Your MK9 roster?
posted08/29/2009 03:27 AM (UTC)by
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01/16/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
Post your MK9 rosters
If MK vs DC is any indication as to the roster size of the next game I think it will be around 20 characters, my predictions:
Shao kahn
Shang Tsung
Quan Chi
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Johnny Cage

throw in a few secret characters
03/21/2009 11:47 PM (UTC)
I, personally, don't feel like posting my future roaster for the next game, only because I really want to know if they're going to throw most characters away.

Grant it that majority of what you listed are the ones who has the most potential to return in the future, though I would like to know if the 68-ish roaster of characters will be cut big time.

That and, you have to think about new characters as well. The number of characters you have listed, well that's too much, adding new characters will lead to more than 22, which is by far in my opinion, should be the maximum number of fighters in a fighting game. Therefore, adding more than 22 would just be a lot.

And I don't like that, oh they're only new characters, there really shouldn't be a lot of them. Well I beg the differ, I think that there should be more new characters than old. I mean Deception did that. Deadly Alliance some what did that. I mean, we all wanted CHANGE right? Well, here's your change.

I know that we all like to live in the past, I will admit that I am one of those people, but I don't always want to stay in the past, I feel like there are things to come out of the shell and enjoy. Otherwise, we're just going to play the same exact game over and over again. And I don't feel like doing that. MK vs DC made me feel like I was playing MK2 becuase of all the characters that returned. I loved the game, it's just that, well, we've all played these characters, it's time for a new batch of characters.

So, all in all, despite me throwing off this topic big time and I apologize for that, I must say that it's a bit too early to list my opinions... though of course you know that I would love to see Sub-Zero and Shang Tsung in the roaster somewhere... that's all you're going to get out from me.
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03/22/2009 01:26 AM (UTC)

Anyway, my opinion is based off of my previous thread of reasoning for why MK9 won't have new characters.
03/26/2009 01:49 AM (UTC)
I only think seven classic characters should return as default playable characters out of 15 and five of them should be hidden out of ten hidden characters and Have Three Super Hidden Characters.

Default Returning Characters

Liu Kang
Kung Lao

Hidden Returning Characters:
Shang Tsung
Johnny Cage
Sonya Blade

Super Hidden Characters
Noob Saibot
03/26/2009 02:42 PM (UTC)
(Noob Saibot Sub-Zero Hybrid)
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03/27/2009 12:15 PM (UTC)
Li Mei
Shang Tsung
Quan Chi
Noob Saibot

And then the rest would be new characters
03/27/2009 03:44 PM (UTC)
If the next MK wanted to play it in, bring back a fair amount of the older sacred cows from MK1/MK2....but at the same time offer a somewhat "new start" to the in, allow some "younger" characters a chance for the spotlight (which I would prefer they do)....I would suggest a roster of 9 cows, 9 "younger" characters, 4 brand new characters, and 3 or 4 hidden characters.

Sacred Cows:
- Scorpion
- Sub-Zero
- Kitana
- Mileena
- Kung Lao
- Shang Tsung
- Sonya Blade
- Noob Saibot
- Baraka

Returning Characters:
- Sareena
- Fujin
- Kai
- Ermac
- Havik
- Hotaru
- Ashrah
- Nitara
- Drahmin

- Raiden
- Sektor
- Reptile
- Kenshi

I think that would be a decent compromise of older losers mixed with more recent or underutilized characters; and the small number of brand new characters would allow the MK team to try to make them actual quality additions.
03/28/2009 03:56 PM (UTC)
I hope the MK team introduces a great number of new characters but only a selected few from the Old MK.Think of it...if they bring back abunch of old characters the fatalities will probably be the same old fucking thing.How many times did we see TOASTY! or the Freeze Shatter???
03/29/2009 04:36 AM (UTC)
Here is my roster, but all characters would be redesigned in an elseworlds / what if ? style alternate reality

Scorpion ( Human looking with lower skull mask )

Noob Saibot ( Grim Reaper look with scythe )

Sub Zero II ( Renamed Cold Front with new ice moves )

Shao Khan ( new modern look with skull and bone / spikes being metallic )

Rain (Completely new modern / futuristic look )

Ferah ( Femal Werewolf )

Smoke ( primative robotic look with hydrolics and tubes )

Cyrax ( Completely human ninja look w/ high tec gadgets I.E. Green Net )

Sektor ( Human in Iron Man style "Sektor Armor"

Shinnok ( Young with long blood red hair and tattoos everywhere )

Lee Kang ( Daughter of Kitana & Liu , with hybrid of their moves )

Number 9 ( New character with Johnny Cage move set )

Key (New character with time manipulation powers )

Stryker ( New hard ass Swat Team shaved head Nick Fury style look )

Sonya Blade ( Much older and now using cybernetic implant arms and legs )

Reptile ( Completely new pale skin human look with snake features )

Shang Tsung ( True demon look )

Li Xao ( A younger version of Tsungs MK 1 look, man that Tsung will eventually kill and take his human look for his own )

Onyx ( Female dominatrix style character )

Blind Kenshi ( New tortured look with metal plate bolted over eyes )

Bosses :

Job ( Giant deformed mid boss character with bone saw, kind of like Earthquake from Samurai Showdown meets Leatherface meets Mortal Kombat )

Onaga ( Sepiroth style human look )

Secret Characters :

Kung Lao ( older Master Look )

Raiden ( New Dark Raiden look )

03/29/2009 04:46 PM (UTC)

1. Frost grin
2. Sub-zero
3. Scorpion
4. Sonya Blade
5. Mileena
6. Jade
7. Kitana
8. Quan Chi
9. Sareena
10. Smoke
11. Noob
12. Sindel
13. Rayden
14. Johnny Cage
15. Ermac

the rest can be new, but hopefully of good quality wink

Type of Characters I would like to see, not these characters per se : (based on other games):
1. Ivy (dominatrix character as mentioned abovewink )
2. Shahdee (Prince of Persia character assassin type maybe with time powerstongue )
3. Tyris Flare (Golden Axe Beast Rider) With flame abilities
4. BloodRayne new vamp character with dual arm blades
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03/29/2009 10:43 PM (UTC)
I'm big on female characters so more of them would be cool.

1. Jade
2. Kitana
3. Mileena
4. Tanya
5. Sindel
6. Frost
7. Sonya
8. Noob Saibot
9. Raiden
10. Reptile
11. Sub Zero
12. Kabal
13. Stryker
14. Raiden
15. Smoke
16. Sheeva
17. Shao Kahn
18. Goro
19. Kintaro
20. Motaro

It's weird but 20 all MK characters feels like alot now even tho MKDA and MKD had more.
03/30/2009 06:41 PM (UTC)
15 characters playable right of the bat.
quan chi.
kung lao.
sub zero.

5 hidden characters
noob saibot.
shang tsung.

5 new characters for mk9

in total that's 25 characters that could make up mk9 because you don't want the roster to be overwhelming and unpolished.
03/31/2009 08:44 AM (UTC)
Kung Lao
Shang Tsung
Li Mei
Quan Chi

And then 8-10 new characters.

Either Kenshi or Kung Lao should be the new main hero of Earthrealm. Kung Lao was built up but went nowhere, and Kenshi is too cool to just be in the background.

Sonya and Cyrax return as members of the OIA. Stryker has joined them, and he pretty much takes over Jax's role, because Jax needs to die. The OIA would be up against both the Tekunin (Which is why Sektor is there) and Red Dragon (Mavado). A few of the new characters could be from those 3 groups.

Raiden's kind of losing it, so Fujin steps in to try and straighten him out. Quan Chi and Shang Tsung return simply because they're too cool to get rid of.
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04/01/2009 12:47 PM (UTC)
Last I heard was they were supposed to be making a new generation of fighters. Which means most of the classic characters would be too old in age to be in the game. For example Sub Zero - he was getting old and grey in Deadly Alliance.

The only classics that could return are the immortal characters (Raiden, Fujin, etc) the undead ones (Scorpion, Noob Saibot), and the Cyborgs.

Out of those, the ones I would like to see returning would be:
- Scorpion
- Noob Saibot
- Raiden
- Smoke (although I prefer his classic ninja look).

Other plausible new characters could be:
- Lui Kang and Kitana's offspring.
- A new sub-god, possibly a female one this time.
- A Sub Zero replacement (son of the original Sub Zero?).
- Scorpion's undead wife/son (ok now I'm going a little too far but you get the idea).

I would definately like to see something new, albiet I would be at a loss without Scorpion. Although, with him being neutral (and undead), I'm sure there could be a way to bring him back.
04/01/2009 02:07 PM (UTC)
We need a new roster from the Mk team.
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04/02/2009 06:50 AM (UTC)
Here's what I think now:

1.) Kai - I think he should probably assume the new hero role at first. Except I like the idea of him being pulled in some unknown direction because of his dreams//visions; which, I think should kinda conflict with the hero role and leave us still looking for an official replacement for Liu Kang.

I'd request // recommend that they keep him away from stereotypes unless it's like his braids in MKA. His overall design doesn't conclude on these things, so I really hope they don't ever.

They can go anywhere with his story really, but in the past, I've tied the inference in MKA about his dreams, to the fallen gods of MKMythologies. Particularly, a "what if" scenario, to the effect that one or all of them could be guiding him towards their reemergence. I like the Earth God for this because of talk we always hear about in that "the balance in the realms" is always being upset. What better symbol of foundation to start with, than the Earth God, eh?

2.) Sektor - I really just think it's a good time to introduce the 2k ->> re-visualization of a cyborg in video games. Sektors' got the correct motivation for this reinvention in his character in his story. I'd ask for him, a drone, or maybe some sort of re-realized replica of himself. There's supposed to be a ship dedicated to these things, and I think the timing is good to see what Sektors been cooking up.

Story wise, I'm simply curious about a possible sub-plot between the Tekunin, and the Special Forces ("War of the Worlds"). This possibility is an excuse for new characters on both sides of this fence, and I think it's one of a couple of appropriate avenues to introduce new characters, and start totally different story's from. I just don't want to see them do anything corny with it.

3.) Sareena - The struggle between good and evil within oneself is good enough for me. I like XD84's reasoning for her story stuff though.

4.) Kung Lao - I feel pretty strongly that he should now be a source for ushering in new talent. Therefor, I am a fan of making him older, and turning him into Mortal Kombats "official" sensei on his way out of Mortal Kombat. Maybe see him in 1 or 2 more games and that's it. He should now be that "hardcore" teacher. Hard lessons, and mostly emotionless training.

5.) Fujin - First thing to do with Fujin is define his duties to earth and its warriors better. Second thing to do is, do not portray him as "close to the humans" like they did with Raiden. Third thing he needs to do is step it up a few notches. Show some balls when it comes to trouble in the games. They did pretty good with his moves and all that in MKA, but he's still far too passive a character.

I think Fujin would do well as a sort of "mans best friend" sort of character. I don't think he should talk alot, but we've seen enough examples of very powerful characters that have a heavy presence in the midst of all the other all stars on a roster. (Bumble Bee from Transformers is an okay example). People love that kind of thing. I think that if he does ever have to actually speak, that his voice should play to his theme. Wind. + God = Not human-like yet human friendly.

6.) Nitara - Take those stupid wings off of her and go with a more modernized vampire approach please. If her wings are used, use them as a part of her surprise element in a fatality or something. Gaud that's ridiculous looking. Also, that sucking blood thing needs to take a backseat to the other abilities that vampires are projected to have. If she has it as a move, it should be just one move. No spitting blood, no jumping on you...ect. She should have stuff like "persuasion"; an invisible attack that provokes the opponent to succum to her wishes. Could work like a stun, and the opponent could just walk forward for Nitara's easy hit.

Other than that she needs more storyline weight // relevance. I'd like to know what makes her "the one" from her realm in a little more detail. I'd also like it if they brought her purpose in Mortal Kombat forward more.

Anyway, Nitara should be more menacing than she has been (menacing walk, talk, moves, ect..), cuz right now she's a joke of a vampire.

7.) Shang Tsung - I almost want a new sorcerer, but after thinking about it, I wonder what Shang Tsung would be like if his aging process was sped up. Moreover, I want to see some effect because of his tango with Quan Chi and really, Raiden in the EtherRealm. Raiden changed, so what happened to Shang Tsung and Quan Chi.

Hopefully though, this doesn't lead him to "searching for some thing" to help curb any effects. I think a story like that is cheezy as hell right now. Maybe have there be no quick fix. Drag him through the mud as he attempts to simply...get stronger // rebuild up his resistance to the Elder Gods' long lasting curse on him. Should make him more direct in soul stealing as a result.

8.) Drahmin - I'd like to see them open up his past alot actually. But when taking him forward, I kinda hope there's someone, or something that put him in hell, and as an interesting dynamic to his character, he enjoys the powers he now has, and wants to use all that he has to re-assume whatever position he was in before he went to hell.

He has some good potential, as a request I'd hope they'd take him away from the flies and all that for the most part. I think he should probably the most grotesque character on the roster, and the epitome of violence and gore in Mortal Kombat though. Maybe he could give Shao Kahn a run for his money? idk.

9.) Havik - He's like the Joker, however much more bizzare so, that's what I want more of from him. Extreme though.

I think his fatalities shouldn't really have an objective to just kill you, his fatalities should be designed to disturb the player. Things like ripping skin off the victim like tape off of skin should be his thing. Or like teeth to the curb with a stomp to the back of the head. "Eating monkey brains"...that's sort of thing where, you're still alive, but it's just so frickin' bizzare to begin with.

10.) Noob Saibot // Ermac // or Rain -

One of these ninjas to start off with. Why? Because they all have about equal potential in a "next gen" setting to present an adequate amount of "awesome" to an initial roster.

- For Noob, all they have to do is play with shadows more. Think of the Bugs Bunny gag where he moves his rabbit hole around to escape Elmer Fudd. I could see him literally stepping in and out of shadows in the arena too. I also think they should bring his clone throw move back too.

- For Ermac, I think MKD was really good, but they could do more with this idea that he's a collection of souls and telekinetic. His design was excellent, his moves were good, even the addition of his axe was good. But I think all those things made for a "pretty good" comeback, and not great character that would stick around.

- For Rain, I think they should use the water element better(watch Avatar Last Airbender and or Naruto for gods sakes, geeze). There's almost too much you can do with an element based character + martial arts. I still like his MKA design too, and I hope they continue to go that route with Rain.


I think we should probably be unlocking the Originals//"sacred cows" as we play through the arcade ladder. This should probably be the only, and easiest unlockable experience in the game. What would be interesting is if they allowed us to pick which ones we want to unlock, one per venture up the ladder upon completion. These characters should be:

1.) Sub-Zero
2.) Scorpion
3.) Raiden
4.) Kitana
5.) Sonya (maybe, depends on relevance to the current story and all that)
6.) Johnny Cage (maybe, ditto^^)
7.) Mileena or Baraka (ditto^^)

Only 5 to 7 should contend for these slots. Max that make it would probably be 5.


Secret Characters would probably be:

2. Smoke
3. Jade
4. Kenshi
5. NightWolf
6. Kabal
7. Cyrax

Only 5 to 7 should contend for these slots. Max that make it would probably be 2-3.


Tack on maybe 7-9 new characters for a total of 20-25 characters that actually make the game. Secret characters and all.

I might add one square on the select screen for KAK as well. Max slots on the disc for KAK would probably be 2 or 3.


:: 10 definitely come back and motivate the story
:: 4 Unlockable through the ladder
:: 2 Secret Characters through other means
:: 9 New Characters
:: 1 KAK Avatar

25 Max Total + 1 KAK Avatar
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04/20/2009 07:14 PM (UTC)
DEFAULT (starters)

1 kenshi (older) (grey hair)
2 sub-zero
3 lui kang
4 havik
5 raiden (alternate coustume light raiden)
6 frost
8 noob saibot (i think they should change his troll hammer to a sword named like shade blade)
9 ermac ( i dont like his axe it should have some jewlery like his armor )
10 mileena
11 jade
12 smoke (alt coustume ninja look)
13 shao kahn
14 kung lao
15 dairou


1kano (older)
2shang tsung
6reiko (older)
8 baraka
9 mokap
11 kabal
12 fujin
13 Rain
14 elder god of fire
15 argus
16 (new character)
17 (new character)
18 (new character)
19 (new character)
20(new character)
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04/21/2009 02:39 AM (UTC)
People say that in MK a character never stays dead, I say they do, it's just that they needed an excuse to bring back all the character for Armageddon.

Characters that are dead and should stay dead:

- Lui Kang - (killed by Deadly Alliance)
- Shao Kahn - (killed by Deadly Alliance)
- Shang Tsung - (killed by Raidens sacrifice)
- Quan Chi - (killed by Raidens sacrifice)
- Hotaru - (Killed by Kenshi)
- Frost - (Killed by the Medallion)
- Onaga - (killed by Shujinko or Scorpion)

I'm sure there are others that have died too, but here is a list of those who SHOULD die, because well, they suck (no particular order):

- Shujinko
- Taven and Daegon
- Dairou
- Darrius
- Jarek
- Raiko
- Fujin
- Tanya
- Mavado
- Hsu Hao
- Kai
- Kobra
- Sektor

All charcters with the capability to return (but not saying they all should):

The Undead
- Scorpion
- Noob Saibot
- Moloch
- Drahmin

The Immortals
- Raiden
- Fujin
- Shinnok
- Onaga

The Cyborgs
- Smoke
- Cyrax
- Sektor

All Edenian characters that are not already dead, since they can live a really long time.

Not sure which category Ermac comes under but he is a collection of numerous souls. I guess he might have the same reason as the Edenians have - longevity.

Also, Sub Zero is said to be decended from Outworld - although he his really old in Deadly Alliance and bald in Deception (and no where does it say that the medallion is responsible for his old age). So, he may have some Outworld blood in him, but he is mostly human now, so I wouldn't really list him as capable to return (if the game was set in a new generation).
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04/21/2009 03:00 AM (UTC)
Scorpion1813 Wrote:
- Shao Kahn - (killed by Deadly Alliance)

Nope, Doppelganger.

Scorpion1813 Wrote:
- Onaga - (killed by Shujinko or Scorpion)


Scorpion1813 Wrote:
I'm sure there are others that have died too...

: Johnny Cage, twice. Once retconed though I think.
: Elder Sub-Zero // Noob Saibot
: Technically, Smoke. But he is a robot so, wuteryegunnado?
: Jarek should've been confirmed dead, and not brought back to life like he was.
: Kano's been dead twice, I think.
: Hsu Hao was killed by Jax
: I love Sindel, but she needs to lay back down and go to sleep.
: Goro has died, and needed to stay dead.

Those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head.

Scorpion1813 Wrote:

The Immortals
- Raiden
- Fujin
- Shinnok
- Onaga

Onaga is a mortal.

Shinnok is really undefined since he was banished from the Heavens. Although Vogel has mentioned him as the "god of despair". Whatever that really means, also has yet to be clarified.

Scorpion1813 Wrote:
Not sure which category Ermac comes under but he is a collection of numerous souls. I guess he might have the same reason as the Edenians have - longevity.

Good point, never thought about that. But since it's the souls keeping him alive, I'd probably look at him as the "technical immortal". Souls don't die, however, if it's a matter of physics, his body should wear out long before the souls do. If it's a matter of just....well, magic, I'd probably class him as a technical immortal.

I think that's all right.
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04/21/2009 04:04 AM (UTC)
1st Installment:

Noob Saibot









Sub Zero's son (the current subby is getting too old)

that's 10

04/21/2009 06:53 PM (UTC)

All the others new characters with special moves from old characters.
04/22/2009 12:41 AM (UTC)
Iconic/Memorable Returning Characters

1) Scorpion
2) Sub Zero
3) Liu Kang
4) Raiden
5) Sonya Blade
6) Shang Tsung
7) Baraka
8) Kitana
9) Mileena
10) Shao Kahn
11) Quan Chi
12) Goro
13) Kung Lao
14) Reptile

Underdog Returning Characters:
15) Kabal
16) Ermac
17) Jade or Li Mei
18) Sareena or Kira

Then 7 New *exciting* Characters (I prefer classic characters, but as long as they really think the characters through.)

19) A Shadow Priest (Possible Sub Boss)
20) One of Shang Tsung's Slave Girls
21) A new Earth Warrior, not a monk though (A Good Guy)
04/22/2009 02:19 AM (UTC)
I will go with a realistic roster size in 22 characters, with 2 of them hidden.

Playable from the start:

3.Kung Lao
5.Johnny Cage
6.Li Mei
10.Shang Tsung


13.Sub Zero
17.Quan Chi



DLC is also a possibility to add a few more fan favorites such as Noob Saibot, Ermac, and Rain.

Most importantly though is a solid game, with plenty of unlockables and modes to keep us playing, and lots of extras to keep us coming back. MKA had zero unlockable characters which for me took away from the fun. I like multiple unlockables to keep me playing and to feel rewarded upon completing something. Take 8 or so unlockable characters, add to that atleast 1 unlockable attire for each character, and possibly more unlockable classic arenas and goodies and you have yourself some extended playtime. the MK team needs to really step up their game this next time when it comes to story, replay value, unlockables, and competitive gameplay. I suggest a 2D approach similar to SFIV, as I have always been a bigger fan of that play style.
05/04/2009 12:49 AM (UTC)
i say have the same roster as MKA had.
MKT and MKA were the best roster i also liked to see all the ninjas in 9(scorpion sub zero noob ermac rain smoke reptile) i also say kill lu kang for good and bring back the old school reptile (human one from MK I II and U3 and T) furious
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05/04/2009 05:14 AM (UTC)
I'll stick to a roster of 22.

Hanzo (was Scorpion, now alive again)
Sub Zero

Sonya Blade

Yep, the other 18 characters would be new. There would be ten characters to start, ten would be unlocked through the story mode and two superunlockables.

I worry that the MK team can put together 18 good, interesting new characters, but personally, I'm done with seeing the same old characters game after game. Give me something that's new, but I'd like it to be good as well.
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