2, cs, 1,2, 1,2,4 (wall) d+2 - 44%
Kori Blade - b+2, cs, 1,1,3,cs - 31%
Shotokan - 1,1,3,b+2, 1,1,3,cs - 25%
Drake Sword - b+2, cs, 1, 1, 1, 1,1,2,cs - 44%
Gold Dragon - b+1, 1, 1, 1, 1, f,f+2 - 33%
Kobo Jutsu - b+2,b+1 jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 cs, cs, b+2,1,1,u+1 - 56%
Kobo Jutsu - b+2,b+1 b+2,1,1 (wall) 1 - 53%
For PS2:
1 = Square
2 = Triangle
3 = X
4 = Circle
b = Back
u = Up
f = Forward
d = Down
CS = Change style
For Xbox:
1 = X
2 = Y
3 = A
4 = B
b = Back
u = Up
f = Forward
d = Down
L = Change style
This are used for making the internet talk easier.
Instead of writing Mokap's Wing Chuan combo like this:
We write:
Combo Notation -
(corner) = This combo must be done in the corner.
(wall) = Wall hit.
, - This is a string. For example Scorpion 2,3,u+4.
When there's a space between the hits it means that the next is not part of the string. For example Scorpion 2,3,u+4, 3, 3,b+1. the 3 and 3,b+1 are not part of the 2,3,u+4 string and they are seperated.
In game notation -
Free throw - Free throw is a glitch in MKA.
After certin moves you can throw and the opponent canno't duck. This makes the throw, free.
Mix Ups - Mix ups is mostly two moves, one is low and one is mid.
Kung Lao Broadsword - b+3 hits low and juggles.
If you use only this mive the opponent will always block low.
This is where mix ups come in. Kung Lao Broadsword b+2 also juggles but it's a mid! So if the opponent blocks low this move will hit him.
You need to mix a low with a mid or a throw with a mid to create a mix up.
Safe - When a move is safe it means that after you preformed a move, For example - Dairou Mi Zong b+4, you can block right after it and the opponent cannot "punish" you.
Unsafe means that if a move is blocked, for example - Dairou Mi Zong d+2, you cannot block after it and the opponent can punish you.
In fighting games and in MK there are three different hights of move. High hit, Mid hit and a Low hit.
Sub Zero - Shotokan - 1 - High Move
Sub Zero - Shotokan - 3 - Mid Move
Sub Zero - Shotokan - d+4 - Low Move
High Moves can be high blocked*, and low blocked.
Mid Moves can only be high blocked, if you block low you will be hit by a mid move.
Low Moves can only be low blocked, if you block high a low move will hit you.
* Throws are unblockable high moves, they must be ducked.
Wake up
Wake up game is the options you have after you've been knocked down to the ground. Get up with an attack, stay on the ground, roll to the sides and more.
Parry is a defensive move, like reversals from MKDA it stops the opponent attack and gives you time to punish you're opponent. Parrys needs to be timed with the opponent attack.
Parry is dony be b+block
Breaker is a defensive move, it is done by - f+block.
Every characters has 3 breakers for the whole match.
You can break from almost every move, juggle, string, singel hits and more. Most throws are breakable in the grab part and some are breakable during the throw, (you can break Sindel's throw in the kick part for example).
Uppercuts and most plant moves are unbreakable.
An inifinite is a series of moves that can be done on the opponent over and over and over again without him being able to escape it.
For example:
In MKA - Jade - throw, teleport, throw, teleport, throw....
The opponent cannot duck the the throw or avoid it. Jade can do this over and over, this makes this an infinite.
Alsmost every character in MKA has some kind of an infinite.
Most of them, are time infinites done with air cancel (explanation how to do air cancel in the combos section).
MKA Air cancel time infinite
Sevral character have other infinites:
Kenshi MKA infinite
Jade MKA infinite
Hotaru MKA infinite
Moloch MKA time infinite
For more info on high level playing -
MKA high level playing guide - By Versatile
For MKA Movelist with moves properties- MKA Movelist - By Uranius
Tier List
In fighting games every character has atleast a few different moves. This ofcourse makes some characters better than others.
What considerd "Top Tiers" are the best characters in the game and "Low tiers" the worst in game.
All characters have what I call "tools". Tools are: Speed, Safe moves, Good damage, Good throw, Good lows, Unparryble moves and more.
Top Tiers have most if not all tools.
Mid Tiers lack some of the tools
Low tiers lack most if not all the tools.
For example a mid tier character:
- Lows: He has quick lows, d+1 is the fastest poke in the game. d+2 is a poke that does 13%. Both of those, however, are parryble. He has a sweep and d+4 but both of them are not fast. In other words he lacks a really fast unparryble low, which most of the top tiers have:
Tanya - d+4
Mavado & Kabal - u+2
Scorpion - b+3
- Mids: Mokap has good mids, 1,1,3 are all mids. f+2 is a mid juggles and is safe depends on lag.
- Damage: Mokap damage is mediocre, around 30%.
- Throw: Mokap throw is horrible, one of the worst in the game.
- Projectile: Mokap telesam is great, fast, safe from distance, juggles. His d,b+1 projectile is also good, slow excution but it travles fast.
So Mokap has good stuff: Mids, projectiles, teleslam. He has very quick low pokes but they are parryble.
He also has bad stuff: His throw is horrible, his damage is midocre and he lacks good unparryble lows.
As you can see Mokap has both good things and bad. The tools he lacks, (throw and unparryble lows) makes him mid tier.
Tier List
Top Tiers
- Sareena
- Scorpion
- Quan Chi
- Dairou
- Sub - Zero
- Noob Saibot
- Drahmin
- Tanya
- Kabal
- Mavado
- Kenshi
Low Tiers
- Shang Tsung
- Sindel
- Kano
- Motaro
- Kai
- Nitara
- Shujinko
- Cyrax
Mid Tiers
Everyone else.
Super Tier
In MKA the 3 of the bosses, Onaga, Blaze and Moloch cannot be throw, juggled, and hit by projectiles. This alone makes them better than all characters in the game.
Add to this huge damage and great safe lows and you got yourself a monster.
Bosses are not considerd a part of MK high level play. They are banned from Tournaments.
Best moves
Chou Jaio -
f+1 - Mid, pop ups, unsafe.
d+4 - Good unparryble low.
f+4,1,f+1 - Unsafe but everything is a mid, juggles.
2,2,1,cs - Only as a punisher, juggles.
Kriss -
u+4 - Sidesteping low, can be quick recoverd however. Unparryble.
Spcecial Moves -
d,f+1 - Nice projectile, fast, launches, short range.
Throw - Ashrah's throw is one of the best in the game, juggles, 20%.
Silat -
2 - Mid, unsafe.
d+4 - Quick, low, unparryble.
b+1 / b+1,2 / b+1,3 - Nice suprising mix ups.
Blades -
b+1 - Super fast, launces far, safe.
u+3 - Mid, pop ups, unsafe.
b+4 - Unparryble sweep.
3,3,2,1,1 - Sort of a scrub tactic but good to use once in awhile. Stop this combo in different places, most hits are mid.This combo can be parried in between so be careful.
Special Moves -
f,f+3 - Huge range, 16% super fast, unsafe.
d,u+3 - Mid, nice mixing it up with d+4 in silat and b+4 in blades.
Throw - Unbrekable 16%.
Bo Rai Cho
Drunken Fist -
b+3 - Sweep, very fast, short range, unparryble.
3,3 / 3,3,2 / 3,3,cs - Good mix ups. 3,3 are mids. 3,3,2 is safe depending on lag and gives you 50/50 on hit. 3,3,cs juggles.
Jojutso -
b+1 - Mid, pop ups.
d+1 - Nice quick poke.
3 - Extremly fast, safe, mid, 50/50 free throw follow up.
d+3 - Good high range low.Unparryble.
4 - Mid, good range.
u+4 - Mid, sidesteps, use it once in a while, not too much.
3,4 / 4,4 - All mid, safe, make sure you mix up the number of 4's to keep your opponent blocking.
Special Moves -
b,f+2 - One of Bo's best moves. Fantastic turtle tool. You can also use it up close to catach your opponent.
Throw - Not the monster it was in MKD because of wake up but still good.
Crane -
2 - High, safe, pop ups.
d+4 - Unparryble low sweep.
Ninja Sword -
d+1 - Long range, low.
4 - Mid, safe.
4,4 - Two mids, safe, mix it up with only one 4.
4,1 / 4,1,1 - Safe, mix up this combo. Can be parried in between.
4,1,1,3 - Opponent will let go block, pop them up with 3. unsafe. Can be parried in between.
1,3 - Only as a punisher, huge damge with chameleon combos.
Ninjitsu -
b+1 - Mid, pop ups.
d+1 - quick low poke, parryble.
Pulse Blade -
b+3 - Good sweep. Unparryble, good range.
b+4 - Mid, safe, good damage.
Special Moves -
Throw - It's Cyrax, you gotta work with what you have.
Mi Zong -
f+1 - Mid, juggles.
d+1 - Quick low poke.
b+3 - Unpaaryble fast low sweep.
b+4 - Dairou's best move. Juggles, super fast, safe, catches jumpers, hits high.
u+4 - Short range, mid, juggles, safe.
Atum Dao -
d+1 - Quick low, nice range.
b+2 - Mid, juggles, unsafe. Best to use only as a punisher.
b+3 - It's not Kung Lao's version but still good.
1,1,f+3 - If you dont wanna try air cancel, use this after any pop up.
Special Moves -
f,b,d/b,d+1- TS got a tone down? Not quite, Check has a found a way to make it faster. Press f,b,d/b,d+1 keep on mashing the 1 and it will be super fast.
TS is still one of the best moves in the game. Fighting with Sareena's Knife and few others for the number 1 spot
d,b+2 -One of the better projectiles in the game
d,u+3 - Probably the best teleport in MKA. Has priority on all teleports besides Rain's. Free throw up close, you can also use it to avoid projectiles.
Throw - Not the best throw but launches far giving time for some TS / fireball mix ups.
Gujo Ryu -
2 - Mid, pop ups.
d+4 - Unparryble low.
Gauntlets -
3 - Safe, mid, pop ups, spammable. cs and do 1,1,cs,2,4,4,4 for about 45%
d+4 - Low, unparryble
Special Moves
d,f+3 - Low, crouches, long range, fast.
Throw - Unbreakable 16%.
Fu Jow Pai
b+2 - Safe, mid.
d+4 - Quick, low, unparryble.
Swords -
1,1 - Very quick, safe, good pokes. After a few 1,1 and 2 and the opponent will let go of block.
Specials -
f,d+2 - Do not spam it, it can be a good tool when used very carefully, hits mid, juggles.
d,f+1 - It's what you got.
Throw - One of the worst throw in the games but it's still a throw.
Hung Gar -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
b+2 - Mid, safe, plants.
1,1,cs - Mid, great range, juggles, safe, pop ups. Drhamins best move.
Iron Club -
d+1 - Great low poke.
b+2 - Mid, juggles, safe.
d+3 - Another nice low poke.
d+4 - Unparryble low.
Special Moves -
f,f+2 - Superb move. Fast, good range, last two hits are mid, juggles, cataches jumpers, safe.
f,b,d+3 - Not what it was in DA but still good, unblockable juggle, use it mainly to get people jumping in the air and catch them with f,f+2.
Throw - Great throw. Juggles, what more do you need?
Choy Lay Fut
1 - very quick high poke. Safe.
d+1 - Quick low poke, parryble.
b+4 - Nice sweep.
1,1 - Nice to use once in a while, safe.
Axe -
d+1 - good low poke.
d+2 - Uppercut, mid, juggles. You can get almost 40% unbreakable damage with d+2 and teleslams.
1,3,4 / 4,4 / 4,4,4 - 1 is a mid, the 4 part is safe. Free throw after the 4. Watch out, this combo is parryble before each 4.
Specials -
b,d,b+4 - The good old teleslam. Juggles, mid, unsafe.
Throw - 16%
Tong Bei -
d+4 - Unparryble quick low.
Daggers -
d+1 - Quick low.
b+3 - Frost's best pop up.
Special Moves -
d,b+1 - The base of frost's game, unblcokable, great keep away tool, free hit.
d,b+3 - Frost's second best move fast, low, freezes, doesn't reduce damage, carful from sidestep freindly people.
d,b+4 - Teleports, safe, can be parry canceld, pop up.
d+1 - Good poke.
d+4 - Good unparryble low kick.
1,1,b+3 - Scrub tactic, b+3 is a low, use once in a match. Good players will always block the b+3.
Wind Blade -
u+2 - Safe online, mid, juggles.
Specials -
d,f+1 - One of Fujins best moves. Pop ups the opponent, quick, safe, you can recover quickly.
d,u+2 - Can catch people of guard. It's unsafe so be careful, use it mostly after d,f+1 connects. If you use it not after d,f+1 be careful.
d,b+4 - Only after a pop up. Unbreakable.
d+3 (In air) The old dive kick. If you are blocked the opponent get a free juggle on you.
Throw - Nice throw.
Tang Soo Doo -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
d+3 - Good unparryble low kick.
2,3,4 / b+1,3,3 1,1,2,3,4 mix ups. Havik's Tang Soo Doo mix ups can be confusing. Remember however that it will be rare to catch a good player with it since all of this mix ups can be blocked on reaction.
Morning Star -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
3 - Mid, juggles, safe with lag. Catches lying on opponents.
Specials -
Throw - Great throw, juggles. cs and 1,1,2,f+2 for nice easy damage. Breakable.
Pi Gua -
b+1 - Mid, pop ups,not safe.
d+1 - Great low poke, crouches, parryble.
d+3 Low kick, crouches, unparryble.
2,b+1 - When you're mixing up all this singel moves the opponent will let go of block in 2 and b+1 will hit him.
Nagatina -
b+1 - Safe, high, pop ups.
1,b+1 - Same with Pi Gua's 2,b+1, opponent will let go of block.
Special Moves -
d,b+1 - Lava burst is a great turtle tool and keeps your opponent away from you. Most chances are it will get block but the recovery is great so don't be afraid to use it. It pop ups ofcours.
b,f+1 - A great safe charge move, spam it and mix it up with Lava burst.
Throw - A great throw, juggles, breakable in the juggle part.
Hsu Hao
Sumo -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
d+3 - Good unparryble low kick.
1,2,cs - Only as punisher or after a parry. cs and 1,2,3 for great damage.
Sun Moon -
d+3 - Very quick unparryble low kick, short range.
b+4 - Good sweep.
b+1,f+2 - Mid, juggles.
Specials -
d,b+2 - Hsu Hao's beest move. Quick, safe, full screen range, cataches jumpers, you recover fast, a really great move.
d,f+1 - Also a goood move. You can do d,b+2 right after it.
Throw - Still a throw...
Fan Zi -
3 - Mid, juggles, safe.
d+4 - Fast unparryble low kick.
Bojutso -
4 - Great range, safe, quick, free throw or 50/50 follow up.
1,1 - Mid, unsafe, 50/50 follow up.
2,1,u+3 - Only as a punisher. Follow up with another 2,1,u+3 for easy 41%.
Special Moves -
b,f+2 - What a great move. Can really kill projectile happy characters (Sareena, Sub...........)
b,f+1 - Teleport, by itself it's maybe the worst teleport in the game. After a throw however you get a 50/50.
Throw - Unbreakable damage.
Muhy Tai -
b+4 - Good sweep
Tonfas -
b+1 - Pop up, mid, unsafe.
b+3 - Plants, ubreakable.
u+4 - Side steps, safe, mid, pop ups, very slow.
d+4 - Unparryable low kick.
1,1 - Mid, unsafe, 50/50.
Specials -
f,d+3 - Ground slam, it's quick but people will jump on reaction. The trick is to scare people to jump it and catch them with the gun.
b,f+4 - All this move is good for is to catch jumpers. Mix it up with f,d+3 and people will do just that.
Throw - It's a throw
Dragon -
d+1 - Nice low poke
Axe -
d+1 - Yet another nice low poke
1,3,4/4,4/4,4,4 - Goodsafe combo, starts with a mid, anti air move, gives a free throw, stop at different places with the 4's. Watch out, the 4 part is parryble.
Special Moves -
u,d+3 - Jerak's tomb stone is great, super fast. If you see your opponent jumps everytime be careful and mix it up with 1,3,4.
b,f+3 - Very fast charge, hits mid.
d,b+1 - Low chance it will hit but if it does it has great damage.
Throw - Not a very good one but still unblockable damage.
Jhonny Cage
Shorin Ryu -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
d+3 - Good unparryble low kick.
4 - Mid, juggles, great damage after it with Jhonny's combos.
2,1,1,4 - The block damage by itself makes it worthy.
2,1,1,3,3 - Use it mainly to end juggles. Sometimes it's good to end a combo with just the first 3 and the opponent will keep blocking.
Nunchakos -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
b+1 - Mid, safe.
Special Moves -
Throw - Still unbreakable damage.
Sub Bin -
u+3 - Quick, crap range, high, safe.
Hookswords -
u+2 - One of the best moves in the game. Low, good range, safe, unparryble, free throw follow up in the corner, 16%. What more can you ask?
b+2 - Mid, juggles.
u+3 - Nice low, sidestepps.
4 - Not as good as Mavado's version but still a safe mid.
d+4 - Extremely fast low.
Special Moves -
b,f+4 - Great move, fast, juggles, huge range, use it to punish projectile and whiffs from sweep distance. Can also be buffered from some moves.
d,b+2 - Throw this move from time to time to keep your opponent on their heels.
Throw - Not a very good onw but unblockable damage.
Xing Yi -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
4 - Mid, safe.
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
4,2 - MId, juggle, safe for the most part.
Butterfly Knives -
b+4 - Unparryble low sweep.
b+1,b+2 - Mids, unsafe.
Special Moves -
Throw - Like all of Kano's moves, it's weak but it's what you have.
Tai Chi -
2 - Nice quick high poke, safe.
3 - Mid, this is a special move in MKA. After it hits every move of Kenshi is free. Meaning - the opponent cannot duck, block, parry, or baisicly avoid it.
d+4 - Good low kick, unparryble.
Katana -
u+2 - Pop ups, mid, safe online.
b+3 - Nice low, unparryble.
Special Moves -
b,f+3 - Nicw mid, nice range.
Throw - good throw, 16%.
Yung Yang -
4 - Mid, safe.
d+4 - Unparryble low.
4,4 - Mid, mid, safe.
4,4,u+3 - Great moves, safe, juggles, mid.
Dragon Theeth -
b+4 - Unparryble low sweep.
b+1,b+2 - Mids, unsafe.
Special Moves -
b,f+1 - Kira's stolen move. Great turtle tool, nice range. The best and new thing about it is that damage isn't reduced after it.
d,f+3 - Nice quick projectile. Kira ducks so she can avoid some high projectiles.
Throw - Nice throw, 16%.
u+4 - Mid, pop ups, safe on lag. Good damage with Kitana combos.
b+4 - Great low, quick, unparryble, knocks and gives you 50/50
Steel Fans -
1,1 - If you wanna be cool, use it. Safe, high.
Special Moves -
b,f+2 - One of the best projectiles in the game. Probably the second best after Sareena's. The hit box of this move is amaizing. Kitana recovers super fast. It travels fast. Fantastic move. Spam it.
b,f+4 - Teleport, easy to catch. Don't use it too much or at all.
Throw - nice throw.
Kick Boxing -
1 - Nice quick high poke, safe.
b+3,3 - b+3 is low. Nice combo.
u+4 - Sidesteping low, can be quick recoverd however. Unparryble.
Special Moves -
d,f+2 - Good move, fast, nice range, mid.
d,b+1 - Great projectile, low, fast. Good turtle tool. Mix it up with d,f+2.
Throw - Great throw - 16%.
Kung Lao
Shaolin Fist -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
f+1 - Mid, juggles.
d+3 - Unparryble low kick.
1,1,3,cs - Ends with a low juggle. Parryble.
Broad Sword -
d+1 - Nice low.
b+2 - Mid, juggles, unsafe.
b+3 - Low, juggles, mix it up with b+2.
Special Moves
b,f+1 - Not an amazing projectile but throw it here and there.
Throw - Ublockable 13%.
Li Mei
Lu He Ba Fa -
b+1 - Mid, juggles.
2 - Safe, mid, 50/50 follow up.
b+3 - Quick Low sweep
b+4 - Unbreakable, plants.
2,b+1 - After several 2's, add b+1 and it might catch the opponent and juggle him.
Kunlan Dao -
d+1 - Quick tracking low.
u+1 - Mid pop up, unsafe, hit's opponent on the gound.
2 - Quick, mid, safe, 50/50 or free throw follow up.
2,b+3 - Opponent will learn to let go of block after 2, hit them with b+3, safe, free throw follow up.
Special Moves -
f,d+3 - Mid, juggles.
Throw - Good throw, 16%, launches opponent far.
Liu Kang
Jun Fan -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
f+2 - Mid, juggles.
d+3 - Unparryble low kick.
b+4 - Unparryble sweep.
1,1 - Safe, mid.
1,1,3 - Safe, mid, mix it up with just 1,1.
Nunchako -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
Special Moves -
f,f+1 - Low projectiles, easy to sidestep / jump.
Throw - Unblockable 16%, launches far.
Wrestling -
1 - High, 20%
f+1 - Great move, good range, low, pop ups.
d+1 - Quick low poke
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
Cleavers -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
b+1 / b+1,b+2 - Mid, unsafe, these are meats only mids.
Special moves -
b,f+3 - Fast, low, unsafe.
u,d+3 - Good fast teleport.
b,f+2 - Quick taunt, if the opponent is far from and is not sareena, use it.
Long Fist -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
d+4 - Fast, unparryble low kick.
1,1,cs - Great move, ends with u+2.
1,1,3 - Juggles. 3 is a mid so mix it up with 1,1,cs.
Hookswords -
u+2 - One of the best moves in the game. Low, good range, safe, unparryble, free throw follow up in the corner, 16%. What more can you ask?
b+2 - Mid, juggles.
u+3 - Nice low, sidestepps.
4 - Not as good as Mavado's version but still a safe mid.
d+4 - Extremely fast low.
Mien Chuan -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
b+2,2 - Safe quick jab.
b+3 - Unparryble low sweep.
4 - Mid, safe, 50/50 or free throw follow up.
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
4,1 - Starts with mid, pop ups, unsafe.
4,3 - Starts with a mid, free throw or 50/50 follow up.
Sais -
4 - Nice standing low.
Special moves -
d,f+2 - Nice projectile, Mileena leans back so she can avoid things from up close, nice damage.
Throw - Nice unbreakable damage.
Jeet Kuan Do -
d+1 - Fastest poke in the game.
d+2 - A poke that does 13%
f+2 - Mid, juggles, safe with lag.
b+4 - Unparryble sweep.
1,1 - Safe, mid.
1,1,3 - Safe, mid, mix it up with just 1,1.
Wing Chuan -
d+3 - Unparryble low kick.
Specials -
d,b+2 - Teleslam, a great move, good range, mid, safe, juggles, catches jumpers.
d,b+1 - Good projectile, 13%.
Throw - Still a throw.
d+1 - Great low poke, amaizing recovery.
d+4 - Nice low kick, unparryble.
4 - Mid, pop ups.
d+4,d+3 - Great low, low kick combo, unparryble, catches opponents.
1,1,u+3 - Great combo, continue with 1,1,u+3 and you have some crazy damage.
1,1,d+3 - Nice mix up. Ends with a low.
Special Moves -
u,d+3 - Moloch slam is awesome - it will hit people on the ground and can take up to 20% if it hits the opponent's body.
Horse -
d+1 - Great low poke, fast, plants.
d+4 - Good low kick, unparryble.
2,2 - Mid, unsafe.
Special Moves -
d,u+2 - Great teleport, super fast.
b,f+1 - Nice charge.
d,b+3 - Into mount stance, from mount stance:
1 - Good projectile, very fast.
2 - Nice low charge.
Vale Tudo -
d+3 - Good low kick, unparryble, kick.
Tomahwaks -
3 - Mid, safe, gives 50/50 on hit.
2,3 - Safe, mid, good range. Parryble before the 3.
Special Moves -
f,f+4 - Fast, unsafe. Use once in a while, not too much.
Throw - Fantastic throw, juggles, unbreakable.
Leopard -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
d+3 - Good unparryble low.
b+3 - Good sweep.
4 - Mid, safe.
Kama -
b+1 - Mid, juggles.
d+3 - Quick poke.
Special Moves
d,b+2 (in air) - good move, catches alot of people, not as good as Tanya air fire ball but still.
Throw - Nitara's best move. This is the base of your game, always try to set up for a throw. It does 17% and heals 8%.
Noob Saibot
Monkey -
4 - Mid, juggles.
d+4 - Great low kick, unparryble.
2,4 - 100% safe, juggles. Spam this move.
Special Moves -
u,d+1 - Invisible, nice tool to Noob's game.
d,f+3 - Ok projectile, use it mostly in juggles.
Throw - Nice throw, 16%
Quan Chi
Escrima -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
b+1 - Mid, juggles, safe.
f+2 - Safe, fast, knocks.
d+4 - Good unparryble low kick.
Borad Swords -
d+1 - Nice low.
d+1,3 - A great low, low combo, catches alot of people. parryble.
1,1,4 - 100% safe, catches jumpers, nice damage. Mid. Free throw follow up.
2,3,b+3 - Great mix up combo, high,low,mid. Hard to block and mixing it up with d+1,3 is a great thing.
Special Moves -
d,b+2 - I wonder what Midway were thinking when they balanced this move. It's fast, it's safe and steals your opponent weapon!
This is perheps Qun an Chi's best move and the base of his game. Characters like Jerak for example that his game is based on his weapon are just screwd against him.
b,d+3 - Great move, goes under attacks, juggles, safe, parry cancelable.
Throw - Great throw, 18%. 50/50
Nan Chuan -
f+1 - Mid, plants, 50/50 when teleported after.
2 - Good high safe poke. Good to mix up with 2 follow ups.
b+2 - Nice pop up, quick, safe, high.
b+3 - Good low kick, 50/50 on hit.
2,1,1,2,b+2 - Good combo, fast, pop ups, all high hits. Safe. Stop at different places for nice mix ups.
Staff -
d+1 - Great low, good range, safe, 50/50 on hit.
u+4 - Good pop up, high, safe.
Special Moves -
d,u+3 - Great teleport, very quick, great to use after f+1.
Throw - great throw, 16%.
Zi Ran Men -
d+4 - Good low kick, unparryble.
1,1,3 - Nice safe combo, juggles. All high.
b+3,f+3 - Great combo. Two low hits, 16%
Special Moves -
u,d+3 - Possibley the best teleport in the game. Has priority even on Dairou's teleport. Use it.
d,u+2 - Nice to throw here and there. Pop ups, unblockable. Dont spam it.
b,f+1 - Good to use, somewhat safe.
Pao Chui -
b+1 - Unbreaklable, plants.
d+1 - Nice poke.
4 - Mid, safe.
d+4 - Good unparryble low kick.
4,1 / 1,1 - Safe, starts with a mid.
4,1,1,b+2 / b+1 - b+2 juggles. Both b+2 and b+1 are unsafe. Use it only when 4,1,1 connected.
Kiranshi -
d+1 - Good low poke, nice range.
b+4 - Mid , juggles.
Specials -
d,u+2 - Invisible. Great move. Throw some acid spits in between.
Throw - Nice throw
Ba Shan Fan -
b+1 - Mid pop up, unsafe.
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
1,3 / 1,b+3 - Nice high,low high,mid mix ups, 1,b+3 catches alot of people, don't use 1,b+3 alot cause it's unsafe and people will block it.
Demon Fang -
d+1 - Quick tracking low.
u+1 - Mid pop up, unsafe, hit's opponent on the gound.
2 - Mid, safe, 50/50 or free throw follow up.
2,b+3 - Opponent will learn to let go of block after 2, hit them with b+3, safe, free throw follow up.
Special Moves -
b,f+2 - The base of sareena's game. The fastest projectile in the history of mortal kombat.
f,f+1 - Quick, long range, mid, pop up.
Throw - Unbreakable 16%, launches the opponent away from you giving you time for some more Knife throwing turtle.
Hapkido -
d+1 - Nice low poke.
2 - Quick jab, safe, 50/50 follow up.
3 - Mid, safe, free throw or 50/50 follow up.
b+3 - Quick, unparryble low sweep.
2,3,u+4 - Safe, juggles.
f+3,b+3 - Unparryble low, low combo.
Sword -
d+1 - Great range, low.
f+1 - Fast, safe, mid, juggles.
Special Moves -
d,b+2 - After plants.
Throw - Scorp's throw is great. 19%
Kenpo -
2 - Mid, juggles.
b+3 - Great sweep.
f+3 - Mid, juggles.
d+4 - Nice unparryble low kick.
Swords -
b+1 - Mid, juggles.
b+3 - Very quick low, parryble.
d+3 - Another good low, parryble.
b+4 - Mid, safe.
Specials -
b,f+3 - Use here and there, on hit you get a 50/50.
d,b+1 - Quick projectile.
Throw - Not a good one but still.
Shao Khan
Tai Tzu -
1 - Nice high poke, free throw follow up.
d+1 - Good low poke, parryble.
b+3 - Great sweep, unparryble.
1,1,cs - Parryble before the cs but great damage. Juggles.
Special Moves -
d,f+1 - Good projectile, fast, good damage.
f,f+2 - Nice charge, fast, unsafe.
d,f+3 - good move, safe, fast, chatches many times.
Shang Tsung
Snake -
u+2 - 16%, good range, unsafe, high.
4 - Mid, nothing more.
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
Sword -
b+4 - Mid, safe.
Specials -
b,d+3 - Soul drain is fast, safe, chatches jumpers and heals.
d,b+4 - Good players will see it and parry but if you wanna try once in a match, you can try.
Throw - It's what you have.
Shokan -
1 - Mid, pop ups, unsafe. Good damage with Sheeva's combos.
d+4 - Great unparryble low kick, very fast.
2,2,cs,1 - Fantastic combo, super safe, juggles, great damage.
Shaokan Blades -
1 - Mid, Safe, 50/50 on hit, free throw. Great move.
b+1 - Nice juggle, high, safe. Great damage.
2,1 - Great safe combo.
Special Moves -
u,d+3 - Good tombstone, unblockable, juggles.
d,u+3 - Nice teleport, dont spam it as it's easy to avoid. Good for avoiding long recovery projectiles.
Throw - Nice throw, 16%
Kou Sho-
b+1 - Mid, pop up.
d+3 - Crouching, unparryble low kick.
b+4 - Plants, unbreakable, free d,f+2 follow up.
2 / 4,4,cs - Ends with amulet staff u+2.
Amulet Staff -
u+1 - Mid, pop up, hits ground opponents
2 - Quick, high, safe.
u+2 - Low, unparryble.
u+3 - Mid, juggles, unsafe.
1,b+3 - 1 is mid, b+3 is low. Use it only once cause once people know this move they block it on reaction.
4,4 - Mid, safe, free throw follow up.
4,4,1 - Mid, pop ups, unsafe
Special Moves -
d,f+2 - On every planted opponent.
d,b+1 - Free d,f+2 follow up, dpn't use this move from up close.
Throw - Shinnok's throw is great, free d,f+2 follow up for some nice damage.
Mantis -
u+3 - Quick mid.
d+4 - Unparryble low.
b+4 - Sweep, very slow.
Dan Tien Dao -
u+2 - Mid, juggles, unsafe.
Special moves -
b,d,b+4 - Teleslam, hits mid, juggles, unsafe.
Throw - Juggles, breakable.
Zah Chuan
b+1 - Mid, juggles, unsafe.
b+3 - Good sweep.
Staff -
u+1 - Mid, pop up, hits ground opponents
2 - Quick, high, safe.
u+2 - Low, unparryble.
u+3 - Mid, juggles, unsafe.
1,b+3 - 1 is mid, b+3 is low. Use it only once cause once people know this move they block it on reaction.
4,4 - Mid, safe, free throw follow up.
4,4,1 - Mid, pop ups, unsafe
Special Moves -
f,f+3 - Good fast projectile.
Throw - Worst throw in the game. Good for knocking people from stages.
Mi Tzu -
d+1 - Nice low poke, parryble.
u+4 - Great mid pop up, safe.
Judo -
d+4 - Good unparryble low kick.
Special Moves -
d,b+1 - Not what it was in MKd but still good. Great turtle tool.
b,f+2 - Carful with this move. It is rare to catch a good player with it.
u,d+3 - Nice teleport.
Taw Kwon Do -
2 - Mid, pop ups.
b+3 - Nice low kick, unparryble
d+4 - Great low kick, unaprryble.
4,b+3/f+3 - Great mix up combo, 4 is a mid, b+3 is a low. Use this combo wisely mix it up with just single 4's. Then add b+3 and from time to time finish it up with f+3, whichi is a another low.
Kali Sticks -
d+3 - Great fast poke
b+3 - Great mid, safe, 14% knocks.
u+3 - Another nice mid, plants, 18%.
2,4,b+3 - Great safe combo.
2,4,3 - 3 is a low, mix the two combos and you got yourself a mix up.
1,1,2,4,b+3 / 3 - Same as the two above but starts with 1,1.
Special Moves -
d,b+1 - Sonya's famus kiss is her best move. Safe, great turtle tool, nice range. The best and new thing about it is that damage isn't reduced after it.
d,f+2 - Nice projectile, Sonya crouches so she can avoid some high projectiles. Looks like it hits mid but it's high.
Throw - Unblockable 13%
Sub Zero
Shotokan -
d+1 - Quick low poke.
3 - Safe, mid, free throw or 50/50 follow up.
d+4 - Unparryble low kick.
Kori Blade -
b+2 - Mid, juggles, safe.
d+3 - Good range, low, quick.
Special Moves.
d,b+1 - Sub's main thing. You should turtle with Sub and you should do it the clone.
Throw - Kinda crap but still unbreakable damage.
Gold Dragon -
1 - Quick high poke, safe.
b+4 - Great sweep, fast, unparryble.
2,3 - Nice combo. 2 is mid. Safe, 3 is parryble.
1,1,2,cs - Last hit juggles and hits mid. Careful, this combo can be parried before the cs.
Sword -
b+2 - Mid, Safe online, juggles.
3 - Great move, fast, mid ,safe. Free throw or 50/50 follow up.
Special Moves -
f,f+2 - Good charging move. Don't spam it.
u,d+3 - Ground slam. Good players will always jump it. One of the slowest ground slams in the game.
d,f+1 - Nice projectile
Yue Chuan -
d+1 - Quick low poke
d+4 - Quick low kick, unparryble.
3,2 - 3 is a mid, safe for the most part, 50/50 or free throw follow up.
2,cs1,1,u+1 - Scrub tactic. Stop at different points - nice tactic to confuse the opponent.
Kubo Jutsu -
b+1 - Pop up, mid, unsafe.
b+3 - Plants, ubreakable.
u+4 - Side steps, safe, mid, pop ups, very slow.
d+4 - Unparryable low kick.
1,1 - Mid, unsafe, 50/50.
b+2,b+1 - This pop up combo has no damage scailing for some reason, follow this up with b+2,1,1,u+1 and half of your opponent life bar is gone. Use it as a punisher only.
Special Moves -
d,b+2 - tanya's air fireball is great to throw and keeping your opponent blocking, free throw follow up.
u,d+1 - Invisible, a great tool to add more preasure on your opponent, he will now focus to find you and not hit you.
Throw - Unbreakable 16%
MKA Combo Vid - Mortal Kombat Evolution - by Check and NukesGoBoom.
Mortal Kombat Evolution - part 1
Mortal Kombat Evolution - part 2
Mortal Kombat Evolution - part 3
Mortal Kombat Evolution - part 4
Air Cancel - As seen by some combos here and in the MKA combo vid character jump, do an air combo and they land quicly, before the opponent lands and can continue the combo. How it's done?
Let's take Havik.
In weapon do b+2 (this will pop up the opponent). Then jump, and press 1,1,2 (you will bounce back up) and then press 1,1,3,4. After 1,1,3 animition and just before the 4 (the air throw) animitaion tap CS. This will make you land before the opponent. When you land you will be in Tang Soo Doo, press 1,1,2,f+2 and you have a 48%
The timing for the CS is a bit tricky but you'll get it. Remember to wait untill the whole 1,1,3 animition ends and just before the 4 animition start tap CS.
You can bounce up again and do this over and over again...... (yeah it's Midway...........)
Kriss - (corner) d+2, 3,4,2 (wall) d+2 - 43%
Chou Jaio - 2,2,1,cs, 2,2, cs, 2,2,1,cs - 43%
Chou Jaio - u+4, 4, 2,2,1,cs - 41%
Chou Jaio - 2,2,1,cs, cs, 2,2,1,cs - 38%
Chou Jaio - u+4, 2,2,1,cs - 34%
Chou Jaio - d,u+3, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 29%
Kriss - b+1, 3,4,2,2 - 28%
Blades - u+3, 3,3,2,1, f,f+3 - 43%
Silat - 1,1,2 (miss first two hits), b+1, 1,1,1, f,f+3 - 35%
Blades - u+3, 3,3,2,1,1 - 35%
Blades - u+3, cs, 1, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 31%
1,2, b+2, 1,1 (wall), 1 (wall), 1 (wall), f+1 - 48%
1,2, 1,1,3 - 35%
Bo Rai Cho
Jojutsu - 2,4,b+1, 2,4,4 (wall), d+2 - 33%
Jojutsu - 2,4,b+1, 2,4,4,u+3 - 31%
Ninja Sword - 1,3, 4,4 4,1, cs, 1,1,1,u+4 b,f+4 - 64%
Ninja Sword - 1,3, 4,4, 4,1,1,3 - 45%
Crane - 2, 3,3,3 (wall) b,f+3, b,f+3, b,f+3 - Time Infinite
Pulse Blade - f,b+1, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 33%
Autum Dao - (corner) d+2, cs, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 33%
Mi Zong - u+4, cs, 1,1,f+2 - 31%
Gauntlets - 3, cs, 1,1,cs,2,4,4 (wall) d+2 - 51%
Swords - f,d+2 1,1,2, cs, 1,1,2,cs - 55%
Swords - f,d+2, 1,1,2 (wall) 2 (wall) b,f+4 - 50%
Hung Gar - 1,1,cs, d+3, 1,1,4 - 40%
Axe - u+2, cs 1,3,4 b,d,b+4, cs, 1,1,2 f,b+2 - 45%
Choy Lee Fut - 1,u+1 (miss first hit) 1,1,2, b,d,b+4, 1,1,2,cs - 36%
Daggers - b+3, cs, 1,1, 1,1,2,cs - 39%
Devastator - u+2, 2,2,3 (wall), d+2 - 36%
Devastator - u+2, cs, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 29%
Morning Star - b+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4,cs 1,1,2,f+2 - 48%
Pi Gua - 2,b+1 d+1 2,2,u+1 (wall) cs, d+2 - 40%
Pi Gua - 2,b+1, 2,2,u+1 - 32%
Nagatina - 1,b+1, 1,1,u+2 - 28%
Hsu Hao
Sumo - d,u+3, 1,2,cs, b+1,b+2 (wall), 3, (wall) d+2 - 77%
Sumo - d,u+3, 1,2,cs, cs, 1,2,3 - 68%
Bojutsu - 2,1,u+3, 2,1,3 (wall), cs, d+2 - 45%
Tonfas - b+2,1,1,u+1 b+2,1,1 (wall) d+2 - 43%
Tonfas - b+2,b+1, b+2,1,1,u+1 - 42%
Axe - d,b+1 1,3,4,4,4 b,f+3 - 55%
Axe - d,b+1 (opponent now must be against the wall) d+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 42%
Jhonny Cage
Shorin Ryu - 2,1,1,4 1,1, jump, cs, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 47%
Shorin Ryu - 2,1,1,4 1,1, 2,1,1,3,3 - 45%
Dragon Fangs - b+1, cs, b+1, 1,1,3 - 37%
Sun Bin - u+3, cs, 1,1,2 (wall), cs, d+2 - 42%
Xing Yi - u,u+1, u+4, cs, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4,cs, 1,1, 1,1,4,3 - 55%
Xing Yi - u,u+1, u+4, 1,1 1,1,4,3 - 42%
Butterfly Knives - u,u+1, 2, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 41%
Katana - u+2, cs, 2, 2, 2, b,d,b+1, 2, 2, 2, d,b+4 - 48%
Tai-Chi - b+2, 2, 2, 2 b,d,b+1, 2, 2, 2, d,b+4 - 46%
Katana - u+2, cs, 2, 2, 2, b,d,b+1, 2, 2, 2, b,f+3 - 44%
Yuan Yang - 4,4,u+3, cs, jump 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 41%
Ba Gua - u+4, cs, 1,1 cs, 1,2,2,4 (wall hit) d+2 - 58%
Ba Gua - u+4, cs, 1,1, cs, 1,2,2,3 - 48%
Steel Fans - 1,1,b+2 1,1 2,2,2,f+2 - 37%
Kick Boxing - 1,4 1, 1, 1,3,cs - 36%
Kick Boxing - 1,4, cs, 2,2, cs, 1,3,cs - 36%
Kung Lao
Broadsword - b+2, 1,1,f+3 (wall), d+2 - 42%
Shaolin Fist - 1,1,3,cs, d+2 (corner), jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 39%
Shaolin Fist - 1,1,3,cs, b+2, 1,1,f+3 - 36%
Li Mei
Kunlan Dao - f,d+3, d,b+4, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4,cs 1,1,2, f,f+2 (wall) cs, d+2 - 71%
Lu He Ba Fa - f,d+3, d,b+4, 1,1,2, f,f+2 - 54%
Kunlun Dao - f,d+3, d,b+4, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 47%
Liu Kang
Nunchaku - b+2, cs, 1,1, 1,1, jump 1,1,3,4,cs - 54%
Jun Fun - 1,1,f+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,4 - 31%
Nunchaku - b+2, 1,1, 1,1,4 - 28%
Wrestling - 2,2,cs 1,1,u+3 (wall) d+2 - 52%
Wrestling - 2,2,cs, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 38%
Long Fist - u,u+4, b+2, cs, 1,1,4, 1,1,4, b,f+4 - 66%
Mien Chuan: 4,1, 4, cs, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 38%
Jeet Kune Do - f+2, 1,1, 1,1, 1,1,3(miss),4 - 41%
1,1,u+3, 1,1,u+3, 1,1,u+3........... 75%
d,b+4, 1,1,2,2 (wall) d+2 / b,f+1 45%
Tomahawks - b+1, 2,3, f,f+4, 2,3, f,f+4 - 44%
Tomahawks - b+1, 2,3, 2,3,4 (now opponent must be near wall) f,f+4 - 41%
Vale Tudo - b+1, 1,1 1,1,1,cs - 31%
Kama - 3,4,cs, 2,3,cs - 41%
Noob Saibot
Monkey - 2,1,1,b+2, d,f+3 2,1,1,cs - 50%
Monkey - 1,1,b+2, cs, 3, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 - 38%
4,b+1, 1,1,1 (wall) b+2 - 44%
Quan Chi
Escrima - 2,3,1,b+2, cs, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4,cs, 2,3,4,4,cs - 49%
Escrima - 2,3,1,b+2, b,d+4, 2,3,4,4,cs - 42%
Nan Chuan - 2,1,cs jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4,cs 2,1,1,2,f+1 - 43%
Storm Sword - (corner) d+2, d+2, 2,2 (wall) d+2 - 38%
Kiranshi - (corner) d+2, cs, 4,1,1 cs, d+2 - 40%
Pau Choi - 4,u+4, 4,1,1,b+1 - 32%
Pau Choi - 4,1,1,b+2, cs, 2,2,3 - 28%
Demon Fang - (corner) d+2, jump 1,1,2 1,1,3,4,cs 2,1,cs (wall) d+2 - 51%
Demon Fang - (corner) d+2, cs, 2,1,cs (wall) d+2 - 46%
Demon Fang - (corner) d+2, d+2 jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 40%
Demon Fang - u+1, b,f+2, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 37%
Hapkido - u+4, b+1, 2,3,cs, d,b+2 - 47%
Hapkido - b,f+1, 2,3,u+4, 2,3,b+1, d,b+2 - 37%
Hapkido - 2,3,u+4, 2,3,cs - 30%
Kenpo - u+1, f+3, cs, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4
Shao Khan
Tai Tsu - 1,1,cs, (wall) 3, cs, 1,1,1, db+1 - 51%
Tai Tsu - 1,1,cs, 2, cs, 1,1,2 - 43%
Shang Tsung
Sword - (wall) d+2, b+4,f+4 (wall hit) b+4 (wall hit) cs, b+4 - 42%
Shokan Blades - b+1, 1, cs, 2,2,cs,3 - 52%
Amulet Staff - u+1, 2, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 - 44%
Amulet Staff - u+1, 2, cs, 4,4,cs - 40%
Kou Sho - throw, 4,4 (wall) b+3 - 24%
Dan Tien Dao - u+2, b,f+1, throw, 1,1,2, (wall) ff+2 - 43%
Kwan Do - u+1, cs, 1,1,1, 1,1,cs,4,3 - 50%
Mi Tzu - u+4, d+1, d+1, 1,2,4 (wall) d+2 - 44%
Mi Tzu - u+4, d+1, d+1, 1,2,4,cs - 42%
Tae Kwon Do - 2, cs, 1,1,2,4,b+3 (wall), jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4- 55%
Tae Kwod Do - 2, jump, 1,1,2, cs, 1,1,3,4 - 37%
Night Sticks b+2,b+1, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4,cs, cs, b+2,1,1,u+1 - 37%
Sub Zero
Kori Blade - b+2, cs, 1,2, 1,2,4 (wall) d+2 - 44%
Kori Blade - b+2, cs, 1,1,3,cs - 31%
Shotokan - 1,1,3,b+2, 1,1,3,cs - 25%
Drake Sword - b+2, cs, 1, 1, 1, 1,1,2,cs - 44%
Gold Dragon - b+1, 1, 1, 1, 1, f,f+2 - 33%
Kobo Jutsu - b+2,b+1 jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 cs, cs, b+2,1,1,u+1 - 56%
Kobo Jutsu - b+2,b+1 b+2,1,1 (wall) 1 - 53%

About Me
what vid??

Where are these gameplay videos?

Nemesis316 Wrote:
Where are these gameplay videos?
LOL NoobWhere are these gameplay videos?
hjs-Q Wrote:
In the new vid( characters are using get up moves
So far I've only seen two.
Theres a low kick while you are on the ground and theres sort of an uppercut.
Also, after Kobra does d,f+2 you can roll!!
What bothers me is that it's seems like still you can't stay on the ground and you are forced to get up. Also, when Kabal use b+2 in Sun Bin Taven is planted face down and cant get up :/
I hope Midway dont fuck this up
Looks nice
btw, Kabal seems to have the MKDA version of the hookswords
In the new vid( characters are using get up moves
So far I've only seen two.
Theres a low kick while you are on the ground and theres sort of an uppercut.
Also, after Kobra does d,f+2 you can roll!!
What bothers me is that it's seems like still you can't stay on the ground and you are forced to get up. Also, when Kabal use b+2 in Sun Bin Taven is planted face down and cant get up :/
I hope Midway dont fuck this up
Looks nice
btw, Kabal seems to have the MKDA version of the hookswords
Hmm...what you're saying gives me mixed feelings. I think they are simply going to simplify the wake up stuff by having certain moves as opposed to a full wake up game. Oh well...If the wake up stuff in this game is good enough, hopefully the next-gen MKs will have a really good wake up game.
I hope Midway won't fuck this up either.

UltimateRyu Wrote:
Nemesis316 Wrote:
Where are these gameplay videos?
LOL NoobWhere are these gameplay videos?
LOL fuckface.

Nemesis316 Wrote:
LOL fuckface.
UltimateRyu Wrote:
Nemesis316 Wrote:
Where are these gameplay videos?
LOL NoobWhere are these gameplay videos?
LOL fuckface.
LOL noob

UltimateRyu Wrote:
Nemesis316 Wrote:
LOL fuckface.
UltimateRyu Wrote:
Nemesis316 Wrote:
Where are these gameplay videos?
LOL NoobWhere are these gameplay videos?
LOL fuckface.
Who the fuck invited you here anyway you loser? Please do us all a favor and take your copy n' paste fakes and animations to the Midway boards and leave us alone.
Anyway, back on topic, the addition of new Wake-Ups definetly make this game better, but it determines what it will truly be like of how much better it makes the game. We'll have to wait and see, but this is good news indeed.

I dont have time to play games with lil children *Pats Nem's head* Go back to making shitty comix

UltimateRyu Wrote:
I dont have time to play games with lil children *Pats Nem's head*
Go back to making shitty comix
I dont have time to play games with lil children *Pats Nem's head*
Go back to making shitty comix
And I don't have time to deal with trend-whores who try to be like Torchia, but end up whining and acting like a child because people don't like it.
And my comics have more effort in their graphical left pinky than your fakes have in their entire panels. Now fuck off.
To Nemesis316 and UltimateRyu: Either stop flaming each other or don't bother posting in this thread at all. If you two are going to post, make it something constructive, intelligent, and especially relevant to the topic.

That's good news, looks like they got part of it down, now they just need the other part, where you can stay down and choose when you want to get up or attack.
I guess the way around that instant wake up move, is to not rush in after a knock down.
Instead, block, parry, ss their wake up attack and counter.
Or just counter it with a low poke.
I guess the way around that instant wake up move, is to not rush in after a knock down.
Instead, block, parry, ss their wake up attack and counter.
Or just counter it with a low poke.

About Me
r.i.p nujabes
All I can say is FUCK YES
and I agree with bleed.
and I agree with bleed.

I hope they give some people better wake-up than others. Like in Tekken 5, Steve had some of the best wake-ups, and other characters like Jack didn't handle so well. This makes it more competitive, so hopefully MK team will make wake-ups different for some of the characters, whether good or bad.
wow the recovery on that uppercut was horrible, useless
low kick was ok
he also rolled out of the first b2 in sun bin, and the person who rolled out had a major camera advantage over kabal, along the lines of kabals feet not tracking with his roll.
still nice though..
low kick was ok
he also rolled out of the first b2 in sun bin, and the person who rolled out had a major camera advantage over kabal, along the lines of kabals feet not tracking with his roll.
still nice though..

UltimateRyu Wrote:
I dont have time to play games with lil children *Pats Nem's head*
Go back to making shitty comix
I dont have time to play games with lil children *Pats Nem's head*
Go back to making shitty comix
man,his comics are awesome.
your animations are good
your both good so plz stop
wake ups?like u hit some1 when your gettin up?

I hope it's not as generic as I imagine it'll be.
A basic punch or kick quick get up move.
If I were them, I'd take advantage of the fighters special abilities and incorporate that in to the wake up game.
Like in the MKD intro fight with Shang, Quan and Raiden.
A basic punch or kick quick get up move.
If I were them, I'd take advantage of the fighters special abilities and incorporate that in to the wake up game.
Like in the MKD intro fight with Shang, Quan and Raiden.

strykerandbarakarule Wrote:
wake ups?like u hit some1 when your gettin up?
That's part of it...

bleed Wrote:
I hope it's not as generic as I imagine it'll be.
A basic punch or kick quick get up move.
If I were them, I'd take advantage of the fighters special abilities and incorporate that in to the wake up game.
Like in the MKD intro fight with Shang, Quan and Raiden.
I hope it's not as generic as I imagine it'll be.
A basic punch or kick quick get up move.
If I were them, I'd take advantage of the fighters special abilities and incorporate that in to the wake up game.
Like in the MKD intro fight with Shang, Quan and Raiden.
like stryker shooting them once b4 getting up
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quickshare is better then rapidshare.
omg! tak's are back! sweet.
sux that kobra doesnt have s.r anymore...and no kali sticks :(
i also noticed the "fight state indicators" are gone...which made me think the crappy recovery time on moves was fixed...but after watchin the kabal fight, it looks like its still there :(
most of the animations seem to look more natural and smooth. some of the transisions between land and air kombat seem a bit rough and jerky.
i also think that the "hang time" in the air kombat is a bit too long.
omg! tak's are back! sweet.
sux that kobra doesnt have s.r anymore...and no kali sticks :(
i also noticed the "fight state indicators" are gone...which made me think the crappy recovery time on moves was fixed...but after watchin the kabal fight, it looks like its still there :(
most of the animations seem to look more natural and smooth. some of the transisions between land and air kombat seem a bit rough and jerky.
i also think that the "hang time" in the air kombat is a bit too long.
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