Would you be royally pissed if Sonya/Kitana were only featured in the MK8 Story mode (not playable)?
posted03/25/2010 11:07 PM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 01:32 AM (UTC)
Based on recent posts, most people (myself included) seem pretty confident that Kitana and Sonya are a go for the next installment. Justifiably so, but how would you guys feel if these resume postings amounted to nothing more than story cameos in the next konquest-type mode via recycled MKvsDC character models?

I'm not saying stating an opinion on the likelihood of this, though I have a feeling we're not going to get a story-mode nearly as fleshed out as what we saw in Armageddon. That would work in Sonya/Kitana's favor.

However, I have a feeling (no evidence... just a feeling) that MK8 is going to be another "fan game" like Deception, which would mean more obscure characters, classic stages, and more violence. The latter has already been confirmed, so the other two don't seem like distant possibilities. If this is true, well, it would mean less room for the icons and more room for... hell, I don't know. Smoke?

(sorry, but every mention is a small cry for help)

Again, I'm not arguing either way. Feel free to rip into either idea, and please, if the idea of a false positive for Sonya/Kitana makes you angry, don't hold back.

Oh, and anyone who says they saw this thread in the General section for 15 seconds is both a liar and a horrible person.
03/18/2010 05:36 AM (UTC)
I diffinatley agree they will be NPC's. Ed Boon is one shifty guy, and I could see him trying to trick us like that. Giving fanboys like me blue balls.
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03/18/2010 06:49 AM (UTC)
Its a possibility.

Kitana's mocap mentionned: "I might get in and out of fight poses," That sounds like cutscenes going into Kombat like MKvsDC's Story mode...Dunno she could still be fightable but not playable but you know, that would be a waste.

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03/18/2010 07:17 AM (UTC)
It could happen. It would be nice to have them back but I wouldn't mind so much if they weren't playable either. For me it would depend on the stories they'd have. If they're relevant and needed and better than before then make them playable and apart of the cast. If they are to serve as story tools in Konquest or whatever, then so be it as long as it's justified. I'd rather characters get in that serve purpose and are going places in the new game rather than just being there to please the fans. *Looks at Scorpion and rolls eyes*
03/18/2010 02:32 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Its a possibility.

Kitana's mocap mentionned: "I might get in and out of fight poses," That sounds like cutscenes going into Kombat like MKvsDC's Story mode...Dunno she could still be fightable but not playable but you know, that would be a waste.

I'm certain that just means the cutscene actor isn't the same actor who's doing the gameplay mo-cap.
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03/18/2010 03:05 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
Its a possibility.

Kitana's mocap mentionned: "I might get in and out of fight poses," That sounds like cutscenes going into Kombat like MKvsDC's Story mode...Dunno she could still be fightable but not playable but you know, that would be a waste.

I'm certain that just means the cutscene actor isn't the same actor who's doing the gameplay mo-cap.

Exactly, It would mean Kitana is either fightable or/and playable; Not just a cameo cutscene character like Quan Chi was in MKvsDC.

Also Brenda was only credited as doing Kitana and no other character on her website, why hire someone to do some mo-cap only for a cameo appearance of a single character when you clould just use someone you alredy have playing another charac?
03/18/2010 03:20 PM (UTC)
I would be super royally apocalyptically pissed off if Sonya wasn't playable, and I guess it is one possibility.

However, I was lucky enough to get a very nice and sweet interview with someone who confirmed to me that Sonya is back as one of the main leads again.

I'm still trying to figure out if its OK to post the interview, because I don't want to get the person in trouble for the few things that were said. After all, all information regarding MK9, Sonya, and Kitana was removed from the official websites.

Anyway, considering the main roles the lead characters had in MKvsDC, I doubt she would be in as a lead just for the adventure/Konquest mode, but, then again, Kitana had no chapter or major role and she was still playable. And Quan Chi had a big (short) role and he was not in (but I guess he doesn't count because he was supposed to be in as DLC, anyways).

Regarding Kitana, I would actually prefer her to be just a background character again and give her space to worthier and better Edenian characters. I'm pretty sure that Mileena and Jade would be better received by fans and outsiders in general, specially after all of Kitana's recent game appearances. Both Jade and Mileena have stronger personalities and have shown more presence in the recent games, Mileena in particular, who's been more developed and better treated since her comeback in MKD.

I still have a hopeful and big spot for Sindel, but, I fear she will be underestimated again and probably left out. I certainly hope not 'cause even though she is not as popular as Kitana, she is certainly just as capable of shocking and proving her potential like Mileena did.

Anyway, this is still a possibility, I'm not too sure about Kitana, but I think both are in. And if Sonya is not, I will hold YOU responsible for this atrocity, TemperaryUserName (because you we the first one to suggest it in a thread), and I will haunt you till the end of your days!!!!

TemperaryUserName Wrote:

Oh, and anyone who says they saw this thread in the General section for 15 seconds is both a liar and a horrible person.


I love you so much! grin
03/18/2010 03:48 PM (UTC)
I don't see bringing back "obscure" characters as a bad thing.

Do we really wanna see that MKDC cast for every fucking game? I sure as hell don't. That gets boring real quick.

A think a healthy roster is one with a variety of old characters plus new characters, instead of the same shit over and over again. I'd hate each game to have a predictable roster.
03/18/2010 04:05 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
I don't see bringing back "obscure" characters as a bad thing.

Do we really wanna see that MKDC cast for every fucking game? I sure as hell don't. That gets boring real quick.

A think a healthy roster is one with a variety of old characters plus new characters, instead of the same shit over and over again. I'd hate each game to have a predictable roster.

That's why I enjoyed Deception even though my favorite wasn't playable.

It was a really "shocking" and fun roster. I was pleasantly surprised with everyone!

All of the sudden characters that were thought to be left out for good were redesigned for a glorious comeback: Mileena, Baraka, Ermac, Sindel, Nightwolf, Jade, Kabal, and Tanya....wow....

Mileena was no longer under Kitana's shadow, Tanya wasn't your underestimated "rip-off" anymore, Ermac was suddenly more than what anyone would had ever expected, etc etc etc.

But the biggest issue with the general roster (imo), is that it didn't feel balanced, at all. Sure I enjoyed the characters, but what the hell happened to those who did deserve further development?

Sure we got Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, and Kenshi back, but hell, Nitara, Drahmin, and Mavado should had been there as well. They would had been a thousand times better than Darrius, Kobra, and Dairou anyways, or even better than the little and lame wasted additions of Goro and Shao Kahn.

I agree with you, I'm all for a more "obscure" roster that brings back great old characters with potential and a good amount of new ones, but always have a few of the iconic sacred warriors for the game to still feel like MK (Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Sonya, Rayden, Mileena, and a few more).

EDIT: I hope Mileena and Sindel make the cut. Honestly, these two can offer so much for the whole edenian plotline! SPECIALLY if Mileena is still "Princess" (maybe even Queen!) and with the entire realm under her control.
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03/18/2010 06:19 PM (UTC)
I dunno... As cool as it was to see Kabal, Baraka and Jade all playable in the same game, I couldn't help feeling like MK:D was sort of a B-Team cast. Sure, you had Rayden, Scorpion and SubZero in there... Well, maybe it was also because of my complete and utter disdain for the Orderealm/Chaosrealm storyline and all of its' characters.

Either way, if they don't scrap most of the roster, like I'm kinda hoping they will, I'd be fine with five sacred cows returning to anchor the game, then maybe 5 fan favorites/unexpected reboots of past characters and then the rest of the cast as new (although I seriously doubt that would ever happen).

As for Kitana and Sonya... I like both of them. I'm not desperate to see them return, but my reaction was more less "alright, okay" when I heard they're most likely in and if they weren't, I'd probably have the exact same reaction all over again.
03/18/2010 07:10 PM (UTC)
It'd be alright if they weren't playable IF there is another cool female fighter in the game. Otherwise, I don't think I should get the game but if they have Kreate a fighter mode, then I could just create the characters I'd want. Oh and I definitely hope Nitara, Mileena, and Jade make the cut as especially playable characters.
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03/18/2010 07:28 PM (UTC)
I don't much care for either character that much so I wouldn't mind.
03/18/2010 09:44 PM (UTC)
It's really funny to see these comments because in the threads where these characters were "announced" that they'll be in the game, I saw a lot of people saying, "Oh great, this is gonna suck already." Now you guys don't mind if they're in or not... Which is it?

Anyways, for me, I don't care whether or not they'll be playable. If it's a MK game and nothing else, all I care about is when the renders start coming out and when there's a release date.
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03/19/2010 04:17 AM (UTC)
Not royally pissed, but of course it depends on what they do with them....

I personally think Sonya could be of great use in the cameo sort of role from here on out actually. I see a very positive outcome to letting her retire or rank out, but I think she should still remain relevant to any kind of military-based characters sub-plot. The point of course being to make room for another really cool, more precise version/ modern interpretation of an army character, instead of repeatedly trying to re-package Sonya in new outfits.

I think it's past the point of admitting to ourselves that Sonya (and Jax too) is made up of an older idea of what a soldier is supposed to be. Not necessarily bad, but definitely old, and bad for what folks in general see as par in the current day (Modern Warfare, among alot of other war games). I love Sonya, still my fav chick on the roster, but her potency and relevance are severely damaged.

To allow her to retire, or maybe rank up to the Dept of Defense or something still gives her great potential, and considerable relevance had there be new military characters in the game. Justifiable role...ect Right now she doesn't make alot of sense to be in the game story-wise, and it seems perpetually stagnate.

So yea, I'd love to have her playable but, it's seems like a better option all the way around to have her not be. If Sonya's not playable I think it would sting a bit, but so long as things work well story-wise I could accept it pretty easily. Who knows, making her relevant could make her a secret character, DLC for MK9, or playable in the next game. There'd still be alot of options there for her.

I want new soldiers, or military types... Sonya, Jax, Stryker? I think it's been time for a while for those guys to clock out of at least the playable roster.


I was more intrigued with Kitana in MKvsDC because of her design, and her moves only. Sure I'll say it again, I think her characters portrayal was not good at all in that game. She seemed like some ridiculous, helpless little pawn (I understand she was under a spell, but so what) with about as much killer instinct as a pixy fairy. She was far too soft, submissive, and "beam me up Scottie-ish" in MKvsDC. So anyway, I think I'd be more upset with her being "stuck" as NPC more than Sonya. Her design and moves improved a bit, but then her persona and personality fell to the bottom of the deep blue sea. Means, the voice actor was fantastic, but the scripting and her overall behavior in the games story element did not represent Kitana well at all. If she wasn't "too soft", then she was portrayed as "just Liu Kangs girlfriend"....I was like, "whah's this?"

No matter, I'm interested now to play as Kitana while they... if they choose to expand things like her personality and persona, emotional bearings and response to responsibility, and her ability to maintain her sexiness, along side how strict and proficient she has to be for her fighting prowess to be as sharp as it is...in the actual gameplay (stuff's gotta match up right through and through).

Change her clothes to reflect her attitude, which should reflect what she knows of her past, present, and what she thinks of her future, and we're good. I mean, she knows Shao Khan, what he did, and what he made her in-to. That stuff has to reflect in the way she dresses, and in the things she does and says. -- Give her a couple more awesome new moves, and allow the old moves to be the default, familiar moves. This worked out well in MKvsDC (i think that's what they were after with her in that game).

So anyway, I think Kitana almost needs to be playable right now because she actually got some good steam going for her in MKvsDC. Even if it was only about the design and the moves....my interest was piqued, so i wanna see.

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03/24/2010 04:07 PM (UTC)
Sonya: No

Kitana: Yes
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03/24/2010 04:56 PM (UTC)
I would not mind at all if this was the case. It's not that I don't like Sonya or Kitana, I just feel that they are a bit played out and should sit out a bit. However, I do feel they are a very identifiable character and should indeed be included in the game in some way.
03/24/2010 09:59 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It's really funny to see these comments because in the threads where these characters were "announced" that they'll be in the game, I saw a lot of people saying, "Oh great, this is gonna suck already." Now you guys don't mind if they're in or not... Which is it?

Anyways, for me, I don't care whether or not they'll be playable. If it's a MK game and nothing else, all I care about is when the renders start coming out and when there's a release date.

That was mostly general opinion regarding Kitana in the Kitana thread ‘cause of all her lame recent appearances.

I’m with you that if it’s a real MK game all I want is renders and the usual invasion of pictures to start debating. Also nice hints and clues like seen before MKvsDC was revealed. That was fun.
03/25/2010 02:14 AM (UTC)
I am happy about Kitana being included in the game. To me, she is one of the "No, duh" characters that shouldn't even be second-guessed for long. She has marketability and a fantastic story moving forward. Whether you go with her becoming the Queen of Edenia or Edenia being destroyed -- a story of loss or gain will greatly effect Kitana's development. It'd be silly to drop the story now. Well, it'd be "highly experimental" to do so.

Her character does need some tougher edges. It's almost like they forgot what she is meant to be, and then just decided to contrast her against Mileena's "bad twin." She feels like Princess Peach at times. Give her a lethal injection of bad-ass, show us that she can handle herself (like she originally did), and from there make her one of the smarter and stronger characters in the series.

Sonya I'm a little less fussed about; but the more I think about it, the more I can understand her being there. I'm not sure how she stacks up in popularity to certain characters, but she is fairly iconic, even if she has a dud story. The rumoured Sonya/Jax feud is something that I think would make her interesting enough to return, and it's almost like after a nigh twenty years of non-development, it'd be a massive tease to throw away anything that can work for her.

I agree that Sonya's outfits could be modernised to keep up with the times and how people want to see their women portrayed in video games. At least as far as primary costumes go. A bad-ass, focused, suited-up Sonya could be even more alluring than the slutty version. But given her popularity within the MK Team, I think it would almost be a morale-breaker to them if she was removed from the game. Her being there at least serves cheerleader purposes.
03/25/2010 06:43 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I am happy about Kitana being included in the game. To me, she is one of the "No, duh" characters that shouldn't even be second-guessed for long.

I agree.

She is one of the few characters that really does have a rich story behind her. Sure, she was more likable in the early days, but at least as the time went on she didn't become a joke (like some other classics have) and we even learned that she can be a good diplomat and army leader. And if you go back to those early days (2D era) her character was more intriguing than all of the other female characters together ever were, imo.

Anyway, as I consider Kitana to be one of the highest quality characters in MK, I'd be really sad and disappointed if she turned out to be an unplayable character in the next game.
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03/25/2010 11:07 PM (UTC)
Sonya was always one of thos characters that i knew contributed alot to the series, but at the same time. I never found myself playing as her. She was just horrible IN MKDA in terms of what i thought sonya was. But i always liked her.

MK vs DC was the first game that i actually lost it when i seen her. She was super hot. and badass. Brought her character to life in the story mode. and when that shirt got ripped in a fight....


Id go into a rage blackout if she wasnt in MK9 after this.

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