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04/02/2010 01:56 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
I too liked MkvsDc's system a lot more than the last couple games. To rid us of that silly air combo thing was a relief. Just as well, the familiarity of jumping, uppercutting like normal, and running was all good too (even though I'm a fan of the run button, FF worked well in that game).

I'm still not sure what people think the run button adds to the game. In the MK3 series of games, all seemed to do as far as fighting the computer was make the AI cheaper. Jumping in the air almost guaranteed a jumpkick from the AI even if they were across the stage thanks to the run button.

As far as fighting people, most of those that I fought against in the arcade used the run button sparingly at best. It was almost a way of saying "I'm in this animation, please hit me!" I know the MK team wanted to have this feature in order to speed the game up, but I just think that it does more harm than good.

Still though, you're obviously entitled to your opinion. I've agreed with you about a LOT of stuff in the past Pred, so maybe this will just have to be one of those things that an exception. No biggie.

I do agree that the air combo system from MKA was both hilarious and absurd. The particular act of smacking someone in the air and watching them do a complete summersault while staying in the same exact spot was beyond silly.

ThePredator151 Wrote:

I also liked that we were spared switching styles, unless of course it was like Baraka with his blades. That's the sort of character specificity that i was looking for, so I was happy to have had my complaint resolved in such a fashion. It made the game a little more....exciting??; to "find that out" about Baraka, and not have it be shared all over the game.

Yeah, I think it's high time the MK team finally starts giving some real individuality to characters beyond unique looking special moves. To me, that's very old school. Having the same throw animation for all characters, to me, also feels not only lazy, but old school and not in a good way.

ThePredator151 Wrote:

-- Ok so, I like dials, but I would still appreciate it if things were more like strings. What I mean is, I like to have a few good consistent combos, but I need more possibility from those consistent combos in the future. Which kinda, I'm asking for MK's own version of string combos essentially.

I liked to be able to throw in a special move almost anywhere, and I also liked the pro-moves from MkvsDc. From that i guess you can glean that I like the system that was constructed for those things to happen, but I would love to see it be less restrictive as to where inside the combo, a special or pro-move can happen. Maybe if in order to pull off a pro-move or special, two punches or kicks would have to land to justify "combo".... But then it's up to you what you wanna do?

Imagine throwing a fireball or something after two hits...or doing some sort of great pro-move combo after two hits. Not to mention that the special or pro-move doesn't necessarily have to mean the end of your combo. I think that would be cool. I'd like to see how colorful, and unique peoples combos end up being.

Just wondering, but how do you think the MK team could accomplish something like this? I think they wanted to give people a sort of freedom in their combos with MK:DA. You'd have a few starter moves, but then you'd have the option of taking a combo in a few directions. My favorite combo was always Scorpions high kick, low kick, high kick that pops the opponent up. You could do three more high kicks, two high kicks and his fiery back flip move, hell fire etc...

So there was flexibility in that system... It just wasn't very enjoyable over all for some reason. At least not to me. Even though the combos had a lot of variations to them that you could add, everything still felt very canned. Also, with the absence of a large amount of throws, a lot of special moves and an overall deemphasis on special moves, the combos became SUCH a focal point that all matches basically turned in to a game of "who can get the longest dial-a-combo" just like MK3.

I'm personally more in favor of a system that focuses more on a variety of attacks as well as defensive maneuvers. To me, the dial a combo variations aren't variety. Having stance changes for certain characters where it makes sense, having counters, throws, multi-part throws, fun to use regular moves, joint locks, a ground game, parrys, juggles, special move juggles, escapes, dodges, deflections... The list goes on... All in addition to combos.

To me, those are the types of things that could and should provide variety and keep me playing.

ThePredator151 Wrote:

A question would be, why couldn't MK's system behave like strings, but look like dial-a-combos? To where it works with all the possibility that strings//chains offer, but look like predetermined sequences....like dials?

I'm not sure how you accomplish that. What do you mean?

ThePredator151 Wrote:


The other thing is the button mapping. I still like my Hp, Hk, Lp, Lk ect sort of arrangement, and I'd hope they wouldn't need to sacrifice that set-up completely. And again, I like the run button, but FF will do. I also like there being a definitive block button too.....So I guess I'd just be interested to see what else they come up with if they can expand on the MKvsDc set-up in some direction as what folks are hinting at.

I'm also a fan of HP, LP, HK, LK. I like the idea of pressing a button and knowing what type of attack my character will do. I'm not sure why they ever went to the 1,2,3,4 system. Perhaps it was because they didn't like having to tie moves to certain buttons? I dunno. To me that just seems like lazy programming.

Knowing what types of attacks will be done if certain buttons and directions with buttons can be very helpful. It also makes the command list feel more organized, if that makes any sense. I guess I mean that it doesn't feel like all of your characters moves are just random button presses, but that there's a logic behind why pressing something does something. Again, not sure that makes sense.

ThePredator151 Wrote:


More random thoughts::
-- I don't want a bunch of throws in there....maybe 1 or 2 per character. Gimme 1-2 counter per, 1-2 reversal per (high/low), but give me a bunch of opportunity to execute it (don't forget to make them all character specific on the aesthetic side of things. no-one should behave exactly the same. even if the move is similar in its orientation) Another thing here is that I've always kinda thought that a simple aesthetic could take care of situations where my back is turned to you, but you attack me, but I counter or reversal. Something like the aggressor aesthetic back in MKT? wasn't it?
idk, flimsy idea but yea...

If the MK team had 2 throws, 2 counters and a high and low reversal that were ALL character specific, I'd consider that a HUGE step forward for this series.

I'd still like to see some multi-part throws added in for specific characters where it makes sense. I think that MK could really put their own stamp on that type tactic given that most games multi-throws involve joint locks and bone breaking sound effects.

I could see the MK team having a field day with something like that, actually. But I doubt we'll ever see that happen, so while 2 character specific throws sounds a bit light for all characters, I'll take that if it means getting counters and reversals for everyone, without the need for some meter to fill up or limited usage etc.

To me, that's just basic fundamentals of a modern fighting game.

ThePredator151 Wrote:

-- Juggles are cool, but on the back-end, let me be able to recoup from them. Rebounding maybe, if i press what the attacker is pressing. You might see me catch and or push off of the attackers -- attacking limb or something.

I think that it would be nice to simply have a recovery move so that you can land on your feet, even if that might make things look wonky at times. Not sure how it would work, but at the very least, MK could really benefit from having an improved ground game.

Why after so many years, we still can't attack downed opponents is beyond me. I'd love to see a system where you could attack downed opponents with a variety of moves and maybe even allow the downed opponent to counter or parry or escape those moves.

ThePredator151 Wrote:

-- Air combos should be there, but they should be really short (1-2 hits, then fall back to the ground [[think MK1-T Liu Kang, or Kitana, or MK3-T Kabal), or they should be character specific (MK3-T Sindel, where she can fly around for a bit, but then she HAS to land. Or MKD Ermac, same thing)

One or two actions, really quick combos so that this game respects gravity unless flying is a part of the characters gimmick. Even then,some characters shouldn't be capable of air stuff at all. Should just be the nature of "mortal" kombat.

I agree 110%. Throwing in that last move or two, whether it's a jump kick/fan throw or that projectile that gives your combo that final exclaimation point, I'm definitely in favor of those types of air combos.

ThePredator151 Wrote:

-- Not too sure MK has a huge space for parries, but I suppose you could deflect fisticuffs or projectiles. Idk, I think I might be delighted to see this sort of thing be character specific as well. Like say Shang Tsung is "so powerful" that he is one of the only characters on the roster that can bat your fireball away at will......or whatever. Nightwolfs deflect move was always kinda cool, but I always wondered what it would look like to see one of the more powerful characters just disrespectfully bat away my projectile, come through that action, and like grab my neck and try to choke me or something. lol

I don't think parries have or should have a huge space in MK's combo system. I really just think they should have a presence. Things get a whole lot stickier with all these controls to worry about. You'd probably never get an opportunity to use stuff like pro-moves with the likes of parries in the way of the actual fun of beating your opponent to a pulp.

-- forgot what else I was gonna say....heh

I think that there's space for parrys. I think that maybe some characters could counter and some could deflect/parry. Maybe some characters even get both. These types of moves could be used to balance out characters. Maybe someone like Jax, who just seems more throw heavy to me in general might have several counters and throws but no parries. Again, just an example.

Great ideas overall though man! I might not agree with everything, but I like where you're at on most of this stuff.
04/02/2010 05:33 PM (UTC)
Ideal combo system...

Even though I haven't played MKvsDC, from the clips I've seen, I like the combo system. However, I definitely do not want to see close kombat and free fall kombat return, I hated those, killed the fluidity totally. The most stupid thing of all were the free fall kombat situations in which both characters would get hit, but the energy meter would go down only for the character that was the last one to get hit. I hope I wrote that in an understandable form.

Anyway, please, get rid of those silly combo breakers, those are hilarious.

I'd also like for special moves to do more damage outside combos. They are special moves, they shouldn't do less damage than a simple hit...

As some of you have already said, it's a shame that every combo ends up being a juggle combo. They should tone down the juggling definitely.

I guess a combination of string combos and short chain combos would work well. String combos would add to the variety and could give you more space for improvisation too.

Common moves should all be executed differently by each character, you know, each character should move differently. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the moves would look different, but they would do the same damage and they would be equally easy/difficult to execute for each character.

Also, I wouldn't like to see those multiple fighting styles like in MKDA-MKA back. One style that could be a mixture of more various styles per character is fine.
04/02/2010 11:19 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I agree that MK should definitely not have combo breakers. That should be handled by a parry that should be timed with the attack sequence or a counter, again, timed correctly.

I'm not sure about parrying during a combo, but I do think that every character should have a high/mid parry and a low parry as a means of a defense move. I was also thinking about the backdash and how it could lead to further escaping. For example, someone like Kitana and Sonya could do a backflip while a character like Scorpion does a backward roll. I'd say it could be a B, B + 3 + 4 command or something.

Baraka407 Wrote:
I'm not sure what you mean about changing the block button in to a defense button though. Do you mean to say that you wouldn't make it a button that you could simply sit and hold and turtle, but instead have to also time with the attacks? Or did you mean something else entirely?

Sorry about that. I should have been clearer. Instead of having a block button in which the character just stands there and blocks hits, I'm thinking of timed defense moves, and these would be the simpler defensive techniques as opposed to something like a reversal/counter. They could be quickly followed by a counter attack such as a strike or a kick. The idea is that this sort of system would help with the flow of combat.

For example, let's say that Johnny Cage has a Karate base (I'm thinking along the lines of Shorin Ryu and American Kenpo influences.) to his fighting style. He could do a high cross block (raises and crosses his arms) to block a high attack and then follows up with a front kick to knock the opponent back.

Baraka407 Wrote:
As far as a counter button goes, I was thinking something along the lines of DOA's counter sytem, where you have to press the button with a direction for high, medium and low attacks so that it's not just "press a button and counter." DOA3, while one of my favorite fighting games, suffers from the ease with which it doles out the countering.

I have only played a wee bit of DOA3, and I'm not really into that series anyway. Besides MK, I like playing Tekken and Soul Calibur on a very casual level.

Baraka407 Wrote:
Plus, Iike I said before, I'd want to replace the block button with a contextual button that would either deflect, dodge or escape. To me, this should apply to counters as well. If, for example, Scorpion throws a punch and Sub Zero counters it in to a throw, Scorpion shouldn't automatically be thrown without any ability to defend himself. There should be a way to escape that counter throw a correctly timed button press.

I imagine that the defensive moves should vary depending on the character. I used Scorpion as an example in which R2 + X (on the PS3) switches him to Hicho no Kamae (Flying Bird Posture) to evade a low attack, and he can follow by a strike (e.g. knife hand strike) or a kick (e.g. front stomp kick). When it comes to escape counter throws, it would have to be within a small time frame. I'm not sure how it would work in terms of throws like the 1 + 3 throw that Paul Phoenix has.

Baraka407 Wrote:
So while Tekken's counter of back, 1&3 or back 2&4 timed correctly, I don't really see much of a difference between that and back R2, up/back R2 or down/back R2, but honestly? Either way sounds fine to me. I should've clarified that a direction press should also be necessary.

I think that using one button though makes it a bit easier and more accessible, while adding 3 directions adds a bit more depth and forces a more expert player to recognize the attack coming and where it will hit. I've always liked Tekken's system as well, but of the two, Tekken's just feels a bit more clunky to me for some reason.

I kind of see where you're coming from about Tekken's system feeling a bit clunky. MK's fighting system should feel more along the lines of Soul Calibur's in terms of speed and fluidity. I do think that in terms of the face buttons, it should either retain the attack 1-4 system or have something similar to Tekken's except have it be lead punch/kick and rear punch/kick instead of left and right. For those that are suggesting the old HP, LP, LK, HK system, I don't think that's a good idea. The low kick in the old MK games wasn't even a low kick. It's more like a mid-level kick.

I have thought that if the attack 1-4 system is retained, the way it is set up could be different with different characters. For example, one character might have a left and right punch and kick like in Tekken or another character with a lead and rear punch and kick system. Also, there could be characters who have a quick, mid, strong punch/kick system like in Killer Instinct. Even though that would be complicated, it would make the gameplay much more diverse.

I was referring to the parries with the B + 1 + 3 command. B + R2 for the high/mid parry and DB + R2 for the low parry isn't a problem for me. It would make more use of that button. What about the other shoulder buttons?
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04/03/2010 12:21 AM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
Ideal combo system...

Even though I haven't played MKvsDC, from the clips I've seen, I like the combo system. However, I definitely do not want to see close kombat and free fall kombat return, I hated those, killed the fluidity totally. The most stupid thing of all were the free fall kombat situations in which both characters would get hit, but the energy meter would go down only for the character that was the last one to get hit. I hope I wrote that in an understandable form.

Anyway, please, get rid of those silly combo breakers, those are hilarious.

I'd also like for special moves to do more damage outside combos. They are special moves, they shouldn't do less damage than a simple hit...

As some of you have already said, it's a shame that every combo ends up being a juggle combo. They should tone down the juggling definitely.

I guess a combination of string combos and short chain combos would work well. String combos would add to the variety and could give you more space for improvisation too.

Common moves should all be executed differently by each character, you know, each character should move differently. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the moves would look different, but they would do the same damage and they would be equally easy/difficult to execute for each character.

Also, I wouldn't like to see those multiple fighting styles like in MKDA-MKA back. One style that could be a mixture of more various styles per character is fine.

Nephrite, you're definitely right, why are all the good combos juggles? Doesn't Ed Boon realize that juggling will only get you so far? I say do more ground combos, it seems more realistic. Say for example, I stun move followed by a another stun move and another stun move ends a combo. I honestly don't want Mortal Kombat to be just a jugglefest, it should have a variety of combos and go very deep. Like have more parries, joint locks, and so much more a fighting game can have.
04/09/2010 08:01 AM (UTC)
Hey Baraka, thanks for the explanation on the differences between MK:D and MKvsDC. Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier but I wanted to read everyone's comments on this thread, before I made my own. Plus, I've been quite busy lately.

Taking a look at these statements:

Baraka407 Wrote:

As for my own view of blocking, I've always thought that the safety valve provided by a dedicated block button was weak. I'd rather be able to have a dodge/escape/deflect button (I only mean to say that it would be context sensitive so that the animations look fluid and not strange like maybe a deflection looks a lot more natural than a dodge in a certain situation).

This would make it so that A) You could dodge/escape/deflect every attack in a combo and both sides would be constantly having to react accordingly and the aggressor/defender mechanic would switch much more quickly, again creating a faster and more tense match up.

The timing of a dodge/escape/deflect wouldn't have to be very precise, unlike countering, which again, I'd use Tekken's example of Paul or Jin's counter timing for that.

Picture a match with this mechanic though, a player punches, the other dodges and goes for a throw, the player counters that throw in to a throw of their own, but that throw is escaped, the first player throws a kick, kick, kick combo that connects on the first two kicks but the last kick gets parried in to a backhand punch that's deflected, the other player comes back with a special move that lands followed by an uppercut, only the uppercut is countered in to a joint lock, which allows the player performing the move to get two punches in before the other player escapes.

My point is that the role of attacker and defender would change much more easily, there's no blocking, no turtling, just nonstop action where what's put in the place of a simple block is something that can either deflect an attack and leave the opponent open, escape and regroup, counter and attack with a punch, kick or throw etc. Basically, the dynamic of the match would change constantly, as opposed to trying to see who can land the first unblocked punch that all but guarantees a long combo string.

One of the problems I think that could arise from this sort of system, is that, because you say the timing of the input of a dodge/escape/deflect button, doesn't have to be very precise, then the person inputting the command to dodge/escape/deflect, might never end up performing this animation. The reason is because, lets say a punch executes and connects in a short amount of frames. How then are you expected to dodge or deflect if your real enemy becomes "timing"? I mean for this always to work, the animations would have to come out slower than normal, but then you have the possibility of no one getting hit for at lest a while, since either side can see telegraphed movement and think/react accordingly. Now, I can see this working with the slower moves your enemy performs and then dodging, escaping or deflecting from there.

Also, if we look at this example you made:

"a player punches, the other dodges and goes for a throw, the player counters that throw in to a throw of their own..."

Ok, so if we take a look at that scenario, I can see a problem comes to light, because whats keeping the other player from doing a counter throw of the counter throw? It seems like in this scenario it would just come down to sort of a "quick time event" or, "press the throw button as fast as you can" sort of thing.

Other than that, I think it also comes down to the amount of animations the game has implemented for your dodge/escape/deflect button. Which might be more than the developers care to actually offer, for example, for every receiving attack. And I think you would have to do too much thinking for the kind of fighting you would like to see which is akin to choreographed fighting.

Also, I wanted to ask you, did you mean to say the dodge/escape/deflect button, would also have directional inputs, in one of your posts I read? And just so you know, I'm in no way dissing your ideas. If anything, I take it as a learning experience.

So overall, this kind of system might work in a game but not all the time. At least this is how it appears logically. If I've learned anything about fighting games like Virtua Fighter or Tekken, is that variables are constant.
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