10/27/2007 02:28 AM (UTC)
awesome man thx. cant wait to see the big surprise you're workin on. I'm sure it will be sick.

10/27/2007 11:34 AM (UTC)
Damn Right Kizaro Its Gonna Be De Bomb Bro Bring It On Check ^_^.
11/05/2007 08:25 AM (UTC)
thanks alot you guys, sorry for the lack of updates lately, im working on a huge update for you guys, should be ready by tommorow. it will include non legacy combos too.

its about 4 weeks of work, and probably my last till the big surprise is released. we'll see.

11/05/2007 06:36 PM (UTC)
ii CANT WAIT :Dwinksmile
11/06/2007 06:00 AM (UTC)
Hey take your time man. I saw those combos for Kira Sareena and Reiko you just put on you tube and I thought they were pretty sick. good shit dude, again Im lookin forward to your next project.

About Me

11/20/2007 10:18 PM (UTC)
Okay Okay, enough waiting!
Post now tongue
11/28/2007 05:24 PM (UTC)
heres something from mkd i just did, lol

11/29/2007 04:59 AM (UTC)
good job on that li mei combo check. Ive been checkin out your channel lately and all those new deception combos you put up are hella sick. Those MKA jump kick combos are awesome too. Anyone here who hasn't seen them yet should definately go to Check's channel on You tube and see all his new shit. Its pretty sick.

12/01/2007 07:47 PM (UTC)
kizano Wrote:
good job on that li mei combo check. Ive been checkin out your channel lately and all those new deception combos you put up are hella sick. Those MKA jump kick combos are awesome too. Anyone here who hasn't seen them yet should definately go to Check's channel on You tube and see all his new shit. Its pretty sick.


haha, awesome dude, im glad you have been checking all that out. thats basically the update, but what im gonna do is put all the combos together as one movie for viewing stream. itll take alot less time for me to post, lol.

ive been slacking with posting the update, what can i say? i guess im waiting till the time is right.

that time is very soon, but anything i post on youtube is part of the update here, just so everyone knows.

anyway thanks alot kizano, keep checking for new combos, i just posted 10 more, plus i have even more, but i dont wanna waste it all at once, half the ones i just posted were from last week, but i waited since i had great combos such as noob smoke 80% and ermac 94% etc etc *cough* li mei 185% already there, lol grin

About Me


12/06/2007 03:38 AM (UTC)
thanx 4 the really big tip oh and i am an italian am,reican just lik u even though ur not american!!!!grin
03/01/2008 05:12 AM (UTC)
03/02/2008 05:26 AM (UTC)
Kenshi Tai Chi Parry Cancel Infinite on Blaze

03/02/2008 08:45 PM (UTC)
Kenshi Tai Chi Parry Cancel Infinite: Youtube Version

03/03/2008 06:47 PM (UTC)
The Legacy is Finally Complete! All Combos Have Been Posted! Khameleon has been added to the Legacy Trilogy. Download Your Copy Right Now!

MK Legacy - The Biggest Guarenteed Combos Overall
Download MK:Legacy From FileFront

MK Legacy II - The Biggest Guarenteed Combos Midscreen
Download MK:Legacy II From FileFront

MK Legacy III - The Biggest Guarenteed Ground Combos Midscreen
Download MK:Legacy III From FileFront

MK Legacy IV - The Biggest Guarenteed Online Combos
Download MK Legacy IV from FileFront
About Me

03/17/2008 03:29 AM (UTC)
Cool, they need the updated links also.
Sweet skills bro thanks grin
03/17/2008 11:52 PM (UTC)
Quest2be1 Wrote:
Cool, they need the updated links also.
Sweet skills bro thanks grin

New MKA vid is coming along very nicely! it should be out by tommorow morning.

well, i know for a fact mk legacy needs an update, somehow chameleons INSANE 178% got left out? did you notice this? its had to have been that way for months!

but yea, i dunno, what im doing right now is totally focused on the single mkl 1-3 movie. what id have to do now is the same thing for the updated individual links, but ill definitly get that chameleon combo back in the regular first one.

you're really gonna like this new one bro, i promise!

thanks for the post quest

03/25/2008 06:45 AM (UTC)
damn Check thats awesome that you got Khameleon in your video. Unfortunately, my computer basically blew up on me and I haven't been able to see any of your new stuff in months. I'm sure it is just as good if not better than your other videos though. So did you get your own Wii for her part or just use someone else's? Did you use the wii-mote nunchuck combo or a different controller? get back to me when you can and keep up the good work man.

Also, anybody else still using windows 98 able to watch .avi files? I cant even get VLC player to work on this dinosaur. thanks in advance.

04/09/2008 06:36 AM (UTC)
kizano Wrote:
damn Check thats awesome that you got Khameleon in your video. Unfortunately, my computer basically blew up on me and I haven't been able to see any of your new stuff in months. I'm sure it is just as good if not better than your other videos though. So did you get your own Wii for her part or just use someone else's? Did you use the wii-mote nunchuck combo or a different controller? get back to me when you can and keep up the good work man.

Also, anybody else still using windows 98 able to watch .avi files? I cant even get VLC player to work on this dinosaur. thanks in advance.


wow man, its good to see you still around. how have you been?

yea, it was fun getting khameleon in there, was just a struggle to use the gc controller.

i hope you check out the new stuff soon bro! ; )

i bought a wii for metroid prime 3, and just recently picked up mka for wii. it was so hard to find in stores, i had to order it.

i used the gamecube controller. i had to buy that too... oh well. its all i use now lol ; )

i do try out the other controllers though. the classic one is nice.. i switch between the classic and gc pad every once in a while.

wiimote is awesome! im slowly creeping my way into it , trying to find a comfortable position to play in, much different then what im used to in my current configuration around my room, lol. but its been fun!

i cant help you with windows 98. i know 2000 works just fine. and in my expierience, 2000 has worked the best.

hope you figure everything out soon kizano, thanks for keeping in touch. it was not long ago that you crossed my mind, friend ; ) thank you for everything. see you down the road, i hope
04/09/2008 07:15 AM (UTC)
Check Wrote:
wow man, its good to see you still around. how have you been?

yea, it was fun getting khameleon in there, was just a struggle to use the gc controller.

i hope you check out the new stuff soon bro! ; )

i bought a wii for metroid prime 3, and just recently picked up mka for wii. it was so hard to find in stores, i had to order it.

i used the gamecube controller. i had to buy that too... oh well. its all i use now lol ; )

i do try out the other controllers though. the classic one is nice.. i switch between the classic and gc pad every once in a while.

wiimote is awesome! im slowly creeping my way into it , trying to find a comfortable position to play in, much different then what im used to in my current configuration around my room, lol. but its been fun!

i cant help you with windows 98. i know 2000 works just fine. and in my expierience, 2000 has worked the best.

hope you figure everything out soon kizano, thanks for keeping in touch. it was not long ago that you crossed my mind, friend ; ) thank you for everything. see you down the road, i hope
Ya man Im still around. Ive actually been playin a lot of Old Skool Kombat on my PS2 with a buddy of mine lately. We've been going back and forth between that and Armageddon ( Hes a fan of yours also but he doesn't post here) Thats cool that you got a Wii. Ive played a few games on the wii and thought it was pretty cool. Thats awesome that MK plays so well with the wiimote. I always wanted to try mk on the wii but haven't yet. I appreciate your help with windows but the more I think about it and the more I talk to people about it, I think my video card is just too old. But one of these days I'll get off my butt and get a new one. Untill then, thanks for keeping MK alive Check. Good luck with your kombos, friend. smile
04/12/2008 07:01 PM (UTC)
ahh, my dude, sorry i didnt see your response.

that is good shit man, i plan on getting into the basic umk/mk4 combos real soon, no anti air shit. just basic stuff.

awwww, lol. tell your buddy i said thanks, its nice to be known for something.

yea dude, wii is off the hook, metroid prime 3 is by far the best game i have ever played. but ive just been playing mka and mkda man. i havent played in about a week, just mourning the death of my grandfather. its been rough, but you know, im still strong. theres just other bullshit that has come along with it that has made it hard and took away from his legacy.

ahhh, i see, so sorry to hear about your video card. trust me man, i went thru it for 2 months about 2 months ago with my new computer. everything i was gettting was shit. even what i have now isnt 100% reliable but its the best i can do around my area.

ok man, good to talk to you again!! you better not leave me kizano! grin i look forward to hearing from you in the future ; )

take care, and i will try to keep mk alive. its hard when youre the only one for years doing it. but like i said, as of now, its the furthest thing from my mind. and i dont know if ill ever get back into the state of mind for it. ill be leaving for a vacation to NJ next thursday, hopefully that will give me some time to get away from everything and clear my head etc etc.

later man ; ) thanks for the support as always, hope you get your video card soon and see you on youtube
04/13/2008 03:37 AM (UTC)
I'm sorry about your grandpa man. My condolences to you and your family. Thats rough shit to deal with right there. Dont worry about MK right now dude. If you have more important things to do and think about then obviously you gotta take care of that stuff. I also wanted to respond to let you know that yesterday I used my cousins computer to see some of your most recent vids. I thought that Scorpion TV screen combo was freakin genius. I played that level I dont know how many times trying to think of a free hit off of that screen. Those scorpion and hsu hao bell tower combos were also sick as hell. I also noticed in the new Hotaru combo that it looks like the wake-up uppercut was a pop up. Is the wake-up uppercut always a pop up on the wii? just curios. So metroid prime 3 best game ever? thats cool. I heard good things about it but never played it. Have fun in Jersey man. Talk to you when you get back.

06/15/2008 03:15 AM (UTC)
kizano Wrote:
I'm sorry about your grandpa man. My condolences to you and your family. Thats rough shit to deal with right there. Dont worry about MK right now dude. If you have more important things to do and think about then obviously you gotta take care of that stuff. I also wanted to respond to let you know that yesterday I used my cousins computer to see some of your most recent vids. I thought that Scorpion TV screen combo was freakin genius. I played that level I dont know how many times trying to think of a free hit off of that screen. Those scorpion and hsu hao bell tower combos were also sick as hell. I also noticed in the new Hotaru combo that it looks like the wake-up uppercut was a pop up. Is the wake-up uppercut always a pop up on the wii? just curios. So metroid prime 3 best game ever? thats cool. I heard good things about it but never played it. Have fun in Jersey man. Talk to you when you get back.


sup man, thanks for your patience. i indeed did start playing MKA again. i just took a break from it lately. not sure when ill be back full time again, not much else to go for that hasnt been done in this thread already. i have ideas, but you know... its alot of work.

thanks man, i actually found a way to make my videos in higher quality. ever since those belltower combos i figured it out. but thanks a ton kizano, that was one of my ideas to do. a stage weapon/stage video.

yes that hotaru popup is standard as 2 wakeup on the wii version., it has properties to it now, you can jump away faster, duck faster. just move after it faster. but it is horrendously unsafe on block now. which is fair i guess since its a popup.

yea man, ive been sleeping on Prime for a while, dont know why. its such a long ordeal to get into. just like doing these combos, hehe.. hope you check out the update im about to post.

and yes, i had alot of fun in NJ, im actually moving back in a month or 2 ; )

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