Why all the hype for Sareena?
posted08/09/2015 08:17 AM (UTC)by
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02/24/2015 05:12 AM (UTC)
I really don't get the push for Sareena that Boon is regularly getting bombarded with on twitter. Visually, she still looks like an ancillary character from a 90's spin off game. I can't even remember any of her gameplay from MKA. Her story is actually interesting, but it also seemed to reach it's natural conclusion in MK Mythologies, along with Kia and Jataaka.

I'm guessing it's more of a "potential" type of deal people are seeing in her because of her demonic backstory, but ultimately I would much rather see Li Mei, Frost, or Sindel as the next female character.

I haven't seen much support for Sareena on this board beyond her having some chance as a dlc contender, so what does this community think about her?
08/02/2015 01:26 AM (UTC)
She, unlike quite a few MK characters, went through a character arc. We know more about her through MK Mythologies than say Sektor who has always pretty much been a Lin Kuei robot. She fits right in with Noob who still has many unresolved issues and the Netherrealm is due for a more "good hearted" character. Personally, I like Ashrah's character and purpose better, but Sareena defiantly has a place within the MK world. Also, her gameplay is untapped enough for NRS to get really creative with it.
08/02/2015 01:48 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
She, unlike quite a few MK characters, went through a character arc. We know more about her through MK Mythologies than say Sektor who has always pretty much been a Lin Kuei robot. She fits right in with Noob who still has many unresolved issues and the Netherrealm is due for a more "good hearted" character. Personally, I like Ashrah's character and purpose better, but Sareena defiantly has a place within the MK world. Also, her gameplay is untapped enough for NRS to get really creative with it.

I agree her story is better then many other MK characters, but it also felt like it had run it's course, particularly when she was killed by Shinnok. In fact, I'm not really sure how she's alive in MKX. And the thing about her having potential is that this logic could apply to any ureleased character.
08/02/2015 02:42 AM (UTC)
Her storyline is unique. She is a character who technically good, but has a identity crisis. For most of her life she is told that she is evil, therefore, she believes it. To me that makes her interesting. Also, she is one of the last of greatest John Tobias characters before he left, even when you consider Quan Chi , Shinnok, Fujin, and the semi decent Reiko and Tanya.

I regret selling Mortal Kombat Armageddon, but I remember enjoying playing as Sareena.

I am not a fan of the current writers of MK, but I hope to see her again.
08/02/2015 06:48 AM (UTC)
Sareena is alive because the entire timeline was rewritten, regardless of Raiden's changes. Best example is Mileena. She lived with Kitana for years in the old timeline but wasn't created before the 2nd tournament in the new one. Therefore, the events of MK Mythologies might have happened but the exact details (who lived and died) could've changed.

Not really hyped for her. But I do like her.
08/02/2015 07:15 AM (UTC)
i don't see the hype for this character either, i think maybe the story of the character was interesting ( being honest i stay away of the shitty games after MK4) but i don't know what kind of abilities she have, i only hope is not another "cool goth 2000 girl" shtick and be something more than just that.
08/02/2015 02:03 PM (UTC)
What hype?
08/02/2015 03:14 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
What hype?

Every time Boon posts something on twitter he gets harassed by people wanting Sareena included. They might just be a loud minority, but the general fan base also thinks her DLC chances are decent.
Because she is the best female NPC in Story Mode and compared to the rest, She'd be the real underdog to get in as DLC. Almost every game since her creation she's been passed over in favor of someone else.

She's also a neat character..a denizen of the Netherrealm thats on the side of good. You really don't see that that much especially when Scorpion is sort of human now. Her connection to Shinnok, Quan-Chi, Brief confrontation with Kitana, Potential interactions with the Revenants (including R. Sub-Zero) and Sub-Zero sets her up nicely with the cast in this game as opposed to Li Mei and Frost who don't really have much to say with the main cast besides a few characters.

I really like her look, Goth? I suppose but her character subverting her image works well for her in that regard. She's also easy on the eyes especially for an NPC (Li Mei looks so aged and Frost is masked) which means they don't have to mess around with her facial model like they did with Tanya.

Oh and potential for multiple variations. Borrowing Ashrah's Sword, Transforming into her Demon form, Kia & Jataaka assists, Maybe Sickle and Chain Moveset etc etc.

In addition to her Five Star Kick in Armageddon maybe she could have a Pentagram Punch Special Move where the opponent is cursed/affected in a similar way to Tanya's Dark Shroud.
08/02/2015 06:33 PM (UTC)
Sereena only appears in pre rendered videos. She doesn't have a usable character model in the game.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

08/02/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
She played a semi-important role in the history of one of the series' most popular characters, which makes her, by default, highly desired. She also made an appearance in Armageddon, which solidified her existence as a legit character (though Armageddon also had Chameleon......).

People were bummed out when Ashrah basically took her place in Deception. Much like how Cyber-Smoke's story was cannibalized for Cyrax in subsequent games, with the Cyber-Smoke character essentially being forgotten, Sareena's story about her quest for redemption, to ascend and becoming something other than a netherrealm demon, was cannibalized and given to Ashrah. Ashrah is basically Sareena. Ashrah was relatively interesing and I liked her in Deception, but that spot should've went to Sareena.

In fact, even though I don't post a trillion topics about it, Sareena is by far the one character I'd like to see return more than any other from the 3d era. We already have Kenshi, a personal favorite of mine, so I'm anxious to see Sareena as well. She should've been in MKX as a playable character instead of goro or any of the Shaolin Zombies.
08/02/2015 08:36 PM (UTC)
Well, I saw my girlfriend (a casual) playing story mode in MKX and when she asked who's that I replied Sareena. She loved her design, and when I explained her backstory and connection with Noob Saibot and what not, she became a fan. Just like that, its not hard for people to become a fan of a character that isn't as known to casuals.
08/02/2015 09:10 PM (UTC)
Interesting, one reason why I'm not very interested in Sareena is her design. It seems really outdated to me, like the equivalent of still using Liu Kang's MK1 look. Plus I equate it with the incredibly campy cut scenes from Mythologies.
08/02/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
Sareena has pretty much run her course; there's not much left for her storywise.

Ashrah is far more interesting and developed.
08/02/2015 09:18 PM (UTC)
Alright... *deep breath*... Here goes...

Sareena is THE very best character Mortal Kombat barely uses.

Sareena is a truly bizarre, and unique, character both within MK lore and within the games themselves. She is both tragic and fearsome, loathsome and lovely, and has a history of neglect and abuse both within the game series and in execution of the games themselves.

Sareena first appeared in MK: Mythologies, itself a fairly lackluster if lore-filled MK game that debuted her alongside Kia and Jataaka.

She was, at first appearance, just another one of Quan Chi's beautiful assassins, no different than the others. Of course, she was different. Unlike the other demons, she rebelled against her master, betraying him to aid Sub-Zero and seek a means of escape. She betrayed everything she felt she innately was, and she paid for it by having her physical form destroyed by Shinnok shortly thereafter.

Her one act of goodness cost her, and she was banished back to the 5th plane of the Netherrealm and tortured endlessly for years until, due to the events of Deadly Alliance and Quan Chi opening portals to Outworld, she saw an opportunity to escape, where fate had her run into the new Sub-Zero, who was indebted to her for helping his brother.

This didn't come without its own problems. She legitimately wished to be a being of light, to be with her comrades and friends on the side of good, yet her inner demonic nature was a constant struggle for her to contain. And, ultimately, she failed trying to save Sub-Zero from an ambush, reverting her to her hideous and powerful demonic form. Not knowing it was her, Sub-Zero attacked her and she fled rather than harm him.

Quan Chi enslaved her all over again, until Taven rescued her once more. She ultimately stood side by side alongside the other warriors of light in Armageddon.

Now, the reason her story is so compelling to me is that it's one of the most vivid and interesting character arcs in the original timeline, and it's also one of the few character arcs maintained in the new timeline. Since her betrayal of Quan Chi happened prior to the events of MK's reboot, her origin and pivotal character moments still happened. She didn't just "turn good". She had to fight against her very nature for that to happen, and continued to do so every step of the way. This was a journey paved with setbacks, relapses, mistakes, shame, guilt, and endurance.

And I admit I find the idea of a hideous demon birthed in a realm of pure evil who, by her own desires, spits in the face of her fate and decides to shape her own destiny and be a living contradiction is fascinating to me. There is still SO much potential with her still unexplored and untapped.

But many characters in MK have untapped potential, so why do I like her so much?

She's also the underdog in the game's development as well. She was originally going to be a reoccurring fighter and was slotted for MK4. She was replaced by Fujin, however, and didn't make the cut. She was then planned to be in MK:DA... and again got cut. However, the developers did finally get her first playable debut in MK:DA Tournament Edition on GBA, finally bringing her back to the MK storyline proper... only to get cut from Deception (with Ashrah taking a lot of her concept). Still, when it came time for Armageddon, she finally got herself into a main-entry MK game, even if it was one of the less-fondly-remembered entries. Even then, she was a stand-out new inclusion.

Since then, she's made do with cameos and easter eggs, appearing in backgrounds, popping up here and there, and, at the very least, not being forgotten... just never stepping into the spotlight. Her appearance in MKX was a very pleasant surprise, and it was nice to see the MK team hasn't forgotten her.

But that still doesn't mean she hasn't spent most of her existence criminally neglected. I recall vividly fans speculating how she would work in the new MK games, with human form and demon powers working in tandem. Perhaps, even having her demon form being unleashed or used in combat. Apparently Netherrealm thought those were good ideas, because they used many of those same ideas for Raven in Injustice.

So we've got a character with fantastic and sympathetic character development, a great origin, original and unique powers that we've seen work for other characters in action, strong ties to MK lore, a small but pretty devoted cult fanbase for her, the developers seem to love keeping her around, and she's practically still a blank canvas for any future appearances, both in terms of story and gameplay potential.

At this point, we're pretty overdue for a Sareena appearance that isn't just a cameo in better games and playable in Gameboy ports or anthologies.

It's telling that Sareena fans have stuck around with the character for nearly twenty years now, through highs and lows, and are still just as eager to bombard Boon on twitter for her inclusion now as they were back when she was still a fresh and mysterious new face.

And I'm one of them. She's a great character. It's high time she was playable in a great game too.

08/02/2015 09:32 PM (UTC)
Well, I guess Garlador said pretty much it.

Sareena is my second favorite character after Kuai Liang, I really liked the potential their relationship had (for a character with so few appareances, she has a lot of story beyond Mythologies, with Kuai Liang helping her and giving her a home with the Lin Kuei, then she savind Kuai Liang when his brother tried to kill him) and I hope that line is revisited. The only thing I didn't like about her in MKX is that she appeared on Jax's chapter and didn't interact with Kuai Liang.

And she shifting to her netherealm form mid combat is something many fans want since her MKA bio described how Kuai Liang couldn't recognize her when she was forced into that form when defeating Noob and Smoke. It would look great in this game.
08/02/2015 09:32 PM (UTC)
I do know that she is Vogel's favorite female character, so hopefully she'll appear as DLC or in MKXI.
08/02/2015 09:33 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I do know that she is Vogel's favorite female character, so hopefully she'll appear as DLC or in MKXI.

Didn't know that, hope that means she ends up being DLC.

I know if they announce a DLC pack with Sareena and no guests, I'm autobuying no matter who else comes (though Reiko and Sindel would be cool).
08/02/2015 09:39 PM (UTC)
Thank you
08/02/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
Oh so she's the new Tremor?...Because she has such a 'unique' and 'interesting story arc'? Even though that's pretty subjective. I think its bland as sin.

Who's next? Jax's Wife?

I can't take this fanbase seriously. I'll admit I love the story, characters, setting, but I feel like turning into a casual player has probably been a better decision for me, healthier too.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/02/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
I do not think there is any hype. I think mostly that her fan base is getting louder. Sareena has been in cameos in MK9 and MKX so it shows NRS still care about her. It is probably more that the Sareena fan base want her to finally have her playable. To have a character show up in cameos in succession but not be playable must be grating. It is like holding the carrot then taking it away.

As for the character herself she has a blank slate this time round going forward and her backstory is more robust than many of the characters in the series. I think her storyline would further enriched with Noob since she clearly remembers Bi-Han. It would be fascinating to see how Sareena would react with his transformation to Noob. Maybe she is not even aware that Bi-Han is Noob. There are many possibilities.
08/02/2015 10:55 PM (UTC)
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
Oh so she's the new Tremor?...Because she has such a 'unique' and 'interesting story arc'? Even though that's pretty subjective. I think its bland as sin.

Who's next? Jax's Wife?

I can't take this fanbase seriously. I'll admit I love the story, characters, setting, but I feel like turning into a casual player has probably been a better decision for me, healthier too.

Er, no? Because she existed before Tremor, was playable before Tremor, has actively been involved in the plot, was a vital part of the MK mythos in multiple games, was has an actual history that's been expanded upon over multiple games.

I mean, here's her Armageddon bio... and it's pretty interesting stuff.
Sareena bio

And that's just her activity from one game. She was just as active and variable in her other appearances.

It's hilarious to even compare her to Tremor or Jax's Wife, unless you're just that clueless or were trolling.
08/02/2015 11:08 PM (UTC)

been a while since ive posted here lol but yes Sareena has also been a favorite of mine, hope she has a chance as DLC
08/02/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
Er, no? Because she existed before Tremor, was playable before Tremor, has actively been involved in the plot, was a vital part of the MK mythos in multiple games, was has an actual history that's been expanded upon over multiple games.

I mean, here's her Armageddon bio... and it's pretty interesting stuff.
Sareena bio

And that's just her activity from one game. She was just as active and variable in her other appearances.

It's hilarious to even compare her to Tremor or Jax's Wife, unless you're just that clueless or were trolling.

Well her and Tremor were both fairly boring in the beginning, so it makes sense for me to compare them. Give her a badass new design then maybe it would work....still 0% interested though.
08/02/2015 11:59 PM (UTC)
She, to me, doesn't seem interesting at all. I'd rather see the other assassins and have their backstories explored.
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