Your ideal combo system going forward
posted04/09/2010 08:01 AM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
Hey everyone, I was just curious as to what you all think about MK's combo system. To me, it's one of the most important aspects of the gameplay. It helps determine how easy a game is to get in to as well as how hard it is to master. For me, MK2 and MKvsDC have been the best at striking that balance between easy to pick up but still fun to use.

In MK1 and MK2, you had the sort of special move combos. Things like:

Ex: Kitana: Fan lift, square wave, fan throw

I'm oversimplifying here, but you get the basic idea.

For MK3 (and basically MK4), you had the dial-a-combos. Strings of button presses that changed the animations and allowed you to continue a string if hit the next correct button in the predetrmined sequence once initiating the sequence either with a stun move or a jumping punch:

Ex: Sub Zero: HP, HP, LP, LK, HK, back HK

MK:DA introduced (and MK:D continued) the stance changes, which was initially described as being a sort of "create your own combo" idea where you could begin strings and then transfer to another style and continue a string, but the end result was basically just an expanded dial-a-combo system that allowed for a few very small ways to change things up.

Ex: Scopion: (Starting in Hapkido) 2, 2, switch, 2, switch, 1, 1, 3

Then in MK:A we were introduced to the Air combo where doing a pop up move would allow characters to use a variety of small combo strings again, dial-a-combo style, so that you could juggle your opponent in midair, often with gravity defying (and ridiculous looking) results. Most combos are 4 buttons or less.

Ex: Rain (in Zi Ran Men): 1, 1, 3, 4.

Most recently in MK vs DC, the dial-a-combos are somewhat less emphasized. They're still there, but they seem to come in smaller forms and sandwiched between special moves or used to accent special moves. A majority of dial-a-combos are 3 or 4 button presses or less and many special moves create the combos themselves.

Ex: Sonya: Bicycle kick, bicycle kick.

MK vs DC also did away with the style changes for the most part. A few characters allowed for different move lists if they had a weapon drawn like Baraka.

Knowing that most, if not all of you have already heard or played most, if not all of this stuff by now (as well as many other fighting games), I guess my question is: What kind of a combo system do you want for MK going forward?

Would you like it to be more special move based where you kind of tinker with it and try to find out what you can get away with like MK1, MK2 and to an extent MK vs DC?

Do you like the big long strings of dial-a-combos like in the MK3 games? Do you like the style change combos in MK:DA and MK:D?

Or would you scrap all of those ideas completely and do something new? Maybe you want more throw combos or basic combos that flow from a style like in Tekken?

Maybe you want quick punch/kick combos like in DOA? Maybe you want smaller but very precise and style specific combos like VF? Maybe you want a large smattering of fun to use moves that provide you with a variety of attack methods as well as small combos like Soul Calibur? Or maybe you want combos that contain auto portions like Killer Instinct? Or a mixture of several games, or something completely different than anything we've seen before?

What would you like to see in MK going forward?
03/29/2010 10:49 PM (UTC)
My main concern are the style of combos. MKDC, for example, had very generic-looking kicks and punches. MKDA and MKD, on the other hand, had more creative combos via the fighting styles.

I really want creative animations, not generic attacks, something that says these characters are above average and fight with style

I really disliked the "street fighter" type of combos featured in MKDC, and I'm not referring to the Street Fighter series. Those moves were not on level with characters that are supposed to be exceptional martial artists.

System-wise, I basically want to the combo system to be fast, easy to perform, and fluid. Even the latest game had very stuttery, robotic animations. Why can't they give us fluid animations for once?
03/30/2010 01:56 AM (UTC)
I'm not a gameplay expert by no means. But through my practice with games like Virtua Fighter and Tekken, I've learned alot. Along with info I pick up about how fighting games work on the web. I've also figured alot of stuff out on my own, since I realized that the devs of the VF and Tekken series tried to make the characters moves intuitive to the player.

To put this into perspective, one thing I've learned is a striking attack, such as (forward, forward + punch) in VF is going to have a longer range of motion, i.e. bigger instep (until the attack lands), than say, just (forward+punch) at least from the characters I've played, because the input is longer to complete and because you have to press forward twice (which is the same command to do a forward dash and makes sense because of the nature of the moves instep). So if one thinks about it, the longer range attack will be more vulnerable to you if you do it at close range against someone who is doing a (forward+punch) strike. Because it will take that persons character less time to hit you and they don't take as big a step forward if at all. So it's all very logical thinking that's involved.

As for combos, I would prefer a system that has a sufficient amount of moves that you could combo into but maybe not as many as VF or Tekken. I say this because I'm questioning whether adding that many moves will hinder someone from getting really good at the game in less time. VF4 is easy to get into but hard to master in part because the amount of stuff you have to know to become great at it. So I'd say, make combos as intuitive as possible. That way, it's more about ease of access when performing them and less about trying to memorize inputs when you're pressed against time (if this is possibleto implement I mean). But all in all, I think I'd like to see a game that is easily accessible and somewhat easier to master than a game like VF in order to play at high level. So in a way, it would kind of be like playing MK1 or maybe even 2.

I have a question for you though Baraka. Since I take it that you played MKvsDC, I was wondering, how do matches play out in that game? Is it like the person who lands more combos first, that turns out victorious or how does it work? What kind of system is used to interrupt combos?
03/30/2010 05:38 AM (UTC)
I actually like the combo system of MKvsDC the best. There is just something satisfying about constructing combos, and throwing in special moves at ease. The pro moves also add another layer of depth to it. With that said I hope they take the basics of that , and expand on it and fix the problems. I would also prefer if each character played really different. Every character is all about getting the fat combo, and they should make some characters try to get fat counters, throws, or special moves as their bread and butter. I also think they need a mechanic that makes aggressive players more favored. Rage mode doesn't work that well, and I want to see the combatants constantly clashing against each other to find an opening. To many times with MKvsDC I spammed the teleport to get up close with my opponent, and it would either end up being too cheap, annoying, or worthles, and it was one of the few ways I could exploit their weakness for a combo.Anyways I hope they build on it, and they make it my way. Go ahead Mk team this is a fee idea courtesy of your old pal JB.
03/30/2010 10:14 AM (UTC)
i want it like deception or sf4!
03/30/2010 09:42 PM (UTC)
custom combos. that can link with specials. fast gameplay is a must. i might go indepth later, but that is the basic stuff.
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03/31/2010 03:33 PM (UTC)
BloodHound Wrote:
I'm not a gameplay expert by no means. But through my practice with games like Virtua Fighter and Tekken, I've learned alot. Along with info I pick up about how fighting games work on the web. I've also figured alot of stuff out on my own, since I realized that the devs of the VF and Tekken series tried to make the characters moves intuitive to the player.

I have a question for you though Baraka. Since I take it that you played MKvsDC, I was wondering, how do matches play out in that game? Is it like the person who lands more combos first, that turns out victorious or how does it work? What kind of system is used to interrupt combos?

Yeah, I'll be honest... While I hate the fact that the DC characters are in the game, and I despise the tacked on mini-games that completely hinder the fighting system (close quarters kombat, free fall kombat, grab opponent and run through fifty buildings...err...kombat) the actual combo system and fighting is pretty fun in MK vs DC.

I don't really play online, as I got Xbox Live only a few months ago (finally) and haven't really taken MKvsDC for a spin against other MK fans. But I can tell you how matches play out with a few of my buddies as well as against the computer.

As far as playing against casual players are concerned, most people I know don't care about the minigames and usually get in to them by accident. Their frustration in doing so is usually noticeable.

However, one quick glace at a few 3 button combos and some special moves and they're completely in to it. They'll usually start off by repeating one special move over and over again, but after a while, once they get the hang of how the combos and special moves compliment one another, then they start really playing the game, so to speak.

The matches after that usually play out with a lot of special moves going back and forth with combos mixed in. To me, that's a level of pick up and play ability that MK hasn't had in two or three generations of games.

As for playing the computer, the AI is cheap, as always, especially when you go further up the ladder. The first four matches are a cake walk and then the difficulty spikes and all of a sudden you're dealing with an opponent that can mix in combo strings and special moves like it's nothing.

To me, the stength of the system comes from the fact that alot of the special moves allow you to go in to other special moves or uppercuts or combos. Much more than in the past. Kitana got a new teleport move where she appears behind the opponent and does a roundhouse kick that pops the enemy up in the air. To me, there are a lot of moves like this.

I think the special move as a combo starter is a good way to go. It makes special moves more important and desireable to do as opposed to the last few games where the dial-a-combos really took center stage and the special moves were sort of "optional add on moves."

So yeah, I like MK vs DC's combo system, I just think that they need to expand on it by providing throw combos (like Tekken), a wide variety of fun to perform regular moves (like Virtua Fighter/Soul Calibur) so you have an added dimension to the fighting beyond special moves and combos while still adding to the combos, and ditching the tacked on minigames.

You put in a system that has fun to use regular moves, a ton of special moves (both of which can start, continue and end combos) as well as some simple to use short combo strings and you won't need any of that window dressing garbage like free fall kombat or klose quarters.

As for the countering/parrying, it's still a work in progress for MK to catch up to the other big dogs on the fighting game block. Basically you press block and (I think it was) towards while your rage meter has one or two levels full and it will automatically break a combo. Meh...

I'd really like to see a dedicated counter button like DOA has. Of course, I'd also like to take away the ability to hold the block button entirely. I'd have an escape button that works as a block if you time it right, or works as a dodge if you time it right.

Think about every martial arts film you've ever seen. In the movie fight scenes, they don't simply hold their hands in front of their faces while someone's wailing on them. Or worse, they don't cover their faces while someone is punching them in the stomach.

The movements are fluid, there's dodging punches, deflecting punches, grabbing fists and countering etc. This is the type of counter/escape system I'd like to see implemented. Fighting games have, for too long, relied on the Street Fighter method of blocking. All fighting games are guilty of this.

But what if you had to time every reaction to punches and kicks? Not perfectly of course, if you're talking about escaping/dodging/deflecting, but for counters, the timing should be on the level of a counter in Tekken.

To me, that would speed up the game dramtically without the need for a stupid run button. The pace would be frenetic, in fact. To me, this is where MK should go. But yeah, where they're at currently with MK vs DC? I still think they're kinda stuck in the past on countering/parrying.
03/31/2010 07:34 PM (UTC)
mk vs dc fucking sucks the only good thing about mk vs dc is the fact that u can jump and uppercut that's it. But i dont have a problem with none of the combo systems. I think the best combo system 4 me is the dial a kombo system that make the game a little more challenging but i can go along with the more simply combo system 2
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03/31/2010 07:57 PM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
mk vs dc fucking sucks the only good thing about mk vs dc is the fact that u can jump and uppercut that's it. But i dont have a problem with none of the combo systems. I think the best combo system 4 me is the dial a kombo system that make the game a little more challenging but i can go along with the more simply combo system 2

I could understand hating that it was a cross over game. I'm right there with you, but in terms of combo systems, I thought that it was one of the better ones they've done lately.

Personally, I think that the dial-a-combo system is the single biggest mistake the MK team ever made. Before that, everyone could pick up and play, learn a few moves and have fun.

Then they put in these ridiculous strings of button presses that only hardcore fans would bother to learn. I've since forgotten most of those longer strings and while I was happy to get UMK3 on the Saturn for Christmas, I can barely play the damn game.

Combos should be intuitive. Look at the type of stuff they have in Dead or Alive. Punch, Punch, Kick, Kick, Kick. To me, that's a heck of a lot more intuitive than 1,3,4,1,L,2,3,L,1,4 like in MK:DA or HP,HP,LP,LK,HK,back HK like MK3.

You can't guess those combos, you can't figure them out by trial and error (well, you can, but it would take a long freakin time). You have to study the game and memorize stuff. That might be fine for hardcore players looking to put on a show, but I'd rather have a system that's more open, more flexible and more fluid than that.

Still, I appreciate your opinion jmo. I'm not knocking you, I just disagree is all. I personally enjoy MK1, MK2 and MKvsDC the most specifically in terms of the combo system. MK:DA and MK:D felt too stiff and MK3/MK4 felt both stiff and choppy due to the animations and how specific the combos had to be in both button pressed and timing.

Like I said though, just my opinion.
03/31/2010 11:03 PM (UTC)
The first thing that comes to mind is that Mortal Kombat has to get with the times and use string combos instead of the chain combos in the dial-a-combo system. With string combos, you aren't forced to just sit there and be punished with hit after hit. Instead, you could try to stop the combo before it continues.

I'd like to feel that sense of being able to freely flow through moves though this isn't to say that all moves should necessarily flow with each other. I definitely like the fact that special moves can be flowed into combos in MK vs. DC, and I think they should keep that.

If there end up being infinite combos in the game, it should be done in a way that infinite combos are done in Tekken games in which they can be avoided. However, that has to come with having string combos.

For those that utilize grappling techniques, there could even be grappling combos and/or grappling combined with striking and kicking.
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03/31/2010 11:37 PM (UTC)
MK vs DC had the best system since the classics in terms of skill.. But i guess that would depend.

I was amazing form MKDA and MKD, to MKA because I would outsmart my opponent rather than rely on long combos. Just relelntless with structured back and forth attacks from all sides. Even backstepping to deceive a forward-dashing move. I was just really good at executing it.

But i always hated the dial-a-combo. I love games like tekken and soul calibur. But MKvs DC ALMOST hit it right on the head.

Pro moves are AMAZING. I think they should be harder tho. I feel there should be NO close combat or transitional button battles of any sort. Leave the MK1 test your might for between every 3 fights.

id say throw in mkvsdc's battle system, but make grabs blockable. not jusr RB or R1. make it like raidens shock. (F,F,2) i think....

a bit cleaner wakeup attacks and more creative animations for punches and kicks, I will play the F*** out of this game until my disc melts.
EDIT: I also think its STUPID that Scorpion is clearly delayed longer than subzero for shooting a missed/blocked spear compared to a freeze. They are both for a free hit/combo yet subzero can rip them off and tare away like a motherf****r. I think all delays unless absolutely needed on blocked specials, should be taken out of the game to have the gameplay and fairness on an equel level.
04/01/2010 03:32 AM (UTC)
Thanks for the explanation. The last MK game I played was MKD and in it, I always got the impression that whoever landed the most/biggest combos, would always win the match. And the problem was that there was little you could do to stop combos. Other than sidestep the combos' initiating strike (which seemed ineffective, since strikes came out blazing fast) As well as the 3 breakers you were given, which didn't solve the problem of stopping combos after you ran out. And then there is blocking. But from what I remember, you could only block all of the combo, if you block the initial strike. So if you do get hit by the initial combos' attack, then you can't block the rest of it. Then again, I'm not an expert on this stuff, so I don't know if there is a fighting game out there that has where you can block combo attacks, if you get hit by the initial strike.

And even though you could have already told me and I just couldn't tell by your last post, just to be clear, I'll ask again. Does MKvsDC's gameplay amount to sort of the same gameplay as MKD? That is if my assumptions about MKD are correct. Sorry if you did already answer my question.

Baraka407 Wrote:I'd really like to see a dedicated counter button like DOA has. Of course, I'd also like to take away the ability to hold the block button entirely. I'd have an escape button that works as a block if you time it right, or works as a dodge if you time it right.

So are you saying that it's not necessary to have a block button at all? I kind of always thought blocking was sort of a last resort if you were under the pressure of your opponent and couldn't think of what else to do in a given situation.
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04/01/2010 04:02 AM (UTC)
BloodHound Wrote:

And even though you could have already told me and I just couldn't tell by your last post, just to be clear, I'll ask again. Does MKvsDC's gameplay amount to sort of the same gameplay as MKD? That is if my assumptions about MKD are correct. Sorry if you did already answer my question.

Baraka407 Wrote:I'd really like to see a dedicated counter button like DOA has. Of course, I'd also like to take away the ability to hold the block button entirely. I'd have an escape button that works as a block if you time it right, or works as a dodge if you time it right.

So are you saying that it's not necessary to have a block button at all? I kind of always thought blocking was sort of a last resort if you were under the pressure of your opponent and couldn't think of what else to do in a given situation.

No problem at all! Honestly? There are similaritiesbetween MK:D and MK vs DC in that combos and special moves are still the most important aspect of fighting.

In other words, if you're looking for the more in depth options that you'll find in many of the bigger fighters that are 3D from the ground up (real unique fighting styles for characters, a good throw system with multi-part throws, anything resembling a decent ground game, a good system for counters, parrys, fun to use basic moves, fluid animations etc), you'll be disappointed.

However, and again, this is just my opinion, to me at least... Where MK:D focused a lot more on combos than special moves (I think the ratio in terms of importance is about 70-30 or even 80-20 in terms of the usefulness of combos vs special moves), in MK vs DC it's much closer to 50/50.

In MK vs DC You really need to utilize both. You can even have combos that are solely special moves, which to me, really harkens back to the MK1 and MK2 days. The combos have also been minimalized in terms of their complexity. Like I said, you won't see any long dial-a-combos like A,X,B,(style change), Y,Y,B, (style change), X,A. Or some such garbage.

Most of the characters have 3 or 4 hit combos in terms of button presses and most of them have at least one button repeating like Y, Y, A or something like that. These types of combos can be worked in with special moves. You know, execute a special move, small combo, execute another special move, finish with an uppercut etc.

I still think that the MK team has a long road to go towards being a great pick up and play game that still has a ton of depth to keep players in to it. But excluding the annoying presence of DC characters, having no new MK characters etc... Just taking the fighting system as is, it's one of the better ones in the series (it doesn't hurt that each character has about 6 or 7+ special moves) and to answer your question, the principal tools at your disposal are the same as MK:D, but they way those tools are implemented are a LOT better in my mind.

As for my own view of blocking, I've always thought that the safety valve provided by a dedicated block button was weak. I'd rather be able to have a dodge/escape/deflect button (I only mean to say that it would be context sensitive so that the animations look fluid and not strange like maybe a deflection looks a lot more natural than a dodge in a certain situation).

This would make it so that A) You could dodge/escape/deflect every attack in a combo and both sides would be constantly having to react accordingly and the aggressor/defender mechanic would switch much more quickly, again creating a faster and more tense match up.

The timing of a dodge/escape/deflect wouldn't have to be very precise, unlike countering, which again, I'd use Tekken's example of Paul or Jin's counter timing for that.

Picture a match with this mechanic though, a player punches, the other dodges and goes for a throw, the player counters that throw in to a throw of their own, but that throw is escaped, the first player throws a kick, kick, kick combo that connects on the first two kicks but the last kick gets parried in to a backhand punch that's deflected, the other player comes back with a special move that lands followed by an uppercut, only the uppercut is countered in to a joint lock, which allows the player performing the move to get two punches in before the other player escapes.

My point is that the role of attacker and defender would change much more easily, there's no blocking, no turtling, just nonstop action where what's put in the place of a simple block is something that can either deflect an attack and leave the opponent open, escape and regroup, counter and attack with a punch, kick or throw etc. Basically, the dynamic of the match would change constantly, as opposed to trying to see who can land the first unblocked punch that all but guarantees a long combo string.

Again, this is just my opinion though. Most people like their blocking, even taken with the downside of turtling and the fact that, well, anyone that's ever watched a real martial arts match or even a fight, would look at the blocking mechanic of a fighting game and scratch their head.
04/01/2010 04:09 AM (UTC)
Have any of you guys thought about automated combos like Killer Instinct?

For those who don't know what Im talking about let me explain. KI has automated combos. Once a button combonation is inputed the character will do a combo animation. This is different than dial a combo, because three button presses could end up equalling 6 hit. Different combos can be strung together to make your own.

Personally I wouldn't mind if they went in this direction, but I would want it to have that distinct MK feel to it once it is completed.
04/01/2010 04:20 AM (UTC)
my perfect systom would be low punch, high punch, low kick, high kick, grapple button,counter button,dash button,and block button.

here's how i see it for the ps3 controller.
square button - low punch
triangle button - high punch
x button - low kick
circle button - high kick
r1 button - throw/grapple button
l1 button - run/dash
r2 button - counter button
l2 button - block button

i'd like to see mk have the fluidness of soul calibur, the countering from dead or alive, the grapple systom of tekken, the pick up and play of street fighter. that would make mk a force to be reckon with. i always felt mk to be sluggish and sometimes down right choppy.

tell me what you think because i think mk could use a systom like this.
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04/01/2010 06:03 AM (UTC)
It's a tough decision for me. I'm always going to prefer chain combos, because let's face it: that's what I'm good at. While my friends played Street Fighter Alpha 3, I was playing Marvel vs. Capcom. I play SS4 for about 1 1/2 hours per day, but I'm still a thousand times better at Tatsunoko vs Capcom.

But the permanent weakness of the dial-combo system is that 99% of the time, you're just going to use your bread-and-butter combo. There's no real reason to use your other combos, and that's where MKDA/MKD/MKA all suffered.

That's also why I love Soul Calibur. Every move has a function which leads to a very strategy-based experience. It's not just a game of risk/punish/risk/punish (well, it can be, but to a different extent).

I vote they stay with the MKvsDC system, even though I really don't have a solid opinion on it. I only played the game for a few days, and though my impressions were positive, I didn't really explore the system's depth, nor did I enjoy as much as I enjoyed MKD. So long as it's competitive and still feels like MK, I'll be happy. Then again, if the combo system was shit, but Smoke is in the game, I'd honestly be just as satisfied.
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04/01/2010 02:46 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
my perfect systom would be low punch, high punch, low kick, high kick, grapple button,counter button,dash button,and block button.

here's how i see it for the ps3 controller.
square button - low punch
triangle button - high punch
x button - low kick
circle button - high kick
r1 button - throw/grapple button
l1 button - run/dash
r2 button - counter button
l2 button - block button

i'd like to see mk have the fluidness of soul calibur, the countering from dead or alive, the grapple systom of tekken, the pick up and play of street fighter. that would make mk a force to be reckon with. i always felt mk to be sluggish and sometimes down right choppy.

tell me what you think because i think mk could use a systom like this.

I'm with you on everything except for the run/dash button. I'm not sure that I see the need for it. Most 3D fighters just use a double tap for a run/dash move, unless you're talking about it as mainly a Run Button. In which case, HELL NO. I didn't like it in MK3 and I see no logical reason for it in a modern 3D fighter.

To me, a run button accomplishes nothing more than making the computer AI incredibly cheap.

I prefer fighters that have offense in the form of single attacks, combos, throws, a good ground game etc and defense in the form of counters, parries, escapes, dodges etc. To me, a run button takes that system and makes it much harder to play a good defensive game.

Most people see someone running toward them and their first reaction will be to block, not counter or parry. To me, that creates more turtling and that's never a good thing in a fighting game.

On the other hand, I agree whole heartedly with a counter button. I'm sick of having a system in MK where you have 3 parries per match or one/two combo breakers if your meter's filled up. To me, those are gimmicks.

It's not strategy to decide "should I take the damage in this combo now so I can use the rage command later, or maybe use a parry later etc" You shouldn't have to choose like that. Of course, the rage meter shouldn't exist at all and there shouldn't be a point in any fighting game where a character simply can't be hit and their combos break blocks. Ugh, who thought of that crap??

So yeah, a dedicated counter button would be great. I also like a throw button and wish that the MK team would finally embrace throws as a whole. If you just stick to using one button, you can create combo throw strings that are simple to use but fun to execute.

Something like toward, toward r1, toward r1, back r1 could be a 3 throw combo. Sure, I'd replace that run/dash button with an escape/deflect type of button so that you're not guaranteed to be sucked in to a long throw combo just because the first move connected.

But a throw button like in DOA would be a very welcome addition, and adding lots of throws and having specific characters that have 30+ throws and/or several multipart throw strings would be great.

I know, some people will say "MK is NOT Tekken!!" but my whole point here would be that I'd love to see what MK's signature on throws and multipart throws would be. I see a lot of joint locks, wrestling moves, faces punched repeatedly and oh yeah, a LOT of bones breaking grin
04/01/2010 04:56 PM (UTC)
baraka can i ask you a question why you hated the run button so much. i thought that was the 1 good thing that came out of mk3 besides the cyborgs.

anyways here's how i see it for the 360
x button - low punch
y button - high punch
b button - high kick
a button - low kick
rb button - grapple/throw button
rt button - counter button
lb button - run/dash button
lt button - block button

also if there was no run/dash button i could deal with just double tapping forward to dash at the enemy. plus i see advantanges of dashing or running at the enemy because it could open up unblockable attacks. it would give it some aw factor.

i do agree that mk does need more throws that are unique to that character. plus i heard that mkvsdc had many characters using the same throws. don't know if that is true or not.

i'll post more later.
04/01/2010 05:38 PM (UTC)
i like the classic dial a combo system the best but i also liked the system in MK:A regardless of the infinites and the weapons. i rented and just recently bought MK vs DC...just because it was cheap and i really think that they tried to make the combo system too fast paced and generic. i did like as stated before...the specials can be linked into the combos...that i would keep. i think if MK could come close to Killer Instinct with combos...than i would be happy. that is my opinion. i like fast paced game play but i don't want it to be too fast either.
04/01/2010 09:41 PM (UTC)
I dont post 2 much on here but i read awhole lot of ur comment and i must say u b knowing what u b talking about u b long winded sometimes but i respect the comments that u b making. I do like the fact of the dial a combo system where u do need 2 study the combos 2 pull them off and i understand alot of casual player want put the time in 2 learn the combos so they will put the game down. So i can c how that probably did hurt the series. But i'm 4 what ever that can help the franchise move forward i like the dial a combo system but it not mandatory that i need it. All i want is a successful mk game with good gameplay and i'm happy. one more thing mk vs dc wasn't bad just because it was a cross over game the super heros didn't bother me. I hated the fact that there wasn't no counter system, when u throw somebody they automatic side roll when they got up the 3d analog stick was a waste of time the only way u can side step 2 dodge something only if your opponet is across the board. The grab button they change that stupid close kombat mess. I've been playing mk since the first one and this the first one i ever put down after a few month of playing it. That's not like me because i love the mk franchise but mk vs dc was a big let down 4 me and i'm still waiting 4 a kick ass mk 2 b release on the next gen systems. I been waiting the last 4 years ever since mka shit 6 years because mka came out when the next gen system was already out and they decided 2 put it on the old systems. So i'm hoping like hell that this one don't let me down shit i might cry if they do lol. But seriously
Baraka407 Wrote:
jmo1214 Wrote:
mk vs dc fucking sucks the only good thing about mk vs dc is the fact that u can jump and uppercut that's it. But i dont have a problem with none of the combo systems. I think the best combo system 4 me is the dial a kombo system that make the game a little more challenging but i can go along with the more simply combo system 2

I could understand hating that it was a cross over game. I'm right there with you, but in terms of combo systems, I thought that it was one of the better ones they've done lately.

Personally, I think that the dial-a-combo system is the single biggest mistake the MK team ever made. Before that, everyone could pick up and play, learn a few moves and have fun.

Then they put in these ridiculous strings of button presses that only hardcore fans would bother to learn. I've since forgotten most of those longer strings and while I was happy to get UMK3 on the Saturn for Christmas, I can barely play the damn game.

Combos should be intuitive. Look at the type of stuff they have in Dead or Alive. Punch, Punch, Kick, Kick, Kick. To me, that's a heck of a lot more intuitive than 1,3,4,1,L,2,3,L,1,4 like in MK:DA or HP,HP,LP,LK,HK,back HK like MK3.

You can't guess those combos, you can't figure them out by trial and error (well, you can, but it would take a long freakin time). You have to study the game and memorize stuff. That might be fine for hardcore players looking to put on a show, but I'd rather have a system that's more open, more flexible and more fluid than that.

Still, I appreciate your opinion jmo. I'm not knocking you, I just disagree is all. I personally enjoy MK1, MK2 and MKvsDC the most specifically in terms of the combo system. MK:DA and MK:D felt too stiff and MK3/MK4 felt both stiff and choppy due to the animations and how specific the combos had to be in both button pressed and timing.

Like I said though, just my opinion.
04/01/2010 11:40 PM (UTC)
04/02/2010 12:21 AM (UTC)
I've recently been thinking about the defense system, and I feel that MK's defense system could do so much more. Right now, it's pretty simplistic, and MK games should not have the combo breakers. Even though MK vs. DC tried to make them a bit more palatable, they are still cheap band-aids, and the real solution is having string combos.

Anyway, I think the block button should be changed into a defense button, and face buttons should be included in doing various defensive techniques. What I mean is, I'm talking about having one of the shoulder buttons plus a face button. I'll use Scorpion as an example.

Ideally, I'd have his fighting style be largely based off of Togakure Ryu and Koto Ryu, which are arts associated with the historical ninja. One of the kamae (postures) is Hicho no Kamae (flying bird posture), which is like a crane stance but different. He could use that to avoid certain low attacks and have an opportunity to counter with a strike, kick, etc. That could be done with R2 + X on the PS3.

I don't agree with the idea of a "counter button", because counter moves can be done by certain commands instead. There should definitely be a universal parry system though the animations could look different. You could do sort of what Tekken does by having B + 1 + 3 for a high/mid parry and DB + 1 + 3 for a low parry.
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04/02/2010 12:49 AM (UTC)
You know, I was thinking about doing a thread like this, but Baraka beat me too it. Anyway, I thought Mortal Kombat Vs DCU's combo system was much better than the last 3 MK games, MKDA, MKD, and MKA. If they use that again on MK9, then surely it'll kick ass.

Now I want to talk about another thing about the combo system, it seems like Mortal Kombat as of late have focused a lot on juggling combos, like on Tekken. I was wondering if the MK team should tone it down with the juggling because I seriously don't want anyone that aren't MK fans call it a jugglefest because all you do is juggle. The MK team shouldn't just focus on juggles, they should also make different types on combos. It would be really awesome if MK does that.
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04/02/2010 08:12 AM (UTC)
I too liked MkvsDc's system a lot more than the last couple games. To rid us of that silly air combo thing was a relief. Just as well, the familiarity of jumping, uppercutting like normal, and running was all good too (even though I'm a fan of the run button, FF worked well in that game).

I also liked that we were spared switching styles, unless of course it was like Baraka with his blades. That's the sort of character specificity that i was looking for, so I was happy to have had my complaint resolved in such a fashion. It made the game a little more....exciting??; to "find that out" about Baraka, and not have it be shared all over the game.

-- Ok so, I like dials, but I would still appreciate it if things were more like strings. What I mean is, I like to have a few good consistent combos, but I need more possibility from those consistent combos in the future. Which kinda, I'm asking for MK's own version of string combos essentially.

I liked to be able to throw in a special move almost anywhere, and I also liked the pro-moves from MkvsDc. From that i guess you can glean that I like the system that was constructed for those things to happen, but I would love to see it be less restrictive as to where inside the combo, a special or pro-move can happen. Maybe if in order to pull off a pro-move or special, two punches or kicks would have to land to justify "combo".... But then it's up to you what you wanna do?

Imagine throwing a fireball or something after two hits...or doing some sort of great pro-move combo after two hits. Not to mention that the special or pro-move doesn't necessarily have to mean the end of your combo. I think that would be cool. I'd like to see how colorful, and unique peoples combos end up being.

A question would be, why couldn't MK's system behave like strings, but look like dial-a-combos? To where it works with all the possibility that strings//chains offer, but look like predetermined dials?


The other thing is the button mapping. I still like my Hp, Hk, Lp, Lk ect sort of arrangement, and I'd hope they wouldn't need to sacrifice that set-up completely. And again, I like the run button, but FF will do. I also like there being a definitive block button too.....So I guess I'd just be interested to see what else they come up with if they can expand on the MKvsDc set-up in some direction as what folks are hinting at.


More random thoughts::

-- I don't want a bunch of throws in there....maybe 1 or 2 per character. Gimme 1-2 counter per, 1-2 reversal per (high/low), but give me a bunch of opportunity to execute it (don't forget to make them all character specific on the aesthetic side of things. no-one should behave exactly the same. even if the move is similar in its orientation) Another thing here is that I've always kinda thought that a simple aesthetic could take care of situations where my back is turned to you, but you attack me, but I counter or reversal. Something like the aggressor aesthetic back in MKT? wasn't it?
idk, flimsy idea but yea...

-- Juggles are cool, but on the back-end, let me be able to recoup from them. Rebounding maybe, if i press what the attacker is pressing. You might see me catch and or push off of the attackers -- attacking limb or something.

-- Air combos should be there, but they should be really short (1-2 hits, then fall back to the ground [[think MK1-T Liu Kang, or Kitana, or MK3-T Kabal), or they should be character specific (MK3-T Sindel, where she can fly around for a bit, but then she HAS to land. Or MKD Ermac, same thing)

One or two actions, really quick combos so that this game respects gravity unless flying is a part of the characters gimmick. Even then,some characters shouldn't be capable of air stuff at all. Should just be the nature of "mortal" kombat.

-- Not too sure MK has a huge space for parries, but I suppose you could deflect fisticuffs or projectiles. Idk, I think I might be delighted to see this sort of thing be character specific as well. Like say Shang Tsung is "so powerful" that he is one of the only characters on the roster that can bat your fireball away at will......or whatever. Nightwolfs deflect move was always kinda cool, but I always wondered what it would look like to see one of the more powerful characters just disrespectfully bat away my projectile, come through that action, and like grab my neck and try to choke me or something. lol

I don't think parries have or should have a huge space in MK's combo system. I really just think they should have a presence. Things get a whole lot stickier with all these controls to worry about. You'd probably never get an opportunity to use stuff like pro-moves with the likes of parries in the way of the actual fun of beating your opponent to a pulp.

-- forgot what else I was gonna say....heh
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04/02/2010 01:17 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I've recently been thinking about the defense system, and I feel that MK's defense system could do so much more. Right now, it's pretty simplistic, and MK games should not have the combo breakers. Even though MK vs. DC tried to make them a bit more palatable, they are still cheap band-aids, and the real solution is having string combos.

Anyway, I think the block button should be changed into a defense button, and face buttons should be included in doing various defensive techniques. What I mean is, I'm talking about having one of the shoulder buttons plus a face button. I'll use Scorpion as an example.

I don't agree with the idea of a "counter button", because counter moves can be done by certain commands instead. There should definitely be a universal parry system though the animations could look different. You could do sort of what Tekken does by having B + 1 + 3 for a high/mid parry and DB + 1 + 3 for a low parry.

I agree that MK should definitely not have combo breakers. That should be handled by a parry that should be timed with the attack sequence or a counter, again, timed correctly.

I'm not sure what you mean about changing the block button in to a defense button though. Do you mean to say that you wouldn't make it a button that you could simply sit and hold and turtle, but instead have to also time with the attacks? Or did you mean something else entirely?

As far as a counter button goes, I was thinking something along the lines of DOA's counter sytem, where you have to press the button with a direction for high, medium and low attacks so that it's not just "press a button and counter." DOA3, while one of my favorite fighting games, suffers from the ease with which it doles out the countering.

Plus, Iike I said before, I'd want to replace the block button with a contextual button that would either deflect, dodge or escape. To me, this should apply to counters as well. If, for example, Scorpion throws a punch and Sub Zero counters it in to a throw, Scorpion shouldn't automatically be thrown without any ability to defend himself. There should be a way to escape that counter throw a correctly timed button press.

So while Tekken's counter of back, 1&3 or back 2&4 timed correctly, I don't really see much of a difference between that and back R2, up/back R2 or down/back R2, but honestly? Either way sounds fine to me. I should've clarified that a direction press should also be necessary.

I think that using one button though makes it a bit easier and more accessible, while adding 3 directions adds a bit more depth and forces a more expert player to recognize the attack coming and where it will hit. I've always liked Tekken's system as well, but of the two, Tekken's just feels a bit more clunky to me for some reason.

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