Will the monstrosity Sheeva enter X?
posted06/22/2014 03:22 PM (UTC)by
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09/18/2003 11:39 PM (UTC)
I have to check how you all feel about Sheeva. Do you like her or is she one of the most disliked characters in MK?

I have always liked Sheeva, esp in MK3.
She doesn't have a major story about her, and I don't remember what happened to her in MK9(I will soon play through storymode again).

If she would return in MKX there are some things about her I want changed.
NR now has the potential make nasty fatalities and with that, nasty character models.
In the newer entries of Sheeva(MKA, MK9) she looked a bit to animated for me. More like a toy rather than a pers...creature.
To be straight, I want that face on the char screen from MK3 to return!
It had such a horrible look to her in the most positive way.
A mix between an alien and a person with a burned off face.
She was also the tallest character in MK3. Seeing as how tall Torr is I think Sheeva can achieve some good length!

About her clothing though... I have no idea, she had very little to begin with and her outfits hasn't changed much during the years.

As for her combos.
Seeing as she has 4 arms I would like her to have fast combos with her arms, not to damaging but many hits! (think Jax piston punch) 15 hit 3 sec 15% dmg is fine by me.
As for her legs, do you remember her forward + 4 kick from MK9? That kick had some real POWER and always felt so good to perform, especially to end matches with.

Her specialmoves are good but maybe she needs a few new ones.
Everyone has a fireball, her teleportjump is iconic to her, and her earthquake jump...not as much. and her throws are just... throws.

So, do you want her in MKX? How do you want her to look? Moveset? Kombos? Ideas?
06/17/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
She is good for nothing.
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06/17/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
It's not that she's a bad character. I like her. There's just...so many more that are better or that I want to see over her.

She's one of those folks who I'm very happy to see pop up every five years or so. I'd love it if she had a nice speaking part in Story even if she were unplayable.
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06/17/2014 06:33 PM (UTC)
I like Sheeva. I think with a brand new twist on her story and brand new look. She can become likeable again among fans.
06/17/2014 06:34 PM (UTC)
She isn't the most popular out of all the cast, and I personally don't want her back at all. She has little to no purpose, imo. She is just another lacky. . . But what she can do is reproduce and have a child much more interesting enter the fray, and just pass along her legacy. But I personally don't like any character that's main purpose is "this character is the strongest of their race, thus they were picked to be on the frontlines!" ...Like no.
06/17/2014 06:35 PM (UTC)
Meh, I'd rather see Goro made into a playable character than see Sheeva return, honestly.
06/17/2014 06:39 PM (UTC)
I like Sheeva as a part of MK3, but I can't stand her otherwise. Bland design, bland moves, bland story. She is a gender pallet swap. I could never see her again in an MK game and be okay with that.
06/17/2014 06:45 PM (UTC)
I have never liked boss-like characters. Probably wont be a fan of torr. Something about their playstyle does not bode well with me. I prefer a quicker agile, more swift character to play as. But I do like have those boss-like characters in game because they spice up the select screen and provide for a variation of different fighters.

I do really like beating up on character's like sheeva, thats always fun. But I would not be heart broken if i never see her again.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/17/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
I'm fairly okay with most characters returning, there's very few MK characters I hate. I mean, I dislike Sindel, Mileena, Jade, Kira, Hsu Hao but Sheeva is one character I genuinely hate. Never again please
06/17/2014 06:53 PM (UTC)
"I have never liked boss-like characters. Probably wont be a fan of torr. "

I agree with you there :\ He feels to big and clunky.
But for Sheeva I would like her tall, but slim. It would also fit that face.
06/17/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I have never liked boss-like characters. Probably wont be a fan of torr. Something about their playstyle does not bode well with me. I prefer a quicker agile, more swift character to play as. But I do like have those boss-like characters in game because they spice up the select screen and provide for a variation of different fighters.

I do really like beating up on character's like sheeva, thats always fun. But I would not be heart broken if i never see her again.

THIS! main reason why i probably will never pick ferra/torr unless im forced to be them in story. Only big boss character i ever liked to play as was Motaro in Mk Trilogy and because he has a completely different playstyle compared to everyone else.
06/17/2014 07:06 PM (UTC)
Sheeva won't be in Mortal Kombat X.

Mark my words and thank me later.
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06/17/2014 07:38 PM (UTC)
Sheeva is one of the characters I can see coming in and out of the franchise without much kick up. She'll probably have a cameo tbh.
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06/17/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
With so many new characters I find it hard to believe they would reserve a spot on the roster for Sheeva as a returning character..

She will probably come back at a later game...
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06/17/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
I'd rather see a playable version of Goro. Never been a fan of Sheeva.
06/17/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
I'm fairly okay with most characters returning, there's very few MK characters I hate. I mean, I dislike Sindel, Mileena, Jade, Kira, Hsu Hao but Sheeva is one character I genuinely hate. Never again please

How can you name yourself after the greek whirlpool full-o-teeth and hate so much on Mileena?

Go shame yourself next to Scylla.
06/17/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)
Honestly, I'm terrified of Sheeva. She DISGUSTS me! I hope she dies in the most brutal way possible so I'll never have to think about that monstrosity ever again!
06/17/2014 07:53 PM (UTC)
Sheeva's so preeeeeetty....

About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/17/2014 07:55 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
I'm fairly okay with most characters returning, there's very few MK characters I hate. I mean, I dislike Sindel, Mileena, Jade, Kira, Hsu Hao but Sheeva is one character I genuinely hate. Never again please

How can you name yourself after the greek whirlpool full-o-teeth and hate so much on Mileena?

Go shame yourself next to Scylla.

I love this post
06/17/2014 07:59 PM (UTC)
So many are speaking of how Sheeva has little purpose.

Do you know the solution to that problem? Give her purpose. This is why MK has so many underdeveloped characters. No one wants to make them better; they simply want to stick with the ones who are better.

A character is only as strong as the person who creates it. Don't condemn the character for being a bad one. If anything, blame its creator.
06/17/2014 08:02 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
So many are speaking of how Sheeva has little purpose.

Do you know the solution to that problem? Give her purpose. This is why MK has so many underdeveloped characters. No one wants to make them better; they simply want to stick with the ones who are better.

A character is only as strong as the person who creates it. Don't condemn the characters for being a bad one. Condemn its creator.

SO MUCH THIS! AHHHH we are one soul trapped in two bodies!

Yes, Scorpion and Sub-Zero keep growing bigger fan-bases and characters like Sheeva are dumped in the endless pit of never-gettting-the-attention-they-deserve.

This has one big reason.

ED BOON loves Scorpion and Sub-Zero, Tanya, Rain, Sheeva and Stryker aren't that lucky so their stories will never get to their fullest because Boon rather puts his endless energy into Scorpion and Sub-used.
06/17/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
So many are speaking of how Sheeva has little purpose.

Do you know the solution to that problem? Give her purpose. This is why MK has so many underdeveloped characters. No one wants to make them better; they simply want to stick with the ones who are better.

A character is only as strong as the person who creates it. Don't condemn the characters for being a bad one. Condemn its creator.

SO MUCH THIS! AHHHH we are one soul trapped in two bodies!

Yes, Scorpion and Sub-Zero keep growing bigger fan-bases and characters like Sheeva are dumped in the endless pit of never-gettting-the-attention-they-deserve.

This has one big reason.

ED BOON loves Scorpion and Sub-Zero, Tanya, Rain, Sheeva and Stryker aren't that lucky so their stories will never get to their fullest because Boon rather puts his endless energy into Scorpion and Sub-used.

Boon doesn't control every decision about every character's story. Also Eddy loves Stryker.
06/17/2014 08:10 PM (UTC)
Yes he's shown Stryker much love indeed... Only in MK 3 and 9 tho...
06/17/2014 08:11 PM (UTC)
Can someone explain to me why Sheeva deserves attention? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I legitimately think she's one of the worst and laziest MK characters. What do you see in her that can be elaborated on?
06/17/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
I love Sheeva, but the writers have no idea what to do with her now that there's nothing for her to protect. She's originally Sindel's royal protector and now she's go nothing to do. So I say actually give her a purpose and make it where she's not a punching bag throughout the damn game. She's honestly not a bad character once you actually give them a chance. She was the third character I played in Mortal Kombat 3. She's just a character that needs direction, that's really all she's missing.
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