LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!... The Combos Never Ends Check Does It Lolol...
I Cant Wait For The Wii Edition Of Combos
Its Ganna Be Cracking :).
Btw, Uptight Chameleon Combos Nd I Surely Do Love Ur Combos Ive Been Practising Em For Quite A While :)...
Later Check.
I Cant Wait For The Wii Edition Of Combos
Btw, Uptight Chameleon Combos Nd I Surely Do Love Ur Combos Ive Been Practising Em For Quite A While :)...
Later Check.
alright a couple more combos, ive posted them in the other thread and the post right before this, but ill put everything together here since there are new links for the Legacy movies below, obviously, there are combos that are not as new, but now all of them are here to watch at will. already updated the first post with best of them.
Chameleon 178%
Chameleon 122%
Chameleon 134%
Mavado 182%
Chameleon 161%
Mavado 184%
Ermac 128%
Raiden 87%
Darrius 75%
Shujinko 74%
Baraka 77%
Ermac 88%
New Links For All 3 Legacy Movies!!
MK Legacy: The Biggest Guarenteed Overall Combos
Download MK Legacy from FileFront
MK Legacy II: The Biggest Guarenteed Midscreen Combos
Download MK Legacy II from FileFront
MK Legacy III: The Biggest Guarenteed Ground Combos
Download MK Legacy III from FileFront
Chameleon 178%
Chameleon 122%
Chameleon 134%
Mavado 182%
Chameleon 161%
Mavado 184%
Ermac 128%
Raiden 87%
Darrius 75%
Shujinko 74%
Baraka 77%
Ermac 88%
New Links For All 3 Legacy Movies!!
MK Legacy: The Biggest Guarenteed Overall Combos
Download MK Legacy from FileFront
MK Legacy II: The Biggest Guarenteed Midscreen Combos
Download MK Legacy II from FileFront
MK Legacy III: The Biggest Guarenteed Ground Combos
Download MK Legacy III from FileFront

=O Fab Combos Agen Check
, My Finger Hurts So I Cant Write An Essay As Usual 
I have not posted here in years but after seeing these vids I cant help it, I have to pay my respects. Even tho I havent posted Ive still been playin MK and watching all the combo vids online and I cant believe there arent more posts in this thread.Check, your combos are fuking amazing. Of all the vids Ive seen Legacy tops them all hands down. I, for one, appreciate everything you have done for MK. Again man keep up the good work. Take care man.

Great Comment Kizaro Mate Yuu Sure Do Like These Combos :)).
Cyah Around To Mi Friend.
Cyah Around To Mi Friend.
much thanks man, i know you do.
keep supporting this thread, please, it means alot to me.
so you know, it didnt stop me in mkd, and wont stop me here, people have been doing this to me all my life, basically. im used to it.
ill never let it get me down. it just makes it harder to make these combos possible without no support, no questions asked.
thanks again for your support, and yusuf, you too, man.
keep supporting this thread, please, it means alot to me.
so you know, it didnt stop me in mkd, and wont stop me here, people have been doing this to me all my life, basically. im used to it.
ill never let it get me down. it just makes it harder to make these combos possible without no support, no questions asked.
thanks again for your support, and yusuf, you too, man.
heres an update for the thread, sorry i havent been around, been very busy trying to get these combos for you
Liu Kang 75%
Cage 65%
Liu Kang 130%
Mokap 147%
Reptile 56%
Tanya 96% Online by KARATE
New Links for All 4 Legacy Movies
MK Legacy
MK Legacy II
MK Legacy III
MK Legacy IV
first post updated. enjoy
Liu Kang 75%
Cage 65%
Liu Kang 130%
Mokap 147%
Reptile 56%
Tanya 96% Online by KARATE
New Links for All 4 Legacy Movies
MK Legacy
MK Legacy II
MK Legacy III
MK Legacy IV
first post updated. enjoy

I hope they make MK 1, 2 and 3 on Ps3 or maybe Xbox 360 or some other consoul.

Check, I Will Allwayz Support Yuu Man From Start 2 Finish Ofcourse
...Great Liu Kang Nd Mokap Combo Amazing :D And The Tanya 1 From Shaun Woaah
Keep This Hard Work Going And Please Work For Midway Lmao I Dont Want My Mk8 2 Go 2 Waste :)...Where Have Yuu Been Check ? How Have Yuu Been ? Howz Lyf ? Keep The Hard Work Going ^_^ Ur The Greatest Juggler Ive Evaa Seen :)...Im Downloading The Online Movie Now 2 Keep Up The Excellent work :)...
Later Check
Later Check

Good Idea Crimson I Would Lyk That 2 The Classics Coming Out On A Hd Built In Consoles Thats The Shizz.
Mokap 160%
Liu Kang 130%
Blaze 104%
Drahmin 55%
Dairou 57%
Baraka 80%
Reptile 56%
Tanya 108%
ive been very blessed these past 12 months to have brought you as many combos as humanly possible.
mk legacy I-III took three months to make and was released
close to 3 months ago, i never would have thought for the past 3 months since then that i would be doing all this work.
this morning i was EXTREMLY blessed to have gotten that mokap combo, it took days... lots and lots of days. at least 75 hours to do. liu kangs 130% was hard as fuck to do also.
i did not think i was going to be able to do either, espicially mokap, one of the hardest combos ive ever done. salute yourself if you are able to pull it off, you have my upmost respect. and i never usually do this but, i dont think theres anyone else who can.
these are the final combos i will be releasing. i will update the legacy movies right now. i hope you all download them, then a special surprise in the next 2 days.
i had plans for a whole bunch of "fillers" for the next year, i do not know if its worth it to even do. wall combos without air combat, combos without air cancel. stage weapon combos, and stage combos.
but as far as the best is concerned, mokap 160% was the last one
hope you all enjoyed the ride, and will pay your last respects here.
enjoy the work. it took all week to do.
Liu Kang 130%
Blaze 104%
Drahmin 55%
Dairou 57%
Baraka 80%
Reptile 56%
Tanya 108%
ive been very blessed these past 12 months to have brought you as many combos as humanly possible.
mk legacy I-III took three months to make and was released
close to 3 months ago, i never would have thought for the past 3 months since then that i would be doing all this work.
this morning i was EXTREMLY blessed to have gotten that mokap combo, it took days... lots and lots of days. at least 75 hours to do. liu kangs 130% was hard as fuck to do also.
i did not think i was going to be able to do either, espicially mokap, one of the hardest combos ive ever done. salute yourself if you are able to pull it off, you have my upmost respect. and i never usually do this but, i dont think theres anyone else who can.
these are the final combos i will be releasing. i will update the legacy movies right now. i hope you all download them, then a special surprise in the next 2 days.
i had plans for a whole bunch of "fillers" for the next year, i do not know if its worth it to even do. wall combos without air combat, combos without air cancel. stage weapon combos, and stage combos.
but as far as the best is concerned, mokap 160% was the last one
hope you all enjoyed the ride, and will pay your last respects here.
enjoy the work. it took all week to do.
New Links for MK Legacy I and II
MK Legacy I
MK Legacy II
first post already updated
MK Legacy I
MK Legacy II
first post already updated

Omm,It Took Yuu 3Months (Really Quick)!!, That Mokap Combo Looks Soo Fkin Awesome Same As Liu Kang Nice Work Check.
Later - Yusuf.
Later - Yusuf.
alright, heres 2 more combos for MK Legacy II
Jax 52%
Nitara 59%
and the new, and final, MK Legacy II with jax and nitara added to it, enjoy
Download MK:Legacy II From FileFront
first post updated.
Jax 52%
Nitara 59%
and the new, and final, MK Legacy II with jax and nitara added to it, enjoy
Download MK:Legacy II From FileFront
first post updated.

Kool combos check agen im practising all the Mkdivine ones (Legacy Is 2 Tough Lol).
Later Check - Yusaf
Later Check - Yusaf

Yo, Ty Check :).

You are F'ing awesome check!
Will you marry me?
Will you marry me?
lol quest
i got some new combos to post, a smoke 46% no air, shang 92% wall air, and i just have to do those 3 sub combos over now with the impale. just bought a new controller so im just trying to get used to it.
my last controller just, woow.... the dpad is JAMMED, haha. how the fuck did i manage to do that????????
anyway ill probably have sub done by the end of the week.
i got some new combos to post, a smoke 46% no air, shang 92% wall air, and i just have to do those 3 sub combos over now with the impale. just bought a new controller so im just trying to get used to it.
my last controller just, woow.... the dpad is JAMMED, haha. how the fuck did i manage to do that????????
anyway ill probably have sub done by the end of the week.
8 New Combos
Shang Tsung 92%
Smoke 46%
Sub Zero 124% With Impale
Sub Zero 193% With Impale
Sub Zero 90% With Impale
Havik 116%
Goro 51%
Goro 58%
New MK Legacy Links
MK Legacy
MK Legacy II
MK Legacy III
i have a few others i will attempt, plus a awesome surprise in the future, i wont spoil it just yet. but all viewers should be very satisfied at the announcement, just need to confirm it to post up later.
enjoy the stuff.
Goro 51% ftw.
Shang Tsung 92%
Smoke 46%
Sub Zero 124% With Impale
Sub Zero 193% With Impale
Sub Zero 90% With Impale
Havik 116%
Goro 51%
Goro 58%
New MK Legacy Links
MK Legacy
MK Legacy II
MK Legacy III
i have a few others i will attempt, plus a awesome surprise in the future, i wont spoil it just yet. but all viewers should be very satisfied at the announcement, just need to confirm it to post up later.
enjoy the stuff.
Goro 51% ftw.

That Goro 51%er is mad cool looking, nice work.
thanks alot you guys
also kizano, i read your awesome message on youtube, my friend, it is nice to know you will be here till the end.
i will write you back soon and let you know about the big surprise. i think i told quest already.
lets just say, an old friend is back.
and no, its not nukesgoboom.
also kizano, i read your awesome message on youtube, my friend, it is nice to know you will be here till the end.
i will write you back soon and let you know about the big surprise. i think i told quest already.
lets just say, an old friend is back.

Vlad Or Chris Check?
- Check Ur Talent Is Above Extreme Tbh It Just Goes To Show Yoo Have Such Talent 2 Find An Great Glitch In The Game Thats Why I Loved Deadly Alliance Soo Much And Now Its In Armageddon Im Looking For 1 With Li Mei I Liked Hers In Mkda And Ahaa Sub Zero Combos I Got The Impale Once Yesterday Against Computer Blaze Max Level :O! I Dunno (I Got Lucky) Soo SubZero Got The New Best Combo Woohoo Go Subby ^_^ Nice Combos Check You Are Awesome Exp Goro 1 Mate I Fink The Computer Nearly Did 1 Like Dat Against Me But Urs Has A Lot More 2 It Niice Combos All Round I Fink Im Ganna Add My Combos 2 It Cause It Was My Bday On Tuesday Nd I Got A Cam Recorder I Might Add To It Fab Combos Combo King Sodano/Check, Great Posts From Kizaro Nd Quest 2 Nice 1 Boys ^_^.
Later - Yusaf
Later - Yusaf
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