Would it be so crazy to make Sektor the final boss of MK9?
posted03/02/2010 03:37 AM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 01:32 AM (UTC)
He was on the brink of taking over Japan in his Tournament Edition ending, and he successfully killed the original Lin Kuei Grandmaster. Let's bring him one step up in power and we have a solid boss (who doesn't take up a fourth of the screen).

Since character organizations are about as common as shoulder guards, it seems wiser to me to use one of the factions available instead creating an entire new threat with a whole new set of subordinates. The MK story is bloated enough already.

Also, we don't really need a world-staking conflict again. A smaller-scaled plotline would be a breath of fresh air, especially after MKA.

If Sektor doesn't rock your world, perhaps the same could done with... *shudders*... Noob Saibot's new brotherhood.

Nevermind, that would be fucking stupid. The Special Forces fighting an army of generic Smoke ninjas... just picturing it makes my balls hurt.
02/25/2010 11:24 AM (UTC)
Yes it would

after what they did with Blaze i don't like regular characters been bosses,

If they revamped him, making him bigger like nancy from Tekken i would be like why do that to a okay character.. but if they did i hope u still have the option to play as a regular Sektor....

And if the characters is not changed at all it will be like Shinnok from MK4, he had no boss material at all bah
02/25/2010 11:33 AM (UTC)
It wouldn't be so crazy. I mean, if a background character can be the boss for an entire chapter of Mortal Kombat, then I think Sektor, who has been gaining power, has a good chance. I don't know if it's the way I'd personally go, though. I think we should have seen Sektor as a pretty dominant force in the story already -- with MK7 being the earliest point I can think of for that. Deadly Alliance's Tournament Edition was a great way to re-introduce him, and his Tekunin. I think in MK6, he should have been in the shadows, sending some of his minions to do his dirty work (a new female cybernetic ninja, and a tragically reprogrammed Cyrax come to mind), and then by the time MK7 rolled around, Sektor would have been this robot guy we really wanted to kill.

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02/25/2010 02:46 PM (UTC)
Temp, I've agreed with you on a lot of things in the past. I think that you're a great poster and you seem like a good person with a good head on your shoulders. So I'm going to try and be as benign as possible when I say this, but no, I don't like that idea at all.

You know the best way of getting rid of the clutter in terms of all the groups and factions? Just wipe the slate clean. No more Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Tekunin, Oni, Vampires, Shokan, Centaurs, Zatarrans, etc etc etc. They all died in Armageddon. That's it.

To me, that's a lot simpler than just promoting from within.

I think that the cyber ninjas are one of the worst concepts the MK team have ever come up with. They look like they're wearing bicycle pants and a catcher's chest protector, and even if you put a nice coat of "not early 90's idea of cool" on any of them, it would change that fact that Sektor's a robot ninja, which is about as nonsensical as a pirate astronaut or a rock star donkey.

Again though, this is just my opinion, but I never really liked them as characters and I'd rather trip and fall off the planet than see one of them as a boss.

Personally, I'd rather see a new boss. He doesn't have to have henchmen either. In fact, I've never liked the idea of assist characters or henchmen to begin with. Each character should have their own motivations and goals. They should interact with other characters and have stories with other characters, but their mission shouldn't be to protect someone, save someone, or fight on behalf of someone. I've just never been in to that.

Anyways, just my 2 cents. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk, but I've never been a fan of the cyber ninjas. Maybe a new coat of polish and I could see one of them returning as a hidden character or even a regular character, but honestly, as a whole, I'd rather the MK3 era new characters just die and never come back. They're easily my all time least favorite group of noobies and that includes the move stealers from MK:D.

Oh well, to each his own!
02/25/2010 03:43 PM (UTC)
Well I think it's an interesting idea, but it sounds better for a different MK.

However, if Sector was the final boss than maybe Cyrax could be the savior instead of Lui Kang.
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02/25/2010 03:45 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Temp, I've agreed with you on a lot of things in the past. I think that you're a great poster and you seem like a good person with a good head on your shoulders. So I'm going to try and be as benign as possible when I say this, but no, I don't like that idea at all.

You know the best way of getting rid of the clutter in terms of all the groups and factions? Just wipe the slate clean. No more Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Tekunin, Oni, Vampires, Shokan, Centaurs, Zatarrans, etc etc etc. They all died in Armageddon. That's it.

To me, that's a lot simpler than just promoting from within.

I think that the cyber ninjas are one of the worst concepts the MK team have ever come up with. They look like they're wearing bicycle pants and a catcher's chest protector, and even if you put a nice coat of "not early 90's idea of cool" on any of them, it would change that fact that Sektor's a robot ninja, which is about as nonsensical as a pirate astronaut or a rock star donkey.

Again though, this is just my opinion, but I never really liked them as characters and I'd rather trip and fall off the planet than see one of them as a boss.

Personally, I'd rather see a new boss. He doesn't have to have henchmen either. In fact, I've never liked the idea of assist characters or henchmen to begin with. Each character should have their own motivations and goals. They should interact with other characters and have stories with other characters, but their mission shouldn't be to protect someone, save someone, or fight on behalf of someone. I've just never been in to that.

Anyways, just my 2 cents. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk, but I've never been a fan of the cyber ninjas. Maybe a new coat of polish and I could see one of them returning as a hidden character or even a regular character, but honestly, as a whole, I'd rather the MK3 era new characters just die and never come back. They're easily my all time least favorite group of noobies and that includes the move stealers from MK:D.

Oh well, to each his own!

Oh, don't worry about me. I gear up for criticism in advance. Remember, I'm the same guy who voted for Zebron/Chameleon in MK9.

I can see why people might not want a cyborg ninja with a Predator mask as the main villain, but Sektor is such an interesting kind of evil. He is completely soulless... literally. While Cyrax and (presumably) Smoke regained their consciousness, Sektor is operating on corrupted programming. In essence, Sektor's great ambition is really just faulty lines of computer code. That fascinates the hell out of me.

The alternative is either to bring back an old villain (a tyrant), or create a new villain (probably a tyrant), and I think it's time for a change. Though despite my half-serious comment about the Noob's brotherhood in my topic post, I do think Noob Saibot too has a great deal of boss potential. He may be as black and white as the previous villains, but at least he's conceptually interesting and now heavily rooted in multiple storylines.

If the character thread has shown anything, it's that the community is divided into a set who wants to refine the old story and a set who wants to replace it completely with something new. It's obvious I fall into the first set. And of course, it was the old games that got me into MK. And there's still work to be done. Some great concepts still need realization.

I think a reboot, even if it does happen, is going to revert eventually. People are going to ask for characters back, and Boon will probably respond positively. So we're going to have a the reboot roster crunched to make room for the classic return and everything will be congested. I can't see a reboot unraveling any other way.
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02/25/2010 04:33 PM (UTC)
He does seem poised to inherit a "Brainiac" complex doesn't he?..... but I think this would be better suited for a subplot vs the SF more than anything.
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02/25/2010 04:41 PM (UTC)
Well not Sektor, but a new one.Like Cyber Demon - was his ending in MK:TE like hes going to make cyber demons or it was Noob/Smoke ? Nevermind I would like a Cyber Demon boss.
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02/25/2010 04:56 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
The alternative is either to bring back an old villain (a tyrant), or create a new villain (probably a tyrant), and I think it's time for a change. Though despite my half-serious comment about the Noob's brotherhood in my topic post, I do think Noob Saibot too has a great deal of boss potential. He may be as black and white as the previous villains, but at least he's conceptually interesting and now heavily rooted in multiple storylines.

If the character thread has shown anything, it's that the community is divided into a set who wants to refine the old story and a set who wants to replace it completely with something new. It's obvious I fall into the first set. And of course, it was the old games that got me into MK. And there's still work to be done. Some great concepts still need realization.

I think a reboot, even if it does happen, is going to revert eventually. People are going to ask for characters back, and Boon will probably respond positively. So we're going to have a the reboot roster crunched to make room for the classic return and everything will be congested. I can't see a reboot unraveling any other way.

I get what you're saying about cold, soulless, unfeeling evil. That is a new kind of evil for the series that's vastly different from the meglomaniacal tyrant that we've seen in Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, the Deadly Alliance and the Dragon King.

But I'd rather see a new vehicle for that then Sektor. I already said why, but Sektor to me just doesn't seem like boss material. Plus there's the whole problem with evil robot ninjas and I just don't know if I can take a story seriously if that's what waiting for me at the end.

I do think that there are other options in terms of "types of evil" that I'd like to see:

Well intentioned evil.

What if we had an Elder God who was something like... The High Elder, who is basically the supreme leader of the supreme leaders, so to speak. And he somehow decided that Earthrealm had become a place of corruption, greed and was far to vulnerable to attack from the outside, and that the best thing to do would be to start over with a stronger, more pure hearted race of man, so he believes that he'd be helping Earth by wiping it out and starting over.

He would believe that what he's doing is right, and he would seem like a divine and inherently good person, but his intentions, good as they are, would kill billions of people.

Self righteous evil

After the fall of the Dragon King, Shang Tsung and Shao Khan, you have a power vaccum in Outworld. The wars lasted for over a year until a clan lead by one of Shang Tsung's most powerful Shadow Priests seizes control and turns Outworld in to a religious oligarchy. With the Shadow Priests in control, they find it is their religious duty to invade Earthrealm and claim it as their holy land. They lay claim to the right for battling Earth in Mortal Kombat under the guise of requiring the bones of their fallen prophet, Shang Tsung.

Regardless, it was written that they are destined to control Earthrealm and bring the denizens out outworld away from the darkness of the wastelands and in to the bright sun of a new world.

Okay, not really trying to write Shakespeare there, but you get the idea. A dark group or person that is motivated by a divine right. Not greed, but phrophecy and destiny etc.

To me, there is nothing more menacing than fanatacism or the true belief in being right or even holy while doing something that is horribly wrong. Obviously I'm not directing any of this at Christianity, Islam or any other religion specifically for that matter. But the sheer idea of what people can be capable of when they're zealots amazes me in a way. That's why I think that Hotaru interests me, even if his moves and animations are lacking in originality.

I'd rather see characters like that take over the "final boss" role than someone we've been using as a minor character for years now. Well, that and they're not robot ninjas or alien race car drivers or two other things that really really shouldn't go together... At least not in MK. Again though, just my opinion.

Thanks again though for being so cool about my other post. As I said before, I definitely wasn't trying to insult you personally, I just didn't like your idea. No problem though. No harm, no foul.
02/25/2010 05:11 PM (UTC)
Not crazy, but ill-advised in my opinion.

I'd be against making Sektor the boss of MK9 for similar reason I'm opposed making Raiden the boss of MK9: it's too soon. For Sektor especially, that's way too big a sudden jump for his character. As he is now, he's a fine mid-level sub-plot threat.
I won't say he could never be the boss or a boss level threat...but I think it's much too soon.

Some people may have a problem with such a sci-fi orirented plot taking center stage. Since Mortal Kombat is predominantly a fantasy, I can imagine some people accepting the cyborg stuff doing anything beyond sub-plot stuff.
I'm not saying that's how I would feel....personally, I'd have to see it before I could judge....but I can imagine some backlash.

I do agree though that the next MK could used a scaled down threat/plot. Obviously keep the good vs. evil stuff, but it would be nice to see the story not be a "If we don't defeat this guy, the realms are FUCKED" situtation for a change.
If nothing else, to establish a sense of relative calm before the heavy hitter threats and villains take center stage again.
02/25/2010 05:27 PM (UTC)
It's an interesting idea, but I don't think it's one that I'd like to see implemented. With the stories in the Mortal Kombat games, there has to be an establishment of what the story and theme of the next game is going to be. After that, then you can get into who the boss can be and what he/she can be like.

I feel that there should be a significant time gap between Armageddon and MK8 (I don't consider MK vs. DC to be MK8, because that's just fucking stupid.). Part of the story, in my opinion, should deal with the aftermath of Armageddon and how the realms and their inhabitants deal with the damage. There could be a large ensemble story in which you see multiple stories of people in different realms dealing with what happened. Sektor could very well be a kind of boss in a certain story.

In the Mortal Kombat: Armageddon fanfic that Paragon, DNOMYTE, and I have worked on, we had Sektor's body destroyed while his memory was saved on the Tekunin head computer. He wants a new, stronger body, so he sends Androna, one of our new characters, to find any traces of his body parts as well as Cyrax's and Smoke's.

As a villain, he is potentially quite dangerous if he's going to go around, automating people into cyborgs. That could also transition over into other realms. However, given Armageddon's storyline, I don't find the sort of direction in Sektor's story to be fitting for the next game's main story.
02/25/2010 05:35 PM (UTC)
no, but i like your thinking of having a new boss for mk9. shao kahn is classic but the dude has got boring, because mk wont update some fighters.

i was thinking about scorpion as a boss. whoever it is, we just need another boss for mk9.
02/25/2010 06:02 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Temp, I've agreed with you on a lot of things in the past. I think that you're a great poster and you seem like a good person with a good head on your shoulders. So I'm going to try and be as benign as possible when I say this, but no, I don't like that idea at all.

You know the best way of getting rid of the clutter in terms of all the groups and factions? Just wipe the slate clean. No more Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Tekunin, Oni, Vampires, Shokan, Centaurs, Zatarrans, etc etc etc. They all died in Armageddon. That's it.

To me, that's a lot simpler than just promoting from within.

I think that the cyber ninjas are one of the worst concepts the MK team have ever come up with. They look like they're wearing bicycle pants and a catcher's chest protector, and even if you put a nice coat of "not early 90's idea of cool" on any of them, it would change that fact that Sektor's a robot ninja, which is about as nonsensical as a pirate astronaut or a rock star donkey.

Again though, this is just my opinion, but I never really liked them as characters and I'd rather trip and fall off the planet than see one of them as a boss.

Personally, I'd rather see a new boss. He doesn't have to have henchmen either. In fact, I've never liked the idea of assist characters or henchmen to begin with. Each character should have their own motivations and goals. They should interact with other characters and have stories with other characters, but their mission shouldn't be to protect someone, save someone, or fight on behalf of someone. I've just never been in to that.

Anyways, just my 2 cents. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk, but I've never been a fan of the cyber ninjas. Maybe a new coat of polish and I could see one of them returning as a hidden character or even a regular character, but honestly, as a whole, I'd rather the MK3 era new characters just die and never come back. They're easily my all time least favorite group of noobies and that includes the move stealers from MK:D.

Oh well, to each his own!

Agreed. The Cyber Ninjas should be done away with.
02/25/2010 06:19 PM (UTC)
i honestly think that Sektor would make a great final boss and i hardly think of it as crazy but i can't see it happening quite yet. after the last plot of his from MKA there needs more development but i would consider this idea for MK10.
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02/25/2010 08:06 PM (UTC)
Sektor as a boss? No thanks. He's achieved alot in the background and I agree that it would be too soon. He's practically sat the main stage out in the last few games so he'd need to have his story built up some more before he emerges as the main boss. If it were to go the route of something tekunin related as a boss, he could unleash a cyborg or a new machine type enemy but even that seems a bit much. I'd prefer Sektor to evolve more. He's more interesting as he is now and I'd prefer to keep him that way and maximise his potential.
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02/25/2010 09:03 PM (UTC)
As a franchise fan, and sektor being my dominant favourate from MK3 on. I am gonna have to respectfully say No.

I presented this idea to MKO back when I was a few years younger and a blinded fanboy. I'll try and find the thread or post. But now that my "Sektor for prez" phase is over. I realise what a deep character he is, how much potential he has and I do not want that to be ruined.

The first of the 3 Cyborgs. He was clearly a dedicateds warrior for the Lin Kuei. He reaked of pure warrior and honor. Whatever would benefit the clan on his behalf would be done. The Only voluntary cyborg as far as I understand.

Haywire programming isnt exactly unique but i can deal with it, and it at least makes sense knowing hes a fighter and damage is possible. Its not like he fell off of a chair and broke his head.

Sonyas confirmation Makes me alot happier for MK9 because asuming the canon story is stikll intact, We left off with the tekunin and special forces going head to head. Sonya being aorund increases Sektors chances and its still technically his turn as Cyrax had MKDA and Smoke had MKD, MKA had all of them, So Sektor is still -1 on the count.

If there are multiple in this game, its gonna be close for cyrax and smoke, Cyrax because of Sektor and the obveouse possible conflicts. and Smoke because of all the hints towards noobs salvation and him and smoke havent really had closure to their situation.

Sektor carries the very flame of a warrior. His ambition, even if because of programming, is unmatchable. His skill as a fighter and mind as a dominator and clan leader makes him a formidable opponent for anybody.

The problem, making him a boss would ruin him. to have a minor, never heard character jump up to top dog like that is just to crazy. And they can achieve much more plot with tangling him with the special forces with sonya, lin kuei with subzero, and perhaps even the Brotherhood of shadow.

The other problem. He is going to die. Its too much to keep him going for the story.

The black dragon, kano, can be beaten down and dont seem as strong. The tekunin are modified, strong and precise. Not a bunch of thugs. There either has to be a battle between clans, or he must die. Perhaps both. That way only one tekunin would survive to carry on the sektor-like character, and the threat will be dead in terms of an entire clan.

to me there are 3 possible outcomes in terms of his death. At least 3 likely ones.

1- Special forces plot pits him vs cyrax. Which Sektor will clearly win. Not because Im a fan, but because the power and position just point to him, and if he were to die, it wouldnt be by cyrax's hands. But he fights cyrax, kills him and then is killed by sonya or another conflict after taking the damage from cyrax.

2- He goes one on one with subzero and dies regardless of a great and close battle.

3- Noobs salvation. Boon and the team have been hinting towards a possible salvation with the storywriting in the newer games. I believe the original subzero is going to return needing a catalyst and aggressor in the situation. Sektor is killing subzero and noob watches for whatever reason he is close. See's Sektor Kill subzero but is injured. Noobs human soul gets to him and He overcomes the taint. Becoming (like the team hinted in his MKA ending) "Something Different". Between subzero or Noob Saibot. Killing Sektor to avenge his brother and perhaps trying to take control of the tekunin as he did with Smoke. Turning them into something entirely new.

Or he will just kill Sektor and that will be the end, birth of NoobZero or whatever he will be called.


Either way, Sektor is going to die Soon. Its gonna become too much to keep around. Unless they salvage his soul and character like Cyrax.

My vote as a Sektor Finatic:

NO boss status for Sektor...

02/25/2010 09:29 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Not crazy, but ill-advised in my opinion.

I'd be against making Sektor the boss of MK9 for similar reason I'm opposed making Raiden the boss of MK9: it's too soon. For Sektor especially, that's way too big a sudden jump for his character. As he is now, he's a fine mid-level sub-plot threat.
I won't say he could never be the boss or a boss level threat...but I think it's much too soon.

Some people may have a problem with such a sci-fi orirented plot taking center stage. Since Mortal Kombat is predominantly a fantasy, I can imagine some people accepting the cyborg stuff doing anything beyond sub-plot stuff.
I'm not saying that's how I would feel....personally, I'd have to see it before I could judge....but I can imagine some backlash.

I do agree though that the next MK could used a scaled down threat/plot. Obviously keep the good vs. evil stuff, but it would be nice to see the story not be a "If we don't defeat this guy, the realms are FUCKED" situtation for a change.
If nothing else, to establish a sense of relative calm before the heavy hitter threats and villains take center stage again.

Again, I completely agree with you. I myself do not oppose the sci-fi elements of Mortal Kombat. Some people are far too rigid in what they believe the inspiration for Mortal Kombat is. They pin it down to Eastern influences, and while they may have dominated the earlier games, the sci-fi stuff is perfectly representative of the Western components in the franchise, as well as the comic-book inspiration that is there.

That might be why I subconsciously loved the cybernetic ninjas in my youth. Sure, young men love robots and ninjas -- so a combination of the two is going to go over well with them, as long as the robot ninja gets the dominant genes -- but in later years, I think the cybernetic ninjas are a great analogy for not only East vs. West but culture vs. technology. I find it interesting that Sektor took over Japan, because Japan has that duality between their massive cities and their sites that are seemingly untouched since feudal times. Okay, I don't want to go off too much on a tangent or anything. But I'm certainly not one of those people who believes that robots have no place in Mortal Kombat.

As far as Sektor being the boss goes -- I agree that it would be too much too soon. When you think about it, though -- Sektor should be a canonically very strong character. Firstly, he is a trained ninja. Unless you are some fool or foil in a comedy movie, trained ninjas are ALWAYS lethal. You then coat this ninja in metal. According to his Mortal Kombat Wiki, Sektor weighs about 300lbs. A ninja with this much mass and force behind him? Throw in some missiles, the ability to teleport, a flamethrower, twin lightsabers, a fucking army of robots doing his bidding and a smart enough agent to keep him out of Mortal Kombat: Annhilation, and he's a pretty well-endowed character.

It only makes sense that Sektor would be seeking more power, too. It doesn't make sense that he would sit on his hands and content with being the new Robo-Emperor of Japan.

I also agree with the point that MK9 should feature a plot which doesn't contain "OUR WORLDS ARE FUCKED!" as a main theme. There could be some sinister things bubbling beneath the surface -- but a seemingly more innocent plot-line would be appreciated this round.
02/26/2010 03:41 PM (UTC)
I love Sektor, so, that's why I wouldn't like to see this happen.

He can definitely be considered a huge and powerful threat to the realms, but not as the main villain of the game. He is already one of the most dangerous walking beasts of MK, and he doesn't really need to level up to "Blaze-Status" because he is fine the way he is.

I love the inclusion of the cyber-ninjas in the MK world, and I feel Sektor has so much to offer in the place they have him now. There is no need to make him a main boss, that cold destroy his character.
02/27/2010 03:41 PM (UTC)
I do feel like Sektor is caught between two roles, though. As the leader of the Tekunin, he feels like he should be higher on the totem pole than others. But then he's also that cyber-ninja who has essentially been a supporting cast member in all his appearances. It feels like the essence of the role Sektor plays in the story is clashing with the actual particulars of it.

I'm not articulating that nearly as well as I would like to.
03/01/2010 09:48 AM (UTC)
03/01/2010 09:58 PM (UTC)
I think this would be a great idea! We have pretty had almost everything as a boss:

MK1: Four Armed Beast (Shokan), Sorcerer
MK2: Four Armed Super Beast, Super Armored Muscle-man
MK3: (Since MK2 was Shao Kahn, I'll just say Motaro) Centaur
MK4: A Normal Guy
MKDA: (I'm actually going to count Moloch as the boss) A Big Scary Monster
MKD: A big-ass Dragon
MKA: Firebeast
MKvsDC: A Giant Rock

I think we could have Sektor as a boss, but he should stay the same, maybe a LITTLE more boss-like, but not a giant. We are only missing a cyber ninja and a ninja as a boss, so lets do it!
Adam Ronin
03/02/2010 12:09 AM (UTC)
I mean no disrespect but I think that is a horrible idea. I think Sektor and the other ridiculous technological advancements MK has made are the worst thing to happen to the series. I can't grasp why, but I have such a strong spot in my heart for the mythological aspect of the first two games. The Japanese lore of the first and the dark and twistedness off the Outworld in the second. Then came MK3 with these fucking robots, Jax with robot arms, cityscapes and all kinds of idiocy.

I hope beyond hope that MK9 has NONE of this. I want it to go back to what it once was. No Sektor. No Cyrax. No robot Smoke. No Jax arms and no god damn cities.

But that's just my opinion. I am in the minority on this, I know. MK3 is the staple of the series for most of you. But Sektor as a boss? Please no.
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03/02/2010 12:15 AM (UTC)
I appreciate all the responses, guys. Good stuff.

I haven't responded yet, mostly because even if I only considered the first ten posts, my response would still be essay-length. Frankly, I just don't have the energy for that, especially considering all of the other active threads (and the always dynamic character thread).

I will respond hopefully tomorrow. Again, appreciate the feedback.
I'm a just pop in with a story idea I've been thinking about. Was gonna do a Sektor Mythology sprite comic.

The jist was Human Sektor was Japanese, Takeda's decendant. His family in the Lin Kuei has been persecuted for Takeda's dishonour, thus Sektor set out to restore his own honour by being the LK's loyal agent. While Sub-Zero was retrieving the map to the Temple of Elements in the Shaolin Temple during Mythologies, Quan Chi again visited the Lin Kuei. This time sending Sektor to retrieve a piece of tech for the automation process in Chaosrealm. It harboured a Gremlin, which posessed Sektor's body sucessfully because, in his last act of honour to the Lin Kuei, Sektor commited ritual suppuku, wiping out the last of Takeda's blood from the Earth, but destroying Sektor's soul because he committed suicide.

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03/02/2010 01:16 AM (UTC)
The more I think of this, the worse it gets. Sektor is simply too great of a character with way to much potential to become a boss then fall into the repeating process of story struggle in which all mk bosses now reside.

The most powerful I want him to get in terms of ambition and power is equel to that of quan chi. Not too powerful but still badass.

we need to drop this before boon sees it and actually does it. hahaha
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