06/15/2007 12:26 AM (UTC)
RaisnCain Wrote:
I would rather see a Minotaur.

06/15/2007 04:35 AM (UTC)
DairouRulez Wrote:
maybe a Motaro type character with Zebra stripes would be kool

Not only did your unoriginal ignorant self not only can't edit your own posts, you can't even come up with your own idea, so you used one in font of you and acted as if it were yours...Lol tongue
06/16/2007 10:12 AM (UTC)
Barakaz_cuz Wrote:
A Centurian with Zebra Stripes would be cool...But no Zebron.

I like your idea. A centaurian with Zebra stripes would look bad ass. If it were me, I'd make him the leader of the centaurians, out for revenge against Kahn for using their race to destroy the shokans. This centaur would be a replacement for Motaro.

I'd obviously never want to see Zebron in MK, but the Zebra animal itself has alot of mythology behind it, especially towards africans. A zebra is a very beautiful and graceful animal; I think a centaur hybrid would fit wonderfully in MK.
06/17/2007 02:23 PM (UTC)
Zebron was a joke character, that was NEVER ment to actually be in a Mortal Kombat game. the people that created the rumour that Zebron would be a playable character, are just stupid idiots that want Mortal Kombat to become ridiculous, and childish. I bet most of them are Tekken fans. You see a kangaroo or a dinossaur with boxing gloves, or even a panda or a bear fighting in a martial arts tournament, and you think it is a good idea... and even worse, is when you want to copy those fucking idiot ideas and put them into a beat'm up that has its own universe, and style. This kind of character will NEVER fit in the Mortal Kombat universe. Before saying such barbarities like "please God, make Zebron be in MK 8", please people make a huge research about the MK story and traditions. Then you'll see how ridiculos that idea was.. and, i've just seen your profile kingjolly, and i'm making this message editing after seeing it. of course you had to have an image of a Tekken character in your profile.. Jinpachi Mishima.. this reinforces what i've said before.. grow up
06/17/2007 02:40 PM (UTC)
I added that image in my profile ages, when I was testing the upload pic sytem thing, but your right that I enjoy playing Tekken.

But like many peopel have said, Zebron doesnt have to return as a joke character;He doesnt have to wear the tuxedo, he could be a mytholigal creatrue, and he could have his own serious story. He really could be revamped to have that "mk" look.

The MK team makes characters out of rumors sometimes e.g Ermac & and Blaze. The MK team then furthur develope those characters.

Zebron would make a nice addition.
06/17/2007 02:54 PM (UTC)
as i said, i don't think so.. in my opinion, even if they manage to make a story for him etc, i would never want to see him in a MK game. thats my vote: NO!
06/18/2007 01:57 AM (UTC)

Motaro isn't going well so how is this zebra gonna cope..
06/18/2007 06:41 AM (UTC)
I should hit you for ever thinking that belongs in an mk game.
Plus I think animals in fighting games suck.
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07/03/2007 04:19 PM (UTC)
Will you PLEASE not create a petition for an animal fighter in MK... Zebron was never ment to be in any MK game, and I highly doubt the fact they consider taking him into the next gen.

Besides, Boon said MK will become really serious in the future. Zebron cannot be taken serious. Not now, not ever. He's not gonna make the cut and I praise the Lord for that.
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07/07/2007 01:55 AM (UTC)
I will laugh if this scheme works...
07/13/2007 07:38 AM (UTC)
how would zebron b used in the next mk? what would b his story?
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

07/13/2007 08:39 AM (UTC)
For those of you saying "Hell No" towards Zebron's inclusion, especially those saying an animaloid character doesn't fit into MK...Kintaro was originally envisioned as a humanoid tiger (he was changed into a Shokan due to the difficulties of making a fairly realistic tiger costume for filming), Reptile has always been a humanoid lizard (his human appearance was just a DISGUISE, NOT his "real form" that he "devolved" from), the Centaurs of course, Onaga the DRAGON King, Orin and Caro (both non-humanoid Eastern dragons)...need I go on? There were animaloid MK characters LONG before Zebron came around.

While I agree that, in his current imagining, Zebron wouldn't be anything but a joke character, reimagining him as a Centaur could work. I see him as something of a diplomat, someone who is made fun of by his fellow Centaurs because of a lack of interest in fighting or impartiality when it comes to other species; a bookworm who's more concerned with politics and relations than conquest. He could have been the one who helped negotiate the Centaur's part of the treaty with Edenia and the Shokans. He'd have a fairly important impact on the Centaurs' part in the conflict with Edenia, the Shokans, and Outworld, but he'd remain in the background, despised by his fellow Centaurs and kept from fighting due to his dislike of brute force. He could be forced to join in the fray once the Shokan Curse on the Centaurs takes hold; maybe he's trying to keep the peace and find out who really cursed them, he tries to prevent Motaro from going postal on the Shokan, he tries to negotiate another treaty with Shao Kahn or Onaga or something to provide backup in the Shokan's eradication, something (Personally, I like the idea of trying to keep the peace and find the real assailant to the curse, myself). At least, that's how I see him; he could be something completely different, but all the same, modifying him as a Centaur to join the ranks in MK8 isn't as bad an idea as you guys might think.
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07/13/2007 12:08 PM (UTC)
heck no
07/13/2007 12:58 PM (UTC)
Their is a big difference between characters like reptile and motaro and this "Zebron" Onaga, Reptile, motaro...ect are deadly serious and worthy characters. Zebron is yet another joke character who looks like a fool. and saying that MK has had animal characters before because orin and Caro are in the cast is ridiculous. They only appear in cut scenes and arena backgrounds. I agree with those who mentioned earlier that if characters like zebron are to be added the game will become tainted with childish characters. A joke character meat may be but at least he is not a Zebra wearing a hat. Let "Tekkens Fate" be an example to us all, Do you want that to happen to mortal Kombat, Do you want the fighters to include bears who know tae-kwon-do? and old men with hard to prounounce names who fall over at the drop of a hat? im not even going to mention Gon...
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

07/13/2007 06:14 PM (UTC)
So we're just gonna forget that Kintaro was originally going to be one of those "animal characters", are we? Obviously the fanbase for this game is so closed-minded and biased towards what they "think" should fit into the game, that they denounce anything that doesn't fit in that view. Would you call Stryker a joke character? He doesn't fit into the game at all; a random, everyday joe with no powers in a world full of monsters, sorcery, and sci-fi technology. Or is he accepted because he's HUMAN, and not a crazy animal-man or big, hulking monster?

Agreed, Zebron AS IS wouldn't work very well, but what would you have said about MK had Boon and Tobias managed to get the fursuit for Kintaro the way they wanted it, and he debuted in his original, animal-man concept form? Would you be saying that animaloid characters have no place in MK then? Seriously, how do you know that, just by looking at his concept art, Zebron WOULDN'T make a good MK character? With the right tweaking and a good background, he could be a kick-ass fighter.
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Firm Turtle

07/15/2007 05:05 AM (UTC)
Zebron is a bipedal horse. wearing a tux. This was a joke character from the begining. Like Meat a bunch of people who would like to make a good game crappy whined about how cool it would be to let him in and give him a story. Enough crap characters!!!
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Firm Turtle

07/15/2007 05:12 AM (UTC)
I halfway take back what i say. Midway doesnt really seem to take it's self serious anymore so they might re-design Zebron to make him not look like a piece of crap, but I know i wont be able to take the character seriously because IT stemed from a piece of crap.
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

07/15/2007 09:45 PM (UTC)
SnowFox Wrote:
I halfway take back what i say. Midway doesnt really seem to take it's self serious anymore so they might re-design Zebron to make him not look like a piece of crap, but I know i wont be able to take the character seriously because IT stemed from a piece of crap.

And again I must remind you that Kintaro, one of the generally considered most badass boss characters in the game, was originally going to be Ryu from Street Fighter in a tiger fursuit. Obviously you haven't seen Kintaro's original concept sketch; I wonder what you would've said about him, if you did.

Just because it seemed like a crap idea at first, doesn't mean that it can't turn out to be awesome. Admittedly, Boon and Vogel stated that Zebron was for all intents and purposes a joke to play off of fans' hunger for new info on MK: DA, but that doesn't mean that, if they decide to make him into a real character later on, he'll be crap because of his past.
07/16/2007 09:27 AM (UTC)
fuck that shit
07/16/2007 11:25 AM (UTC)
Kintaro looks good as a Shokan, because the Shokan race are imnponent, they have four arms, monstruos muscules, and besides, Kintaro as spiked pieces of armour. all these elements make kintaro's image, a feared and respected character. but if the mk team had the great idea of putting him in the game in that form that one of you is always mentioning (a humanoid tiger, in a fucking karate kimono), that would make the character ridiculous, another stupid character like we can see in Tekken. i hope, in future mk games, the only animal-like characters to appear, are motaro, and reptile.
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Firm Turtle

07/16/2007 05:40 PM (UTC)
If kintaro looked like more of a man tiger than a shokan tiger it would be just as cool. Im not opposed to the idea of zebron because it's an animal. The fact is is it's a horse in a tuxedo.
07/16/2007 05:53 PM (UTC)
hmm.. SnowFox, and don't you think that a "horse" in a tuxedo.. hmm is just a little, "out" of the MK universe.. ? really, so you think that a manly shaped tiger, would fit in the MK universe... lol, it is just copmpletely non-mortal kombat. a manly shaped tiger, resemblances to anime/manga style of character. and we all know that the americanized style of the MK characters is completely opposed to japanese style. Kintaro looks aggressive, ferocious, well lets say, bad-ass in Shokan form. and again, zebron, pleeease don't get out of the mk team's sketch books.
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Firm Turtle

07/16/2007 08:38 PM (UTC)
It's not the principal of it having to do with animals! I dont like it because it was a joke character and it's a zebra! I dont like zebra's or horses! But i do like tigers and reptiles. And whats with every one being " you just think it's dumb cause it's an animal"? Hey the only animal i care about is the chicken because i eat chicken.
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

07/17/2007 04:47 AM (UTC)
Nightcrow Wrote:
Kintaro looks good as a Shokan, because the Shokan race are imnponent, they have four arms, monstruos muscules, and besides, Kintaro as spiked pieces of armour. all these elements make kintaro's image, a feared and respected character. but if the mk team had the great idea of putting him in the game in that form that one of you is always mentioning (a humanoid tiger, in a fucking karate kimono), that would make the character ridiculous, another stupid character like we can see in Tekken. i hope, in future mk games, the only animal-like characters to appear, are motaro, and reptile.

That's the original concept for Kintaro. If it wasn't for the cost and difficulty of making a costume for him that looked good on camera, that's the Kintaro we would be playing against (and with in Armageddon) instead of his tiger-Shokan version. Also, look at this concept art:

Another animaloid concept character - in the same vein as Onaga - meant for Deadly Alliance. What would you have said if he was made?

Honestly, I'm sick of the bias against Zebron and his ilk; humanoid animals and animaloid shapeshifters are a key part in any regional mythology known to man, from your typical werewolves to skinwalkers to the critters from Greek mythology to the animal-headed gods and avatars of Ancient Egypt to the tanuki and kitsune (and others) of the Orient, so why would it be more "MK" to let a Centaur and a reject from a reptilian conspiracy be in MK, but not a tigerman, or a zebraman (who can easily be modified into another Centaur), or a humanoid dragon, or even a kitsune? A kitsune vixen assassin would KICK ASS in MK, in my opinion. Cyborgs, wraiths, hellspawn, gods, demons, sorcerers, even VAMPIRES, they're all accepted in MK, so why not the bestial element, as well?

And what do you mean "stupid character like you seen in Tekken"? Are you talking about Kuma the bear? He's apparently popular enough to STILL BE IN THE GAME. What about King? Yeah, he's a human wrestler, but both he and Armored King are hugely popular, and they both look like they're both werejaguars who got stuck in mid-transformation (they even GROWL instead of talk). Seriously, just because you think they LOOK goofy, doesn't mean that they'll play or BE goofy.

I vote for Zebron, if made well, to be included in a future MK, along with Tiamat and Kintaro's unused concept.
07/17/2007 11:47 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat has its own character style, and mythologies. A reptilian humanoyde character, looks agressive, or should i say it, evil, because it is a common human fealing, to fear those kind of animals, reptiles. and so, the MK team, choose well to put a reptile character, because it brings up that fealing on people, and the look of the character, helps developing the dark feeling of the MK universe. You can also see a centaur, Motaro, but as you can see, the character was also design to input respect, and a feared image. A muscled centaur, with spiked bones coming out of his elbow, sharpened teeth, goat like horns, wich resemblences to the Devil's horns, a long metal tail, etc. all these elements, give motaro the dark look, that an animal-like character needs to be in MK. Even sheeva, before MK 3 was released, if you were told that a female Shokan would be in the game, you would probably imagine her, in lets say, in an attractive shape. But the unique style of characters that the MK team wants, designed her as a brute, ugly, fierce female monster. Like Venus the female turtle of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV live action series. The male turtles, are not that attractive, they are fun and cool, but when a female version of them was made, it wasn't that ugly. yes she was a turtle, but she had those elements, that make you know, that if she was human, she would be a hot, attractive young lady. What i am saing is, in coontrary to the anime/manga style of characters,(in wich the humanoid Karate master Kintaro is inserted), the animal/monster characters, look pleasant, associable to the good side, because they look friendly. In the other hand, the MK americaniZed style of characters, turn those "good-looking" animal-human characters, into a dark style of characters, EVIL, not friendly. An example, if, and only IF, kintaro would be in his humanoid karate master form in the games, before you know his story, you would most probably associate the character to the good side, and Kintaro is evil. And yes, in Tekken, the characters you refered are popular, because the ENTIRE character style of the games is anime/manga style, not the american Mortal Kombat agressively evil style.
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