Why should the dead from MK9 stay dead?
posted06/25/2014 01:15 PM (UTC)by
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08/19/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)
The quote "the dead should stay dead" has irked me since MK9. I understand that death should be taken seriously, but in comics, movies, etc...death is not eternal. Not always anyway.

That's definitely true for MK where so many characters have been brought back it's not even funny.

Also as Razor has said, MK9 pretty much cemented the fact that Quan Chi will use Earth's fighters against us at some point. Does nobody remember Deception? They all died then too.

Anyway, answer the question. Why do you think Mk9 is any different and why should the dead "stay dead"?
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06/25/2014 02:28 AM (UTC)
Maybe so the newer characters can come into play. I like the older characters but I can live without a lot of zombie like characters to come back.
06/25/2014 02:29 AM (UTC)
I'm one of those that think they should stay dead, but for MKX only, i think they'll come back eventually in 1 or 2 games. Kitana is stale and can stay dead a bit longer tho
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06/25/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
They should kill off everyone and make a new game with 30 different variations of Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
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06/25/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
I don't think they should stay dead forever, but for MKX they should. As cameos or people you fight in Story Mode would be cool, but I think they should take a backseat for this one. They had their spotlight in MK9, so it's time to give some newbies (Post MK3 characters + completely new ones) a chance. I don't dig having most of the same roster in the next game.
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06/25/2014 02:56 AM (UTC)
Because most of them suck. Point blank. I dislike Liu Kang and Jax and would be very happy if they stayed maggot food. Most of the dead are boring characters who have nothing going for them other than the notoriety they received 20 years ago and I'm sick of it.
dibula Wrote:
They should kill off everyone and make a new game with 30 different variations of Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

Do want.
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06/25/2014 03:09 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Anyway, answer the question. Why do you think Mk9 is any different and why should the dead "stay dead"?
Because people want their less popular and somewhat obscure fave to have a better chance. And that's legit as far as I'm concerned but the idea is to make the most amount of people happy and interested.
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06/25/2014 03:14 AM (UTC)
Yes they should stay dead for at least one game then they could come back.

Also, what was the point in killing them in the first place? Pointless if you are just going to resurrect them in the next game.

And also I like the point to let new characters have some spotlight.
06/25/2014 03:19 AM (UTC)
They should stay dead because ot time for a change. I like how the story went, lime how it ended, i also like how its 25 years later. The new characthers are looking good so far, really like how Sonya and Johnny had a daughter.

Overall, i just like the fresh, new MK
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06/25/2014 03:19 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Because most of them suck. Point blank. I dislike Liu Kang and Jax and would be very happy if they stayed maggot food. Most of the dead are boring characters who have nothing going for them other than the notoriety they received 20 years ago and I'm sick of it.

Your opinion. Anyway as MK fans, we all know that nobody ever really dies in MK so I'm not worried about it. Plus there's always DLC if the team wants to keep the story moving forward.
06/25/2014 03:21 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Because most of them suck. Point blank. I dislike Liu Kang and Jax and would be very happy if they stayed maggot food. Most of the dead are boring characters who have nothing going for them other than the notoriety they received 20 years ago and I'm sick of it.

Your opinion. Anyway as MK fans, we all know that nobody ever really dies in MK so I'm not worried about it. Plus there's always DLC if the team wants to keep the story moving forward.

Yeah nobody really dies, but they sure as hell sit on the sidelines for 10 years.
06/25/2014 03:24 AM (UTC)
Most of the time the lesser known characters WON'T get noticed though. Look at Smoke in MK9 he was a prime example.

Some characters just aren't going to get notoriety IMO. That's just how it is. I think several of the dead should come back to life. I wouldn't mind if Jax, Kabal, Stryker, Sindel, and Smoke stay dead. Not every character should have to be confined to death. Especially when the alive pool we have to choose from for returning characters consists of Baraka, Sheeva, and Kano.
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06/25/2014 03:27 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Especially when the alive pool we have to choose from for returning characters consists of Baraka, Sheeva, and Kano.
Some of the villains definitely should've died toward the end of story mode. Dat cannon fodder.

Kabal, Stryker, and Sindel will probably definitely stay dead or out of commission for awhile. Jax will probably make out the other end.
06/25/2014 03:48 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Most of the time the lesser known characters WON'T get noticed though. Look at Smoke in MK9 he was a prime example.

Smoke was one of the only characters that actually did start to get noticed, because of how fun he was to play as. So I'd say he's the prime example of the opposite of what you said.

Personally, I just don't like how they killed everyone off. They could have written it better. And they should have killed off some of the other side. Sheeva, Kano, Baraka, etc. We have a bunch of lackeys left.

As much as I want Smoke and Jade to return, I'm not expecting it and will be fine if NRS sticks to their story and leaves the dead dead, at least for this game.
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06/25/2014 03:50 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote: Yeah nobody really dies, but they sure as hell sit on the sidelines for 10 years.

I lol'd so hard at this comment, but it's so true.
06/25/2014 03:51 AM (UTC)
A plus of having new characters in as a result of some of the classic ones dying is that the team has much more freedom to write the story as they please instead of tailoring it to fit pre-existing characters based on their alignment, personality, etc.

A lot of characters that are great by themselves wouldn't necessarily have the synergy to make a great story when put together, and even classic & popular characters could find themselves being more irrelevant if the story doesn't need them(Reptile & Ermac in MK9).

Replacing the dead ones with new ones definitely adds unpredictability both to the characters individually and the story as a whole, so yeah I say keep them dead at least until we see where they take the story, then we'll be able to judge from there.
06/25/2014 04:14 AM (UTC)
It's MK the dead NEVER stay dead...fortunately or unfortunately? That's for individuals to decide.
06/25/2014 04:22 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
The quote "the dead should stay dead" has irked me since MK9. I understand that death should be taken seriously, but in comics, movies, etc...death is not eternal. Not always anyway.

That's definitely true for MK where so many characters have been brought back it's not even funny.

Also as Razor has said, MK9 pretty much cemented the fact that Quan Chi will use Earth's fighters against us at some point. Does nobody remember Deception? They all died then too.

Anyway, answer the question. Why do you think Mk9 is any different and why should the dead "stay dead"?

1. Not meant for the story Boon and Co. will tell. Like say, not having Kitana, Jade, and Sindel seeing as how Edenia isn't freed.

2. Mechanics.
06/25/2014 04:24 AM (UTC)
I disagree with anyone who said that. When gaming comes into play and MK matters at least. I think that some of the so presumed Dead characters would be doing good in giving the spotlight to younger, new characters of course but the fans being What or who they are, and the MK Franchise is still growing (Proof with MK9), the dead characters will be back one day. I honestly wish.

Can't say the same for Horror slashers such as Leatherface or Jason Voorhees, off topic but their deaths should be taken seriously and be final. Cause they suck big time since years, end of story.
06/25/2014 04:38 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Does nobody remember Deception? They all died then too.

The problem with Deception is that those that died immediately got their lives back. It was like "no big deal" that their lives were literally taken from them. That's why I hated that game so much. The moment anyone dies in this game, they're immediately given life back to them.

Take Liu Kang for instance. He gets killed in Deadly Alliance, and to me, that really freaking shocked the hell out of me. Here I thought this guy was going to be in the game (mind you, I wasn't on the boards at this time, so I had no clue who was in and who wasn't, I was just going by what gaming magazines says), and surprise, surprise, he's dead.

The very MOMENT I saw that Liu Kang was in Deception, that effect of Liu's neck snapping in Deadly Alliance's intro hardly does anything to me anymore. Why? Because they had to fucking resurrect Liu Kang, even if it was just by some evil force using his body to kill innocent people. No, that was by far one of the more ridiculous things they've done. To kill characters off and immediately give them their lives back the very next game.

So I say, screw the saying. No one is ever going to stay dead, your characters will obviously come back. Death literally has no meaning in this game, despite it's flooded with it.
06/25/2014 04:38 AM (UTC)
Unfortunately, death has not meant anything in MK since... I'd say UMK3, with a direct confirmation of the Netherrealm's existence and Scorpion's reappearance.

The only way it will ever be taken seriously again thematically is if the Netherrealm simply ceases to be and everyone dead immediately gets hurled onto the reincarnation train.
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06/25/2014 04:43 AM (UTC)
Anyone else have themselves a little chuckle when they rewatch the MK1 flick and Raiden goes "It's not about death...but life" ?

I'm all for bringing the dead back for dramatic reasons, provided it's done well. My favorite example was using Mileena in Trilogy to foreshadow Shinnok.
06/25/2014 05:05 AM (UTC)
They'll be back. For now though, they can take a game off and let the others get their moment in the sun
06/25/2014 05:21 AM (UTC)
If the dead should stay dead:

- then Scorpion should have never been in any MK game, as he died before the first MK.
- then we would never have Noob as he is a dead Bi-Han.
- then Cage would never return after MK2.
- or Mileena.
- the plot of MK3 would never exist, as Sindel would never be resurrected.
- then only Shao Kahn should be alive after Armageddon.

So no, I completely disagree with that statement. There have been lots of MK games with new characters making their debut while some older characters took a seat back. So the whole "we need fresh meat" is no excuse.

I can see the character who died in MK9 to not return as PLAYABLE characters, but still have a spot in the story as most of them are part of Quan Chi's army. However, it would be cool if they became unlockable characters.
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