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Firm Turtle

07/17/2007 03:51 PM (UTC)
Dude look at the concept of those characters and then look at zebron. I think it obvious why those 2 sorta made it into the game and why zebron should just die.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

07/17/2007 07:24 PM (UTC)
Nightcrow Wrote:
Mortal Kombat has its own character style, and mythologies. A reptilian humanoyde character, looks agressive, or should i say it, evil, because it is a common human fealing, to fear those kind of animals, reptiles. and so, the MK team, choose well to put a reptile character, because it brings up that fealing on people, and the look of the character, helps developing the dark feeling of the MK universe. You can also see a centaur, Motaro, but as you can see, the character was also design to input respect, and a feared image. A muscled centaur, with spiked bones coming out of his elbow, sharpened teeth, goat like horns, wich resemblences to the Devil's horns, a long metal tail, etc. all these elements, give motaro the dark look, that an animal-like character needs to be in MK. Even sheeva, before MK 3 was released, if you were told that a female Shokan would be in the game, you would probably imagine her, in lets say, in an attractive shape. But the unique style of characters that the MK team wants, designed her as a brute, ugly, fierce female monster. Like Venus the female turtle of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV live action series. The male turtles, are not that attractive, they are fun and cool, but when a female version of them was made, it wasn't that ugly. yes she was a turtle, but she had those elements, that make you know, that if she was human, she would be a hot, attractive young lady. What i am saing is, in coontrary to the anime/manga style of characters,(in wich the humanoid Karate master Kintaro is inserted), the animal/monster characters, look pleasant, associable to the good side, because they look friendly. In the other hand, the MK americaniZed style of characters, turn those "good-looking" animal-human characters, into a dark style of characters, EVIL, not friendly. An example, if, and only IF, kintaro would be in his humanoid karate master form in the games, before you know his story, you would most probably associate the character to the good side, and Kintaro is evil. And yes, in Tekken, the characters you refered are popular, because the ENTIRE character style of the games is anime/manga style, not the american Mortal Kombat agressively evil style.

...What in the bloody hell are you talking about in that wall of text? They can't be put in because they're not "dark" enough for you? They're too "anime/manga" looking like Tekken? How in the bloody fuck is Tekken anime/manga looking? They look a hell of a lot more realistic than anything in MK. And why in the hell does everything have to be "dark and edgy" in the MK universe in order for it to be acceptable to you people? Liu Kang doesn't look dark and edgy, Johnny Cage doesn't look dark and edgy, Ashrah doesn't look dark and edgy (and that last one's a demon, for god's sake!). Not everything in MK has to be dark, edgy, gritty, and evil, and anyone who says differently obviously hasn't played the series long enough (Babalities? Friendships? Remember those?).

I still see no basis for any of you people's reasonings that just because the sketch for Zebron looks goofy, he should never be made into an MK character. Plenty of people on here have already suggested modifying him into a zebra-Centaur (much like Kintaro changed from tigerman to tiger-Shokan); why is that not acceptable? Because it's Zebron? Because you think that by seeing his original concept, anything they do to him will not dilute the suck that you feel for that initial sketch of his? Honestly, it makes me sick to see so many people base their entire judgment on a character on how they look. Anyone remember Stryker? Most fans thought he sucked because of how he looked, but if they actually played him, he kicked ass. Same goes for MKA Motaro: people panned the lack of his back legs, but he's a decent boss character in his own right. Zebron could be the same: a character that looks rather goofy but is king if you actually play him.
07/17/2007 09:34 PM (UTC)
SynjoDeonecros Wrote:
Nightcrow Wrote:
Mortal Kombat has its own character style, and mythologies. A reptilian humanoyde character, looks agressive, or should i say it, evil, because it is a common human fealing, to fear those kind of animals, reptiles. and so, the MK team, choose well to put a reptile character, because it brings up that fealing on people, and the look of the character, helps developing the dark feeling of the MK universe. You can also see a centaur, Motaro, but as you can see, the character was also design to input respect, and a feared image. A muscled centaur, with spiked bones coming out of his elbow, sharpened teeth, goat like horns, wich resemblences to the Devil's horns, a long metal tail, etc. all these elements, give motaro the dark look, that an animal-like character needs to be in MK. Even sheeva, before MK 3 was released, if you were told that a female Shokan would be in the game, you would probably imagine her, in lets say, in an attractive shape. But the unique style of characters that the MK team wants, designed her as a brute, ugly, fierce female monster. Like Venus the female turtle of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV live action series. The male turtles, are not that attractive, they are fun and cool, but when a female version of them was made, it wasn't that ugly. yes she was a turtle, but she had those elements, that make you know, that if she was human, she would be a hot, attractive young lady. What i am saing is, in coontrary to the anime/manga style of characters,(in wich the humanoid Karate master Kintaro is inserted), the animal/monster characters, look pleasant, associable to the good side, because they look friendly. In the other hand, the MK americaniZed style of characters, turn those "good-looking" animal-human characters, into a dark style of characters, EVIL, not friendly. An example, if, and only IF, kintaro would be in his humanoid karate master form in the games, before you know his story, you would most probably associate the character to the good side, and Kintaro is evil. And yes, in Tekken, the characters you refered are popular, because the ENTIRE character style of the games is anime/manga style, not the american Mortal Kombat agressively evil style.

...What in the bloody hell are you talking about in that wall of text? They can't be put in because they're not "dark" enough for you? They're too "anime/manga" looking like Tekken? How in the bloody fuck is Tekken anime/manga looking? They look a hell of a lot more realistic than anything in MK. And why in the hell does everything have to be "dark and edgy" in the MK universe in order for it to be acceptable to you people? Liu Kang doesn't look dark and edgy, Johnny Cage doesn't look dark and edgy, Ashrah doesn't look dark and edgy (and that last one's a demon, for god's sake!). Not everything in MK has to be dark, edgy, gritty, and evil, and anyone who says differently obviously hasn't played the series long enough (Babalities? Friendships? Remember those?).

I still see no basis for any of you people's reasonings that just because the sketch for Zebron looks goofy, he should never be made into an MK character. Plenty of people on here have already suggested modifying him into a zebra-Centaur (much like Kintaro changed from tigerman to tiger-Shokan); why is that not acceptable? Because it's Zebron? Because you think that by seeing his original concept, anything they do to him will not dilute the suck that you feel for that initial sketch of his? Honestly, it makes me sick to see so many people base their entire judgment on a character on how they look. Anyone remember Stryker? Most fans thought he sucked because of how he looked, but if they actually played him, he kicked ass. Same goes for MKA Motaro: people panned the lack of his back legs, but he's a decent boss character in his own right. Zebron could be the same: a character that looks rather goofy but is king if you actually play him.

To me Tekken is a lot anime style.
i've played all the 90's MK games, i followed the series until DA. ok?
friendships, and babalities are not to be taken seriously, they are just kinds of finishers that were created to make some fun of all the "bad popularity" that fatalities created in the parents, and politicians. To me, MK represents the right opposion of american style against japanese style. if you want to see that americanized, not influenced, style "corrupted" with the style that all the other beat'm ups have, it is because you obviously haven't catched the MK essence. don't take me wrong, i love anime, and everything about japanese culture, but i just don't want to see the unique MK style, being influenced and probably changed in the future by it. and yes, Stryker is a buster, i don't like him.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

07/17/2007 09:57 PM (UTC)
Nightcrow Wrote:
To me Tekken is a lot anime style.
i've played all the 90's MK games, i followed the series until DA. ok?
friendships, and babalities are not to be taken seriously, they are just kinds of finishers that were created to make some fun of all the "bad popularity" that fatalities created in the parents, and politicians. To me, MK represents the right opposion of american style against japanese style. if you want to see that americanized, not influenced, style "corrupted" with the style that all the other beat'm ups have, it is because you obviously haven't catched the MK essence. don't take me wrong, i love anime, and everything about japanese culture, but i just don't want to see the unique MK style, being influenced and probably changed in the future by it. and yes, Stryker is a buster, i don't like him.

And you have? What the bloody fuck is this "MK essence", anyway? "Dark and evil and not cartoony"? That probably discounts about HALF of the total MK cast, right there; if MK was supposed to be taken seriously, then they wouldn't keep Johnny Cage as comic relief, nor would they have even introduced characters like Rain, Meat, Mokap, etc. Jarek, Kai, Hsu Hao, Kobra, Darrius, Nightwolf...they ALL would be ditched, since they don't fit into your perfect little "dark and edgy" MK universe. Unfortunately for you, THEY'RE IN THERE. If MK was supposed to be "dark and edgy and not anime", then it would be Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sonya, Jax, and Raiden against almost every single MK villain introduced, with them LOSING every single time.

I'm getting sick of how superficial and picky MK fans are, now; you whine and complain for a certain character to be in, and when they ARE put in, you whine and complain about how they're "ruined" because they look funny. You dunno how many times I wanted to beat my head into a brick wall each time I hear someone mentioning Reptile "devolving" and preferring his human form. The Khameleon controversy was just plain asinine, in my opinion. Rain is stupid because he looks like a prince now, Kintaro is stupid because he's more tigrine now (I swear to god, I want to kill people who say that), Stryker is stupid because he's a generic cop, Nightwolf is stupid because he looks like he came from the set of Dances with Wolves...all of these accusations on suckiness based on what they look like instead of how they play and what their stories are like is moronic and petty, in my opinion, and I severely hope they DO put Zebron in, and he DOES kick ass in the game, just so I can rub it into your face when I whup your asses with him.
07/18/2007 04:06 PM (UTC)
SynjoDeonecros Wrote:
Nightcrow Wrote:
To me Tekken is a lot anime style.
i've played all the 90's MK games, i followed the series until DA. ok?
friendships, and babalities are not to be taken seriously, they are just kinds of finishers that were created to make some fun of all the "bad popularity" that fatalities created in the parents, and politicians. To me, MK represents the right opposion of american style against japanese style. if you want to see that americanized, not influenced, style "corrupted" with the style that all the other beat'm ups have, it is because you obviously haven't catched the MK essence. don't take me wrong, i love anime, and everything about japanese culture, but i just don't want to see the unique MK style, being influenced and probably changed in the future by it. and yes, Stryker is a buster, i don't like him.

And you have? What the bloody fuck is this "MK essence", anyway? "Dark and evil and not cartoony"? That probably discounts about HALF of the total MK cast, right there; if MK was supposed to be taken seriously, then they wouldn't keep Johnny Cage as comic relief, nor would they have even introduced characters like Rain, Meat, Mokap, etc. Jarek, Kai, Hsu Hao, Kobra, Darrius, Nightwolf...they ALL would be ditched, since they don't fit into your perfect little "dark and edgy" MK universe. Unfortunately for you, THEY'RE IN THERE. If MK was supposed to be "dark and edgy and not anime", then it would be Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sonya, Jax, and Raiden against almost every single MK villain introduced, with them LOSING every single time.

I'm getting sick of how superficial and picky MK fans are, now; you whine and complain for a certain character to be in, and when they ARE put in, you whine and complain about how they're "ruined" because they look funny. You dunno how many times I wanted to beat my head into a brick wall each time I hear someone mentioning Reptile "devolving" and preferring his human form. The Khameleon controversy was just plain asinine, in my opinion. Rain is stupid because he looks like a prince now, Kintaro is stupid because he's more tigrine now (I swear to god, I want to kill people who say that), Stryker is stupid because he's a generic cop, Nightwolf is stupid because he looks like he came from the set of Dances with Wolves...all of these accusations on suckiness based on what they look like instead of how they play and what their stories are like is moronic and petty, in my opinion, and I severely hope they DO put Zebron in, and he DOES kick ass in the game, just so I can rub it into your face when I whup your asses with him.

i think we should all just calm down, grab each others hands and sing a nice happy song. you want zebron, i do not. thats it, end of question. ok? no need to start a war.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

07/19/2007 01:28 AM (UTC)
Nightcrow Wrote:

i think we should all just calm down, grab each others hands and sing a nice happy song. you want zebron, i do not. thats it, end of question. ok? no need to start a war.

Just saying, so many fans on here decide to toss out a character altogether simply because of how it initially looks, thinking that there's no way that it could be better with some tweaking. I mean, to be honest, I agree that Zebron's current form wouldn't be that fitting for the series, but plenty of people on here have suggested turning him into a Centaur, so there you go.
just isnt mk sorry no
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

07/20/2007 09:46 PM (UTC)
Sektor,LK-9T9,ketchup Wrote:
just isnt mk sorry no

*sigh* HOW is it not "MK"? Explain to me how Zebron can't possibly be MK, but vampires, riot cops, goofy Karate Kid wannabes, and motion capture people under the employ of a moronic action movie star ARE? Tell me how a native-American shaman who looks like he just came off the set of Dances With Wolves is MK, but Zebron is not. Explain to me how half of the characters in the game are fit for MK, but Zebron isn't. I still haven't heard anything.

Again, I point to the original concept for Kintaro; a tiger-man, and from what I've read, he was supposed to be a GOOD GUY, instead of a villain. If Boon and Tobias had their way and used his original concept instead of being forced to make him a Shokan, would you also consider him "not MK"? Oh, wait, you guys are the ones bitching about how his more feline Armageddon look sucks ass. My mistake. I guess looks ARE everything to you persnickety little bastards.

The only thing I agree with you guys about is that, in his CURRENT form, he doesn't seem to fit into MK very well (not just his LOOKS, mind you; the whole thing about being the leader of a tribe of Zebramen who shout "Viva la Zebron!" all day seems rather goofy to me, too), but again, a lot of people on here have suggested turning him into a zebra Centaur, like Kintaro was eventually turned into a tiger Shokan. I can see that, and I can see how his story could work if they went that direction. Unlike all of you, who base your judgment on initial looks and nothing else, I see the POTENTIAL for this character, and what I see looks rather cool.

You guys, who bitch and bitch to get Khameleon into the game, but reject her when she's finally given to you because she doesn't LOOK the way you want her to look; you who perpetuate the erroneous statements that Reptile is "de-volving" and needs to go back to his human form; you who tossed Motaro out for his lack of back legs, panned Stryker for looking like a generic cop, and even SUB-ZERO for his Shredder-getup...YOU ALL MAKE ME SICK TO MY STOMACH. I swear, I have never seen a more condensed group of spoiled rotten and picky fans in my entire life; Transformers, Yu-Gi-Oh, Star Trek, the furry fandom, ALL OF THEM are nowhere NEAR as anal about what they're given as MK fans are. So yeah, Viva la FUCKING ZEBRON, BABY! He's got the potential to be a kick-ass character, if done right, and the series is in desperate need of more Centaurs in it, I think.
07/21/2007 10:35 AM (UTC)
no i mean can u see zebron ripping sum guts out.

man are u on crackconfused
07/21/2007 01:22 PM (UTC)
scorpion_subzero Wrote:
no i mean can u see zebron ripping sum guts out.

man are u on crackconfused

....man... you just signed your death sentence.. good luck, you'll need it
07/21/2007 02:02 PM (UTC)
SynjoDeonecros Wrote:
Nightcrow Wrote:
Kintaro looks good as a Shokan, because the Shokan race are imnponent, they have four arms, monstruos muscules, and besides, Kintaro as spiked pieces of armour. all these elements make kintaro's image, a feared and respected character. but if the mk team had the great idea of putting him in the game in that form that one of you is always mentioning (a humanoid tiger, in a fucking karate kimono), that would make the character ridiculous, another stupid character like we can see in Tekken. i hope, in future mk games, the only animal-like characters to appear, are motaro, and reptile.

That's the original concept for Kintaro. If it wasn't for the cost and difficulty of making a costume for him that looked good on camera, that's the Kintaro we would be playing against (and with in Armageddon) instead of his tiger-Shokan version. Also, look at this concept art:

Another animaloid concept character - in the same vein as Onaga - meant for Deadly Alliance. What would you have said if he was made?

Honestly, I'm sick of the bias against Zebron and his ilk; humanoid animals and animaloid shapeshifters are a key part in any regional mythology known to man, from your typical werewolves to skinwalkers to the critters from Greek mythology to the animal-headed gods and avatars of Ancient Egypt to the tanuki and kitsune (and others) of the Orient, so why would it be more "MK" to let a Centaur and a reject from a reptilian conspiracy be in MK, but not a tigerman, or a zebraman (who can easily be modified into another Centaur), or a humanoid dragon, or even a kitsune? A kitsune vixen assassin would KICK ASS in MK, in my opinion. Cyborgs, wraiths, hellspawn, gods, demons, sorcerers, even VAMPIRES, they're all accepted in MK, so why not the bestial element, as well?

And what do you mean "stupid character like you seen in Tekken"? Are you talking about Kuma the bear? He's apparently popular enough to STILL BE IN THE GAME. What about King? Yeah, he's a human wrestler, but both he and Armored King are hugely popular, and they both look like they're both werejaguars who got stuck in mid-transformation (they even GROWL instead of talk). Seriously, just because you think they LOOK goofy, doesn't mean that they'll play or BE goofy.

I vote for Zebron, if made well, to be included in a future MK, along with Tiamat and Kintaro's unused concept.

Those early concepts of Kintaro and Tiamat are still pretty cool. But, the way Kintaro turned out is just as good or better. And they way Tiamat turned out, well, is Onaga, which still is good. Zebron, like SynjoDeonecros said, would have great potential. Meat has potential as well. All these joke characters can be great if done right for the MK feel.

Zebron, with his current look, just doesn't cut it for me. But, with a revamp, Zebron could be very awesome, and could make the cut in the MK. If these joke characters or characters that have comic relief among the series, were done to fit the feel of MK, then MK would be a better game. A character that is just a joke and only a joke is not MK feel. But, a joke character can still be tolerated if it has a promising story and standard gameplay. Just as long as the concept can be leaded into the future as a great, more serious, MK character.

I vote for any animaloid characters if done right. wink
About Me
"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
07/22/2007 04:11 AM (UTC)
Of course I'd love to see Zebron in MK8!

And I'd also love how it would ENRAGE all the people on here who have no sense of humor.
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<img Src="http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u205/Namdor7/signature1.jpg"

07/23/2007 11:45 PM (UTC)
Maybe not as a playable character, but I'd love to see him as an easter egg or a minor character met in konquest mode.
07/24/2007 06:54 PM (UTC)
I said it before and ill say it again, their is a big difference between the early concept art for Kintaro, and this strange onaga like creature. and that is that they look hard as nails and worthy opponents with skill in Kombat. Zebron is a zebra in a tuxedo, who looks like he could not win a fight with a with a living tree (and not one of those cool trees with large arms, the classic ones, the ones that can't move. yeah thats right). And as for the idea earlier about zebron solving the whole Shokan vs Centaur argument with words instead of Kombat is just wrong. Has anyone seen that episode of the simpsons, were bart and lisa go to see the latest in a long line of "Galaxy Wars (or something like that)" films. and it is nought but hours of a large disscussion with no violence what so ever. and every one decides that it is crap? well that is what you want to happen to Mortal Kombat. so if this is your wish then im afraid Goro will have to come to your house, rip off all your limbs, and insert them into your nose.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

07/24/2007 08:11 PM (UTC)
MasterHand Wrote:
I said it before and ill say it again, their is a big difference between the early concept art for Kintaro, and this strange onaga like creature. and that is that they look hard as nails and worthy opponents with skill in Kombat. Zebron is a zebra in a tuxedo, who looks like he could not win a fight with a with a living tree (and not one of those cool trees with large arms, the classic ones, the ones that can't move. yeah thats right). And as for the idea earlier about zebron solving the whole Shokan vs Centaur argument with words instead of Kombat is just wrong. Has anyone seen that episode of the simpsons, were bart and lisa go to see the latest in a long line of "Galaxy Wars (or something like that)" films. and it is nought but hours of a large disscussion with no violence what so ever. and every one decides that it is crap? well that is what you want to happen to Mortal Kombat. so if this is your wish then im afraid Goro will have to come to your house, rip off all your limbs, and insert them into your nose.

When Stryker first came out, he looked like your stereotypical fat donut-eating desk cop, not at all badass, yet HE was made. When he first came out, Kai looked like he walked right off the set of The Gods Must Be Crazy 3 - again, not at all badass - and yet HE was still made. A good quarter of the characters that eventually made it into MK don't look badass enough to feasably make it in MK, yet THEY WERE MADE, so why not Zebron?

And what the hell is wrong with Zebron being a diplomat? The treaty between the Shokan, Centaurs, and Edenia was made, it was meant to END the fighting between them, and you're saying that having Zebron help with that sucks, because it's not blood and guts spilling? The fuck? Are you braindead there? You obviously have no idea of any of the background continuity for the games, do you? Earth made peace with Edenia; Edenia forced the Shokan and Centaurs to make peace. Sub-Zero reformed the Lin Kuei as a force of good and PEACE. That doesn't mean that they can't fight in their own right, it just means that if there's a chance of settling things WITHOUT ripping each other's heads off, THEY WILL TAKE IT. Zebron could be like Kung Lao before his crappy retcon into Liu Kang's rival; fairly skilled in kombat, but a peaceful man at heart. In that context, having him be a liaison for the Centaurs makes PERFECT sense.

Again, all of you who say that Zebron shouldn't be in the next MK are pathetic, whiny, spoiled, picky, and hypocritical bastards, not because you hate Zebron (I don't give much of a crap about your personal feelings for him), but because you're hating him SOLELY on a CONCEPT PIC, just like you judge most of the characters in the game by how they initially look. You whined for Khameleon to be put into the game, and when you GOT HER, you denounced her because YOU HATED HOW SHE LOOKED. THAT is how stupid and sad you guys are. You can't look beyond your own small, skewed visions of what a "true" MK character should be, even turning up your noses at a character that is PROVEN to be awesome in battle (like Stryker), simply because he doesn't look "hardcore" enough for MK. Such narrow, prissy attitudes make me sick, and I honestly have no idea how in the hell the series grew so popular with you morons constantly nitpicking it.
07/24/2007 09:57 PM (UTC)
SynjoDeonecros Wrote:
MasterHand Wrote:
I said it before and ill say it again, their is a big difference between the early concept art for Kintaro, and this strange onaga like creature. and that is that they look hard as nails and worthy opponents with skill in Kombat. Zebron is a zebra in a tuxedo, who looks like he could not win a fight with a with a living tree (and not one of those cool trees with large arms, the classic ones, the ones that can't move. yeah thats right). And as for the idea earlier about zebron solving the whole Shokan vs Centaur argument with words instead of Kombat is just wrong. Has anyone seen that episode of the simpsons, were bart and lisa go to see the latest in a long line of "Galaxy Wars (or something like that)" films. and it is nought but hours of a large disscussion with no violence what so ever. and every one decides that it is crap? well that is what you want to happen to Mortal Kombat. so if this is your wish then im afraid Goro will have to come to your house, rip off all your limbs, and insert them into your nose.

When Stryker first came out, he looked like your stereotypical fat donut-eating desk cop, not at all badass, yet HE was made. When he first came out, Kai looked like he walked right off the set of The Gods Must Be Crazy 3 - again, not at all badass - and yet HE was still made. A good quarter of the characters that eventually made it into MK don't look badass enough to feasably make it in MK, yet THEY WERE MADE, so why not Zebron?

And what the hell is wrong with Zebron being a diplomat? The treaty between the Shokan, Centaurs, and Edenia was made, it was meant to END the fighting between them, and you're saying that having Zebron help with that sucks, because it's not blood and guts spilling? The fuck? Are you braindead there? You obviously have no idea of any of the background continuity for the games, do you? Earth made peace with Edenia; Edenia forced the Shokan and Centaurs to make peace. Sub-Zero reformed the Lin Kuei as a force of good and PEACE. That doesn't mean that they can't fight in their own right, it just means that if there's a chance of settling things WITHOUT ripping each other's heads off, THEY WILL TAKE IT. Zebron could be like Kung Lao before his crappy retcon into Liu Kang's rival; fairly skilled in kombat, but a peaceful man at heart. In that context, having him be a liaison for the Centaurs makes PERFECT sense.

Again, all of you who say that Zebron shouldn't be in the next MK are pathetic, whiny, spoiled, picky, and hypocritical bastards, not because you hate Zebron (I don't give much of a crap about your personal feelings for him), but because you're hating him SOLELY on a CONCEPT PIC, just like you judge most of the characters in the game by how they initially look. You whined for Khameleon to be put into the game, and when you GOT HER, you denounced her because YOU HATED HOW SHE LOOKED. THAT is how stupid and sad you guys are. You can't look beyond your own small, skewed visions of what a "true" MK character should be, even turning up your noses at a character that is PROVEN to be awesome in battle (like Stryker), simply because he doesn't look "hardcore" enough for MK. Such narrow, prissy attitudes make me sick, and I honestly have no idea how in the hell the series grew so popular with you morons constantly nitpicking it.

Amen to that.

And kids, for the people he is describing, it's what we call a fanboy. ^_^
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